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The News from Frederick, Maryland • Page 8

The Newsi
Frederick, Maryland
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OUS GOSSIP. I WVOOJ-l i aad Pure A cream of tartar baking powder High aH Us leavening Qmtiti Bfpon. IOTA. SlEilC P0IWR CO, 106 llkUTHIT. T.

THE DAILY NEWS. SATURDAY, JULY is, THK ELBCIR1C ROAD. The Register Thtnka Oar TO After quoting In lu )lumas this week the article that appeared In THE Nzwt a few days ago on the proponed Mtddletown Electric Railway, the Middle nwn Register says: The above from the Frederick Nxwt of Tuesday last, aad while there IB tome Hale encouragement In It, it will not do for the people of Mlddietown to become over-sangnlne In regard to the railroad prcepecl. Frederick ls a alow old town and ner citizens by no means enterprising, as hu been demonstrated la numerous instances. Her citizens possess wealth and with the two or three millions of dol.

lars on Individual deposit In her bank it would seem to be a very easy matter to raise even ten times the sum required fo the building of the Fiei- Is doubtful to our mind If the paltry $10 000 yet needed will be forthcoming. The time for this present effort was a year or two ago when the valley people engaged in a like effort with so much greater success. If the business men of Frederick could be brought to realize how gradually, but surely, the en- terorising tradesmen of their neighboring county town--Hagerstown--are taking the valley trade a way from them, It seems to as that tney would quickly take advantage of this golden opportunity for railroad communication with Middle town, by which they would secure permanently almost the entire trade of the -valley. Apropos to the above is the following letter, received by us a short time ago from Mr. Philip Kelfer.of Dayton, Ohio, native of this vicinity, and now 93 years of age, but who still hu a lively interest In the welfare of his birthplace: "I see by the Register that the project- on of yonr railroad have been stirred up to a realization of the necessity of posh- ing forward the road to completion.

A checkered career hai been that of the 'MIddletown and Frederick Electric Railroad-' From Its Inception op to the present time It has encountered many apparently unsormonnta- ble difficulties, but step by step it moved along straggling for life. Sometime! it would show up iu bright side for success and ultimate completion, but then from tome unknown causes and vacillating influences iu brighness slowly faded away Into utter darkness. Bat there is yet hope, for the ambition of man Is never satisfied with defeat. If he fails in one of his schemes he falls back upon another and prosecutes it until success crowns his efforts. And it is this Testiest, unconquerable spirit In man that bring yonr electric railroad to a successful termination.

If that class of people who would reap the lion's share of the benefits of the road had exerted half the energy in favor of the enterprise that the editor of The Register has, the electric cars would be running the road today." Thrown from a Colt. Vaster Albert Flook, son of Mr. J. P. look, of near Uyersvllle, rode a colt to postoffice in that place for the mad, when leaving took Master Charles Wachtel on behind him.

When in Croet of the school house the colt in some tirew them off. The left arm of first named lad was lacerated and his lieg bruised. Dr. L. M.

Zimmerman dressed his The latter sustained a badly bruised hto. Run to Gettysburg. The Frederick Bicycle Glob will have ran to Gettysburg tomorrow, and In- all wheelmen to jaln them In the pleasant trip. txi tne method and results vhen cf Fig3 13 taken; it is pleasant Biui retrestiing to the taste, and acts yet promptly oa the EdnefB, Xxrer aud Bowels, cleanses the tys- tea eSectcally, dispels colds, headaches szd fevers and cures habitnal consupation. Sjrnp of Figs ia the resedy cf ita kuid ever prt daced, pleasing to the taste and ao to the stomach, prompt in action sod truly beneficial its prsparsd orJr frora the nost a and agreeable substances, its 'excellent qualities commend it to til mod made it the most ptypolar remedy known.

Syrup of Figs is for sale In 50 cent bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who SJMPP aot have it on band pro- oire it promptly for any one who wisaes u. try it. Io not accept any FI9 SYRUP CO. SMf CAL, ft.

nu, t.t. Frederick people have not been la tabU of going to market ia said- die July wearing an extra coa: or wrap, be- those who west early this morale that tiwy made no mistake ia taking a light one along. This time one year we were experiencing a sweltering fpell of tropical nature, and when the market moralfig wald coote iround peupie were glad to get oai and cain a fresh, breath of air. Whether the dog star has lost lla force or the new weather ana go tier bis mixed is not known, aad no oae will take the trouble to Sad ont as long as tae combination can beat old Sol In the manner it hu for the pail week. This la the season of the housekeepers keenest enj jyment so far getting np a good meal concerned.

Frnlu and vegetables are found on market In the greatest abundance, and the competition existing among the dealers 1s of such a nature as to bring the good things with- IE reach ot everyone. A great many upie nay lual ilvlug iu the summer time Is much less expenalre than daring tae winter months, but a pood aousekeeper said this morning her experience baibjendttfereu t. While vegetables and fruit are In oeainn there Is a deslie to hare them, and It takes a well-equipped pocketbook to supply a liberal share of everything In that line. The expense of laying aside for winter must also be considered and In the end It Is truthfully said that the summer season aa expenditure to housekeepers quite as great as any other time of the year. My Third street friend whose wife does not care for cherries and will not permit him to bring any home gets even with fate by baying some on market and eating the fruit before returning home.

He always does his purchasing first and after filling his bosket, he looks around for some ccerries, and gets away with something like a quart. Its a great won- tle scheme before this time, as things get into the shape of gossip in a remarkably short time when Third street people are concerned. Some people do not indulge In much talk but they do a powerful lot of thinking. I belong to the latter class to a grot extent, for if I make a mistake some one might shoot me. Raspberries have been distinctly In the swim during the past week and, by the way, are still there.

The black ones were never larger or better, and a great many have been sold. The red ones, however, are far above the black variety In public opinion. Since the modern physicians have discovered that small seeds are ble to give people a tremendous amount of ir.nMe.the old fashioned raspberry hu been looked upon by a few with a feeling of awe and borrow, and are kept a safe distance away. As time and tide rushes on new angled discoveries are being made, and a very late and sensible one is for people to fight shy of seeds In things that are supposed to be eaten. The butchers tempted their with choice looking lamb and veal this morning.

Beef and pork are almost side tracked for the time being, but both will come along after a while with the same rush that brings about things in season. In warm weather the human stomach is supposed to be a trifle more refined, and things bordering on the coarse are not welcomed within that domain. Fat, or oily, substances are apt to bring about trouble In close quarters when the weather Is warm, so It is best for those who are not hunting distress to be a little careful in regard to meats. Apples are coming to the front in a manner which Indicates that the crop will be a big one. The variety that are sold Just at present are all right after going through the process of cooklne but you have any respect for yonr feelings do be careful how yon go about eating them.

A reaction of pain, oh, so terrible, will follow an over-Induleence. Those who have been there know all about it, ao its not worth while to dwell on green apples. Between Billy Hilton's well assorted bake shop and the coffee stand market people are able to get a fairly comfort able lunch before leaving for home. A lew seem to prefer delicacies rather than snbstantlals, and as an early morning tonic they fill np on peanuts, when they can get their hands In nothing worse Injurious. There are are not many left any more.

A few Frederick county peaches were offered for sale this morning at the rate of eight cents a strawberry box, but it is little early for peaches yet. The sight of peaches ia quite relishing after a season of such a total failure as last year, and It will be good news to know that a fine crop is coming on. The fruit department is up to the standard. The following list of prices Is well worth yonr notice. Something of Interest to you may be found there: Eggs--13 cents per dozen.

Butter--15 cents per pound. Poultry--Chickens, live, 25 cents apiece; dressed, 20 to 50 cents. Meats--Beef, sirloin steak, cents per pound; rocnd, cents; tenderloin, cents; porterhouse, 13J cents; chuck, 10 cents; rib roast, cents; boiling beef, 8 cents; veal, 8 to cents; mutton, cents; lamb, cents per pound; pork, 10 to 12 cents; sausage, 13 cents; padding, 10 cents; liver, 10 cents; hams, 13 to 20 cents; shoulders, 14 cents; sides, 15 cents; breakfast bacon, 16 cents. Vegetables--Onions, lOc. per half peck; spring onions, 4 cents per bunch; beets, 4 to 5c.

per bunch; new potatoes; i5c- naif peck; cabbage, Si. to 5c. per head; parsley, le. bunch; radishes, 2 to 5c. per bunch; pets, 25c.

per peck; beans, 15c. per peck; cymMines, 3c. apiece; cucumbers, 20c- per dozen; caliSower, 5 to 10 ceals per head; ezg plants, to 10 cents apiece; tomatoes, 15 per box; corn, 13 cents per dozen. Fruits--Bananas, 10 to 25c. per dozen; lemons, 15c.

to 25c. oranges, 10 to 40c per dozen; apples, lojcents per peck; dew berries, 7 cents per quart; pineapples, lOc, apiece; gooseberries, 5 cents per quart; currants, 10 cents per quart; raspberries, 8 to 10 cents per quart; 30 cents apiece; huckleberries, 10 cents per quart; plums, 7 cte. per quart; peaches, Scents per box; pears, 5 cents per box. Fresh Fish--Baas, 12tc. per pound; shad, 15 to 25; herring, 20c.

per dozen; rock, 12tc pan; rock, 15c. boiling; trout, lOc. pan; boiling, ID to bay mackerel; 15c. pound; bay Uyiors, cents per pound; lalmoa, per ponnd; spots, laic, per pound; sheepRhead, per pound; porgiei, per pound; flounders, Ityc. per pound.

Tx Up to tals saoralng Mr. Edward dlna to asy taiormaUoa ia regard 10 ais was drifts Frederick OB tiataiday last. Parties the lookoet at QaUberabarg have found a few wooid temd to tbe arrest of ssaa and the vicinity has beea toroaxiy inspected. Tae authorities still hare the case in Saad aad will make every effort rt locate the guilty saaa and have him sailor the tail peasity of seazck- for bin has exceeded to Biadeasbarg. Hyauivliie, and o'Jier and several ne oas been aeaiii vt, iowi- iag to the thai he may yet be caught.

BRIEF BITS. IMSS --The oahisg fad has become popular among tht Frederick wheelmen. Almost every evenlttg now they visit theMonoc- acy with rod and line. --Mr. Ctlae, of near Ellerton.

a gentleman SI years of age, did some cradling in the barren field last week and made a full hand during the entire harvest. --Mr. B. F. Groff.

of Middle town, ob- talntair a vteld of o' acre trom'a neld of eight acres a short distance north of that town. --Mr. John Grossnlckle, living near recently sho. a nth crme which measured 4 feet and 7 Inches from tip to tip of wings. --Miss Fannie Bhnle, of Taneytown, Carroll county, hai contributed the handsome sum of $30 to ths Key Monument fund at Frederick, --Two electricians at Gratz.

Austria, claim to have Invented an arrangement by which a newspaper can be printed by telegraph In any number of places at tae same time. --One day recently Messrs. Clttsae Toms, George Smith, John Smith and Elmer Toms, with his two children, all of tfyersvllle, mounted one of Mr. Tom's hores and rode from the field to the barn. The estimated weight of the six li between 700 and 800 pounds.

All the seat- Ing capacity was taken up. --The frame dwellings on South Market street, owned by the Hisses Johnson, are being demolished, preparatory to the erection of modern dwellings. --Tomorrow will be St. Swlthln's Day. If it rains, expect rain for forty days.

--Joseph Hanpt, near Boonsboro, had the end of a finger cut off while adjusting reaper knives. --The remains of Marshall Price had a nose broken, deep cut In forehead and Other wounds. --Hess Belnhart, Shepherds town, lost $200 on one carload of lambs shipped to the city. --Mr. Wm.

D. Morrislon, of Emmits- borg, has been appointed a warden at Motevne Hospital --Little Charlotte Cook, daughter of Mr. Mlllard Cook, of Mlddletown, In running across the street, fell and cat an ifrty on her brow, severing a muscle. Dr. J.

Beatty dreesed the wound. --Mr. James H. Oambrill, who hu a growing orchard of 5,000 peach trees, yesterday shipped 42 baskets of peaches to Washington, all fine fruit. --The Harmony Band gave a short concert In Court Square this morning.

The members have lately been equipped with new uniforms and they make a fine appearance. --Several days ago Mr. Aaron Davis accidentally brought bis hand In contact with some object, resulting in a very slight Injury. Soon afterward he was bitten by a large fly on the spot of the wound and since then his hand hu given him considerable trouble. --The ad ranee in leather has obliged manufacturers to make a corresponding advance in the pries of shoes, with probably the only exception of W.

L. las, who, notwithstanding the high price of leather, will continue at the old prices, and give a better shoe than ever before. The recent additions to his already large factory makes his plant the largest In the world devoted to manafacturing an exclusive line of shoes. KEWS OP THE CHUBCHES. The services at the U.

B. Church tomorrow will be follows: Sunday-school at 815 a. preaching, at 10.80 and 7 45 p. m. by the pastor, Rev.

C. W. Stinej spring. At the M. B.

Church South, tomorrow, the services will be as usual: Sunday School, 9 30; preaching, 10.30 In the evening the services will be under the direction of the Epworth League. Rev. A. H. Zimmerman will preach In the M.

S. Caurch tomorrow, both morn- Ing and evening. He wfll also conduct the Gospel meeting of the Epworth League at 6 80 o'clock. The subject of the even- Ing's sermon will be "The Right Man In the Right Place." The Sabbath School at the Presbyte- Church will be held tomorrow at 915 a. m.

Dr. Beale will preach at 10.30 a m. Mr. Charles B. T.

Hendrickson will conduct the Westminster League at 7 p. m. Snoject: "What God has done for our country." The services at St. James Lutheran Church tomorrow will be as follows: Sunday school at 9 50 a. preaching at 10 30 i.

m. and 7 30 p. m. There W5U be a congregational meeting of the members of the church, at the chapel, on Monday evening next at 780 o'clock. All the members are urgei to be present At the M.

E. Church, South, a most In- terestlnr sod Instructive meeting of the Epworth League will be held tomorrow evening, commencing 7 45 o'clock, led by Mr. Wm. C. It be hand- I somely illustrated by a large djxdj feet, by Marion Dyer.

Parents should come and bring their children to these league services. The subject for tomorrow wlil be, "The Trial of Abraham's Faith." Nothing Strange. Intelligent people, who realize the important pan the blood holds in keeping the body in norms! condition, find nothing strange in the number of diseases that Hood's is able to cure. So many troubles result from impure blood that the beet way to treat them is through the blood, and it is far better to use only harmless vegatable compounds than to dose to excess with quinine, calomel and other drugs. By treating the blood with Hood's Saras parilla, scrofula, salt rheum, dyspepsia and neuralgia, can all be cured.

A Caret. Mr. Ingomar Albaogh hu captured during the puat week nearly seveo bun- dred fine bait, catfish. Tho fish are supposed to bo very scarce, and the catch regarded an unturaallf large one. NEWS Of THE STATE.

Bavaei lAmzn, fc stage driver of a past died IR Cumberland ii already preparing for next year's Stale fireaea demoastra- ikm. Rev. Deals Mnen, a widely-known Methodist minister of Calvert cooaiy, dead. attempted to force aa entrance into the saloon of near City. Charles aged eighteen years, died at Klltcmt City from lajartes received white bathing.

The of Carrol! coootv nominated a Franc K. Hetr was named for the Senate. The Democratic meeabers of the new city council of Annapolis are at odds over the patronage their disposal George Healey was locked in ill at Rockville, charged with ahooilng his wife, tine was not seriously In jar id. ANIMAL WHIMS. Snake charmers in the Orient have a crael practice which protects them from the deadly venom ot the cobra.

They logo vac uie snate'i mouin tn front. Elevsn snakes apparently once sent to the London gardens, and all grew thin, until It was discovered that their mouths were sewn shut. Elephants are the most Intelligent animals In the world. In India, they are used In the army, they are very particular about their rights. For Uuuiice, when formed upon parade, the ienlor, 01 longest serving elephant takes the right of the rank, the others forming np in succession according to the seniority, just like soldiers, ue tallest man always taking the right, the others form- Ing on his left according to size.

If, say, No. 9 elephant, by mistake, or otherwise, formed up oa the right of No. 7, ele phauts Nos. 7 and ii would push him lly out of the way. There is quite frequently a tremendous row In the ranks occasioned by this sort of thing, and only stopped by the officer In command shouting "Attention!" The elephants In the Indian army are under military discipline and are tried and sentenced for misdemeanors If they were men.

When an elephant is sentenced to 50 Isshes his legs are tied to four posts, another elephaut hu a heavy cable tied to its trunk, and at a signal brings it down on the culprit's back. A New Summer Drink. The most popular and appreciated method of entertaining in summer time is offering goests some cooling drink, says the Phlld Iphla limes. The time wu when there were a few standard beverages for the sultry days. Many people remember the raspberry vinegar of old-fashioned households, that wu handed to callers In cut glass tumblers, when the ice tinkled with suppressed merriment trying to pretend that It really wu a convival drink.

Then then wu the currant shrub, another drink of the same type, aad a cold claret cup and a sherry cobbler for those who begin In early to inset the man halfway. The variety of summer without alcohol is legion, and the newest of these is a wonderfully delicate, delicious and attractive compound. It is called "strop de grenadine," made from expressing the juice ot the pomegranate seed. The color a clear fiune red, with an orange light through It and the flivor ls sweet and Insidious. The proper way to serve It Is to cover a third of the tumbler with it and the rest with ice cold vichy or carbonic water.

If the pomegranate that Pinto gave Prospedue to feist on when she arrived in his kingdom wu like this no wonder she remained, fwo other drinks are in evidence--orange flower water, which comes from the South and which Is very sweet and pleasant, and for those who like a stronger refreshment the tiny glass of iced creme de menthe holds Its popularity. ABOUT WALL HANGINGS. Wall paper to match the drapery of the room Is the latest novelty for coon- try houses. When blue and white chintz is used in decoration a blue and white wall paper in exactly the same design may be purchased. Wall papers which have the same effect cretonne are new and inexpensive, while plain, tinted cartridge papers are much In demand.

Pale, tinted wall papers which have the appearance of ing veiled with lace are new. They an exceptionally pretty for the best room In a summer cottage. The lace effect Is also seen In stripes, and Is an exquisite paper. Ltrge designs, such hydrangeas, are seen on many of the new wall papers. A beautiful paper for a room In a summer house has a pale green background, with delicately shaded hydrangeas scattered over It.

Tinted papers with a trail- Ing design in wild roses, either pink or yellow, are simple and effective for summer houses. KaocketS Him Senseless. Wedesday afternoon last a crowd of men and boy! gathered on the commons immediately In the Tear of the A. W. Smith property, where Jacob Ahalt's steam engine was at work thrashing out some rye for jDshna Main, says the Mld- dletown Register: A quarrel arose between two boys, Ola Fink and Luther Coblentz.

Chas- Crone, a young man, thought Fink, who wis smaller than Coblentz, wu getting the worst of the bargain, and he Interfered, stritlng at Cjblentz several times. At this Oliver P. Coblentz, who Is almost tvrice large as Crone, ran up and Crone a him fat. He wu carried ulde where he lay unconscious for nearly an hour. It is said Coblentz has had a grudge at Crone for sometime.

Cooler tz snbmi: ted his case to the corporate authorities and was fined. THE SELECTION OF I HAT inmmer Complaint. w.i.-. ick with a jCTtre bowel rvnieiiies had faileti, thm we Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and RtTswiK; which trave verv ypecdv- relief. AVe rvisini it as moiioine ever j-Kt on the market bowel complaints.

Mrs. K. G. Grosroiy, Frederick own, Mo. This, certainly is the htst medicine CTIT O.T market for summer colic and cholera iniantum in chiKiren.

It never fails to give prompt relief when in reasonable time and th 11 plain printed recti.irh? are followed. Many mr-ihcr. expressed their sincere gratitude for the cures is. has effected. For sale lv A.

I Bearre, Frederick; W. R. Rmiy, A -y. REFRIGERATORS! Aa assortment of the beet make at lor prices. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES at prior to salt anyone, and all new sty fee of the season.

We have a large stock of the Litest Styles aad from low priced to very dae. We invite you to call aad see waat we hare. It IB a pleasure to show goods at always easy eaoavh Iwbea 700 hare inch a frota. We can fit you aad mkOTCW look alee and eool and haoilsoaw i with one of oar One iplu straw baa. Toa can for younel? that our stock of straw hau it one of the nicest le the diy.

Come and mate TOOT Mleedaa at once at GEO. A. GILBERT'S, 18 18 North Market Frederick, ltd. NOS. 42,44 AND 46 EAST PATRICK STREET, FREDERICK, MO.

UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. Look for the Large Wire Sign. We have just received a new line of I h- fc Jv ks.9 9 with large Collars, at popular prices. Ladies' Duck Suits have proven large sellers. Another invoice just in.

Ladies' Wrappers must for quality that sold for 81 50, Others in proportion. LADIES' BLACK SATEEN SKIRTS. There will be no interruption to business during our improvements for the next couple of weeks. RENNER KEMP, Popular Dry Goods House. YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL GAMES.

Boctan Bvataa by IxmUrlll. St. Defeats Philadelphia. At Si Louis--St. Louis.

Philadelphia, 1. At IioulsvUle--Loulsrille, Boston, 1. Eaitara At Prorl- 7. AE Scr-nton--Springfield, 10; Scraaton, 1. At Buffalo-- Syracuse, 11; Buffalo, 4.

Pvaurlvaala State At Hazlewn--Allen torn, 10; HasUton, I. At Reading--Reading. 13; 9. At Lancaster, T. Brleo's DnL CUVELASD, July of railway men now declare that tbs-ykoaw why Calrln S.

Brloe bought the Akron and Western rood a short time They claim to know with certainty that he forming great railroad system, which will be the shoirsest between Chicago and New York and havetanrilfloa- tions to manj of the great eea- ten. The line will be between the Tan- def bllt system on the north and the Pennsylvania on the south and will crow the Erie in several places. Church at Ctty. ATLANTIC CITY, July Nicholas Roman Catholic church and the First Baptist church, in this city, were entered by thiem darisg the night. Several sacred rallied at $100 were stolen from the first named building, and at the First Baptist church the contribution boxes were rifled nnd the study of Pastor Crow broten into.

Among the booty taken wad a collection of antique coins from oriental countries, valued at several hundred dollars. Two for SCRAVroy.P.i., July 13. A conservative figuring of the primary returns in the Fourth Legislative district of Lackawnnna eounty shows that forty-two Hastings and thirty-two Quay delegates are choien for today's legislative district convention in Doamore. The district will sead two delegates the state convention. The Woman's College.

Prof. J. H. Apple, of the Woman's College, who since the closing of the school has been on a canvassing tour in this and adjoining States, has arrived in Frederick on a short visit. Prof.

Apple is greatly encouraged at the prospects of having a much larger school the coming year than last. The Board of Trustees at a recent meeting decided to make more room for the accommodation of pupils, and ihe energetic president thinks that almost all of the contemplated improvements will be needed soon after the commencement of the next scholastic year. A Fact Worth Knowing. Cotwomption, Pneumoats, and Threat and disrates are aural by Shlloh's Curs, for sale Albert L. Pearre, Ktohlson Funenla.

The funeral of Mrs. Mary wife of August Mehrllnc, took pi' ce yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock from her late home on East street. Rev. H. Bielfeld officiated, assisted by Rev.

Luther man. The pall bearers were Peter See- eer, John L. Johnson, Adolph Hahn, J. Fleiachman, M. L.

Firestone, George Brust, Interment was made at Mount OHvet. C- C. Csrty the director. A Personally Conducted Tour to a-mrm svnd Wavtkina Glen. The Royal Blue Line announces a second select and personally conducted tour to Niagara Palls, Watklns Glen, Haach Chunk, Glen Onoko, Rochester and Geneva, Thursday, July 18, via the famous Lehigh Valley route, giving tourists a daylight ride through the "Switzerland of America." A special train of first-class day coaches with Pullman Parlor Cart attached, will leave B.

O. R. R. Statlan, Washington, 810 a. Baltimore 9.05 a-m.

The mund trip from Msrtinsbug will be Hagerstown, $1150; Frederick, $1105. For more detailed information apply to Chas. O. Scull, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Baltimore, Md. Remember the date, Thursday, July 18th.

It 8aves Every Day. Thousands of oases of ConsumtiHon, Coughs, Coidi and Croup are cored everj day by dhiioBY Cure. Tfot sale Dj Albert L. Pearre. Btchison Building-.

Catarrh Cured. Health and sweet breath secured, br Shlloh's Catarrh Bemedr. Price 5O Nasal In- ieotorlree. For sale by Albert L. Pearre, BtchMon Building.

8ar von saw it in rne News- Excursion to Atlantic City and Other Seaabore Beaorta. Before deciding where yon. will spend your summer vacation, consult the dates of the B. series of trips to the Atlantic Coast resorts. Round trip tickets are sold at remarkably low rates, making it possible to ipend a week or tea days br the sea at a trifling cost.

The next excursion of the aeries is announced for Thursday, July 85, when the adm'rable arrangements of the previous excursion will be carried out. The tickets will be told for all trains of the 35th, valid for return trip twelve days, including day of eale, allowing a stop-off at Washington on the return journey. Similar excursions an announced for August 8 and 38. leave Frederick 5.45,3.05 a. 1.45 and 4,30 p.

m. Lsave Hagerstown 6.30,11.10 a. m. and 5p.m. Round trip tickets $5 50 Correspondingly low rates from other stations.

For more detailed Information apply to nearest B. fc O. Agent. Free! Free! Write 8. C- Weils if Le Bor.

N. for pamplet on "Four tfatlonal Foes" and swaple of their celebrated Karl's Clover Soot Tea. For sale br Albert L. Pearre. Ktohism Building.

CHILDREN GROW healthy--grow happy--grow rosy cheeked and bright eyed, on HIRES' ROOTBEER. This great health- 1LJ giving temperance drink! thould be kept in every home. It win benefit and every member of the family from the baby np, and prove a mootdeliciocaV thirst satisfying beverage for callers. It's good afl the coon and night. Get tie genuine HIKCb Rootbeer Soidmrrrtm.

The Chas. C. Hires THREE IMPORTANT ITEMS. UP TO DATE SucceMtal Examination. Miss Sophie Herman, daughter of Mr.

Charles Herman, the well known fbrist of West South street, has successfully passed two examinations at the Hahneman Hospital In Polladelphla and Is now taking a course for a trained nmse. Miss Herman entered the hospital lut April and hu since made much progress in the profession that she has chosen. HYHE5E1L. TO WXD. Dr.

and Mrs. 3. F. Thomas, of Frederick, have issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Ethel, to Mr. Frank F.

Patterson, of the Baltimore American, on Tuesday next, July 16th, at their hose in this ctty. Court. Inventories of personal and real estate in tba estate of Aaa Claggett, doceatad, filed. 0 NITU WONDERFULLYilLOWi PRICED. BAJBY See onr Refrigerator, for it is the best in the market for, the price and free from taint and mould.


1 2 and 1 4 South Market Frederick, Md. UR, TEETHING SYRUP, THE BABY'S COM Once triwi, ujt or sour stomach, rel CRT.THE MOTHER'S I Will cure Colic in 10 minutes; cnr4 forms of indigestion, can bt-River T-. hnhies 1 day old. Will oiera Infnotnm and the baby la good, tlthy condition throarii the period of teething. An over Uoee does ia it.

25 cts. at drcgaists. AHRNEY SON, IlAOtKSTOWS, Kd. ireett you SJCnUaathi. paper.

healthy condition no harm; nothtoc only hy Dlls. Trifcl.

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