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The News from Frederick, Maryland • Page 1

The Newsi
Frederick, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

vot. FREDERICK, fciABYLAND, TUESDAY, SSPrEMBSB 24, 1896, 30 (TOTS A MONTH. or NIT TOK. ESTABLISHED IN 1842, one of the oideu and wfert life com- paaiat iaion in. Cash AaMts $204.000,900.

tad tatisfaa- Uon 10 ill policy noldart. M. MIXDOBFF, Ho. 5 Court Street. MANSFIELD.

BANKER and BROKER, No. 5 Court Street. POft 6A.LE.--80 shares ol the Frederek Coanty Nsitonsl Bank. FOB 8A.LK---Stock in Ntloosl Build- ng ud Loan Assoclstloa, any camber ol shares. FOB SA.LB---1 ot stock of the Fbit NaUonsl Bank of Frederick.

I allow six per cent Interest on Dally Balances on Honey. Or. Chas. 0. MACGILL, DENTIST, No.

17 North Market Street, Owr Thos. H. Hallerl Dry 6oods Store. FBEDEBIOK, MD. ornoi HODB-S to a to s.

Admhitstered. A ATTORNEY-AT-lAW OOOBT 8QtTAHH- DRS.RD.FAHRNEYSOM, fnd Floor First National Bank Building, (Entrance on Church 8t) Frederick, Maryland. ERNEST HELFENSTEIN, (Successor to C. Hartsock.) 24: West Patrick Street. CATON BLACK FOB ALL CLA.83R3 OP Tin, Felt or Shingle, Boilers, Smoke Stacks, Pipes, Outbuildings, ets.

Galon Black la Acid and Boat Proof land for Painting Tanks inside and on I and all classes of farm, machinery that are exposed to weather, Ii cannoi be excelled I Just the paint to have aronnd a farm or I factory. Always ready for use. Try oar Paint. PRICES F. O.

B. BALTIMORE. 50c. per gaL; 10 gaL cans, 60c. pet gaL; 5 gaL cans, TOc.

per gaL; 1 gaL cant, 75c. per gaL BAT09 MIIUFiGTUBIKG COMPAIT. Office, OAEEOLL P. 0,1 223. BAtTTMOBE, HD.

Fau Itlesg. Every Onel onr ghoes is to material. In kmansblp and in style. Our customers, tbelr number grows evsrr day. find nt lit with the prices we ask for shoes which Mr six months to one year.

Half site 'em. loer customers find onr thoee warrant halt 5 cue, two or three times, at LOY PERRY'S. A lucky accident M. StTKCKC, N. ,1 ty ClfC i Dr.

Deaae's They Ltac DR. J. A. DEANE N. V.

EXPECTANT MOTHERS We Ortcr VOL 1 A REMEOV Wfcidk liuurcs Safety to Lite of Matter end Child "Motes'Friend" Robs CoiiflatBttnt or Film, Horror ud gkk. My wtfe tuod -MOTUKKM- fore hrr Urat cbiid--havi nu qulrklr Dai lluie--no recorerj npld. E. E. JOIUJSTOK.Enlala.

Ata. (VSrBt Hul or receipt ot 91.OO per battle. BBADF1SLD HKGULATOR by all JUranteU. CATARRH A SCOURGE! 140,000 DIE ANNUALLY. 87 PEB CENT.

AFFLICTED It yon bavo all manner or and or do not know wiuu it the matter irlth yon. with all TOOT doctoring woree. It is the forerannei Consumption. Ceatnaas. Head- USE THE ONLY GUARANTEED CURE.


Constipation Biliousness Cause Sick-headache, Pains i the back, Sallow complexion, Loss of appetite and Exhaustion. There fe only one care, which is Oae Pink HH toadies the liver an removes the b3e, One Tonic Pellet nightly, acts gentle laxative in keeping the bowel 3pen, restores the digestive organs, tons ap the nervous system and makes "Xta rich blood. Complete treatment, to? pedicineS; one price, 250. Treatise and sample free at any store BKOWH xra. oo, vn rooc.

For Sale by Albert L. Pearre. brite. (WofcJy, psrauMtty Weakmna, and an of from fTia ramlts slekesa. WORT, etc.

Foil streaKth, dmb mial taeiiodi. ate imprerameat 2,000 HIE HEOiOlL GD Buffalo, SECURE THIS COURSE. 'To advertise our College we wfD give a thorough course of Instruction in Donble and Single Entrr Book Keeping and Commercial Arithmetic, by mall, at One-Fourth Regular Price to a limited number of TWISOOS. TbU oonne will be complete! In 4O lessons. So charge for diplomas.

Address 6ITY CTMIERgliL SGLLECE, 116 WestStcth Street. Topeta. Kansas, septdtwly Tg ALL PROGRAMMES AND MZST7 CABD8 THBHSW3JOB PSIHTJH6 Shorten it Cottxdene instead of lard and see vrbat a I crisp crast it will have; how delicious and wholesome it -will be. Pie made with Cottolene will do a dyspeptic good. Do everybody good because it is good.

There is only one secret in cooking wijh but two-thirds as much as you would naturally ose of lard. Follow this rule and Cottolene An tambwttHU te ll UO Uie reSl. twl otlMfinm ernr tin. by THX I. K.

FAIB315K COBPABT, CUCiSO aad lit KUTr.OT.r-. A POM VH1IT i A trn.r tb. Aliened leased from THE TESDICT by of Whom Wnlrs. sntlii o-urt jury in thu trl.u of the with vio o' the lawv. Iu tUt-harxv- -xii-l- siifpii of dp- irti tin- of rtinf Vu vchu-h tlic umi Wilmington uiul tikta out on tkf T.tuni* tniusshSjtjMtl to an un kuowu out bound Klt-lpliiti.

of the di to mate any of their all mny rvaonitblr of wrong The of the nation- BlitT, thMr undi-r arrt-rit, tho of ua exist iut? iu Cuba, ami the probability they an- ia sympathy trith the In-snnwtlonary pnrty. nn-iup ported by other evidence, would riot be sufficient to a vertlict of guilty." jury out only fifty minutes, and oa rctarniHK to the xurc room nn nounced venliot of not guilty. Instantly then' was mighty uc- compamed by the cUpplUyj uf hmJ, which doinoustRition IJLJUH! a couple of micutcs. The court offircrs could not tuako themselves heard, and had to wave their hands to restore quiet. Wnli-s asked the t'nltcd States A 7 vh there other chiirges the defendants, and be replied in negative, whereupon they were discharged.

After the defonilants had shaken hands their the spectators, among whom were luuiy nien. pressed forward and the Cubans. The ten during of confrratulation-i consumed quarter of an hour, and at the conclusiou of this interesting- scene tho conrt room vacated. A followed the men to the posGoffico corridor, where an informal reception waa held, after which the Cubans proceeded to their hot-l. tho Delaware whither they wore accompanied by sympachizers.

Im- jnediatcly their arrival at the hotel a largo American was uuCurled in front of the balcony. Cuban and the American flag are to be seen in many button holes. City Treasurer Attains Hew a Culian flag under the 5cars and stripes on the flagpolu on his It WBI greet -d with cheers. VTheu the flag on cho city hall was hoisted the CulKin on the balcony of their hotel took off th-ir hats, anu of the acquirnil of the al- linrptl i fr' tv-- tion of aud Cuban in rlie nt mile night. There aixjut men in line.

and. with numeroiii of lua-sic, they enthusiastically tiic city. It has n-ii been determined ivhat will be done with the and ammunition which wore c.iptmx'd at Peansj-rove, but it is thought it will be the Cubans. S-t TLe icb. Thrvf out vif Hoiniriilc.

Sept. 24. "William Mosher, aged 30 shot by Mrs. Effie 19-year-old married woman. early in the morning, and -Mosher died shortly afterwards in the of Dr.

L. C. Brown, of Tioga. whom he wai brought for treatment. Mosher, with three male went on a sniff.

and about midnight they drove to tht home of Mordecai Canedy. near Tioga. Canedy. vrho is quite ill and feeble, was sitting helpless on the poro5i. and his wifo in bed with th'-ir 2-yeiir-old child- After roughly handling Cr.aedy they invaded Eha house and esUTCd the woman's room.

Mrs. Canedy seized a revolver and threatened so snoot ii they did not- leave. AH fcnt iled, but he seized Mrs. Canedy. aud.

to her testimony, the weapon was discharged during the struggle. Mrs. Canedy. whose charactsr fe above reproach, in delicate health. The coroner's jury rendered verdict of justifiable homicide.

Murder TrimL FBASCISCO, Sept, The tenth week of the trial of Theodore Durrani sommenced yesterday. The prosectition DOW has its case substantially before the jury and all that the district attorney -will now introduce is corroborative testimony. The important evidence yesterday -was that showing that the prisoner bad attempted to pawn ring belonging to Blanche Lamont. When Durrant was positively identified by witnesses not a muscle of his face twitched. He neither betrayed guilt nor flashed back the glance of injured innocence.

Stop it Boxloe Mutch. BAJLTIMOBE, thousand people saw the "ooxinz contest between Mike Leonard, of Nt-w York, and Charlie Gehring. lightweight, champion of Baltimore. si the rJuroka club night. The V- f.vp rounds, bu: in the rhird round, nnd was declared no of police interference.

The to suppress an incipient riot which st.ined among the frimd? of on of an alleged lo-oi ly A ia JfrwarJt. -7 S-'pt. 3-: 3r an wa? ihe iii- 01 of th-' Ii.i.v.inco. at Xo. of th.

1 of blew out a'l i the toi vf itttLf Ktitelwyttuv won very 7 41 over a ttutt tx-(ran with run to Itwwani for i iirtv ami lufludet) back on soroiiJ and rrpetitlna of the iull Hi RUV Mr J. Arthur Brand to it of thtt lliaJ be h.ui hb iniud In ono not in ulliiT-. Hu had bclifvvd that Spructt IV wa. tuun- clcvvr in a breezo bli-ur. but Uio wind tb- tur tvaji Mr.

lirnud had uu punnlbltt uompliitnt, ht-oiinl. atmln-l ur kK-Mji- wcrv thi- except ic utu- Instance, whi-n Mr Colgate Hoyt's iiU-am launch pt Iu bis way otAft and uu.T(.-ni wuh bis orutiug of the line. "But." -cud Mr. Brtiud. "don't think a iiuniieuc thai 1 am umkingtt claim that would aff.vt ihd wai and Two Ovpatr Hnrdervd.

I.I-KK*. Pppt. Sheriffs Harris and Stift. of Arktta-iit county, wore shot tk-ail near Knpland. noke whilt- attempting to an escaped prisoner named Lacey had beou indicu-u for pnind lan-eny.

niul uiadu bis from the cuunty jail. He I.K-uUtliu an uld hmiv.tur.v miles from EnglanU.Oiitivfhen UJMIII to surrender he seized a ritle and opened HIV. Another ivport staio thut the crime was committed by two caped prisoners named Owen and ru'ir-i TT ur ii.i-nlcri.ri La-woods. Wealthy TKX Payerm Clmrcrd wlih IVrJnr.i SmisariELD, Sept. satiomil n-iK)rt ever by a burejiu was niadt- public lest lii-hr IllinoLs bniruu of IaiKr charges that- the iinijority uf tli" wealthy taxpayers of Iitin-iis.

aiiti especially of C'hicjust), are tis.c' the atv Office; that tue flnnucia: ti.u!.:!n of Chic-ago is din-ctly tracwible to th rapt of tnsation, and tli" "U- plorable condition of workmen i the libcrtv destroying methods uf which prevails." The WKUIFD'S CoDcms mt ATIAXTA. Sept. women'-, gress opened yesterday with a nu- and interesting program, in mnny distingnisbod women from distant cit; were represented. Mrs. LculicM.

(iordo'i the chainunn of the committee on congresses, has labored faithfully to bring representative women from all overtbo world to tlie sonth through the meainm of her department, and ha succeeded. The pmtrrn'ii splendidlistof brilllantand brainy women. Tht congress U'gan business unlay. Thr Boom nt Utithlelirin Iron BETHLKHK.M. improvfiiu'ins an 1 in at of the BtTiil'-hfin Iron umipnny.

and when comploced r.V.' plant will be th. 1 'urgcst in the world. -t hfcist furnsw has K-eu will IHJ in a dnr or two. while tun-, block furnaces h.iv; -r. jnishttl.

Additions bjinpr t'i flu- works, and all is su-rivity. Tin- plant i-; running eap.i-'iiy day auu uight, employing nearly Mardcr WASffisi.Tnx. Sept. i4--Tho John A. loaded with lumber, wivs found drift about near Crei-k.

on the Potonuic. iy river with thf ninnictvd body of tht 1 skipper on board. It is beii'-vcd that, WA- mnrd.Tvcl nri'l robbed by hi crew, tvhn wen- colored, thai the cro.v the yaw! boat and t- The name of the skipper is nur. nor is the port wnich the schooner hails-d. and Dre-vroeS.

EFCAXABA. The schooner E. R. iron ore laden, from port to Toieiio. sank ii big gale on Green Bay on night wkh on board.

Of tn- crew only the names of Captain Hutton and Mnsnrie Bennett, thf stewardess, are known, the crew of fiv- men being stnmgrrs The WiHianii was in tow of thp steamer Marie. which returned evening and reportw! the wreck. Win, PHILADELPHIA. -4. By a strong batting rally in their inning yt-s- terday thc-visitingcricketvrs from O.xf.ird and Cambridsr- defenu-d the Gcntleinf of Philadelphia by four runs two trickers.

vv nen play resumed the score st'xxi 372 for the fur botb thi-ir innings, to J5B Oxford and their first. The ganif was won by score of 376 and wo wickets to.772. The New Cop KEW TOKK. The New York Yacht club -li-rlii co th- mnniriiriiii- Vi- clu! anri Mr. nskinp match for tb" iv-tr The will foe aotcd up -i- -n mo-tine of clult bo conwiiamtr Jn" i- ex pectcd threw it as a Konnd In an OM i S.

A Hr.n- ganan fr his work a.' 1 foiind in an vfrninf anil V. fr-jni about 'jcad Ixnly received bv fftiiinjr thf sh.ift tic to the and is in a critical condition. At^-- IJa'finiorv Philadelphia. 4.

A Ci; New York. 7. At 11; 4 At r-r. J.i;ns rinoin- Duti. ij, i.

1 1 f. At lirjo.vly too, Brooklyn, T. .7 1 1 To i i i i i. by isi iiM to a-lnjit inx-ifie Hein? by Bnll. bur, Uo was gor-xi uy a vicious biill last dfed jestorday of her CUBAN; DC NJ Opening of the Great National Convention at Chicago.

riTTEEH HTTBDRED DELEQATES as Mu. tt tin- -x 4 itt5 4 ttut to llitf iu vhU-f omt- CHIOAOO, Sipt. Tha gnat of IrUk WM In Toung ChrUtiaa hall at 19 o'clock thu moral with ft reprw MBtAxioa of IrUhmca from all of country. fully t.5QU In whra nilon opened. guneral objeal tho (ormabon at open orpanttaMon for arther- anoe of cho IrUh oauce.

who the call for conruntlon olatm that It contemplated that shall or adrusd la attainment of the Independency of Irish people ftatlen, unlara such manns doomed absolutely mveosary, and the object IB rleir probable of attainment. lets bellered the convention will toreTiTelntereit mod infuse new life into the Iriib caiuxi, both In America and Great Britain. Among the many dlstincrnistiod delegates is O'NolU Ryan, of St. LonU. Mr.

Ryan, who wan one of the of the for the convontion. Is ex-prmident of Irish XaiitnuU league. So Indl- eatethe purpoous of oonveution Mr. Ryan said: "It la a conveatles soiled by leading men of the Irish race, who ceaiod to have confidence in the efforts of the Brittich parliament to obtain for us oar rights. "We rrtsh to make known our desires and our d9d2cds 0 'li the iuslrumeutalicy ot this convention.

Then we shall await outoomo. We Irish to arouse the Irish movement from tho lethargy In which It been allowed to fall those past four or years. The general principle which we advocate, and for which I believe convention will declare, Is the complete Independence of the Irish people. There been considerable talk about convention's declaring In favor of the employment of physical force in obtaining our ends. Now I do not believe nor do I think the prime movers in calling of this convention believe that such a coano would be advisable at this time.

It would be foolishness for the Irish people to enter into a rebellion which promised at the outset to end in our people 'being imprisoned and killed. But I do believe that the men most active In this causa are in favor of force should it bs necessary and likely to bring about tha desired result." Considerable comment Is being aroused by the fact that among the fifty from New York city who hatfB arrived JOTB O'Donovan Rossa and J. P. Tynan. Tynan became celebrated la 18S3 as the "Number One," having laiharge the "removal" of government officials in Ireland.

He it was who was accused of having contacted the killing of Chief Secretary Cavendish Under Secretary Bark in Rxcsnix park, Dublin. So carefully was the name of this man kept from his fellow conspirators that even Jamos Carey, a leading member of the Invincibles, knew htm only "Number One." Carey, how- tnr, when he became an informer, mode it neuebiiry for to come to this country. During the year following the killing, Tynan was a member of the Mid- 41esex volunteers, a crack London corps, and was one of tho men picked to escort queen to the opening of the oaw royal on strand, BossaisweU known for his dynamite He was." it is claimed by friends among the delegates, most inhumanly treated while in tin English prison. on a thirty years' sentence for hia connection with the Fenian movement, being to lap his food while his hands were tied behind his bock. He lately visited England, the term of his kaving ejcpirccl.

A sensation has btvn created by the announcement that among other things the convention will consider the ea-ses of the Irish political prisoners still held in penal servitude in Kugland. lord Salisbury, it Is stated on sigh authority, will probably be sent a fomal dt'niarfd for their release within a certain period, which if not complied will hufotiowi-d by the carrying out strictly of the old law. uu eye for an eye and. a tooth for tooth. For every prisoner not released the ''removal" 55 of a British cabinet officer or other prominent English government official.

Home Coming. ST. N. Sept. No new matter developed with reference to the Peary expfdiiion.

AH the members will go from here by steasasr Sylvia, leaving tomorrow and reaching XCTV York Monday. They are engaged in pocking specimens, which wni be transferred to the Sylvia on her arrival from PUley'a Island, whera he is now loading ore. "in an interview Lieutenant Peary says that he will not undertake any further Arctic work. He denies that of the bones of General (ireciy's party wore found at Capo Sabine, bat the oflrocrs, engineer, fireman and sailors of the Kite contradict hia statement. Thu waiter is widely discussed here.

-pt. There wasqmte a gathering cf governors the several a- th" rtirK-nnl capiral Amonjrtv-u irnvTm- Woodbuiy of Vermont. of Dodge of low.i MI -n York, who, wilh north tha r.i:,WH5- the me Atlanta Sehoficid (jovt-rnor ilor- travehnj: ton. a ifr 24 Ii has -r Suicide. hiii Arta l--Kir-.

in r. kept to fiai-h 'Civ two h.vl aevpr bad of b-'n hrr gn i i i him, her l.x-=T- fiiSJil he livtenuluoi npos killing her. --ps. L'i --Ivc-County TTeas- nrer M. C.

who i- a defaulter for fjti.trtu. funml. Hv left thecity Thursday the Norfolk and Western. wtH, since then noth- ni MI" 7 ruction ol the co'unvr eoiBiJiiSMumsrsIrn not causing arrest has created a Mnsotioa. the i nnd tr.t pn-vailxl In- wa Uirti sixty yearn MdU tanillo.

Hr I- onsrus-tiil anil uuchly nlui.ttHil Irfi M.iur.itn!li last, and wtui a-. th- the revolution in li thlf ncoiu- of imimtnon' i-hl'-fs nt tin- tuiiurr n-votulloti lo hlia, ituv xvrut rvltifomtt by PrtMidPtit Spottirnii. whturlnK hln tcnn pnlilbthetl a ticvrvv ui put to di'Mth any por- son whu anything but Culiaii MIIAM) rvot'ivi-d him, but le.trliiK lil" dlssiuislon told htm to Ifavi- ittinutllatttly or his own di-unv would U- on ami SulrUIe with Kacor. Sr L- Dudley, younc mulatto woman, was iiiunlt-nxl las', i-v-iitti); by Mfc-lt Simpklns, a colort-d oiuiitlH-r. who ended hit own lil'i-liv oiittinir lik thmnt with a with three claldtvu.

h.ul IKITI vi--y to Mrs. Uiuiii-y. lU-r hti-Uiinl. who i.t a tnick- man, city and prosperous cittfA-u, attentions to hit: wifi-, for time the hitter re- from Ijonteven- lujj. while druuiv.

SlmpkJm met Mrs. 0111-oi UK- prttivipul thorough- fureH of eity. Hi- ainistwt her, and iift-r Jew words suddenly drew a razor from pix-lt'-t iinii iln-w it across hi-r throut. hut when he had none but a siior'. he cut his own throat, living iiMtantly.

Mrs. Dudley llvwl but iuilf.iu iiuur. Crux MKDIRI Yiiiiitun. from is aluriniuif. T-i" Snnta Cruz In- lire n-jmrKil with iiKHlcrn and an abundant supply of all tnulersuro milking oiit'of nn American firm h-'lnif active in thin i now proposu to their Innds and to hold th'-ir i.vj..

The continued aid givi-n tin- In in Bi-lizn by British colonies is with Indignation by the who consielcr it almost to nn iict of war. Bnrc Fntnlly. AI.TOO:;A, P.i. St-pt. 9 oV.Iook at ni.c'nt I 1 iiit'U tho houM) iu town- shi.i I4n" rtippfy T'i- furully wcro thy diinxhter playing suicrel UIIIMV tin- One of In- trudt-rs d- n.ip.iii-a tfuit she play d.incing mihiu.

Tui.i not do. men tht-u drew the family and il It them iioi ilictn. Tlioythuii hoiL-t; with di-lilvration. iindr-ilvrrwutchiaiand other Xu ciuw. P'-W r.

Mr. Ciiatineey M. Clinuncev EiT vlu-ro he in to hiiV( x-eu on a -'-f up the differ- U'tw-t K. Vnnd'-r- bilt and lirr lorin iiuiivind's family, in ii'tti'- aurrl.wo of Mifts Coii-iHt-i') -rfiilt to tho JDuko of ---w looked very happy, nnd had awnruplishod the obji--t of In n'Idition (n Mi. rbilt ill have 850.000 a Mnther and Drowned.

Al.BIox.X-b.. S-pt. distrcsilnp accident otrnrn-d fn his raih-s of this lii-rt HjlUiii, child wr-rr driving into the village in a Whfu nnir were obliged to lainyoii. this w.w fllled with wnt-r to a it Uu- firt. In cntrfiug the the three oe- ctipnats wt-n- irii' tiie wim-r.

and Mrs. an.1 L.r wore drowned. rr.t-nr,5 li'i of T'ivm- Wolcott. iW Kin? i and after stolp ft) and uf Tin- wore aft'T of r.i'n-y which they in th- hoiis-, but he di-positcU it in us Saturday. NEWS.

in St. IT-- -r. reported since Oraham died at fr, barns by A. Onr 'hi' 1 vf I Til- i A i ny-that have of- i. jail at -I." ri-v A- f- --r ,1 "2 of a couple of into rk Uhnrch at -i i.

itchi-ts. I' lYo; ti M. stie ii.ii- vt-rnl her fur i jv.i~», in the pcr- di 1-1 i i ..) 1)0 worth about yitt'rju ami lnvc uiAriied anotber wo- uvui in that slaw. iM'i nil ii HIIUI Gathered in II umbers for the ruc-r MAST CANDID BOBBING HE. HM.

Kclmoft by a. Cbalrimut tW Cuuv.u'toB-th.- Wwk tta Will i i i tfate city, and ewry plaiv wht-r- i ins'- haT9 IhU uuirnitii; ni.i'- TH, Multo i i I 1 iktxnit i- -l at If.i A third morr Ii Saratoga lit th" iMuvention, and h.L thrown to thw wind, and tlu slatv- in f.H/iy K-HH! ithape yt-storduy i-. uliuoHt lost -ight of behind the -swarm of lu-vv onr oftto-s ttiut now to IK- nil uf art- tlio-M- of Nvn-iarv of iitiurney Tin- hviiw to be tbt- main coniftiitim uud hnvi- dt-vi-1-ijnti The proliitbility that tin- tu-kct wlU not N- vlt-etfU Ix-fon- toniKlit, and that evrn then fit-vunil eandldutt-i will be luftto flght ovor the A at tho lick of for the places will thaw the context that if on: rt-iitrj of HoratloC. Kluji of UrtMiklrit. Isaac S.

Cat- liti of Brooklyn luid Churlut A. Cary of Orleans. Atttrniy L). G. GrlfHu of Watortown.

Glovenivlllf. K. of Fonda and U. L. Dow S-ti Campbell of BatJi.

1). L. Uowof S. A A. C.Sohcu of T.

i.f Xow York, Jacob of MonriH-. Xnrton Chuseol J. in-iiugof Albany and J. 11. Mi'tt-aSf of i i i TJ-i- hits in-leeted Hon.

Porry Bi-lulfjut tobt- the temporary chair- ninn of tho convention. The convention, will called tuonlt-r by Chairman Hinckley of thu state cuiumittw itl noon, at "Alhatnbrti rink, uml'thon Mr. Bcbnont deliver i address. Charles B. De- Frt-wst, Calvin K.

Hewson. W. H. Ellta, Charles T. i u.ud Benjamin Kin- yen will be natnotl as temporary secro- tarii-s.

Aftvr the roil lx-t called and any contests iniU'd the elwimian will Ootnmlnces (in permanent organization, credentials and soi ut A n-cusa tlien iK-tiikt-ii i tomorniw morning at 10 o'cleock, whru the work of Uic convention will bi- tomorrow, therefore, the fight of camlldates will continue. Intc-rwt'natnrally centers in the platform. Thi- aubmitMA will be this cnnnl plunk: "The Dinnrtcrntic gnvenror, Strmnel 'JL Tilden, In his to the recommi'iidfl th" Improvement of the state canals upon the plan embodWA. in the proposition to bo voted upon by the people, at approaching election. Incomplete accord with tho principles and policies of Governors Seymour, Tildon and Hill, the Dt-inocTatic party heartily approves the- proposition for improving' canals of this siatu.

"The Duuiocnuic pnrty of the state Kew York stands unalterably opposed a so called ship ramd project between great inland and tidewater of Hudson river, as well ns against federal aid toward improving onr canals or na tiooal with tha csaal owned and operated by the state." platform farther that return to prosperity i the country is to proper odmtnlstratlaa national affairs by Democrats, and against any tariff tinkering. It against the re-ennotmont of any law similar to the Sherman silver law. the administration of President Cleveland, points out- the immense expense incurred by BO called investigating committees, and arraigns the administration of Governor Morton tor glaring sins of omission commission. Cntled to Wuhlnjrloa. WASHrsGTOS.

Sept. congregation of the First Presbyterian chnrnh. of this city, lost nijrht voted to extend a call to Rev. T. DeWitfc Talmage to lie co-pastor.

Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland are members "of this conjrrep'tion. It will be understood If Dr. Talmagf? the cnll that it shall not with his CbristJan Endeavor other worJk.

Dr. Allen, -who is Dr. Sunderlands' assistant pastor now. will retire if Dr. Talmaw accepts the end of a yrar.

It is understood that Dr. will accept. Mrn. Linctry'n Stolen Loxiwv Sept. Lanjttry WM Interviewed yesterday on the subject of loss of her bo.T of jewels from tha Slonne sfnvr limneh of Union bank of London last work by mmns of a fonzvd Mrs.

IxinRtrr said that there waa no suspicion aeainst any of her servants, but that the pcheme have Ti'irk- ,1 ov who was cojmizajrt of ior was there so much of h-r jewelry at the tank. I -re rnti ni. y. mercary dr-f. Mn tta f- AT jl'e th" tt-ri Al the fall wa- -vi i- tho e-r rcr nc'CdfU tLera Lr will fo.Iuw if i Mi toix tV.

TV- before inir i and i- fired. kiH- v.niioxl T) il. bo." -t cahlccl from VT-, i '-i that -nr. (V-f ivrrer of inocii'-Jir'nn as for ra'iu dviag, p- -r In vory health, ami rhc Iiis legs, Icoiu. which, he hua siuTeral atone.

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