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Iowa City Press-Citizen from Iowa City, Iowa • Page 10

Iowa City, Iowa
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MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19,1923 IOWA CITY PRE)SS-CITIZEN PAGE SEVEN Gcn ral Club Meeting At the Commercial club rooms Friday, occurred the regular monthly meeting of the Iowa Woman's club, the president, Mrs Marvin H. Dey, presiding. After IIQ regular routine business and of officers, the secretaries of the departments reported con- inued interest and close application to the Communications on widely- varying topics were read by the president. In. response to one of these commun-, cations, the club sent a telegram to Mr.

Ray Yenter, our reprenseu-' tative in Des Moines, asking his support for the Sheppart-Tpwner bill. The unique and thought prompt ing suggestion was made that because of the moral support their presence would give, more of our" women should attend court when women on the jury. This same thought was voiced by Ladr STancy Astor when she said, "Wo" men have no right to set at' homo wrapped in the ignorance they call innocence, just because facing conditions' as they exist out- GOOD MANNERS Tvlieu two daughters make their dpbut together, the mother's name, on their joint card, appears, as before, nearest the top. Directly below it is "Miss Blank," for the eldest daughter, and then, "Miss Mary Blank," for the younger. Or, the form, "The Misses Blank" salty be used.

The joint card Is used in announcing an at- home in sending? out gifts or when mother and daughters make calls together. vMiss Weaver to Speak Tuesday Afternoon, February 27th, is announced the dats Public Welfare Meeting Members of the public welfare department of the Iowa City Woman's club will meet at the health- center at the court house, on Friday, February 23rd, at 3 o'clock. Miss Stewart, public health nurse, and her co-workers in the city, county and school will be the principal on Elaborate Formal Party Hoffman-Dalton I Miss Elaine Pazour is recover-1 Mr. and Mrs. G.

W. Samuels Distinctive and beautiful In its Beautiful' and Imprcpsive was ing, after a short battle with the havo bidden Lone Tree goodbye, the program. is desired. A large attendanco To Preside At Dinner Judge and Mrs. Ralph P.

Howell and Dr. and Mrs. John Voss have issued invitations to forty- five couples for "6:30 o'clock dinner, at the Hotel Jefferson, on Wednesday 21st. evening, February effect was the elaborate decora- the wedding of Misfe Alice Dallou grip tive scheme of the formal dinner danco of the Sigma Pi fraternity at the Pagoda tea shop oa Saturday The party be remembered as one of the "most elab6rate and highly successtul social events of the 1923 season. Upon passing through the cave- like entrance, the guests numbering 40 couples, found themselves i'u The Moulin Rougje, a -famous cabaret of Greenwich.

Vil; Mr. Edgar J. Hoffman, of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hoffman, I Mr.

Albert Bird has returned of Ida Grove which took to hjs home in West Liberty. He the home 6f the bride's mother, was called to Ode-bolt, recently, Mrs. William Dalton, at 215 North hy news of the dangerous illness Van. evening, Ing E. Wade, of the Christian! awa church officiated at the the single ring service being Mr and Mrs.

William Hoffman Margaret Hoffman, a sister 'are parents of a new son. The of the bridegroom, attended the little one whose parents live in I tilt I i o-- Euren street, on. Saturday his grandfather, who stricken ig, at 5 o'clock. RPV. Irv-! paralysis, subsequently passed and complete in every de-; i bride and Mr.

Richard Dalton, a I West Branch, was bora in an Iowa of the bride, acted as best City hospital man. Master Chalmers Green, Preside at Tea fin compliment of Mrs. Lillian Maulsby, the members oi Kappa Gamma sorority entertained at tea on Saturday afternoon, at the'chapter house. hours were from 3 to "6 o'clock. --s-Formal Date Announced Saturday evening, March 10th, has been set for the annual w.o- men's pan-hellenic dance.

The party which is one of the most prominent affairs of the formal season, will be given at the men's i A cell, tail, left nothing for the imagma-1 smaU son Qf Mr anfl Mrg Mr. Frederic McAllister has de- tion to overlook. The side walla Green, of Cowrie, Iowa, 'carrU d. clded to lcaTe tae university, and and low ceiling were-ln black and the ring in a white rose bud. Miss' returned to his hoine in white, each corner of the room, i re ne Kemmerle played the wed-! Hawarden, preparatory to entering holding a taboret with a large majeh and before the service i the university of South Dakota, bowl of fragrant incense.

The at- Miss Lorna Schuppert sang "Be- at Vermillion. He was a sopho- tention centered at once updn a side of their immediate circle, wMch MIss Florence may tend to shock them. It is Interior decorator of Des ibp women who lead sheltered Moinjes, will speak at tae corn- lives who should look after and club rooms at 3 o'clock work for those who are not so To her talk on "Arrangement" ot cte 1 exhibits, and discussions fol- -After this enjoyable business club member the social committee took cordially invited Non-mem- A a TM also included in the um charge of the meeting. musical prograaa wa's given in- won the payment of the usica progr eluding a piano solo "Rustles of ue fcf twenty-five cents. Spring" by Binding, and an encore VMmute Waltz," by Ghomn, "splen- the Program.

The, craft section is sponsoring didly played by Miss Mary Atta Hoopes and two numbers, "Love's Magazine Section Program Old Sweet Song," and "Jack and 1 Miss Susan King led the discus- Jill," sung in the us'ual pleasing ion of the drug traffic at the way by the members of the Iowa last meeting of the magazine sec- City Woman's club chorus. The tion of the Iowa City Woman's rest of the hour vras spent by club, the program proving to be the' members of the club in get- interesting and was well presented. Ite: "better acquainted. The fa- on Friday, February 23rd, the vors were little red hearts and members of the section will the valentine (suggestions were a 30 o'clock at the city hall, Birthday Party Mrs. John B.

Helmer was the witness, and the defendant gavo bail in the sum of to appear Saturday. Joseph Derevny, a student from Chicago, at Iowa university, is under arrest, charged with disturbing the peace, in that H. Osburn, of Silvis, 111., another beautiful electric water fountain, white, being effectively carried out has improved exceptionally student, avers he hit him with a banked with flowers, which were in the d-ecoration of the rooms, we'll, and now is able to return, metal wrench. Mayor Emma Hav- prominent features of the room. The bride was gowned in a home.

She came here, from Ro- vatjviH hear the case this after- Three large red shaded lights fur- lovely dress of cocoa brown satin Chester, cause." The ceremony was per-; more in arts here. red windmill from which a formed In the living room before spotlight flashed multicolored a lattice work banked with green lights upn the dancers, and a foliage, the color scheme of pink 'Mrs. Mabel Anderson, after critical operation at Mercy hos- a and have removed to Wilton, they will operate a restaurant. This leaves the Hotel Grand, at Lone Tree, temporarily without -a land lord once more. In County Clerk Charles F.

Banda's office, a licSnse 'to wad was issue to Edgar P. Hoffman (24) and Alyce M. Dalton (24). Justice B. A.

Crossett has continued the case of State of Iowa vs. Butler, until the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. RothschiiaTay'o from New York Jj- ter spending their vacation.

aRtl transacting 'buslnossr- Mr. child says that "New York is York, as a great mercantile tur, of course, but there is iioik- ing quite so good aa $(l Iowa. Newv-York adds, "is sloppy, slushy, and pleasant. Iowa City is the bettor place to Every time I away 1 come back, more ia lava with Iowa than ever, and liking this state better than I Rothschild to Kansas City, Thursday, to young woman is I ticlpate in the. celebration ffie 90 irthda of her father- who nished the only other crepe, and wore a corsage bouquet from windmill and of orchid roses and lavendar and Mrs.

Howard Beye- noon. Chemists are still ia receipt of than that from the windmill and 'candles. Black candles, six feet sweet peas. The bridesmaid wore announce the birth of a son oa no shipment of the vital organs or high marked each doorway as well dark hrown crepe, her flowers be- Friday, February 16th. any'other portion of the body of as the entrance to the orchestra in lavendar sweet peas and pink ---the ghsnandoah (Iowa) nurse, pit, and an immense artist's roses Th6 ttle ring bearer was! Mrs.

C. P. Howard has re- whoge bo1y wag founa an autQ lette, bearing the fraternity crest, handsomely attired in a satin suit turned from a month's visit in mobile last week- various mcs- decorated the wall above the or- fer and champagne. Follow- 1 Canada and at Boston, Massa- gages haye been re -g eivefl here to chtestra. Prettily appointed tables were arranged along the walls, the ceremony, a three course chusetts.

to thirty ding guests. The dinner was serv- the effect that the organ have been shipped to Iowa City for analysis Teeters and family or examination; Mt local ex separated from, each other with and at each place, dainty little anniversary. A post card shower from her numerous friends was red windmill one of the evening, interest added a eupidg wagons Helen Hayes has returned of her parents, Mr. and 1 ce'ved from Mr. Anton Linder, easel marked each cover.

The S1 ty for two years and during the who is ninety-nine years of age favors were lovely bronze jncense past year has been connected with bamuel tla 7 es s-- I burners, with the fraternity crest Lundberg' and Seidenbeeker com- in silver Flindt's 8-piece orches- rany. Mr. Hoffman is an alum- Mrs Eastman en route Praver Meetina Iowa university co-eds do "make whether Wisconsin with its for of Male Stu3e 's" thinks BaSger girls are not home builders. Statisticians have Jbeen looking, birthday of her who will an and will observe that important'anni- versary, at his home in "tho heart of America," after her arrival. Fire, limited to some waste paper, in the basement of the Academy, inflicted no damage, but caused some smoke, and.

also some last night. The department "squirted" out the blaze promptly, and in a few niinutes, the sensation was a thing of the past. The fire did not even 'begin to approximate the blaze, that caused trouble and peril there a few years ago. Talk with your neighbor at tba other end of the city th: )ugh, the classified advertisements. i A i i 4 1-rjk.

I tA JJ.J( -LtJ-J. CiJ-L Ojl wm be tra of Clinton, played for ius of the -university, and a mem- to Oklahoma from a visit with ovar the marriage and court rec- dancing which was continuous her of the Acacia fraternity. daughter, Mrs. H. F.

Good- oris ac Iowa, and find that less A A 5TM nno T-TnTTrlrci-wci S. S. S. Will Prore to If bu in 'Your "How" and "Why" of its Remarkable Blood-Cleansing Power! There ia a reason for everything tappeos. Common-sense kills misery.

1 Common-sense also Stops boils! S. the remedy for boila. Nordeck on Tuesday i 9 stre from 6 to 12 o'clock. Two feature While at college, he distinguished rich, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, is per cent of the Hawkeye numbers, one by a toe dancer and bimself as a track athlete. He a -guest at the Hotel Jefferson who have marriel are now 20th, at 7-So o'clock.

Mr. J. Justice will be the leader and everybody will be Welcomed. one by a little girl, lent variety and his bride will be at home at or a to the dance program, as did ths Charles City, where Mr. Hoffman i I A.

time. divorcees, or have become since-the university "was carnival dances with the addi manager of that' territory for M. L. Deatoa' and chil- 76 years-ago. tional features of.fancy caps, con the Standard Oil company.

rtren 'are confined to their home such Faragher-Rohrer i fetti I Hrs. and Mr. ariJ of town guests at the wed- ty illness. 1 Mr. teslie Tetter has returned C.

E. Leese, and Mr. and included Mrs. Edward HofC- from a buying trip in New York. carried out in the refreshments, the subject tor discussion beiag Announcement is the Mrg cllara son -were" the man tho mother of the bride- "Mrs.

Hayes Carson has returned He purchased toys and merchan- The social committee in Charge "insh re Mrs. J. E. wedding of Miss Agues Rohrer, cha erolU3i and guests of the fra- KTOom Mrs Cliffton, of Ida rom Des Moines, where she has disc. He reports a large number daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Edward tern ty included Mr Mark Grove Mrs Green of Cedar been visiting Mrs. Ralph Bolton of bjuycrs in the metropolis. Rohrer, 'of 425 East -Davenport Tapscott Des Moines Miss Lu' ids Mr and Mrs luring the past week. "Prosperity is evidenced on ev- was Mrs.

Paul E. Read, chairman; Mrs. Fredrick Holmes, Mrs. C. P.

Howard, Mrs. Emerson G. and Mrs R. E. Parsons.

Arts and Letters Department of the arts and letters department of the Iowa 1 City Woman's club will meet this eVe- Ding at 8 o'clock at the school of music in their regular meeting. Musical numbers and an evening of O'Henry's short stories will be Bickett will be the leader. enjoyed under the direction Mrs. Julia B. McKibbin.

of Garclsn Club Potspcned Owing to the illness of Prof. Boirumil -Shimek, who was to speak, the Friday meeting of the Garden dub of the Iowa City Women's club has been postponed imtil further notice. Government Section Meeting Mrs, John J. Lambert will have charge of the meeting-of the government section of "the Iowa City Woman's club at 4 o'clock, on street, and Mr. Stanley of Miss of Adrian, Minnesota, at Worth- Est ner Swift of Cedar ington Minnesota, on November Misg Hazel Juer gens, -of Glidden, 6th.

The briJe, who was sradu- Mr FIord Mabie of Ames ated from the University of Iowa has been teaching at Tuesday afternoon, February 20rh, last June, at'room No. 3, hall of "liberal arts. (Adrian during the past year Mr Hands and Mr Ax mear. The subjecj! for discussion is "Congress: Formation and Sisnifi- can.ce 'of Committees and Bills Pending." Parliamentary Chapter the text book is the lesson for the regular meeting of tho study club of parliamentary law of the Iowa City Woman's club at room 4, hall of liberal arts, on Tuesday, February 20th( at 3:30 o'clock. A good attendance is desired.

--s-- ond son, Chalmers, of ery hand," he said, "and business Mr. and Mrs. Joseph awakening is ebpecially indicated of Bennison, came last evening for the sales of merchandise in the Pi Banquet a visit at the Mn BaT bis markets. Buying is almost Following initiation ceremonies Borka siste Mrs. Minnie Struble.

10 lcr cellt -greater In volume it was a year ago, at the PA 3 Farasrijer is a former student the University of Minnesota, anl is at present engaged in the clothing business at Sonhomore Class'Entertain Instead of presented by John Biebesheimer, of Wellsburg: Dcan Robert E. Rienow, the" junior class of thg high school, Stanley. Overland, of Milford; re derick Knight and Prof. Parks Mr. Henry J.

Wienake, a pioneer corresponding time." and civil war veteran on. Saturday night, when ten ple'dses became members of the iraternity, Alpha' Beta chapter of P- -F eta llet a held a banqu el continues seriously ill at his home. Pi fraternity announces- Sunday noon which was attended, the formal initiation of the follow- several Iowa-City alumni. ing pledges on Sunday -afternoon, In the jnitiation Saturday, three at tte chapter house: Messers roe ml rs of the University as announced in previous issues, Stanley Fuller, of Wf or Nelson Nutte took part The toitlate8 the vaudeville entertainment which Harriett, of Boone; Elmer Hass, we re Raymond D. Schofer, Moline, I featured the mietina; of the par- of Mason City; Clyde Guthrie, ot 11L Ge orge A.

Pauls, Washington, ent-teachej association on F-iday Milford; George Preston, of Audo- Ia Alexander M. Miller, evenin'g, was given by the mem- bm; and Leland West, of Knox- Moines; Paul Schroeder, Fort Mrs. Joe Clareace visited af Liberty on Mr 1C home of, CITY BRIEFS bPi-s of sophomore class. New Silk Blouses $3.98 to $15.00 New Petticoats of Silk $2.98 to $10.00 011 in iation Madison, la Cyras W. Mark', Lakei Licences to wed have been -rmal ban ores m.

Robert M. Bahnsen, sued by County Clerk Charles F. era were laid lor thirty guests, in Bluffs Ward 1 eluding active and alumni mtetn- acy, Linville, O. BIe Huffman (19); Dave Marner Mr. O.

a. itrem-er piesid- amsonj Waterloo; and John E. (23) and Blanche Swartzendruber We Are Going To Print The Truth about The Mayor in a Front Page Story Watch For It! May be Small Tjecatise it is built on reason. Scientific authorities admit its power! S. S.

S. builds blood-power, it builds red-blood- cells. That is what makes fighting- blood. Fighting-blood destroys impurities. It fights boils.

It alivays -wins! It fights pimples! It fights skin eruptions! It builds nerve-power, thinfcinsr power, the tight-fisted power, whirls a man up into success. Jt gives women the health, the angelic com-" plexion and the charm that moves -tho -world These are the reasons that hav0 made S. S. S. today the great blood- cleanser.

body-builder, success builder, and It's why results have made tears ot ioy flow from the sonls of "thousands! Mr. V. D. Schaff, 557 loth "Washington, writes: tried for years to get relief from tad cose of boils. Evcrytliing failed took S.

S. S. I am now absolutely cured, it was S. S. S.

that did it." Try it yourself. S. S. S. is sold at ill drugr stores in two sizes. bottle la the more economical. makes von fetl limes bers included talks by Jonn Harold Ri ene cke of Strawberry Helen Smith (20). I besneimer and Nelson Garrett, oint Ia president of the cllap i freshmen; Mr. Earl Locher, seni- ler actcd ag toaslma ter at the' In the district court, another' O.T1C1 JVL. J.

of Des Moines, alumnus. Washington's Birthday Pilgi'im chapter, of D. A. will observe Washington's i day, at at the Pagoda banquet. Among the speakers chapter in tho case oL were Dean Rienow, who spoke ijey Smith vs.

Iowa City, has been rm fhr. value of fraternities to hv ths nlaintifl's nt.tornp.v i on the value of fraternities to the university, and Alexander Miller. Dr 1 C. S. Grant, Arthur Prof.

Scott, all of Iowa Cf- They gain in favor as the new spring Season approaches. Suits are different--the styles are exceedingly attractive and the cle- i 1 mand is greater than many years. In our collection of the season's I newest offerings you're sure to find the one to make you look the pret- 11 S1 ader Mrs Ha7el i tiest and feel tastefully and becomingly dressed. It's the feeling that 11 sbe i KlUre counts. -i If You kuy Here, You'll Have No Suit Problem The wonderful fashions our buyers selected for this coming spring can I after "dinner be had at a small The New "Missy" Suits In Box Styles i Are smart and in great demand.

1 They 'are developed of plaid Velou'rs, Kasha 1 Cloth and Camel Hair. Graystone, a shade'be- 1 tween tan and grey is one of the most popular colors. The prices range from $25.00 to $55.00 i Also ppiret twill suits in Balkan blouse, box and tailored styles, mostly navy $18.50 to $49.50 Tailored Suits Too i We are showing a wonderfully complete line 1 this season and you will be delighted when you see them. The prices range from $18.50 to $65.00 The much wanted three piece suit is included "i in our showing tea shop on Thursday evening, arfd8f attenaea February 22nd, at 6 o'clock. The Tllirty gix Betas officers of the chapter will be the hostesses aa3 include Miss Zada M.

Cooper, Mrs. Helen A. written by the plaintiffs attorney --himself--Mr. Smith asking the court to expunge from the record his previous ruling whierein ho and John Wintrode, of Cedar i sustained the demurrer filed br the banquet, present. PERSONALS Miss C.

Mr. John Kelch has returned to Sunier, Mrs. Eulalia R. Chase, West Branch, after coming to Iowa Mrs. Athelia Chesley and City to visit his wife, who is im- Ada B.

Robinson. Mrs. Jacob proving in a local hospital. i Van der Zee 'will preside at the Mr. Frank Coulter, after a brief visit in West Branch, has returned home.

Miss Rayma Rawson, alter a visit at home with her parents, DrJ E. C. Rawson, has returned to Iowa City. Master Richard Walsten, of Hawarden, Iowa, has arrived here again take treatment at the Perkins hospital. I R.

in the city from other chap-- ters are- cordially invited, reser- vations to be made with Mrs. 5 Thonia -A. Knott, red 1810, before, Tuesday evening. 2 Art Circle Meetina Mrs. George W.

Ball, will read the paper at the meeting of the Art circle on Wednesday I morning at 10 o'clock, at tire pub- lie library. The subject will be "Literary Wall-Paper." Valentine Party Member's of the girl scout troop No. 2, enjoyed a Valentine spread at scout headquarters on Saturday evening. A large valentine bopc Mn the foftn of a daisy, representing the troop flower-, was one of the clever features of the evening. After the spread, the members enjoyed reading "Panacea" the first girl scout to b-3 published in Iowa City.

Rita's Court St. Rita's court, C. O. will hold regular "meeting at 'miwiMMHiHMiumiHiHiiiM 7:30 o'clock this evening. The place will be the pariors of the chuwch as usual a good ot- tendanfce is desired.

Mooaeheart Legion Meeting As a reminder to the Women of Mooseheart tegion, it is an-' nounced that the regular meeting will held on Tuesday ing, Ffibruary 20th, at 7:30 o'clock. City Solicitor" Donald Me Clain. Smith wants a re-hearing also. Representing the national headquarters of the Y. W.

C. Miss Betty MacBride, was here during the last week, until it ended, conferring with local workers. She ha? a number of good positions op fn for live co-eds, who may swerve as directors of physical ed-, ucation, directors of girls' reserve divisions, in grade schools, and the like. Co-eds at the seeking positions on tho debate that will, meet Washington university's girl debatois, on April 10, at St. Louis, are preparing for tryouts here.

Thc executive commit- lee on this interpsting contest includes Miss Mflba Carpenter, of Iowa City; Miss Jessie Phillips, of Iowa City; and Miss Flossie Memler, of Iowa City; and Miss Mildred Freburg, of the faculty. Mrs. 0. H. Peasley, a former lesident of Sweetland, is dead at Indianola, where her sister-in-law, Mrs.

G-. L. Day, widow of Dr, Day, who died last year, was called to last week, when a fit of coughing i the funeral from her home in resulted ia a rupture of a Tree. vessel in his head, is much im- Mr. and Mrs.

Ed. Hendricks are the parents of a son, weighing nine pounds, born at their home near Cedar Valley. Noble Chalfant, oddly afflicted proved today. Mesdamcs Nels Domer and Nora Atkins have left the university hospital, much improved, and have returned to their respective homes at Springdale. Mr.

Carl Allen has returned from a visit at Morning Sun. Miss May Defies Is improving at the Burkley Imperial, after her recent illn-ess. Mr. C. Ware has returned to Ryder, N.

after a visit with his son, Dr. Malt Ware, formerly a barber of Iowa City, now practicing medicine In Cedar cctty. Frien'ls and relatives of Mr. I. N.

Carr are in receipt of bis death at Pasadena, where he and 'his wife were spending the winter. He was a Wellman pioneer ot prominence. The remains are on their way back to Iowa, and'aro expected to arrive at Wellman tomorrow. Injured in a coal mine accident several months ago, Edward Owens is dead at Colfax. His wife was formerly "Miss Maude Singleman, of Wellman, who is in Iowa City.

Mrs. W. H. Blumensteiri of Wellman is a She wa? callffl to Colfax to attend the funtral, dur- the last week. ry Tells a Get Rid of That Nagging.

be Why put up with that nagging backache? Yr happy when every day brings morning larnenc pains and that tired, all-worn-out feeling. You well. So you should be finding out what is making you feel so badly. thought of your kidneys? Likely a cold or chill has slowed up your kidneys and that's why you have those racking backaches, stabbing and that weak, depressed feeling. You may have headaches, too, With dizziness and annoying bladder irregularities.

Heefl' these warnings. Help your kidneys before serious kidney sickness develops. Use Doan's Kidney Pills. Doan's have helpe'd thousands. They should help you.

Ask your neighbor! "Use Doan's," Say These Iowa City Folks: Jos. Benda, prop, of groe eery, Davenport Dodge says: "A few years ago I was having pains in small of my that bothered mo a great deal. I had heard of Dong's Kidney Pills and made up my mind to try them. I found Doan's to be just the thing to eliminate thc trouble. I wouldn't recommend them, if I didn't know they were all right" Mrs.

W. D. Shurtz, 738 S. Clinton says: "I have had a great deal of trouble with backache and pains across -my kidneys. I had "shooting pains thru my and dizzy spells when stooping.

have taken Doan's Kidney Pills for that trouble and have found them I would advise anyone to try 'Doan's who has pain In tho back or dtzzy spells." DOAN'S At AH Drugjjists, 60c a box. Foster-M-Iburn Mfg. Buffalo, N. Y. KIDNEY PILLS- SPAPFR NFWSPAPFK!.

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