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Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 7

Alton, Illinois
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ILTON BVttMKO PAGE SEVEN By VIRGINIA HANSON Chapter Evil lla Barked 'iMlh vou alone I is te illlti PCS 1 4UM I fed a spirit roaming about'a house 1 mething that doejnt belong here An evil juiia was staring at her, you by any tfflnk murders are course not, Julia. Don't be slllv, Wbat I mean, is that all quiet, peare-lovlng we army people "Contradiction in terms, dear: But go on, I know what you haven't been part of it; verj lone myself, I know," Mimi -wen in with dignity. "But it was 'one the first things I noticed WJien I married your father. It's like I imagine the life must have been these religious communities The army lives' to itself, too, has Us own community of Interest little reason for contact with the outside world. We have our own inside quarrels, but aside from that we live together m.

compara live peace and harmony." i like something that has, crept In 'you understand what I don't you, Kay?" "Yes, I I understand something else loo: that Sandra's death was par ticularly frightening because i bad struck a'lmost within th circle. And say what she would, suspicion logical pointed to the few 'members the garrison who had, known Sandra well. What had the chip lain said?" Murder Is an 1 intimate thing." i I remembered, with a little chill the way opinion Jiad turnec against me, the outsider, when murder had struck- at' 'For Havens. They banded these army people. They stood back to Back when there was trouble; and it was- too bad for the stranger within their gates.

After they had taken to, the guest occupied until her left me to make myself home I reviewed the strangers, realizing that, except for myself, there were only and; Felicia. Could either of-them the creeping evil that Miml had chillingly suggested? Gerald, when he had found himself in sole charge of fainted female, had carried me into Felicia's rooms and brought me to with the good oJoVfashioned renftdy of plenty of cold watei; externally applied. I had recov- enough to tell him the trouble when an orderly, looking scared, put in an appearance Gerald sent him for Felicia, who somewhere in the kitchen regions in the opposite wing of the building. They had looked after me, Felicia and Gerald; Gerald himself "tending to the unpleasant business of making sure that Sandra past help, then sending for toe doctor and tHe commanding officer I have said 17, en rose The who dl bulldin had gone'to "iiy. There were the three murder.

the three left had looked 'as ghastly I 0 11 Js it Looking on hs 7 had bfeerrvmutter- a shocked. But Gerald? longer th His eyas," werer 6old )S clowning was a-mask off, and hard and ruthless, I afraid of. seemed nothing' fri in-the clipped, BCC that, belonged new His re veallng nothing, regarded mov- WQS my twa what time? 8lee I Didn't at wy- evolu There "Wait I In the be men UP YOUR UVER BltE- Out.I 899E It's the basque frock again- wanted from one corner of the country to the every young miss who likes newness and prettlness her 'clothes. For this quaint peasant' style is definitely you'can see for yourself how pretty; Can't you also imagine how flattering the snug, "wide, dramatic feminine that wide gathered skirt, how demure the low, square neckline? Pattern- No. 8892 is sizes 3.2' to 20.

Size 14 requires with short sleeves, yards 35- inch material. For this attractive pattern, send 15 'cents in coin, your name; dress, pattern number and size to Today's Pattern Service, 211 Wacker Drive, Chicago, suggestions? Sitod Fashion Book, just off the press. College' frocks, shirts, skirts and accessories are featured. "Pattern 15 cents. Pattern Book 15 cents, one Pattern and Pattern Book ordered together, 25 cents.

in the hall, Felicia opened the door a and applied herself frankly, to' peeping and eavesdropping. "Jeff's here," she whispered once. "He looks like a wax model of himself. They've got the post 'photographer, taking; pictures." And later, "They're, taking hef away. Oh, the poor kid! I heard Doc Jones say she's been dead at least eight hours." Captain Jones came presently and took my pulse, I was all right but to lie still for a while.

Colonel Pennant came in, looking pretty grim, announced that Mlmi would call me up and, with a glance at' Felicia, that he would question me at his quarters. I did not see Jeff, and I was glad. After they had all departed Gerald came back and asked me If I felt well-enough to go to my room. I got up shakily and followed him, I think Felicia would have liked to come, too, but something In Gerald's 'manner must have discouraged her, for she remained where she was, There was an armed enlisted man in front of my door. "Miss Cornish has to get some of her things," Gerald told.

him. "Colonel Pennant said it would fee all right." lobked at him suspiciously. Colonel Pennant had said no such thing, But the enlisted man stepped aside and let us go in. "Now," said Gerald, "I want you to look the place over care- Cully and tell mo If there's anything missing. Anything at no matter how small." must have spent at least half an.hour examining that room, gong through the drawer of my worktable, looking through a stack of inanuscrlpts and correspondence; but I couldn't see that ihere was anything gone, or even out of place, and I told him fo, BwOng-Dreami "How about Sandra? Did she have anything in Here?" She never brought her things a stenog rapher's notebook once, to some dictation from me." "Where Is lit" suppose she took it awa' viflth her." 1 -I don't know Just when I began to resent his questions, or to wan to get out of'that wliere closed up with him.

There was the memory of that dreadfu form In front of the door. Ther was fear In room and Ger aid was a stranger. "I must dress and pack a few things," I said, trying hot to le him see that his company wa beginning to jfrighlen me. "I you'll wait outside?" "I'll wait here in the slttin room," he said, and I had to with that. I lay on the bed In th Pennant's guest room and remem bered the shrinking fear I ha felt, in with him In tha room where murder had bee done.

And I wondered if he was the evil creeping in truder who, if Mimi was right had brought murder to 1 For Michigan. But what of Mlrni herself Miml, who took long, solitar drives at night; Mimi, whose ca had returned to the barge an hou before Ivan's body was foun there; Mimi, whose past, to at least, was in mystery And what, if you came to that, Julia, who had said o'nly las night of Sandra: "I could kil her My head began to ache. I close my eyes and slept uneasily, har rled -by confused; racing dreams until lunch. Col. Pennant' telephoned that too busy' to come home.

Julia taking the'message a I came downstairs, Then she asked" him'if she could see, He must have said 1 for as soon ai we rose from a scarcely tastei lunch.she" proposed that I go.with her to the hospital, to the prison ward. Miml had been, summoned to the kitchen by'the cook. We were alone for, a moment "Dan said' he'd' leave word for "us to be admitted," Julia went on "but he insisted someone had to go with mi. I'd rather it was you than Miml. And'Dan said to tel you be home- at four, and he'd like to question you then.

1 I didn't want Jeff. I hate the sight of death and of Its grief sickened survivors. understood that Julia could talk to, him more freely Jn- my presence than in Mimi's, so I consented. But Jeff was 1 not grief'sickened Felicia he was like a wax figure pf himself, and he did look and stiff. But deep set, uneJcpens.lvei^yefcH, could only and anguish.

(To Be Continued.) Star Patterns KATHARINE Q. SPENCER For Sept. 4, 1941 Planetary aspects in force at this time make the day' definitely hazardous one. We are likely to hear of serious accidents al through the country; is particularly afflicted, as are all fields of transportation. The question of gasoline shortage will reach the boiling point at this time, and about a congressibn- crisis on the subject.

Air-raids both 1 by and against British will take first place in neyvs at this time, as war- 'are in Europe begins to enter a very critical stage. The labor situation in the United States will again begin to fill the leadlines. We are In for a very difficult, month as.far,as the labor question is concerned, and today will probably mark the beginning of the crisis. Japan, too, will take some I portant step today, but It may be lackwards, into appeasement, instead of forward, into aggression. People born oh this day may fjnd he year ahead very trying.

Travel unsafe finances very uncertain until half of js Take This Coupon To LULY'S DRUQ STORE Corner Third and Belle Sts. And Get a $1 Bottle of WA-HOO BITTERS For Only 49 Cents The Old Indian Blood, Nerve, Slom. MM. Kidney Remfidy on Ike market ilnce 1808. Thl; a trial offer for a few only.

roiltlvely not over three bottlM to ft penon. We publlih notmtl. montali, bat nk to try IMi Old Indian Boot Herb Tonic. A medldjie of poaltlve merit and Mtunl Iftiatlrel. rrovM by Iftur (eneralloiu.

MM It the C. FACTORY METHODS When we repair or service your fllectrio or mechanical refrigerator, we put factory trained men on use only the most durable parti. Don't waste money with frlcenitor out of order ftt economical to repair. Repair Electric Motors HLTUI) over, And. their health, wUl source of worry.

Late on the evening of Sept 20, on this side of the Atlantic 1 there will be a total eclipse of the sun. Needless 16 say, It cannot bS'Vlslble to use in the United States, slhce Its path falls across Asia and'the Pacific. First of all, the chart drawrf for the United States at the the eclipse Indicates some Very severe storms around the 20th Mtid 21st. Hurricanes in some" parfdfet the'country, floods in others, freak weather in general. Next, the United Stales shSuld be on guard Against an tpldeftiic similar to the old World War influenza, which could sweep the country.

This would be an llnal ailment. We cannot be 'too careful of diet over the month following this eclipse. The country will also be fabed with a culmination of the labor situation right after this In fact, there-will be ai general.feel- ing throughout the position to the administration's program. And in this Instance, planetary aspects seem to Indicate that a situation would be a thoroughly American reaction, and not one stimulated, by foreign 1 Interests. The shadow of inflation will continue to spread 'over the country, as prices rise, and even government control; seems unable ta.hold them in Birthday; Dinner At East Alton EAST ALTON, and Mrs.

Sam Bauer of Monroe street entertained at dinner-Sunday honoring Mrs. Bauer's mother, Mrs who observet eightieth birthday. Mrs Fahrenkrog, who has been a resident East, Alton more than, 40 years, is the 1 widow of Henry Fahrenkrog. year she has been falling in health" and his no large celebration was held Recently has "been soniejVhat improved and was able up the greater of the 'day Sunday. Mrs.

Fahrenkrog received gifts, among which was. a large birthday" cake, the of her granddaughter, Mrs. Vance Knowlson. Guests at the dlnuer Mr. and Ben Bauer of Hartford Mr.

and Mrs. Vance Knowlson of East Alton. Home from Hospital EAST Mary has been' receiving treatment at Alton -Memorial hospital for Injuries received in a fall last week, was moved to her home "on Shamrock street Tuesday. 'Her condition is'xlmproving. Entertain Relatives EAST Rev.

fand Mrs. D. 4 S. Lacquement'entertJin- ed" Macomb, her brother and sister in-law, the Rev. and Mrs.

H. P. Whitlock, and daughter, Decatur and Mr. and Mrs. Philip H.

Jones of St. Louis last weekend and Monday. The and Mrs. H. P.

Whitlock and daughter remained here until today. Home from Honeymoon EAST. and Mrs. Robert, Green, who were married 27, have returned after a brief honeymoon spent at Rockaway Beach in the Missouri Ozarks. They are slaying Mrs.

Green's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hodges, of 304 Bowman avenue until Sept. 15, when they will be "At Home" in the Bauer apart- Aits on McCasland! avenue. Mrs.

Green was formerly Miss Mary Ellen Hodges. Buys Filling Station. EAST Redman has.purchased a service station on East Main street and Broadway from Mike Heines. Heines has accepted a position driving a truck for an Alton firm; Redman a member of the villas board, Mothers to Meet EAST ALTON The Mother club of the East Alton schools wil meet Thursday at 2 p. m.

at the Blair school. The meeting; will be the first of the. school year. To Entertain dub EAST Emll Wicfc enhnuser of College avenue, Alton will entertain the East Alton fix chnngette club Thursday evening at her home. This will be th first jforrnal meeting of the club since June.

Mystery Pal Club Wilken ing will entertain the Mystery Pa club this evening at the Postel waite House at Wood River, Mrs. Kelt Enter tains, EAST ALTON Mrs. William Kelt of Bowman avenue enter talned Mr. and Mrs. Welch Herren, Mate Meyers an daughter, Miss Betty, of Granite, City and Menry Moore of- Popla: Bluffs, Sunday.

East Alton. Notes EAST'ALTON. Mrs. 1 Henry Stadler of Miami, Is visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs. John Stadler, of Washington avenue and other relatives She expects to remain here untl Oct.

1. Mr, and Mrs. William Yemm end son are home after a visit with relatives at Eldorado. Mi. and Mrs.

John Quigley spent Monday at Roxana visiting Mr and Mrs. John Balster. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ringering and daughter, Aria Ann, are home after a two-week vacation spent in Colorado.

Mr. and Mrs. James Pamplin 6 Chicago week-end' guests 61 Mr. Mrs. Cecil McCowan.

Olin Brummer of Chicago visited relatives and -friends, here over the week-enii. Mrs. Estella Betz of Copper street is entertaining her sister Mrs. Ed Turner of East this week. Mn and F.

Yoder entertained Mr. and Mrs. Carl Starth- man and children of' Springfielc and'Mr. and Mrs. E.

F. Grennman and son of East St. Louie over 'the week-end and Monday, Mrs. Rose Johnson and Gene Starbuck attended a family reunion at Greenup Sunday; Miss Margaret Crawford of Eldorado is visiting her and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.

Silas Bourland, of Cottage Hills for a few days. Mr. and MrS, Rhine Grabel spent the week-end visiting their parents at Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Stiles artd daughter, Miss Rita Mae, spent Saturday at St. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Doerr tertalned Mrs. John Brady of Alton Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fraley, their daughter, Keota, 'and Oliver, spent Monday visiting Mr. and Mrs. James WWr and Mr.

and Mrs. Louis Kfrch'- ner. Mrs. Eileen Snyder -has returnee to work' after a' two-mnoth" leave of Mrs. Snyder, who has bene Hi, has recovered.

VMr. and Mrs. John Karlovic and daughter, Carol Ann, of and Miss Oda Fante of St. Louis visited Mr; and Mrs. Leland Melvln Sunday.

Miss Rebecca. Wheeler Miss It Child rill WORMS!" Don't be so Mother I Anybody, anywhere, can have roiindwormti Yea. and the ugly creaturei may be living Inside your child right now, storting trouble, without your even knowing it. If your chile In pale, underweight, nervojiB, has uneuy etomach, picks at HOBO or Beat then ugly roundworma may be at work. Flay safe I Get Jayne'i Vermifuge at once It acts very gently, yet expela stubborn worms.

And If no worms are there, It aete just as a mild laxative. Jayne's Is America'! best'known proprietary worm medicine, usec by millions, for over a century. Demand Vermifuge I At all drug stores. A Complete Selection of Boys' Wear 8rd Floor "DON MOOR" TWO-PIECE KNITTED SUITS Fine cotton knit. Striped shirt with self- belted shorts and suspenders.

Sizes 2 to 6 .19 Others up to $1.98 TO PHONE THE ALTON EVENING TELEGRAPH DIAL 3-6644 AFTER 4 DIAL 3-8632 Rosemary Qulgtey attended the county fair at ftlgHliiad Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Charles of 320 Gouldlng avenue art home After spending a few days at Chicago. the Rev. And Mrs.

D. S. Lac- C-Uerhent and children the Rev. and Mn, T. Holly of jerieyville Monday Afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Erneit Dawson and family of Taylorvlllc, and Mrs. Ernest Lamke of Bloolnlng- ton. Mr.

and Mn. Leland Dawson and family of Hettlck and Mr. and E. of Palmyra have returned, after a visit with Mr. and Mrs.

J. V. William and, Fred Elliott have leturned, after a two-week visit with their brother, Albert Elliott, at Charlotte, N. They also -Visited Myrtle. Beach, S.

C. Mr. and Whltten are moving from, Alton to of the new. defense Mr- and Mrs. Frank Burk visited at St.

Louis Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Denzell McCollum of Cooper entertained her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

William Leonard, and her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Summers, of Bcnton the, several days. Mr. and Mrs.

Horace Duncan and daughter visited at St. Louis over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Perrin of Hudaonville, 111., are moving to Grand avenue.

Mrs. Lloyd Doerr was a St. Louis visitor Monday. Charles Tretter is 111 at his home In Lincoln place. Charles is suffering from an ear infection, resulting from an attack of influenza.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coppedge visited her parents near Richwood, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs.

Silas Bourjand of Cottage Hills entertained her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Crawford, of Eldorado over the week-end. Mrs. William-Kell' and Brummer were'St.

Louik Mrs. 'William Fisher, has been receiving, medical at the Jewish Hospital, St- Louis, the past' three Weeks has, brought to her home. condition is showing improvement. Hex husband's mother, Mrs. William Fisher, of Pearl came Tuesday to assist In caring-for her, Richard Austin of 208 Grand avenue, who has been seriously ill since undergoing an operation for relief from several days, ago, is improving.

Jack of Mr. and Mrs: Declares Japan 'Deathly Of C7. 5. Fleet WASHINGTON; sept 3, UPI Minnesota congressman, just from six of sea duty Gilbert tones, Is recovering after a recent operation for the removal of his tonsils. Mils Pauline Young has returned to Upper Alton after a stay with Mrs.

Maude Rlemay. Mrs. Lester Wllle of, troy visited her aunt, Mrs. Maude Rlemay, Monday. Ceecil McCowan and Mrs.

Grover Teems have received word that their father, 'William Thomas, who has been seriously ill at his home in Mound City. Is recovering. He and his wife will come here In a few weeks for an Indefinite stay with their Mr, and Mrs. Walter tate and daughters visited relatives and friends at Galatia and Benton this week-end. Mr.

and Glen Rae and children and her father, Charles Haws, visited and Mrs. Edmund Lee at Fairfield, this weekend. Miss Annabelle and, Miss Rosemary Qulgley and Miss Mildred Lefler visited in St. Louis, Monday. i as a marine corjjs reserve air fleer, declered today that Japan was "deathly afraid" of the United States fleet when it was in the Pacific.

The tative Maas, Republican, remarked In an Interview that some of the fleet had been withdrawn to the Atlantic, but he expressed the opinion nevertheless tnaj United States forces in the Pacific remain strong enough t6 fend'off arty attack against this'nation, and at the same time' keep open supply routes for vital shipments of rubber and tin. Further, he said he believed that the danger from Japanese aggression." "The Hawaiian Islands are more powerful than Gibraltar ever was because defenses are geared to modern warfare," he said. "No navy could get to Panama without passing Hawaii and no navy could get past Hawaii! "Japan is deathly afraid of the American lest when it is intact. It is slgnificant that they did not' move Into Inrfd-Chirta until the fleet In the Pacific had been split and part of it had been transferred to the 1 The melting point of platinum is SOb' degrees higher than that of To in ffood health, sea lions require about 30 poundi of fish dally. Yes You'll say the same thing about our Peerless Ic'e Cream! PKGS.

BRICKS CONES STORES OUR FALL AND WINTER HAVE DISPLAYING THE NEWEST DESIGNS! IN FLORAL AND SOLID PATTERNS For those wishing' to make their owt slip covers we are showing these beautiful covers 50 inches and of good quality Select materials. PRICED PER YARD 60 T0 95 Our Sewing Rooms offer to hand tailor to fit your suite with pleated flounce or a 6" cotton fringe at SOQ.50 Our trucks will call for your suite and return same finished, eliminating the muss in your home. Beauty can be added to your present sofa by our clever craftsmen Among our fine selections you'll find just the cover to fit your decorative scheme. Your friends will admire It a brand sofa! Phone us today for a free estimate. i 1 Don't banish your favorite divan or chair because (t It too thtbby to ta Let us pick It up, return It to you In a stunning new cover.


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