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The News from Frederick, Maryland • Page 3

The Newsi
Frederick, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)




Lot Light Shine. To the Editor of THE Xsws. What is a legal farce? We answer that a ciTil court, whether magisterial or higher court, wherein injustice is enacted and Biade to serve th3 place of justice. Where truth is bent and distorted into uatrnth, Where right is abridged and rendered null and void by wrong. When all this done under the forms of law, beneath the thin garb of legal technicalities, there results "the legal fares," Such abasement of law, and abridgement of attiee is too eerioos a matter however to be laughed at.

Ife was possible during tha middle ages, when right made right, and when every man was a law unto himself, bet it osght no longer to be attempted, OF if attempea, EOS, derated. We are dowa here almost at the close of the entury, when it is commonly stippos- the couatf ark you! are not writing about, nor reporting, events from nor Africa. in Frederick connlr, Maryland, these things have happened, and the peaceable, law abiding citizens of Freder- eriok county must pay for this fares. Permit to stop here lor the present. We are not done with this fares.

We may wait to see what kind 01 a Grand Jury we in this county, before presenting names o- date or place where these thfnsjs are doae A rmmi FRIDMY, SEPT. 13, 1889. ed chat right makes might. Thanks 5ITY, COUNTY AND STATE. tothe maa ed pasting press these legal farces a becoming a common.

There is one thing that A Congressional Delegate Governor Jicksoa has appointed fT, Ia 1 of fcis cou one i tongrsssionai delegates to represent Maryland at the National Pa-roe-f Congress to be held in Montgomery The Ladies Delighted. Ths pleasant eSeet aad the perfect afety with which ladies may use the frnifc laxative, Syrap of nder all conditions make it their fa- orite reme4y. It is pleasing to the ye and to the taste, gentle, yet eSect- a acting on the kidneys, liver nd bowels. Literally Torn to Pieces. On Taesday while eome Italians rare at work on the Midland railroad ear Clarksburg, a one of them cartridge and Maryland's Reunion.

The surviving members of tbe Sizth Maryland Regiment held their eighth annual reunion ia Baltimore last After business bad bsea the members iad a pieas- aat time chaitinp over war cemiois- An election of officers was held, when if'. George W. Grove, of this city, was made president. Mr. McComas at Work Acaln.

Hon. Louis E. McComas was ia Washington yesterday and introduced to the Comptroller of tbe Currency Messrs. Oven. Hitchins and W.

R. Parcey, of Frastburg, and David bloan, of Lonaconing, who are int rested in the establishment cf the Citizens' Bank of Frcstbarg with a capitdl stoek of $50,000. The necessary papers were placed on file aad tnenew bank wsli probably begin business operations next week. darkness cannot withstand, and that I MeComas expected to call on the is light. One thing wrong always and Presid at today in the interest of several of nis Several Breezy Bits of Locml Interes Briefly Stated.

0.. E. Zallcr, Jr, has purohwed of Vr. fi. Daval), agent forVicior cytlts, a.

DOTS aaftty mmchiaB. No work was done at the Canning Factory today, owing to no suppir of corn beiag oa hand. Oving to the iaeiemeat weathsr tais morning oaly fifty-five persons left for Ba timore this morning. Every third person you raeet is troubled more or less with biliousness, and don't know how to get rid of it. The causes are easily recorded.

A lack of sufficient exercise, eating too much, by persons of sedentary habits, indulgence in too rich food, a siuggieb. torpid liver where the blood does not do its duty, and bile ia allowed to accumulate; these cause the whites of the eyes to turn yellow, the to look thick and coarse, and the complexion yellow or dark. These are sore indications of biliousness. Brown's Iron Bitters is the remedy yon want. Ifc acts directly upoa the blood, cleanses and purifies it, and sends it oa its journey through the channels of the liver, giving to it activity and clearing out the bile.

It will remove the yellow tinge from the corner atone of the new church in proceu of erection by the Reformed and Lutheran" congregations at Utica was laid with appropriate religious services oa Thursday, the 5th instant, at 10 o'clock a. m. A large congregation assembled under trees near by the site of the new eyes and the complexion, everywhere seeks to avoid; that is exposure. Error must have place to hide. The press uncovers it.

Inns- tice seeks to hide its ugly head be- mazs of legal the press light," neath the haze and but fearlessly "turns OB the justice ultimately overtakes and punishes the scoundrel. The now notorious "Flack divorce case" IB Sew York ia a case ia point. To the prese'society is chiefiy indebted for the unfoiding of the truth in that detestable case. Ah, what a power is the fearless press coming to lie? The time we think is not far distant when the rascals will be pat into the peai- i rather than into omce. The postal matters will doabtless receive attention and before many days may be an amicable adjustment oi the postomce matters at Burkittsviile and Woodvilie.

There are rival aspirants for these positions, of which mention has been made in THE NEWS. Locals. nd two of the Italians were literally ora to pieces, while Steers were se- lousiy injured. Insurance Companies Sued. Ex-Gor.

Wm, Pinkaey Whyte has roaght twenty-one suits in the Unit- Stites Circuit Court, as counsel for he Merchants and Mis era' Transp oration Company, against that number insurance companies of Tork, iondon, California, and other cities! policies are on the steamship ohns Hopkins, which was destroyed fire May 20, 1889. There were Kfey-eight policies. of the i ompaaies, all of their mlicies. The larger nuiaber of the olieiesare for each, with onie for larger amounts. ieavy Damages Against the B- The Gircuifc Court for Howard Co.

been occupied since Wednesday aorning witk the suit of lira. Lucy I. Wiley T3. the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company for $25,000 for dlling plaintig's hnstand, W. H.

3. postal clerk, in a collision at raithersburg. iTonrgomerv counts, on night of October 8, "The bit was removed from Baltimore ckj has excited considerable interest, case -was girea to the jury at 3 -'clock yesterday afternoon and Terdict of dam- "awarded. Wm. A.

Ham- oond appeared for the plaintiff and Jenry E. "Wootton for the railroad ompany. A Sadder but Wiser Man. Mr. "Wm.

MeGaul, living on South onathan street, Hageratown, desired make a cellar under the back build- ng of his house, he removed a'porfcion tae-3oDring allowing hig cook stove remain in its accustomed place. Hie Srsr obstacle struck was a rock, lot daunted by snch a trifling sfiair, le procured a drilling iron, -fuss and jowder. After drilling monster lole he proceeded to load the blast lighting the fuse, awaited results fhieh came to his sorrow. The roof if his house disappeared heavenward he stove going to the rear end of the oi, seeking companionship of a corn louse, demolishing the roof ia its in- roduction. Mr.

McCaul, ladder but wiser man. is now The tpeaed E. Convocation, convocation of Cumberland at St. Mark's Episcopal litnrch at Petsrsrille, tils lerday, Bishop Paret presiding." Son- line business was transacted and ev. Fohn of Mr.

Savage was fleeted jlean, to succeed Eev. Dr. lames Stephsnsoa of New Market, rho declined re-nomination. Lunch ras se'ved in the cacrsh vardL Last light an excellent sermon was de- Irered by Osborae lagle. The snvocanoa coaiiaue in.

session. Dw. Amongst; the clergy attendanca are Blshou Paret, Sevs. ames Stephenson, of New Market; Ihomas Bacon, of Pt. of Rocks; Eica- Va Whittingham, Acamstoira; Os- bringing "When once ciety, that is the State, has become so far enlightened as tc all her rascals behind the bare, instead oi putting them into to trample upon aad pervert her laws, then we shall no more be compelled to witness the "legal And whilst other public journals have been performing Herculean tasks, in helping to cleanse some of the Augean stables of humanity from filth and crime elsewhere, the cinaeas of Frederick county must look to our local press to become our local Her- culss also.

Only let the flood be a flood of light, and the work is done. Let there be no nook or corner left where the light is shut out. In other our newspapers. Let it be ass DAILY ASD WJEEKLYISHWS if you please. Lee TEE DAILT go to every home in the city and county.

Let it be the champion of truth and fairness, justice and equity. An enlightened intelligent citizenship mil appreciate and support it. But to our subject, "Tae Farce." Is it possible to enact such a thing in tae presence of Frederick county eitiz3n3hip? "We answer, yea. The thing has been done. "We give the case.

"We only omit for the present the names and place and Where? ISTo matter. In Frederick county. "When? Within the present month, which is only 12 days old. Who were the parties? matter for the present. The proceedings were held under the forma of law.

Such a trial! Such law officers! I used to wonder why Justice was represented as being hlind. I can nnderstaad it now. She wept her eyes out from being compelled to witness such ssenes enacted in her presence and ia her name. Was there whiskey ia thia Tea, certainly. But why do we certainly? Beoause few criminal sases occur any more iu which whiskey does not figure.

In this case whiskey did about all the figuring. At least all tie figuring until the figures up the cost aad pays iae bUl. This will appear a little later under the legal form of court ezpenees! Ko wonder Justice Is represented as blind. If saa had never been blind she would at least have to" be represented in this case as blinded. What Process of trial.

From the "bar" to the bar of justice. From the har of justice back to the people may talk about tae need of bridges as bsiiag a necessity for them, bat ther should not forget that "smooth streets" would be very agreeable to coantry people visiting that city; aad we have no doubt that such an improvement would draw the people of the districts to towa 01- tas yet been heard from the horss and boggy stolen from Rev. McCulIough the camp at Mt. Airy. Thoa.

C. Pearre has alreadv hasked out probably one of the most'wonder- ful ears of corn that shall be divested of its silken like covering this season. This ear starts from the stalk a perfect large sized ear until it geta a length of about two inches, then i' separates into four making four distinct small ears, well grainec to the very tips It might be callec a Leap Y--ear--one in Helen Douty, of Uaioaville.who has been granted a scholarship in the State Ivormal school as a result o. her very efficient examination, left ho-ae oa Monday last fcrBaltimcre to accept tha wiii of the late Andrew A. Alexander to his two g'aadchildrea who have lost their mother, each, to be placed oa interest until they arrive oi age.

To his widow, ha bequeaths one fourth of the proceeds of the remain- lag property, after all debts are paid, aad tohie children equal shares of the residnma. latter fresh and clear. The real estate cf the late Ephraim Harris, situated at Mount Ephralm, was offered forsaie oa Saturday last. Only a small portion of laud was disposed of. The store, house and greater portion of the land for some reason was withheld.

The liver and kidneys muet be kept in good condition. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a great remedy for rega lating these organs. Messrs. D. C.

Kemp and Wm. H. Blentlinger, of near Frederick are in purchasing stock cattle. A braiming bird was caught last night in Christian Warner's meat store on E. Patrick street.

John P. Graff, of Buckeystown, is erecting a large barn. A special meeting of the Board of the F. C. Y.

II. C. A. will be held to- building and participated in the eer- smonies which were conducted by Revs, fiench and Zerger, pastors of the two congregations, both of whom delivered addresses, A collection was taken up after the addresses, and thea the ceremony proper of laying the stone was performed at its place bv tae two pastors. In a.

box placed in the stone were deposited the following articles: Eefarmed Church Messenger, Christian World, Lutheran Observer, a catechism and hymnal of each church, list of members and officers of each congregation, paraes of pastors, names of building committee, copies of the "Weekly Enterprise," "Weekly Visitor" and "Little Sunbesm," "tbt first paper printed at Utsca, ISTo.historica! rem- iaisceases of the first church erected there aad a few coins ia silver end nickels. The walls of the aew church will be of brick, the exterior being pressed brick with red eaad stone trimmings. The mam edifice wi 1 have a tower and Sunday school chap- poundf. BBIEF BITS. Co).

U. C. L. Harlsock, Alfred Hitter and Wm. C.Neidig, of Frederick, in onr town Tuesday and Gertie Kemsbnrg, who hate been oa the sick Hat, we are to are able to be oat again.

Dr. J. f) el anner at one side, the latter nested with main auditorium Nicodemus waa the attending Mr. D. Ed.

Stauffer Itft Fii- day for Baltimore to take charge of the school for Blind and Deaf Mutes, which will reopen Konday Preaching at the U. B. church Sunday at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Sunday school at 1.30.-- Dr.

M. I. Zinmw- rnan and wife are among the visitors to the Baltimore Exposition. Work was commenced Monday last on our street imcroYensente. A number of yard fences hare been set back in order to widen the pavements.

Mrs. Nettie Atlee, Mrs. G. C. Winebrener and Mies Allie Atlee went to Baltimore Saturday to spend a few in the city.M*sons are at work at tba foundation of Mr.

H. C. Stauffeis Teachers meeting, of the U. B. S.

will be held at Mr. Murphys tomorrow evening. Mies Anna Biddinger left on Tuesday last on a visit to friends in New York. BA.LJS. THE tCsr of W.

acy plfco. oce half mile rroa of! me Ingle, tcheli aad Henry Edwards, Ha- of this citv; Walter Tie last convocation las held at All Saints' church here Spring. Oa Tuesday night service was held St. Mark's clrarca, "hen Bishop aret preached aad confirmed a class. IgTuifejWo tSot if yon go throcgfa the world a dys- tptic.

Acker's dyspepsia tablets are a l-Eitive care fcr the worst foms of dyspep- indigestion, flavuiency and constipation. Uaraateed and sold by J. A Williamson, OAK OSCHAED It was organized about the year 1852 under the name of the "Know- Nothing Brass Band." The names of the first members were George Gaither, Kichard D. Poole, Hamilton Liadflay John Demmitt, Charles M. Pearre.

John Eury, Peter Lugeabsel, Wm. Dudderar," Geo. W. Southwell, Stephen Liadeay and Henry Worman. Their instructor was Prof.

Thaddeus Wiermaa, of Mechanicstown. The Band went fay this nane until October when it was reorganized and name changed to "Independent Sasoaia Brass Peter Dudderar, President; Jas. W. Pearre, secretary; 0. H.

Pearre, cap- tsia; Wm. Ecker, very few ot the organized members. It passed oa through the war, sometimes at a very low ebb, but it straggled oa under this name until October 14sh, i 1S73, when it was changed to the name of "Oak Orchard Brass Bard," and ai the time is composed of the following members: Marshal B-Lindsay, Presidaat; Henley E. Garber, captain; D. A.

Dadderar, secretary; night at 8 p. m. F. I. Lewis shipped 300 bushels potatoes to Baltimore today.

Messrs. Reiosburg clothisrs at Springfield, have recently moved into more commodious quarters. They are former residents of Miiidletovrn Tallev. Dr. Harvey F.

Getzeadanaer, of Middletown, will deliver a lecture at the Court Street L'lthsraa church, oa Sunday next, Sept. 15th, at 7:30 p. m. Shall Our Girls The T. M.

C. U. have had a finely executed pictnie of Bro. Harkln haadeomely framed and huag upoa the Well ia the room ot the Union. Casper Mehrliag, living near thL city, lost a valuable horse by colic on Tnesdav last.

No meeting of the Miesionary Society of the -inity M. E. Church South was held last night owing to the incleiaeat weather. Burck's Orchestra, composed of P. J.

Burck, leader, first violin; Frank Frerie, second violin; Charles Brea- aer, cornet: Kurtz Engelbrecht, clar- ionet; George Scaroedel, trombone; Clint. Moberly, drum aad bells; J. F. Schmidt, hass F. V.

Staub, Wanea E. Dndderar, treasurer; John E. Waltz, W. W. Dcdderar, B.

Dndderar. Leona Pearre, Hiioa musical director, have been eagaged to furaish the music at the dance to be held ia Howard's Woods Tuesday next. F. Y. Slaub, grocer on North Mar et strett, shipped oa Wednesday to his brother ia Baltimore 190 dozen of eggs.

Misses Jessie Hauer and Maggie McClow will tender their many Tiends a lawa party and dance at home of Miss Hauer, on isouth Market street.Thuraday night of next week. IN THE LAW'S GRIP. 5T7E T2ARS I2T THS Yesterday Murdoek Bond, alias 'Big Pete," and Henry Long, alias 'Shorty," were seateaced by Chief Fudge Oliver Miller, at Ellicott City, the penitentiary for five years ach. They were convicted of breaking into ears on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad oa September 2. Grant Blackston, Thos.

Bailie, E. Stoner, time? Why, the Justice" In 1 6 TMTM 1 -Instructor, key. But where, then, was the attor- Fr0i Byei8 OI Westminster, ney at law. Whv, the attor-I IB2 RX ney at law, alias peiti-'oeaer i Anale iightner, of Union alias har room loafer, wasTin I ife 33 8 ead TMS tMs week 3Ir. whiskey.

But did not the 1 near to i Mr has. testify? but only I Oi is on to ones were stuanoned. Only dranVen 6i 3 sre Katie Sim went ones were wanted in such a ease. Bat ek to spead a did not Justice rebnks and scourge -4 the wrong doers? 2fo, we have said the justice was full of whiskey. Too foil for utterance.

The lawyer (') casa. court save the just as he was told to decide the case. But what became of Ah. -es' what of them? hj they are free. Gone where the -Svoodbine twineth.

That is to Virginia, or to the old etaad jcstaa they please. Back to their old tricks, Free to sell whiskey on Sunday Free to defr the law. Free to a peaceable community, If this were the end of this abominable farce we might end here. But this Is not the end; justice has been defrauded, jaw aad" order have been violated, and under the forms of law executioners of the law have aided the lawless to escape. Can you imagine anything more demoralizing? "i- of the U.

S.A, wao has bsea fisitiB" his brother ilr. ploi Hichmoad and his consias the Hammoad. of "vfhite Eili," cear Xiiberiy, left oa Taesday last for Indiacapolis, where he will visit his sister, Mrs. Thos. G.

Haza- raoad, of that city, stopping on the route for a few days at Cumberland to sea his brother ilr. B. A. Sich- mond. From Indianapolis he will visit Niagara Falls, New Tork City Philadelphia-, before starting for his home ia Connecticut.

Pimples on the Face Denote Impure state of the blood and are looked upon by manv suspicion blood elixir wilj" remove all Im- leave the complexion amootfe There is nothing that and clear. thoroughly bcOd up the constitution, pnr- ify and strecgthen the whole system. Sold and guaranteed by A Williamson, drnsrt Will Go to Gettysburg-. Marioa J. Kline, saa of Wm.

Kllae, the greea groceryman, and George Z. Bsst, son of Wm. H. Bsafe, will leave for Gettysburg College on Tuesday next to eater upon a course of stady for the ministry. They will be room and class matea.

Frank Hedges, of Jefferson, son of Eev. S. A. Hedges; C. Stup, of this city; Wilson Fox.

of Harry Zimmerman, near this city, will also enter this college to study for various professions. THE WORK'OF DEATH. 50UXO IXSAD lit A -vFODD. JMr. Coleaville district, Montgomery cornty, one of the leading farmers of the county, was found dead about 6 o'clock Wednesday night in a wood near his home.

In morning Mr. Casheli left home ia his usual health, and not returning at nooa his family became alarmed and search was made. When found the body was lying against a tree and death la supposed to have hasn caused br heart disease. The deceased was a member of a fatally which has been prominent in county affairs ever since the election of the csuaty. He was about 67 age.

Chad Killed Another child killed by the nse of opiates given in the form of Soothing syrup. Why mothers give their children scch deadlypci- so son is surprising when they can relieve the years of lts psetfiar tronbles hy using Ack- Bafe Soother. It contains co opium er morphine. Sold bv; J. A.

Williamson partitioaa which may be elevate i and thus both rooms can be thrown into one when necessary. Whea finished the church will be a very handeome one complete in all its appointments and will refiect much credit upoa the congregations engaged ia the enterprise. Childrea's Day was observed at the Glade church by the Sunday school aad congregation last Sunday at 10 o'clock. The weather of the early morEing was threatening but by the hour of service the church was ailed and then the aisles were pirtly occupied with those who came later. The decorations were arranged by a few ladies of the school oa Saturday aig'ut previous and coasisted of cut flowers, potted plaats, fruits aad grains.

They were quite abundant aad haadfiomelv arraaged although the rain iaterfered with the work of decoration. The service consisted songa and hymns, responsive readings, recitations by the children and several pieces by th infant department, prayer and aa ad dress by the pastor. The service wa well rendered aad very iaterestiaj aad seemed to be enjoyed by all prea eat. The iafaat department is uader the efScfeat instruction aad manage- meat of Miss Laura Baker aad Mrs Alice Zimmerman. The collection takea up was for the benefit of the Orphan's Home and the Maryland Sunday School Union.

The Zion's Reformed Sabbath school will hold a picnic in Mr. Holtz's grove, near Charlesville, oa Saturday, Sept. 14th. There will te several addresses and music the Charlesville band. On the same day the Pleasant Hill Sunday eehqol will hold its pieaic In the grove adjoining the hall.

A number of speakers wilt be preseat and the Liberty baad will furaish the music. The Coutiaeatal Sabbath scnool picnic, advertised for Saturday last did not take place on account of the rain, but will be held aext Saturday, 14th. The 2d quarterly coaference of the Frederick circuit of the U. B. church will be held at Mfc.

Vernoa church on Saturday, Sept. 21sf, at 2 Rer, A. M. Evers, presiding elder, will be present and preside. -Freaehing on Saturday evening and Sunday morning by the Presiding Elder; communion at the morning service.

The same day, at 2.20 o'clock, Rsv. Evers will preach In the U. B. charch at this place, at which time the meat of the Lord's Sapper will faa ad- miaistered. The aanual treat of the U.

B. Sunday SchooJ, of this place, which was to have beea held Saturday af- israooa hut was postpoaed oa ac- connt of ths xaia, took place oa Monday afteraooa last. As usual on each an occasion, there was a good atten- daace of the school and an abundance of good things, including ice cream, of which was enjoyed all present. The treat was given the yard Ia from, of the church. Misses Florence and Minale Lu- of Washington, D.

were he guests of Miss Amanda Potman and other friends, of Continental 3rore, for the past few weeks. On heir return to Washington Miss Amanda Pntmaa accompanied them aad spent a. week Ia that city. Dr. J.

D. Jucodemus, while in Frederick. Tuesday, purchased two carp of Mr. Ott, who had just caught them from the Monocacy, which er con- At the September sitting of Ro by glass i tsr M. J.

Grove, of Backevstown D's- i trict No. 1, there weie registered 2S- transferred, 10; struck off. 11; dead JOOn HUSISVan. nor omn Un. llarniitoa touch ti with 0 arc solo asrents for Golden doa you (oraret that we OELBCT MOKE THB "PET." Also the Dolfn dry goods store.

SEE WHAT FINE BKBAD, HOLL8 aad Oikta are al the City Bakorr aaa doa't forset Grandpa-g fi OK 9r brcaSlandtho nlco potato buna, the only place therein had tt the City Bakery and trjr jelMtt AJtD AKKlVAi T.30« DIPAUTCUIS. of con tbo South e. N'crth and saa 'txj u.itt of Arajy, Sorts. lacSjJInj st.itloas" T-'. 1 South end A i F-Jr Jfthaore.

Xon'i aaj statloas cast of Araay sor South and st oa Xexmpoitun a. K. na I Wt- i jf Juno lo ItorktfU- The Chiet teeaaoa Tor the ereat sao of rlcKxTs Sarsaparllla, la found in me liselt. It la merit that wins, aad Uii fact tS-it ilood's Saraaparltla jtctualij ao- conrplUbcs what Is claimed ror It, Is what CiTcn to tills medicine a popularly and W39 greater tlian that of any other saraapx- Merit Win5 or pTM 1 i i i i I Dood'3 SarsapariUa cures Scrorula, Sail Rbeum and all Humors, Drspepsla, Eeadase. Biliousness, overcomes Tlias Urea FcellDs, creates aa Appetite, sos theXerres.bnllds np the Whole System.

JSosxl'c Is sold bjail 51; six lor 55. ApoUsecirios iowell, Man. loc For inc VorK ctil eios-r-i For ail vtiit ot Urucev.H K. K. aaJ South of Br-jaaifiiJoon F.

-t For Nonh. vVasbinstoa and Bouih. pouch I 3D Fortbc West. 3v -lib. Ha- porstown aod all stitions Tost oi T.

Baltimore and Xortt, Metropolitan Branch B. H. 5.4-! ST ForMidaietown 1LUOA JT fittnsoaville. Loiristown CutocUn fcuraacc ead iicebnuicssotvn I For JcSersoa aail Ellcrtoa 12 00 a. For Johttjviile.Mt.

aod LJb- ortr 130 ARRIVALS From Baltimore. Washington, West audail points east of From Winchester and all points West Of Arab? 545 From Baltimore. PMladelpMa and North, closed pouch 1130 A Good weather for Gutn Wraps as well as Cloth Wraps We leave you to say -vrho has the best line of these goods, after yon hare seen ours. "We can show you a line of handsome' Silk and Alpaca finished Gum Eaglns in samples and order any grade desired. From Washington.South.

West aiiJ all points West of Araby 12 From West and all points North of Lei iuprton. Va. 210 From Baltimore, North, closed pouca CO From polots east and west of Bruce- and way stations via Pennsylvania Railroad 5 4 5 From Baltimore aad and points east of Araby ijydfx. From closed pouch 'iJXfm From MlddletowE AM- It Broia 5 -From Liberty, Mount Pleasant and Jobnarille iQ' From Harmony, Myereville and Ellerton OOA.M and Departure for Charles-. TlUe and Tollow Springs--Tuesday Thursday and Saturday il From Philadelphia.

New Tork and worth Mechanlcstownl Haoson- Lewlstown and CatoetSn Fur. naco S0N0AT MAILS. From Baltimore. "Washington. Fhila- dolpnia.

New Tort. North, South end 12 00 P-or Baltimore Waahlnston. Philadelphia. New York. North, South and wcst.cloaed Sportsmen's Goods.

SPECIAL NOTICES, OSTIKC SEASON at HANS fl-ro Ilnou or less published under head for Twenty-rive ceata per -wee Fifteen Cents lor tlu-ee lausertlona. Adver. Hsemeats exceeding fivo llnea and whifti ordered for more than one month one Aboat soveafj words make a line. TTTLr. BBSGItETHB EXEE- cues of asy school on JToadaj-, Sept.

16, Ish form a of young ladles for lanmctioH Jn EnjfHsij. Xatia and French. Tor tenna apply at my rejldence oa Eccord street. Thos- A. Gatch, A.

M. sl3dlw "EW AND SECOND HAND BICYCLE'? tor Balo--One new Rapid. 50 Inch: one 51 inch American Star, ooe 50 inch Columbia, nickeled; one Springfield Koadster. one 3 6 7 De AU of tbeee wheels are first class and -will fee sold cheap, H. IJuvail.

Agrent for Victor Cycle" 122 South Market itreet. goods- roice of TliScfetacu best assortment of in Fredencfe Cirr. cips.saot. Also Cbarabtrlams Sezdt- l.s«3ed Shot Gatt SIicll Cartridges of a n-ihiy supcrjor to anr that can Jrrc loaded f.y hand "irhiCn is coareaieat. ircartridge load.n^ is the anpjeassnt.tire- some and labor of the TTe thea rcsdj- ioadwl d.flerent size IczSs aad d.florcnt shot suit all kinds of mas.

Ail a sportsman hii to do gna, OUT a feit 'hclis nsd he 15 rea-Iy for 3 Oay's JjAaieKj- tb- place, corner of JTartci snd Pairicfc Sis. angM-frtm E. PBICE CO. The Coming Drink 16 pouadg. One of them measured 28 iaches in leu gib.

17 AKE gold dollars, it fn cood condition, and bai for rent or sale a xhree story bnct bonse oa comer ot Market and Eighth streets, and double two story bricS house oa comer Fifth and Bentz EtreetS- Iinroediate possession KiTen. Henry Xoreotz. IS WHIPPED SODA AT IMITATION CSHRBT. BRASS mounted, bugjry "hip. -wjth catae of own- er eusraved 03 it.

A liberal reward -sill be Iai3 if returned to Sian's Pioneer Lirery Sta- Mes. We are showing todav a handsome 1TJST SHCErTED AJTOrHBE IAT OF Sower pots aod bazipas resfcetsaad for sale cheap A. H. Hsrriartoz-s, corner5th a FAIL TO SEE THB "Styqptieon" atJ33 N. Jfa-tet Single: oa tocicht aad to- o'cloci.

Free to all. slodStl awjai con- WSB line ool DreSS Goods, in erSewin? Machine 0 i I neorro'w npSt after 7 o' puun tripes and 40 oa at 5 cssts per bottle. wide--Extra Sac qualitr--az cts. Our new arrival oi" Plushes are the best value ever shown for tht- nrice. Carpet Room.

Every cLiy adds something new to this Department and It mere attractive ever for the coiling season. Do not make selections until you see our choice Novelties, some of which we will not receive for several -weeks on account of the demand for them. MULLINIX KEMP; T710R DESIBA3LETWO-STOST Jj hnck dtrelllafr situated on Soath Marist stress. AppJy to Ife. 23 Bast Patrick; street.

ClJJTord TO SEMOVE from Fredencfc I wiH for rent that situated on West 7th corslstlcn of a two-story frainc boase, stabieand al! the Confectioner. uftheVeiyLatesI Some swell new things in griped AW BOX HAVE A PUTS SCP- JUL of Norfolk salt trater oyiters, Jce coid. oa band. Give me a call. C.

E. Bailor' South Market street, at the Bridge TUESDAY BVBNISG, SEPT JLJ 10th, between UmtPd Breshren church and North Market street, a black worsted cape. Finder -fflll please leave at above num- TOR HOUSET SMALL 8TA- ole. carnage house, counter, shelving astares or store room. Also avsnine.

Will be sold cheap. Apply to J. K. Sbeppart. AH of the very latest colorings, the correct for We have the BLACK JACKET at an astonishly low should call and see it.

ficture. You G. J. DOLL SON, SPAPFRf fSPAPERI.

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