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The News from Frederick, Maryland • Page 4

The Newsi
Frederick, Maryland
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

of to btklac powder High ttnagilL-- Stftrt. ucic rat to lOSIiUSRBT.LT. THE DAILY MONDAY. 8KPTKMBKB K. 18M.

THE WAR IN CUBA. Ufa AM la-nrvoBlA. if Havana oi The that poor of rpt Oa tho harbor police of Baraoit. a nupiclous boat th" American law boat Tpon ar- they opi-nrd. the and ft:" ntle Thry Txvirtltxl and the ira- neiU.iU'lv to March tN' It waa that the Spanish li's'Timu WHS the who tlrvinan and boat- luaii ware nil by court fonad jfu.lty of a i i in- to penal for life, it s- in Havunu that the Insurgent- regaUrly rvo-ivo tuppUta of oanrulgi" by ln'ngthy t-legrmius from Madrid itate pOtitiTely that Spain will send further rui-u In aud an equal number in and if they are prepared to im-ivasr the nnnr in Cuba to 800,000.

is rUtht in that he does not want more men. What clearly is BaoeturT if that the Koldiem have more i UI i i i ftaoization. aud. ab-re all. more competent direction needed if a KBult wished, La Discussion (newspaper) laKt published au account of a ftftcen days' march by General and 3.000* men through the province of Puerto Principe forthe Minftno Inez.

The ttsuit was a few unlm- tant skirmishes. account reads the story of Don Quixote, rather thaa a warlike action. Tieacn Police and Workiuoa VIENNA. Sept-. At a demonstration hy 8.000 workmen la favor of universal vuffrage held here serious collisions occurred with the police, and twenty-sis ar- were inailp.

tie method and results rap of Figs is taken; it is pleasant refreshing to the taste, and yet promptly on. the and Bowels, cleanses tha sys efiectually, dispels colds, and fevers and cures habitasl ation. Syrup of Figs is the remedy of its kind ever pro pfeaang to the taste and a to the stomach, prompt action and truly beneficial prepared only from the most sralthy and agreeable Bubetances, tti excellent qualities commend it and have made it the most Cellar remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 bottles by all leading drug- Any reliable druggist who not ham it hand will pro- it promptly for any one who snsnes to try it. Do not accept any sbstitme.

CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAf KT. CXC New Wall Papers fi Jm for FaH arrived, to be sold it reas- oaab'x We first cl 199 banger, (no diaber) one that un- aSsUnds Ms trade, to ban? oar papers, that a job of workdone Don't be- Fooiish mDc, thinidag it a EAGtEBRASD Has Ho Equal A I I A STORM. REV DR. TAtV'Gt 3 t.SSON OP THE INCIDENT ON THE SEA OF GALILEE.

CVrtu ror Cfcrtti the Kouzfr. at -SvXhlnr to U. AteMU Tlx tt'orW T'I hSvrtunt. a rt. ati! ji vn.Ki^cnv? sU v.

tl.v -i Mark -T, fv- vt tin ISIKI liilie oiwl tlarr K-irJM anil, t.U|lU|(- itiaui lutitjfitiK uf IM-UIV. rumlliii thmujrh tvl anil tiw liIUi-if thv mt. In the i.f our hrtkl- lncU and w. with vrgvtatiuti. act! ufdiinate lliat i.f torrid mid til- walnut i'f rllmaU 1 wvjv ouly a vaniii and utiM- ihe 1 for ui! Tin- worn Murml it 1 flowers." front uhldi C'! hi- nntl thf ill-- ii-ii-i llcntf and tni-i.

It a- If ij (lahhfd a vrmr uf th-a-ity nil until it hunx ilrijijilnx from nn-h i i hill-S ttu On tiarli Ihi- tin; t-lxrr uf tin- c.irtlilv n-- If M-t It In raUKP with the hill- of A Smooth Son. i i jji-tn luul Mi a Potting a- Thu r. thickly In- i lins; liiiinmr for titinx. IJt'th-aiila, Clionizln am! IMMIII tlid I'tink. with whix'ls of trr.fli- lla-hing with splendid uiul hh'-itiiiK tlit-ir vcsw-U tin- Jjiln-, nivrcbandisc of wwilthy produi-s.

liitsif Kumna gt'UtU-iimn r.r.A Lsof tho conn- try who K'ul coiiu 1 down to cast not tlti'rc xl other with nod and Bliuut nnd r-ide bv sitl swung l.r. bath and towi-r and shiulowy nrbtir. look is 1 otT the unlm gweet todron, and i hod covenxl with IiortH-ttial snuw, in plow of the setting sun 1'jokitl likf hi-ardinl prophet n-july to asrrnd in a cliiiriot of flro. I think a uielit Not a lrnf Tvinks in or dlturbs the surftwr of G'-nnfsnrcf. Th" shudows of the itrrat hi-tull'i'iiU stnik clear acrosa the wnror.

Thp voict-s cif ovenlngtido, drowsily they --triko tho the splosh of thu honmmn's onr and the thumping of tho capturod on the txiat'B iKittoin. and rhoso indescribable which fill tlu atr at nightfall. You hasten up tho brai-h of tint lako a littlu way. and thorp you find oxcitoment oa of an embarkation. A flotilla pushing out from westi-rn shore of tho lake -not a squndron with dradly armament, not a clippi-r to ply with rnltialtlo merchandise, nut pinitic vi-ssols with gmp- plinp hook butt to ditath whatever they could scizt-, Inn a flotilla laden with nies- of nnd inorcy and peace.

Jesus is in tin' front ship; his friends ami admirers in tho small bunts following aftnr. Christ, by tho roofcinor of tho boat and tho fatigm-s of the preaching oxerciHa of the day. is inducvd toshnnbi-r, and I soo him in tho stern of the Imjit. with a pillow perhaps exto.n.porl7etl out of a fisherman's cosit, souii'l The of the lake run their finders thniush tho locks of tho wornout sletpcr. nnd ou its surfaoo there ant) liirfit ship, like a child on the bosom of its slerpiitg mother.

nijiht. night. Biviutiful niyht. Run up the and ply all tlio CKirs nnd 1ft thu hunt-, tho bift bout ond tho snuill ciiiluig over gentle Gennesaret. Cnlmirip ihe Sea.

Tho sailor-" pr.iph.'-sy change in tho weather, to tnjvnl sky atul After awhile, t-vca tho rh he-r he moan of storm, which COHH-S on u-itn niiiui mid with all the (erroi-sof and darkness. Thu owkt. caught in tho Kiuld-n tury, trcmMc iik a tlm-rat hay, amid wild of thf limit p-'ttehcs of foam are liung air. Tito loostnetl iLippmj: cnu-k like pistok. Xiio on tho white cliff of the driven sea trcmhlu like ocean then plunp- into the trough i terrific nvoop until a wave strikes wish thuctiir rr.wk, the Uictlios.

and the the rush iuto tho stern of IKKH amid Uw hurricJine. "Master, thou not tlmtvre, That ago lifted his head she- coat nnd imlfcci but to the of vessel and looked xijion the st-orm. On all sides -were the small Iniats t-ossiirr in he'iii- lossness and from rht-nitcjtine drowsing v.i-n. By she lliL-h of see the calnmcss of the uncovoix-d bn-w of Jesna and the if the from beard. two words- of mand-- ono wind, tllwothor for iLp He the Jusiv- ens and he cries.

"Pratt-!" and Uien ho looks down infuriate waters and he "Be still!" The thunders btsic a retreat. The-wave-s fall flat on fares. The extinguished steirs rekindle tJirir torches. The foam meJfs. The storm is dead.

And while the crew are untangling the cordage and thecatrtes and bailing out the water from tho bold of the ship, tho disciples stand wonder rtnTcfc. now gnzlng into the "calm sky. now gazing into tho calm sea. now cnzing into the calm faca of Jcus and 'mo to another. "What- manner of man is t-his, that even the winds and the sea-olx'y the I learn, first, i subject- that whcdboa Jir? nny kind rou in The fact i 1 that would have goso the -rs.

h.Tl r-j ovt new s-jme new busiEss- are 10 plan I it -'j. ii you to go the irradTsiill o.i;:r-e pian noshing voo are a if Y--u 'v in .1 i' God -m t- be i r. i 1 iio right "A tcn'r if i you to w-r a Oiin.iTinT Vork to a coinuiiTf or a jiu r.nical tnniupii. Yet they ay not Tni-y gives riieiu all prosperity. Wln-u "ilUiattar tluil Uectrors others.

TSse hurl ly Iuto hljthrr tlait rvtr ft, cj.j.,;] au jfi-v uv-fto, I. n.r:,; in i 1 iu uj i i i rlii.r. Ihw i-n-r sf ft I-IIH! a Jl lha'. it. eno to i ktiplx -in- of the wim-I i ou that thu 01 truii 'L i Lwani; v.

the urv lilU ti itli il of tlje Vi-tr4 4 iN U.i, will wnnt in M.irlUA VI ili Coiur. I in i 1 who follow Cliri-; must cut always Mpr. siniolh tln-M- Rot into tin- 1 -VI: a di 1 1 fu! i Wlio not 1 1 1 I an ride ill in t.H'ii- smnli aflcT trie -hip i i Hit wlic'i i 1 I fuUIld OUt thtit 1 rot n'wnys So you li'ive found out and -o I found out. ff then- ur any peojili' would i ouuht to a time in p-tt out of tliU world, tin- of us ChrNt ought to hnve me n. Have yon ever how they out of the world? Ht.

lost hi- head. St. Philip wits to death iixmnst a St. Matthew was struck to ili-ath by a halU-rd. St.

Mark tlrvggitl to death through tho streets. f. IH--S dashed out with, a fuller's club. Siut- thias WIIM htoneil to St. Thomas struek tliroii-rii i a r-iienr.

John HUKS in tho liiv. the AliiKen-es, the tho Scotch Covenanters-- ilid they always ilml imoorh Whv go so far? There is yonnir mtin in ston in New York who a linrd Uino to muiulain ins Christian ulmracter. All tlie clerks laugh at him, thu employers In that store laugh at him, and when he loses his patiouco they Bay, You nrc a pretty Christian." Not so easy it forthiit young man to follow ChrL-t. Jf liiu did uot help him hour by hour, fail. There nro scores of men today who would be willing to testify that in following Christ one does not always find smooth sailing.

There Is a Christian girl. la her home they do not like Christ. She has hard work to get iihiJcrit place in which to say her prayers. Father opposed to religion. Mother opposed to religion.

Brothers and sisters opposed to religion. The Christian girl does uot always find it smooth sailing when she tries to follow Jesus. But bo of good heart. As seafarers, when winds are dead ahead, by setting tho ship on starboard Lick iinil braclug tho yards, data tho winds thnt oppose the cottrse propel the ship forward, so opposing troubles, through ClirKt, veering around the bowsprit of tmth. will waft you to heaven, when, if thu wintls had been abaft, they might have ror-Uiil and sung you to sleep, and while dreaming of the destined port of heaven you eouiil not have heard tho cry of warn ins; a in! would have gone crashing Into the breakers.

The Again, my subject teaches ma thnt good people gtt very much frightened. From the tone and manner of these disciples as they rushed into tho of tho vessel and woke Christ up, yon know that they are fearfully scared- And so ic Is now that- you often find good peoplo wildly!. "OUVsiys some Christian man, "the infidel magazines, wsruipcrs. the societies, tho Importation of many foreign errors, the church of God going to be lost, the ship Is going to fuunder! The ship Is going down What a-v you frightened nfcoutf An old lion pies into-llis cavern totate a epA bnd he lies down- until his shaggy mane covers his paws. Meanwhile the spiders outside begin to sphi-webs orer the month of his cavern ami "Tbat Bon cannot break our.

through, this webv" anJ they keep on spinninc until they pet tho mouth of the cavern covered "Now," they sajt, "the lionls done, tho lion'sdone-." AfteraiwfaQe tfaefliqn avnikes and himself, anQ he walks out from, the- cavenji never knowing there WUIB any webs, and with voice he fihakes the moon tain. Let the infiilcls imi tho- sceptics of this day go on spinning their wabs, spinning their infidel gossanwr theories, spinning them all pJaoe whsre Christ feerus to be sleeping. They say: "Christ can never again come out; the work is done. He can never through this logical web we have ICCD spinning." The day will come when the Lion at Jodab's tribe will rouse hiiusetf and come forth and shake tnishtHj- the nations. What then all jour What is- a spider's web to na.

aroused SOD? Do not fret. -it world's- going backward. It is poing ftjrward. stand on Uie of the SCA when the tide The almanac says the tide is tiding, but tie -wave comes up to a point. ar.U ihenit "Why," you sny.

1 i p-'ns K-u-k." No, it is not. The wave COJIH-? up a little higher, and it goes back. Again you the goinc out A 3d tlie next time Vho ware come a higher point, then t-a higher point. Notwithstanding reeesskms, at last all shipping of tee knows Js high tiife. So ifiR wiia tie cause of in the world.

One comes up to oce point, and we are grt-it- Ij eacosrgcd. Then seems to go rils Kent year it comes to Jvlgher point nrtl Jails back, and Tiost yonr It to .1 i higher point" and faUs frvck. but time it advancing. Kr-til it sliail fide, i srvv! of. wledir the waters fill the sea.

thou noA I Of, lV-a vae, on lux txxuo'" usasi' 1 want euurage 4 of I want town to btsu uty wtum I taiti I pusuv i tbe of the I .1 I inio i--k i-f boat, anil 1 am! a ij -f. 8'nl I of A i -c. i r- i i or. I -ay: "lie m.i:.' lit s- man 1 nnii ni-ii the I go into' Ho Ho ifi i i i -yi-i; i ffiliv uafli of tins boat, 4 htub my hut" ers, a -l Of Jnl caO IK the liiv-l curKu 4 iLc one thai liuug an The iJ'jwn through yottr Or perhapii it only -u had, jiud your nwiil hoi rvt- the falling alutjK tbo crtlin bilug Or j- it an ntoUMrr tiutt wou away. You to tfDti tur tu-r when you had any kind trouble-.

w.k. 1:1 yuur huUMt to wrl come your iiitu life, tud vrkri they dlud wtu to pUr you. know tlii- old will ucver do nut. more kintlii. fnr and tlte lock oi hair Uia: l-vp su well la tht caakft uf not look BO well it did on the day wheu moved it back fruui tbt: wrinLinl forvhwuj under the country, or ix-rh-ips your haw goue.

You "Then-, I -o much in bank t. I lii boiucH, much I h.ivu in wj 1:1 uch I have In Sud'li-nly It nil gone. Ahv-! for the UMI: wj.o oncu bail plenty of money, l-i." whu luutlh enough now for the i.i.i.-uing marketiiig No hturm 'i-iuu-Mirel li-i. that wulch hn- its thun dera over your wjul. Hut you in tin- t.Mit uf the ship, crying.

", vliou not that 1 perUhf" And Chn-t up and quiuted you. Jesu-t li in tli. 1 icnuiuit. Them is HIM- htorni wtucb we must all run. When IKES this life to taku hold of tli.iii.-x:.

I riot uaro how much he ha-, he wiil want it all. What 1-: that, out Ibat is dying Christian rocketl -of death. that lli- tillan of pomp and juiwer como down, on that Christian sual. AH the of darkness to-be-let, for it Is ucir iue tviiiiifjg oi kindred s.i:ms to wuU the swirl of tho waters, and thi'-a-n-amof thu-vrind, and tho thunder of the sky. Deep to dwp, billow to billow.

Yet mi trui'-uir no gloom, no terror, no for tiio dying Cliris- tian. is from part of the Vint voico out, Wlu'U thou fhniiiirh the water-. Ix 1 with liy the of the the dying Christian dtits the harluir L-; only just ivliiaiU. From liiMVoolyuastlas voices of welcome come over the waters- Peace drops on. the angry wave as the rtf-onn sobs itself to- rest like a child falling asleep amid tears uud truublu.

Chii-st hath hushed tho tempest. Warnll-be XAPIIVU.LE. Sept. Two- attompte vrori? mob Rr rapture Harrison Fullor antt Fniuk Simpson, both" nejjroes, vrlwi vn Cimso of an nttuvk upon the LiTcintrton jail -tome triylnsasw. At- lAxinptou a mo!) of i-itizens hi-ld tip a train bound for C.ii'i-K'U.

it supposed 1 iirsrroi 1 btvni taken fot s-ftfck-fpiufr. ami the cintftictor To carry thorn- Cnvk. Here- they A. Liiui- take them iitoiiitlrhem-witb hi- of tip uiiiuil train. nnd ninli co off way rju- 10 i.t.t th til- 1 jrist'noiN.

the firi'il o-l ill iil WI; I'-itThing- X. -DC. p'c won- I 1 fn the surf nst'l rh- mvm- w.w diflu-ulry. AvilV of a in Mi-s Srmv iam Fifc. rs old.

vrn- tit. i The- ttde wji-nun i i i I out iim- was Hi- mThiT- h'ni. n'j't fiiit. "ir th" -vli 'n this youns so il. TkV.

Sun.Ioy. --The oi'lHal of thi" bxtronu recorded the l.i^brst scmptTatnri! takerr tfsr on in this city At 4 o'clock the registcred'96 The asean-tempcriiiiirc for the tUiy-wjii: art wliiohi is ii above- tic normal for Sept-. The humidity was low. however, their beinsj 49 per cent, of moisture in Br.t)0-a*e of Thit gnat Urn oolT kncrwo remedr for tor Albert L. Xtchfaoa Bafltow.

A mod TTnacsAl Often. OMe'of Tbromt mao long Cure fills to the oeA price reramJed. for Mto Or Albert L- BaCdter. A brtry bsd CnrV- unrate. Ate.

OTed by J. B. Mmrtto. of Pllte Bo Ttet not cans OomtJflatton. They only annnate.

Karl's Olorer Boat per feet rccnlarttr of tbe twrt L. Pearre. Btohbon BolMlng The BoBt Ooocb CBPO ShDoh 1 Core. A aegteoted coiyrti Is dao- fteecna. StopKatoooewnb fauloh's rariale bj Albert Pearre, Stohaon' Bciid A Strong Fortification.

Fortify the body against disease by Tutt's Liver Pills, an absolute cure for sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, jaundice, biliousness and all kindred troubles. "The Ry-Whee! of Life" Dr.Tutt; Your Liver Pills are the hed r.flirc. I shall ever i.o tor accident that to my notice. I tee! if I had a new lease of life. I.

Platte Cannon.Col. Tutt's Liver Pills CHILDREN'S 9HOES la faattv: fc iha taotoor or tetter lor ts tor to tact pMatbtoarfnotara. for a tot Tijrtixv on (kiuov MoontaaeieotfroiB-Trr anmrthtng new; tf roc aerertrtod shea, taktroar wan! far Kaad when yoogat root ooit pair of atooi uy a pajr of OOF QHrttaio GEO. A. GILBERT'S, Mo.

UuTO (L lute FrWohk, M. Last of oar grand was bk-Ic wilh a euvere Oat Colic, Cholera and Dimirtoea Kemetlr, whiob gave Terr speecbr relict We- n-ganl it as Ae best medicine ever pntoo tilt market Gregory, Fredtricksswro, Mo. This eer- tamly is the market for dyceateryy cunuaer complaint colic and cliofera infaotum in children. It Dever fails to give prompt relief when in reaaonable time and the plain primted dbeo- lions are folloircd. Maor motheia hare er presed their sincere gttaitudefoi the core? it has effected.

For ssle by A. L. ftatrrfc Frederick: W. Randy; 3ft. Aiiy.

In-owned In Liito C6BCACO. Sept. il. I-4-Tre were- drowoixl whil" luuhiagiS L-ike Michigan- Tlin- uu-u their a in tin; wnt at the foot; of aventu boys were drowned off Barry The (browned are: Bohert 19 yvsrs old; George- Bagel, II years oM; William Kllwtt, 11' Otto Schweipp-r, i years, old. Becker, Habersnd Sch weiaKrwnn out in a three other rotinsr mi-n.

All went in bathing, and auv one notioftiit the-- koM had drift. il them. Pains in. yonr Back, Muscles, your Joints, yonr Head, and all diseases of Impure Blood, are caused by sick kidneys. Sick kidneys cam be cured, strengthened, revitalized by They relieve the pains, purify the blood-, cure all diseases of which sick kidneys are the cause.

At all drug-gists, for 50c. per box, or mailed postpaid on receipt of price. WriU for pamphlet. HOBB'S MEDICINE SAN FRANCISCO. Tfappy Children: "happy because healthy, the blood.

flows jov- ouslv through their Teins. Liit what about the weak delicate and puny ones Tluy can fff made well and strong. Onr book, "How to Live Hundred tells all about and about Brown's Iron Bitters that good old family medicinei It's the peculiar combination of Iron with pare vegetable remedies that makes Brown's Iron Kitters so slrengtJiening and to the system. health and happiness ic. it that makes it so valued in ci.cusands of happy homes.

Iron Bitters is p'casait See th: crossed lit-- tie wrapper. Eookirce PILLS QUITE SURPRISING Tec Tery pkaUng to tte MV offer auto by Garty FURNITURE. tba goods erery la aiiii IO.M* caa Boom sad Caimber YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT now yoa bet UtUa tioabte or md ue 10 m- AND 18 THE MAN oocbaold be cjusalied, for ae TO HELP PATRICK DR. FAHRNEVS TEETHING SYRUP. BAST'S THE fiJOTHEfi'S Ff Once tried, always used.

cnre Oolle In 10 mluntw: re eve 0 TM? indlwadon. can be Rti JU prerent Cliolera Jnfantmnand keep the babr ta dltfoB through the period of teething. An over dose notLhinitiniarlonsiu U. FAUKNEY Trial bottle aent. free if jrwinentkni this i-TMr.

REVIVi RESTORES roolts La 3O days. rtouickii. Cerrs Uleir Kct manltood.Mk^ nil: recmr ttieir TontMnl vigor by er-v It tjaictT iid utjrel b.uresKarc^ U-jit Powr. Mroory WwttaE XHseMat. oc or vttieh ooe tor B- aiy.

or suriiace. ccc.iai* rrxres br at seat or in tonic Moxt botuter. back the ptok -clow to pole eheeiisaa''. sconce cf jroatb. It off Coamnptoa.

Insirt oa hmcK KETTTC It be onicd tn poctcet. By ner or six irltiia- tire written cnaruntee to or i Addnm 3YAL MEHICIBE 53 Rher CHiCMC FOR SAUc K1 KABTLAKD. Wear TIE mm Japanese because the Chinese were not in it) is another example of the victory of quality over quantity. You will find Quality at the lowest price in our HAND SEWED PROCESS. $5.00 IN THE WORLD.

$100 W. t- sheet and aave ficsaa H.OO 83.OO a pair. AH 9H)-lm 1 Lo edvftiice in leatlier.iaiincrO5«(ittii price of otner but the quality prtcef tf tsuLR.i!£namenntlpnt^i A. Ii. Teakle, City Hail Shoe Store, Frederick, 9Ed.

The delicious fragrance, rettesMng coolness and soft twenty imparted to the akin by Pozzosi'a it to aO ladles. jt has bean improved for 1895, ruaMng it the only atove correct in principle and is without any of the complicated and annoying devices used on all others before its introduction. It is absolutely safe. We also nave the OILCAS, a stove guaranteed to give entire satisfaction with either Oil or Gasoline. We also have a fall line of hardwood REFRIGERATORS ICE CHESTS which we are selling very Give us a call.

N. J. WILSON A SON, Telephone Can, No. 143. SECURE THIS COURSE.

To advertise oar College ire trill give tbor- ongtt course of tnstruotloa In Deable sad Single Entry Book Keeping and Commercial Arithmetic, br malt, at One-Fourth Begular Trice to a limited number of patrons. Tuts coarse will bd oompletel la 40 leauni. Ho charge for Addreu- 61PITAL 60MlBBiI4L KOLLKE, 116 West Sixth Street, Topata. Kansas. septSdawly THT8 WKW8 OTTHJm OPINTrRBST TO THE FINEST ARRAY OF "UP TO DATE" THAT ENERGY-GOOD kTASTE AND SHREWD BUYING CAN GET TOGETHER.

Advance, procure the trade, please onr customers, giro the Best Values in Ifewest made, is onr motto. Our methods are original and a certain personality goes with goods from-oor store. We announce for jour inspection. We court comparison. W.


a no 9t, Frederick. Md. i -rcki. -v oa MT ii be are TOO going, icy pretty Tin going sir." she said. "Maj I go with 500.

my pretiy maid?" a you can. kind sir." she said, ALWAYS Oalogte of Rubier tee. CALL AT THE NEWS OFFICE. tit.

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