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Iowa City Press-Citizen from Iowa City, Iowa • Page 7

Iowa City, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-I I 8, IOWA CITY DAILY PHE88 PAGE BUSINESS NOTICE! BUSINESS NOTICE! OF ALL KINDS ,1 Make Your lardware GOOD TOOLS SAVE TIME AND EFFOBT. We have a very complete list of improved and unbn- proved farms in Johnson and adjoining counties. Any- want i City property. Fire and Tornado Insurance' on Automobiles, 1 and City property. Eeal Estate'and Insurance.

Johnson bounty Bank Bldg. i I i 11 MM 1 I III 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 K-l I 1 HI. 1 enbnqna -g nj lit i 11 i i i I i nfn 1 1 I 1111 5BS Ereefrial the "Which?" A demonstratioa of the Marvelous MANDEL will torn the trick. Wtewill deliver this to your home for a FREE Trial. Try it before you bay.

The MANDEL is the fcrtert. We'" tot you trove it This wonderful opportunity you cannot well afford to overtook, Nat e. fenny doten tTOtUyon annt- isfaed tjiat the MANDEL IB the phonograph yon should bare. Easy cod liberal terms. Mandel Plays All Records aitdjdays them well.

FECT machine--it is all phono-, in one. Mo extra parts to Oar confidence in the of irpHBTitttT.niwfctt- Calltedtfi We Never 'Before About the Superior Quail- ties of the Mandel phonograph. This machine has a powerful double spring an All Wood Tone Amplifier ail Records, and an Automatic Stop. The cases are finished in Oak and Mahogany. Come and see this machine.

When you buy a phonograph buy a good one. Buy one that produces clear round tones, that leeks well, that will stand up and give you a lifetime of entertainment and enjoyment One block east of post office. Out of hi-rent district--Think it over Another interesting anent tha hundred'and first birthday celebration of A. H. Guzeman is told in the Washagton (Iowa) Democrat of the current week.

The following is the story clipped Surrounded by gorgeous bunches of roses, carnations, lilies, violets, hyacinths and sturdier potted plants, A. H. Guzeman very quietly fcrated the one hundredth and second anniversary of his birth Snn3ay, at bis home on South Iowa Avenue. The majority of the ame from his very best friends in the children at the -Loncoln school across the way from the Guzeman home, who look forward to the second of May with great expectancy. Their usually consist of the more modest wild flowers, which they gather themselves, but this year the" program had to be varied, and the daintier hot house flowers substituted.

The story of Mr. Guzeman's life is familiar to all who have resided ia Washington for any length of time, for all are evtremely interested in a man who haa attained such a length of years and has kept, as well as he has, big mental faculties and physical vigor. His faculties may not be as keen as a short time gao, but he still is able to be about the borne, out on the porch and enjoying the things about him. We all remember that Mr. Ouze- man waa a Virginian hy birth--Morgantown being his native city, and May ad, 1813, the date of his birth.

When -about twenty-seven, witfe nis wife and two came to the great micRfle west, settling in this vicinity in 1845. In 1846, the present Guzeman home on South Iowa Avenue was built the wood work being the genuine oak-and walnut, which is intact today. Shortly after that be moved down near Ainsworth in what is BOW known as the Camp Ground neigbboraaad. where a saw mill on Long Creek. It was when be was tinu.

employed that '-he Ilocw Island railroad was built through tiis section. After a Umo spent there, he returned to Washington and bis has since been his borne, a' period of residence -which covers a growth and improvement that Oie present generation cannot qjiite imagine. Kis two sona J. H. and J- C-, of Iowa City, with Jheir wives, were to their fasier observe the WANT AD RATES to a ThrM 4o a word Six word No ad foi ICH than Mftta PHONE 1300 WHEN ANatfkRINO ADft, DON'T POKOET TO MENTION THE OAICY HOR4ALC FOR SALE--HOUSES FOR SALE--Seven room modem bouse, for sale.

Plenty barn room and two garages. 645 South Lncaa St. FOR SALE--7-room modern Call Black 2044. bouae, 3-31tf FOK SALE--Six-room, modern up-to- date house, close in. Enquire O.

Paine, 21 W- Court St. 4-30tf FOR SALE--9 room modern bouse two lots in North Liberty, two blocks from Intbrurban. Quarter- sawed oak interior finish. Mrs. S.

FOR OR SALE-4hifck or will el- chatue oa Itod car. Phone Red tt FOR SALE--International ft-it Mofttt tractor with 14-11 John Data bailer; also Kelly grinder witk elevator combined. Albert Koadora, Rome No. 1. a FOR SALE--9-18 Case tractoi new.

Burfcett-Gutaer Motor Go. FOR Plymouth Book finritar strain. lJUfii tor $4.00 for, 60. 1740 tor Smyth, Solon. Iowa.

Maj 8s FOR SALE--Rtmington 22 calibre, autoloadiat rifle, tttwl with Maxim Call kfter p. m. FOR burner Reliable Gaa stove, with, two large ovens and boiler. In good condition. $35.00.

Can be seen at Qae Co. offlcj. G. 8. Carson.

4-HU 1600.00 Buys a four-cylinder Cadillac. Tires in shape. Iieatber cushions first class. Ga- Phone 1279. FOR SALE--Brooms, A.

Myers, North Liberty, Iowa. 6-81 M. Calta, from 65c up. 14 July 20. FOR SALE--1917 model Ford touring FOR 'VALE--Two houses and lot, Good well and cistern.

Price 2200. So. Madison. 5-14x FOR SALE--Nine-room modern borne OR SALE--Child's white bed and 1 second hand 10-20 Case. PRICES EIGHT LOST LOST---Last night a black hand bag.

Finder return lo Pastime Theatre. Reward. 5-kC UNWANTED WANTIP--ram help. Haeaxerte Agency. 4-ltf WANTED--Man and wife- without children, for farm' work, at county borne.

tf WANTED-- Oardens to plow. Red 1631. WANTED-- Grocery (Y care Praas. cienc. if to wash by expert washer.

Duntop Motor Sales Co. 4-16 tf. CISTERNS CLEANED--With or with out removing water. Phone Black 448. S-Sx LOST Wrist watchx on Market--and Center Street car, between 5 and 8 o'clock P.

at this 5-10 FOUND car, in first class condition. Thoman, Hi) Is, Prank 5-Sx at This house was built for a home. Double plastered, hot This place will not be on the market See Fred Seemann, at Rnppert Seemann's 5-ltf go cart Phone FOUND--Lamp door of tail llRht. Call Press Office. 5-11 INVESTMENTS Make rour idle money pay.

Invest worlrs 'greatest industry by buy- which WANTED--Short order cook. Hotel Jefferson. 5-11 or over to work in printing QfUctf Good cliance to learn a food-paying trade. Press. U.

WANTED--Women or mnn, salary $24 lull time, 50c an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Experience unnecessary. International Mills. Norrlstowa, Pa. -to sell well- known line of automobile acceteor- ics, calling on auto dealtni garage trade, have at least two years piling experience.

The J. Gordon Columbus, Ohio. 5-8lt WANTED--Water boy at Psychopath- big men FOR SALE--Imported Tom Barroa White- Leghorn eggs for hatching. ve W. L.

Morgan, Kirk wood lars Box Room 7Q2 World Bld Avenue. Phone 1475, 4-26 tf New Yo rk. 5-8x FOR SALE-One oflhe finest modern FO homes town. Close in. Large lot Price $11,000.

Phone 5-12 FOR SALE--3-room modern cottage except furnace. 4o 160. Good barn and garden. $2,700. Possession June 15th.

Koser Bros. 5 15 FOR SALE--5-room house. Good lot, Koser" Bros. new modern $6.600. 5-15 BlacK wtl Rittenmeyer.

Phone tf FOR SALE-- -Tom Barron S- C. White Leghorn eggs for hatching. Mrs. I. Hoover, 636 Summit Telephone 1378.

4-30U FOR SALE-- Finest quality rhubarb. 'Phone Black 1272. 4-30tf TORRENT FOR RENT--Two front rooms, unfurnished. Enquire at Athens Confectionery. FOR SALE--Eggs for hatching.

$1.00 i for 15. Pbone Black 973. 5-10 FOR SALE--Orpington eggs, $1.25 for 15. Phone Red 2015. 5-7 FOR SALE--Ladies! Take advantage of our Woolen Houses' clearance sales on woolens for suits and coats.

Dozens of samples at unheard of prices. It will pay you to see us" Peterson's, by the City Hall. 5-5tf I FOR RENT--One 4-room apartment Inquire of Bailey Murphy. OR RENT--Two front rooms. Pbone 22J.6T 5-4tf RENT-- In Manville Heights, the Rowllson summer cottage and garden.

delightful place to live from May 15 to Sept. 15. Inquire of B. E. Manville.

FOR RENT-- Down stairs front room, furnished, 41S South Van Buren. 5-8x ic Hospital Job. ply on the job, a day. Ap- 5-11 UELP WANTED-- Obi to work Whiting Pnamaiy la drug if. WANTED--Waitresses and dishwashers.

College Inn. tf WANTED--Girl over 16 to operate press. Steady work and good wages. Apply New Process Laundry. 4-16tf WANTED--Woman to work in Lunch UDOIU.

Reichardt's. 5-13 FOR SALE--One Pbone 856. new farm wagon. 5-12x FOR SALE--6-Hole 'range and 3-burn' er oil stove. J.

L. Meade, Oxford. fc-- 5-13x FOR SALE Saxon-4 roadster, in good condition, (175. Address 106 Quad- rarfgle, Iowa City. 5-8i FOR SALE-- Phone Black 5-10 FOR FOR RCNT-Modern front room, at i i -505 Bast Washington SL 5-13x Looks like condition.

'FOR RENT--Furnisned room 42 So. IT you property which you want to sell or on short notice; If 700 are wanting any property of any kind, either city or total farm property, or farming lands in other states; If you want to rent citt or farm property; If you have personal property or stocks Of goods, which you wish to or sell: If yon want fire insurance as every one should have; If there is anything in personal property of real estate that yon want to bur or want to sell or excbaage. then do not fall to the above mnfeer tell us Tour wants, or call at the office tbe Clinton. SALE--Ford Sedan, and is- in perfect $850.00. Call Red 1114.

Globe" Phone Black 1S38. also a daughter, Mrs. J. H. McMurray and husband of Grinnell, er with the two children residing -with their father, Mrs.

George Heiderman and Charles. One other daughter, -whose home is in Rhode Island, was unable to-be here. An immense birthday cake with beautiful decorations, and the legend H. Guzeman--1920" conspicuaus with the floral gifts. All Washington is glad to honor this sturdy citizen, who has passed even t'-e five score years, an-d en- Joys every day of life.

Good Way to Test Diamonds. Suspected diamonds are frequently 1 tested by placing them between two coins and pressed bard with tbe fingers. It is said to be Impossible to make tbe smallest impression on a real diamond, but. in of a paste 'article, the edges may be effect can be discerned by a critical examination with a lens. FOR SAUE---Amber rice seed, shelled.

PhoneMSll- popcorn -R2. A i a Phone Black 1861 or inquire at 820 B. Fairdiild. 5-8tf SPRAYING--Fruit trees and shrubs. Bee Hives, supplies for sale.

Phone 1593. 5-21x TOURING CAB Jnst refirrislied and overhauled. This car is in first class, shape. Will demonstrate. 97 or Housewife's Wall.

"Dad, what was the labor of Sisyphus "Sisyphus rolled a stone up a hill, and as fast as be rolled it up It rolled down again. It-was a myth oicgical episode. Nothing like thai today." "Ob. I don't know." interposed ma. "Washing dishes Is Just like Comjer-Jogroal California in Natural History.

Man is cot a giraffe by any means, hut when a pretty girl trips along he rap twist neck in a dozen different Tribune No Neutrality There. I 'nave a good deal of reapoct for the old woman who, in tine of war, started oat wHb poker when the' enemy waa approaching. She waa asked what she could do with that, and replied: '1 can show which tide I am L. Moody. Could Tell Him Tliat.

much will your opia- fofe be worth fn tbis raw?" Lawyer--I an too inodwt to say. Bat I ema tell you what I'm going to charge --Beston Transcript Everglade Independence. The way to jet ahea4 is to edge ahead by an inch and hold on to that inch until can edge in another. Tht who Is a dollar ahead of his Co. Second floor of the Commercial Sav- jrs on is an independent ftnrinics leader.

Dally TlteoflM. Drf not that even as "to work Is to worship," 90 to be cheery to worship also, and to be happy Is the first step to beinc L. WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF ON HAKD NOW CUT FUEL Phone 2275 State Contests in Iowa City Prove Iowa "High Schools are Producing Gifted Boys anr The Iowa" state contest of inter-, district -winners in extemporaneous speaking was held here Friday afternoon and night, under the of 'the Iowa Extemporaneous Speaking League and the Iowa Patriotic League. The afternoon preliminaries, it which President Miss Jessie Hastings, director of the lawa Patriotic lea'gue, eliminated all but Max Levingston, Waterloo, first; and Morrie Steinberg, Fort Dodge, second, two 'high school who contested in the finals at night. The judges gave the ultimate honors Levingston, 3 to 2.

The speakers who were eliminated in the afternoon were as Harry Nelson, Sioux City. Clyde Williams, Moravia. Charles Chapin, Iowa CHy (University Hi). Sterling Ferguson. Shenadoa-h.

He spoke on the Mexican problem in the afternoon preliminaries, and on "Americanization" at night. Mr. Steinberg's theme in the afternoon wag "Education" and at night be told of "The League of Nations." The judges were Profs. Bird T. Baldwin, A.

C. TrowbrMge, and Robert in the evening; and Prof. West, Robert Aurner and W. E. Hutch eon of the' department of public speaking, S.

U. in the aftei- noon. Enviable Prizes Awarded. Each of the two successful speakers a medal, and altio a scholarship at S. U.

for four years. State Championship Debate. The state championship debate also held "here Friday night, preceding tbe finals in the extemporaneous speaking contest The same judges offlcia'ed and they awarded tbe first honors to BedforJ. 2 to 1. Six high schoolers participated, two of them girls, and each received a 4-year scholarship at S.

U- while the winning team received a loving cup from the university, and three medals, one for each member of the victorious trio. T. M. Cleavenger of "Waverly. presided.

Knoxville's speakers (Elliott Powers, Gladys Hsrdm. and Leland West) advocated enactment of by Congress providing for a "system of compulsory military training for all able bodied men before they reach the age of 21." Bedford opposed this system, tbe negative speakers being Inez Straight. OrviH" Wyant, and Gail Churchill. Splendid Contests. Both were splendid.

The young men who came speeding down the borne stretch in the extern poraneous speaking were unusually fine vounjr orajors. With brieT time for prepartion. after they drew tieir themes, by lot, the brilliant big)i schoolers were as free and easy as if tbew bad known what their specific would be for the last six months. The debate a masnifirent Jal- tie of brains, -wit, and Homionoe. Tne six speakers marshalled facts and fig- ares, and drew logical with superb effect.

They so well balanced tie decision was hangins by a thread most of the time. Prof. A. C- on; of WANTED--Women or glrla lor steady work. Good wages.

Apply New Process Laundry. 4-13tt WANTED--A lady to do' alteraitona and repair work for tailor shop, at her home. Address (X Z) care this office. B-Btf WANTED--Woman or girl cashier at once. Ptione Bed 161.

tf WANTED--Girls. Haemene Agency. 3-9tf WANTED yoa waat aeli a car to lloiUav WILL BUY--A. 6 9T fc note home. Cloae In as possible! of Pr JObWAHTtO WANTED-- To launder 'lace curtains 50 a pair.

Quilts 35 cents. Blankets. Phone lied TO3. 5-10 pairlng. brick Phone 133.

and cement work. DEAD ANIMAL3 REMOVED--Call 194 removal of dead aiiimals. Rendering Wki, Iowa City. tf PIANO TUNINQ PIANO TUNING-- Call R. derson, Black 10S2.

W. Hen- tt BIBK5WB W. Ball Paul Kurz ftALL oi. KURZ, LAWYERS Pawl-Helen gldg. Phone 119 Jk'rautice ux aiuie and Federal courts Income uu.

relurUa prepared. ifiuton Kemley 111 Va. So: Clinton. C. B.

Ruuell Phone 435 INGALLS SWIbHtH Lawyer, 5tn j. o. W. M. Ball Aitoruey-aL-taw.

aeei Abstract LU. Johnson couuty aaviujjs uttuk K. Attorney llooma Joluioou luwu uuy. icwal. Murphy W.

U. Bailey F. Juurimy, Atorueya-ui uuice colago tiu Money 10 loan on City anu Farm Property at low race ol W. J. McDonald -Money umu on j'houe No.

6. iowa City, CLAUDE M. MILLER--Lawyer. Fartu State liank SAMUEL D. WHITING--ATTORNEY --General Law Absiiaciii examined.

Estates aeutud. College Mt. unice phone Ked 441. JOS. M.

OTTO--Attoruoi-at Uaw. lice seccnd, Hour Juuiaou county bank itiuiuiug. Iowa Cn, Iowa. ABSTRACT TiTLE BALL ABSTRACT M. Ball.

Manager. Jpbuaoa County. iiuUdin'g. JOHNSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. --1.

'O. F. Block over Citizen 3 Hank, liartutss, Manager. ACCOUNTING WANTED--Claaa raga at Prena rent 5 to- 7 room bouse-. Inquire at Tetter's Store.

5-12 A. accounting and auditing For appointment ptione 842. WANTED--To buy or rent, 6 or 6 room, modern or partly modern house. Close in. Address "99" of Daily Press.

MEDICAL DIRECTORY WANTED--Dealer for high grade truck. Liberal contract. Write for proposition. Address Room 20a care Martin Hotel, Dee Motaes, Iowa. 6-13x DR.

LOLA CLARK 5-llx 20ft S. Clinton Pbone aai. to 6. Sundays to 6. WANTED--To, buy a good young Jer- 'sey or Guernsey-cow.

Atao a few fall or winter pigs. Pbone 1245. 5-8 WANTED--To trade a Ford roadster body for Ford toorlng body. Call Red BU To tony a Bicycle on meet plan. our easy pay WANTED--Second Sana Vlctrola or Edison in good condition.

Replica strictly confidential. Address" (X.J.) care Press. DR. GEORGE MARESH--lOSft SOUtb Cliuton. utlice 1951.

Phone IUO llousu DR.8.J. SMITH DR. J. N. SMiTH Physicians and Surgeons DR.

A. W. BENNET--Physician and Surgeon. Onice S. uuouque.

ce and Residence phone oin i PHTROPRACTOR U. Nora V. iiiocK. i'none MRS. M.

BEG I CHIROPRACTOR-- baUu aUU OVplUti We now have openings for several JSteadr employment. Apply E. SOB 5-8 H. U. BAKfcR, OHIKOPRACTOR-- fe.

iiuriingiou Su, i uune ueu DR. F. O. t-noces, til o. bank ilOg.

office 139; residence lZi. DQUSOXOKY OR. U. SCHENCK-- Dentist, i. aeconu floor, iowa Suite Building.

Fhone 223 So. -Capitol. DR. F. B.

WHINERY--Dentist, Johnson Coiuity Bank ilutiding. 1'uoae OR. J. WARD--Dentist, Office. Johnson County Savings Bank Rooms 305-306.

Phoaw 327. OR. J. W. FIOG--Phone 283, 1314 So.

Ouboque Street, Iowa City, Iowa Meclunic. Logical. A Roumanian scientist says that old age is due solrty to a dwrrwse in the 1 amovnt of water 4n the human system. That Were evw jKxjBBicted with a who died of old ngc? 214 S. Clinton.

"jury" teat Bight thai It was 1hp debate of its type be had ever heard. Twelve Previowa There have been twelve previous contests the debating reaJtn. FVrt Dodg? captured the laurels and Roonc. -TM2, ISIS; lova Kails, 1915; Fonda, 1S17. Ouumwa.

and 1919. Iowa City and Fort Unassailable Condnsien. "I to the observed the restaurant philosopher today, "that the fewer cons-io-taw and brothers-in-law a man in poimcal life has, the better off Star. tn 1907 not Business Head. (to Jumped in Tront of a railroad train and a po'icercaa pulled ner off dei tmrk ConM 1 Atr rtry for dam- KWSPAPLRl.

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