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The News from Frederick, Maryland • Page 1

The Newsi
Frederick, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


ESTABLISHED IS 1848. at the oldMt and safott Uto com- tO lawn la. policies tion to an pollef BU MIXDOBFF, Agt. So. 5 Court Street.

WILUAML MANSFIELD. BANKER and BROKER, No. Court Street. FOR 8A.LE.-- 80 ihares of IPrader- ck Ooanty National Bank. FOR 8A.LB.-- Stock In National BoBd- ng and Loan Association, any camber FOR 9A.LE.-- 4 sharei of stock of the JFlrst NaUonsi Bank of Frederick.

I allow six per cdut interest on Dally on Honey. Dr. Chas. G. MACGILL, So.

17 North Market Street, Orer Thee. H. HaUert Dry Store. FBEDEBICK, MD. OTFIOB to 1.

2 to 5. A ATTORNEHT-UW OOCTRT BQCTARB. flUiiMjlUvILj DBiP.D.FAiRMEYSOR, tad Floor First National Bank Building, (Entrance on Church St.) Frederick, Maryland. ERNEST HELFENSTEIN, (Successor to C. t.

Kartsook.) 24 West Patrick Street. CATON BLACK OB ALL CLASSES OF BOOK-- Metal, Tin, Felt or Shingle, Boilers, Smoke Stacks, Pipes, Ontbuldings, ets. Calon Black la Acid and Rust Proof, And for Painting Tanks inside and oat and all classes of farm machinery that are exposed to wether, cannoi be excelled. Just the paint to have around a srm oi factory. Always ready for use.

Try oar Bed Paint. PRICES f. O. B. BALTIMORE.

50c. per gal; 10 gaL cans, 60c. per gaL; 6 gaL cans. 70c. per gal; 1 gaL cans, 75c.

per gaL CATOS MMPACTUmG COMPAII, Works and Office, OABBOLL P. 223. BALTIMORE, KD. Faultless. Everyone of mr chre9 to faoKlees In mvterlal.

In sod in si Tie. Onr customers. tad tbeir Bomber grows every And no fudt with tbe nrioee we for sboee wblch last tor six months to one year. sale 'em. AU onr cnst-jmen find our shoes warrant naif soUng one, two or three times, at LOY A PERRY'S.

Rests thelred Brain Hood's Sarsaparilla Gives Strength and Bodily Health Hood's are Much In Little." naed Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's (or many yean and consider thsmtha best on the market. Hood's Sar- saparillahss jlren me health and strength from tirna to time when tired and Worn Out From Overwork and worry of business. It baa purified my blood, toned my nerves, and rested my tired brain by restoring sleep and invigorating my entire system. Hood's Vegetable Pills are much in little. I oat no others.

They invigorate the liver to healthy ictlon, act on the bowels, Hood' A partita sick heartache sad indigestion, and I 141 thus assist tired nature to remove disease and restore health." J. M. CROCKER, 1419 Bhode Islaaii Arenas, TVaiiticgloa, D. C. Pi He harmonlOTUlj with 1119 Rnoil'm Mrs.

Anna Gage. wife of Ez-Oepntr fl U. S. Co-i loaibns, KaiL, ssji: or TWINS In less with scarcely anrlc pain after nslae oolr two txfttles oii MOTHERS'! FRIEND." Seat by Expran or mull, an receipt of A Boot "To e. -tEADrlELD KEGCLATOE ATLASTA, 6A.JJ Sold by all BATARHH A SCOUBGR 140,000 DIE ANNUALLY.

87 PER CEKT. AFFLICTED If Ton have all manner of aches and pants, or do not know wtut tbe matter trith yon, with all your doctoring you. are -worse, it Is Ca' arrfa, the forerunnei Consumption, Indlges- tlon. Deafness. Head- ace.

'USE THE ONLY GUARANTEED CURE. Dr. GBO. W. Fisher's Catarrh Cure, PRICE 50c.

BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SERPENT'S STING. HEALS RUNNING SORES, IT CURES, STONE LINIMPNT IKSTAKTIY HELICVES AND QUICKlf CURES ALL PAIN. THI WORLD CtUrvcS IK IT BECAUSE TM( WOPLO USED IT POH 35 CENTURV-" It Cures REV.E.L.MooRK.Pastoro? tbe Baptist Chnrch, Neponstt, I have used STIFF brmker's Liniment for sevor SORC HUECLCB, puns and soreness in the back SPRAINS. caused by denngemCTit of tbo BUMNS.

and bladder, and SCIATICA. aeted like a charm. LUMBAGO, rrj. ZS CEN1B. ALL DRUGGISTS.

ci.r»B THE cunt 26 CCPTA. J. J. RBM3BURG. Drnggtet.

1SS North Market SU Frederiok, Hi. Shosld to -esc onlv two-thirds S3 muci Cottolene as they forracrlv nscd of lard or batter. With two-1'sirds the quantity they will get at less cost than it is pobibie to get with lard or batter. When Cottolene is tsed for fryisg articles that are to be iaixnersed, ofb'ead tx; dropped into it to if the right heat. When the brcabrowns in balf a siiantc i the is nady.

Never let Cottolene get hot enough to smoke. waia 1t Tim Cofoi THK Jt. K. FA0tBA5K COKMST, BU.THtORE^ A STOIiV IIF AMERICANS. 1 tbe Frozeu OBLIGED TO KILL DOGS F03 FOOD.

rlVkrr Bad BU Two Inrm lu FT. in -fl u-r Pwiry. HUK anil safr h.inu- The pufty eudurfd 1 I northwanl in April in an aiUMitpl to make a in rem-hln? Imli-pi-ndrntf bay, they tain pit! Tho r.Ti)lorcr« to make anv proniuin-vl noit'iwH'tt. owin to the weakness of tho iKiih ami H-tnson beius A number of tbe dloil from a plaifUr common them. Tho Kito n'whwl Peary's Aug.

'J aud to nnurn on rk-pt. I. Tisey tho iutorvouins time iu tlio of tha Greenland cxp--dition. DycLe. Le Boutil lier and whi.

wore on board, sur veyed many miles of unknown coasts. They two meteor lu-s. which they home, and another. wetshinur foriv tons, which it was Impc-wiblr to tafco away. also found It iinpcwsible to briuc home Pearr'a Many of dear, walrns and northern aniiutJs and birds, flowers anil lichens were secured, but the captures were not an extensive had been ex- pectod, owing to tbf time for exploring being cut short in the hurry to return.

The story of Lieutenant latest trip is one of greatest hardship. "Waiting for the of the March pqntnoclcol gales, they started from headquarters April 1. men. five sledpiis aud forty- nina seven days they reached the proximity of the ah precious cache of food on which success of the journey dependent Peary had cached it last year for the express purpose of utilizing: it this spring. Dinappoiutrm-nt.

however, greeted them, os Hie most pprOstont and careful search failod to flml it. Last winter's snows bad obliterated every trace of it. "With this terrible ilnmppr as their first start the throo to venture into the unknown. It hard-hip, privation, possibly death, but woafil not rotreat. Shortening their the- their terrible journey.

Thp they endured few cin t-Ml. The party of three men was inadequate to face this wilderness, and this was proven I wtve up through shwr exhaiL-tinn and i.iy down to die. His faithful dn-w on a sledae for 150 uil Iiiuvpcndincc bay reached, when." ni camp was formed tiie treated till he re- CMV-n-d. w.i* ver. to mate any r-i 1 d.ivotlnot ture aiontr fJi Kx- arid land tentliug no- the range of vision.

A few of c-htt expioniuon to the northward, in the di-rction where a jutting cape forms Lockwood'shiphest point-. rejiched in 1SS3, forms the solitary achievement, and. dispirited rind biiftled. Peary faoc homeward. Durins the st.iy on the eieht musfc OTton were shot, and thf ir enabling: the pemmi- csm stores to be kepc for the return, saved the tkrc-e explorer-? from miserable death from on that Viist inland sea of ice.

They snvrct-d baet on 15. and after a weeVn lr.i\fi AOIHI Tliey pushed on at top speed. bnt frtod for cjyes was likewise unobtainable. ami it sptviiily became a case of tbe survival of the Jiwsr The weiiker dogs wore slaughtered that the others might lire -iul help thi-ir uuisier As the coQaumed and (loss decreased the sledsres were abandeneil. Then Lee had to take his place in a sledge and the others to drag his weakened form along.

Soon it became struggle for very existance. TCvery of impediments was discarded. The sledges dwindled to two. tbe dogs to fifteen. The rifles wore nert abandoned, then the scientific instruments, wind gauges, which could be dispensed with, until at last only one sledge, a few pounds of food and five dogs remained.

As home grew nearer, while food was TanisEing. they abandoned their last sledge, aad -with one dog. the lone survivor of the pack, faced the last twenty milbs of this awful journey. It occupied them thirty-ail hours, daring which time not one morsel of food touched their lips. "When they entered their comfortable lodge, doubly dear after what they had come throueh.

Lee faiafed from joy and was four houn unconscious. To show how desperate was their condition Peary abandoned even their nautical almanac, tearing out the three leaves of declinations for the days they expected to be occupying in.rcaching headquarters. The party were on board the Kite on the evening of Ante. 4. Lieutenat Peary ie completely iishv.artened.

as by a to bis brother-in-law. Dicbitacb: "Everything I bate pivt my band to the paet two years has been a Xot since the frruonome story of Greely's men has such of misery, endurance acd t-riuraph over drath itself made public. Inti ike JviiV'- crew nKre grut- sTorios -Till They say the thrre men, to prolong own liros, had to eat their a'lii th- ono who i-j cnmnani-n on a jt woaScl iH Will. 'Lspaf-ch from Ss.n' his widow ttt .1 O'llinr. aed Kti up Consul (Ttiiir-rrti an(i have nn il 01 inc tun a-i( 'l .1 siwi.irin lain tti---1-.

i f'-r her i thve an- sue pn-px-sos to srive iier i fio IvlwarJ Ford rt.i!..» chiniTs. FT. ri.TK.KaBi ifj. ftei. losses h.iv -1 ir r-'inoria by rain-? Ir-ntur wi-nti nays.

Trerc f' 1 carried off. Tlie crops and -ffocfc were do- itroyed, aud iinraengc damage resulted to tbexaUwar. SI -Ths icau at It a eiubs wh-i crwu of itu-ir an th- In the hull niiir run. rarvU Javh. IA ratv and ttiuuinj; high jump new worid' rtvurxli erftattxl.

Thr were: Half ran- 1 mln kw Hundred r.trdt Kcrnard J. Wrforo, tiiuo, 9 4 wcs. Hunainic uuip. K. Swrfn-ni-y; the bar 5 in One run: T.

P. Con neff; time, 4 IS 1-5 Two huti and twenty yariUdash: -l L'tUtinK pounU It. Ciniy; 43 iu Iinndnsl and twontr yards hur- dlenui-. tim 12 2-5 se-. Thruwiu-f Mxtfn pouml ham-uer.

Jam S. Miu-hrll; dintaiKV, 1ST ft In. Quarter mile run: .1. Burke; lime. 49 KiinninTM bnxul jump: Blow; taint- ft In.

run: T. P. linn-, 15 36 Malr Molon Whl She NFI.IUM. ThiN hs boon tho M.I-IS- of oue of the nuxt jwulLir erlmos iu tho of thw staio. and then- is no clew to the identity of the per petrator.

lue- entire family of I) Brown have IKVD worn out with at the beuVule of a s-ick child, and wli-n oppurtunity offerx-U slept than tiNiinl. Mists IJrowt ttxvoke diaoovored duriuy; tin night some one who had come in through the window ha.l cut off her hair, winoh had been tiie eiivv of all the iu tin-v. evidently to Ciently procure the portion from tbe other side of her head. Salvation Armj Dvxrt. YOKK.

Sept. 3S. Mr-. Endie. wi'e of Ol-niel ond in ami: land of the I i-i Vr: 1 the I'uiUtl r-tan-s.

dioil yit-ifnuiy home in Jersey of pi'uiiiniiry sumption. wiis 11 Brooklyn. a year Mrs. Kiidl, 1 caught cold at one of the inci-'inp: I.ii.. developed into consutnption.

but e-r- tinued iu her work unt'l cojnp'-lleil to cumb. had in the arsrv fifteen yvsrs. serving; in (t-t'at Kr Canada aud the She born in Eupirvnd. uiid diir. in May.

liSH. to take the oi viiit-. secretary in the LTnited Trmln Ark Sept. t'ii'i of the tniln robbers, "B-ia" Lucky anrt Dyer, in the United States court hero, has resulted in their con viction. Dyer was an organizer of bnnrts p'nnntxl morf tTrvii: robberies than any othpr in America.

All of the job of the Stnrr anil Chauey gaojr-luicl thoir tin-rin in Over's brain. The iwink rubbery: tin; Caney. Iwnk the K. T. tndn rob 1 Pri und 't- and tuu A.

A. train robbery at Coweta wcr3 'Jome of 'iU Dyer'-; cliuno-s are Kood lor forty live years in the penitentiary. to P.L. Metro John the leader; of the- rao' of a-; eharc-d threatening rim in rh" of the strikers re- turaed to at had a and were fniande 1 to Th" sunietl vrork and PunuhuIIy jit- hiiii and t' i a' his life. One of them dn-v- "i throat.

throw anoth-r 0 him. Th- 1 of thU crime havi noiyeibeen No Wind for th" X. Y-. Hcpt. 23-- Tkr first race of t'l'- three out of five in the match th- h.ilf raters.

Spruce IV, represents nt: ths- Minima Yacht cln'x of EngUinil. th and niiin. the of the Tndhm Harbor Yacht ciu.i. defender, which was bogiin en Aninlav. war.

not a becanjw; sr. lirtie winil that thi- contostiints could not make the course withirl the limit of five hours, and on that account race was Diillilini by she raw committee. The nice will be sailed over Tried to BH KN. X. Y- Oliver Cnrtis Perry, the t-rjua m'ober.

in some manner procured two notLcs. which hu placed in a stick in such a way when ne the stirt across ht- nox he pnxldtti eyes. His now badly indainuU. and it is only by uJmini.tt_*ring anualaotlc that the prisou is able to pve aeatment. Pci-ry obitinatolj t-- yield.

Be sn-ys if he succfvKil in blinding Uiu iv convinced ant to reform, au.i might extend clnnency. I-rb K-pr. Thf wind np of tho imn -rs' -trike oaiui- dar. to inliy iit- clare the i-JT It -r Tb- i tbat w.lh ths Is no Tr. recojrniiion eut of the a 1 i.

i nlmn Cnhm. v. Or M. i a -ojuo' 1 i- ra-FT-'iuj? if '2 't TITIP Hi? oil i i i at A'Jiiiv t'liy. i'n T7i- -Ts Uiglil a inoii lynehed.

Mefrxt ffr rhv HOTHV PAKI. Sept. i.J --Advices from ST tl ,7. 'rfl p-; 1 1 6,000 Hovas in tnc 'i'smamondry tteftle routed eighty ot Gathering at Syracuse for the State Contention. I Im ck tev Mf i- A I for THE PROBABLE PABT-I HOMDTEB! O.

tdmg tk. for iMritarr AcrtlM tb BTBACTOX, Wbere one trwk Saratoga had practically all the of (belt eoATcntioo. with (he eingU at the exetM plaak, 1m ihli city twenty- fear boon prior to the meeting of the Dunoeretic conrfntUn, no details have are abcolutoly at tea what will ch? o4 what the platform. There doee Uut to be any anilcty in the matter two potnu-- that of the dUpotltlon of the ex- fltie matter, and the settlement ot putee between the la thU UMer the anxiety to reUte to New York city alone, and the contuet for mtnoi eonnttes are merely looked upon ae porary matters. This afternoon Tammany, 600 stroncc, and with the State Democracy people, 8,900 in number, upon their there It likely to be musio.

Fint of all ID the work to be accomplished prior to the opening of the con- vontlon hi settling tho difforvnet-fl between the faction of the partlxa from thote ooun- tlee that elected two lets of There are unaU oonteeU In Wayne and Otwsgo counties which it la possible may be settled by rather than moral It is pretty well agreed. 10 fur 'an the Kings contest goe, that the arrangement entered into by the arbitration committee of the Democratic state committee will ba agreed to by both factions. Tola representation gives to the regular organization two-thirds of a vote apiece, and the con- teetanta, known as the Shepardites, one- third rote. This seeing to be satisfactory upon the ground that the third of a vote given to the Shepard mea fully represents their strength In Kings eouaty. The general sentiment among the leaders, and even among the rank and file, is that the New York contest ihonld be settled in the same manner.

Bub Tammany representatives here are lond in their assertions that the vote controlled by the state Democracy in New York by no them to a one- third representation, and that if they ware given a one-fourth representation, they would have even then more than their quota. From the list of the candidates the following may be picked oat as the most likely to compose the ticket: For secretary of state, General Horatio O. King of Kings; attorney general, Daniel C. Griffin of Jefferson; comptroller, Augustus Scheu of Erie; state treasurer, D. Dow of tvhohnrio; engineer, George Clinton "Ward of Oneida; judge of the oourt of appeals, Edward 5.

Rapallo of Hew York. The only objection to this ticket that Mold be argued Is that New York got get the npoa the tiekec (hat she has asked for. Her candidates so far are Theodora Myers for comptroller, John A. Masop for state treasurer, and Judge Rapalle for the court of appeals. From a purely lucrative standpoint the position accorded them on the above ticket, that of judge of the court ot la the best of the lot, bnt it devoid of political Influence, and tho from New York would rather land either their candidate for comptroller or state treasurer.

It is the general consensus of opinion liere that majority of the delegates the eonvention will favor a local option clause in the platform as to Sunday open- log of saiootu. A prominent delegate "It has been proposed to adopt last year's plank and modify it so it shall lead about follows: 'We oppov all sumptuary legislation which needlessly inttirferes with tho personal fibcrty or reasonable customs of the people. We believe in equitable excise lecislation. wtri'-h qaref ully regulates the sjile of intoxicating liquors, prescribes just fees for licenses, and preserves all restriction for the maintenance of order and the gtod of soeipty. protest against a si.iuj/tuary law whose arbitrary and burdensome provisions are in needless restraint of lilierty and ace opposed to public icuti.uie.ns and liberal public policy.

'We advocate such modifications by the legislature of the present law as will admit of proper observance of the day. and yet net put novdiurss bunions upon the people, and that of be allowed local option sale of liquors oa the CAVTOX. A resolution was introduced in the conference here, censurinz Jhe Populists for engaging ex-Govc-rnor VTaito. of Colorado 1 to deliver apolitical sper-ch hTC yesterday. The ci- govemor appeared, but he postponed his political -ch until tonight.

Instead be delivered a inock in which he condemned power and criticized the Among things he said: Christ drove the Tnoney changers out of the Did anyone ever hear of M. miniver driving the mosey sh.irhs out of his fold?" He dv elaivd 1'iat rai-jcj po-v- hung- the neck jf tourch as a f-Y asd anl wt shores oT an- land of D-rtr An fise is sweeping north-Tn part of th" OneKJa city, and threat 'H- i -naiy Tbj- in all In-. of i ever t'j "oaf. navigation A TontH KPJ-ri by a toucii 1, i. a yesterday ir.onj nf V.

Ver- died a- voinJ. VerrniHion, who ci.ii'r.* was accidentally 'i been arrested, Somt Bi Ft TI. i Four wontont In a sw.injped by a passins? tog. The JaniesKiagsley, manacpd -i 'iiu Boore. agM 15.

John Bngsley, 13. an'fl WHIiam Denny, 11 TOKWM of tgft. were fli-owned, 77 vi 01 JUU SAK i i.AMK-l At i Haiti more, 4. 0 At ton. 13.

13 At rioveUuJ-- 17; HiH-burx. 3 At S. At Si t. Si i A IIAMKS 1. At Ss 0 i of i i a i Provl ir the fiiurth tlinc ulnoe tho ellp wrir-.

bi-iran Tim eup n-n utTrrrxl for lilt- flub i i fiur out of wr-ran uou Spriux- tteld loo-It Yesterday's game by a store of 9 Anolh-r CUIro SpmlB. i'v Kla Sent Ki-pko. for 'Bfti-cn year-, KoninfJniad Couliiii-ntiU ho(ol ill H.IUUIH arrixrtl by birth, but bcoanio mi rltlzon yearn ago. Tin- kit-'hi'u wtul rou- with bin hotel were built upon Kovcrnm--u 1 it for whirh h' tliejn tvnuil. l)ii July I iimluiKUt, ho ami family, run- 1 i of his wife and -ix chililrvti.

thr I'ltl'-ii IMII were forcibly I'ji-t-ti'd from their projHM-ty. The pjwtnu'Ul continued i whcu thu woiv foivml to leavo the table Kvry vestlsre of furul- turu was rfi.mvi-d iiml entire prupt'rty .111 iiccJi-siutuHX ty a debt of which H-pko uweil the gov- erumcnt for rent of the lot. will ask tliog.t\irnmeni to r-viginxe nis and il.ini,iu;c--. wim-ii lie places at Off fur NEW YOKK. Si-pt Bub i i left for 'IVxn- iu a special triitn of three '-ars over the Ft 111- sylvania railrojul.

iia-oinpuiiied by Mrs. Fitx.iiniHoiis. liis miuiaper, ifrs. Cltui'ln- Wliitv, the pugilist's tniiniT. RiH'lx'r.

Gcrniau will tro to Corpus I'hriMi. where he will traiu until be KIMH to Dtillu- to ilirlit for the chaiupio.i-.hip. The stop will be made where luuus will give exhibition. From thcro pjirty will go to Corpus Chrivti, uiak- ing a sHiort stay ut Sau Auiouio. 'PiTTbBfRii.

Sept. men were alive at the Atlas Paint works. Alletrheuy. The fire was the result of the explosion of a quantity of benzine, which ijrnitfl through the carelessness of of the ueiui The duad are; Jo- scph Lastavic. jur-d 31, single; Senry Turnor, ugad ss.

a and fotkr children: 'Fule. 23. single. Turner was mixing paint, thinking that all the fires had been extinguished. A- barrel of benzine was oucnod.

and the men were carrying a pal'l of the fluid to the mixing room, when the explosion occurred. Forced Chnekii at Bridgeport. BRIDGF.porT. Sept. banks received over twenty apparently certified checks from banks in Jersey City.

Hoboken and othor places in the vicinity of X'-w York during the past few days. The checks were those known as counter checks, which the public havo acc-ssto r.l! and by those who cished them to have been certified by or here. The checks wre all l- K. S. Morri.s." and were mode pitvable to fi.

B. Williams. The banks hero deUxt-ed that tho Checks weru not gennino nt once. Pqnuclron off for YO'UK, Sept. flvf of the Whit3 r- iiiadron of the North Atlantic, consisting of the flajrship New York.

Admiral the Columbia, thellinne- apoIiH. thu and the Montgomery, which have been lying off St. George. TomkinsviUL- und Stuplcton. rf.

for the pikst six days, today for Hampton Koads. Th- will be joined at HiimpttAi R'uid th 1 battleship lately rommisMoned at the Norfolk navy yard, and the double tenvted monitor Amphiti-ite. TC Rnrlml In QITEBKC. Sent. A n-port comes from St.

Liuc. Cbainplain county, of land-lidc on the Chaiuplain Siiturd-iy Normandia's house was carrinl away and jive of the w. r- the debris jumping throufrh one of wnuin has since become tho result of the eabimity. After great the n-siuVnuof the vicinity ift out tae live deed Knrlhjr talmost cer- tahi. O-K i.i rM-ns -J-i --M of fi" th-1 RT-K la at A -J' iTii r- 1 1 and kiliit! Mxo'.

1'iinum. l.iy. vi f.i i ns.t;o-» The triri 'i -i ut I-- i-- Grin- iiou- r-vi. TV A. the c.

-v ft -RT down rcipil fojintry ahour four Ho anil section of WV.I-T the worst p- tcnjbi-r-n-t-vi twenty years. There a i 1 i 'i Tncrettf in i S'jit Incrc.i-injr na.i in. tie of Broiivii, about slfty-seven miles aoiUbeast It is raffing THE IM He Will Not Object to a Contest Near New York City. UBDISMAYEDBY DUXSA YES'S ACt, Mr. Will No to WbT.

Kami SwnM AUa SS town of Mr who York Y.u-hi i-hili fur a nu-o lor thu ,1 It--. on i There a ut l.i saw him nielli. tall atblotio l.t.iki:ix t.iau. nlvitit for partieiilri-s hi- o'l-illoiige for the Aiuorlrji''. ami replied: 1 am KMIIIK to rh.illmR* for UM cup 1 Have sen; to ilw trcrrturv of ihe New York Yacht chili, aud I li.ise r.miuiuuu'UUHl with Mr.

J. Pierjhint Muruan flu? formal will throujrh i In- Kuyal Victoria Yaefet club uoxt wi-x it- Mxia itHthf ilmignaraaA I httvr of the yaohtM to tho huilil other luxtitMir.v iiK-iirpurattt tho lontfv. Tlu- yiuiii will be designed by Sopor. ami it will be. built ut Fay's yard la Southampton.

I ran (rive you no particulars, thov mv not settled ytfc. "Slwll you umke a a condition thai for the AtwricaV cup mu-tl be btld el-wwhoru tlinii vicinity of wan not." replied Mr. Bosc. "I ahull umko iMc.mdiiiont, hough of oonrsa I mil imsf that the races shall held wuorv (in. iv will ixj no chunooofln- terfi'mmv.

uml 1 have no doubt that Xorix fommmw uvl me "It wiit. ohii-rvod the interviewer, "thiit the recent Ihuco would prevent nny Englishman from challenging UK.tia "Oh, no." said Mr Rose. "the affair Is re on certain of trivtiun inst pi from all later- bat tliat will uot (li'tor it 1 tfoiu trying ugiiin." The in- mentioned by Tin- Kielil livhi'' ptvpureU to build a cnt- U-r to ehiilh- the cup iu 1996, pro- tin- New York Yucht club wonM the matches in thi- yacht could nut bo interfered with, to now to le Sir George Sir i orK 1 Xewiiis hiH "at for Newmarket division uf Cambridgeshire uutil the election Liberal, he wus defeated by Henry MuCuiumut, Is himself aa eflK thtisinstic und is said to half owner of Vivlkyric IU. Sir Xewues is the propri'-tur of serorul popular serhil publicatious, incUullug Tid Bits, the Strand Magazine und the Wostminstw Gazette, which is one of the Knglish pajwrs which cot histitutv-d to criticize Lord Duii ru veu for his action in with- djrnwlOg from the third nice tor the America's cup. Chullxnirn to LOSDOS.

M'pr. Tlic: of the Royal xvrites to iuk Jlriik of Uiycock, Unodfellow Bell that he luis cabled offer of for it nice between Dffi'-uderand Valkyrie in other than American waters, to thw New York arht ciub, but that he fears it is too lute iu the beasou to arrange the match. SprlooBlr Hurt in a Kantvray. ALTOOSA, X. i'.

Merrfne, one of tliu htwycrs of Blairconnty, was scrioiisly lii a driving accident: Mr. Mcrvitii-, his family, was driving. through Trhca his horses ran away at brwiitlni-k speed- Mr. Merrlnc bro.mht tlu- a a i' ante to a stop long enough for hli and children to safely alight. in the- oiTort he waa drawn ux.i' aud klckud and tranipicd I'r He is stiffer- lag front several were knwkrd out ami he was otherwise severely injured.

Indicted for Conspiracy, SCRAVTOS. Sept. grand jury indicted John Tierney. of this city, and -t-ctive M. Mnl- vey.

Kdward Mutt Reynolds for conspiracy. It ohargotl that John Tierney, well known deputy constableot ScraEton, and -T Mtilvor. Beynolds ijpd Eklwjtnl 5Iotr. of the three latter claiming to represent a Chicago devisfd and put in practice a system of extortion whereby they sectuwl money frum M-veral alleged anli-, oenv.d liquor scllnra np the valley. for BIRMISKHAM.

second time in the of this county. oriTiiiniil court hi-W on The jury in the cax of Van Parvin, charged with the Dorinan, which had ln--n out since Saturday night, re- porrd last Judge Greea srat for and roiirt jest the church f- service. jury found Parvin jpiiUv. of murdar, and he was to sii and a half la the 1 Tirlim of --Dr. Edward BurnetT.

wJi h.i- li" 1 for ferina from .1 rr.ncT. yesterday after- Ir. Bi! i m''ft '-'TTrru the cancer cut Thephy- sfi-ver -aTih his finger. T7t hun- with tae caccer. 7S OF NEWS.

1 ArchiiL-. -ij-M to 1 in i thr- v'i Pittsbargis Nonrlv -r Colorado (i v. (T----lev tba eaow 1() aid the state oT 1 a.i?. fbo Kno-ii-h inamhist. TTSS fa the -f -'l-ni at Chicar' lie 7 bv tviiire.

i i aid iiri; i n-iricf 11 t-riai of Tn of the na- THvur city nwianai coavuatMns..

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