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Feather River Bulletin from Quincy, California • Page 2

Quincy, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Advortlcbments. Advertisements. Cards Letter fnaftUeraaaente, i I "Happy Niw TtiE." Fare well? aid VII How Advertisements. PLUMAS NATIONAL. lie.

rCSLUBKO KTXET SATmDAT MOB TYM. E. WABD, EeUter mm 4. Prea'r. TEBBSt 06 Dollars; Three Dollars.

tx nomas CO cent per ILLIAH 9AXBOX i A CO. it- I jer.Esawnlaiu-i i Bare parchased the GBEEXVIIXE TOU3IDKY. Aad will pnt la Machinery at once for doinr All Kixds or Man Wobje. They will be prepared to baild Xfllla, 1 5 I' 3 4 i ua iia ma, a a Wll. i 4.

ii i Fleariag; Ullla, I- teeteeta. rvi. -w2 win be eoaducted nader th. firm asm of A. THOM 1 cot Oreehrlllo, and the fall names of slj psrt-j sw are ALEXANDER THOM and WILLIAM All parttea deatrias Machinery of say klad will 1 well to give thesa a ckTi before parchaalag else-.

where. i i tf tnl BAS BOlSE. l-t. ala and Cear Comer of Mala and Ceart Streets, AUrelXIiU jr. is.

KnVABlHL Prearietei. r.i.mlm additions aad tmDrevemeata aaThstr; mada so this Bona, the oronrlctar beea leaTW call the attention of the traveling pwWlcSa the seperlor accomasoaauoas eners so ma AMaa arWaaisraraian TslffrSBh Ca. mvlBPV mi 1 Huge Ussse isr bvery vireciHa. Tea Baa tsswppUed wtUthacholeest braads of iJqaors and (: TaasJi wiU be tonnd as goad asaayjiaUe aiaie. ux 1 -I Alarce sad rmodtoaatlTPABlJB'ta 'eea-v aeeted wfth tbe Hosm, aad trarelers can eepeaa nsoB their teams recerviag vary bast of Uoa.

i -1 GreenTille; Plaaaaa Cenntyl SF 1 K- Taa Ptraxic are reanectndly aetiaed that the-; rrvp-" i i Hot Sulpliur bprlnfa, 5 jjm tnt and farnlshed a new sad comamdloas HOTF.U snd Im uow Pf I taamaaaerealcnJasedteiaaareaeUafaeUa nHunvtn Hot Salnhar Sorters wster has aWartMl bihit enrea. and Braved very Maefirial ia anmeroaa eaaea ef RJssaaaausamv rararyaia, Ae. i Tha Etath lEsnaae) Is In irood condition. aad everything wfB be dene; that is possible to Insure the comfort of geesta. 1 B.

Wf IUC7U, rropv. 4. Os Bala atreet, qelaey. CaL, GEMKBAL MEBCBASBISE! 4-11 Groceries, Provisions, Dry Goods, Hardware, 5 Geota' I Boots and Shoea, HatsA-Cafs, Mlnrojrfoolt, Etci Hour, Grain, ixiraja- eat Iff Kew rrieea 1 1 The public patronage Is respectfully solicited. A lit' I A Tw all whs eleaira ahaia PaaaestW; -i.

ttatrety laeared. rnas undersioned, haying been ap Xi pointed local agent oy 1 tJ I 8 0 A I A 8 Ml General Aacenta. af Baa PntMlaraw' la prepared to laavt Pouoras several principal I jLBSiersi isnmrancw vinwpajiic. Tbs Ratks Aaa Law, aad loasee Paem-n-v Aa- tvma. .4 JJ.

V. CnAPIAX. Arsnt Ornoa At A. Coha k. Bra's IKBK.1XH.

JLOttAX CO, ij j' ii Succeasora to C-eoj C. Perkins, 1 WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALER IN GiraaesTlaa. liwMW UP'" Prsvlslsss, Wlaea, Mill Corner Myers and Montgomery Streets. -fl ri----o soy v-m Ws are Dairy Receiving aad keep mastantry oa hand a fuB assortment et the beet ad Freshest Goods bt ear BaeafBas- jjj 4j laass, f3 ALirORBIAt MEAtStJ ta I Callfarnla anal Eaajtern Clseeae, flour Xt AIS or ALL TEAS, I Baleen. Pieacrveaj PtaMaW atasv-! Comprnlag a Fan Assortment of Family Groceries.

OF ALL BINDS. 3 ALSO You've stayed' byaa Veil, and we're passed many and not a few sorrowful mo. menu in jour society. Bat the best of friends most part; and while: a foud remembrance of joys jour visit baa laid apon tbe alUrs of hearts, the good deeds we have been to perform, or tbe advancement In the of rectitude and: duty we bare made while these and many kindred recollections arouse our sincere regrets and make sor row's tear flow, as the last good-bye said, we cannot erase from the tablets. of our memory the disappointments, mistakes, fail.

area and rriefa-ao rjlenteoualv scattered alonr path of the paat. hence twe wUllnrly asy JLS adieu, apprehending that tbe future 'alone ia worthy of homage. thrice wel- come, 18781 You're a new comer in tbese parts; but your face is fair, youthful and staffing; and we greet yoa cheerfully, hoping: that as oar ficauatntancb advances oar ma. Interests marl be likewise enhanced. Another ei oo the Vane another link ad- to that unbroken' chain of enocha.

whose beginning mortal eve never and whose 7- -a, finality human reasoning cannot determine, jGone! Aye, and forever! The blunders, the crimes of omission or commission, the wrongs Inflicted or the I shortcomings, sor row and unkindly acts that we may have ex perienced or bestowed upon others, may loom pefor ns as We Mke a retrospective glance but they cannot bo budune. however much may yearn so to do. The past ia dead so as humaa possibilities are -concerned, but future lies before us, and we should 5m prove It while we m4r, permitting the ezpe. rlence of by-gone data to guide ns clear of nence of by-gone das to guide ns. the rocki of ro; i 0 BlKOcAsf AocfDSXT.

Some days ago a strange accident happened on Pine Ridge, Mendocino Coonty: J. 8. Marsh, formerly of Little Lake, had, a fine pair of oxen which were grazing on Ibc-hill, when a little daugb ter of his about 13 years -of age was playing hundred abd fifty yards; above the oxeu. The child rolled a stone weighing about three pounds down tbe bill towards the oxen, It odeL and tbe noise caused by the rolling towt caused an ox to raise bis bead and look lh WU, ihe stone striking in tbe center of STJ "TJVXTJ. HT 1 1 A Ploxasitc wandered down this way and sought a borne in the infirmary, but not get ng ALii EKJ The National save be went straiitbt to the bmpiUl and swears this bort of thtng wont fc tJtl send him here again, for he will be shipped back.

We don't fancy that kind of stock to make citizens of uronijo Mercury, If the. man is insane we shall not send bim to Orovllle. Too many craay men there al readyespecially la the Mercury office. i y. a William Tlfflnger, from Sacramento, had both less cat off by tbe East bound Union Pa ciflc freight train, near Grand Island, Nebras ka.

Tbomaa Nixon, supposed to be one. of the TJnlon Pacific train robbers, has been arrested in Texas, and Is en route to the North in eharge Of an offlccri Nathan Coombs, for many years prominent Republican politician in thU State, died at his residence nejr Napa Wednesday, He came to California in 1843. ueneral McDowell boa notincd in war Ut paftmeiit at Washington that a party of troops recently encountereu me renegade laaiuns in Arizona, and severely punished tbem. i JL man giving the-name of James Sweeny, of Satramento, Cal bttempted to rob a broker's otSce In Wall street, New Turk, but was cspturcd. Samuel Elliott, eleven year old, wss seriously injured at Stockton; being struck on the head with the butt end of a gun Jn the bands of Captain Webber.

Don Carlos was ordered to quit Frsnce be. Cause of ex-Queen Isabella's overtures to him. wbk'h are regarded as an expression; of her displeasure at the marriage of King Alfonso. Two Nea: Perccs Indiaus have arrived at Big Horn, Montana; from Sitting Bull' camp, and confirm tbe story that a white man Is held as a prisoner by tbe Sioux. Four of the mob who murdered Judge How.

ard at San EIixario, Texas, have been killed twr while after capture and' great excitement again prevails In that region. A The National Gold (Meoat was awarded to Bradler Rulofson (or the best Photographs ia tha United States and the, Vienna Medal for tho neat in ine world. 423 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. aSaaSBBaWaSBaWasaanBaBWSaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaa New Advertisaments. A NOTICE.

XX. GREEK MOUNTAIN GOLD MINnCG COM tiaar. location of nrinciDaJ nlace of bast Dttss. Hum rraocisca, Californta, Loratloa of works, Plamas coanty. California.

Notice here. ny, given, mat at a meeting or tne uoara oi directors, heldoa the sixth daviof October. 1877. aa aa sessment (No. 1) of twenty cents per shsre.

wss levied anon the capital stock of the corporation, parable Immediately 4a United states; gold cola, to the Secretary, at the office of the Company, No. S12. Montsomerr street. Saa Freaelseov California. Any siock apon wnica mis marmvm snati re main unpaid on tne inirty-nrsi aay oi uecemncr, 1877.

will be dellnonent and advertised for ssle at auoiic aacttna, ana nniesa payment is maae oe j. lore, will be sold oa 3faadai. the Twtatr. Brat dayaf thedello- onent nssaasmant. uxretliar wlta eesta or advents- tnr acd expenses of sale.

By order of, the Board of directors, im -m ABBAHAn HALSST, Secretary. Oaics-Xo. tit. Montzomerv street. Haa FraB' Cisco, Callfonila.

ii l4w 4 BASU.BIPTCY. Dtsratev Cotrs-r of Vira TTjutbo Statxs, I Fflf the District of California. 'ii'. In the Matter of Sternberg and D. Pels, Individ- nauv ana as co-Dinner inner inenrm name of Sternberg Pcls.iBahknipts.K District of CnllSnrala.

SS! I A WARRANT IN BANKRUPTCY RAR BEEN XS. Issaed ay said Court against tne Kstat of l. Sternberg and D. Pels. Indfvidaallv aad as co-Dart.

iters ander the fim as ma iof Bternbere- A Pels, of Greenville, county of Plamas sad Stats ef Calilbr nla, ia said District, who hsve beea duly adjudged Bsnlmipts upon petition of their creditors, and the psvtaent of say debts; snd tha delivery et say property beloneiof to sate Bantarapts, to them or to their ase. and ts of aay property them, are SarfeicMea lw. -t A meeting of the Creditors of salt) Bankrupts to nrove their debts, and choose one or more As signee of said Ertste, will be held at a Court of naaKrapMrv. 10 nc boiucb eaa nurciaco, ia sara DlKtrkt, on tbe Ninth day. of January, A.

0. 187S. at fl o'clock P. at the offlca, Oltehell, Room 10. Court Block.

OS Clay Street, oae of the i.M-tw- I B. Marshal for said District. GABBER A I 1 i HlSSit A i SI- it QILDINQ, 1 GRAINIKO, GLAZING rapes' Itaraaaalalag, ae ilaln Street, Qalwy, Cat. 1: All fXTprU PtmrnpOT 1 "-1 1 aSxeeateel. CEO.

I Baa price. T. are And tion, aad i bosckg. aerlfTaa4 Tax CUeter. QXmfCT, PLUMAS CX OUFOBMA.

W. Sheriff. Omct-In the Jail "BuildiaaL Qnlncy. Office i fJOMty fjierat susai wwracwi Cauty Beearder of PIsubsus Co. Omos In the Court House, Qnlncy, Cal.

DEEDS promptly exeented and ackaowledg-aaonts taken at tbe Clerk's Offlca. -r Agent for the Paclflc Matual Lift Ida. Co. i Agent for London Assorsnce Company vnnv sTfS iYf a v. rii i'l' M--rM Ceaaty Treaamrer, PLUMAS 0mcaln the Court Ilonse, Qnlncy.

Offlce hoars from I a. a. tn 5 r. v. i la.

HALL8TEU, taunty ICALiH'' Ii PLUMAS CO. Li DepaUea. C. Uaix tintney Omcn-rla the Conrt Bouse, Qnlney. lr.

-ijj. Lad Barreyer aad Alain Engineer. 1 1 u. CoontT Snrveyor and V. 8.

Deputy Mineral i Harveror for Plamas ConDiy, CaLi Oiia-a- In the Court Bouse, Qnlncy. All bus. ineas entrusted to my care will be promptly attended to. Ceaaty Saae)rtatea4en4 sf 4i: tTeassaea Heheela far Fl aaCe. Drricx Greenville.

P. O. address. Greenville. M.

ILarTOXE, i Louse, at SHalag Sarreyor, and Civil jEnglneer. 3 United States Mineral Land Surveyor for Cat i Ornca La Porte, Plamaa Co. California. Will attend to all business entrusted to his care with promptness and dispatch, i QHLJUaE9 W. HEX DEI Civil nasi ITiaiaar Eagrfaeer, anal Is.DepBtylflaeralliaadSarTeyaf CallfarnLa, Omen -At La Porte, Flnmas county, Cal.

W.KELLOUG, Atteraey at Law, "QltnfCT jCAL. i 11 IS Xstsry Pa P. O. HCTTDLST. R.

B. T. YAarax. 1 Attorney at "11: QUliCY CAL. H.

H. TAB1EL. District Atteraey, KOTABY PCBUC. Win practice In the District Conrt of the Slat DUtrict for Plamas County. i T.

UOGAX, Attensey at laaw. QCISCY -PLUMAS CAX.j Will practice his profession In all the Conrte of this and adjoining counties, and In tha Snprcme Court Offlce on jMain street, west of the Planus Hoae. jy- B1XE1IABT. M. 1, PHYSICIAN surgeon; Porte, Cal.

Office oer II. Wasnlngton's Drug Store. QBIFFITM C. OWESfa, BARBER AND HAIRDRESSER, Shop at the Plumas Bouse, Will always be found st the shop, and ready to attend to the wants of gD. I.

If ITU, 91. nn Phyalelaa ia atargreon. QUINCT, PLUMAS COUNTY, CALIPORNIA. Omcs OverWyatt's Variety jyu. f.

cate, i FitriULU aa Btargeam. i QUINCY CALIFORNIA. 0 rncx At his residence on Jackson Btreet, DB. tIAXE8 DEMPSTER, Barsieal and. Seehaaleal Dentlai.

Ornca In the Plnmaa House, Qnlncy, Cat Will promptly attend to all business fa the Dentistry line. -1 EO. C. UATHEWS, 31. Dn Phjralelan A Barceeaw i GREENVILLE.

ont, JQVXCAS ItOBlXSOX, 5 1 Ileaaennuaer aaa uoatraeier, Carpeater aad JJeiaer. Shoo oa Mala atreet, Qnlncy. Orders foe work promptly filled. i ji A LVA COLE, mm Carpeater and Ballder. RVnn nn Jackson street.

OHlner. Carbenter work of all kinds dons promptly, and In she beat manner. Terms ressooaoie. i. -yyiiiiiiAii bice, Beat ana neeataKer.

i Shoo on Main opposite Law. renoe's Hotel. Repairing of all kinds neatly done. T. OHAPII Vphalaterer aad Paraltnre Hepalrer.

Ebon at Greenville. Palntlnx sad Pi per hanir- Ine done in a neat aad workmanlike manners Or ders for aaything fa my line will receive prompt EOS6E KCUS, Boat aad Baaenaaker. Bhenea Main street. Qniney. Repairing of all Kinos aeauy none.

Pla iIadaeXe.eM, I.O., O. uuincy, can fornlo, meets rcgnlariy every SATtmoAr Evening, (execpt-lne the nights of MasonJe meetings, which oecnr oa the Saturday of or next sueeeedlng the full of the moon) at the new tlall. Brethren la good standing are respectfully uviieu to siieira. 3. D.

GOODWIN, N. O. P. Wamne. Sec'y.

i ujj Plaaaaa liadara. Ka. SO. P.AA.1L stated commuaicatioaa of Plumas 7 Lodge, No. SO, r.

st A. Mn are held on the 8atardav Eveninc of or next sneeeediac the rail of the moon, at Masonic Hall, Qulncy. Brethren la good standing are invited to attend. T. P.

ukksit. Secretary. AaaO COMCBAMOEBV. 11 S'--1 U. KXIGrtTS TEBPtAB.

CITATED ASSEMBLIES ON TTIIBD SATTJE. Kf dsy soceeedlng the Pnll Moon of each month at 8 o'clock. P.M. fcDecial Assemblies at the call of the E. at iu Asylam In Masonle buUdiag at sjslBBII UrTr i i "eTB ALLEN WOOD.

Commsader, "I Ia Is 8 acxaxexto, January 1st, I Fbiexd Natioxaa: I bare Just returned I from an official nsit to tbe 8tale Ajrrico.ltnrl and Mechanical, Arts and Mining College, This Institution is, In my opinion, soon to be- come one of tbe first institutions of learning I tbe United States. It ia aitaated at Berke-1 six miles north of Oakland, and on a Tory pleasant eminence overlooking the Bay, and I most beautiful view of the Golden Gate. Tbe building are of brick, and conveniently r. ranged for au the departments of study and I lecture rooms. Bat necordln? to tha tndtr.

I ment of "a miner, I think our profession I not receive Its mil share of attention, ilt 1 last on the list and receives but fourth pr rata euoaUoa, has but one professor, I 90 assistant, while each of the other de-1 pertinents has threat or fonr. would like to I Agriculture first, and Mining Interest I second, ts it really Is the paramount Interest tbe Pacific Coast, and I abaU endeavor fto' nave so oeiore toe close or tbe session. Tbe BUte Asylum for the deaf, dumb and i I here, we were conducted through Institution, It exceeds la genuine ha- mane ucuevoience anywiing ois ue kino Wat naa ever been my good 1 fortune to There are iao inmates, and eacb bas acqnired some means of receiving and communicating I mieuixence, some among mem even snowing remarKabie degree or scientific educations A I deaf mute boy was pot np before a blackboard reaauy answered A number of dlmcult I problems In geometry and square root, show-j a thorough knowledge of figares. A besu- I tlful yonng lady deaf-mute4-wrot a luul Jnn aeai-mme wrote a welcome to fta aa for elegaaca and pbraseoigy compete with tbe best trajned mlndajn Th bllnd from embossed rn, and then write on a machine madefor them, a knd of printing press with letters con bossed on keys, somethinglike -a piano. They seem to fully appreciate what Is being done 7 -i 1 smiTWMUi shall hm nn mnei nt Tftn ner "now.

I see in the Matioxal that Wbit. lockor Plumas, wss not credited witli being on the SUndlnir Committee Of Conn tv and County Boundaries. He wa appointed on that commm. at the first, well a. the we olow turaneta ine genate onwiesamecommiee.) 1 bT doubt you read with some inter- est the contest In tbe Assembly on the blU to Increase the of the County Judgof Mono county, and alao: the same in relaon of, the Dutrict Judge of tb2tst fu- W.

tried to make the Demo, ana 1Hiunvli ttiaais awbvsw i ml Kn aViil cru trough their own glasses, but ed- dT weather became foggy: and. they i As soon as the Legislature convenes we ex to om high! old times over freight and fare bills, and alao tbe San i Fran. cU Pr bI- Th ryan more kg iauon man autue rest oi me state, Most of the members are now absent, either visiting their homes or on a spree at tbe 'Bay City, and a few on committee duty visiting State Institutions of 'different The holidays bare been rather dull to your hum. ble servant, on account of hit better half "be log tick with chilla and iever. i letter fraaa 8teatt4a, SmrrMv Twmhr istt Fbikxd NiTiOKAts-If there' anything particularly pleasing in this world, it is anex- cellent supper and first irate lodging at 'the of a day's travel, and such we found at ple the fclU of the olnnerwe pook of at Buck'a Ranch; at 3 m.

We nad for one of oor traveling companions a miner from the neighborhood of Wolf Creek, jfudging from his remarks, he had not made a but he announced bis determination of going for It next-spring! In a way Ihat woold It whether or no. Orovllle presents more slirns of substantlsl improvement than any we have ka. except tiulncy. Nothing can equal that. But Orovillc is certainly more prosperous totday thsnhe bss been at any time within the last ten years.

Although -it) wss in winter, and storming besides, the streets were full of teams, and the hotels, stores and sidewalks full Of meu. The C. N. TL1 R. is now in charge of sj're-ceiver appointed at the instance of Butte which said ronnty.hai aLJast growaJtlred.

oli paying interest for other people's We did not stop st Sacramento, but we did at Stockton, and are here yet: If we can get away, will try to extend our trip to San Fran Cisco. Stockton is nut the finest place Iff the world at this season of the I should es- tlnilite the depth mi tlx iith principal streeU. Stockton has been called tbe "City of WM- mmi no wonder, fur uowhere onfkhe civilized earth ran be found so many and Inch i i 7 of windmills as in this same ity. white and blue windmills; big and fUtle Belief and Regulator wind. Ronnd hexagonal and octagonal wind.

ipUt-and-twlsted, and 1nr. bined windmills. la abort, erery kind gh.po and tze of windmills that tbe ingenuity ftn invent, or bis skill manufacture. And all these to pomp Insipid water Jnto Unki ind onto thlrstv rsrdens and orchards. Wbat wouw theae people not giveVfor one of the thousand mountain atreaura of Plumasf (Tbey tell me that llaVre are also windmill, la eourtma.and 'eboscbesv but these I have aotseen).

Tea or twelve trains pass through hertdai. bat they do not aetm la add much U. the business lhity. In front of the hou.o in i which I am now writing, there lies aa njrfin. uhednarrow.gange railroad, commenced near three years ago, and abandoned when hah completed.

Thla waa' an ntarprlaeatartedby the burines, men of the city i and In the bod by the stroogarm iof thef P. BLR. forbida me to enter Into details. frba most dilapidated baUding to'tbe city theiC6art House. Some of tbe doors have fklbjh from the hinges, and aUnd-leaftlng against the UraJL iThe, court-yard is mlly beautiful, occupying an enUra tslning many specimens of trees and shrubs.

It waa once enclosed by a fence made of iron Part of this haa beea replaced by a wall, and tbe rest ia Mended by balling flre What, would Calif arnU do wUhout balbng wire It win mend aaything, frona a broken harness to a court bouse fence. If your readers sumve thla, I wfl give them another dose. lathe meantime, adieu, fi TJ. 8. GrantvJr, has been appointed aepe.

rial AsalsUnt United States DUtrlct Attorney for the prosecution Of the old and delayed Customs cues. Official stateosenta from 179 savings banks in Massachusetts show ajnrreKate deposits of apimst rssw.wa the prtriuus tbe oar bled path will yt tbe tiial ded up we far the a Jf. FIERCE, gropiietor. 1 1. I GBBXX VILLB, CAL.

am sefllnff cmimna tuiimrtmrat itf Ttawara at Fimateiae Csst, fralght added. Jobbinc of all kinds nromntlv done, and at low Orders solicited. GEO. M. PIEBCX.

A TEST HTYIiEfi I 1 i IW 8TOBEM i sew cioopflii I a. conx Halm at twljiejr. AVTSTG BSCEHTLT iJfPOHTKD A PULL and complete assortment of -1- Ptt Gea4 tuiw. Graerlew I now prepared to famish tbe people oftht town ana ins snrroanainceoaMry wuo aayuiag ia their line, at low fiiranm. Have on I haaa-'aa Immense Stock of i Dry Goods, 1 eonsbitlagof the latest and most ftahlonable Payaw Gaadat Wailte Gs4i! Shawls 1 ltACE A3T1 XACK TBIMMIXGH 1 Rlbbaaa! 1j fe't vji viJ ldmea Gaada 1 1- 4 Tawelav.

Iasaaakot a host of other artlcl, too anmerons te men all of which will be disposed of at Low races if i'l AlsoaLarga Stock of-- Cemtw i -r Bta Si SfcOMl I rS t- nataisuaelCaiiHiI FwrsiUktHg GsMsda. GBOCBBIEfl A PBOVISIOI84 Hardware, 4. i Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, vf Glassware, Crockery, pp Notions, i'dtev etc. Brstga ast'sl nedlclae. i Intend tft keen the Boat Goods ia the Market respectfully ask fur a share of the public pat- MV a.

rDWABDM A ItTEVEXm STAGE fjniE! PROM ORB ETfTILLB VIA CRESCEWT, QUIN BECKWORTH AND SUMMIT TO KENO, NKV. i Tkrastftrk frwaa Rest ts qwtstcy An Iws Daya, and te Groesivllle Two amsi stcwlutlf days. A' A i i Stages leave Onlncy and Reno anadays. Tnes days and Thursdays, retarnlng oa Mondays, Wed nesaays ana nasjs. I i Fsrc tfm GraTiII to Best, SIS 00, Qalstejr to Ba, OO, CMinecta at Qnlncy with Pherman's OrorlHS Statrsa.

Throogfi from Bswo to OrpvUla la Thrse tnj. Hit: i --k- Good Stock, Fine Coaches, Careful Drivers, and Good generally. Everything possible will be done for the comfort or passen gcrs, and due care will be taken: that they fp through on lime. IDWARD8 STBVBWS. AV.

D. ETCH BB, Greenville, Plaaaaa Ceaaty, Cal. suus at WATCnES, I CLOCKS, riAXOs, f. OUGAXS, BTATIOS EltYi MCTICL, IXSTnTJMESTS, ate, ate. ALL KINDS OF 1 i Repaired la a superior manner.

Gold, Silvkb tfe Bueli. Jzwklbt kaob to onsn Plsusaa, Organav Flatea, fialtara, i Baajes), Vlellaa, i Aeeerdeeaa. Sheet JIaalc, Piaae Steele, Oracan Steele, Strlng-a, Bear Hair, Viella Bows, etev ete ete Constantly on hand. Sole Agent tor the Music Honss ef IHEBXAX UYBE, fKwaW )s KOT EASILY EARNED 13 mala these times, bat It eaa be made ia three months fey aay oae of either sex, la any part 01 tbe conn try woo is wining 10 won sieauny tha amolovment we fnrnlsh. tS ner week in vonr own town.

Yon need not be away from home AL ft a ever nigni. 100 can gn wuw the work or only your spare momenta. Ws hate wmi who tare maklns over SJO per day. All who eagara, at once can make money fast. At the present lime money cannot nnum and eaailv at any other business.

It costs noth- in tiu haainssa. Terms ana ns irawi. iree. Address st ance, IL LLuxarr A Portlsnd, Maine. 1 p9fV BALOOX AIB A- KEG nOt'SEi 1 (BsTesn Corar Boosa ana Carrrou) Vala PETER U01TABD, Preprieter, I The very best quality of Wlnen.

mnf Clears ,1 1 Constantly ea Band. TEMPERANCE DRINKS OF ALL -v t-tf-l SrjBnoifl. lathe Justice's Court of Indian Township, la the i County of riumaa, state ot -aiiiornia. Borslso Seratno Plaintiff vs. Henry Terouz De pendant.

is ui'i fTIHE PEOPLE Of THE STATE OF CAUFOR-I -u aandrfeetlnff to HenrrTeroux. Defendant: you are hereby requirea to appear in an action brought against yea by the above named Plalntiu" i tha aati uonrt or laaiaa xownsnip. eoanir of Plumas, State of California, and to answer be fore the Justice at Bis omce in saia ivwsisip, tne complaint filed therein, within ive of tbe day of service), after the service oa you tal. anmtnnna if served within the Townshln ta which this action bronght; or. If nerved oat of sale" Township, bat la said eoanty, within tea davs 1 otherwise, within twenty days.

this action ta brought to recover judirment sas Sir the asm of Two Handred ana Thir ty-eight dollars in U. H. gold coin, snd legal IhImmi ikNos from Oetober 8th. 1877. Said sum belag a balance elaiased to be dae the pialetiff ITom yoa Sl lioea mmcm, auumwvb F- Ibrmed, for the years 175.

1870. and 1877, as more rally appears by complaint now oa ale ia my of-ftee: And yea are hereby notified that If yoa tail in ia annear and answer said complaint; as above required, sold plaintiff will take Judgment against yoa by default tor $28, with Interest as claimed, together with cost of suit. Given under mr baa this Uth day of Decent- a I JT. C. CHURCH.

1 1 4 JastteavAf tha Peace of said Townshln J3 E. V. i Ba! If. A. MOOBE'S SCIBHTirrCBAIB PBODUC.

H. A. BOOBS woaja nDuun XIA Ladles ano 1" Ihlth. "ornant 1. a what It nrontises No mineral or I dVmVriig substance 1.

Used in tUimm andft is rnsrsnteed to prevent hair falling ont Well known eaaea of aivr four apii, ffcropoi uiihw It w1llvnth.iF froBTtaralng rray. Preparations rorwarded to all parts of the Address, bJh 1 Baa rnaaaw uu. Afea Watatfaal. Hfi Vgw EVA BASIC STOP OHWAae Theae SpleadU Iaatraaaeata ssmnt RanV wherever latrodnced. qaality of tone, delicacy of action and Prompt-1 ness of speoca.

usey other make, i I f- The Grand, Featare of these. Organs are the EIAGIC STOPS, vtl nl v. am anV MSafclnatlaa I CHUIIK I siisse wiiomi keys. Also, the Aajaeiaoie reasui i MThea snnerbfMtnuneats' are no leager new and antrted la Plamaa coaotr. I refer wlta prtue I "all who ha pnrchased.

"he nnlvarssl verdict tbst they are the UrJx. tne same res i at of vnlctns- i. soenred la Everr Inatxn-1 eat. 2 rta or-getung aa uuuhm Address, VT. jr.

31 ARM IX, Beaa, ET Genl Asent for tha PaelBa attatea. B. BPIXXEY a i'O, ta I k. 18 T. 8 Ka.

11, Kearney at. At. Treat all Chronic and Private Diseases wunon the aid of Mercnry. Ceaaaltatlea Free. Offlce Honrs- to If 4 to snd to P.

andays excepted. i -u I iall nr ailrfraas. DR. A. B.

8PTSSET A I No. 11 Kearny rU, Ssa Irsai Iseov 17-y I ABD TIMES MADE Kass-ar. GBOCEBIE8. 4 1 Prevlsioasv Cletblac Mialnn: Toe-lev I aso GE5EBAL MEBCUA5DISE, brj -r TTTLLIAH WAU5EB, i at i BtCKfS A II 4 All Caah" Orders promptly ailed at 10 per rent, above actual cost, and per cent, lass than former prices. Give me a call, snd convince yonrclvcs.

WM. WAGNEbI HEETiIBOX PIPE. THE CAPITAL 1BOX WOBKB. 19 'Blnxome Street, IACBAB E1KTO. Sheet Irsn Iip mt All fas aay srreaaatre.

We are oreoared to bnlld on the rronnd where wanted ano contract to uy tne asms, SHEET IKOS PIPE. of all slcs thoroughly coated with Asphsltnm, thereby eaving the expense and damage of has. ine on wspono. Having all the latest improved machinery, par- ties wanting nine would do well to rive ns a ea u. Iron cut, poncnea ana lormea, ana too is lursisa- ed for maung pipe.

E. M. RAGATf. Snnerlntendent. Sacramento, Jane 1, 1875.

BEEXVIXXB 1IOTEL.I! Con. Madt akd Axh Stbxxts GreeaTille, Plnmaa Cn CaL CfLLAWBEXCE, i I PrspV.I Extensive additions hsve recent! been made to I this well-known Hotel, and tbe Proprietor is now prepared to accommodate nis guests in tae nest tyie. r-- Fine Lliitri nl CIgarti The Tuu will be supplied with tbe best ta the market. -v Ia connection with the Hotel Is the Greeaville at Qaiaey Urery Stable, With' a fuB supply of Carriages, Bae tries' and Goon Horses. This stable is la conaection with Iwrenee's Lirerv stable ia Qutncv.

and teams hired la either town can be left st the stable in the other. Persons wishing to make the round trip in a dav, can exchauge teams. Horses boarded by tho day or wee. A TT ATCirHAKEB A JTEWELEB, Moatgntery Street, OraVille. WATCHES, CLOCKS, And all kinds of Goods in my for sole.

Au. Knns or Watchsb ato Clocks Repaired In a Superior Manner and at Moomab Pmcxs. ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY MADE TO ORDER. Arent tar the American YTateh Ca. Ltrtf.

OVBT BOCSEIt NThlaXcwSeaaens.1'1 1 A. Pranrtetar, Is now open foe Bnalneas. Bain atreet, eppealte the Caart Ilaaae. BEST QCAUTY ef wises xjtqroBS. Tbe Bffrlsrd Rearm Is neatly fitted nn.

aad for. nisbed with one or oTKAULK Sew Wire Cash. loned Tables. it- 104f TSJEW BTOBBlt SEW dOODBIi JEWELL DBOS. Vat Street, Qaiaey, CaX, Have now opened fine assortment of 'u t.

BOOTS ASH SUOES, xotioxs, tij "4 nrPATIOXBB YT V. CHCTXEBY, TOBACCO AND. CIGARS, habdwaub, Vi- CANDIES, Fa aey Goods Speciality. i i 1 i LOW PBICES FOB CASH. The people of cordially lavltsd te can aaa inspect oar stock sad prices.

i laiiMM riven entire sal- V. in.aafhHT lone-staadtnr Dsianeea ua.o 1 treatedas per testimonials In 7 Possession. iVlm i.T. a mil Ooaruaer crop of hale on all A do to i i I the-JBucHeye House, presided over by Mr.nd Mrs.Wgard.- Supper was everything that SQaA deiirfd. and If we filled to dn it am.

Dollars al Adrertlelejr lteiSquare; of, 10 Hnsa 4i for the first insertion; $1 00 for ccb subsequent Insertion. Business advertising by tbe Moath, Quarter or Tear, at reduced rate according to contract. calaejr, Satarnajr, Jam. Stow 1878. CEXEttAI.

SEWg IUXHABY. i Trade dollar ire Quoted at 81 baying and Wi tenia 1. Legal tenders are firm at Sea Francisco at 97i buying and The President bat ordered commission to Investigate the affair at San Ellaario." -j- Ben Butler defend the President's title, bat criticises bU Soatbero policy. 1 holmes Gordon finlsbea a walk of ban. dred hours at San JoseM8atnrday, without rest or sleep.

Vl Coantess Modjeaka to baring an immense success in New York, drawing crowded bouaea nightly. Broker are baying half dollars at ft per discount, and are selling them at 44Jf cent discount. Representative Davis is making some en. erjretlc mores regard to tbe Chinese imtnl rratlon question. i ThopiM Jf Dixon, Qerk of the San TrancU-1 PjJlci 'QMriC, Kas been arrested on two barges of embeulemenU hsrtma The Independent press of tha ast irenerai.

ly scouts Cbandler'a charges of Presidential barmininffaa foollsn. frothv and onsubetaif. twl. I '1 i Tbe report that tbe Democrats In the Senate have decided to sustain the: President's nominations as against Conkhng Is dlscredl. ted at Washington.

I A free fight occurred In Saturday, between pro and sntl-Turklsh: workingmen, lasting an hour, and participated in bsever- In an attempt to take one of tin Hanford (Tulare county) store robbery Solo- mon Gladden was killed Two lioraea were also shot 4 The California and Consolidated Virginia Mining Companies shipped buUlon this week; totbe.mouuoftl,l0halarge.i ment ever made from the Cr-matock. I i Senator Jons denies that be would be opi dto the pending remonetiaation a I posed 1 bill In tbe event that the Senate adopts Us Flnanea Commlttee'e amendment. lnomaa Nixon, eupposea to oa one of Union Pacific tralitmbtara: arfld Hmki I ba from Texas. In charee of two of Pinkeri ton's detectives 'i 1 4 I Tbe excitement at Victoria over tbe 'quart diicoterlea In Cariboo continue nnkbated The two latest ledges discovered yield ore asi saying from $00 to S160 to the ton. i The Board of Trustees of tbe Lick; estate hai settled with tbe collateral beirs by tbe payment of 179,000, tbe amount due as their share of tha $330,000 wblch the Truateei agreed to pay John R.

Lick. I The Supreme Court of Nevada haa affirmed "the declsloa of tbe lower Court la tha ease of Rover, for the murder of 8barp, and tbe Dial trict Court la Instructed to set a day for his execution. I It Is thought now that tbe recent candi factory disaster In New York waa caused bj the heavily laden floors of the building giving pars In Washington that the President wllr enorolnal Roosevelt and Prince as Collector -uu n.vai wmrer av.ew 1 or as soon as Congress reassembles, and that tbey will be confirmed. Four persons perished In a burning house at Central City, Colorado. The Buaaian lines have been pushed for- ward, and Erseroum is nesrly Invested.

1 denary T.Emerson accidentally shot and killed himself near Orovllle. John Gelzhauser. a pioneer of Tuba City. died of pneumonia. i The Vanderbilt will cvse-fo- Ke.

Xark has been adjourned to February 20th. Three children perished in a burning bouse at il organ, Iowa, Tuesday. A mass meeting of clgsr makers was held In New York, 4,000 being present. Four mines were sold In tbe Black Hills to I California csplUIlsU for Johany-De Angelis, the well known min- strel performer, died at 8an Francisco I Charles Flun, sUbbed by McCuliough fat Tuba City Christmas eve. Is likely to recover.

G. A. Bulley, late publisher of the Cnngrca. alonal Globe, died at Deerlng, NeWjiHampL rZr--''. won varios nss oeen requested oy tne rrcncp Government to leave France, and has piled.

Li aa a. a a iwentyne criminal cases nave oeen trca during the present, term of the San Joaquin uniy wan. The wife and daughter of Jsmes iBropby were ourneu to ueatu at oonuout, in oayniguu i. i One hundred men waited on tbe Mayor of Toronto, and aUted that they must have work or starve. A.N.

Stevenson, a well known farmer) of Sutter county, died near Tuba City Monday i Tbe obsequies of A.N. 8tevenson were large. ly attended at MaryaviDa by Odd Fellows and aerbtxirifigraTtoers." It is alleged that there la a scheme on foot among tha Bepubllcan 8eoatorato expel M. C. Bullef from the 8eoate.

1 Keportssys uatex-enator oimon vamecon nas compromiaea uis nreacn or promise suit ny payins; tne claimant lwu.v ii ia rumorea mnew xorg mat iqe wnm Nevada will soon eatablith IU own agenciea In New York, London and Parte, i Report says that tbe Republican majority in the Senate win be reduced to one vote when Congress ,1 1 Rev. Jonathan Cliaoe waa stricken wlthip. 7WJ P'P nBy ew Tbe wheat crop of this country aggregates about bushels, or 80,000,000 bushels greater than any previous yesr. Three, companies' of United States troops have arrived at Brownsvllla, Texas, Tor ser-' vice on tbe Rio Grande. i Mrs.

Collins, who was stabbed in Oakland Monday night by her, son, died Wednesday evening. Toung Colllua ia but IT years old. A cutting affray occurred at Eureka, Neva, ds Tuesday, between two Shoshone squaws. In wblch one of tbem received a death wound. Jesua Castro, a herder, waa caught bjbAa rope wit IsMolug a ataer In Huntington valley, Nevada, aad choked to death.

i i A rebeUlon has broken out la Punta Arenas, Cost(t has reaalttd so far in forty way, yoromunicmung me nre oy me ovcriurnp Ing of. numerous kerosene lamps. i 1 It is positively asserted by Democratic par in iy, a aoes la uw witb bare of alao that it a and ing all POBYTABDINO am4 COBEfXSSIOn-. Sanajr Advaaeed ea drain BUeraeTr tm Hlebest cash price paid for Pstmers Presiace ef all aJnds. i Dealers will find It to their odvanttrS te Hve ae a call before nareaaslnr, aaoar fiMiliUee for bay.

lug are equal to aay Hoaaethls sMe ef aaa Ftne clsco, ana ina we are oeterminea not ee nncniswiu, i Ji-cl fe? va TTpOif ALL KINDS OP XiaTXKN JEA003S, V-- AGBICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, to. Tft if uignesx svarxn rnce rusriir, Tfeal, 'nia is pelts; XERKINS. LOGAN A CO OHB C. sa mi ci GEXBBA1. SEDCnAIMSE, Crarie, i PraTialana, i llardware, Baata dk Shnesy, BtataajTweJa, i detains.

(J ji Tne aadersimed woeld reaMrtnllv InfiM-m the public; that ba haa a large and full asaortmsat ef General Meronoadlae. whaeh he offere aaaaa ro CAaa. The patkUe natronage Is respectfully-solicited. it i. n-wOBN C.

SAOBIJB ABB I1ABNEM i tJfAtK STnnrr, Cax i iiii 1 TUXODOBE FOSTC.CB, Praprtetan Ooastsntiyoa Haad ttagla. Ileavrjr Teaaa Hsreaaa, I It aPnnap ESngjjf IZameaa, i fiaddlea. Bahea. YTIi'wa: spwrsv CAlters, Elu ef All lXlnaW 1 Aew eaaw' ev 4 '1 i mi nl T-" RnrAntnro or Au. KrarBeNnATtT-itarav5 i Orders BoUcUelaad Prosapt Aitesdt4to; rib if" Ail' 1.

1 V' ft 1,. i. i I I i i ll 1:.

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