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Tyrone Daily Herald from Tyrone, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Tyrone, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

IVJSBS Ftf, Daily fleiulu, it the ftMjiOoftr. awnu 1 lido WKfittbT ttfiRALDt Jtixis 14, 1890. The machinery of census has doubtless beuii Ret to enumerate all the inhabitants, The intention is that, none shftll hii omitted, That it Will do its Work thus completely is too much to expect, It implies nothing against the fidelity of enumerators or officials to SHJ tliat there willl bo no omissions. How numerous they will be will depend 01 effort. With so many of our people "on the go'' ami without an abiding place for any length oC timo, it cannot be otherwise than that some will escape It is a condition that nothing will meet but special work.

A census olTicer ii Philadelphia; determined that no citi zeu should escape enrollment, am adopter! measures to that end by seeming tho co-operation of citizens. Ii this way persons who were not euumttr hted have been put upon the list Families in districts where the enumerator had gone over the ground reported failures to do the work with thoroughness. This led to a revision. Taking the word of servants does not always ensuro faithful enumeration. Sometimes servants do not know, or are unwilling to givR'full answers.

One case can be mentioned where the servant gave the names only of those in the Servants' was not her business to do more, she thought, and the enumerator seemed to agree with her. The Philadelphia census official referred to, whenever he has had the least reason to suspect incapacity or taken remedial steps. He says ho intends Philadelphia shall have its true place in the list, which he thinks will be that of the second city in the country, This is an excellent spirit. other cities census officials are reported as lakiuff steps to hold enumerators up to the standard of completeness by taking steps to enumerate persons who ordinarily would be missed. Citi zeus should report unfaithfulness or incompleteness wherever they know of Times.

I'KNJJING ItKVKNUK JUX.I« It is said that the legislation proposed in the Fifty-first Congress is even more restrictive than any previous legislation, and that, if carried out, it will amount to little less than a "Chinese wall" around our coast line. The bill pending iu the House, on the basis of last year's importations, places upon the free list imports to the value of tipon which the government last collected in duties $00,930,530, which, added to tho free imports of the last Qs cal year, will amount to and deducted from the dutiable imports of the last fiscal year, reduces the value of tho dutiable imports to The pending legislation, therefore, will make free, -without restraint or burden, in value of foreign products, and will diminish tho dutiable importations from to which will make an average duty upon all importations of about 27 per and a reduction of tariffs to the amount of about 10 instead of a large increase, as seems to bo the popular impression. It will bo seen, accordingly, that about 50 per en the basis oC the importations of last be free and 50 per cent, dutiable; while the proportion of free imports under the Mills Bill (had it become a law) would not have been greater than 40 per Hon. William McKinley, in North American Ilo- yiew for Juno. A StftlKE.

frthltaftf tnrt tfrthl Men nt Cn.itle (Combine in tot ftlghnr HEW CAST LK, if tine The men of this city, employed by the Pennsylvania coliijwny, the Pittsburg and Western and the Pittsburg 1 and Lake Erie roads, havo combined in a petition for an advance in Wages, demanding for ten hours' work. The petitions have been sent to division headquarters and it is thought the official action will bo favorable. The men are now receiving and $1.80 per day, while tho same companies pay elsewhere the wages demanded. A strike is threatened If the wages are not raised to tho standard. THE Ol? Al-'UICA.

Col. Henry S. Sivnford in the June Jorum, says. 1 And under the name of tho Independent State of Congo its government was organized after tho most approved methods of Belgium administration, and it entered fully equipped into tho family of nations. There is within its area, which, as said, is thirty- three times that of Belgium, a population of 450 whites, about one-half state officials and employes, and the estimated number of natives within its borders is about and the whole Congo basin is estimated at about 50,000,000, Africa is about three times the area of Europe, or 12,000,000 square miles, ftnd soxno writers estimate it to contain nbou.t an equal Souls, The enormous trade developing comes mainly from the narrow salvage which separates the mountains ftom.

the sea. It is a great basin composed of plateaus, gradually ascending tp 7,000 feet at some of the central lakes. It has four great river systems: on che west the Congo, second only to the Amazon ip the volume of its waters, and the Niger on the north the Nile OR the east tho Harabesi. These rivers 1 ouce formed vast internal seas, which £ually breaking through tho mountain have descended by cataracts pud caucus to the ocean, leaving great areas of rich deposits of wonderful fer- 4 Tyyope gU'l has admire? tier chewing She Now tfntindlnit(lora Starved Out. MONTREAL, Juno hundred and fifty immigrants from St.

Johns ami Harbor Grace, N. arrived here on Wednesday. They are bound for tho Canadian Northwest, whore they will take up land. Many of them are fishermen. They say many people will have to emigrate from New Foundland this year to save themselves from starvation.

Thoy ascribe the unsatisfactory state of affairs wholly to the French const dispute, which, they say, closes the best half of tho island to development. Lifo JVdst for a Drink of Wilier, DENMSON, June H. Owens, fireman on the Panhandle, got off his engine at Miller station to get a drink of water. In attempting- to get on again while the engine was in motion, he fell under tho engine, cutting both legs close to the body. He was brought to Dennison, and died, never having recovered from the shock.

A Man of "What arc you doing now?" asked one youth o( another. "I write for a living." "What do you write?" "Letters to my Mow's Tills Wo offer OIIB Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by taking Mall's Catarrh J. Cr.uNKY Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F.

J. Cheney for tho last lifleen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and (inancially able to carry out any obligations made by their Truax, Wholesale Walding, Kinnan Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. L'rico, 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.

ANNOUNCEMENTS. hweljy announce myself is candidate for As-j'-muly, subject to tho rules governing tho party of Ulalreonnty. and pledge myself to support Ine tluknl nominated at tlm Republican County Convention. H. W.

CUl'MCIl. Tyrone, March 1S1K). hereby announce niysolf HS a candidate tor Assembly, subject to the rules governing tho Republican party of niuir comity, ami pledge myself to support the ticket nominated nt the Republican County Convention. P. MAO DON A LI).

Altoo March J'J, A8SKM herebyannouneuinyself as candidate tor Assembly, subject to the decision of tho Republican County Convention, nledu'emyseli to support tho ticket there nominated. T. F. JOHNSTON. llotlldaysbnrg, April Ueroby announce myself is a candidate lor Assembly subject to the I'nles govo In (if tlm Republican party ot lilalr county, and pledge mysell to support ticket nominated at tho Republican Jonnty Convention.

ANDRUW S. STAYER. Hearing Springs, Apr. 25, hereby announce inysell is a candidate for Assembly, subject to the leotslou of the Republican county convention, and pledge myselt to support'tho ticket KDWIX M. AMIKS.

Altoonu, Ptu, May U2, 1HOO. COUNTY hereby an louneo myself us a candidate for the olllco jf County Commissioner ot Blair county, subject to the rules of the Republican party. llollwood, Slay XMRKCTDROK'rillO hereby an- lonnee niysolt as a candidate for Director ot Poor and House of Kmploymonf, thodocUloii of the republican county convention, and pledge, myself to support tho ticket nominated. J. (JltAWFOUU.

Tyrone Township, May 17, IS'JU. COUNTY I hereby an- lounce myself as a candidate for the olllco ot jounty Commissioner of iilair county, snb- ect to the rules ot the Republican partv. RICH I) MA.TTIlliWS, Franlcstown Township, May 21, 1800, OH, MY! THAT BABY! IT'S SO CROSS II II I .11.. I Thoflnn introduction ot tills moillolnoclutos muk tin fur us 17-5. Slnou which timo It 1ms lono good.

1( baby is uross, won't liTltublo and is subject colic, iuIlaiuuiiiUon, this is tlm best nodlaino coinpoiuulud. For luctlilnfj chil- U'tm it lius novor boon surnu.sswl, FOU BALK UV ALL VWUGG18TS, FOR SALE. The boiler slioj) property on lilair and llald Oagle streets, near paper mill. Xt consists of wo lots, on which are erected two buildings, will be sold dirt cheap and time given jeeause tho owner cannot give it any atten- IOH. This is a rate chance for some enter follow to make some money.

luiro of JAMXCS F. UIDDLK. JE ABE bargains this month in Men's, Boy's and and Children's Clothing and it will pay you to get what you want now, Call and take a look at our fine lor summer wear in Silks, flannels, Ox-fords and Zephyrs iii patterns which for richness of design and color cannot be surpassed, Men's Fine Neckwear. We have just received a new line of imported Lawn Bows and washable Four-in-Hfind's for summer wear, Also, Crops and Foulards which are made up in AVindsors Flowing End and Four-in-Hand. Reliable Clothier and Furnisher, MAIN STREET.

TRY IT! TRY IT! Jomplutc Culinary Ouliils lor Xlotols and Kustaurunts. WILLIAM i'xsEXJLKs, AOKNT JfOH'1-HB VAN WROUQHT STEEt RANGE, Portable or lirick Set, and dealer In AT IS MANT10LS, TlLKllEAKTilS, KTC. 913 Liberty head ol Smlthileld St. Yrlto for prices. PITTS UltGlI, PA.

Gibson Gets, House and Sip Painters, Paper Hangers Logaa SU-oct Tyyouo, Pu. Spanish Cream Soda Water, Most delicious, nutritious healthful and life invigorating drink ever introduced. Sold only from the foinitain at S. Smith's Brug 30 W. JUNIATA STREET.

F. JL. RIPLEY, Watchmaker I A OFTHK STYLES of WATCHES CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ttd Silverware on sale at Hock Bottom Prices. HO In Garnor'e Drug Store. BLAIR COUNTY BANKING COMPANY, Tyrone, Pa.

INDIVIDUAL L1AR1MTT. 'UKRT A. MoCOT Cashier S. C.Stewart, K. C.

llnmos, Blair, A. Q. Cm-tin, Wm. P. Humes, Hurt-Is, Kobni-t A.

McCoy. bunlc is locutucllnStcwartlJullitlng.on Street.and tondors Its services In tho ot a gonortil banking business, i tortist allowed on time deposits. Fyrone Planing Mill S. McCamant Munulactui-ors antl Dealers in ROUGH AND WORKED LUMBER. lisa Contrac'ors and Builders.

Tyrone. Blair Pa. GEORGE KIENZLE. BAKERY, Confectionery Grocery Fresh Bread and Cakes every clay. All kinds of Fancy and Wedding Cakes mado to order on short notice and on reasonable terms.

Bread and cakes delivered free to all parts of the town. AT- Flecks Feed Store IS THIS 1'LACK TO UKT Chop, Screenings, Oats, Corn, Flour, Salt, Pratts Food, Busts Egg Producer, Choice Baled Hay and Straw, Seed Potatoes, Cabbage Plants, Tomato Plants, mmw.j/ Miwiai awwtljp Commission Dealer, No, 20 East Juniata Street, Charles B. Stewart, invites everybody to -call ami; examine liis new SPRIG GOODS. flUfft AttLti, OK Aft IS SUt 12, JJASfwARB. tiututrigclon Atlantic Seashore DayKxpross.ii,.! Mall Mall Phila, Express 1M 1,49 I2.i(i 2,85 0:62 0:83 Mall Train A.M.

7.00 i.oi 3.03 7.IO 8.23 Tyrone nnd OUntflclrt Itrnnoh, A. tt. Loaves Tyrone 0.21 PhlllpSb'K O.iO io.84 8.W Ar. Cunvinsvlllo. 10.5ft BX JL nit LonvcsTyrono 8.1ft Bxtnuss.

r. M. Loavo Tyrono 7.2fi Osccola 8,2. i 1'hilipsbt'rg 8.42 0.80 Ar.Cunvlnsvillo. 0.50 MAIL.

p.M, Lev. Cimvlnavillo 1.00 .1,17 0.07 Oseoift Arrive at 0.17 DAYKX. Arrives .11.48 ICXVKHSS. A. I( liOV.

Curwlnsvlllo 4.BO Cloarftold 5.04 s.41 Uscoola Arrlvo at 0:60 Ititld £ng1o Vulloy lirntioh. A.M.I,. Leave Tyrouo H.10 Jjoavo L. Julian 8.0S) Howard Milosburg, 9.22 0.32 Howard 10.11! Julian Arr, Ii. Haven KXl'HKSS.

Leaves Tyrone. MXPRKSS. Loavo Tyrone Julian Howard il.oo I'. M. r.

7.1B a.lB 8.3!) 8.4!) B.2 Arr. Ha von 10.10 P.M. i 4.20 4.40 B.10 5.20 5.60 0.40 A.M. A.M. 4.40 i(( fi.US Julian fi.or) O.CO Arr.

Tyrono HAY KxrUKSS. Arr. Tyrone BXl'RKaS. Loavo L. Howard Arr.

Tyrone tewlsburg and Tyrono Itritnuh. WB8TWAUU. SCOtllL Pali-brook Ponn'a. Hostler o.2l 10.28 jo.Ki 10.62 10,53 11,02 11.10 LOVOVIIIO Furnace tload Dung rvln WarrlorHinurk Punniugton Stover, 11.32 Tyrone 11,10 KA8TWAIID. "A.M.

Loavo Tyrone 7.50 Stover 7.58 Ponnington s.10 Warrloi-smark Dungarvin S.77 Funmeo 8.81 Lpvovlllo 8.37 Murcngo Hostler 8.r>o I'onn 'a. Furn'ico fill Arrive Scotia 0.21 P. 5.35 5.55 (1.07 0.14 0.20 0.27 (UH 0.48 0.58 7.10 P. M. 8.20 8.21 3.40 H.4S 3.50 a.

fin 4.05 4.11 4.US 4.37 4.57 RELIABL ttfiss w.o. OTL (N, JB. Conaoi-vnlofy, Plftno, Organ, Kwiltlonco: Wnalvlngton GKllTtAllT, M. ItOMOlorATIHO riJIVStOlAN AND SU 110 ROM, Office nnd Uealdnneo, 127 Logan Street, TT B. P1PKK, M.

Oftlot AND RRSIDXNOM, 211 and 213 Street, Tyrone, R. PHYSICIAN ANDSUItGKOK, AfrD ON W.A»ntjtoTotr connection, tt.J. M. sMTFfTl PHYSICIAN AND SUttGMON, I Nos. 27 and Street, Tyrone, 1'a.

OWAN M. I'HYSICIAN AND SUltOBON Kesldonco and Office, 113 Logan Street, Tyronn, t'a. M. KVVINU, M. I'HVdlOlAN AND SUHOKON.

JWroilIco in Odd Fellows' Ihiildlng, Main Street, 'I'yrone, 1'a. O. M. HAMILTON. Conrad's Opera House IJulldlng, 2d floor.

17 Ijlucolu Avenue. ti. w. H. FL Oillco over Hlllor's Saddlery.

Kcsldendf i Hence 114 Rldgo street, TYUONK, PA. tl I T. 4U Main Street. ftV-l'rorapl Attention and good work guw- in teed. T.

8 1). P.S. Oriulnul.o of (hilvorslty of J'onna. IN KST KY, ,1 Latest styles in Fancy Vestings Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices reasonable.


P. WALTON, Wo. 21S Main TYRONE BAHK KSTAULIS1IKD IN 1871. Next Uoor to I'ost-ofllco, Flynn IJIock, Main Street, TYRONE, PA. Stockholders Individually Liable.

STOCKHOLDERS: A HOOVER, COL EBI CGUYER PPLYNN, Allot Tyrone. A general Hanking businosHtransactod Interest all owed on time deposits, GUYER. Cashier Office over Mumlngcr's Clothing Tyrone, Pa. H. It.

11. WIIARTON. DENTIST. ROOMS IN BKYKH KLOCIC, Corner Logan and Dallas Slreots, next door to Citv Drug rttoro. L.

HICKS. C. 1IICK.S A T'l'( RN Ii VH- AT- LAW No. 16 Main Street. Tyrone.

Collections a Alonoy to loan on good real cstalo security. A. 8TBVKN8. O. T.LOVO OWJSWI.

STEVEN'S A OWENS. A.TTO NK YS- A T-L A MAln nijnr Juniata ISrtdgo, PA. Cor. Juniata and Blair Sis, Tyrone, Pa. For all kinds of Meat WALLACE BROS.

ME AT Cor, Main and Clearlield streets. -A- WONDERFUL INVENTION, It is no longui- "Can Cutarrli bo Wo unliusittvliiiKly unswot- It can. Our conddimuc in Bull's Catarrh Remedy tt, PLUMBER, GAS AND STEAM FITTER. Lend, Iron and Terra Cotta Pipe. A large line of Lamps always on hand.

Odd Fellows' Building. Main St, llOItOUGH IHIIKOTORV. U. Tenipleton. Assistant K.

Taylor, C. Davison, John Oakwood, John Smith, William L. Study, William W. Cams, JaniOH Wiglmnmn, Kdward IT. Levy, James A.

Crawford. Secretary of C. Smith. School A. Smith.

President; AV. T. Caiuui, Secretary T. T. Shirk, J.

1C. Tompleton, A. Stevens, J. A. Hlltner.

Superintendent of Public V. Plnkertoii. llorongh J. Gates. Templelon, Henry.

Chief of Police-William M. Snyder. Street R. MoClintiok. Chief of t'Mro W.

Saussor, L. ItENUY. ENGINEEU AND SUUVKYOtt Odice, second floor Herald HuIUIlng, Tyrono, 1'a. F. TAYLOR, GUNKUAL J.NSUIIA.NCK AGENT None but good -lompantes reprcsontod.

L11T.E AND ACClDEN.T-«» IHISINKSS. C. DAV1SON, AnonrritoT AStn HUILDINS CONTRACTOH. floor UBUALD building, Ty- rono, Pa. 6I.

ITANSCOSr, BBALKH l.v Guns, Revolvers, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Nets, Huso Hall Goods, Musical InstrnmentH, Novelties, etc. Now work uifl Kopairlng. Main and Allegheny Sl.n. IRST CLAHS 1'KINTING AT THK Tyrone llorakl oillcu.alvvay H. B.

CALDERWOOD, Insurance! Real Estate, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Office U. near Juniata Bridge. tliut wu iiru willing toffivo written (juiinuUco. NO CUHK, PAY.

Can iv lairor bu initdo. Durlut; tliujixist two woulcs wo havo sold ovoi- 200 doKun bot- tlusund vuoolvuil over 10!) unsolicited tusti- inoniivlstroiu utraugurs, who wrltu ua they liuvubuuu cured und ui'o satislleil Jit isj.tho Liuat remedy ever iatroducoa lor J. Catarrh, i'lio price 50 Cents a Bottle, or $5.00 a dozen, brings it within tho reach ol tho poorest. Why then triilo with this sonic disease when you hare a remedy so tear und cheap. It is a sure euro tor lU-ou- chitis und all Throat Complaints.

OWENS, Manufacturers. TYKONE, PA Hot weather is here in earnest, in the shade, Ice Cream is going up, advance in tho price of Socift and Milk Shake at Garner Drugstore. Delicious aua cool. Best iu town, Try it, imiKUTOHY TvnoNie IjonuK, No.40-1, A. tfaHonle Hall, third Monday ot every monto, at 7 in, TTKONK IjonaB, No.

162, 1. O. O. evory Wednesday evening, In OiUl Fellowb 1 UaU, Main Htreet, at o'clock, TVIIONU ICNOAMl'MKNT NO. 271), X.

O. Ot' meets the first and third Monday of each month in Odd fellows' Hall, Malii'Streot, No. Jit, A. Upotlngs held every Thursday evening, at 7 o'clock. In lllller lluildlng, Main street, COL.

1). M. NVOMAN's U. No, Meetings held In Uraml Army Hall, Urst third Tuesdays of each month. TVBOWBCOMOLAVB, No.

XM, Moots at 8 o'clock in. of the rut ami third Tliuvsday of every month. TvnosB CASTI-M, No. 70, K. ov U.

Mootslu Odd Fellows' Hall, Friday night of each week, o'clock. SINKING SI-UINO IJODOB, No. '27, ot Weota In J. A. Uillor's Hall Tuesday night ol eacli week, ut7X o'clock, SlNttiNO Si'lUNO I.OUOK, No X74, X.

O. U. Moots every Monday evening In Good Temp Iftr's Hull, unlata street, at o'clock. (J, A. U.

X'os-r, No second fuos- iltty and lourth Saturday of each month, ut 7 O'clock. Washington Camp, No. O. 8. ot Meets every Monday nlglit in lliller XUilld- ing, Main street.

VKTiaiAN LBUION, iirst and thlnl Thursday of each rnonlli In Grand Army hall. VIOLA DisaitBB No. 213, UAUOII- '1'BHS ov in Odd Fellows' Hall on the Urst and third Sutniiluy evenings of each month, at eight o'clock. TYUONB COUNCIL, No. a 13, X(OYAL Meets in Oclil Fellows' Hall on thesccondand lourtli Mondays ol each month at 8:30 p.

in. KyvTUNB COMI-ANV, No. held on the Urst Friday ol 7W o'clock 17.U1., in their new building cor. llluiraml uorala Streets. llOOIi ANW IvADPKlt COMl'AMV, NO.

ot ouch loouth, at 7 p. lu U-ueki'ooui, Plftlr streets. iuga hold, ou Hit- secou4 Moiiduy Qt eaol) ifOJitu tit la, i'ubllo G. C. WAITE General Insurance Agent ll'AUMKU ULOCK, ItOOM 4, MAlNiBTKMKT.TYROMB, FA.

TVltO.XK I'OSTOKKKJK AHH1VAL AND 1)151' AllTUIlK JfAlLB, Main Lino P. H. U. Western 15x, going I'aoilioKx. Way ViWH.

Mail Fast IJne Allanlle Kx. going cast Day Express Mill I I'ixiinms I'hiladcl. Kx. ICaslorn Kx. Iiv.

P.O. 8.0(1 p.Ill I), 10. K. Mall, for all points. Cloarlleld Oay Kxpress for llollelonte lO.v'press, for Hellefonte A If.

K. V. K. Day Kx. from H'fonte It.

only- Mall, from all points T. and C. It Mall, I'orall points Day Kx. for IMillln and T. and U.

K. KxprcsH, trom (Jiirwensvllle, Clear- Held and I'hllipsljurg Day HxproHs, from X'hillpsUurgaml all points sou til Mail, from all points and T. It. Mixed, for Warrlorsmark, I'oium, Furnuei) and Ueuoro Mixed, for all points H. Mixed, from lienoro, I'onna.

X' 1 iir- nacti and Wurrlorsmark Mixed, from all points Sinking Sat. Shnlti! Line.from Cnlp andS. Vallov Sluicing Val Sat, JjJno, forS, Valley aud a. in. Ar.

P.O. (1.45 a.m 7.lfi 1.15 U.20 7.W) a.m 7.00 X'. 7.43 2,4 Sp, in 7,00 Av. 12.00 in. 0.60 in r-v.

7.46 a.m 2.46 Ar. 7.1S 12.00 m. 0,26 p.m 7.40 a.m 2.45 p.m Ar. iu oo m. 7.30 p.m Ar, IVO, 2.30 p.m 3.30 p.m UN CALL ft! 13 FOlt Lottot-d remaining In olllco two weeks wttoi being advertised are sent to dead letter olllce.

X.etter.1 uncalled for Saturday, Juno 7, IS'JO: Howard lloyd, Todd, Miss Sarah Ivnstenborder, L. L. WilliauiB, Klijah Sharp, Miss Sophia Speglcmyor, Adam Stay rook, XU-lnton Hammond, Miss Klla Spavks. Letters uncalled lor Saturday, Juno 14, 1890: Georgo Woguu, George W. Misa UerUuv Pougluss, li-u.

PoWHt, Payia Miss CJui-ii H. JHuyle, J. B. Campbell, John JS. Wutts, Scol)ltt, Mrs.


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