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Freeborn County Standard from Albert Lea, Minnesota • 8

Albert Lea, Minnesota
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LATEST NOTES NEWS WESIemMntnaiirelnsraceCo All Ladies Want It for Infanzc and Children Also as usual resh and 'Pure Groceries Prices Right ell these things ire worth knowing They are facta on every The fac simile Children Cry for Castoria 1895 LIGHT RUNNING McCORMICK STEEL 1 eini lie lw3 AlberV Lea Hospital Minneapolis St Louis Ry Hartland Tillaic Official Notices 4 LIQUOR LICENSES Call and see or DAYTON 'f A Wohlhuter Co DODGE 7 WEST SUPERIOR When Baby was sick we gave her Castoria When she was a Child she cried for Castoria When she became Miss she dung to Castoria When she had Children she gavethem Castoria BINDERSand MOWERS because Casroris had been proven to be absolutely harmless? Do Yon Know that average boees of Castoria are furnished for 35 rom the Country The Chief Happenings Chronicled by the Standard's Corps of Alert Correspondents Thomas and Lansing Bail BeaiingDisc Harrows Prairie City Seeders Buckeye Seeders La Crosse Lever Harrows Try a bottle of Dr amily Cure and you will be convinced that it will cure all stom ach liver kidney and bowel difficulties Sold by The Briggs Drug Co I8m3 Do Ton Know that the' Patent Office Department of the United States and of other countries have issued exclusive right to Dfc Pitcher and hia assign to use the word Castoria aai its formula and that to imitate them is a state prison on ease TO OUR PATRONS: 7 yhurston recently of Hope has become a member of qur firm This will enable us Jjetter than ever Jo keep a extensive line of ft St rPm7 on everything we have Come and talk JJUTi JLrlllll 1 ICLb with us and we will prove it TRUESDALE RMrivar MINNESOTA JiORTH DAKOTA MONTANA WASHINGTON Or the North West and Pacific Coast HUMBOLDT (Dakota City) LIVERMORE LUVERNE BRITT i ALBERT LEA And adjacent territory Many Persons Cannot touch food prepared with lard and yet all such people can eat freely of food shortened with or cooked (even fried) LUI lUi crtt ror dyspeptics and those with delicate digestive powers Collolene is invaluable Having all the good features of lard with none of its uhhealthfuiness its wonderful success is easily ex plained The genuine is sold one three and five pound tins and always has trade mark steer's head in cot ton plant wreath on every' package Unde only by The airbank Company CHICAGO CHICAGO NEW YORK omcxsoi A KEILQQO NEWSPAPER CD Two Superior Tress DriBsT nvrr will be closed out DU1U UUbb We might to day be a line of so called machines at a price wiii would still be high but prefer to sell the AigA txiZiie McCormick at a price vbieb expefence will most assuredly prove is fete Glad to show out friends these machines at any time Come in and see them McCormick Machinesand Twine for sale and a stock of Assortment of and General Hardware Johnson ilKfl 4 A New Crockery Pattern Notice of Applicatiois OB New Model One Horse Machine for 1895 Cheaper sftnpler and more pow erful than ever urnished either with all hope or rope and rods as desired Ordinarily the crops on the land that you would clear In three or four days would pay for the machine besides the wood on the land would well pay the labor of clearing These are facts and It will pay you to investigate them if you have unpro ductive timber land Machines constantly on hand at my shop where I would be pleased to you Or address for descriptive circuiar Ci EDWARDS Albert Lea Minn per year Mr Void has been In poor health for a tong but 'we hope that retiring from wora will benefit him 1 A daughter of Anton Larson arrived lately di rect from Denmark Lara Laraon and Chrto Sorenson Albert Lea called on relatives In this vicinity Thursday Another picnic at Beaver lake which took place Tuesday was the Jubilee event ot the week for many of our young folks Mrs raudsen Albert I ea speut a few days here last week visiting relatives Miss Christine Jorgensen la now staying at home having abandoned work on aocouut of I poor health We bope she may soon recover Kiel is building an addition to his barn Chris Peterson doing the work We are Informed that Jensen lsber Is amongst us again Ab sad recital) Wonder I what we wlU bear next Ed Carlson Albert Lea was the guest ot Anderson's family part of last week I Misses Mary Sarah aud Martha Janson Al bert Lea were welcome visitors at the homes of their cousins here last week i Mr auMrs Albert Jacobson are rejoicing over the birth of a bright baby boy Rev and Mrs Reichenbach Albert Lea en joyed a recreation lu the free air ot the country riday pesldes visiting relatives lntbB neigh borhood Photographer uller was out and time a picture of the school in Diet No 23 Grove will not be behind this year In celebrating the 4th of July A Demorest silver medal contest which will form part of the pro gram Is creating great Interest everywhere We hope to be able to give the full program next week' Glkanxr Dr Dear Sir: I have been suffering with sick headache for a long time I used your amily Cure and now am entirely re lieved I would not do without your medicine Mrs Miller ML Morris Ills Sold by The Briggs Drug Co I8m3 Dr Cream Baking Powder I air Highest Madaf and Diploma AP 1 have had rheumatism since I was 20 years old but since using your amily Cure nave been free from it It also cured my husband of the same disease Mrs Jtobt Connelly Brooklyn la Briggs Drug Co Children Cry for Castoria? Dr Pastilles are effectual for female weakness pain on top of the head and lower part of the back It strengthens and cures Sold by The Briggs Drug Co 18m3 Diseases unfriendly to women are positively cured by Dr Sawyers Pastilles Ask your drug gist for a tree sample package It heals and cures oe sale by The Briggs Drug Co 18ms Xte Yr Knotr that mast countries draggMa are not permitted to aaQ narcotlca without them Yon Knoxr ibnt ca should not lermtt any medicine to be given your child vcWsjcu oryecr know ot what it iscompceed Do Yon Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable (reparation and that Mak of its ingredients is rubhshed with every bottle Do You Know that Castoria is the prescription ot the famous Dr Samuel Pttcher That it has been in use for nearly thirty years and that more Castoria la now sold than Are devoted to the cause of realizing fire insurance at cost cal i Simplest in Construction Alt CoDipetatton StnM Yway from ihe itt tire EiiirTests TheCostof CaiTying Insurance 'Reduced thanHalf by the Albert Company i Of Jklloert Lea lizizi Passengers from DESMOINES PERRY OGDEN BEST IN THE WORLD' Becasse Mast Durably Built Lightest in Draft i HlHOROUGHL 2Z Equipped with Trained Nurses Electric and Medicated Baths and Every Convenience for Treating Chronic and Surgical Diseases Charges Moderate KJ TODD Proprietor Pale thin bloodless people should use Dr Ukatlne It Is the greatest remedy In the world for making the weak strong Sold by The Briggs Drug Co I8m3 The Campaign Is Open And our ticket leads the list Here are our candidates and they be beat I Barb Wire Nails Buggies Jewell Gas Stoves arm Machinery ill kinds by the car bads just arrived 1 i' A CompleteX ine Organs and New Home Sewing Machines Etc Plumbing a Toa for Right Dealing Specialty anct Honest Work lV A A The Alter Lea Bartare Co EDWARDS' GrubiStump Piiller OTHERS Do You Know that Paregoric 3 Dregs QcCtrey's Cordial many so caOed Soothing Syrcpa and iBost remedial for children are conpoaad ot opium or morphine or the Harvest only one way to get ready so that you can be sure that you are ready we are 'roady to geb you ready with the World Beating resb Groceries And to promptly serve our customers TIIIJHSTOW TAILOR THIJBSTON TH Spring Goods SUCH asL 1 STATE MINNESOTA County or asraonn VuaaoB or Habtlaxd Notlca li bereb given that application bav been made tn writing to the Village Council pf aid Village of Hartland and filed ln(my office pralng for licence to cell intoxicating liquor ter tbe term commencing July lit A 1895 and terminating July lit A 1896 by the foilowl ng peraoni and at tbe followlnr place aa atated in laid applicationbeiperilvely to wit: 8 In the front room on the ground floor lu tnaone atory building iltuated on lot num ber 1 (6) block number two (2) lu arid Village of Hartland Wulff and In the front room on the ground floor in the one etory building altu ated on lot number three (3)block number two (2) In aald Village of Hartland Andrew In the front room on the ground floor in the two atory building iltuated on lot number eight (8) block number four (4) in aald Village of Hartland Said appltoationa will be heard and determined by arid Village Council ot the Village of Hartland at the Council Chamber In aald Village of Hutland reeborn County Minnesota oh the 29th day of June A IBM at 8 of that day Wttneea my band and aeal ot aald Village thia 10th day of June A 1885 DONOVAN Village Recorder CHICAGO ST LOUIS i KANSAS CITY Etc or LOWEST RATES and BEST ACCOMMODATIONS enquire of any agent of St Ry or write to A BfCUTTS Acting Gen'l Tlctet A Paa Agent MINNEAPOLIS youare going to Qr in 8LPAULjr MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH Red Oak creamery He has a complete general stock that with low price always brings a large trade Old settlers will have a reunion and 'picnic at Oakland next Saturday Every one Is Invited to come and have a good time A The new church at Oakland will be finished by tbe 24th and on tbe 25th will be dedicated Every one Is very much pleased with it i Some very much needed Improvements have been made at tbe woodlawn cemetery fences repaired trees trimmed etc Machine men and peddlers are thicker than files one of them cut tbe copper bottom put of a boiler at 8 Kings during tbe absence of the family Such men ought to be looked after aud learned a lesson Taylor and wife had their two youngest children christened Sunday at the afternoon service held at the school house by Rev Pull V' A game of bril was played in Moscow Sunday between tbe Moscow and Oakland club The Moscow came out ahead a usual Bombtimm SUMNER' A Tufte Is down from Madlsqn 8 visiting relative and friends He says crops look well in that section filre Tufte is suffering with a bad felon on her hand A 4 Martin new house I nearly completed It is the finest one in the neighbor hood' 5 Howe fit Oo a ve quit grinding for the sea son and purchased a new thresher separator We are glad to hear Johnson is improv ing in health A team whlle tn Hayward last week became frightened throwing Mrs Vlnans out breaking her arm Moeone of our moat prosperous farmers has bought out his partner Hauge We wish him success I Kluckow our butter maker made a trip I to Steele county last week Mr Jones of Albert I Lea ran the creamery during his absence 1 rettem has just finished a new barn I Hauge did the carpenter work in fine shape I Ourireaniery shipped 33 tube tutter last week I Bismabck I haxwakd Eliza Coyne took the train for Chleago from I here Thursday after a long visit among friends I in inis vicinity I Some of tbe lumber for the has ar rived I John Murphy went to Austin Saturday re turning same day Olberg was la town Saturday i Everybody should attend our grand celebra tion July 4th The programme consists of speeches bril games and all kinds of races Conaert and dance in the evening A 8 Nelson grain buyer closed his warehouse last Saturday hade Hayward good day and departed for parts unknown until the ppenjug oXtha new crops when he Is likely to jeturn Miss Ann Ease Is'atlll on the sick list but she Is somewhat Improving I trqf Hall of Minneapolis arrived here lasj riday jo look pfter his farming interests 5 Severalpaoplq went from here to airmont tbeJ24bnd attended the picnic jithatdayiV i 1 Mrs 8 Easton expects to start for'partsJn New York tn fi week dr two 4 A Esse came down from airmont Saturday night to remain over Sunday He reports crops in excellent condition in that locality man with the tooth pick shoes was In town again last Sunday i The ball game played at Glenville Saturday between Glenville and Hayward ended with a score oflBto it in favor of Glenville The Hay 1 ward boys had the best end ot the game at the I fith inning score standing 8 to 9 in favor ot Hay 1 ward and would evidently have won had they I not made those poor plays They will perhaps playagain I Rev ol went to 8 Dak one day last I week Ms wife going to her parentlal home at I Wilmar the same day to remain during his I absence I GROVE Peter Paterson of the Borne urniture Co end I Miss Anna Olson Albert Lea Bundayed here the Mb Miss Anna Nelson has returned after I finishing her school in Nunda 'township She I reports the term to have been a very pleasant I I Miss Nellie Peterson Albert Lea'hss been I Visiting her home for some time I Miss Olga Peterson greeted friends here the sthiust Miss Mary Nelson has been staying with her sister Mrs Christenson for a couple of I weeks while tbe corset factory at Albert Lea I where she Is employed has been closed down I Miss Sophy Miller another employe of tbe seme I factory hes been staying with her slstprfMrs I Mortenson for thd same period I Mr and Mra Mrimstoan Minneapolis were Halting relatives arouud here part of last week I We understand Mrs Mrimstoan has been here I for come weeks I Day was postponed by our Sunday I school until Bunday June 33d on account ot the I program not reaching here on time The day will be one ot apeciri interest find all are iuvited I to be present I 0 PKlel and family of Albert Lea were guests I it the Ijome ot Kiel last Thursday Lawson ha rented A farm of I 80 acre and the entire stock of horses cattle I hog and machinery at the low figure of I Children with pale bluish complexions Indi cating the absence of the requisite red globules lu the blood should take Dr Uxatlne Bold by The Briggs Drug Co Im3 Beautiful Spirit Lake June 1Mb Hotel Orleans at Spirit Lake will be opened for tbe regular summer season Spirit Lake Is oue ot the most popular summer resorts In the west You will find tbe climate cool and delightful the fishing and hunting ex cellent and the hotel service at tbe Orleans perfect Prof famous orchestra will be In constant attendance at tbe Orleans' or hotel rates addresf Abell Manager Spirit Lake lows i 23w2 UnshfArd Wagons 31 icliigan Buggy Co Carriage John Iv Gm Planter? John Deere Disc Harrows John Deere Stubble Plows single and double furrdws OolximlDia Bicycles Are Our Leaders Other irst Class and Cheaper Kinds send your dollar (yqur gold dollars) to Engiand or even to Connecticut for insurance for 50 cents does the in dentical service in our company The expenses of conduct ing TheWestem Mutual business is 62 per cent less than the average stock insurance company We take no Jumbo risk's in the big cities nor lumber dis A few of those Closing Qut to AMOU5 VXdl IcllKL MakeRoom HARTLAND Nothing preventing Rev 'W EUk will be with next Sunday evening at the UMiafvtimu AU are invited to attend Rev liehhlem contemplates atrip to Europe Road work la nearly completed throughout the township A tower aud wind mill have beau erected over I the pew mill I Potato bugs are scarce this year I Mrs Olut Leo attended the commencemept I exercise at theUlsbury Academy OwatunM I last week Her daughters Mlaaea Cora aud I Ada returned with be and will spend their I summer racauou unoer rue nome root Smoke stack for the creamery has arrived and 6S tC Is In Bolt Ion I 0 Thomae Bros recently lost a very floe tbroo year old colt She was ao severely Injured on the wire fence that they were farced to kill her Merry go round has left us and gonajo Cooley vllle The boy took In considerable money while here Although the building boom is not so exten sive as earlier In the season still all our busl Xt irictSjand have only tlje losses of our own selected numbers Lynue is busy assessing toe township I We have over 2oOQmemberjs and growing fast iver sortie and Nels oison have goneto I Call and see the results of he past seven twork Sioux alls as delegates to the Lutheran Synod I now In session at that place I The United Lutherans at their last meeting I The Western Mutual Tire Insurance Co Jqdo IL I rm rx Nolan Helium shipped bogs last week I Office over Ransom Store Albert Lea Minn Raised at the Lutheran church picnic Sunday I the 9th Inst SS OO Willie Buhl basretorned from Manchester I our streets last week by bar horse falling down Misses Caroline Borge and Elsie Lee have re 1 m1 browiQE out ot the buggy At first ft cently received new bicycle and are Improving I thought her neck wae broken Dr 'Todd of the spare moments In riding Now If some! AlbertLea was called and she is now In a fair more of our young people would get bicycles! recover we might form a club I Ostrach froni near Oakdale Is vlritlng at Tbe school In district No 109 will close riday I I the 21st and they anticipate having a picnic the! 1 last day but Ithas not been decided as to where I Glenville is prepared to do it will be I Hnds of dressmaking will do fashionable I work In cutting and trimming at price to suit Oluf Lee has his store repainted which Shop east 4 Morrison hotel VmS Is a decided Improvement I 4 PiowKXB I GORDONSVILLE I WHBelgqieyhasMfinewhousenpand'par Chris Lunde and ox successors I to Brotten are prepared to do all kinds of Jolm Lowthian aud wife ot Glenville visited repairing and making harness repairing buggy I witk relatives here last Sabbath ix tops A full line of fiy nets lap dusters collars Holcomb and fsffnliy who moved to whips sweat pads Gall on the boys when pass 1 South Dakota about 13 yean ago returned here Ing their store and they will do the fair thing I last week They think South Dakota la good by you Everything that Is kept in a No 1 har I enough to talk about but prefer reebbrn''ooun nesa shop tbe boys are keeping 13m3 I ty to live In They talk some of going to Ten I nessee this fall REEBORN 1 barn Is up and enclosed We are pleased to note the prosperity of our 1 toew vUlaSs ot Trenton We are reliably in W1 Upn formed that trade Is booming Last Saturday I ame 10 hIi kay If possible i afternoon there were about 20 teams In armers are busy pulling mustard'and digging We noticed It was a hard job at the post office I burdocks these days to wait on customers fast enough the black 1 Harvey Beighley sold his 160 acre farm' to smith shop was crowded I Baerman for (4800 last week The new creamery received 7800 pounds of I Mr A Holcomb has been on the sick ils( milk riday I for the past ten days i Smalt grain la growing so heavy in this part of I Thos Tnrbctt aged over 80 yean Is very low the county that some of It will soon lodge I at present Rasmussen and Herman Raff ori bare build I The prospects for crops were never better at Ing new barns I this time of the year than at present The large cement tiling In tbe fills In the ra 1 TbqaB Turbett oXNorthwood is here caring vines north ot town are crushed or the frost I tar hlssick father Mrs Isaac Moeler of Glen has burst them so that new wooden sluices are I ville a daughter of Mr Tnrbett Is also at her tobeputio neceallatlug a largei amount of ex 1 father's bedside trawork If any one has tried iron pipe and I Meedaroes Anna and Ruth Buchanaiarr via made a success of It we would like to hear of it I relatives at Lake MlHs low through the Standard The lumber has'aarlvqd forSam We have for a tong time noticed an unusual I new hOuse amount of cattle and bogs solns Mio Alden John Barron la around taking the oeneua ot of them from near Hartland also large toad of eggs from this village It is two miles further toAlaen and yet tbe grocer get tbelr good There wiR he several earloads ef onions to sell there and do about rill tbelr shipping there ere next fall if present propeqtJiold food and we are told the rate are no better there I It 1 said I bat th old eagle will aereata loudly either I at Nurthwood next 4u of July NUNDA LONDON Knutson hardware store was burnt Carl Webber ba built anew granjfy and hog down last Wednesday night on account of being bouse put fire to by burglars or tramps PO Neilson has a new wind mill Ole Johnson is bnlldSag a new dwelling bouse I eream social waa held at on Ole A Thompson is we carpenter I Saturday night a Simon Olson and wife left for alrfaxMlnn( I Wm Blton has erected fine barn last riday jtoyd Geesey tbs little son of Orin Geesey Bev GOslby Mr Rasmussen and Mr I met with a very severe accident on Saturday VInje left for BL Paul lat Tuesday I while riding with hisjstherou a toad of grivel Bonheur Bros have just been st Norman with I He fell In front oUbs wheel which ns against their great show I hl bead bruising It very bhdly but did not Number of butter tubs shipped from Norman I fthdure Any bones We hope be will speedily station the last week: Nortb Star creamery I 4 company 1 29 Norman creamery company 87 I MOSCOW Kiester Union creamery company 33 total 2M Tbe o)d gfUkrg Thundkb I held June 22d baa been postponed untilafter TWIN LAKES I harvest Weddings are becoming' numerous in these I Eev HHormel and Rev McLeod parts lately there having been three Id the past KaWD8 calls tn this nelghborboodlast week ten days Tbe last was Miss Rose McKuyne I John Register has treated his bouse to two and Nicholas Sutton It was a fine affair the I coat of paint ball being attended by over 200 guests who were Mrs Bennett has been on the sick bountifully fed and treated to dancing unttl tbe I put week wee hour of tbe morning Tbe presents to the Kew Jg jakJ the nJU w6n' bride ware too numerous to name but a more derUb9eDtiHierWellbe0i(jfl0wijei01(it0john handsome or more appropriate assortment ba I com never before been given a fair bride In this vi 1 elnity (Ab Inclosed poem to the bride we are i( compelled reluctantly to omit Editor Stand fain looktag splendid rbarley afi head i ed out A I I James Lonergan ba been rick for a couple of GLENVILLE I week tyutls so to be out agate Much credit is due Bev Dubois for the earnest crowd sttended the birthday party at latwr and kind attention to make everybody ayLctsof prXcLd comfortable and the camp meeting a tucees ln Rev Berry and others connected with tbe camp I meeting express tbelr gratitude toward tbe taneef oar farmer bay qoft the creamery boys and non professers for the order and res taking fhelr milk to thexheese factory pect shown them Tbe meetings will close Wed 1 8 King Is putting la a JoundJtton under nesday aud have been a source of much eom 1 hi new house Jvf fort to many old time friends meet exchange I Kearns wU make spjne additions to bls experiences recall former tlmesaud attain new store about Xmas strength lu their religious frith I Ira vanbouae Is doing a large business 11 the Three new members were added to tbe ree I Methodist ebureh Bunday evening I Schoolmaster sister from ertile la I visiting here I A GREAT SUERER Mrs Lewis who has been quite sick to now IJWJfr enjoying her usual health I zw Our town now has a full fledged drug store in LlVgfl CQITinlfiiflt many respects Call and get prices on 4th of I July supplies1 for boys I Cars by the 17 ot There is some talk of starting a much needed I furniture store lu this village I 4 rT Mr Egland to building an addition to hie res several uarnt' I year wa a We were glad to see Dr Wilcox and Mr I gryatsuffarsrfroni Brainerd and families of Albert Ik aatcampl 11 vai complaint meeting Sunday I ar which fAused Summers Is getting stone on the ground I TTtr PAlns undar for foundation for bls new residence I rlgtat aideg Teams and men are hauling gravel and Im I from under th proving our etreets lionlru Cook Robinson sold a span of hi roadsters to I TktaTtoW Dr Von Berg I cpiritcdness nl eramp ta th stomacijk Jay Bartlett sold a bin of lumber to 0 Grube lmpiad to able toatatstbat I who will build a new bouse hgv been rsjlsysd ot all these cn Twenty tbree teams were st ihe creamery I plaint by th us of ill Monday morning awaiting turns to load up ISO I find them also to an elegant after din tufrsof butter Mr All A8rxADMuayPa Lang Bros are still in the floor boom but it 1 AVI? DQ a a a bard to get wheat to keep running AA' Ei Miller earns home from Well and took Received Highest Awarded In camp meeting Sonday thc WORLD'! AIR 2 Dr Lowthian started from South Dakota for I Glenville Monday with team and buggy Mrs I Hamon met with a serious accident on I Letter List List of letters remaining uncalled for in the post office at Albert Lea reeborn County Minnesota for tbe week ending June Ifi 1895 LIST Brown Green Clemmons WIU Gardner Edw Hedluud rank Larnbreckt Lar Lakhatnar Staven Nels Semonaon Vangsaess IngebrlgtQ Vaaler Parties calling for any 'of the above letters will please say giving date of list To obtain advertised letters will cost 1 cent Thos Blacklin Dr Cream Baking Powder Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter air San rancisco Experience and money cannot Improve Dr amily Cure because It radically cures dyspepsia liver complalut and kidney difficulty or sale by the Briggs Drug Co 1 8m3 Dr A Sir: After suffering four years with female weakness I was pursuaued by a friend to try your Pastilles and after uslui them one year I can say I am entirely well can not recommend them too highly Mrs 8 Brook Bronson Bethel Branch Co Mieh Bold by The Briggs Drug Co 18m3 i A Valuable ind After years of study and labor tbere has at last been discovered a sure aud never falling remedy It has been tested on patients who have despaired of ever being cured the results have been tn every case wonderful Rheumatic Cure to unequalled as a positive remedy in all cases of chronic ana acute Inflam matory rheumatism gout lumbago sclataca neuralgia especially ovarian neuralgia dys menorrlicea and all kindred affections It is al so a valuable blood purifier being especially useful in eczema psoriasis scrofula all glandu lar enlargements and diseases of the liver and kidneys It'is absolutely free from all narcotics Severe attacks are relieved In from one to three davs and a positive cure effected In from live to eighteen days oreale by BrlggstDrug Co Albert Lea Minn 12W16 Rose Maimer 2 C1 TWiit A i i Ar Ready I tv fw mll Sr1 nr drl Am fl nHrl 1 rlfl I JS i 1 1 tz I Si hing New A 3 I I 1.

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