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The News from Frederick, Maryland • Page 2

The Newsi
Frederick, Maryland
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

fe TJieBaUyNews: dally (except Sundey) by Um JNorth Market nearChurch. FREDERICK. BSD. Cetepboae Cooseefcoa o. 2S.

A- EVEXHCO Jfrws wUl fee Ijr earners, to La tfce dlj, ornsaiilei to anj address js the United for three moazis; for cwaths ot S3.OO per year, iaranably ta Unless the subscription as sixjre is paid in SO cests or ptr year sriil positireiy be diarged. THE WEEKLY NEWS. "WEESiv Kxrcs will be senred by Carriers to sabscrifcerB in the city or tnai'e-i ta anr address ta the Uoited S'ates for tpl.OO per year, iatarisibly ia julvaace: with isduceineaU to "Cash for sub- rouit itJTiriably Eecojcpanyevtrj crder. mlh ange. Advertisements, orders for tie paper by mail and otherwise, IWTS, or aoy iafortnation cr business can be Mat 'day or aJgfet fre? of charge.

Correspocdence coalainiug fiapor- neire sslieited from every part of the country. Address all JLettere to THE NJEWS, FE2DSEICE. UD THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1839. WHAT was it Horace Greeler reported to iuve'sa-d about the M-try- fand oSce Well no matter what it was Horace didn't fo. 6aid to take a very gloomy view cf the stock market Ecowing oces will take thu an indication that batter are at band action of the authorities of a ia arresting and fining i street to if era noted ia onr local colcciaa is reapectfaiiy raierred to our cl'y fathore for coceideration.

THE difficulty of finding a party or from, which to ap poiniments in the Southsrn states can jaot be said to exist in Alabama wheo these are EO less than three regular Republican organisations. THE Delaware Jkgislatnre has at last passed a High License bill. Such a law in tins elate would settle a troublesome question to the satlsfac- -iion of nearly everybody acd give a nice l.ttlo corporations like Frederick whcee liabilities ars greater than their assets. Mailer's appointment of Mr. Jfefesto coadast the govern- -msnt's cssa in the telephoie aaits is fitting compHmant to that gentle- maa's ability and aa he is a democrat irem way beck prcresthat Mr Miller like Harrison is determined to gee the test material withonl regard to poIiSicil creed.

JLilTLS S.HODT casie to traa res- ferday and elected a RepaDhcan to Mr. Chace to the United Scales Sasate. Had the result bsea the electicn in Montana yea terda? vrould have sent a co'd chili down the Republican epical colnmn, fnfc now the Democrats can elsct senators Trom that slate without affecting the rtitns tha senate. of Frederick's war debt thfe followiag from the Harriebarg is rather timely "If the State of Penasylyania cannot reader aid to -tier citizens for losses incurred dnriog the late until th United States Go7ernn.eai isoves in that directioa, It is certainly incumbent apon tha 'Ssate to take steps to idaca the general governraant to make aach a. movs.

TEB Baltiaore "Herald" in its id- itoriit co'uans laments tae diagos'icg "eihibitioa'ofa in thas city with. inuencea that too- palpabta not to ba observed by any self respecting person." Thin is a iiitls rongh on the city editor who Siia columns ia the same retailing the repulsive details o'the aen sation. a rarity -coiiEiatescy ia all. EXPERIENCE TEACHSF. The arsaitact haa something arc -yst, ia fact there ire a m-iay poisis on his isforaia- tion at prasaat is very scan'j.

acd Ei4ny expsrlaieata are yet to ba niide bafo-e ths sc.ea^e be sa'd if any renarkable degres ot the iorecostia- wat stove etaftnch- aon torn a and a great amount of inTorf oi VanoGa sorts inflicted. Admiral Hood ia on the report concurs in th.s view ihat these were too heavily weighted and 6Cgsais smaller gun be turei and it ia probable that his rec- ommaadatioas will be acted open witBsct ioas time. The lesssi? nowlver shoald nst be last upoc onr cwa naval experts we have esvera: Tesssls ia oar navy cr constructed for it aboTit which the question of arma- aest ie icaportant even more so this with oar friends for oaishspa siust vent are farther from port rsarac of our vast co4 hne, and -aatead of htvjng a friendly van always it hatsd an a mored er thus Qfferioad-jd vronld be in dan- er of focsderiog with every etifi a The range of a gun after ell is tsore than itJs calibre aud it is this atteutioa, ceriaislv tee tendency to rnn into extremes in either vessels or should be checked before more money aad time is Wisteil Harbor racos, jat- ing and torpedoes will answer for coi't defences, while swift craieers lightly arned will siford aai- proteciioc in case of defensive warfare and jo subject for ofieneive war 53 lik-Ir to came up in this generation. S. D.

THOMAS (Successors to E. A. 0. Fox.) Frederick Stove House, NO. 15 EAST PATRICK ST.

SEW 1O OJSXVTsS CALT- KARI.V AT cr, The -3 tiie Coiii'iaJ rat os; of T'S Co, Ma.n5a5, as Dun A Co Com- iStf 1 ratVg places tlit, crodit, v-stfo Fanw Trust Co htprfiistln- twp- zvuux in U-c liwider of co'iniercialcrsTtiitj ryu furlhcr 1 ni'r t.r to aLjoj 1 reliable n.a/*i locoti- SGll uhen hi a Goid Bono of tins cvti.paoy, Uie legal i i br t-xjv rta to be ii-on claa, covering: DOlnt most cautious capitalist could or protection ofhw interests Te ii oar of the cuniiimoy rs the direct jMrrsonal of G.W. th.Otis Kho luulSO years iVetuvlte jou to inquire th of our st act! 1 la- your In Real Estate Gold ROna- that are aivicl Asfc. Iiare hau- dKtl theae for thrt' anit Lhpv jiitt. CRU furnish reliable intl 'ert nccs If Cent. Alfred.

Bitter Co. i.YD ITJiSTaE.NT BUOKFES, OffiC" 'Pre3t Fecrnd i n-dtrioV MJ SHOTTXJ5 T3SE oell'sEniufsii HYPOPHOSPHITES. anil endorsed by teecattse it the best. fc IB threa timas as efficacious fi Ss apetfeofclsimilsioa, floss jiotsspa- ntaorcbaugs, woEJerfol as a flenh ia th0 Isesi; remedy Scrala, Broadfe, "Wasting Bis- tSsonic Conghs and Colds. oM Druggists.

E. Chemists, K.T. '1 ols is tne PcSHTop Lamp Chimney. is exact L.abeJ isoacpchPerrl TopChimnev. A cier.Ier TTTvy saj Others as gcod, EtTT Irc'st Top.

Liii'EiJfl I F.IittFgk ISTO IT CANT BE TRUE Mj- me-' Saeh snces cas't ssaie OB tie xraie of haadijjl by C. C. CABTT YES, BIT IT IS TRUE! startling si seea. taat we tlie of the very lowest Bo You Heallze fiie Fact that jrou can of u- iia' 3.1 7 i- as last as yoj can fonJ i pc tia" lost aal tbey are -AT FI7RNITUKE AND UNDERTAKING- HOUSE C. C.

42, 44 46 S. Md. Look Oat for "Ae Wi'c J. E. WALKER CO.

Ladies' Muslin Underwear i-epariment. FOR OXE WEEK OXLY, Monday, April 18, 1 To mtroiuee tl.c K. goods are the onlv ones of the kiud in the market that are entirely on Lock Stitch and with the best Six Cord TLrcad, both upper and under. They are all the Latest and the best fitting, tl tr rnaCie and the best finished factory niude garments iu thu world You mav be prejiidiced against factory made underwear, but If you c.irefullr examine these goods you find them perfect cost more than the material and trim- Co-set Co-veys. T-wentj- Styles.

3-Tigh. and. Neck, -roxa S5 Cents and. Upwards. NIGHT DRESSES, CHEMISE, ISFAST RQ3ES, DRAWERS, SKIRTS AHD BRIDAL SETTS, We itc ervboiiy atcond this special sale LADIES IK CtiARBE Qf "UNDERWEAR.

Very re-pectmllv. J.E. WALKER CO. aprlld itlm Fine ierchani Tailoring 11 JPata-Ioir I have DOT? in a complete line of all latest novelties In WORSTEDS. CASSIMERES, SUITINGS, PANTALOONINGS- Style, Fit AND Worfem anship aad eiarc'iic stock before psr chasiBg JOHN A.

11 Street: NOTIC For years tee Enropran natioas tave bees in a rivalry 33 to wk'-ch siiail the heaviest, ar- cjored wiiti the heaviest the lite was pissad in bosh instances years ago bat even when the fait is patent to even the is csntia- ced. Icanease Soaring talks we'gh- thousands of tons are --till bein OF SICK HEADACHE, writes Sicli ttee one at one pill acts better tfean 'snj' otjicr kin t. sjid not OT i.5f-:rsntlv "Xjjrssr coaiesi. xtnaJl. 23 cents.

Ifoticc is hereby given the Street Comtni'S'oners are now prepare-'i to receive scaled proposal- for the reomvil cf all garbage, Loo'C ie street dirt and dead animals from the Uxible h.nits of Freoerick civ in aecordsr. TV-'th tke or- of the oily aod ru es iai' domj by the Street Tne city bavins- been laid cH by Church aad Market streets into or for tfcc for one year, comraercifis 1SS9, and ending May 1st, 1390. The bits mat ail be in on or before the ITih dav of atl2ra and tresncces-fhl party or parties ready to becrin -snrk May Is! at 7 a-ra L.fee«ir»" ai the hios be received for ail tnatte- carhaee. remo-ed in wsy, to be to the pcrcl sser or one half iijile bevosd ice city limits. mi- be to LEWIS MITO-, C.

or left with the the ii riiif" IF NOT, WHY NOT? Gsf a Policy of Life Insurance, Set Best and Set it hen Shall I Insure Were this question in refer-, enee to my might uever be burned--iny inst ut answer would be now; but as it regards mylife--that mast end, WHKN? Wisdoja, Prudence, Conscience, Duty, answer Now! With health, it 5s within your reach. Without health it is something that yonr money cannoc purchase. Where Shall 1 Insure The answer is at aacd. Ia tie mes Go, OF NEV This fompany isstes all the reliable aad pc-pu'ar 'orm-, of Li Insnrance For rates of premium on any sae or plan, any feer ir-nation concerning Life Irsar- address a L. VRTSOCK, sent, J9 Patrick Street, City Hotel Building, Frederick.

furred ost sdmiraWy sc.pted for Jaarbor or defescea properlp armed, bat for real sea service too snd nnreiiaVe ta amount to Eiueh The zaitsia for beavy too, haa been carried t-- eush an estent that thess oselesahalks sre resdered still nsore ia con The n-iva! he-d bnt a few days amply ed ifci 1 bat ene of the ar- eEperiencsd a really Jieayy sea and in her case the reaalt was disastrnns that the English navy will probably henceforth maneo ver In sheltered waters. Ia the lan- gaage sf the report aao? SOLI 44 Hurray Street, Hew York. GATCH-S SCHOOL 'U Cjt3- wpoa J-e ITS' term of the on A APRil. t5tfi. TERM'? T'S TH Soil! sa S5.OO S.T5 TIIVTV-AJRE of every description.

Also Gasoline and Oil Stoves of the best macufacrures only. Zee CresLtt FrsszerSjDlf-itsT Ccslzrz, ScjseZ Iror, Efc. Roofingand Spouting Promptly Attended To Persons in need of anything in oar lit would do we-l to cal and examine before purchasing, as we are determined not ro be undersold. S. S.

JOHNSTON, COMMISSION BROKER Mutual Building, ff. Market St, FREDERICK, JV.D. P. O. Box 573.

Bf-ads, Grain, ProrL-icns asd OH. BoagL: ace sold io fcjlj factional lots for tatter ca one per cr larger margins. Cpsjixvica per cent, imetest frying charges (eicejs oa Oil PixSls inoajpr. Bess ty private vines. Call ead The following are our cloaca Quotations to-dsv 10EE STOCKS.

AND WHY DEFAKTCHES. West of Araby and the South Baltimore. North and sft 5 2) A 54B A weha-rethe oai7 Complete JPIcrure Frame Ksrab- Q.t ia Western aasiTLina. Because we.carry Over' 1OO iSeSUrns in frau.e= acJ ioulchni in rock, avcidiog the delay or ordering from the we 'carry a full hae of Etchisss, Engravings, ArtO- types- Paintings, Pastels, Colons. SaselsJc.

at sit prices Als a. co-ajlete li-ie of ilu-ri i a'-- tv, made from tl p'eture- to tixe required ai all aad staucas east of Araoy, SortL. including way stations ssdW.51. K.S.. East snd Vfes BaltoS-iSjt ror the West and stations v- -st of Ai oy.

South snd -Washiugten A a. Fcr ana easi rflhy IVgfl For Washington. South sad stip'iona on Merrt.jx!i'_ai Brsrsh B. S. or Baltimore, icsiadicg Phiiaiieipnia.

Yotfc and North, closedpotehJ or all points west or Bracevi K- K. sail mcnidmg- way Sojifa of Bruceville on P. a. 335 For Baltimore, Itorth. WashiBgtoa aaS faojih.

pouch 4.45 PM cor the West. Wcsmngtoa. gerstown and ab ststiocs of AraSy. Baltimore acd Korif, IXJ'IISE Branch 4 O- E. 6.45 BalT'ff org, W-hiiigToc, uiladel-- 11 Sev rozk snd XOKX closed pouco 6S.PK 3Pi-opi-ietoi-.

(Successors to P. Finest qnalilles of Goal. prepared Oamberland, e5pez- iaily adapted for cooMcg pK- poses Baltimore Tein and Ity- ken's alley (red Gteorge's Greet, Cumberland. Oiders by mail, telephone, toft at store, rill receive prompt attention. WM.

S. MtLLBE GO. Patrick st. Street JeblSdu 1 PDEEST THE nt SI 3 tsT r- 1 DSLASHMUTT Brscasgoasio B. F.

BRO WN SON. ILL 30 UIDEH Sno-K-and Ice butf, FULL WEIGHT EVERT TIMS 2 rocroMerby Telephone or Postal -srtliirs- oeJTe prompt acd CASEFOL ATTBSTION. lowest Possible Prioss, FIN'EST COL. cs an ordsr and see FOR." For. 130 i ASRITAZS rrosi Baltimore.

West End all points ol jirsb-- From and ail points West ot Arab; A rroni Baittnjore, Philadelphia and Korta, closed DOUCD li' Jfortc and West TlaFeansylTSE From WaaaiEKton.Soutn. "vTeaiaHS all West oJ Araty 11 and all points Xorti of Ler Froei Bslnmore. JCcrth, closed pouca poajts east and west ot Brnce- -lile on zi JE K. ard sray stations 30 yj i Bs'timore and and points "east ofAraDy si. 03 "Washiagtoa Closed poach 783s From M-edletotrc 9.TS AK 3.00 act Pleasant L.

DOUGLAS $3 SHO FOR in the TTorii Examine S3.OO GENUIKE gAyP-SEWBP SHOE. Frons Harmony. and K)3 03 4. 3S Arnva. ana CeDartttre for Caarles- Tiile and TeUow Springs-- Tuesday Thcrsday and jrroai ew Tork an" 5 Norta fvia MecliaracstoiiTi'i ville.

Lewis' own and Gatoctia Fur. nice 1S.KTA STJJTOAT MAItS. WathlriBtos. Piuli- de peia, Tork. orth.

South cd West i2 OC BaJ-raore Wasauigtoa. PaiJadeJ- pbia. Tort Sortn. sonta and West, closed Douches S3-5C SHOE. S2.25 SS.OO 5.04*1.75 BOTS' SCHOOI.

SHOES. AiS nude Ia Butloa ssd QUO LAS S3 SHOE. LAOHES, Best SEstecial. Best Styie. Best SSisOi coasAiE.

sr; A. B. TEAKLE, Cr.y lialiSrioe Store. H. i.

P. JK. at Shicpeosbursv Shsnsafioaa Vsi'ey ana B. i iUilroads atHazezsrown: Pearta- K. a.

atFredericS: Janc- T9" ff, Jf C. aadB. aac P. Eailrcads at TTaion Stat oui', Baltimore, Varylaad. CON.HECT10SS.

ffi-ct 1 ectTKbtr 2, I88S, Kead PRIVATE SAUB 2 101 23 WilhamsDort, 8 15 2 7 is-HsgersTowji, 12,12 15! 08 2 -y 39 CiseTTS-viHe, i fll 56! 45 250 3 fjl 43 7 35 3 00' 6 41 1 30 3 16 12 S2' SS BlueSidee. i 6 BiU 22i 7 13 w-44 12 cl 8 05-10 5IJ 6 44 1 3 i'30 39' 31 i 1 to; 3 Jnnc 10 26' 29 i-Sl, 1 9-28iCniOD Bndee. 5 43IIO 16J 6 19 4 I 2ff 9 36 NeTM- W.Bdsor, i 5 33-'18 Co 5 58 i SB, 1 33 1 9 5-J WestraiDSier. 5 21! 9 43 43 co- OT i i 10 00 4 00 2 i TO xl 627 2 50.1! 20t Baltimore. 1 Wajnesboro, Chambersbcrs snd IE eTseciate poiats.

2 FIE Fire carts, tcree exj ress one set I BaJe-s- i O.N BAT MAREJ i A A- 625 10531 540 40' 11 05, 55 703 11 23 7 IS syuesboro' 7 33" 12 CO 7 5ft tSambersbarg'. 30 Salppeasturg i 45; I IS; 9 03 'A- jf. 6 45 125' 3 SO IS- 1 68 4 23 one for i- 5GO ossVets, 50 rto-- scears 'errs, 500 olo 1 siovals Haeerstowa- 3 21 3 06 5 S3 43 3- St' 1 5 59 3, 3 45' 6 06 J. K.HOFFMAN, I C.S. ZELLSBS, cor HszietiSth -tts i Miricet Souti ti, 2 rdliUlMo li a irt for Hagerstows, S2E I SSOtid teat- 100 Seid carcSaa L.oe^ core cstters, I gie aad doa'jle -oae Doiis, hammers, Skater I332.S let olcs seed oak ZU.U yy Oi i.

1 Rcccv for S3ua.tsbtiz5,1048s CO 32 za. safl 4 57 p. a- for Preaenei, 5-5 r-vls tiz. roc-rag felt i 12703 Ai! otaers B- H. Pass.

5J. HOOD. Press, ass Gea'l 3i: FOURTH I as now prepared to acconmodate tie tc 1 OS AND Ei. i5. Ei IS, 13SS a MeMsra-- Marttes- tragr aaa wsg staaoss VEHICLES of all DESCRIPTIONS.

Sood, sieadr iorses to drive, either single or dcssMe. Ostrefal drivers aau at reasoas- CT. O. A. C.

V. S. LEVY, ATT ORKEY- A T-I 31. 1 GLASS1AHE aod bottler of Banboloiusy Boebes Baltiicore srer Duk hurt's Ceiebrstcd nre XXX a XX Aie, Porter and Brown also Keytone Oo a assonment of China and Olas-s- Tf you want to replenish your 3 o-Pts. at mv st Te whe 1 vou will flad Frederick, Md, Telephone 72 N.JHarketHtrMt, Frederick SI age, I ara Tss FOR SALE I ia order- rcr i West" i Ssitiniore PciiadeCtJbsa, Annapolis anc way stattcas 1I.5C-AH WashlBirtoa aad Way stations Tia Metropolitan France, cvot cre PROPRIETOS.

"Orders tsTsea for Grog's Brick at the stables Frssh Pretzels Every Day snow white bread and rolls always can be found at the CITY BAKEKTST, 160 North Market Street. are zsihTlze'i to it for a Us.e t-oas. at onl- 512 00. The stn-e can be seen at the BUREAU OF EXCHANGE, Baltimore ssd Metropolitan 5.15P 6J5P ASRITALS. i 5571 aad War staticca-- iln oai prale'SCv.

it 3Q A Saltimtre.Annspa' and Tray stu's 11J5AK citlsans of Frederick fUr their past iberal and isr. to fcmi-ih either retiil or wholesale ia any part of the city or frith bo'h hosae aad Northern ice I hereby solicit, a continuance ot their patroaage. Bespectfnllv, War. marlSdlin Frederick, Md, Piisdelpbsa, Wiim-aston. Baltimore aad way statjons 3.43FK WssbtnKtoa and way stations, via Met (Sunday only) 3 45 PS a and way staaon 6.45 ST BalUcnora, Philadelphia.

Wilsggtca aad "way stetsons. RTM Balttaors, AnnapoUa an4 Moni 8.15 Wftsofcsrton, Martfasburg Jiggers Cambertaaa vray stations 9X0.

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