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Newport Mercury from Newport, Rhode Island • Page 2

Newport Mercuryi
Newport, Rhode Island
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f.icwo' THE NEWPORT MERCURY THE WEEK ENDING pMlUAHY 2-i, The 45 Joy of Jbivin Sidney SYNOPSIS CHAPTER the prospect ol rnonth'j visit to her austere aunt. Lady Eer cousin, Alexander LABI be, vl- jacloua daughter of the Very Reverend YUccunt II la a rebellious rnocd. CHAPTER wanders Into Uit encountering a strange xoulh trouble a motorcycle. lie laugh- Introduces himself as "Dillr," American. The two cement acquaintance vf a ride on the motorcycle, and raru With Oeorgtna Ber- her coueln, Ataee seta out for Jer- vauli.

On the vny decides that Oeor- fina shall Impersonate her at Jervaulx, VhL 1 ebe goei on a holiday. Qeorglna'l fcorrir.ed protect la unavailing. CTIAPl'Ell In her new freedom, again meets "Blllr." Ha tellj fer his name li Spencer, and abe glrei as Amy Snooks, at prestit "out or a Billy onra to take her Into part- 'Cerinlp (n telllnr the Sphinx. In a iplrit madcap adventure, she accepts. Tbl two proceed to ihe town of Btanhoe, taV- separate lodgings In Ivy cottage.

CHAPTER night Alraee 'peorglna and leami that the deception baa not been By her dominant personality ahe compels Qeorglna to coa- unue the subterfuge. a utal apln neit day on the Sphinx, with Dllly, Almee aJmosl tollldu with a carriage In which aro her Qeorglna and Alexander. The pair 4Jcape unrecognized. CHAPTER. Icarna that Zxrd Scroore Is coming lo visit lAdy Ery.

Rea and, realizing nrnat will happen on la In hopeless bewilderment Almte'la secrelly JWUnjr cor tin 5 at Jervaulx. the place ll Almee escapes. CHAPTER: VIIL-Georglna ieiinis liiUj relief, that Almee L. got away? CHAPTEn Inspector Panie -Jieldes thai ihe robbery it the worlc ot the Climber" and "Calamity Kate," 3 i 1 niolorcy- CHAPTEn'; 'aifire' of hla "pannera 'noclumal troubled. He follow! her, on the He heart.the commotion, at occe iuapecta burglary, and follows (wo flgurej motorcycle who are apparently In a fasperate the.pair, Billy aljempta to shoot cktog up a package Jh'e fellow had 1- He rllscovera the other fugitive IT 0 om 1 Stopping to aid airucea mm with a atone, rendering him and the pair eicape CHAPTER nllty Oil- the package he had picked uo la a we conlalnlng emeralds.

Realtt- they must be part of tha loot from Jen-aulx, he slarts for the abbey On the way. he meets Almce, with the police In pursuit In a secure hiding place, a cave imong the crag pits, Almee tells him the Jhole alory. He urges that aha make frank confeialon to her rather, hut on re- Oecllon both realize Almee's good name tas been compromtsid by her two nlrhts" atayat rvy collage. CHAPTEH Almee he haa a plan lo save her. Billy leaveTM her ta to rTM Ijidy Er-thca.

astounded CHAPTER XIIL-ReJecllns anv re 7" a ft explaining h' ow hla Billy accepts Ihe ory Ai and -ssis: AI Ia nd him with Qeorgtna. a -nation (o the two CHAPTER Interested In ih "Obviously our Industrious police did not see her," Jw said; "they are now searching the Ian of thc caves." "Then it's lime 1 got back Into sad! Almce turning to dive back Into her retreat. so!" ciclalmed Itertrand quickly, catching her by the hand. "Thar Is no place for you." "The gentleman from Scotland Yard will search It before he leaves-he took my word for the moment, but he will make sure. It was merely a he was In a hurry.

You must get out of while you a like your friend the lady burglar. C-jme along!" said Der- trmid. setting, off at a run and iiulllnn her with him. "You're right!" ejaculated Almee. With long strides they sped round the dump of bushes, Almee In tow of Her- and, turning slinrp to the right, scurried up one of the steep pnllis a led out of the pits.

Hilly one more shock as thc pair of them came Into his field of vision. He gaped at them, hardly able to believe his eyes. In a few moments had passed; Almce reached the top of the pit. and glanced apprehensively back In the direction ot the police. "All dear he gasped, utterly out of breath.

"Get to Ihe out of sight. Rack tu the abbey, dear ludy, nnd for pity's sake slay there, for you are very wearing. panted Almee, and departed as fast as her legs would carry Jussac retreated Into the his brow. Taking no notice of the frantic signals of Billy he returned to the cave, dived Inlo It took a-hurried looV round.and kicked plenty of loose sand over a pool.of oil was the eole legacy of the Sphinx He.left the-place with a sigh of relief and, encountering the search parly of police, permitted hlmselt to smile, "Nothing dojngl" Bald'lrjsp'ector Arkright. will you back? 3rlng the car down over the meadow; we'll get the man on It, clear the pits, aud set a watch In the cave where we 'ound him." Ho moved towards the ate stable of the Sphinx.

"But I'm going 0 look through tills place and make sure." "By all menus, Inspector," said Ber- Irnml yawning. "I am a mere amateur. All caves look alike to me. the briars; they prick most accursedly." Arkwrlght's Insiwctkm of the cave was brief. is empty, but the place has been used, nnd recently," he reported.

"Strange they should not tiave chosen 1( is the best hiding place in the pit." "I'erhnps they ouly recently discovered this desirable residence, and were about to shift their qimrters," suggested de Jussac. "No doubt. If a few watchful policemen ambush themselves efficiently during the dark hours, they will catch the amiable consort of that cutthroat yonder. One hopes so It Is Painful to the law-abiding to know that malefactors are at large. Particularly H.ien they are females" Inspector Arkwrlght looked at him dubiously, and made no reply.

Billy, also, when the two rcjolneil him, eyed de Jussac with extreme thoughtfulness, and hod some difficulty In his emotion. ii waa stm guard over Jake, who lay stretcher and 1 I up at the sky with a singularly I beatific, smile. De Jussac offered him a I cigarette, which he accepted silently. I think," said Inspector Arkwrlght, i call on you two gentlemen to assist rue and we'll get him out of this. I want the place cleared." It was not an easy matter to carry I (he gate and its burden out of the pits.

car nrri' it3 wav makes all the difference." Billy waa silent, 'I am, you of the one 1 reienT thought "lliat you're not wise to." "Your afTalrv.Mr. Sponcer, though somewhat complicated, do not call for the irilcrvenllnn of the police," said Arkwriglil. with the ghost of a smile, "und no official will be taken of that matter; unless something unforeseen occurs. I am a thief hunter and not a cnsflgntor of rash young men. What I know, I shall, doubtless keep toni.vwlf." Hilly felt an enorraous sense of relief, combined with a sharp twinge of conscience.

'The Irresponsible couple who ensconced themselves Ivy cottage" said Arkwrlght, with a dry smile, "made a good deal of trouble for themselves." "Inspector," jald Billy, "did you ever do fool tiling?" Inspector Arkwrlght twinkled. "A good many, when I was your age. And, sometimes, even now. However I wish you good fortune. I am not ungrateful to you for your share In the running lo earth of Mr.

Jake. It Is tho duty of the civilian to assist tho police The woman will still bo brought to book. And I shall call on your formidable employer before I leave. Cood-by Mr. Spencer." Billy walked out ol Stnnhoc police station and made his nay back the abbey on foot.

'Gee!" ho said pensively, "nut Hint last stunt-was awful dangerous! Of course, I see well enough a happened. But It was Just a lucky nccl- dent neither Almec nor a blnmed of a wornnn wns seen getting away. The luckiest sort of accident Inspector Arkwrlght Isn't the fool i took him for, by a long way. I wonder how much he knows? Rut he can't know that." He shook his shoulders. "II came i.enr helng a real crash- Just wl.en everything had come right It put Ihe wind up me worse tlmn anything yet.

But there's nothing to be scared at now." Despite the excellent turn affairs ind taken, UHly's mlrnl troubling him. Re hnd the air of a small boy whose raid oh the Jam cupboard Is about to be discovered. When he rlved at the abbey there was no sign of his partner. After lingering for iome time near the most likely haunts, elghed and retreated to the garage. had been there when Almee's face appeared furtively round he angle of the door, "Hello 1" she said, stepping Inside.

She halted, and they looked at each ther dubiously. Almee was decidedly alo, her oyea pathetic and rather Tightened. "I couldn't help It, Billy 1" she'snld uddeuly. "Couldn't help what?" "You saw us getting away, didn't you! And the girl--and the Sphinx? Has Monsieur de Jusgac explained to "I haven't seen him," said Billy, quietly, '-hut I guess It Isn't hard to see how things were. You might as well tell me, though." Almce, very gloomily, described her encounter i Calamity Kate, i "I know," she concluded, shakily, I "you're thinking me an Idiot.

I'd no she's done, such a lot for that mnn, and she was so miserable. He's her husband. -And I couldn't help thinking about you'and me, Billy, nnd how I should feel If you --you--" She broke down and began to crv quietly. "That's how it was. Aro you very angry with me?" Billy gasped nnd, stepping quickly, to the flal turt i CHAPTER XXV Two of 3 Kind.

Almee gave a little gurgle of cxclte- -nient as the Sphinx vanished. "She's sway! And I don't believe they've SC her! If 6hc can ck )o Jt over the field to the gate, there's road before her and she's clenrl" Almee turned to de Jussac with ln lroubl as I've Everybody's shielded me at would not become mc--l' also am coadjutor. I wih observe the movements of the enemy." He cllmheil quickly onto the shoal- ler of high ffpan(1 dir JC(t from the end of the pit, retc.rr.ed in a TOT moaiciits. Anything to oblige the police," said Bil y. squeezing himself Into the front of the car.

It was a tight flt. The journey to Stanhoe was made almost In silence. When the car arrived at the police station Jake duly disposed of, while Billy cooled his heels la a dingy waiting room that had been whitewashed some time during the period when Sir Robert Peel was reorganizing the force. Presently In- spcctor Arkwrlght Joined him. The la- sector closed the door, Rn regarded Billy with a sphinx-like but faintly humorous eye.

a2n 1 he said have no very high opinion of my Intelligence?" I'd dreamed for a moment you were In tho pits, I'd have chased flfty female Ililevej sooner than you should lake a chance! I ought to he horsewhipped for rlskln' It." "I Ibliik It was fine of you, Billy cried Almee wlih sparkling eyes. "Xo!" he said, "it's you (hit were fine," 'This," said Almce, ''is what comes of growing sentimental. Neither of us would have dreamed of making such-- What will ot her? will get away?" "I or care. If she made Ihe roail, there's Juice enough In the Sphinx to take her a hundred "miles from here. I only liope they don't nnd her with the machine.

But I'll bet they don't. She'll get clear and cover her tracks--she's thc sort that does." "But the Sphinx," said Almee, with Intense remorse, "our Billy 1 I've lost her for you Billy laughed. "We'll mighty soon have another-there's two hundred landed al the docks last week--same model; and a factory'belng equipped to build the new model over here. Maes production." "What! You never told me It had got as far as that I But--! wanted tha old one, "Maybe you'll have her yet. Only I'm not going to let her make trouble for you.

We're pretty near done with trouble." "Biit how--" "Never mind. I'll tell you some lime Gee! how you'll laugh I But I'm giving you the clitch--It Is so." "Billy!" she cried. "Isn't that splendid I ITioUBh I--I--" "WelfV 1 "I haven't been worrying so much about it iHtely." Almee swiftly. "Hut It's (rood to know. And what's fifing to Impjiei.

now?" "1 know one thing that's going to happen Dan;" said Billy, and he kissed her de Jussac would say- empress ement. "BillyI" said Almce a little breathlessly, "Aunt said we bad to be decorous!" we are," replied Billy. He kissed her again. Half un hour later Billy, passing the main porch, encountered Lady Ery. then: 'Spencer," she snld, "I was about to send for you.

The person from Scotland Yard, who has Just left, Informed me that he had hot only captured ono of the thieves, bui, that you had rendered him Invaluable really aeons remarkable to tia affair-- does not surprise nie In the least I 'I skid'from the flrstthat you were Hkeiy to "make a success of this problem than all the police In the country, If they would'only consult you. I was perfectly right- ray fact, la never wrong." "Yes, my 1 "1 am quite capable reading between the linen," said Lady Erythea wlUi suppressed triumph. "It Is my conviction. that the capture of this abominable thief was due entirely to you. The police are Imbeciles." Billy shook his head.

"On the contrary, Inspector wrlglit Is nn uncomiflonfy clever man, my Inily," ho said respectfully. "As for had--luck. Luck's queer thing. Even cleverness won't always beat It" Lady' looked little out ot her depth. "In any case," 'she continued, "I am pleased tlint this absurd suspicion of the police regarding you Is cleared up, nnd that you come out of the affair with such credit.

confirms my opinion of yon." Lady Erythea contemplated Billy's tnll figure nnd serenely handsome face i with certain regret. am sorry," she said, "that you are leaving Jervatilx." Ullly smiled. "the week I have spent In your ladyship's service," he snld gently, "has been thc hup-ilcst i of my life." Lady Erythea was not given to expressing her emotions. Hut her austere face positively tinged faint pink- color with pleasure. hear of Just leave It to me," said Billy, soothingly, "there's another ril show you--" The whirr ot a motor Interrupted him.

A large automobile was approaching up the park road. Almee looked a( it. such an expression of horror came over her features that Billy was startled. "What's tjie inatlerri torn 111 1 said Almee'In strangled tones. Alince jived, back Into the room like a rabbit retreating Into Ils burrow.

The automobile swept up lo the Main entrance; the Very Heverend I-nrd Scroope descended. "Is Lady Krythea In!" he saM. almost curtly, to the butler. "Announce me at once, pjense. Scroope." Mr.

Tar beau i showed him Into the empty drawing room. Scroope deposited his hat among a cluster of Dresden ornaments. His brow, usually while and serene as alabaster, was clouded. Lady Brythea entered ma- Jestlcally, "Anthony!" she said. Lord Scroope.

omitting any greeting, regarded her fixedly. "I received your letter by last night's post, Erythea, announcing Almee's engagement to Alexander, borrowed the Mshop's car, aud I have been traveling fjoni Closemlnster since seven this morning." Fjidy fjrythea received the news smile of approval. 'The silly child wished me to delay announcing her betrothal. But that, of course, I could not consent to. I wrote to you at once, Anthony.

I commend the energy you have shown In hastening lo congratulate them--and me. One so seldom sees you hi a hurry." Lord Scroope deliberately placed a pair of gold-rimmed pince-nez on his nose ami stared at his f.Ister-hi-lnV. 'The news ot this engagement," he tald earnestly, "Is unwelcome to me. Entirely unwelcome." Lady Erythea stiffened In every limb. Her ear-trumpet was presented' In one hand; with the other she raised her lorgnettes nnd directed them at Lord CHAPTER XXVI Billy ber, from ixmresy, I know that I'd class the Stnn- noe start- with the world's great think- vc hcard a Iot at) out Scotland Yard, and, if I mav SSJ come fully up to sample." "There Is 110 harm now In my telling you that I know precisely what your Movements have been, Mr.

Spencer I know that It was you, and not the p'rls- Mn 0 (Wh fr" 15 Bl Ifr C0tta 6 SS tha ot Mrs. Sunning. I know that a thc same time, ilrly "ou gave me And thst i you?" he exclaimed Ing them tight "I was afraid i TM Tou on S'" lo Why did the same thing, and I'd no cuae! I ought to have made sure that woman was run "You-did the same thing?" said Almee, staring. la "Yes! Of course, I never dreamed yoa were In the pits, I woul 1L That crippled ta "Where Is My Daughter?" "Why can't we stay on for another week, Hilly-," said Almee. lenntn? a little farther out of the study window duster In hand.

"Go lo Aunt--Ihe Missus, I mean--and ask her to let you keep the job. She'll jun.p at Ir." "Nothing doing!" snld Billy sternly. Almee sighed. The hour was nearly noon on the day following the Odyssey of thc pits. No news had been I heard of Calamity Kate, who appeared to have drifted out of history on the Sphinx.

A brief Interval of peace had settled upon Jervaulx. "There'll be vacancy for a parlor- maid an' chauffeur," announced Billy with decision. He wna standing on the gravel just outside the window. "All the bother with the police Is wiped off the slate. It's only a fool that backs his luck too far.

And It's time to quit the game and tarn the llgl.u out." "That means Aunt has got to know who I am, and who George is; and-and all the rest of It." "There's no way nut of that, I'm afraid." "I know. But I do rather funk It Billy. The- worst It It poor old Ocorgie is In a tighter place I am." "We'll have to see her through It." you think." said Almee, distinctly worried, "that It would be best If Ocorglna arranged to cut short her visit and went home--and Amy Snooks gave notice, or Just cleared out. You as well. Then we--we could explain It all by letter, or something.

I think It would look better that way." Billy looked her a little oddly. "I am In Rlliy." said Almee trembling slightly, "i don't care for myself, bat It's awful to think of poor Georgia having the storm break on her She isn't bnlll for It. I believe If Uio thing Isn't sprung on us suddenly, and we manage It at ht time, wc- we might get away with It again," said nniy, Dut shan't go. I shall stay and put It throagh myself." "Noi" s.i!d Atmov 1 quickly. Regarded Each Other Glasslly.

Scroope. The two regarded each other glassily. "I do not iiiKlcrEtaml you," salil Lady fythen with frigidity. "Alexander Is a young mnn of unexceptionable chnr- ncter and prospects. will be ils.

The Scroope estnle is entailed, and am sufficiently du fait with your af- alre to know that when your two eons the Service are provided for then will be no overpowering fortune left for Aimce. nupenfs If there Is any comiilnlnt, It should i-nme "from me." "The financial nspccl of the niiestlon does not with me," Sl Lord Scroopu with asperity. "I object to the mntch jlsclf. If Alexander Is to marry at all-J- warmly. "Of he Is to marry.

Though confess I was verv much nfrntd he never would t. ertn lt me to tell you, Anthony, tl, ln ali up this altitude as to the marriage of priests, you stlmi) on foundation. You yourself nro Clerk in Orders, nnd an extreme Ritualist nUr "I am' not conscious of having expressed an Sllch nrg Scroope very slimy, hut with a certain plnkness about the ears. "As fur Alex aider, he Is In every way nn excellent 1 Bllt ls the last thing I should have desired Is'hls with my daughter. Their tern! peraments are so opposed that i am convinced nothing but unhappi Ct Ur PVVS 1 cult for me, If the child has reaHy ni conchi i i i tilth visible distress.

graclM3 wbat dirt von expect?" exclaimed his sister-in-law. it never ontorcfl mr i I-ord Scroope. emphatically. on Almee, who of 11 TM 5 1 "I am not my Anthony, for your lack of foresight," said hlj acidly. A shadow darkened the window, and the 'But your daughter can answer for hit- jA Oeorglna stepped In through open by Mr Lambe Suddenly observing Lerd Scroope she halted and became rigid.

Every scrap of.color left her cheeks. Alexander halted.also, nnd slowly turned a deep plum color. It ls. a fall'accompli." iaf-l Lady KryllM-n to her brothef-uvljw almost wlih a touch of Anthony, and bestow your blessing on I lie happy pair." She raised her eartrumpet as thmigl. lo share In the benediction.

Lord Scroope.looked at Oeorglnu dumbly anj Ihen stored at Lady Erythea. "What did you say?" ho asked dizzily. "The Imppy pair!" said Lady Erj- thca, loudly and "Where Is niy daughter?" excliilmed Lord Scrofipc with consternation. "Kry. tlca, where Is my daughter?" Lady ErytliPa started.

She glanced at Oeorglna's horror-stricken face, and then, with deep concern, moved to her brother-in-law's side. "Sly dear Anthony," 'she said In a low upstairs and lie down. It will soon pass off. Do not alarmed, Almee. Lean on my arm Anthony." Lord Scroope shook himself free.

"Are you In your senses, Erythea? This Is my niece by marriage--Gcor- glna Berners. What Is she doing "Y-ycs," gulped Alexander's QanceOj "I'm Georgian. I couldn't help It." i She collapsed Into an armchair and 1 burst Into tears. Alexander stood over, her like largo and protective dog; he- laid a hand on her shoulder and glared' ot tho others with defiance. Lady Erythea turned pale.

It was disconcerting to find two members orj the Scroope family simultaneously smitten with Insanity. 'I "Where Is Almeo?" Insisted Lord, Scroope, turning upon her. "Where let! my daughter?" "Dad!" The disheveled parlor maid darted la! door. Almee's cap awry, her face was her eyes very, bright; the top of her aprou heaved 1 tumultuously. She.

stopped short, as Lady Erythea glared speechless at Irruption. "Don't cry, Geo'rgle," said Ahii'ee: 1 I been transported Into lamT'-asked L6rd 8croope, are jou rehearsing a charade? What' Is she doing in this costume?" 1 struggled for sajd grimly, "Is my parlor whom I'fooliuMy gaged your recommendation. She! 1ms again, 'however, 'to i Lord Scroope looked nt his sislerW law with "This," he snld, In the soothing with which one would address a dr lirlous jierson, "Is my daughter, 1 I am rather glad to nnd her--In any. costume. I began to' wonder what had done with her." Lnily Krythca's frame slowly cncd.

her lingers clenched the car- trumpet ns though it were the handle Of club. Her eyes were terrible Bo i fore the storm could break, Almce In- I lervencd. "It Aunt's fault, Dud," "shd" I "nor Goorgie's-uar Alexnmler's. It wns nil mine. And It you all want to bent somebody, It had better he inc! I--I'm here to explain "Srirnc explanation," 'said' Lord Xcrortpe quietly, "seems to be called' fnr." Almee, avoiding her aunt's herself to the quivering 'ear- trumpet.

"I didn't want come liere.W' ninde me, I wns-frlghtened of yon Anyway, dl.ln't think Jeriaulx wonM' i you n(jte Dipped ihe car nt -Burn Ash," said Almee. her speech pouring from her Ilka' torrent, "nnd made the chauffeur bring ficorgfna On here. And I went "AT on my "flcorsitm arrived here, nnd yon for me. You Insisted -he ma And she didn't dare explain, for imr nt getting me Into a row. That'a nil fJeorgle Is! she can't lie--she even act-but she'd let you cat tnliil" et OS rnre SllC got me int "I the Si i ie Into her room.

And me to own up. And came the nest was rc.irly to i ve a a the chased rthl a piece out of skjr itm i got nwayr a I Spencer." Almee paused for breath "Who." Lord Scroope ln (ha huM, flowed. "I 3 Mr A He had com 01lt ne back some of the in the wful was ro (be police were after n-e-l'd llelr car I lne Almee i "would come out that I wns country, an the newspaper. I pale, drew a deep to all suitable i nce told me I'd cot to nr cloan hrc of T.nnl to A "aspect him--nr me came here nnd drove Aunt's car i on 8.

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