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Tyrone Daily Herald from Tyrone, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Tyrone, Pennsylvania
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Daily Herald, Wf Jtma 18, 0, Ittb, Of OsceolH, Wits in tbls Attention ts ditMited to tbe new ad- Atlee. last ftttiobg friends in this place, Newt. Westbrook, of Altona, was with of his Tyrone friends last r- The nnwiclul statement of Nte Tyrone school board Is found in today's issue. Censtia enumerator, I). 11.

Miller, has hid no trouble to receive answers to the tynesticma asked, flawy 0, Albright, of Houtadate, yesterday with relatives and frlencjs in Tyrone, Miss Mollie Test, 'of Philipsburg, greeted aome Tyrone people while on fier way to Beilefonte yesterday. It. 0. Sprankle, Harry Neff and Wil- tiam McCormick of Tyrone are in town OD PhUipsburR Journal. Mary Gray, of Pbilipsburtf, is Spending a few weeks with her uncle D.

8. Burket on Allegheny street. 0. Blair left this morning for Littlestown, Adams Co Pa. to join his family who are visiting at that place.

The Young Women's Christian Tem- peranceUnion will meet at 7.45 this eventiig in their rooms on Juniata street. The proceeds realized by the Presbyterian Ladies Aid Society festival last evening, amount to about seventy- two dollars. Edith Edwards, one of the class of-'OO of Mountain Seminary, is visiting her friend Miss Mattie LaPorte before returning to her home at Ferndale, Pa. The Catholic sodality and the San Jose Juvenile band, of Houtzdale, picnicked at Tyrone yesterday. They a portion of oh tfae grounds back of the Catholic chapel.

'Last evening Nellie, the daughter of Hk C. Bern, the senior proprietor of the Altobna Tribune, was married to Hi L. tielo, of that city. We hope the newly wedded couple will be blessed with happiness all through life. Miss Sue Jauss, of Mountain Seminary, after spending a couple days with her friend, Miss Mame McCamant, on Washington avenue, left this morning.

Tia Williamsport and Lewisburg, for her home in Harrisburg. you want a good supper for twenty- five cents go to the Odd Fellows Hall this evening at 5 o'clock. All the delicacies of the season will be served at the festival following the supper including the Celebrated Westbrook ice cream. Tickets for the elocutionary entertain ment by Mrs. Vandegrift and pupils of Tyrone and Altoona, in the M.

E. church this evening, can be bought for twenty-five cents. The proceeds are tor the benefit of the Epworth League connected with that church. To any Tyrone people who might be interested as to how high we are above am level it may be interesting to know that the bench mark on top course of foundation masonry of Tyrone passenger station, in front of signal tower, is 910.74 feet above mean tide at Sandy Hook. Edmund Waring, of New York city, who is now at the advanced age of ninety years, is visiting his nephew Bobert Waring.

He is also the uncle William Waring. Although he is nearing a century in age, he in as active and lively as most men are at sixty years. Theflratnninber of tho second volume of "The Circuit llider" edited and published by Bev. William Rrlll in the interest of the Birmingham charge of the E. church, was issued today, It is greatly -improved in appearance by a handsome new dress.

The heading and body type are brand new, and the paper has been enlarged by a considerable widening of the columns, "The Circuit Ilidev" is not only neat typographically, but it is admirably edited, Wo con- grrttulate Hey; Mr, Brill on the success of his newspaporial venture, The Social Cornet Band Concert, which is to be given in Conrad's opera Jioqse, on pveulng of this week will be very entertaining, One of tho ppecjal featuves will be a piauo quartette, nevev bftfore- lioanl in this will be performed by four 0f our town. Since the year the have to Keep together the o'rgnn- wUioli they take so jnuch iiud they deserve luivinff jiiifuH on this occasion. The pianos to lip used will be fiu'uished by A- Jones. Yestei'daY Andrew J), who lived from Spruce Creek, droyq 'Ws tev to the railroad, statiojj' ijrt tbtit place, it 'being the intention of the lucly g4 (9 Altooug. reached oue Of Humid Ine foiiowitiflf tdD, Shelly Klos! and femily) who will soon WkeUpthelf nt fesldencf In this plufce -It with Mill that we that our friend, Shelly Klofti, Wit) Shortly leave our town to tfccorteaelilttn Of Tftorti, been Wndcred the potltidn dt cnihlcf 6t the new First National Bank there, which he has concluded to accept.

During his residence here, coming a period of about 'three years, Mr. Kloss lias' been one of our most enterprising and spected citizens, whose Mepafthre Will be a positive loss to this entire munlty, As a business man he sesses the entire confidence of the public, and while others may and possibly willflll his place here, few' there are who can fill it so acceptably iri ail respects as he has done. He is entitled to no little credit for tht exceptional success which has so far crowned the First Na- tlonal Bank enterprise, and for a great measure of the popular favor in which it is held. He has been instant In and out of season in looking- after its interests, and at the same adapting it to the wants and convenience of the public, and its patrons and officers will seriously miss his genial presence in the directors' room and at the cashier's desk. But while they, as.

well as the public at large, sincerely regret his departure from the scenes in which he ought and it was generally thought he would be a fixture, all rejoice at the appreciation of his character and abilities, and the advancement of his fortunes, typified in his selection, and he will leave with the best wishes of all for the success of himself and the new enterprise, of which he will be the official head. We commend him and his interesting family to the kind consideration of the people of Tyrone, with the hint that if they fail to treat them as they ought, our latch strings are always out and a welcome awaiting their return." for 18IH). The assessments for the various wards of 'Tyrone borough for this year make the following exhibit First Xuinbcr of tumbles 1MJ9 Value umber of horses, ill! 2,410 cows, 28 700 oogs, as In ill estate exempt 1,200 Occupations Mouey taxable Second Number of tuxublea 308 Value. Number' of horses 81 OOW842 1,020 Livery carriages; SO Koiil estate taxable Itcul estate exempt Occupations 'Money taxable. 33,000 Third Ward- Number ot luxablos Number of Horses cows 23 dogs yj Koiil estate 3.W20 Real estate exempt 24,800 Money taxable Fourth Ward- Number of taxables 283.

Value. A urn bur of horses 24 1,810 cows 31, 775 dogs Sit Real estate taxable Keal estate exempt 27,500 Occupations Money at interest 23,082 Number of taxaUles 1,235 Value. Number of horses 150 Number ot cows 144. 11,0110 Number ot (logs Livery carriages, etc 1,150 Keal estate taxable 1,387,005 Keal estate oxoiupt OooupatlonH 147,070 Mouey tax ble Value. 505 Gnuul deoiy ifeicljeu 1 with disease and diedaimost instantly.

He liis tlwtli flfty-eigUt years old, 'His wife, threp sons aud one (laughter, aurylva Wrii, The unei'ftl" will at three IMMKNIX VAHK MissMertle Wilson, of Tyrone, was the guest of Miss Sadie Buffington iu the Park, yesterday. U. Pruoe. Petriken, of placed his hand in ours as he passed through the Park. Mrs.

J. II. llollman is visiting her son William in Jersey Shore. P. Walsh is putting on the finishing touches and Rotting the tracks in good shape at Vail, Joi'C McDonald, Philipsburg, was a visitor at our ofl'ice yesterday.

William rower is able to bo'around again. Ulair lloiloy and Kd. Gnyer wore visitors at sanctum yesterday. By the way, the picnickers got a first class ducking yesUrday in during the storm. Tito singing class at Olivia is progressing, I01.J) COAI.

SUUumontot coal uuUotluu- tvuiglils over Tyrone Division I'oniisylvuula Uullroiul for 11)0 wouk eiuliiiK' Juno 7, and thuo laat yeixv. TONS For tho weolc 7o.7#j Siimii tinio last year I Previously during yoar tlohitl) Sunday school tstiftveufclon, gutted SWtes BrtUsh American heW in the difcy Plttiburn, (Jey, Thnrwlrty Mrt June 24, 2t, conVferttloh will be held in Meclmnlcrtl hall building, on t)iN between tint And Fourth Toesday at 0 nfid cloaina With Fridtiy even- ff. Three wsalong will hold daily. state, territory provtdce, hiding ah Interdenominational Sunday aphool entitled to representation in the convention.

must be elected by the several conventions, or rtppointed by the executive cotnmittees of such conventions, or state associations. Each delegate must be furnished with a certificate signed by the proper officers of the state, territorial or provincial organization, and for uniformity these certificates in blanks will be furnished to.states, territories or provinces, bj tho international executive committee. All duly accredited delesates will be entitled to hospitality, and fchese only will have the right to vote in the convention. It is earnestly desired that these delegates be carefully selected from amonor the best workers in the various organizations, as matters of the greatest interests to all friends of Sunday schools will be considered by the convention among others, the following: The improvement of the work done under the direction of the international Sunday school executive committee; the question of a uniform course of normal lessons; the election of a new lesson committee; the report of the delegates to the World's Sunday school convention in London in 1889 the plan for co-operation in Sunday school work throughout the world; the World's Sunday-school convention to be held in the United States in 1892 or 1893. It is expected that all railroad and steamboat lines will return at one-third fare, or in some cases possibly at less rate, those delegates who pay full fare in going to the convention.

The reduction can only be obtained on the "certi ticate plan." That is parties desiring the reduced fare must take a receipt at the railroad' office where tho ticket is purchased (when starting for the convention) and on presentation of this receipt or certificate they will be entitled to purchase return ticket at reduced rate. Full particulars may be obtained from Mr. AV. X. Hartshorn, chairman of the committee on transportation, 50 Bloomiield street, Boston, Mass.

Pennsylvania's quota of delegates is one hundred and twenty, of which about sixty will be appointed by the various county associations and the remainder by the State Executive Committee. It is expected that every county will be represented, and that our quota will be filled. Credentials will be issued by the chairman of the State Executive Committee. Arrangements are being made for a "Pennsylvania Headquarters" and badges will be forwarded for all. The railroads east of Pittsburg will charge one and one-third fare for the round trip, and those west one full fare, on the certificate plan.

It is observed that it would be an awful strain on a man to be polite through all the worriments of business if he were not consoled by the prospect of getting even after going home. Just as sure as hot weather comes there will be more or less bowel complaint in this vicinity. Every person, and especially families, ought to have some, reliable medicine at hand for instant use in case it is needed. A 25 or 50 cenf bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Keiuedy is just what you ought to have and all that yon would need, even for the moat severe and dangerous caao it is tho best, the most reliable and most successful treatment known and is pleasant lo take. For sale by Novvlin liros.

With each glass of soda or milk shake yon receive threw chances to win a at Berlin's Old Drug 1 Do you want Good Breid? then uso some of Mio tollowrng brands of tOlrB.wblch wo keep constantly In stock, vie The cotobrntert NtfEttAitA, Spring Wheat PftWmt, Atfutttfti, Winter A MILLAR'S, A. cSAWfOttlVS, ISRffS AtfUBIt, MT, MOCK, For In Vfttlils Wo lutvo ino BNf Ittfc Wit 13 KLOUtt and genuine BtWtt CIUAH.VM LOtftt, tresli ground. Woiilsoliavo FKEDol' all kinds, sncli us CORN, ClfOt' tor olttMir hovsos or cows, SOUKKNtNGS, IJItAN atul MID- DUNGS. Vou know Unit wo koop a full lino of Choice Groceries. IMcaso glvo a call.

W. E. Miller Co. Cor. Spring and Juiilata Streets, TYRONE, PA.

Uuorcusu Suuio time last year flaTA well known pn.v;ii'l;u, in York advisns all his pnHciits Unit snf. ifer with coughs'and coMa to w-o Puritan Cough and Oonsuinittioii Cure conts. Trial lionlcs free W. II, Ilohnos, lion, Li'ioaa, Kx-State Auditor i ol Iowa, savs: "I used ChauiluMv lain'a Ji'erowly in niy family and have no hesitation in saying it is an ox, Qollont remedy. holitivo all that is claimed for ir.

Pin-sons afilictfid by a or cohl will find it a friend. "Thero is no danKi'V from whoojiing cough when this remedy is I'roely given, 50 cent bottles for sale by Nowlin Bros. ASSIGN entire stock )f tho Union Cooperative Storo Com. limited, consisting of groceries, 1 neonswaro, dry goody, notions, boots, ihoes, ami rubber goods, will bo sold at must bo dosnrt out in a few M. Smith, iM'isi iti -nil OTJIVK Lumber (lfi It is altogether probable that the price of fire-works will bo higher this year than last, on account of thesupplv not being ecjual to the demanii.

Mr. J.C. UoeUeuben-y, who has been spending somo his homo Ifoward, is iu Tyrone oda or tho t-i- Ktftainmwtt in ing. tite amj all evils I'l-om a lered liver uso Dr. l.po's HKKUIU tor, Trial bottloa 1'ree at

llolmea. Try a guesri ut our pnpuJution, Bar- liu'a Old Drug jI5ti The following item, clipped liotn tho Ft. Miidison, (j.ovvu,) Democrat, contains inl'ormutioti woll worth roinKn- boduK'. "'Mr. John Koth of this city, who nswfc with an accident low duys ago und Uruisins his leg tiuito Bt-wn ly, was cured by ono con i of Oh'imberlain's With non-shrinkable neckbands, Splendid Summer Neckwear for Gents Childre New shapes in Stiff and Straw Hate.

The new Arlington Collar, Sweet, Orr Pants and Overalls. Chita at 4 kgaii, Full and running over with bargains at MEM INGERS, 10 JUNIATA STREET. ill Oiu 1 immense stock of new goods. Our great sales oftjio last four weeks compelled ond trip to tho city where wo have.bought the largest line ol' goods of every description ever shown in Tyrone. It is now open for inspection and would be pleased to show you anything we have whether you wish to purchase or not.

Our Millinery Department Is full to overflowing with the very newest things in the market. Bonnets and Hats of every description; an immense line of School Hats we are selling as low as 15 cents. A big lot of New Flowers and Feathers. Our line of Kid, Silk and Lisle Thread Gloves and Mitts is the most complete we have ever shown. Also, in Jewelry and Ornaments we have some very handsome things which cannot fail to interest yon.

We are con- stautly receiving new Spring "Wraps and Capes. Our line of Lace Capes, Coachman's Capes and Bead "Wraps cannot fail to please you. All the latest novelties of every description. All tho popular makes in Corsets such as Dr. Warner's, Tricora, Gage Down, and Cora-line.

A complete line of Bibbons in all shades, widths and styles We just received a handsome line of Lace Bead Sets, which please you, and at a very low Blouse Waists, Skirts and feun Ben nets. Also, a nice line of Kilt Skirts and Dresses for children will interest you. In Shoes We are'showing as complete a line as any regular shoe store. Wo keep no goods that we cannot recommend and can suit you in any style shoe you may want and at a reasonable price. In the Dry Goods Department We are showing the nobbiest and best line of Dress Goods we have shown for years in Blacks.

A full line of Brilliantines, Mohair, Serges, Henri- ettas, starting at 90c. and $1.00 per yard. A complete line of Dress Ginghams, Sattines, Suit- ings, Mousseline, DeLaine, Prints, etc. Our line of Table Linens, Napkins, Crush Muslin, Sheeting, Pillow Caseing, Ticking, Shorting, will interest you. In Notions We have almost anything you can ask for.

In Hosiery we have a complete line which we can sell you at 25 per cent, less than ever before. A complete line of Muslin Underwear. Carpet Department. We have received 45 new patterns in Brussels Carpet this week. We have the newest and most unique de signs and colorings in Moquettes, Wilton, Body Brussels and.Tapestries we have over shown.

Also, a dandy line of extra Super Cotton Chain, Union Super Cotton, Bag and Hemp Carpets on which yon can save money by seeing them before buying. We have just opened a big lot of Smyrna Bugs in all sizes. Cocoa Mats, etc. Lace Curtains Jj Portieres. Our line of Portieres is being constantly rcpleted with the very newest things in tho market, we have just received a handsome line of Irish Point Curtains at marvelous low prices.

Our line of Nottingham Curtains is most complete and cannot fail to interest you. We also have a full line of Curtain Poles, Chains and Pins, Stair Bods and Buttons, Stair Pads, Carpet Lining, Feathers, Pillows and Bolsters, in fact most anything you would care for. CHOICE SIJITINUS, PANTALOONS, FANCY 'YKSTINGS. No, 7 STIUSJST. STEWARTS XEVV STOCK OF WATCHSS, AND -Mu siwal Ena I HMJ3 lie wili- leave JAKE-COHN THE LEADER Clothing, Hats, Caps and Wants you all to know that his stock now with! everything and anything you wish in the line of Hats, Caps and Have you seen OUT fit ore U'not, don't forget to call.

We show you just JIB much courtesy as if you were a buyer. we are located ip the QLB Streets- Y5; i.

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