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The Neosho Times du lieu suivant : Neosho, Missouri • Page 3

The Neosho Timesi
Neosho, Missouri
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tfEOSRO TIMES, JAKUARY 18, 1923. THREK TURKISH VIRGINIA BURLEY DISCOVER EVIDENCES OF PRE-GLACIAL MAN Denver, Jan. way for the pre-glacial man, or memories of him! are doing in temporarialy discarding the chronologies of Indians, Mound Builders and even the Aztecs of old Mexico in their to establish, if possible, pre- glacial usage of a rock image unearthed by W. L. Chalmers near Grand Lake, high in the Colorado Rockies.

He found the 66-pound six feet below the surface while enlarging an irrigation reservoir on his homestead. Mammoth animals outlined in the stone of bfue granite are contemporaneous with the Cro-Magnon period. The flat nose is generally associated with a race preceding the Aztecs, according to J. Allard Jeancon, curator of the Colorado Historical and Natural History Society and at one time special archaeologist for the Bureau of American Ethnology Washington. "If this stone can be proven genuine it is the biggest find in all anthropological research and antedates anything on the American Continent going to establish the remote antiquity of man," continued Mr.

Jeancon. "I have never seen such remarkable outlines of dinosaurs and nvito- The rock image respresents early man sitting and holding a tablet with hands that have but three fingers. On the tablet are hieroglyphics which, in a measure, resemble signs of the Aztecs, Utes and Mormons. If the -rock image is genuine, then all the others are copied from the symbols made by pre-glacial man; if not, then I the imitation is unusually compelling. Who knows, Scientists in New York, Washington and Santa Fe are trying to decipher these characters, according to Mr.

Chalmers. I The image thru changes in the con; sistency of the rock has become hard! er than steel. Geologists who have the stone say it would be impossible to make these impressions today by rubbing with flint implements. It. is fourteen inches high, nine inches across the tablet and about twelve inches thru to the back.

Glaciers still active in cutting down the Rockies as recently as a few thousand years ago, according to T. M. Van Tuyl, professor of geology at the Colorado School of Mines. He has not seen the image, but has found alternate dark and light colored banded rocks in the Denver Mountain Parks near to where the stone was found which he believes date back to the Archean period, close to the creation of the world. This indicates the numerous uplifts in the Rockies, several times nearly worn away, and the contention of certain geologists that the stone may date back thousands, if not millions of years.

In the meantime Mr. Chalmers is receiving requests from museums and research societies for the privilege of taking plaster cast impressions to study the rock image under a strong glass, or to borrow the freak stone. Fifth Annual Training School, Southwest Baptist Colleger, Bolivar, Missouri. The coming annual, session of this school will be held February 8th to 18th in the administration building at the college. Courses in training for all lines of denominational activity will be given.

Besides, a number of our most gifted Southern Baptist leaders will be here for informational and inspirational addresses. No minister or layman who is interested in church activities can afford to miss this session. As usual, bed and breakfast will be given visitors without charge. Other meals can be secured in the building at a very moderate price. Text books in most courses will be furnished free.

If further information is desired, the umfersfgiied will be glad to givtf'lk J. C. PIKE, President, A bad wound, burn or cut should be cleansed of dirt or impurties and dressed with Liquid Borozone. It heals the flesh with marvelous speed. Price, 30c, 60c and $1.20.

Sold by all druggists. HOOVER OFFERED HIGHER PLACE IN CABINET Washington, Jan. 6. President Harding today tendered Secretai-y of Commerce Hoover the place as secretary of the interior, which Albert B. Fall will vacate on March 4, but after a conference it was decided that Mr.

Hoover would retain his present position. The President was said to have called Secretary Hoover's attention to the fact that in point of interior department ranks above the commerce department. Secretary Hoover however, recalled that on entering the administration, he had declared it is his ambition to "make a real department" out of the commerce organization To thtsj purpose, he told the President he intended to adhere. Tell your eye-strain troubles to the CORBETT Optical Service "Eye-glasses that give Satisfaction" Office over Neosho Savings Bank. NEOSHO, MO.

PROTECT YOURSELF I Insure Your Property With M. J. Kelly INSURANCE AGENCY Office Upstairs. S. Side Square.

Neosho. Mo. First NationatBaSk NEOSHO, MISSOURI (Oldest National Bank in Newton County) Capital and Surplus $110,000.00 (Double Liability of Stockholders on Account of Being a National Bank) OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS J. W. LANE, Chairman A.

C. McGINTY, President E. C. COULTER, Vice-President and Cashier A. W.

DUFF, Vice-Pres. C. M. ROBESON, Vice-Pres. RUTH M.

BARNETT, Asst. Cashier. D. E. HARNS, Asst.

Cashier E. S. CORNISH, Asst. Cashier O. R.

LANE, Manager Savings Department. H. G. C. BALDRY D.

L. BUXTON J. T. STURGIS Under Supervision of the United States Government Member of Federal Reserve System which enables us to be of service in every way in keeping with sound Banking. TRUST COMPANY POWERS We have authority from the Federal Reserve Board at Washington to act as Trustee, Executor, Administrator, Guardian, Assignee, Receiver, or in any other fiduciary capacity.

(Legal in Missouri) Interest Paid on Time Deposits We issue a Certificate of Deposit for U. S. Coupon Bonds. The amount of money you spend is not so important as the wisdom of your selection. It is in selection appropriate to your needs that we render you the highest grade of furniture service.

Every deal at this store is made as though it governed your entire future trade. Your furnishing problems will be met correctly here. ESTABLISHED The will, insurance policy, mortgage, note, stock inventory, bond or stock certificate, when lost or destroyed causes endless trouble, mia- ery and legal expense. Put your valuable papers, keepsakes, in one of our Safe Deposit Boxes and you will never have to worry about them. Newton County Bank Sale Bills Printed Here It will soon be time to hold your Public Sale, and you will want sale bills and an ad that will bring a crowd of prospective buyers.

LET THE TIMES HELP YOU We will help you arrange your list and show you several sizes of combination bills and advertisement, and the price is very reasonable too. We are prepared to take care of your order, no matter how large or small. We have a good assortment of cuts, plenty of good type and attractive borders and good can have a good job as cheap as the less attractive ones. In addition, you get greater circulation through The Times than in any other Newton County weekly. Come In and Let's Talk It Over-- Let Us Show You FREE ANNOUNCEMENT T1 es Tl publi the pl ce and name of a11 j.i M.

sales free of charge if you will send them in These 1 announcements will be published until date of sale, so get them in early and make use of this free publicity. NEOSHO TIMES Neosho, Missouri.

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