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Lebanon Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Lebanon, Pennsylvania
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Lebanon DKOb-MHRU A tl of Idaho ft phenomenon, loh wonM bfl powiiblc in no othf-r hot Umtof West. i soil now tU of conyon, II, tt "(Vfl womuti's inrnal, and ,18 things are they flrp Ji r-rin- to ns the Vhfil diiijlit in it pofiitidis. 1 UiJil. that notion ifl WorrifMi ot tin- lo IHI rnimt know tiifi tiicad. Wofiit-ti of UiP 'tii- TV often, hy ortfmllMat -as called fttid wan a ORdeft, Blfice which time it lined Its base it rid names Kfid la DOW 140 ttiilcio from lie When the town ItikPB a tOR, the hole), HBloona, dweHina Bhopi are packed up and ved aloiidt and iet down affaln junL tUey started.

In each locality and Bigna appear the HHIIIO, so that Tleltor at one place IB at homo wf.hoot aaklng, In the new. Tim in hitultanUiBeetnto take kindly to that municipal notnladlo life, and JJarney hotel keeper, nays, lime she jumpB, ehe jumps K.bOdy knows where the town will finally bring up, for tho genius for hBB bflflfi BO folly defulopcd, it bo doomed lo bo foruvor aboutmnoiiK theHocky lil.UO. ANO Tho main cauHfi of Id Indigestion, and Hiat )iy wrtftknMfl of Htoinnuh. No i-an h-vo aontid nerVHHaud good hoallb wiiiioiituMng L'op Blttort 1,1, Ktomaob, purify tho blood, keop Vi-vor Vldueys carry oft the poiHonoua nud matter of tho Boa other column. Ttirl Eranl Aiiiinal Holiday Sale! Grand Depot I3th Si, PHILADELPHIA.

Our i ijnantity, varioty The 'he northern coontlen of Kentucky in a terror Just DOW under the of ii band ul uelf-BtyJed Kululorfl who, denounchiB tho IH an Inefficient or corrupt, IIRVO upou IhenmiliriM tho jiunlBhmfint ufiuH 1 Theao raabked ttdmhiiBtm- what, by of they call justice, undertake fHittbcilormttllty of trials or tlie ianpj of to take tlio no- i men out of tlie hnudsof the fluoli penalties HH Lfiol puuulble judgment nitty dictate, opportunity of appeal and with court to review tbelr Whatever evils may porvudo 'ciinlatratloii of justice, the evlln tyuoh Iitw are unspeakably It mibfltjtiitt'B privnto vun- for public justioo. It aUiriB oC IndlvidunlH wltli blood iionti tint the oiduined tniiilBtuin ice ciiti or Innocently BeciiUHO It UHurpu tho imino and justice It IH Rrnvi'r Hocluty tluui private mur- We huve oiu'neatly longed to hour meHlierillC who would diuit lo'do- uia priHOoorH at the cost, if IIHCCS- of'thtt liVBHOf iincoroof MB law eh prv or) df of fei' ear You WKXI. MBAN Uko JCidney- advertUod in another column. It euorgetioally on the bowoln and ICid- at the ma tliuo, HO uureHa lioxt of iseaseB uautad by the of theno org IUH. If you aro out of Hi, buy it at.

your druggists and a doutor'ti 1)111. followlug auecdole IB old but good, und of the present generation have not aeeo "The people in ont of the out jmrlalioa of Virginia wrote to Dr. John Holt Hice, who was then tit the head of the theological seminary in, Prince Edward, for minister. They a tuiui of llrst-iate tulenta, for they hud run down considerably, ttnd needed building up. They wanted one who would write will), for some of the young people were very nice about that matter.

They wanted one who could visit good deal, for tbelr former In inter had neglected that, and they wanted to bring that up. They wanted a ratto of veiy gentlemanly deportment, foe some thought dreat deal of that AuU so they weul on, describing a ttioi roiutoter. The last thing they mauuoued wim they guvo their last luiuimer $820; but if the Doctor would them such a man ns they described) would raise another Ol'ly dollars, making It four hundred The Duoloc Bat right down aud wrote them vuply, telling them they had better forthwith make out a call for old Dr, D.viglit, iu heaven; for he did uot iuowuofauy oue lu this world who ui swered this deaoriptlon; and as Dr. has been living BO ioug ou t'i uilual food, he might not ueed so ID. for the body, live oa $400." and possible tie I.I(|H-H' an cajmclty, find tliflir rank in prftvpnto thetn.if "in capable," from bwominK utter b(K- deft on RfrHntft-rH.

The middle clufin td whom vntlon If fvrfi poor and 01 r)r wi with dliil- alowly to learn ttml mimt iMifllnpsu fucultit'8 they nro of dcvelopw) if are riot ntUrl," in-hind In Hie race for fxIfllfficB. tuny tw llirtt rmliirf) of women )8 I hat f.nvM CBiiBH, Hny morn thuii the of laud; but IB tinly of cveiy fftUtct and inoUier, nnd of every ono who lias to do witli liu" und raamiKotnout of to do tlieir bt'Bt lo eriidiciito Ibis "iricap and to in tike wotnun fit to l.bolr par! onpably in Urn vvoik of lifn. A fMov'H Oh, how I do wish skin an clnar and no it no yours, mild lady to hnr filond. "Yon IJIHI easily niako It thofiiend. "How?" liKjulnwi first iruly.

1 JlltlorH, 1.1ml inakns puro rich blood and bldoinlnjj! hoalth. It did It for mo as you obdnrvo. 1 WHH Nile Hurled Alive A horrible story IIHH Jtwt comn In froru little Htatlon on the Owenuboio nud Husaellvlllo rallrond, nenr Jdver- tnore, Ind. Sovernl dnys IIRO Mr. and Mra.

there to vlult tbelr old homo, and bave the body of a child removed which was buried about it dozen years BRO. The child was twelvfi yearn old at the time of-dcnth. When thocoflln was opened tho body waa us perfectly prenerved aa on tho day of oyos wore wide open nud rolled up.und nu expression of was on the face. One hand WHH tightly clenched, and tho other WUB (jlulcblng the folds of tho dress. When burled the were crossed on Its bosom.

It la supposed that flu to after being burled lu a trance f' nf liilnti.iii i' fa i i'liprov art, It Wo on and do Mew Jersey Thin wlno for wlokiiOHH IIJIH louff Iwon ii popular favor, Imt by no ninaim intoxioai iiiK In ItH iiuluro. Wo rofnr to Upoor'Hl'arl which been Intro lucotl into howpitalH and innoni; tho llrHt fninllioH in Now York, principal I MiiHfiity, liy Alfred of PanHttln, who IIIIH dnvoltid hlniHitlf for many to tho of thu Oporto (irit-pn, find (hit utinly und iii'UiMo, thu medtcit prciportloH of wliii'h tiro Haul by gmitloiiHM: of repnliitloti uimiirpowiid. Mr, forinnniH bin wliiw a now proc.oBH, puculiar to hiuiMi' 1 without tho ndditioi (il of Hjiiiiw. Wo wliHtlin tluiro in n. vlno.yiir.1 in Ihn old or now worh yinlil iv wlnoatall comparablo ti I.IIJH in riiiliiHiHij or dolifl'tny Ihtvor.

Al lii-Hl. clivsH It. Tho abovofljctrart from tlio NKW York BhowH approciatioii lu IH abroad. Wo have drunk tho wlnii and can truthfully what tint aliovo oxlract BayH.concnrningllB good 'I 1 ho way in whioli it I intvlnri by Mr.flpi-or it ttnor llavo than auy'wino ovur oftui Traveler. milo hy Ij.

Lobnuon, 1'a. r.a VBIOBO Dairy won often liow tbeir favorad conipeti- pvloea for tUoir butior round. It Is by always haviug a gilt wbjed aniolo. To put tho 1 odgti" on, wiiuu tho punturba do not iljtiy itite Wells, Sf Jiwttetf Color, llvwy butter i do tUe Sold every wherw and as harailees as perfect ol Taking an occiiHionsl day tn bod tdniply on ucconot of ludlsposltlou, ifl liowovci'i very Hlmplo and rudlti)on tary notion of Mils glorioiifl Institution Jkd la UIP natural domicile of overy lu bed wo laugh, In wo cry And born in tod, lu bud we Uaynrd, the French phytiiologlst miuuUiinod that man wan uu nuiina tbiit exercised Iho tiiinkiiig i'lioully best in ii position, Thus there Hi'o high artistic, oocial and in- tolleotuul connected with an occasional day in bed which imperatively claim discussion, liriiitay, tho great engineer, wliou lie was fairly botheiei puzzled by HOIQO tough problem ul wuya betook lilmsalf to bed until he had solved ic. Moat people have a kindiieub for lord Melbourne, who, under the affeulatiou or frivolity, used to get up Hebrew und the fivthets and 1m- perturable good humor to bear with his wifo, lady CJaroIIno, while the pretty Jiyron struck ternmgant used to atnasl tho drawing room furniture.

Ilia intimate frionda would find the premier calmly taking breakfast in bed, wltl letters aud despatches strewed all over the counterpane. The poets have been terrible fellows to get out of bed. I suppose It- la because the visions of the day and of the night sweetly intermingle, The poet Thompson cultivated laziness as a une art, and thought out his poems tn bed. 1'ope waa still a worse fellow. When ho hud a tit of Inspiration on him he would keep th servants i utiniug about hfuaaUthrougl the night.

makes amends to Hit by the (Mentttousof his "veils." The genuine 95 per Ikiots is sold only at rent. Rubber Miller's Shoe GOODS of Jionso- and noviilMftH, i to ini'-'t, Oil rn- cmr tlfii ii milled I for thn iil'd 1)H jjivun Uinin to Rftrv" i-'IMlu'lintH II Vl-u'lHllI'y ami -nirnAH-' Hh'iiHil 1 tii'ii t'ti'vi it' 'n no orid inn I' CViii.l n. 1 v. it purtfUKiitH fcrd t.h'dr'inprovoil i and mprnliatidixn can tie won elHt-winT'i -n i Invite vlsliois ar, W')ll an htiyorn. tin tor all hold, otitnttliiK, fancy and Rt1.l"li have thin Ihfl niiMI'-.

ii tnnntn ami il iia, Orand Dnpot. Oallftrlcs have Ixvti llijn iif than oponotir first floor.awd ihn ffthiMf the appflarance or UwOran'l wliinh IK now adin't" to hfl, hy of wild of Kao'iltiu In New Vor-K ami» most r.oiiiplol'-and nyai-ui'in'c t-ntalillsli motif. Iti this cciin'ry. Tho hnildlnft COVCTM two of groiiod, und ltd If (lUftlnf, licniitiful, with i'u iiii all HIM fir.i:»mmtal id work, Iti tli'i mistaku of Bill gc.nlUnnan, who Ind of suon pic'nraa of the tn-'i'iw 3 tiding Ukfiri through i ho ''ini'K! Dupot, was ffuftro ho mipposfid ho witH now, 0111(1 'v i-d, In itio ninm Unufl: of thoOtrif'tinli'l Kxpoimioi' of I' and of tills iu- f.nrfor a wti popular nrtn.i wrltss "ThB Kr'-'hitlon nl .1 tny fur thil n' tiii) oulv world- rouowned art'nlos works d'spiayod there In tho most aitldllo ninnimr, but tuo n-ock of uoyoltlos dally rflplmilfhod, Bt-iiuHnl good-i an) coustaully comiiiH In from all partu of Ihn worli! Buch at'd ovft-y iJjjj.vrUnont IIHH KH distinct lioad, a coiu- petfltit Judges of tUn huork, In wh-ctud by Hint Utlftd lu vorfoiiH Ktirnpean murkiiiH or iiom Atnorlnan tiianiifaotnriiig mwrtii; tborafuro HJ In UK Irom anothor HS were an bu'ldlntf. While wft 'ha of our cuatoniorH and havo jirorlded for ovf-ry jwiHlhlis of nxpedltlng pur- oharr we havo alno Btud.iv! the porHonalcomfortof ourguoBlf, aud for thutn liiHtitutod rooniH for rrfronlnuHiitg, ling, riwtlng, walt'iin, and for toilot purports.

JOHN WANAMAKKU'S Grand Depot, 13th Street, II t.l' HI A 'I Tea, Coffee and Spices, No. 6 Norlii EitM PA TliTii.iu fiT 1 woiild in my fniMnlH pu''ll': gflBftfftlly touiw. in" anal) 1 my Htuni. M. HKSSI.Rjt.

DOMESTIC SKWINdHiCHUil 1 H. an M.ii'hili^ attnr Hulling tlti) illft'erfinl of Hnwin3 haH nt Sfcurod Ih'j for the im proved Domosiio Sewing Machine. Tartlet In-want of a Hewing Mn- wlll ao to nail IIIH Grocery 8ELLEES' COUGH Pil'ty Years Belot M'ftCA, le I'lRK DP i i.Ciil ili 1 IIVI.U lilt I.A I t'i'-w 1 H. H. i I.

HI ii ill i lir I It SYRUP 'i? Public. Ilinsf l'I IN I l-T. for T. HOAKHEXr.SO, -'i WIT'MS ri wlieir-vc-r on inl bnforo p'ir! t.lio lifftil riuinlni? I Defy Competition! IN QUANTITY, OR PRICES Watcher, Jewelry, Solid and Plated Silverware, Clocks, selected from the best houses in New York Gity, where i was for one week selecting the latest styles and finished goods, Street. AJN -O1T- GOLD AND SILVEii DIAMONDS, Camoo Sets, Bracelets, Ladles' rf atod GOLD BPKOTAOLBS, and ovorythlng found in ft lirHt olasa ostabllsliment, at tho LOWEST CASH PEICES.

Make your eeleotlons oarly and have the of largo soloctiou of goods. Bpeolal atteutlou glvou to fitting RlaHHow for Hij-lif-. The Arundel Tinted Spectacles AKK THK IN THK HT Watch and Jow.ilay ropalriug. A II watoh work guaranteed. Ho trouble to show at JOSEPH G.

KELLEY'S, No. 7 South Eighth Street, Lebanon, Pa. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT COAT HATS AND BONNETS Boltz's, 846 OUMBERLAMP St. NEW WHITE BBW- Mouth aud expanses guaranteed IKQMAOHINB, Ap- to Agwita. Outflt free.

SaAW TU18 Ot'FlOh I AUGUSTA MAIKH. jau27-ly benptlt Uiat coiiRli iiilxtnrr, 1 wv, In if at i-ti'il. ici.s tin' IIDIU U' ti.ii I from tin liy jinijiiri PEF.r.KRS' LtVKft an- also highly ror- iiimirmli'il for cnilni; livi-r HIII. sli-k-licniliU'lFpd, fi-vrr iid.l all of tin- Klom.irli ami livtM bui.l by all drug- inls at cents iicr K. XKIA.EUA Flttsburp, jvjj ly.

Thfl THAT ACTS THE THE South Eighth Street. LEBANON. Proprietor, OYSTERS all ntylHH Oiuuo anil Tho BrandB, nerved in Oynlorrt now iu snaHou. everything in tST Tho (irojiriotor would direct the at, tenlion of hin 1'rieudH und the general pub Hi; to tlm fact tlinl will oontinili) to conduct. hin Ilotol in every tiiinni lu any in tho t'lty, and to HT.riu- noy of t.lio tiine.i ivdiiuod tho prior- of liuuii! to to MID Resiaurani Department, whoro nil llio doliriirim: timwift- Hun will liu kejil on h'JUid.

Sparkling fifiead. fl- MM A A IN TH8 JTAMILY FLOUH KYR FLOUR BUOKWUKAT FLOUH CORN MEAL, Also, CORN, OATS and UYB of all klnflH, HYB UHAN and KHJKU.I. Hgr AH promiitly nttftiided to. Mo. SrT" Houtlt Wtrivctt, LK1UANON, I'A.

I Incorporated WT A.T IN VALI-EY MUTUAL Insurance Comp'y Aro We Sick sasaaar: ty causing and mtoriny (heir Jiy i 1 tarnn-iiliM wllli Wj Why imluic oi-strli InMKUcJitsI I 'i njoiw in waiV.l. It tl 7i (fit ha Kill aider tt 4 Proprljtwi If you tin; niiin your UutlH January 1, 187U. Ina. Subject to Assessment. $441,888.00 Notes aud Obligations, 4 5, 380.

CO Cash on of Agts, 1,803.87 Total, OB-FIOBB8 QEO. B. SMITH, President. GIDKON LIGHT, Vine President, JOJUN L. SHBTTKK, Secretary.

DB. WILLIAM A. HUBKB, Treasurer. mayO J. L.

SHETTER, GBNBRAL AND SPECIAL LJIo, JPiro JLivo INSURANCE AGENT, NO, 14, South Eighth Street LEBANON, PA. Good aud Reliable Oompauies Represented. If you a man of Ictturs. tolltni? over your tnldn- work, to roatoro l)mln IILTVO aud waitu, WB8 If yon yonnpt nnrt mitTi'HiiK from iiiUon; If ynii married single. HH, rulyon wlienorcr yon lliut your Hyutuin imiMls toning or stliiiiilatiiig, wltlioHt tiMjch'uttng, take you klitoty or viinarv cnmplan't.

uttbuof die Minut, Urvr or You will li ton sim mnrHtivoyoitrlif" i-h Ii tin' I mid low fptf try irilriiKBlhtlcM'palt. It linttHOTCilhnndrfd I Bpf -t. Afk.iniK|{t.U. ciir. K.

IIHtm MCR. N. Sold by DH. CJKOKGW BO98 DriiggiHW, oppocitu tV.n Court House, A.NON, PA. "TUE? RSI THE PLfibs DRY GOODS -AUD- GROCERIES.

J. H. SELTZER Cor- Cumberland rflcelved tbelr IT ALL STOCK Off DRY GOODS, which have boon twlooted with great care und will hfl lit the LOWEST PRICES Our Block of OLOTim OABBIMKHRB, WOSTBBEB OltttVrOT HUIT1NGB AND OVER- CO ATI NQ8 (of wliluh wn inalfi) a apflflftHy) Is uoinprlNing tho latottt uud bust Btylfs In the market, AIHO, Slack aD5 Colored Cashmeres, medium and low prluod DrosHGoois, a Urgo variety; a largii Htoci of Foreign an'l Domestii! Dry Goodti, Notions, Curpetn, Oil ClothB, flroc-nrins and Quefinswurr, which we will of at suon pno -8 will he HHtiiifaoiory to all wlu favor us with thoir patronage. Hespectfully, J. H.

BBLT55KH BBO. GO AlF Wholesale and Retail -AT THE- BRANDYWINE A 11 I Am selling pnro Hard and Soft CoaJ, from th.e best uiinea, screeued and delivered in cellars without soiliug the meut, at a great ml notion. WOOD! Oak, Hickory, by the cord, or ling by the load. Oyyioufl Ooruer Eighth awl Wll'ow streets, and at the yard, Twelfth nud Church atreeta. oharga for delivering Coal or Wood.


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