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Decatur Daily Republican from Decatur, Illinois • Page 4

Decatur, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


And ior SIXTY DAYS we're going to SLAUGHTER OUR STOCK CARPETS! T1IK A OAKPfiT FACTORY mainifiu'tiiroB all kinds of KAG A A I CAHPKTH. i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i Ihc hiiKusl XVImle. s.ilf I'niiii'l lliii.ii' III Clik'iiKii, lo lupri'Si'iil their I'ooils 111 Uils WM liuve M'i'iiu'll line or SiiniplcH, (ill iMtml 1 tin unman. XVu i i sell lii'ttur ((OOilH tlllin I'vci oiicii'd lii'i-e, i i tin 1 uniiles I Wn I'nnilsli cxi-ry Cnniet luliihl anil iresh, xoa no sulleil nml ilmp xvorn eiiils, We hiixe inosl I'm i ultlHint wuite; you i i i i i i i i i i i loom i i i i ym tun select wlml i want. We li.uc no cariyhiK sloi thi-rcrori' will i i i cnsloiiicis tlm l)i'lii)IH ill low pi UTS.

All S.nnlili'S mi' ull (roin the mill, so Hit; Mioils i iilXMi.xs I'oinpiiru In liml piitti'i-n. Tt you nro in a hurry wo will mir- you boxv quick xvo get orders filled. iscls Curpot i i i Imln CHARLESlFISTER, KM) Houth Hido Jjini'olu Turk. Man'li Hats and Gents' Furnishing Goods. This is no Humbuar Sale, or Bankrupt Stock but a SQUARE DEAL and STRAIGHT BONAFIDE SALE.

We mean just what we advertise, and will prove our assertions if you will call in and get prices. DEEPEST CUTV Ever Made in Decatur ON MEN'S BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S Suits, Overcoats Hats and Furnishing Goods, i sell you a a at; '25 PIT i lesH i i you can possibly luy ThM I I I A 1 0 A 1 The st-tick he- and wit i make prices si. LOW a you can alTord to a lirst-class i a or a For a small a of money. New Book Bindery A BlankBookManntactory, 127 S. Wntor Doontur.

li" klndi lxotai bonnil anfl ropiiluiil. Ti'li'Hi'oiii) llouis iniulu ID oiilor. Niimi'S sliinipi'il In KIIII! books, pocKOt- ItOoUS, CUSIJS, I'U'. i Ili'lu'b, i lii'i'ks, te. HERMAN SPIES, Proprietor.

(H't, Ult-ildm GEORGE M. WOOD Fire-Proof Safes, Iron and Wood Pumps, Garden Seeds, Grapevines, 135 SOUTH WATER STREET, A Why Ayer's Sarsaparilia preferable to any other f- the cure of Blood Diseases. Hi ruiiM) no poisonous or i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i Ills i i i uf Ayt'r'M a i i i ilia. A i i i i i i i i i i I i i i i must I i i I Ill's. A i i 1 Snrsupnrllln is pn'pnn il i i i i i I i i lllld I i finrsiiparllhi in pii'sonbeil by'i'-i Siirsupmilla is lor sulu i i i ami i i i i i i i i i Aycr'n SursnpurJ! nicilu'in.

nnil not 11 bcvi'uiK" In A SiirHiipt.rillii i (nils lo cITei "a i nrc, i i i peisistenll.x 1 i ID i i Win Mipiu I i a is i i i i mi- i i i i i unil i ilio most economical Jiluud Mcdii'iin; 111 tlm iiinrki't. Ayer's i i i lias liml a sue- ccssfui career of i i i i i nnil xius ni'vi'i HO us ul pn.aciit, Thoiisnn.l.s of i i i i i on lili' i hi'iii'lllril by tin 1 IIMU of Ayer's Sarsaparilia. I I I 11V Dr, J. C. Ayer Lowell, Mass, 1'ilctf ill; nix 4.

Woriii $0 it buiilu. Enough of none, one's oara WAX dull With too much tuna Lot sllencb lull UH Into peace--wo uro too swl To euro for mournful ulrs or ulail, Wo cravo but vnst unil strong, weary now--fipougU of song. Enough of orlt-tihilt profits tollf Tho fates our best cDdenTora "I'ls useless climbing up tlio height. Anil unclean bultlliiK for tbo right When liltlik'ii foes In ambush lurk. Wo'ro wimry now--enough of work.

of lovu--It lirert Iho heart, It pohom wllh lls pnlnful Jftrl; One blulcens ot Ihu sweets It brings, l''or ihey but cover serpent nlluRS Tim bal'in i'l' on can scnrpo runiovu. Wo'i wemy now--cuough of lovo riiotiKh of HIV, wo cry, enough-Tho ulomonto Imx'o been too rough, Our Khlps lit Ken have nil Iweo wrecked, Tin) waves uf I lino wMi lenii uro lloeked, lllvi us of Hita strife-- xVo'ro weary now--enough of llfo. --Siiblo M. Best In Homo Journal In Circuit Court of llacou Coumy-Iii chKnccry. ToJatmury Term A.

1). 18BD. Mazo LtTlninion vs. Jolm H. Tliuraton DrlKlnal Dill.

And Donln Mplcur vi, Jolin II. Tlmntoa et al-Urow Bill. No, IJ.lTl, I'ubllc notice In hereby given. Hint tu puriiu- uaceol it Uecrce eiiUireil ut tho Junuary Term, A. 1).

1889, by tho Buld Court, In tho ulHtvi. I'll- titli-il euusc, I. John liroxvn, Miutvr Clmn- eery of until Macoti County, Illinois, will ul DID liuur ut two o'clock In Iliu ulUiriioon, on Monday, tie Mth day of April, A. D. 1SSU, HI tao wi'st entrance door icaillnK to tlm circuit uoiirl rouin stairway In sulil Macun county, lull at iniljllo vuiuliM! lo tlio lilHlicst bcsl bluucr, Uiu (ollowliiK ilescrihiHl niil estiitc, lylnii mid Mui; In llm county of of lllliioh, to-wH: IX)t olytitem (18) In block nine of Snath Co, Addition to the Oltyol Dccntui, Illinois, nule to bu niaile rltihtx ol com- pliiluiuits In the ortiilmil bfll.

anil 11190 mbjivl to tin- biilnncB of owlnu to aalil Jolin II. Thui'stoii iiml Hccutoil by hln morUtmin. TKiiMsorliAi.K-- liatuit ul IXicutiir, Illinois, Hi In iliiy if HUnoU. NEW, BRIGHT SPRING GOODS! RAPID STRIDES, RAPID SALES, RAPID GROWTH lisa- oun. FIRST POINT You should read I A.

t.o NltU'l bi-causr mnu' iffmI'M You ProluMy you've i you t-'tn now atloul a tl.uly TUB CHICM.O I osis but one cent Jici oojiy-- ho you can't afloul lose mm 1 wiillhiB foi i i i i i i a i i i i i i i wlicn lli'-y happen--nui l.ucr, You live in iliu i century, in tlic 1 U( lC RUMlcst cuitnlry on ibc e.irtli. you i ford lu lie K'tt behind. fMftft-- I i i i a i BJO.OCXI rxil.iv-r.vrr .1 million a titttt by ni.ul i i i i nioinliifi A Coloriulfy iVontlt'r. B. Manly, of Unrdy'u Uancli, Wal- liico comity, whilo on a recent liiintinK trip i) Kiinstia nuil Colorado with friend, wont to tlio ranch of Cliuvloa KirU, iiboulflvu miles southwest of Groimdu, bcsido a dcop gulch, where uway down flows a tributary to thu Arkiuibas river.

Kirls gavo llioni slii-ltc-r fur tlio night, remarking I hut it was M'ldom thai guests over ciUlcd in tluil lonely lie told thorn also that Heven yeiii's beforo this ho Imil lived on tlio IVcos river, nl tho foot of mountain bpur, lieriling cuttle, und ono day largo bear entered tho cliielteu coop and liiw wifo run to I ho rescue. Sho got such fright llnit she was sick for sovenil inonthH, and then they moved to their liresent home. Mrs. Kirla gave birth to child hliorlly uftor, which wns never known to have been HOOII by any OMIX Tho visitors heard slrangu noises which soi'nu'd tu riiiaiuito from a closod closet. They also hciiril Mrs, Kirls singing asked Kirls if ho hud any children.

Ho then Mid: "1 i show you a curiosity, but you never broatho it." Ho then showed them a child tltreo feet high, weighing forty iiminds and a com- of a being, brarnml chicken, Hi head i that of a bear, but its eyes were those of human and enrs were a combliHilion of jmniuii and beur, were i i and chin. Thero was a growth nf soft Iiulr over tho face, head and neck. I plnco of arms it hiul feiilhereil wings, Tho mother loves it dearly, and i not permit it to bo ex- City Times, J. R. RACE 129, 135 North Water Street.

THE FUEL OF THE FUTURE. March Ci-dtV Alodiciim und Surgery. T. 15. Sl'AIjDLNG.

M. J). i a A I I I DiliTM 7 In 111,1. 111., 2 to 6 Mill 7 Ollln. I i i i i uvor I I jr.

3va A A I I I A LAW. i i i I Ilimso I i i Ht (IlKir ti Ifilt Biiooliil ntiontlDii iiiiitters In I'robnte mi 'Jtmmwry. cnrcil imi of Tolton lifter 1 lull hi'i'ii inali il In Miln no-ciiltoliiniulii'iof i i i i i i i i i li. nut i Ptiml III Ulmnl 1'iil'nll. i i Hi Klii'iimntuim tthlili cim-i il ny I 1 i i lili! iiit Avi'lilli', Si rufnln ilevrluiieil fin my il.niiililor i Him i i i In i' ivi! i i i nuil ihu i wiiilt i i i i "ml I In- curi' in S.

A. i i A Si'iicii'iu i i i i i i n'i i i i i I i i i i i i i i Hcrofilhl, HluiNl i i I I I I I llncl I i 1'iilMin. I for lionks on i DIHI HHH, mullril i i Tui: SWIFT II IL, I I 'I, A i Dlooil II Dill S. il Hie i'loilrt Milll T. ATl'OKNKY AT LAW AND NOTARY 1'UMUO, Will iliuw ilccils, inortKUKoi unit ilo nil klmlt of I'DiivuyiuicliiKi will nliii uxiimliKi iibstmcit ol i i i pruiiilitlv ultidid li iui and nil It'Kiil buHlnusH eiilrutteil totilm.

loim monuy on (food mid farm reiil I'ttiilu. i i Kliix's ilriiB store, No. Wntur Stii'ul. iloel-ilK BOSTON STORE, 0 Stoves for Summer An. ('(ml and Oannli' for So i 1 nf nml nor xvooil, no luibeii, no a ulxvi ready anil A "n'lil-j be cooked in I lino, iitul xvitb IH niinoyam'K from hunt, than by any "thur inoUiod.

When, iiiunl thny havi'Kivon perfivt initiHliiiiUon; l'iwt no Kronttfr tlnui i of an i mry xvood nlovo. hinlii.H who lmvi ntiwl ilot'liiro thnt they in Siiinuu.r, and they ND'l 1 I 11DU.SK I 'I'll" i i i i to iniiko a NET PRICE OF $1.50 PER THOUSAND FEET, HUH May I to A I I l''UU COOKING 1'UIU'OHKS. I loud tlu. following opinioim from xioll-knoxvu 'adieu who Imvo GIIH Slovoe "i I'enitnr: of Dowitnr und Coke Co. WALKER.

THOMSON CO. Sash Ribbons. The Cheapest line of Sash Kibbons ever offered. i i Moire and Figured Sash Ribbons in i Cream, Light Blue, Pink und Cardinal, worth 50c; our price will be 25c per yard. 25c per yard.

2Sc per yard. A I I FANCY STltll'E Plaid and Moire Sash Ribbon Six, seven and nine inches wide, goods worth $1.00 and $1,25, for 50c per yard. 50c per yard. 5flc per yard. This we mean to be taken literally without any discount For advertising enthusiasm.

You cun always i goods as advertised at our store. Tim C'liptuln'ii rrujpp. dipt. Ktten is iKithiiig iC not HOII- sationnl. 1 Iin trip to Dlmnuruk overland on lecturo tour iittrnctcil tho attention of tlio untiro country and bin voto upou all moasuiX'S is I with thunder clap bpontsinuity Hint nrutihes tho surrounding country fur miles.

Tho captain lld not go to ''ranrl Forks. Whilu tlio majority ol' tho Dakota loglslntori xvunt whirling uAvay to tho Hod i viilliiy ho and number of tlio other hard xvorlting iiiem- Ijuru remained in Bismarck mid mi Siitur- ilay held a HOhsioii wns mndo inuuiorulilii in many xx-uys. Ainoni; oxx'titH of Iho diiy XVIIH Vnn Elton's prayer (tho olll'ciul chupl.iin being at- Hi-nl), wliieh coiiica to us ns follows: "0 Lord, blew this houso. Of couruo, us can ho BCOII liy direful observation, tlnn'o arc not ninny of us hero, tho ma- joiity a i gono on a jiuikcllng to lirnnd Forks, Loul, lliou linoxvcitt tht'ir motives in RouiK' 3 10 best iiilercalfl of Iho country (xvhich hei'ins vi ry iloiibtful) Uiou xvilt bless Ihimi, I i i it in for tlio pleasures of thit xvui do xvilh tlieiu xvhat tteomest licsl. Loril, HIIVO us all nt lant-- i i all, if poMsibli 1 This may not bo verbiitim report of tlio earnest captain'h prayer, but it in us Iho words are reported to us.

Tho captain wins tho (1). Tribune, Nlltlolltlt I'limer. It jji rather a hhock lo inliiiirnrH of ehrybiintliomiiins to bi told Unit in Ual- ninti.i a i lluxvera are grown to ho eonverti'd into iiihuet Tlio eoniieetinn belweuii tho loxi-ly uoinbiun- liviliH ili'licale eoloi and hlinpis ia ililll- i tilt to but Hinen xvo are ri'liu- bly i i i i i i i a powder in Irom i i i i i i li i i borlsof dim- oil' luuid, xvis must iieiept Iho even thonjili itbhor tlm iilcn. The effective- iii'sjiof the i i i i i i i i i i i i i in i i out 01 doslroyiiiK may be tho reason a it has been chown ns Iho i i a i a a If i repoiU aro Inn 1 the gn-atehl ilomeMio trouble the Jnp.ineso bavo ih in keeping thoir i freo from tho many logged a i i i i 1 i hardly xvorlli Iho i i i only natural, then, that they should honor tho plant that is of such great, si'mto to Uioin in tU respect. As for us, xve xvill iiho other mediiH to control small intrndors.

We xvill a Pans gieen to our potato bugs and feed our roai'hen on "lough on rats." iK'i-il our chiy.iaiiLhemuiiiB in our parlor i a i eoiiMTxatoi ien, ami in I i ease, at least, cannot alfoul to Nicnlieo beauty lor i coininoriplneo i i Pitlblmrg i i i Ma.itcr In Cliuncciy ol Mncon Coiinly, C. OUTTKN, coniplalimnu' Hollcllor. apu-ihw Muster in Chancery's Sale. STATKOK ILLINOIS, MACOH COUNTY, In Circuit Court ol Miicon Coiiiily-lnClnuirery. To 'J'uria, A.

IKS 1 1 Martha M. smith vs. Htirvry Tnsoo ul Hi, Oilitl- mil Illll, nml lluk'li vs. Iliirvcy I'lisco i-t ill, Croaa Itlll. No.

I'ubllc iiotlcu Is liorcby that In iiurHii- iincuiif a itvcreo entered ul thu Tcini. U. ISS'J, by Ihu siilil court. In the Hlioxi," tlcil I'liusu, John A. Drown, Musti'l' III Chun- for sitKI Maeon county, llllnoK, i ill Ihi 1 hour of o'clock la thu uttcninoii, on Monday, tht Day of April, A.

1. J.WV, ill UK' I'lilraai'U door IciulliiK In Die clri'iilt court loom ntalrwHy, In Miicon county, Ni'll, ul public vimituc.lo iliu hlKhcnt ami lu'sl blilili'r, thu lulluwliiK ilcucrlbcit rail riitnu, lyliiK ami boliiK lu ihu county of MIUIOII, of lllliioh. ni-wll: 1-ot No. six (0)of block No. seven of 1 1 leans' Addition to tho City of Dcciitnr, 111.

TKHMS OK, subjoci to Uiili'd at Dccnlur, llllnoli, Hits HI day ol i A i 0 1 A i Muster lu Olmmvry of Maeon county, llllnoH. OUTI'KN Si SollCllolS. iilirll l-Mw Master In C'liaiiccry's Sale. 8TATE OK ILLINOIS, MAOON COUNTY, In Circuit Court of Maeon County-- In Chancery. To Jiinmuy Term, A.

I). Jaivil Newiimn v.s. Hiimty I'liscoelul, I'oii'- clomiru, mill IliiKh I'reii vs, Iliirvcy I'mcnui ul, Cross 1)1 II. No. I'liljllu uoili'ii IH houiby ulvi'ii.

Hint In uiirsii- ancn ol a ilwrcu ciilcrud ai Iliu Term, A. 1). iiwl), hy Iho tuilil Couil, In lliu aliovu I'tHI- tluil came John A. llriiwn, Muster lu Chilli' eery of Hiilil Maeon Coiinlv, Illinois, i ul Ihu hour of livo o'clock In Monday, the, il'Mi Day of 1. IHH'J, ut the xvesl I'liliiini'ij door leaillni; lo llu 1 clii'iilt coui'l rnoiu In mild Mncon county, sell, al public veuilm, tu tin 1 highest nuil best luililvr, UIB followliiK ilwtcrlhed leal Ixliii; ami iH'liw lu tlm county or Macou.stJiUi ot Illinois.

lo. wit: IM No, nlnu (ill of No. HluKlii'S' Addition lo ihu of Oeciilur, III. TitiiHS OK WAi.K-Ciwh, subject to redcinp DI'IUM! ut DraiUir, llllnolH, tills HI iluv ol Al A A. 1IUOWN.

Boys' Clothing Department i a made it neeossurv to double, our former spuee, stock and assortment. need hardly mention (lull I I LOWKST OK LOW PKICKS, CONSISTENT I 1 I i I I I i A 1 i continue to lie the a i a In ol Mueon Cuinity, lllliioh am II 1 d-lw We extend conlial i i a i to tho, Jailios of Dcciilur inid vicinity, and i in seardi of A I I A 1 A HOYS' A I I I to our GRAND OPENING of SPRING STYLES We can assure yon (hat. wo a i a I 1 A A MOST ASSORT- to bo in Dorjilm 1 and (ho lightest inos! convenient room (o show i in. Master in Hale. STATIC 01' I I I lUCIJN COH.M'V, In Clmill Cum tot Miicon Coiiiily- In rinmi'i'iy.

'I'o Term, It. iw.i. niirilotlliiiiforil VH. llurvi'y 1'iisw iil-Oilit- inn) 1)111. And llnuli Cnu vs.

Ilitrvcy I'usra i i Illll. No. 1'iilillc niillci' iHlmrrhy ulvi'ii, tluil, In IIIIHII- iiiHTuf iiilc'i'ici't'iilun-il lit (In 1 'Ji'ini A. II. by Courl, In Uiu I'll- IHloil Jolin A.

Ilruttii, MiiMvrln Cliim- I'cryolmililMni'on I'Oimly, Illinois, will, lit Hit- hour ot two o'clock In lliu iitlcinimn on Monday, the USth hiy of April, I), 1UHII, ut HID went ciilratceiluor IruilttiK tlio Olraill Cuuil room sliilmuy In niilJ Miicon ruiinly, ill iwbllc vtimlut', to liliihrM anil bust lilililci, MX! following ilescrilwil lrill ustnte, lylim mid buliw III tlio county of Miicon, ot IHliiuK of lltalns'Aildlllon to i i i i Dwiilin, Ills. TKH.IIS UK HAi.K:-Uii»li, milijt'cl lo ii'ileliip- toil ill Di'nUiir, Illinois, tlni isl il.iy of A. Mnslcr In C'lmnciiry o'r wiu'on I I I Ourriw I'AUH, Solk'Uors, apri (Hv The Leader in Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing, (10ODS. BRADLEY Master in Chancery's Halo. STATKOK II.UNOIH,!,, MAOOK COUNTY.

In Chcult Mncon Coiinly -In ('liiiiici-ry, To Junuary Trtra, A. l. 1MB. Jini'il Newiimn Iliirvpy I'liwii ti ul, Orlul- mil Illll.iiiiilUi'liililiiuliriivvii vs. I'liHi'ii ci a), Itlll NIL rnlillc uolli'i' In lirii'by xlvi'ii, i iMirmi' iinri'nf inlci'n'o iMiti'i'ril HI tin' i i i A isiil.liy i i i i i i llii'iilii)Vi'i'iilllli'l I'liiisi 1 A i i i Miislrr In I'liiuuviy for M.u'im riMiiiiy.

Illlnul 1 i ill limn ul Iwoi'YIiii In iiDiiii, mi tin' Xltth ttinj of A. li. .1. Htip'l li'ir i I inn iiainw No. 7 Ona KiuiKO, nnil it IH xvitb Iilwuntui Unit I bear xvitnemi to iln ninny HimlitioH.

1'Vir utility, cloiiiilinesB, and economy, it IH nil I could deuii'o; a i can cooked on it tluil cnn ivinkod on titovo, i in my inimion, lew expense, mid certainly Wlili leas i i i a morn coaiforl. I (iliwrfiilly ruconnimnd it. I I i i i i i i MKS. KLWOUU. .1.

MTIIATTON, 1 I want to Buy to you that tho RIIS stou "ii i to i liml in intioli morn mitiufnotory than I hull Iiopeu ior. 1 i-iiiulii nu-ry i of rooking' -vitli it, nml tlio roKiilarity of thn hwil Kivca uotier rwiullH Limn miy olhi.r Htovn. I ulionkl not iltwiro to koup hoiwo on jj A ,1. STIUTTON, Hnpt. Ivor Nir: I have in uso ono of your Gl 8 Cao kingH HB a mutter of convoniancu anil oointort it unmirpnssoil, and IB nil lu for it oostiug iibont sumo oil or ooal.

Youw IlMjuoMuUy, MRS. WM. INFANT'S i CHILDREN'S GAPS Our line of Caps is all that could be desired. Prices from 25c, 33c, 37c, 42c, 50c B5c, 11,25,, $1.50, and for value we can safely say there is nothing better. Swiss Embroidered Flouncings Are soiling nipully, tlio beel proof of their being correct in design and prices.

Oiisos ot Cnhoo, new designs and colors, nt 4c a ynril, worth lOe. Fifty Dozen Lixdies' Border Hnndkerohiefi, ill Be oncli, worth UV. Fifty Ladies' Hemstitched Border Handier- chiefM, lit He eiich, worth Oua Hundred Dozen Ladies 4-ply nil Linen Unpo Oollnrs, three for 2. Our Trices always tbo Lowest. THOMSON 143 North Water Street.

II i "Talk about xx ivos," miid 1'iiriiier ITaxv- buck, "I've got ono i a million. Why, blie gils in tho inornin', milka buvenleen tovv.s, and gits breilkfiiAl fur bard men bufora 6 o'clock "Hlie imihl bo a very robust woman, rcinurkcd ono of his hearer. 1 "On tho coutrairy," put in tho i "sho is and delikit like. Uosh, ef Unit woman xvasstrong I dunno xvlint work she couldn't Weekly. In the Social "Do you i tho Bible society, Mr.

iioody House?" "Well, Blits Collingxvood, I don't exactly knoxv," btammereil Doody Iloueo, who had forgotten it xx-ni Lent, "but I guess it does." "In xvhat part?" "Well, now, I can't tell exactly, but I i along in Noah's tiirio most every ono xvas in the Blade. Eupepsy. This is whiit you onfc'ht to huvs, in fnct you nniBt have it, to fully enjoy life Thousands are Benrehinz for it dnily, und mourning bccnnue they Und it not. Thou- 8imd6 upon thoUBiinds ot dollars lire spent nunnnlly by our people in the hope that they nniy ntluin this boon, And yet it may hnd by all. We giwronteo that Electric Bitters, if used accordinjr to directions, end the use persinted in, will brini? you Good Digeotion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eupepey.

we recommend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and all other of Liver, Stomach and Sold at 50o and $1.00 per bottle at Dr. A. J. Stoncr't drug itore. dm Ilii' wi'il I'liliMiU'i 1 iloor li'iulinit lo lliu I'hnill ciniit iiinni In Miti'nn runinv, public veniliu 1 li II" 1 nml linit I i i Illll fullllUlllU i H'lll I i I i lii'lnif In till' c'omily nl M.ii'iMi.sUih'iil Illinois, ln-ttll; Ixll Nil.

li-n HO) nl lilnrk Nil nliii' Hi), it! i WciliTii A i i i i lo lini I'lly tJiMilnr, I I I Titn.Mh or SAI.H.-t'usli, Milijcrt li ii'ili'inp- DiilNl lit Dcciitnr, lllliinln, i 1st ilny of A A. I), liwj. )K WNi In CliuiH'i'iy "I in 1 'm enmity, I I I Vf. c. i nK.V,I'oniiHaliiiintH 1 1-lHw Muster in Chancery's 8TATU DK ll.l.INOIH, I ON I Circuit Oinrl of Maeon Cuunly In Cliiiuri-iy Td.liuumry TCIMI, A.

fi. IKMI. Ddnlilm 1 llrowii vi. llmvi-y i'l ul i Illll. Anil Hiwli is.

Iliirvry I i i i i Illll. No. I'nlillc mil leu IslK-rutiynlvciitlml In IMIIIHIIIIIO' nl ih'i'ii'ii cnK'ii'il ul tlm 'Iriin, A. 1) msi), liv Ihi' sdlil Court, In IhciiliiiM'I'litlili'il I'linsi', A. lirmvn, Mustiir In clinnn'rynl snlil Miiriin county, Illinois, xxlll, ul tin 1 limn of UH u'clock In lliu ly, the SUth IMiy of A.

1), ut Din weit entraiM 1 door lln-circuit court room stalrwBy In sulil Miu'un cuiinty, wll ut imbllc venUuii to tlio lilBlii'st unit ln'it Mailer, lliu fullowliiK ili'HOi'lucd rcul mUiU', lylnit mid Ix'lnx 111 tliu cotinly of Mncon, italii of llllnolfi, lo'-wPt: IxitNo. Iwenly-llveti'S), of block Nu six (O)of niKKins' Aililltlon tollic city of Uvcnlnr, lliliiuls, TKIIMH OK SA I.B- snlijcct li i Diitvil ill Di'ciiiur, llllnulH, ilils im iluy ol Apnl.A.».H«0. 1 A MifitiT In Cliiini'cry ul Mncun cuiiiily, 111. OITTKN ft 1'Aiin, Coiniiliitinints' Hollrltor.s. Great Muslin Under wear, Embroidery and Lace ale.

OIX131VCIS13I. 1'liiin i ul I'lii'li. Clii'liMHc i i i i 1 1 n' (Jhi'iniHii I i I i i i i i i i i I liiiii'i'linn, nl dili' 1'in'li. lion liml i i i i i i 1 1 ul ilin-ii i tKto. i i i i 1 I i Inukn wd I i i i 'i' llvn IX 1 1, til, ftOt 1 I i i i i i i i i i of nielli tliokt IB- i in i i i i I'lnhroldwrj' niBto, Chancery Notice.

STATE OK ILLINOIS, MAOOI CIJUNTV, In the Clicull Court, June Term, A. I), IMS. C. W. HiiniHburij, Kxeculor, Charlei Neblock ul ul-Paillllon, Allldnvlt of the iion-riMldeuci! In slaUt of tin: mild llauilo Ncblock, Veslii Ncblock, May Morrison Mil Morrison, lour ol Dm above named defuudanU.

hnvliiK filed In Hie office of Ihc Clerk of nuld Circuit Court, notice Is hereby iilvcn to each of you, the said Maude Neblock, Vcsla Neblock, AUy Morrtnon anil Morrison, Dial Hie alravu nainrd coiuphitniinl as lire cxeculor ol Carrie Hell Neblock, doceascd. hercloforo on Ihc rjth day of April, ISM), iHen Ills bill of complaint In Hie omc of said ulcrX of said court, on tlm clmniwry nld Ihercof, which wiia bill Is mill ixjudlin; and that a summons llicreiipon Issued oul of ulu court umilnit all Die defendants lu uld bill, returnable oo Ihc day of lliu next June term of said court, to tw held at the court house, In the city ol Decatur, In said county, on Hie llrst Monday at June, A. I), inn, Now. unless you, the mid Maude Neblock Vesta Neblock, May Morrison and Morrison, slmll be and appear on Hie first of said term ot said court, and plead, answer or demur to the said bill ol complaint, the same will be taken as true, and a decree rendered thereof. X.

vlviK. BKAC1I IIOUHKT Kill) MlLLH lor complainant. Mollier i i i i i i i i i i i i i i a i i i i "i MoUior i i i i I Ireui. i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i and i. i nl, SI, 1 I i em-li.

olii', nl i-iioh, I Hfi uni'li, i i i i yolui i i iimrtlOU i i a IUH) i i i i A of ami nicdy i i i i i at 50(1, 7fi A I I hlllllllllli Dili' Illi'll liiii binii I'l Im h'" Inn IMIIK MM'', Inn burn IMrlmt, Im 1 Inn burii Kiluliiif, i rolili'iles, .1 I -I I I Ill I I I 1 I (Illl lul i i r. im lies Hid'', 10. vmt i n's, 11 Itii'hi'S M.I«', 1 1.S-* i i i i i i i i III ll (lllln. ''S, llldi', III II Ill's, II I i i i i III i I llti'lli'S ill II KlollllelllK, i i i 111 II i I i i Illi lies ill il Huibroldeiles, II ill 4V I'lillllll'llllt, llll'lli'S i III (Vie II i HAND-MADE TORCHON LACK, 1 "HI" 1 Illllf liml mil' Illi'lict I I .1 li' .1 'loii'h'in I I 1,1 I i In i i i i i i i .1 I Hklrn wlili I'liislcr ul foul Iin SKIrls with 4-lnrli mill nl Wi'raUi. i i i I'llllll'r III I I tucki, mil) fiV-, Hklrts wltli x-lncli i i i i i i lifii'l Ing of lui'ld, HI i', Skliti wllh tiiclss, I'JinibiM' mlili', i i Ht I'l.

KklrM wllh i liickwl I'liinbrl' rulllc, i I i i ol ten i i i Hl.tti ilKlnolnclj' Trlinincil Hkliti ul I'llCll. hi' 1 ill i liiilf II lll' I. I I I I i oil. 1 i IHrlli'K In. HI'S ul i C.lly I I I I I III I'HI'll.

i I I'lnluuiili'ii'il tiliiiiiilnii, at JM Il i i i i i rm-ii'l i I i 111 IV I i i i i i i r.n, i i I l(, I i i i. I'niii'i low I'tnbroMMT iiinniiliiti, I'lnliiiil'li I yoki', il7MMMn. neck, vi i ion mill rjiinliiic rorwi Iwu i i I I I I I I Illl'l I i I I I I SPECIAL I A I Of Fine Hemstitched Embroideries, and Hlack Lace Draperies and Flouncing. BRADLEY Agents for the Jouvin Kid Gloves. of Water and William 4.

-I. Nrw.

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