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The News from Frederick, Maryland • Page 3

The Newsi
Frederick, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The Daily News. Rates of Advertising, A JOYOUS OCCASION- ESTEXDED SSACH CS AS EABtT POSSIBLE, IS oaiEK TO SECTKB PROPER UISPIAYAXD CIASSU1CA.T1OS. JSKOS REcsrvK) CP 10 1 O'CLOCK, p. sc WH-L AT-PRAR THE SJ1E SVSSTCSOv TRASSiEST XSSSXSKO IVTK. $1.76 3.00 An open Air Fete at Church Sireet Schoo 1 The pupils of East Ctarcii street Public school y-sterday afternoon eel POLITICAL POINTS.

Dene IB Statn Uunul Cirx-lrs. PERSONAL AND PERTINENT At a special meeting of Young Men's Republican Club of Frederick, i ha'd at Indepenient Hill last eve-! IISCH 2z. .50 .75 .75 1.25 1.75 XOCAi NOTICES, -THS CEMB SES. KA.CK iii.TSAi.srEiTMrA»\isrL=ii.asTsicn.ycASH IX ADVANCE. Jfr.TS CvTEVDEO FOK TSCK TTEEKXY SKttSSHOCLO KEACH OFFICE AS AS rvSS.BiS OX WSOSE5DAT3 AJFTiB.


15, JCiTS 15, SEPTEMBER 15 JtSD DECEJiBES 15, ASI THE AUOCSTS Wlli rB ESCI.U2EO CC rung, called to arrange for the convention of Republican clubs in thu City ou in the absence- of the aaJ v.o-j pres.d="ji., Mr Joan W. of ommittsr, was- Cdl.ed ebrated Arbor Day with appropriate ceremonies Assembled in the spacious orchard attached to the school, two hours vreie spent in a manner which. was most enjoyable io all interested. Tne -ontine of scholastic life was laid p-eude. The min-iws ot aside for the time and both teachers nd e.

lion of delegates to rerresect and scnolars gave themselves up a at eouveauja the hilarisy of fee occasion. The dav 0 until their i ext will be remembered by all who Friday, April IS.h tieipited; and in the years to cooie bs are mammoth trees Minor L.ocai Matters Mention otl in Brier. Meit factory gadrantee their Siii i'id s'jre to citnpie direction 1 en fo te 1 sn iLen for? the "blow Freddie to Iv 'p. tr the to the to i- 11 the laoiea eas a.t under tneir ou i- Th- foil -wicjt nflersea were appo 1 teJ eocsnii'-- cf arrangements: -i. A "ckey, Freemtu, I Gre-a, Giim-re and revert with, p'eisare to the YaniVsen, Ferry, Vf Gles'- their f-rlhood.

The exercises open- 1 H. comaittee ed with the reciUtion.of Morris 1 poeia meet sek i KOSTHLY ACCCOSTS TKi. FIS3T HOSTH3 T01JLOW1XG SAU DAT23. uocv that tree, it wa a see cloudless sky bilmy sp ing like i on Fnd of this at me store ot 0 Jases i ciock to Sorr2 i i uraeJ from a pro visit Pai phis. i- c-tiled 'Or en al pudding," imue ot A mJ heavy -t bv moch diauer.

was e'ected fi- retiry wf the of las'iitited ar. Hogers- oa Tuesday. Internal Revenue Collector Krise, 5 in on bus- WARMLY COMMENDED. ilio Conleiiuljil. Cardinal Gibbonu issued the tollowmj; circular letter to the of the diocese of JBdltiinoru gardsog thacenteaaidl of Waahiag- tou's inauguration: Done.

At Walnut Grove, the rsaideaca of Mr. R. KtioD, a short distance east of this citv, the Mr. Philip sapurintended tbe rlan- tmg of 75 willow an 1 75 locust ti Mr. Reiah 92 of age.

tn lowest prlco or npoa JaaUa Buch, 48 Frad- crick. Md. aMlwt TJIOK KB JfO'UB' SOaTff JU Mark ct street, with awl other out- balldloKS vttocbed. Cboioe Iroit. Wilt rented cbeap to a rood street.

of Aunt Diliy Bo a respectable co'- ored woown aod servant in the faw- OK at Cotsrt Sooma- Rsv. DEAE int. On rr asrarc 7 of tr Dowoey. cued at her na- JLv Jft'? Oil 3 i cence Market ve-terday the citsaens of the republic unite i in celebrating the Centenary of the Intiugurdtioa of Georga the Father of eouatry and President of the United States. are ho'dsog cir- A', Ms this ciiy.

Frof Caas McGiii h-is ta- i SAX.E REGISTER. All parties their sa'es la THE PAU.V or WEEELT SEWS, or bavirsg ihe.r Bslebuts priaiei ai mis ofiice free ootlce under tar HQtxJ Use day of sa'e, ber of snlt notes. of say advertising sales tractive andcheape 's. the state Giro tia a April IG-h, E. L.

Karss. aict. for "brilge Horsey, auace of small tarns mile ad? la Xev-s aca bilk April 17th, fo- Chas Wert- me and ladustrioas Oae girl held the uplifced aze, asi distinct 3 rang the faithful! The American eays, It can bedef-' ten up his wila. Mr. i stated tonsgbi before an-i her week will be very sub br a most ita- inoa a state.v nifeh wcaii tLs to earti with a raerrr largh.

The b.rd^ h.c^ their sr isg cieL'die- the bcldirs; rreesac ths pedestrian stay- deeper and then -he sch3.a.r "ould Sing cp spadeful cf eart; 'rout o- Hall, I ec his to 13 the joyoas iostru tc ot Frede'ickCo-net i Tre a ftsre bj See adv ia Daify i A'eeklr Xews ard a ad each one i A'eeklr Xews ar Ap" "26tb, L. tor Joaa 8. Th mt-, t-uster, at of Duoie. literary sei-ccio-s. j.ce "Whip, ciife we-, of i cnerrr, praeh.

rl'-JT, near the Ths Pji ticse LIte iiry wi ed at tie home of MI-S Nanme appointment. As soon, as I eveaiag. 2nd an opportu Sir. Sol mon of city, s.ty for the'nesessary conference with been ck vrith pceuuiouia is le President, a number of the lead- abie to ot out aejau. cSees in the diplomatic and con- Mr S.

C. Crasaer cf Johnsvill vrho ilar service wili be SUed, and one of has been ia county oa most lucrative of these will go to l.a=irea= his r-tnraed ilaryland. Mr. Charles B. Trail, was in Washington yesterday looking after the probability of his appointment to the consulship at Cairo.

Here again lit- Delaware is crossing Maryland's pith, for Senator Higgma is pushing for the To Washington will reamn the imperishable glory of leidiag this pec- pie out of house of bondage acd opprettioa into the of freedom aud uatiomi prOapenty. 'ihe h-stosy of these United Statsa ia the history of the gradual ris.ut; from the founds tun 3 of hsurtv a i and' order oy httn so vn-i so ly laid, of that stately fabric ot ocr Dat-oual has bi-! coine the adci.rdtioa ci the world. Thtrelora do wa teavify our love for him, and endeavor to repay a email fraction of bt vre owe to cissivmorv by giving hi tiaaie to fair an i thrivsug cuie-, from our great c-ipttaJ westward, to ofiy moun tain peaks and and to onr eons by Es-. iwe too, with wider r.mge and deeper import, is cheiibhed in tlv heartb 01 all. Most tittiBE: it is that this a soldier of the late war ehe re-ceiT- ed the bouatr due her haaband, who was killed sud a pension since hii death.

Her granddaughter, Lot'ie Dorsey, who liTjd with her since sh- was compelled to quit work on account, of sickness, vill inherit her property, valued at about f-l 500 Stie WAS 78 veers old. Funeral at Simpjoa Cnapel thsre at 3 p. m. Friday A Lesral Holiday. Tha JOth of Ajril, the centennial of Washington's first inauguration, will bo a legal holiday It was uade Bach by a provision in the sundry civil appropriation biii psasad at the last session oi congress.

Taat provision declarts "tb4t in order that tbe centennial anniversary of the first president of tbe TJniUd States. George Washington, may be daly commemorated Taeaday.lhtSOth day of Anno Domino 1880, hereby delared to be a national hoh- througuout the United Messrs. Wm. and Nu-z and Git'ngfr ret'irn-d trom cea ly upon the lines, which he iai iast evening witb aboa 1 0 sack saoa hoaorvrtth ejpeciil ers and A rcbuio ot" t'leir sport tbe 8nny tribe. Air Emory Xu the cigir manu- fiotarer h-t just, finished tna retnod- img and pointing interior of his ate trees were the candidacy of Dr.

Bedloe sxmeoSce. Mr. Trail was offered score room on Xortn Market street. his old DCSU of secretary legation at Abigail tbeptlcaer of tae Freder- but he declined the proposi- 1 'ck club last season ba? i i preferring to go to IQ Diisy We Nevfs, Ibth bi'ls. THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1S89.

tbe for the seasos The Model. C. GhueCo. J. E.

Wa'kerCa. Mnllinis: Kpmp. JiTY, COUNTY AND STATE. F. C.

M. C- A Motes. TheB-v. G. W.

K-racofe will lead the Gospel meeting this eyening tak- his theme. The two farces of ou-t-i, The preparations for the entertain- snent to be siyen by the Ii Anz- iliary tomorio-T evening are progressing very satisfactorily aad the eyeat certainly be great success. ttsAJners azsd several ex-teachers. 1 he 1 cf p'anfcag; being conOiUd- ed che chudsen asiased themselves vrira var-cus gamer. Examiner Wor- z.hingion appeared on the feizive soene aa too late to Join inj the tree planting.

AT; o'cicck ths com- p-ii-v- hoping for many more Arbor DATS 1 3E X. I At she Samuel KeaJy Female Or- phao's AsTioni in Baltimore, is picturesccfely situated oc xTorth avenufc an eieTat.on orer- looting 3. large of the city and tarfaor, the day observances under tbe airsc'ion of Miss Helen J. Howe, the principal. The planting of ornamental tress ths spacioas was accompanied with, inter- See.

Berj of was also "'in the Win. Prime lo -'-c srecial aparrcients on esfer ay ta Wore eeebers from and the stric. Oolum ofe Grain Elevator The C. A GaiabrLl MannfactEriag "Company tave cosnoienced the erec tion of a laige gram elevator at their milk at Elhcott City The baildmg will be of wood, earered with corro- gated iron. The dimensions are 72 feet fay 56 feer.

It vnll be 90 feet high, wish a cipaoity of 160,000 bush elH. Ifc will be conveniently erected near t. newrailroad bridge IB cocrse of consfcraction over the Patapsco riv- to coansct the mills with the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. Incorporations Effected. A certificate of incorporation of the Society of the History of theGermans In Mirylard.

was filed for record in the clerk's of che SuparzorGoiirfc of Baltimore yesterday. The incorporators are Ssv-Dr John- 6- LCorris, Ikrais Hennighaasen, Lewis Sfe'aer CsasTRaddatz, EdwF Leyh. Eev "Frederick Ptu Henumghansen and Geo Wm Gail. The certificate recites that tLe peruses of the corporation are to gather, publish and preserve material tor a history of the Germans in Marvland. esting eerenoaies.

orphan chil- A special of the Frederick K-Qeni-o b-'h'i'd it the Armor 1 a p. m.FricUy to consider the pro trip to Annapolis. A large quantity of ink wss ehipp- e-1 taday for use in iht Brookljn pab- claim McCo- 1-c schools by the Frederick nu- mas is jga a is W.isaiist^n, an' 1 hi- i fac'aring Company. Mi-s Kate Booae ot is the guest of Mrs J. W.

Banghmnn. Era of Middletown, who ha? en visiting nouneetEentfrom Mr Diciei Conk Miss Jennie SwanJeie, of Wash ng- lin that he fs a candidate fbr naval of ton, D. faae returned hooie. fleer the pc-t of B-tlt-more. Among There will ba no meeting of the his callers this morales were fisv.Mr Ox'ord connected wita the Fred-rick, Mr.

Henderson, M. eharcu on Cnarcn strest, 'o- inOrrow evening. Mr- Charles Butler, of this city, has received the contract to bill tais city every 30 days with litnograpbs, of Warner's Log Cabin Sareapa- Mary' bia. He has received a forma- It is aieo a holiday under aa- fouadei. to migniS- ether law, whicti provides that ft a bit by the president as a d-iy of aad prayer shall be lentil hoiidsiy.

grateful commetao Ation the Hundredth ann vurs-trv of the the irreat capUm in war of the chtir of ofSct? in aa tbe chief injLgis- of the land he had night xar such tfiective To ail it should be ft matter of profound satis fitc ion that the citizens cf the United S.a^s.without regard to or previous allegiance to any flag so- ever, are about to recognise tha life and the achievements of greatest man Westein world has nurtured as a gift of Aimighty God to his own age, and aa en exemplar to all the ages to be. In order, therpfore, to give espres- to our hearHeii thanks for the OHE ALL THAT WAM BARGAINS-Flo-era. pHnis. b-ilbn. roots or kinds IT thousands.

than tfie woot uadersoKi etrwt tttwcen Foortfc Fltib SlrtetS, Beace A CAP- -THE -AJ laectcTpr shown in Over 35 diC.recu roai cvt up. Also floe Uoc or ch'ldren'9 sad dreaaaa. W. L. Maau.

S3 N. Mtrityt street. A GOOD the center of the gcw. targ p-y osre Tae per Oy Jho dozen Aaiierson. Kredertc'c, FINE IXJT OF Lettuce iad Pen or hundred.

OLDE-S V3T oo Si.tcrJay had DO baa effect 8KOVT STOEK effect upoa tds srowlnjf wboat- TbeSpringsupply ofOcAlen Tiiii-e surpasiss another? Ceo Bmst Ccw are rcidy for tbe si ihe 02 Patrick suwot. JL WHAT SUITS THE ash, saiall nut coal per dry and cleaa. Tir it E. Patnci; stree' BB PHKVESTED sr TT neepltuc your aad weil witb Eureka water ppof composition boM eTerywhere at McU per Ux. HK JTEW IMPBOTED lyap Bailer.

K. Skeppni Harry Sahtn recotameod it as the constructed. and bes-. lleisi produotr of auy laasp thyy bav? used The rod rxdoiruuibes ii Instantly winch any odor. Call an-l It.

the price will aurpnse rou- Friisk Schroeder, 35 Kaai PatricJiBtreet KMK.TT: CEMENT onu car loail of fnsa irround mnnd top cement. For Bale at my coal yard- O. 6. uroshon dren, becomingly attired, zz entered into the spirit of che occasion an.d those participating ia the ciE53 acamtted themselves with crei- ic. Misa'Fctnaie Borsey read an on trees, and Mies Imogens Dorsey rendered a piano solo.

Mies Georgia Poole vrho teaches a private school on E. 3d street this city with about 60 of her scholars eel ebratsd arbur day aiternoon jester- day along the ban! what is known asScaley's Monocaey delightful time was spent by all 'in various ways. Frank Biust of who are seeking appointments ir: tha various bnrsces of tin 5 service. In a largely attended meeting of tie Young Men's Repibh- riiia and other remedies, can Club of the Fourteenth, ward 1 Will'ams and Shriyer and he'd cigbt. The rlub was ad- Mrs Wdhams were registered at Bankard.

and the Vercon. Hotel in Baltimore yesterday. Mr A Eamsha'-g, of East 4th street, this is Qdving a br'ck stabie on the site of the ruins where the frame stable stood which was destroy ei by fire recently. Mrs Luther BLuhlman nas e'eeted a delegate to the Lutheran Missionary Contention whrcii will be held ia Baltimore June 4th- Sunday afternoon the Easter Persona! Msrst'on. Mr.

W. H. Hiiae. son of Mr. F.

J. Mains, street, this city, left yesterday afternoon for Washing ton, Ch, vrherrhe has accepted a position in rhe mail bag repairmg department," He entered upon his du- ties'tMe morning. Sunday School Jubtiss. A Sandsy School meeting was aeld in Baltimore Tuesday to take action in regard to Sunday Tanee and a general jubilee. A resolution was adapted, which Dr.

Gram- raer o5ered, to Sanday Schools for resorts for anniversary or other festivals places that are exempt froai profanation of the Sao- A reunion oi Snnday Schools probably take lace at Drma Hill Park early ii the aanimer. -Let Fredenek have a jubilee "would awaken freeh tie Stmday Schools. Hotel Arrivals. The foliowiHg are the arrivals at the principal hotels since ncfoa yesterday crrr ScmmerSe'd, Lccsrs, Molbert, ila. A iiarris- burg; Wiliim3.

York; Rev VV Supp. Mejeisdsle, Pa; Esnd-r- eon, Thomas, A Stitelj "Westminster, county 3. Hagerstovin HappenSnss ilr. E. S.

Brandt, of the firm of E. Brand: Son, ef this place, met with a runaway accident yesterday which, niay prove fatal. He was thrown between the horse and while coming down Franklin sfeet. others. The fo 'o-vng members the ub hays oe ii elected to repre- the at the league convention wbich msestshrein Aiav J.

S. Weed, Wm. H. Cox and Thomas Moles. A the Maryland Eepublicak Club rooms in the same cily a large ing waa also held.

Speeches were made by the president, Winters, Joan W. Spriggs, G. W. Eoss aad oth ers. The has a membership of! Service that will De used Easter by 226, and club rooms at 260 W.

Biddle the Evangelical Lutheran Sunday street, cpoosite Richmond street. They I St-Uool will be rendered assisted by a are beautifully noted up with all con- 1 fall orchestra. venienoes. G. W.

Soss and John W. i Mr. John H. Keller, tbe green Giascoe were elected delegates to the ocsTjma.n of Korth Mnikefc street, 13 B-iltimore today on business. Mr cne popular shoe manufacturer on West Second street, was in Baltimore purchasing a stock i of goods today.

An open air meeting will be held the members of the Salyatioa Army at tite corner of Market and Ftf.h streets this evening. The in- civl and religious blessi' gs thsis far vouchsafed to u-j hy tha Giver of every perfect gsft, and to pray that the spirit of patriotism which bnroed the heart of Washington mav continue to animate those to wunm tbe destinies of oar beloved country m-ty be entrusted, you are mvited, KevDdarSir, to announce at a seasonable time beforehand, a special service fo- the morning of April oOih, at nine o'clock, or at any ocher honr suitable for congregation Yon are further requested at snob service to maka an addresc suggested b7 the occasion, closma; with the "Prayer for the Authorities." an a idttional expression of joy and thanksgiving, the church bells will be rang from 10 to 10 30 the same morn ing. JiS. OiEDIXiE GlBSOXS, Archbishop of Baltimore. By order of tne Cardinal: P.

J. DOSAHTJE, Chancellor. state convention that meets at Frederick, Mav 1. He Wanted Meat. Boston boasts of dog, the member of a family where fiah isaivrays ealen on Fridays, that for some time past disappeared en Tnursdayevemag and was not seen again until Saturday morning.

Investigation showed that the intelligent but heretical bruit spent Friday -situ a family where meat was eaten on that dav. Pen-Mar Uangrer. A destructive fire is now rsgijg in dojr meeting at the Barracks will take piaca at 8 o'clock. The Great-Star Minstrels of this citv lft ih's afternoon at 3 o'clock in Mealev'e large wagon for Woodsboro where they will give a performance this evening in Reiner's Hall. He was Kcted on ths head by the the Bine Is broke oat yesterday afternoon near Edge- moat, aad is rapidly working its wav toward tne Bias Mountain House at i Pen Mar.

A cf the property thus far barred oyer 33 owned by David Hortle and Samnel Sjter, who i loose heavily 12 cord wood and chest- rails, itavics but recsatlv cnm- i horss a.nd the wagon passed over him His iojuhes eonsistei of a fracitire of his lefc Isg, an ugly -sca'p wonad and a painful wound about tne body. A fi-inale relief corps, anziltarr to Eeno Post, G. A. was organised last night. Tnree cnknewn tramps Dumped froza.

a moving train yesterday niora- ing on the Baltimore Oaio Kailrc-d it Wsrerton. Two escaped aainior- ed but the third one was caught un- der the cars and one cf his legs cnt off. He was brought here 02 the noon tram yesterday. Starting Uo. Work was resumed at the Winchester Brick Yards yesterday.

A lerge nomber of orders ire on hand and unr of workman are employed Low Ratasto OKlanoma. B. U- H. fi. Co.h-s arranged to run an exeamoa to Oklahoma on Friday, April ISbQ.

We give balow a list of at which trains stop, showing time and rates of fare Bate to Lsave Oklahoma or Gnthrie. New York $3435 Philadelpnia 3285 Chester 3285 Wilmington 3285 Newaik 3285 Canton 3160 Baltimore 31.60 Wasnington 30-60 City A a i The of the N- thw city ure circulating a petition which will be laid before our city fathers at their next meeting asking for a new main for a larger eupplv water in that section of the city. The eiecinc light committee wll meei, tonight at 7.30 o'c 03k. The Atdenmnic comsaittee on c'aiai-s will on Tuesday eyeamg of nes.fc and the regul monthly meeting of the board will be held on ne evening fjliavring which will b3 Wedne-c'ay. Beiore the advent of the Salvation Army in this city the corporation Ones annually amounte-3 to aboi't $C99, smca which time not more about $195 is collected in that way in that length of ticae.

GGS FOR I FUE- abh SKITS tor sottmir frotc thorougnbred Kote Cjmt chJckoos. All enra per settineor 15. Ap- 0'' 1 A FroCE! SISN HAS KEMOVED to his aew room a few doors north ot old land, immediately BJlioimoK tho brnJxe ou kuth Market siroe, whero ho will contlsuo teco lc Hoo. Tobaccw com. 20 cents a pound up to best soods taown to the rado aprldiw lie and oltcn leads to alter eating, iOLr stomich.

sick beanb jni, of appetite, a faint, bad taste, coatcit aii'l irregn- larity ot tlu bowels, DlStfSSS soms of U-e more coiaiaoa sjsnptums Dyspepsia docs not get well itself It n-qms-ca cartful, persistent atteaUoa, and rt.meJj Hfca Hood's Sara- parflia, whlcU gonciy, aaraly and efficiently- It tones the stornaclx and other orjrtns, rcsnlates the digestion, creates good appeule, aud by this overcoalns: the local smp- toras removes the syrap.i- ttcUc effects cf tbe banishes the and rcfresiiss tho tired Washington 30.50 Fredenck 3105 Hagerstcwu 30.35 P. M. 445 730 747 805 825 940 10.10 1110 A K- 1224 615 4,30 A. 3f 12 1.C4 I h.ivc been troubled with dyspepsia. had bat little jppetiie, and what I cat BO distressed nie, or did me stearc- llttlc g(Xxl folirn after I i.ercc alalntncss.

5r tired, al! gore feeUog, as thongli I liad not cafn Hy trou- lile, I thiaS, wis liy ray v.linh is that of i planter, and from btui iscrc or 'it oi in .1 roc.rav.llh fresh paint. List sp-'-ff I tooX Hood's Sarsa- r'lL--- too'-; llsree It d'd me an airouat of good. It me al aii-l icy food r' 1, r-3tl See trc crariui; I liad provio. Hood's Sarsaparilla sts. IOO Doses One Dollar 2.07 345 Large Contract.

Mr. John Eiseananer has con- navicgont recently com- jueted clearing me land of timber for KairisDurg for of coal for same gerent Cathalu institutions in th.s vicinity. The moantalasers, the track hands a-d o'her enplojees cf the Maryland EaJroid, are, Sghtingthe Sre oreveat it from reaching the hotel property. Tne Seven Oolors. April 12th of great devotion in rh.3 church and was instituted TMeiaor ue the sorrows of the Blessed Virgin, viz, is a dav.

Cathriic tU to Buckeystown Cfsr stian sjnlon. reaular meeting of tteCbris iin Union he'd Senary evening i com- the chnrcii the fallowing cri- Feven great dolors or Cf 5 for the atzl taree months eiected Mr John Biker, president-j Mr Edgar Nicodecms, Mr Joha SnooSer, treasurer, SICK List. A was in this city today by Mr. R. A.

Biger an- nctmcing tne eenons ilSnes-" from of father, Mr. Ruf is sow 1 vingat Ya. if Saoti Riger, of this oiher eon, isfl ior the bedside oi irs Harper's Ferrr. 30.35 Shenandoah June 30.35 Martinsburg 3035 Hancock 3035 Cumberland 30.10 Passengers are Unded at Guthris, the Government Laad OSee, in the heart of th-Territory, on the first from Arkansas Citv for eettlars. Throngti cond Class PallmaaSieep-! ers will tachsd to tbe from en which a low rate of fare will be charged.

A copy oi the President's prccla-! raation opening the lands to settlement and tne Homestead Act, i be furnished to those desiring ne i apoa application to agents at the above stations Tine simple an- nouncemeLit of today Is that loads of new and hand some goods are ar- iving lionrly. "You know what re keep. WHH TO FOKM THE PUB lie that I am still In breskloir aui ratniQir b-rf cj ind caa Oc found tte Frcd- ricir Knir Grounds. P. O.

Harry Prederlck. Vd. CAN BE AC- comicodsceJ at South Martet street. 'ermareat or transient- aprtdlwt LOTS XE SA.I.E.--M93T lovatci Buburbin bnitdtn? OQ ts-cbt of North Market the JT. nd rhomaii W.

Honran. App.r to K. Steicci If MartcEBirccc. HOJTSE ASD LOT AT private sale. Two cheap at prirste mntlae on Eighth street, moalas- lrtO feet.

Apply TO J. M. Sbawbakerat or Eonry Frederics. I LUa.A liAttl.JS 1 tonstvo store room No. 1S2.

corner Maria i aa-1 hourth aincts. now occupied by cuss toi. April 1st. Kent reason, able, r'or tarms, apoly to ff. "DonB OR DWELLING OF JAS, W.

Pcarre. cc corner Second ana Court street, now occupied by T. C. Dela- pialno. Apply to W.

H.8 EUi SITJUA- tcd bulidins lots In liamsTlllc. Apply at Mill. 5tt GOOD STOttB ROOH OK Market street, a tow- doors below tko od House, suitable stand tor tbe Green grocery business. Apply to Jastus Miller. teblMtf rnOB SALE OR BESISABLS.

ttro story dwolliop house containing eisht roomifrlth now occupied by Jadtre Goo. Shaaic. Posaefiaion glTen April las. WJB. be sold or rented on easy terras.

Apply to TO SOLICTT for KQOd poyliiR- tbiaR. Good coectDla- and steady-job to xifht party. Sawll csultal only. Call on or address News jsnSSdtf T7IOB JtJ Armory. (Bast St.

Soller Kink for jablic spcaklaK. fsirs. festlraW, enter 4c. Bctpilre of Capt. Q.3 J.

Beciley. awpSOdtt SPECIAL NOTICES, jeal d.rector asd ss Jacobs, A port, Balt-o; Earhangb.H Parker, Whi's, Phila: I Spencer, Edward Claff, Talbert, Chicago, B.own, Sf Louis; Safwoad, Oxford, Ohio: and 0 Geo Doll, Ya. county 10. 1st. The Prophecy cf Simeon, who upcn the presentation of the isfent fca-iourin temple, took the child Keller, I in his arms, and t'iaakiag God Millard organ st.

OD morion of Mr I that he had lived to sse that dav, ut- a vote cf tLanSs was estsnied tared the solemn rropheev "ai.d tay tae retiring president. Mr Men Arrestetl. sensation wat created at Cumberland yesterday evening by the arrest on the chtrg' a of criminal of Col- Joan W. Avirett, man-i- ger of Daily Times, and Pcilip rets editor of the a grew Oieve, Datroil; SI Rober.s, Balto; Kemp, Joha Kaox, PaiU- Bell, York; county 2. the age of twelve years which COE- tiatied for three days, after Trhich he was preaching to the learned doctore in tbe Temple.

4th. The Scourging of Jesus, 5th. The CrociSxion. 6th. The Taking Down or Descent from the CrOiS.

7th. The burial of Jesce. chil- ilip refused to and Shorb com; leted the literary part oanizaccs bat of ths programme wa-s int-ir-; f-r the secnnty and went to soersed by inos.c. which is alwavs one i. cases will be trie i before of the ecjovable features of these tbe Circuit Court of Ailegany county meetings, unusually bright and attractive.

The society wi 1 meet again April 21st. now in session Tn? are the first cases in this sect on ef Maryland for years. Hoarseness, Istaa, 5 Doughs, lor SGTBPtlCKS. ttrtoac Scrres, aad to sad la cs oT tie laeeaara sjates- Only 25 Cents. VICTOR REHSBISS OS.

as far Watch will you and teF i sometLincr about our "recent find in Philadelphia and New York the week in the way ofLcfa Novelties" arid '-confined iiylss We nit the right time and ready Co-11 ti cured the Bargains Thev now tumbling in both en- Dry and Carpet Da partment; to follovr. Wo purpose making our place the "Attractive tiiis Spring if the Cr-am oi tha Market and Low Price win in cry day and look around MULUNIXKEMP. tines or leac pabUstied Trader thlf lTO per or FITteoTiCosts tor three Iciorrloaj. Advcr- exceeding; five lines and vec ordered for nnorc tiuia one ssosth one- iitswordaTreek. About seven fl) TronJs make line.

OK STOST BSICS dtrelHnjr house, irwdea. fd.00 per KOOTES for rent- ConTeniest to the' TTn'on Masf. Go. B. F.

STOTSTI. 20 FVERBOOOMIXG Jl.OC. other floe were From GrenhonjEs Obio. B. P.

Brown. KS E. TatricS i trest -anil receire orders and deliver of ew Satinas, isw Gifighams, Hew GOODS BLACK OB COLORED. ods, Laces, FOB THE NEXT fiO DAYS S15 crayon portrait, 5 inch 5-andsorae frame 'or The arusTan- SeEd. Fine cabinets $3 per doieoat Art Gallery.

i flew Carpels TTIOK 8AI.E-I OFFER AT PRIVATE my srrer dj hor'e, perteotly gea He. Also my dayton, buggy and harness. Chas. B. Houitbtoo.

Frederick. Mi Apply to Mnrrav Brish, Bverything Sew all line. Downstairs or along the np. G. J.


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