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The Indiana Gazette from Indiana, Pennsylvania • 2

Indiana, Pennsylvania
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INDIANA EVENING GAZETTE, INDIANA, PENNSYLVANIA, WEDNESDAY APRIL 7, 1948. two Silo son, Frank Jr. were business visitors in Connellsvllle, Saturday. Hair Shirt Plan Made In China Report Chaplain Claim 600,000 Tofcs of Steel Shot, Not Stabbed Gonc Oown Dfan DuSols. were recent visitors, in the t.

M. Brtholomew home. Mrs Lucille' Wlneberg, who is employed In Dubois, 'ipent the week end In her home, here. $7,75,000 4lowed For Flood Control TOKYO MV-The Japanese are Statisticians estimate there Is one mile of railroad for avtry 4,508 per sons in the world. TOKYO.

April 7 Army In-i inu to try to make clothes out Mr. and Mra. Frank Knout, and Because of Coal Strike Ohio, Indiana' and Kentucky Ohio River open channel work, $199,500 Projects in one state: Pennsylvania Schuylkill River, $1,295,000 NEW YORK, April 7tfP Around 600,000 tons of steel "will have gone down the drain due to the ooal Marchand News WASHINGTON, April The Senate subcommittee recommended yesterday a record expenditure of ..641,067,000 tor water-way! In the rear starting next July 1 with 1S.364.S00 of It earmarked lor flood control In Pennsylvania. The total amount is $102,090,000 of the hair shed by horses and oxen, JohnBRyan Xibanyi K. Catho-Public official Nifgata.

on chaplain of Sugamo prison, was! JapaVa west coast, have asked shot to death Monday nlghl ftotl school children and farmers to col- stabbed, as announced earlier, lect the hair, They said small calibre bullet They say a horse begins shedding fired at close range entered the about two and a half pounds of hair I chaplain's left lung. There have late In the winter. Thirteen pounds) been no Indications, as to his assall-of hair will make a suit. ant or a motive. Mr: Robert Homan, daughter Pat-1 In Troutmans April Shower Of Values strike" by the end of this week, the Iron Age, metalworklng trade weekly, said today.

ty, Mrs. John Sabol, and ion, ot I Release New Pittsburgh, spent Friday nd Sat- The publication said this was Urdy.ln the home of their Steam Heat Rates Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Homan, "almost enough to support a third of the direct steel requirements for Mr and Mrs. Roy Hicks, and Mr.

I the first year of the Marshall Plan," and Mrs. C. L. Cramer; of New Ken HAHRISBURO, April 7 I7P) The and added: sington, visited Sunday, with Mr. Pennsylvania Power and Light "The ERP will gets Its steel so George Hicks, who haa been ill in I Cuba Producing Product That Packs a Kick -Frogs the current steel loss will came out his Home here.

of All en town, filed new steam heating rates with the Public Utility Commission, boosting its charges for, service In Harrisburg and Wilkes- Mr, and Mrs. John Lemmon, of I ot the hide ot the steel consumer In this country." Richmond, were recent visitors In The Industry's operating rate thla Barre. WASHINGTON, April 7 (ff) Pthe home of Mrs. Iddo Lewis. week was placed tentatively at The new rates, effective June 1, if ILI A.

Mr! and Mrs. O. S. Edwards, at are: TOUna fie TO JQl. tended the Silver Anniversary, per cent of capacity, with prediction it would sag below 70 If Cuba, famous as the home of rum and rumba, now wants to build up exports of another product with a kick frogs.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Work, In Rich Jusi In Time mine shutdown continues Into next 1,000 pounds for the first 23.000 mond, Saturday evening. more than the House voted six weeks ago. In Pennsylvania the committee would spend 'more than the House provided.

The subcommittee also added a number of projects not Included In the House bill. One Is $1,061,000 for navigation work on the Delaware River from Philadelphia to the sea. Tor rivers and harbors the Senate group aproved $1,205,000 for the Schuylkill River; $199,500 for Ohio River open channel work in live states and $1,400,000 lor Lock No. 2 on the Monongahelia River. After Senate action, conferees from the two houses will have to reconcile differences between the two bills.

Then each house will have to vote again before the measure goes to the President Following are the amounts recommended, by the subcommittee for other projects, with the amounts allowed by the House in parentheses: Flood control Pennsylvania -Sunbury, But thereVone difficulty. Tobacco week. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Richie, of I CHARLES CITY, April 7 OP) pounds of steam; $105 a 1,000 pounds for the next 75,000 pounds; 95 cents a 1,000 pounds for the next prices are too high.

Steel firms made "rugged Marion Center, R. D. spent several They pinned the Silver, Star on Cuba shipped out 302,400 pounds daysJ In the L. M. Bartholomew gamble" with precious coal stocks 100,000 pounds; 80 cents a 1,000 for Albert T.

Oerritaen, .30, but only of frogs legs in 1945. to keep their openheartht busy In home- 1 the next 1,000,000 pounds. i Now, however, the S. Fish and John Richardson, moved his fam after a month's search for the for-mer sergeant. the past few weeks, the Iron Age said.

It commented: Wilkes-Bar re general service. Wildlife Service reports Cubans are ily, to Juneau, Monday. $1.10 a 1,000 for the first 20,000 making such good wages in the tO' Ml. and Mrs. Sharnetts Chambers, In the final stages it may be JuBt three hours before Oerritsen was to be presented the medal at Army Day ceremonies last night at bacco Industry that few of them are ot Beaver, Mr.

and Mrs. Elmer Beck, costly to coke ovens, blast fur willing to go chasing frogs. and daughter, of Trade City Mr. and I nace linings, scrap supplies and nearby Mason City, he was dis pounds; $1.00 a 1,000 for the next 8Q.000 pounds; 85 cents a 1,000 pounds for the next 900,000 pounds and 65 cents a 1,000 pounds for all additional steam. Mrs.Da1e Sprankle, ot Five Points, According to a pamphlet written general maintenance.

When the min covered living quietly on his father- visited in the H. P. Knauf, home, era return to work steel mills can In-Iaw's farm north of here. Sunday. The medal was for an attack led The company at the same time Mr, John Colbert, and sons, of I by Joseph L.

Martinez of Havana, Col Charles Hernandez brought several pairs of. Yankee croakers to the island In 1915. Their descendants have (a) become known in Cuba as by Gerrltscn against a superior Ger withdrew its -rate schedules for put equipment back into operation swiftly in acme cases. In other cases blast furnaces will have to come back slowly, or may even have to be relined because of the Nemacolin, visited with his sister; and I husband, Mr. and Mrs, Frank' man force In Santa Maria Oliveto, residence and commercial and in 600 Willlamsport, Italy, on Nov.

4, 1943. dustrial services for Wilkes-Barre. Knouf. "Charles Frogs" and (b) Jumped In 244,400 York $209,100 Loyal-Hanna reservoir, Mrs. Harry Miller, and sons, neve I to the big money class.

The IMS length of time they wore out of Zirconium, a rare metal now con Television pictures of moving ob blast. All this spells trouble in main $276,200 Youghiogheny tributing to more efficient electron exports were worth $100,000. But Martinez observes that Cub returned to their home, here after spending several weeks, with her mother Mra. Fy Richardson, who talnlng steel output later. reservoir, 299,200 Johns.

jects deep under the surfuce. of the sea may be taken and transmitted ic tubes, may be headed for added ans aren't too hopped up over eating After two and a half years ot hop laurels as fine jewelry or as table- town, $402,000 Cone-maugh River reservoir, $7,875,000 with a new apparatus recently pat naa loeeq ui in ner noma in ae- "Charles Frog" legs themselves. war because it never loses its po- ing supplies would be easier, the trade paper said, the steel consumer ented. phirie. ish.

"In the large cities ot Cuba," he says, "frog meat is eaten principally Punxsutawney, $1,428, 100 East branch Clar Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kinter, of I now runs into a situation that has the earmarks ot the procurement- Ion River reservoir, $2,000,000 by foreigners. Domestic consumption Is negligible." Latrobe, $146,000 ($146,. plagued past.

This will be brought forcibly home when steel firms cut Except among the frogs. "When nimnwH-spttir Seek Slayer of Attractive Nurse At Military School food is scarce," comments Martinez, back on third quarter quoti I li ii a i I'll ii mi lgMsaasaaasieasaaBBsasl "they resort to cannibalism." which they plan to do soon." i RELIEF OR British administration of- the pincriiinn The steel shortage because of the coal strike has hit the south, the southwest and the-west coast much 000). 'Rivers and harbors Projects jn more than one state: New York and New Jersey New York and New Jersey channels, Pennsylvania and West Virginia Monongahcala River, Lock No. 2, $1,400,000 Pennsylvania, West Virginia, island of Cyprus began In 187B when England leased the Island from the HbllUUTMIHW JACKSONVILLE, Fla-, April 71 was (ound beaten to death yester-(P) Investigators sought today to, day in her tire-charred quarters at unravel the mystery slaying at Bol- the school's infirmary. A deep les Military School ol a trim 37-' three-Inch gash was over her right year-old nurse, member ot an old eye and county medical examiner Turkish empire.

harder than the east, said the Iron Age, adding that "those areas are the ones which could least 'stand the LINIMENT Read Gazette Classified Ads drop In steel supplies." BILLOWY RUFFLED CURTAINS IN FINE CUSHION DOT MARQUISETTE Maryland Eastern Shore family. Y. Thomas said she had died of The victim, Mrs. Fred W. Lewis, a blow on the head by a blunt in strum en t.

Firemen who answered an alarm: Fresh Fruits Vegetables-Groceries PLAN THE COMING WEEK-END AT from the school found her body under a mattress and bed clothing' after flames in the room had been extinguished. She was dressed In a blouse, brassiere, shoes and ship. Officers last night said they had not been able to find her The Center of tbe Cine Ckntek or PirrsminGH Motet 'WeLter Mull 4415 Fifth avenuk fear OiurekiMi of all tienoniiaa lions llcattfiful Schentey Park Carnegie Mvscim Cathedral or I.kakninc 199 Regular 2.49 traveling salesman for a beauty if I 1 1 lift' shop supply company In Atlanta. 1 Ma). Mark Bradley, school registr-; said Mrs.

Lewis, the former Anna Radcllffe of St, Michaels, Md was a niece of" former United Slates Senator George Radcliffe. Only a short time before her body was found, Mrs. Lewis had been talking with faculty members in the school canteen. Gene Grif fin, chief RIECK'S SEALTE5T ICE CREAM AT OUR FOUNTAIN oe criminal investigation for Sheriff Hex Sweat, said tests wilt be made QUALITY BAKERY PRODUCTS FRESH DAILY to determine whether Mrs. Lewis was raped.

(Mi tor attract SYMPHONY Woawfr-April 9.1L J. CtaaaciB MoncHiu Afar. 9C11EN1.KY FLOW EM 9HOV Tbranih April II rrrr pkintwc exhibit Tfircxiih Ai-ril 23 BASKOAl.L- roHHEs nfxn April 17, 18 Detroit April 20, 21. 22 Ctucatf RASCUALL STAUIUM April-19 Pitt v. JtinUi TR ACK STA UM At-il 20 Kitt f.

Utu 0. OPCBA MOflQIJV April 10 11 TroTatorc AQUA PARADE GARIIKNS Mar OP SKA STADIUM JotM 312 Show Hih Budget saver cushion dot marquisette curtains that conform to a high standard of quality. Manufactured with custom care and smartly styled to brighten up your home for Spring. Wonderful Values! Come, or phone for yours, at once. MODERNIZE YOUR HOME WITH Venitian Blinds at a Troutman Low Price RATES FROM 2.7S Crafaae Shot uptwUnaurpaMctl Cairim Bowt a rut SxlJle' Loaiog 1)1 Private Uinwi Room I PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE; Ftir rrvation, (7 CHANGES PRESENT-DAY MAKE-UP IDEASI IT GIVES YOU A- REALLY NEW PERSONALITY! J.

F. DuNLAY. KeaMcnt Manager or call MAyflotcir 7700 WB WILL GLAD TO HELP YOO OBTAIN YOUR TICKETS a. LISTEN TO 19 TOONS 51c Ft NEW COLOR Long wearing aleel or alum "SWEET TALK" inum slat Venetian blinds. Bring window measurements or call Troulman's 800 and our blind expert will call and GARBAGE give you a tree estimate of cost of your Venetian blind needs.

a rss. --iai 8 enr-" wvcsi i nts "DAMASK ROSE-GLOW-PULSATING WITH FLATTERY" Nobody really likes to handle garbage. It's a disgusting tatk. But today, there's no excuse for continuing to do it. AveitM away feoei wast bofor it become garbage) In new stripes 11 i at homi in EVERY ROOM "Sweet Talk" ia the mott authentic change in color since red itself! No namby-pamby pink but wonderfully wearable darnadt rose-(fow pulsating nidi flattery.

On matching lint and fingertips and face "Sweet Talk" ijivokei the suxxteu talk you've ever beard Hurry 10 LASTRON NAIL ENAMU UPSTICK FASHION PLATE (ACS MAKf-UP With a G-fi DUpotill unit Initialled la tout tiok, garbage collecting it a thing of lb pan. Peel applet in die sink let potato peelings fall there. Put fat, gruilt, wwiige from lettuce ia fact, food watte of practically all som into the drain outlet of the sink. Tbeo iv tbe Sifety Twijtop Control rwtrt to the left, let the cold watec ruo few second. The Disposal unit autuwsticaily goci into action, and whisk I food wane is shredded into tiny tides and flushed down the drain I ftaia, simple, sanitary.

Drain lines art couxed won't clog. The Disposall ia cif-clMaiing it and your sink remain glistening bright, sweer and dean. Usable wjfb liihec tcwf or septic taoki Gtntrst Btttru'f tifiitnti trtdrmwk Mt Toiletries I Street Floor Mr i Hp mrr NOTHING it aawt popular than BenMont 'I nt KcaMa Strip id all popular background colors. This new Beniiont rvansrv loolu. feels, drones like fin fabric.

Fast colon are showft-proof, fade proof, Hemrstd, headed and rdyto-Siaag. 54" wide, J' yard long. Matching tie-backs, Kplcabl A DfMONSTRATtOH TODAY! I vy7rr 1 let than cost ot dry cleaning. CurUins Second Floor i (teas aho evot'loU wAwfaoKr) fttUea Plait Unlu-ur 1.7, fmiWeV uiuiK a i.M.

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