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Morning Oregonian from Portland, Oregon • Page 4

Morning Oregoniani
Portland, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 pipe SfXDAY JiOKNLNG, FECKUAliV- 1U, Wl. Knlered at the nt Portland, aa si'. mutter. HATEH BY POrtTAUK TUlIlv 1XT month IiallV with Hunday Oreguiuuii, ler Piiil'v. prr year Dally with Huoday peryeur nday ercfronlan, poryear 1 00 i an Kunduy and Weekly On-nonlun, per Tho weekly Oregonlan, gpr yem TO CITY so i EHH.

Dally, per Sunday eipepted Dully, per weefc, delivered. Hunday The d'nengagedtonnage at San Francisco on the fitb inat. was 32,850 tons. The wool clip of the world Una Increased five fold when it was a boot 320,000.000 Wl Certain subjects come before the public i the regularity ol tidan. Ho long as different people hold different opinions rom-eming i matter of morals ol dogma, there will be discussion till weariness from talk brings puuf.

The one question which no church or people has yet'ily, in the projjer observance of Knnday. In a largo measure, al customs, or rather religions customs, HIT matters mtxlifiod by latitude and In Germany one-half of Sunday is a holiday, oti which the masses amuse tbeniselvut: in France wo find the same thing. Hvitzerland holds her election on that day. In all Roman Catholic cuttntries we find an extreme liberality of opinion concerning Bunday observances, while iii Presbyterian Scotland and Episcopal England, tbo linos aro drawn tauter, and citizens on Hunday walk in quiet and secluded rue's, "Julia (Juincy Atlanm, i "American ilcn I.i-.lcrs Msi'iiw. in the printers' The February Allnntie begins a no i New York i W.

U. Bishop, under ihc i "The House uf a Merchant I'rincc." Noah Webster is the subject of tlm Ffonml volume in i i i Mifllin American Men of 1-otters. It is by Horace Y. Hei drtcr. The two volumes of Sir.

Fronde's "Life of t'arlyle" which will be published in tba upriiiK will be confined to the first forty yearn cf bin life, 1795-1 fcS.V JfeasrK. Longman announce iw nearly ready two volumes uf LorJ BcaciinBtteld'ii spiwhos, which aro to bn edited, with notes and 4 preface by Mr. T. K. Kebbel.

Mr. Justin McCarthy, the author of tbe of Our Own Times." is wrttii.gfor the "Epochs of Modern History" series nvol- to u-11, it rosulta much in a we i should miw. Many persons, will. without a rrspec: for copyri ht. m.y prefer lo mi.s a a and seek rest from month to moinli at its original s.nirco but there can be lue of the bound has a larger proportion of Hebrews, in its population any other eity in the world, (There are 1.1 synagogues in thai city, i an igsrfffJtC attendance of 20.000.

The Southern Mtthodibt church has885 local preachers, fiub churches, ami W2.17U commiini- oanls in Texas. The additions the past year wore and the losses. 6619. leaving 3. net guin of "CiO.

The llaptim eluireh of New Vi.rli no disputing the uncommon volumes, which eonstituti. a library in Ibcni- and in a great degree embodv a history of roiiteinporarv literature. new "History of America," begun I a handsome church and chapel bwn undertakon by Mr. i Winior, of Harvard library, will undertaking in the Ninety-nine cities of tbo United States havo paths. In our own country, climate, habits ume entitled" "Epochs of Heform, 1880-1850." population of over 20,090.

In nearly all tbe eastern and southern cities there aro more females than males. In western cities tbo reverse is usually true. Ingernoll stands boldly by the plumed knight in the South American episode. He expresses himself believing that Elaine's policy, aa now puDHahed, will'meet 'wilb tho admiration and lapproval of the country. It is, according to Ingernoll, jn tho lino of freedom as against tne "tnief wh'iob tbe world a outgrowing.

Old' m' and education havo modified Sunday observances. Aa inclination prompts vie obey aud act. In Chicago, St. Louis and Han Francisco, church service and theatrical begin at tho same nonr on Sunday evenluft and no one says anything about it, nor indued do they oare. In fact the vast difference of opinions among theologians themselves concerning tbo institm- tiun and sanctity of tho Sabbath, have given rise to the diversity of opinions of their followers.

'Wo havo the liberal, tho conservative and the radical puritanical view of Sunday observance. Tho latter view arises from tho fact that he tho larscjit literary department of hutory which has ever beeu attempted in the Vnited States. It nothing short of colossal. There will bn eight volumes, similar in proportions to tho Memorial History of Boston." The firat will bo devoted to America hefora Columbus, the second will treat of the Spanish dis- coveries'and conquests in America, the (bird will deal with the Engliih discoveries and'tet- tloments in America, add their relationa to on its lJt on Fifty-seventh street, between Hiilh Jind Hevcinth Bvennen, which was pur- chasod SlSO.dHO. The new biiiMirigR are cxpeetwl' c-ost and to bu ready, for in a There, were built last jear in thif country HI Lut loran churches.

Of this number 28 wuro in 27 in Pennsylvania, 13 in IJH- nniu, a 10 each in Indiana. Michigan, and Nebraska. In the. post four years the Lutherans havr built 5ilD churches, DOT lur and 1C2 (or English' congregations. Thu iglish Congregational Year-Honk tor order "Mforinars, limply because the an those holding it cannot see.that opiu-.

birthday, has resolved to wriufno more poetry. B(m Ui America. essential partif penoVality. drily young i ona ohange with tho Mighty indeed Whether thii be so or not. he has written few Tolumo hag glin The third and fourth volumes of Mr.

Lneky's masterly work, "The History of England in the'Eighteenth Century," will be published those uf otllcr Knropeana on theContinent: the tho spring. They will deal with theporkd be- fourth will describe the work of the French in twcen 1760 and 1781. Xorth America in the sixteenth and scven- "Dorothy." a pastoral poem in hexameters, toon (ij centuries; tho fifth will treat of tho will soon bo issued by lloberts Brothers. The reilc )j Knglisb in North America from heroine is a Maud Muller, wbogo lover riden ia English revolution to tho peace of on discovering that her hands are bard ho 9ixtll i include the American revolution; The nnimW churches in Londu and that sho ia what rustic toil makes woman JH bring tlio history of the la mission looms, in real life, although in poetry theeo trtiw arc tted BtatoB down to 1850, and the eighth usually suppressed. and liuat volume i cover tbo later history The London Literary tbilMr.

tho flpaniaruX Portuguese, l)anoi ami Dutch, Whiltier, who has just passed his soven ty-fif th all their dflcoeudents in tho West Indies and Tho printing of the third and It Is expected that this Great Britain and 899 mission Citations. Besides thoae there are numorjons tho oare of tho London Kis- sionarv (-ociety in heathen lands, whore there arc 92.474 members and ,143,708 adbcn'nti. la bc- cal Bcmiiwry the revised Tfl'tnment will used ill the religiotiti exercises of that'schoil. To prevent our being uneasy at the 'rc- htraijits (if religion, it is good nften to tuke a view of the liberties and comfort of Our sense of dependence, and obligation, great factH. if barely scratched with tbo point of a scalpel of analysis, reveal Almighty Ood, and make the koul's Cook.

It is pleasant to read the following, but how Konld ytinfeelif it were A celebrated divine having preached before a Bible Society, a committee of the society waited on him to request publication of to much of the sermon "as related to thoanbjcet in hand." Most men live Mindly io repeat a routine of driiclReryind indulgence, witliout any deliberately cboJuu and maintained aims. Fow live distinetlyi to develop tbo value of tboir being; know the itrnth; love their fellows; enjoy tho beauty of'the world, aud aspiro to 11. Algwv God's will is so high above humanity, that its goodness andporftctnesa cwmotbe scanned at a glance, and would be very terrible if it were not for his love, manifested in Jeans Christ. Only that holds- our hearts together whtn Ho shatters tho B. Browning, There ii no lifo no huniblo that, if it be trno and genuinely human and obedient to Ood, it may not hope to shed some of His light.

There is no life so moagro that tbe greatest and wis- OR of us can afford to despise it. Wo cannot know at what moment it may flaih forth with tbe life of Brooks. An idle word may be Beamingly harm loss ifi its ut erancc; but lot it bo fanned by pasiion. lot it bo fed with tho fuel of raiiconcantion, ot BALLS ANO PARTI ES. Help Wl--We Seldom FfllEMEN'S BALL! AT Turn Yorcin Hull, Feb.

21. 13S2. 11KSKFITOT THK i Mutual UAHCM AT It P. Honorary Cmmmlttfr A. HART, Chief Enjrtaeor, P.

F. D. JOHN A 1st Aw't P. P. U.





itxi, F. M. A. P. It.

M. McMASTEB, Sec'y P. F. I). TlKy, A.

JOKIMN.eiibfcJ Eag T. B. AIB; Engineer. jh Ko. 1.

'reman No. 1 i. i. J.x-vicumD JAK. KIBBNAN.ForfmanSo.9.

IIA UK KOROAN. Foreman No.4. r. c. DOBELUO WER, Foreman Ko.

5. F. HHEEHAn, ForenjUKNo.S. WM. MciEAN, Foreman U.

No. I. FW4W OMMMlcteei I 't- JOHN DABBY, tf 11 CUAS.CHKlfrriE, I is i i a a lino botw eon the fruits evil intention, of projndice, and it will' I tbe'varSS'wnStiWBaroreqneeteilte a i forms of in re- grow intoa flro, that the appear to unUorm. yefillftrian lAid 'if glon mean by intellectualism tho denial of any province lo faith. Faith cpnteinptu- onaly net guide the lc The havo none of iho nMU eii Ihan ono A.

Dte key. UL. -U-- -i In EMt poMna VtmU n4 GRAND lUSC.UEIUDE i it i. 1 i i j. jruiviMUU, rcu.

AA. TIKUU. men erasn advanced ideas. Prof. aaya has been the evolution of religions thought and American ballads which are finer than that or and the, fourth volnmou will be published in Bible because it contains for faith; Itho only ionoeo.

8. and Nellie Wand, year, 4 1 1 I nn I. A i A nt i ll i TtltltHfftfl ntAntllll Ittd I dBV. that those who bare takonan sctivo part in science shonld be killed at sixty, aa not being OF THE ci flezibh inoinh twwlf b( new ideas. He ijf der its striking tendency iii this country Is toward extreme liberality.

From the Puritan lain of the to tbo theology Cnanning'aud Theodore Farktr, a big stride in Noif England thought. Speaking on tlill snbjoct, tbe Hour, a New York weekly paper Of promimmce, "The Bay of tho Heven Islandf," which oada off in tho February Allantif. In the Pobruary the North American Review, Prof. Oeorgo P. Fiaher, of Yale Divinity school, whoso wrltingi tho supor- natural origin of Christianity and on ocolmiaa- tical biatory aro well known, comes to tlio defense of the Christian religion against tie at- 188S, and the other volumes will follow us idiy aa possible.

JOSEPH GALE. the latter cut of the Bible all, requires Methodist. eould be xileoUa. That was in cold blood, all written out and read from tho pulpit, quite forgetful of "which hope wo hare aa an that will pass un- BaTgf through the govern- Cahrlnlain has become unpopular, while enthuttium have taken its place. A hundred among thrpubliahftrt ot Tjarii Exceed.

500 should pUco upon record a.aitableme- 0 tis diininiih ithe memberihip. is mp and booka a whiot morial to this dead. But after waiting for two i ciontMBute his ac ra 0 10 000 differwt months, and seeing nothing further nd benevolent 'Tr he 'wia science, hiitory, general the republic, politicil economvi philology, ancUnt lore, chur.h politics, and othor inbjecfg for the ono worihy the of abltr Mr, Edward Atklnaou has paper on the Atlanta Eiposition in the February CVnCwjr. montliB and 1 day. Funeral ait 1 o'clock afternoon tcoso i of the are invited to tttiod.

A thci.logieal profeasor, not MEETliia KOTICMfc miles from Saw lately preached for- mon in which ho dwUrad that the reprosenta- 8 tiou. of lop, by au anchor byKpcnser, who Was followed by other poets, B. PORTLAND SOCIAL TURN VEREIN. Tvrn Utlle, Xwttr Era'? Feb. 18.

R. II. Ren, In Walla Valla Union. Joseph Gait Is dead." AJ I lately read the end I is by no means the be it announcomtnt that forma the caption of thia article, I wondered whose would be the pen jQl rowatien muit be Identlflert nt the door. ANTED-A- NURBE GIBL.

mond liuttL APPLY AT E8- Bftljt and oT oteMdars; ana'to aooi- iah ai far aa posaibls'tneInterfsfenco of politi- fn 18801 For tbe quarter ai tbe de4fljmc7 ia was qnnter in 1881, under the starroftten did aa plain folks that it now star routers glye evidence of, a poeitipa vestments and rltnal was then was reallv a nu seeing notniag luruiur tuucuiu- i I thought it would not bo for 0 8 tUo me re 8aid a grandMn of Calhoun hln(: "If my grandfather and hft utooUiei had known Nearly half oeniary ago Mr. Gale, then in bis early manboed, crossed the continent, and in the beautiful wilderness of the Willamette valloy. helped to lay tbe foundation upon FCKKKXT. TTHnJilNISHKB HOOMB JOB gcnti Btrtetly private Market street, between First Md I12dtt MONR1 TO LOAN. contributions of the churches is shockingly pBEPAKEDTOLOAtTlNAKOitjjrrH Of the Income from clmrcbon and in- jy tanultboirawenupon CUy- about the negro I know, and which been erected that noble divlduals amounting to $159,085, it finds tbat $100,641 oama from 178 and 6i individuals.

ApporMoning the balance among tbo reefof tbo it secures as a rflBult i average contribution of 11 ccuta HntBtBHt When bo eroaaod the Jtissouri river he entered pcrience, there would havo been neither what Is laid down on the mapl eastern ww i American Desert," yean before your illustrl- donounced, VlL MnlT ptototypp, Kr. Editor, advised some other two notices of nlk trllt6 'nudiroction talfen by r. k-nA the then and now are a 1 1 tiiiTOrum lad irpm Qinsroni of intl(of in tha TWO viuv OITFEBBNT OHDMTAKrKos. meeting of cities Sunday nowspaparj. jrarc prepondori Tlie opinion among lawye-a Tiia Scutch flr-tcee to niy mind, the teat symbol ot the Christian-; The least of earth is required 'or its roots; it fludu nourlshnioiit in.

a dry soi barren rockn, aud yet, grwut in wiiilor as ih'unnimor, it. towern tho highest of all the- trees of the.wood toward tho sky, aod with leitbt. of earth makes the greatest approach In So it is with the tree of MASONIC HALL, fWnMiqr i tho Centnr, ta o.t agg between tho HMsourl and be PaoWo itf tho heavenirdo- tho for a new trial The tri- tor wo wprtat banal to which an apToal would have to be phu Mahodi taken is the of We fuU a counter- i is the suprinKf.cojiitii Columbia, sittiag in gpnoral, term, eulogUttc and Hettry Cabot ooeaa Larmmlo, Brldger Hall 1 Lodge writes for (lie Atlantic fair, judicious A. thy heat Talent of JiP.Biu(ttl, BllltU.eIt, SEW roRK'Soiw I -The court sflc, no i of work tut also of his fibortcomings. WWiifiiBWfa 'tKk'" the effects of the "On English Literature in' Uie lUIgn of 4 4 and DoUe, near the route of travel.

Not a ferry or bridge, and all the stream) crowed had to be waded or twain. No wagon bad ever. attempted to climb, the backbone of our continent; and the only p'amenger. accomujo- Mmrtlwhteh' 4nen of thrfawleb victoria Honrv Morlev's new volume will ho dation was found on tte hurrioano dock ol a conrtfWliHifc sabbath rcat is more Dotent Vloto Henry Honey new voinmc, win oo Iol ai 0 ta 4 00. wju be soM at dM Sabbathre.t^o^i.o^jhjLa^ consiste of branobw and-fopr j)therj riewgp.per,.

judges. Juulse 6oV, drfrlng flife progress of the are -otherwise, ampng.tbe Ouiteau trial, beauaDth! fuC made, and it is not likely that an appeal would amount to anything, even if allowed. Affl iliea stian np very bbjefltionable and aenJbratfrimj bueineu; and voluiitaiily.ttiat ii-m ay by the Putnams here and by Tauolinitz in Lelpaic, Morley says, in his preface "Literature, of all things upon earth the moit significant, is no chance foaat of scraps; it is the utterance of tho mind of a people which fcasiits embodiment in deeds, soi forth by the wed- clyuse borne, while the exclusive transportation of freight was done bn the of that long-carod long suflcrina quadruped their sorrow, when no alleviaii. has "neither pride jcatlons can touch them, when the heart, of ancestry or hope of posterity -the anie. OTe rbornr unable toctrry any" All the supplies used on the trip had to bo burden pf ilg griel.than they packed from the clrcum- to themselves mort ncgteoted, and forgotten of Oot should know that tbo Gospel is Kent --The He igious Herald.

It is (he aim of the Gospel to give connoia tipn. When neither snrronidingS nor voea-' tions nor circumstances cad relieve mon from. and i ir WE WEEHC OB WITH- antibaaM. tJaMhrtts Location beat In the city. soc i Civil SeMcc Reform.

BK: BrtslNine. Ktttbrr the Master nor the nsaedveswlwtl' he rwpoQatble for any deMi contnoted by Uie crew Mil lIEMRY JfEWETT, Coutlgnec, tho undertaking of Mr. Gale and cuiu- The Baptist themselvotf agatnit tho usual kiad, "They diilweted, one-eided religions tifp; Jindrio protfalaenco to noisy and public efforta. for tavlng aouli. They 4 ltwlM WEHNESDAT ETESIMJ, Mr.

Piazzi Smyth, author of "Our in tho Great Pyramid," founded an advise our.readefa 19 1ollqw Sflr exampla in. this respect Pope wu nut Wljon said: 1 annday pews- piper Ia not forced ttjlon 11 only of th.o great pyramid, to provo it Tbe theory telligent public demands a natural has hjsen ably contrAverted, brit its author roes liave for their backers Johnny Bull or JAMKB OUBUOX BtKMETI. and when tho hearts that gave out all i joy shall havo neither side blow nor onward onset, am shall bo musical to the end ol life. --Henry Ward Botcher. much of tho burlesque and buffoonery.

They lower the dignity of the.most solemn subject which ean engage men's a -premium upon ignorant and 'ornde presents- hag made a cathodral out oTtne 'oneertais and proves that the pyramid it smaller than tionsofgoepeltralbj. is not TMWrt by Mr. Smyth and others: A. the i Gala and Joseph Meek, would have tho maf ot world, and would have Te tamfln has ceased to command a sale, has mlvaMnOrego 0 Mr" verlfled by our own inquiry among tho, lasUtufedbTjt.Masporo,succ«»«ortoMariet»jt o.le,,»wthat there was a (jreat need of cows bo Ne Aor L. Tiiem pl 'f in the new aettlemeat, so ho went to Oalitor- Tho pangraph gOlnj tho rounds of the locu- lar-preni tho effect that the "KsvUed New Teitament," has ceased to command a sale, has uYd X-avliatlon Ctomlmnf', toa-i; now' teine Ml ihroijh until sUct 5 time tne excavatloiva an coi)p4el6d where hfttWBMB Unemsair.

WMUIMC aawr These gentleman will present In succwalon In brW paper or itdjlreei, Uie loltowlnc dlvWooa of fte bem of tfte tbemc: hi Onmt i "i it now 'j- 't- version" was bought for curiosity's Liko P-- 77- -j-i 0 vn uv HIUD m--vi mtu upaiiish cat- iy, ana, curtoyitv sAUHti edf oiWilK FrMlMAr' MiCMflUrM Oc xtCMjim tle'and i OaUforuia i tali; ace 19 Iron with copter Od collar, broke the Bhwlta its religioua The inquiry often made throagb, What shall we do with'our boys? 'An answer is supplied by an Indians, expert, who solves the conundrum this says: Build more Bl8nty 4 stores Tho great want of as stores, in-whiqh tbeiibo; roundingsmnstchwige. We throw off old be. maijily deoended on the enaot relations of iwr- of the kind ever made nio Oregon. He iL -JT IL tainfiimrca the new dovolonmont overturn! a then settled in what is now Waahiogtoti eoan- liefs when they nft longer. nh 1 Oropmf oat ot luc molt lu fl votopiatoti We consider the Sunday newipa- good deal of subtle mtorence.

fountain valleys, that ho or any other man per a necessary product olvllixatiou, Kore books aro written in Germany ilian Jn overaaw, aud there, npon the banks of the being any other oouutrv, and fewer tofaoTS Ihe towering mountain, named in hia publio sentiment la against a change Plblea. But, Oven so, it is a healthy sign of t)w times, and tbe "revision" must bo content lo Uke iti chances with other "novelties." Tbe fact a flat answer to all who would browbeat into change ut WV rriWO 8ALEHME.1 TO THK' Singer Manttfacturinc 42 MortlAQik ctrt-uear FKtlL such, it has come for ft cannot be othor part of weatem Europe the nnmbejr done away with. People only make themselves family libraries proportionately so small 1 pr honor, "Oalo's peak," reared bis humble mmaf ridioulow, as did ihe pope, who issued a bull that of leading libraries, of which the home. against a comet, when tbpy "thnnder donunci- well to-do avail themselves without the commAu eonso of toen wonu to mn the A OOOD NURSE qiKI, WANTED. nthnr Bewnin of Onfc.

otner way-- mat tlio ow ss bolter. --The Feb. to, MB. Churehma-i. IMIW warm and JUl, needed for Farm- Bo na tor to Theu there ware rwn A.

Bottor correspondent writes of aminiifer TWO OuISX HILIjS of tho Cascade monntains, tho one near MtdtOV a oongnwrttoa in suburb of that Yanfloaver, owned by the Hudson Bay com- citjl who 0 the other Sunday to a con, pany, and tlic other at Salem, built by the grogstion uf fewer than afty which three years inferior to those of an English or 'French at that place. To pack wheat 40 ago numbered over two hundred, from 'the tho things that remulij," TTTANTED-A A TV munaiidnn luchttcct; In thorouih In hia bual- HCM; reteraueeatlrcD. CWt at III Flrat J. FRED CLARK A AND JK-, TT dwtrtoni (rtri.todourxtalrn work and waltlaeouttf' refertilce can A BOWAxaiA mtt kojcjB OXK. tF OENEP.AL MKliCIIAKDISE or mt tocetber ifirm" ing and maenanical pursuits and outdoor -guppross polygamy, "much author of equal ropote; yet bijoltil are.

don, a pr 00 mifcs on horsebuok through a region do- text, circumstance which tells ygunit their safe. Told alike of roads, bridges and ferries, was a and i i hard'way of going mill, so Mr. Gale built a man "Blackwood for Jannajy, rtpubliibad by place; tbo first ever erected by an ho is awi.iouuupuuuraworn»na aoont HWU, toretner wan utore niiaau, table hi agoud famUr. SufficiMt jiousd, red fir nalo tbe dsyiTTl; bogtveil.,Uagoiaoe.iacUl, tbe ricbwt and hcaltbleat i a 1 the country; very handy! slUppicw.

Mr. ualo built a r4 they can pittance and the gir: MARKTED IfAN. porillon to office ol wie.lMaliiorihlpi.ui«;aon commtarion unilcrs.andB boot; can Jet lowfi moflt ywlwre. Object In falllnr bMltk nccwsary. Peooaa jnamlnirhiiiilnap Oanfrom KERKV Rststc OO6D VKI.

tor the VttlvanMl BeteTOtetat AsioctatJon Cal-, all yonng, si The enormoqs of the pensions arrwrt -y. act from ucrit- ing new schemes of expenditure in tho same which are prCMn'te'd every unogain. now. Tho oqualizatian of. bonntie.

bill, once defeated 'by General Grant's vetp, igirtn bronght Toor- his, from New Jeraey.baa a bill each Union soldier captured during tho war one dollar of -hu tta wi 1 th'wi one of this claWitVh'all a sufllcieiit challenge'for 'fabra tbat theY'liiveTieeh living in" tions or right to indulge la practices. Under D'uitlioro is hoiiocensity to prove tlm difficuhy of obtaining a jury The other provisions of the are, that the president mty-grtat M-? Btredt, Now York, Appearince of AU was homtf mada froei burrs to water- found his hill-top congregation steadily 'do-' tfn Wfsons magtrine muoh improved; atti the price I babl i of this -oiMsIng year by year by tho removal of jiouu- faiaiuW a i mUi would not compare favorably with Walla lation to tha valleys, WMsorolvtcmfttedf to' pe.jyreflueea. Tbc iare all best, yet I havo tho word of one of the despair, un going WaterbnVv aralDft "The Open Door. 1 oldest iuhabitamla for it, that "Gale's Door met no fewer than three ftf his" "bb iot Mr Bother Q( Lady Martin's charm- 'boat wheat all to picccb-." Mr. Gale also found doaco is, of Watarbory oknrohea' Mi iU wnto i Shakespeare's fohiftl.

charartWs; ti ne to le n(1 to a of ut3 Tho ho oiclaiiwa. -uowi tiavn found out "vffu, Hudson Bay comMny. the only Lord wajiti of a church at X--. It is to'eub- aa Acdount af 'tho Uoly. ailt ru-coguired by ftyWytlero then, ply Wtterlary cUnrohda witlr deacons" "ifff JJaJiBMtM 1 0 TM of.Tunisj" "Eels and pes-' mi, that cwmnany Woi-u doing all in their went Clrarclmiaii TFQR A VElUf vKptlT tlMj of tUo Errand Jo Great Ilritain, 1 lt Is of 0 6 10 lo To mako the best of our own llvts tlio I- I 'ASft" water power ntMcfk owned br tbe Efcerifta i'SS- late, near ptujwrty tMraljrftt'r rried itttlie'r rbrht rtu uranful U0a TOT OOMKl UV, H.

rlgw.ol.wwfrrdjtcji to Han- ewortoiu- ijcstaieiii. j'u FJfc AUTV.ittrtVTrt A 7 i Ameribcn itk and earry- best wav tc'hsn 'fn ii. ridg4 Marginalia, "or a description of i on'a provisional goyernmpnTfor Oregon. 1 na 1lnes 9 ut 1 at a volumes which formerly belonged to Ami bul for 'eudi men an stayed with wllen oontc uncoaiing strng- i i 1 ft fn rlKH fn.n^nw... i West of the Atlantic or I'roctrad and Protection in tho United States and Canada." llariwr'u Franklin library has re.

the country to HOLD TUK I'OBT, And pr. Whitman, who crotiwd tho doad of winter to impress 01 Kly to riso wd improvoi It doe's not moan no change; rather thoughtful nnd wise reasonnble. Pf'VfKBK OK ''of lhat all who spent six months in con- be pnt on the pension rolls. Mr. Houk, of Tennessee, proposes to extend the pension lawi to all civil officers injured in tbe execution of the revenue laws; and Mr.

Ford, of Missouri, wants tho government to pay bounties to tho heirs of colored soldiers who served in the war. Estimates of tbo expense to the people of such enactments run into hundreds of millions. boip prior to Peraone violating the law for- inayMtf It wanMsown to he the 'put of wisdom on the part of tbo ultra tarifl men to ponder that text of scrtptare which 4f the inevitable fate of the hocee that ia divided against ttaelf. when orcWtloniiiU begin to among themikJveBM to what they wan t. feit the right to tote tti or hold office.

If gaeh a law could be carried out it would an end to polygamy'without working any injury to tho innocent, aud would sow pat the legislaiuro of Utah in anti-Mormon hands. The reception accorded to this bill shows that the suggestion, tbat the only sure and prompt way to dual with the evil is to strip tho Mormon churck of its political power by abolishing the territorial jgoverumenf and nubs tinning a government by commissiotwra, is gaining many advocates aa tbo Instead of the control then being in the hands of the Mormon people, would bo lodged exclusively in commissioners appointed by tho federal' executive, who would in turn appoint all BUU- iu Groat Britain," a history of abuses and ra- taught tu Oregon--which formed tho nucleus been- but were'not forms aud their bearing upon American politics, learning, around whioh has since developed Tnc po rLuty that we Ii rv Wrti-oul ftrnvn I the plains in ,1 congress the We shall rfTANTKIIi-TiniEE IIAKNESS if wo have TT piy to 8.HHEULOCK;T4 Holltstwet, 7d8J and happier nenrBeveniu. Inquin'of T. iudit Elghia, tonurkel; bu i THK UK cneap). In the corner'' Atnt, tsd miles from cttyr tevdf iV--Sfc N(ght kevi turulahsd good tuburbnn location; prtee MM per acre.

crca tfuu)ertenis'i price, aio per acre, For runher parttriilan jpC the above i that wo bear Ft all TVESrHABlik afflScESAXD SUITES OF a a might havo roumsonFifat Ku Atno, dwelling on Humson, VAS B. respect political power beipg Ukcu out of Mormon by Dorman B. Eaton, 82 pages, price 25 cents. "Tho'Captain's Hoom," a novel, by Wuiter Besant aud James Bice, 28 pages, prioe JO coats. "Tbo Dickens' Header," character readijign from tin stories of Charles Dickona, selected, adapted and arranged by Nathan Hheppard, with numerous illustrations, 83 ffice 25 cents.

These selections comprise all the loading and most of the minor characters drawn by Dickens, and will be welcomed 'by his admirers. "Tho Senioj Partasr," a uoyel, by.Mr». J. H. Kiddcll, Ui pages, price '20 cents.

AH for sale by A. L. Bancroft 1 Han Fiin- cinco. jl publication that hti reached its hundred fcnd tiflv-lirst volume can scarcely stand tho Pacific University nt Forest Grove. Hero Mr.

Gale educated hi'n children, one of whom, Mrs. 1. Pago, is among Walla Walla's inert reltned and estimable ladies. Then when the gold mines of California were discovered, be tout his steps in the direction of speedily-made fortnnei and romained away 11 number of years. By this time the Willamette hod become too old Country for him, so bo Kettlud In Eagle Valley, IIPW, wild, romantic a place aa had been Willamette when he first beheld (hat region a quarter of century bcforl'. ho made Ihe home that was destined to le bis last on earth, where be spent n6llt among those of the pioneers of Oregon. longer--what do wo gain by regret? Woha've out- life to .110 under conditions that wo cannot thought, labor aud take what we with industiy ion. The less time over our apecial gricv- iijrt Providence, iir tho supposed you might all about unot be somebody tu a useful nelf-os- of mHE HAILING OK THE Is postponed until Tttesdaj-, iV A JlVin ERYAQl'INA Uh.HtJ o'clock i S. I Agenu A IXIIKilNB HOU uelieil; ilolnx now DALE! FOK.JIKNT IM AVTOKIA. SE, WITH UAJKHOO ow tfooii busliieKs, with prospect of large Ijicrt iuw.iuirt attuawd In tlu- bustest pan of town.

Will fwli or rent thu bullduic noil Uxtures and furniture on reasonable term.1 on nccount of nropde- sor to etixaev In other business, Miply to IJKW DHOt' INN. A.lprtu. -r ntf KEUOVAI. KOTIOE. WOsNO TAI HAH ItKltOVKD 1UH STOCK OT.

nsereUanntsv from 01 Front at. ta 12 Second ht between Wiiililiigioii and Alder. lldet rom 81 Arrcn near O. WHITE, ERE I AM. WITH 1 ONE MQHE CHOICE (arm, that roiwt tie dtntKiswt of within tbo next sixty days.

Tt belonirs to an estate and hastoba I closed out. There 104 acres of it. all under nigh of cumvatkm, wltli Teneefl all atonnd It. It in locatd one mile fiputh of on the line of the- c. li the very cenUr the, vulleyrmocresofltuiiiler tile 10orreatimber.

now (rtowlninn the pliw forty of fall '-it. a itood orclmrd, of Ulnckberrlea and other trulls; a Hue brick bouse conutmlnar Bcvm Ii rnams. good cellar; (rood turgft' and athiiroatliouera; one mill, one Revd drtli, plows, burrows and a lot o( amaU fttrmlne Implements too numerous to mention, price aeoOd; half on tliue. yorfurtberptirtlcU''' HAHK1SON B. OATUN, .1 1 Port'jtnd.

Or. A If. Oo' TO WV'EST INTUiSCOMMISSION ur grocery ivl lf re pwner wUt employment and prnmuot rrbnts." Keltaibte LUVSSI, l'if 4 Addrega "UBOCKKt" the Henry J. llaymaud, when editor of the religion, ia God's acceptance" New York wrote his at Al- OM ril iTM COOK'S PfthLORS. HE BEBIRABLK HUSINKSH PROPERTY ON 'i'EABS EXPEKiEXOE AS AJJ IX- UBUt-, cocuuled Uj- the Orrroii hotel aUiKtor enables fiof.

SoV to I'eonomtic the- steel (st'eelln state of manufacture) imported cheaply. They want the duty ou it to be not more than fcjnS; dollars a ton. The other half of the however are natn Bp the tariff on them as high possjbh They ajgjfpjr JtfcKiniev's bill, the duty from twenty-eight to fifty-four dollars a i jew v-iinci wrnta his ixlitnri.u ii h.nrf. would be little difflcnltv of en W'in-Deed a "aotico;" yet us each gucoMaivo wrota 8 eaitonato at Al- None aro ruined bv tho nf oTMi and paj-lng good on the bivvntmem; full lot. Ume of thc.ptipll.

hands, tnere wouw ue ntuei qimcum 01 cjj-f bany or Washington, or whurevor ho happened thniui u.r, i i TM' 1)n elum, Kat Portlajid; over- FWvi-L a rAfa 4 i volume Mtcll'i A anu forwarded a i wUp hito to b(! "formed grace a 3 unocesfifu! financial in existeuco. comes from the publishers at Boston, there, ia always a temptation to say over again what that skilled editorial judgment that baa mida Age, to live through BOrnviy years, that magazine made up who Iy the scissors ia but a piratical port of en- after all, but thai there is need of brains to dlreat tho teissurs and thai Litlelt io and forwardud them to his by mail. He was traveler, but ed- Itcd hit Times at evtry stopping (iltoe. Homc- llQ those who bate to bo reformed by the grace of Sixty students have been converted tho cleaml, and Atuall orchard; olfVredch ar Fetcr Brown, the man who so gallantly risked hU oirn life to savo those of others at Caspnr Pck bay, Meiidociuo county, is 1871. Baron von Magnus, the Prussian diplomatist, Those tkat veiihtre in a good cause, with a a Uder U1 rotcrtion In 3W and 315 Marahall'a East 1-ortlttDil.

Fifteenth and I) 8K Tlib It lue cliegpeut iiruuvrty olVeivJ In Uwt vldnly. ios First llanS. uu want faf all iod in the trnDt Qott in tho this principle should ton on this low grade of the wire only 4800,000, but deposits employed an uncommonly good qtulity of who got into trouble for his silly toast at the overrule UK; that thuj'is'bcst Copenhagen ban-inet to Sarali Bernhardt, is in for our souls. and rail men are protesting that this Tiisc'will kill their business. The free traders ara looking on in high glee.

They think it is "a very pretty quarrel as it stands," and don't propoos to interfere in thia domestic row at all, except, of course, to vote for the lower duty every timo they ge! a chance. i SM.SOOiOOO, on which a discount is transacted. shareholders are paid aliividend of per cent, quarterly, which is liable tu be increased before it is diminished. The stqck is evident from tbe numberless skeletons of short-lived rivals that strew the path I (iloug which it still moves complMont t. What it dons is to reprint the best or the mout import-ant or most interesting articles from held at 2000, which is probably the highest each of the leading English periodicals, quotation of lank in the world.

therefore gives, of course, a larger body of It an insane aeylum at lie ia gaining in health, but the cloud upjm bis intellect growing darker and Mr. Tanderbilt ia a regular attendant fit. Thomas' Episcopal church, New York, but the preacher never alludes to the old parable of the. camel and the needle's eye. God will, graciously blcm-that is, dii well --to them who sinct-relv bless-that is to speak well af him.

In health, nothing is ao unsafe to roh- on a death-hoc repentance; in sickness, it cannot be unsafe to Lytton. By vole if the faculty of Chicago Theologi- ')NTHA(TORN AX!) OTIUiKH WANT1XQ UlUnK ot uny Irnph ur siie enn be mipiilfrd on short (y applylnr tu J. C. PLKEUK; Vrt'eport, W. T.

Uing sticks iispeeiAiiv. citpy.l CAPILUKE. IU I the world. prnniotmibngrowU Df Uie hiilr and ieavvs Ml wdelutwy. lTenaitlonly Dni A FCI.I.

ENOUSH BJ5TBIEVEB Hliurp's rlilc ant a double-barrel sbotgua. Apply on Iwsrd "Lev! O. Uuixra," at railroad wimrf, Kast i'ljf Umicl. MH TO AfcC WKAH-KJV A LL PKllSONci HAVINO REAI, ESTATE IK I'oriLuKt. wtiu wish to uinm the Mime before tlieernnh, (1,11 finil eash at present market iiy-Ktvlnv list of property and -I.

Mirtiitud. Orrguli. fdSt BALK. Cunt mt Block OM, McMlllw'i In Kiut FortUn With 4 Sicw tVhMle fcalf. H.

f- cme-faurth block 1 rncli l.M* FKBKY A WHITE. Krtutc ACMU. 8USDAY MQRNIKO. for at the folluwing Pl pottoffl -If candy ftore. Fourth Be.ry'i, Fourth and Vamblir Third yunblll 42 Morriion.

1ST Plret. Blodgetfa, 183 Flrat HorrUon. North Pacific S.w. Fir.1 Oinn'o, Ftret and Alder, and Alder. rollers Chanhomme's, First near Sturm.

8 L. Flrat and Aab. and a Oeo. First near I. On eurk tear- And at tbe coooti og room of nKl Front and Start.

STEAHEB m-FATtJLL PISPATCIt el Sis FEASCBCO. Eiobaofe from Wcatpori.J the of ta five bur here. uiTF.n. It Mtend, the la of an ret been teamed. Portland, due to-morrow, Lot from wreck not the Ol ria has bfcn down for mtdnlent Thttttdar, tbe 8taU a tbat cot oat conld not have k.

five Mr. Gideon 'TibbelUot Jbwt 1 onsly Ul of saloon yciterdayatSt. Tluoent't. Bdward Woodborr, tpected MttMt rf of intamBktioo of tM totafc.j The machinery ot owned, by Uwarid.toJi Wayno and will jepsr x. bMMM MwoMa roadwfr tWr IM tw guarded N.

CQ, wUerehj a loBC it it. The nance worta i. tike UXCOIJj't 'FoIIpwifeM, celebrtUon fc Kaaonlo Boac, For hall mat, of tea will 1 will promptly out ping night, I Itto i ed cuwlng; whether boxinj I cseretoe. enjoyment to ieeln I tM with a smoke or not. bad cxtittftuabjMuaft 1 cisrar from bok (ivk cigar from third of the 'ing, umokiog that 1 effect, cigar, that tt is wotf IJ Tho chevalier filled a Tilts 10411 Yon waon I Hear tua jnWfHaf 1 Smell the Tati Hit strong tW K't- tbe blue I liupclwoed tkttc I think be intended it member having aowettifl in John Among my steamer mall Jacksonville (Fla.) dramatio wo cil.

It waa for the troupe" which had produced! "On-goit" tow full hoQM. TM the players weru puff it wae donUlets lKW(d a) I would reproduce in do it. tho iiame of tl plot of -Oregou" ia -notice" aitof'li Biondutions which we Giboncy family. People whi family of OrcgonUo adiertlicd-- mnst form a high taste, ho croaks tbe ays the. fellow of the meet gentlemU wfco not a tboi Wt lait seutlemm' to when he.Mt )iwthere woald might backitrect'a'cUyor two later sir," i pirt, It and be torncd down answer turns away wrath and is wonderfully seoUng to courage.

i Job a T. Raymond, lias made him recent He thought- that be spirit had denied admit by St. Peter on tbe flesh he bad been an actor. costing tin; question with Pa Barton Hill appeared. Wl life?" aeked Peter.

"Bar! V- eutcidt The founJ Wild I 11--t.

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