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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 5

Galveston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE GALVESTON DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1933. ELEVEN id SHf IF TIGS PURPOSE IB TO KAISE FUNDS FOR PURCHASE OF GIFTS. A lag day for the. purpose of raising funds to purchase candy, fruits and nuts, as well as toys to augment the amount already on hand, which will be distributed shortly before Christmas lo the poor and unfortunate children of the city will be conducted on Ihe downtown streets of Galveston today by the Gnlvcstim Chrlslmns Club. Mrs.

Karl Erdman, chairman of the tag day committee, and Mrs. Julius Schnefer. president of the club. Issued a Joint appeal for generous response. A heavy expense ia Involved in purcnnsing goodies for more than 5000 children and the sale of togs, together with few private donations.

Is the only method by which sufficient money to mecl these expenses cun be raised, Mrs. Krdman anld. "Do your bit toward these unfortunate little ones," she said. "When thfl member ask you this morning to buy a lag, do not refuse, for the money obtained could not belter purpose. Every day many children visit Ihr Christmas Club headquarters, and as thty admire the reconslruclcd toys with ryes they say.

'Santa Glaus won't forget us this year. The Christmas Club will Ret him to sec So help us he their Santa Glaus by contributing to the tag Many pathetic letters from Gil- veston children have been received by the club at Us headquarters nt 317 21st, Mrs. Hchaefcr announced. In some of them the children slate they will have no Christmas whatever unless the Christmas Club helps them. One little child wrote: "My mother Is a widow and she can not pet any work.

My brother and want the Christmas Club to pet Sania Clans le come tn our house because we won't have much of a Christmas he'l." "All tliese will be attended to by Ihe club," Mis. Sthaefer said. "But we must, however, be assisted by GaJvestonlans with donations of toys if no deserving child is to be left out." Toys and playthings of all kinds, whether old or new. are desired by the club. Old and discarded toys will be received In any condition.

necessai-y repairs will be affected by city firemen, club members and others assisting. They can be brought to club headquarters or left at any fire station In the city. Mrs. Schaefer urged that Galves- tonlans ranaacli their attics and cellars for toys and bring them to the club as soon as possible. "And no matter what the toys may be and their apparent uaelcssness to you the Galvcston Christmas Club will sco that they make some poor child happyjhlsyuletlde," she said.

Home Rule (Continued From Page 1) amendment adopted nnd known as Section 3, of Article IX. o( the constitution ol Ihe Slate of Texas, herclnnfter sometimes referred to as "the amendment," in order llml the counties coming within the provision of such (irllcle may adopt, upon a vote or the qualified resident electors of such counties, a home rule charter in accordance with the terms and provisions of such portion of the constitution. Section 2. This act shall apply to any qualified county of Texas, desiring to adopt a home rule charter under the powers, and within the limitations, expressed by Section 3 of Article. IX, of the constitution of Texas; and, the people of any qualified couniy who may desire to move for the adoption of county charter, under such constitutional provision, shall proceed thereto by calling ft convention in each voting pieclncl of ihe county for the pur pose of choosing a delegate and an alternate delegate to a counlywlde convenllon; which convention shal be charged with the duly to nelecl charter drafting commission to composed of persons considered capable of drafting, or to give nid in drafting, a charter deemed to I conform to the will and needs of Ihe oualified resident electors of the county; and, lo be subject lo rejection or adoption by vole of the people of Ihe couniy; all to be done in keeping with the provision of said amendment and under the procedural safeguards by this act pro- Fubllcation Notlct.

Section 3. All persons hereinafter referred to as lie signers of regions, as panlcipatlng in precinct or county conventions and as vol- ng in elections, to be held hcre- under. shall be understood to mean -esldent qualified electors of the affected county. Where the publication of notice Is required, unless otherwise provided as to a given case such notice shall he given by publication in one or more news- mpers, having general circulation the couniy. at least one day in each of two (2) consecutive weeks, and lo nive not less lhan fourteen (M) days from the first day of such publicallon to the day or any proposed act to which such nclice mny relale.

excluding the day of first publication and the day of the proposed act. The mailing of no- Ice, as later In this act mny be required, unless otherwise provided aa to a Riven case, shall be given by depositing In the United Slates mail written notice properly stamped and appropriately addressed to the person or persons proper to have notice of a given matter, giving advice of the time and place at which any given proposed act Is to be considered or done Not less than two nor more than ten (10) business days (to be exclusive of the day of the mailing of the notice and the daj of a proposed act) may run between the mailing of such notice and anj desired meeting for the performance of an act to be done hereunder, all as herelnafler will be required; provided, however, calls for meetings of the charter drafting commission (hereinafter provided for) shall be as established by It, as being reasonable, fitting and necessary. Section 4. Proponents of the adoption of a couniy charter herc- under, subject to the further provisions of this section, may procure and present lo the commissioners court of the county (hereinafter designated as the one or more petitions, bearing the true date upon -which the circulation clnct to participate in hereof began. wekinK Ihe calling vtntion (hmlr.aK«_prov!d;d i county con- ten if precinct and couniy conventions hereinafter provided for), and dentlcal petitions signed by different qualified persons shall be considered as one petition.

Only persons who are resident qualified voters of county, owning real estate subject to the county's tax, may valldly Hgn the petitions hereby provided for. The minimum number of iig- tatures required upon such petl- Jons shall be determined upon the county population basis, as given In the federal census issued next prior to the date of a given petition, and to be as follows: Counties of five thousand (5000) population or under, one hundred (100); counties of five thousand and one (5001) to ten thousand two hundred (200); counties of ten thousand and one (10,001) to twenty-five thousand three hundred (300): counties of twenty-five thousand and one (25.001) to seventy-five thousand (75.000), four hundred noon. (400); counties of seventy-five thou-' sand and one (75,001) to one hundred fifty thousand five hundred (500); counties of one hundred ami fifty thousand and one (150,001) or more, alx hundred (fiOO). Any form of petition which indicates the desire to proceed adoption of a home rule charter for the county (which hereinafter mny be referred to as the under said Section 3. of Article IX, of the constitution shall be sufficient.

Upon the delivery of such petition It shall be the duty of the clerk of said court to mark the day of filing thereon and thereafter, as aoon as may be done, to record Ihe same in the minutes of the court as a part of the order which the court, must enter in compliance with the petition. Convention Order. Section 5. At the first meeting of the court after tne filing of any such petition, or at any time not to exceed ten (10) days after Lhe filing of such petition, it shall be the duty of the court to ente.r ita orde.r to execute! said pellUon by calling a precinct charter convention (hereinafter provided for) In each voting precinct of the county, as defined and designated p.l the time any such petition may bear date, for the purpose of selecting one delegate The court's, call ehall fix the time for holding such precinct conven- tion, for a time not less than twenty (20) days nor more than thirty (30) days after the date ol ihe calling order, and shall fix the time for the holding of the county convention for a time not less than (10) days nor more than (20) days aficr the Ume set for holding precinct conventions. The shall designate for each precinct a place therein for the holding of Its convention and shall specify the time for opening such conventions at ten (10) o'clock of tiic morning.

Such call also shall specify ft place In the county seat (preferably a designated room In the county courthouse) for the holding of the county convention, and shall designate an opening hour (hereafter not earlier than ten (10) o'clock of the morning and not later than two (2) o'clock of the after- and an alternate from each pre- Sectlon G. The form of the call provided for in Section 5 hereof shall be in form substantially as follows: Notice State of Texas, County or To Each Resident Qualified Elector of This County: Complying with a petition seeking the adoption of a county home rule charter, filed with the county commissioners court of this county on the day of we Issue and publish this call for precinct conventions and county convention to provide a commission to draft a proposed charter to be submitted lo a vote of the. qualified electors of this county. You respectfully hereby are notified to be present ten (10) o'clock In the morning on the day of IB at the place hereinafter designated for the county voting precinct In -which you may reside, for the purpose of participating in a precinct convention for the election of one delegate and one alternate to represent your precinct In a county convention to be held In (name place, city, or town, and designate the place therein) and lo convene at o'clock on the day of 19 In Ihe precinct convention each NEW FORD V-8 for 1934 THE UNIVERSAL CAR The New Ford V-8 for 1934 is now on display at the showrooms of Ford dealers. Surpassing even the great Ford hi economy, beauty and comfort, it is truly the car of this modern culmination of thirty years Ford progress.

It combines the proved performance of the V-8 cylinder engine with two important new features- Dual Carburetion and perfected Clear-vision Ventilation. See this car today and drive it at the first opportunity. OUTSTANDING IMPROVEMENTS IN THE NEW FORD V-8 RETTER PERFORMANCE. Grealrr powrr, new quicker nccclcraiion, imoolhcr performance, more milci per Rallun cjpccially at hi'chcr ipecdi, and quicker itarting in cold weather all iheie from ihc new dual carhureior and dual intake manifold. New waltrlinc llier- mciiati enable the aniline 10 warm up more quickly and lo maintain an efficient operating Itmprraiurc.

Added angint refinement! reduce nil coniumption, further improve operating economy and reduce maintenance com. NErV VENTILATION SYSTEM pcrmiti clear viiion, prevent i drain find provides dnirrd amount of frcfli air in any weaiher. Individual control for front and rear tide windowi. When ventilation ti deiirrd the window glim ii raiird lo ihe top. Then ihe handle ii given an additional hiilf-lurn.

Thii ilidci the glaii back hori- rontally co form a narrow ilot, HI illiutrated. Throuph this ilot air is dr.iwn out by (he forward motion of the car. Thia simple ventilation tys- lem miuniaini draft-free circulation, iniurei pai- jcnger comfort, prevcnli foRRinp windshield in cold or stormy we At her. Doth windihicld and cowl ventilator can be oprntd to mpply additional air needed for comfortable warm-weather' driving. DISTINCTIVE NEW APPEARANCE enhanced by the newly designed chromium-plated radiator jhcll tnd Rrillc, new hood lourrci, new hub capi.

Interiors arc anrnctivi, with ntw tuflrd upliolstcry, new mouldings, new cove- type headlining, new instalment panel, new arm rctts, new hardware. Swivel-type lun.viion in De Luxe bodiei prevent glare from front or tide. VENDERS IN COLOR. On De cars fenders ire in color to harmonize with body colon wheel colors optional. New enamel finiih on all bodiei and fcndcra has greater wearing quality and more enduring luster.

GREATER RIDING COMFORT results from incrcaicd spring flexibility. The ipting leave are newly designed for quieter and easier iction Shock absorbers arc improved. Seat cushion arc deeper, with new, softer springs. Nfw type individual bucket scats provide increased com for for front-seat paiicngcri in ihe Tudor Sedan Adding to comfort ii the new driving eaie ol the 15-to-l steering gear ratio. PRICES REMAIN LOW Tudor Sedan, 535 Coupe, $3is, Fordor Sedan, De Luxe Tudor, 57s.

De Luxe Fordor, 625. Dt Luxe Coufr (5 windows), 565. De luxe Coupe f3 vindows), 665. De Luxe Roadster, 625. De luxt Phaeton, JJ BM- Cabriolet, 5SO Visi J610.

(All prices f. o. b. Detroit.) A. J.

RASMUSSEN SONS, Inc. 23RD AND Tf PHONE 6020 alified person present and par- Inatlng Uo all persons ho arc not qualified voters reside In the precinct) shall be en- led to one vote each on fiach estion presented, and all ques- ons shall be determined by a mn- rity of the vote cast. Organlza- on shall he effected by choice of a mnorary chairman and a tenipo- ry secretary, to be followed by lection of ft permanent chairman a permanent secretary. The ocedure shall be under Roberts' ules of Order or other orderly oeedure. All votes save those indent to organization shall by ritlen bnllol.

The convention, by majority vole, will choose one legate anil one alternate to par- Ipnte in the county convention, th of whom must reside In the unty voting precinct to be repre- nled by them. When the delegate the alternate shall have been osen the chairman and Ihe sectary of the convenllon. In the escnce of the convention, shall the credentials of the delegate thft alternate, both of whom all countersign the credentials Identification, If required by the unty convention. The credentials all be sufficient If In form sub- anlially as follows: 19.... 0 County Convention: This certifies to you that postofflce address is as delegate, and (whose postofflce ddresB Is as ternale, will be authorized lo rep- sent Precinct No In your -oceeding.

Chairman. Secretary. Countersigned: Delegate. Alternate Delegate. The credentials so executed shall placed in an envelope bearing secretary's name written across ie closed seal, and delivered by ie delegate, or the alternate, lo temporary secretary of Ihe ounly convention at the time of Its mvening.

Whereupon, the persons 1 certified shall be entitled to rcp- your precinct in the, county invention. The official county vol- precinct numbers and the re- pectlve places for holding the sev- al precinct conventions follow, Precinct No (here des- Place of Convention here designate). Commissioners Court of Texas. Attest. By County Judge.

U. S. COURT TO OPEN ON JAN. 8 The January term of the United ales district court will be opr-ned ere on the morning of Jan. 8 by udpe T.

M. Kennerly. An order for the summoning n( men lo serve either as grand or etit jurors has been received from udge Konnerly by iJlss Gt-riruilo rcdeckl. deputy clerk of the court. The names of the SO men are to drawn from the jury box by Is9 Predockl and J.

H. Langben, ury commissioner. a Seal) Said notice, as soon as may be one, shall be published as provided i Section 3 of this act. No error the form of notice or the print- thereof which Is not harmfully lisleading, after the exercise of easonable diligence to know the ruth, shall invalidate the call for ie conventions. Section 7.

The precinct conven- on Hhall be held, organized and hail proceed to a conclusion as peclfled In the, convention call written in Section 6 hereof. DICKINSON peclal to The News. Dickinson, Dec. S. Mlsa Reynolds of Houston is the uest of Mr.

and Mrs A Rey- iDlda. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fowler have eturned from a delightful inotoi rip to Nashville, Tenn, New York arid other points of Interest in the Those who attended the Sodality ance last year during the holidays be glad to know that the girls fho belong to that club are another for the holidays this ear. Their daaices have always been uccesses and good music is the ccynote to them.

The date will be nnounced later. The Community Club Is planning bazaar for next Friday afternoon will continue Into the evening or informal dancing. ALVIN peclal loThe Kcvi. Alvin, Dec. Christy of Humble, -visited riends in Alvin Thursday and Frl ay.

Joe Johnson Jr. was in Galvcs- on on business Wednesday. Mrs. George Llbby spent Thur: day In Houston. Mr.

and Mra. O. B. Emmert were D. Galveston Thursday.

F. L. Law made a business trip lo Jalveston Thursday. Mr. and Mrs.

Pearson Jrazoria -were in Alvin the latter iart of the week. Lilly Harrison and daughter Jrs. monarch, were in Hous on Thursday Ihe guests of Mrs Rainey Bunch. Mies Euna Robertson of Dalla. was the guest this week of he brother, A.

J. Robertson, and fam ly in Alvin. Mrs. Bruno Crahb has returnee inme from several days' visit In Dayton. Brazoria Legal Records 3peclal to Thn N'twi.

Angleton, Tex, Dec. Couniy legal record; County Court. Ex parte John R. Renfro, for license to distribute bee for Wednesday, Dec. 13.

jnrle W. L. Short, adjudged a ti jercular p.atient of the Indigcn Estate of Leola Williams minors, inventory and npprals nent approved. Marriage License. V.

H. Lowcry and Miss Ann 0 Dyer. STEER UKIXfiS YOUNG BOY OWNER $761 Chicago. TIL. Dec.

The best raised by an American farm or brought Its young owner 5761 i day. The McHenry Blackcap onal livestock exposition. He sold for a. record high ft pound when the exposition's blue ribbon winners went on sale today. James Padgett of Kellersville.

111., who raised the champion, will use Hie money 10 to college- THOUSANDS by this (imous picsciipiion. Safe and Speedy. by srve-my yr.irsoi amazinR sucrfcis. A boon for sufferers from many formso( sc-a- tira, ROUI. and neuritis nerve Liquid or pill form.

At OPEN A GBFT ACCOUNT No Interest or Carrying Charges (Jlft Jewelry on Credit al Low Cash Trices. liny Nox 1 Yenr. Vou'll enjoy giving such marvelous Bills as we leal lire. BUY NOW-PAY NEXT YEAR! A NEW CREATION This Lovely New Yellow Gold Mounting. The very lalesl creation.

Only a file. I A Small Deposit Will Reserve Tour Selection JUST 45c DOWN For This Pretty Sterling 1 i 1 CARVING. SET With Stainless .95 Steel at MICHAEL JEWELRY COMPANY 2109 Ave. Phone 333 "Please Pass the Radio' OKLAHOMA CITY YOUTH IS CHARGED WITH EXTOIIT1O. Oklahoma City, Dec.

Haskell Collier, 20. of Norm pleaded pullty late today to charge of attempted extortion $1000 from J. H. Blard, Rlplcy school superintendent. Bond was fixed at.

$5000, pending preliminary hearing act for next Friday. Collier was arrested last night nt the proposed scrnc for delivery of Ihe money. Officers said he ad milled tho cxlorllon attempt, sx- plfllnlnp ho had a grudge against Blard. Biard recalled he had di ciplined Ihc youth once for nM'iin allegedly stolen hooks, A letter received by ihe school superintendent Ihrenlencd lo "hump you off" or "blow you up" unless rnld $1000. Very Newest Idea in Radio.

Jhe TE-LEK-TOR-ET RADIO with PORTABLE REMOTE TUNING Tuning of Favorite Stations Beftidea regular tuning, yon can choose any eight favorite stations, Ht tbeae particnlir etatiann nprn ihe dial and thereafter tune them in accurately nl any time by "fed 1 and tcuhota hearing a sound from any ofAcr jfaricn as you Vou pet stations just by you control every function of the radio (turn on and off, tune, set volume level) Ironi a little case at your elbmv or oven in your hand as you move about tho room. This latest SlromberR- Carlson offers such simplicity such convenience fis radio has never known before. Flace the cabinet which Is full- size for good of the way anywhere In the room and never go nenr IL The little Portable Selector Cose, Veritable mnglc box of radln delights, Is all you ever use. 1'IUCED $168.50 including cnsc. cabinet anil first com- pluto remote control radio for less tlmn S2(X).

Conic Hcnr 11. 2117 Church St. Furniture Radios Phone 3403 Elcctdcal Gifts.

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