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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 4

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AND CTTROXTCLF TUiiwDAY. NOVEMBER. 20, 1900 HELP WANTEDMALE. Adt. iioder this hend 1 rem a word each tlms.

No adverilmuu le-is tiisn 15 cents. HELP WANTED MALE. Ids. inner this baad 1 cent a word each tlms. No advertisement less tbaa 15 cents.

HELP WANTED FEMALE. Ads. noder this hes 1 1 cent a word esr time No leas than IS ceuts. LOST. Ids.

under til head 1 cent a word enrh I'tna. No advertisement less Ulan JS ceote. PERSONAL. kit nnd'r this head 1 cent a word eich tlu-e. No advertisement less ttiau i cents.

1AKHET8 cleaned. Liter, Uoine 'phoue WO. CASE PLEADED NOT GUILTY HELP WANTED FEMALE. hit tinder this bead 1 cent a word each time. N'u less than 15 rents.

yyANTED A cook. 4M Soutu-ava. YY'aN i'EU'Nuou "sfaTtres-T" Staff-tT" NV Two noon waltie3S.s, luy State strtet. UrAN'TED Cook; good wages. Wheeler ilouo, 34 West-uve.

'ANTED Good woman for lauudry work. 121-123 State-st. 7 ANTED Girl for general housework, in-I quire uiorulugs, 27 liuueock-at. 321 li'ANTED Experienced walires ManliaE I tan ltestauraut, I'M Main-st. easl.

'ANTED Girl for general housework, small family. 27 Blrcb crescent. Dining room girl, chauilieruiuid or lauudry woman. National Hotel. -t tlrst-class second operator on IV couts.

70 second flight "P- U'ANTED i tints work ut homo or day work. 220 (Junta avenue. (Jlrla to woriftn seetisc IV steady employoient. Apply 603 Monroe aytuue. VA.N"fD OlrfTor general" nousework; one I I who is a' good plain cook.

Inquire 30- Wost-ave. WANTED Woman, short order ci'mk, kitchen wouiau, $7 week. Gray 2.U Andrews. VTA N'TKD Machine operators ou pants, of) Whitney J. C.

haitniaii. Homo 'phone 725 ITsster wotn it iT "to-1 1 1 1 1 1 II washing botue; lutist furulsb references. Pnrk-a vC; U7ANTED Experienced hand and machine folilers. Apply Wright, Peters No. 207 WANTED-GIri tend store.

Apply be-l tween 7:30 and 8 A. or 5 and 6 P. So Monroe-ave. iVAN TF.D Canadian, girl, beioTroferences, II would like a position nt second work lu a smull private family. V-ll), tills olllce.

'ANTED A first-class girl-for-'genernl work; no washing. Ironing or cooking; good wages, call WestmlnsVr yANTED Rrlght actlve" girls" "between 14 IV and IS for messenger work. Vacuum Oil Company. twelfth floor. Granite building.

VVAXTED Girls to par candy, also ex" IV pcrleuced chocolate dippers and girla te leurn. Kochester Marshmallow WANTED A good girl for general housework, four In family, no laundry work, good wages. Inquire 23 Birr, or Home 'phone 2215. WANTED ennil waees st start onnortnnlty to advance rapidly on niece work. Apply Eastmau Kodak Kodak Park.

SITUATIONS FEMALE. NV 'ANTED Washing and Ironing to take home, 27, this office. NN 'ANTED Position by flrst-chiss cook; besi reference. V-24, this omce. ANTED By woman, omce to clean 1 1 washing three or four duya week.

'Phono 10322 Home. 222 y' ANTED First-class, all-around colored I cook, 8, best reference. Address Cook, Favor-st. ll'AN'TED Situation by young girl to wait I on table for 0 o'clock dsuuers. lis South Union.

WANTED By experienced dressmaker, en-VV gugements by week; ail styles. la N'crtb I'nlon. WANTED An engagement at dressmaking VV for a few days. Call tills morning ou Ilome 'phnniMltXbi 222 WANTED--Kv fli'st-class woman, washing VV and Irouink by day work. 520 Hudson avenue.

John Slowik. 222 WANTKlT Hy young lady employed, any VI kind of ollice work to do evenings; good writer. It 17. this ofllce. 523 U'ANTED Young woman would like laundry work for first of the week; reference.

V-25, this ollice. 1'ANTED- Ftunlly "washings to So at VV home. Door 2. Jersey Fiats, on Kusseit stieet, off University ave WANTED Gentleman's washing and nieiia. VV ing neatly done; will call tor and deliver.

Address It 42, this office 'ATED nations housework by two VV neat colored girls. 1117 Monroe Sturge's Employment Exchange. WANTED by experienced gin, VV general housework or cook, lu suia.l lly uo lauud ry Ca 1 1 0 Murshail-st. VAXTKD Sftmitlon by capable, reliable VV woiunn as saleslady In confectionery, stationery or notion store. F-13, tlilsottice.

'ANTEIi Situation In country, good VV housekeeper, also man and wife, 20 month; good milkers. Gray's, 231 Andrews. ANTED A coiiipeleut dressmaker will VV make a few more by tun day or to work at home. 'Phoue 451-L Chase- WANTED Situation by experienced VV French dressmaker, nrst-class fitter; few more costuniers by the day or bom-. V-22, this olllce.

U'ANTED Situations by good cooks, hotel and family, liotisewurkers, c'ianilier-tnabls, kitchen girls', dishwashers. Sturm's Great Employment Exchange, 1U7 Monroe. Both 'phones, WANTED Situations, geiierai work lu VV plain giiuiiilcs. near together. I to for two neat Canadian girls, nrrlviug to-day from Torouio; other excellent help today.

Mrs. Wilson's Bureau, 213 Culler building, (ittlco hours to-day, It to 12 and 1:3" to 'ANTED Sit untlotis" bver.pcrlciieed Ger-VV man lrl. llitht second work. Ger-inii upstairs, parlor maids, Kt.fsi; Geriunu liilnnt and biMilid iiiu'ts. biuhly recommended: young German chef, wife assistant butler, wife cook, city reference; excellent Piivnte cook.

others', 1 to 'l; any kind of help. Kolin's Agency. 21H Clinton ave. sooth. Established sixteen yeurs.

'Phone lin. ROOMS WANTED. WWTED Two ladles wish adjoining VV i-ooiils, chaugiiblti to sitting rooms, with privileges. V-iK. thls ottlee.

I 'Y XT lib Furnished warm loom uowu-W'lown, with hot and cold water; music would be objceilonatile. V-ii. tiils otlice. liidv. one Inrae room, fm-VI nished, for light housekeeping, with couch or folding bed; must be Side; price not to exceed 2.511.

Addies V-57, this ofllce. BOARD WANTED. A 'ANTED BV a young man student, room II and 'board for work aruuml a bunie. Y-1S, this ollb-e. NN 'ANTED H.v young loiiple, room nnd board In reiined tuniity, location vicinity Kasl-ave.

Address V-10, tins oltlce. WANTED -By young lady, nicely furnislied It "room conveniences; please elate price; would like breakfast and supper. this otlice. BOARDERS WANTED. NY 'AX TED Table boarders.

37 Birch cres cent. FLATS WANTED. WANTED- Suite 3 or 4 rooms, VV light housekeeping, young couple. Bell 'phone' JS2S-J. WANTED- A "four tint, or purl of double house, within 15 minutes' walk of Four Corners; must be heated; references furnislied.

Address lis, this otlice. STORES WANTED. WANTED -Store on Main-st. west; lease VV mm two to five years. Address G-22, this olllce.

'-2 4 WANTED To rent, store on VV north side preferred; must be between State and Cllutou-eta. Address 23, this otlice. REAL ESTATE WANTED. U'ANTED 1 will buy your property for cash If prices are reasonable. Benjamin Meyer, till) German Insurance building.

Vl'ANTED-Rochester and Brighton real IV estate for prompt purchasers. 1.1st your property with us on either of our svl.lng. plans: The "regular agency way" or the "Garfield push agreement way. C. t.

Ileal Eslutu Company, 1 Exchange-st. 2-4-tt ON'T go chuslng after It. exit in i want id ana it win come to you. yANTED A porter. 4k Suuth-ava.

yyANT'liD TuauistarT" Apply 42oat-rT NY NY NV NY 'ANTED Hoy for flout hull. City uuai. ANTED- -Eiperlenced solderers. 24 Jay street. ANTED txperlcaced Jay-st.

press bauds. 'ANTED Driver. Johnson's market, 31o Jeffcrsoti-ave, NY 'ANTED Errand boy. Kridges Mfg. Atiantie-aie.

NV TASTED Experienced dlo makers. SN'lu, -8 State-st. 7'J1 vv "ANTED Scuta presacr on pauts, at li ivurus at. NV Presser ou men's suits. Stauh, 11 South-nve.

NV NV ANTEI A young muu fur hat depart- meut, at Garson's. 'ANTED Six teamsters for city Job. Gray Andrcwe-st NN ANTED Two" upholsterers. Mlcbeleun, 7 Aiiuertiict-st. ItlUUl iV I'AN TEDlloy to drive for doctor.

iiiir- gess Livery, 11 Aidmorc. 7 A N'TKD Klne" vest, inn Iters, aloctoTn vest makers, ti St. 1'aul St. IVAN 1ED-- Small noy lo help In grocery store. No.

341 pu'k. NN 'ANT ED Patent leather rcmircrs. E. P. Heed ft North Guodiniiu-s'.

424 NV 'ANTED- Hoy In i'nsnivtlon rooiii. E. P. Keed N'ottu Goodiuan-sr. 'Sii NY 'ANTED Two tinsmiths ami helpers.

173 Miuiii avc, young Hnrrlngtoti. ANTED Cylinder "press feeder. Spin NV ning, Davis ft Steele, 1 Gravesst. WANTED Young man to wora in shop. Rural 'Home No.

1 Graves st. WANTED- Hoy in shinning room. VMI- llanis, Hoyt 4 Uf ANTED Two first-class lousu pali.ters; coine ready for work. 44 Ames-st, baker, bench band, steady Job. A.

Kuilln, Is llermau-st. Good, oun 1 ni.tch'tilst. I.a -May Machine Works, 4s North Wuter-st. NN 'ANTED Itrlght young boy for Oltico work. Adier Bros.

1)2 St. Paul- St. T5hce bov, about l'l years of age. "ItrudstreeCs," 414 Graniio building. WANTED Boy hnd' sonte expe-I rleneo in tailoring.

Annly 75 St, 1'aul street. WANTED Three first-class painters o'clock lu morning, street. Call at 15 baton NN 'ANTED A printing press feeder. Alder. limn, Fulrchlld Gutluud 17 Elm street.

WANTED-Hoy to" around store. Stutn-st. make himself useful Star Clothing 8 iy'ANTED Young man stenographer. West-II lnghoiise, Church, Kerr ft 444 r.x- t-hangc-st. 7-7 WANTED Elevator operator, married man from 5 to 35 years of age.

Apply ml Granite bldg. 'ANTED First-class porter for wholesale clothing; references required. Adiirr.s S-ftl, this otlice, KSt ANT KD A young man with bicycle to ii-IV porter work ami deliver. People's Credit Stl Slate-st. VAXTED 25 hanily men, $.1 day'; city Job" IV all winter; men from country preferred.

Gray's, 31 Andrews-sE i'VAXf ElJPoiisiief; first-class men oniy IV need applv; state experience. Genesee Hating Coltlcn, N. Y. 3 WANTED Stcamntlers and helpers; good wanes; pteady employment. Jos.

Dottell 3 Enst-nve. ANTED Mini; must-have somTs-'expe-VI rlenee In store work. F. Woolworm 1W Main at. east.

'ANTED Tenant inn ou farm by mouth II or year, good privileges. It. F. D. box 4'i.

Scottsville, N. Y. WANTED One "bavins burl experience IV the tea or grocery business for only. V-14. this ollb-e.

3-3 NV ANTED Gardner and liandy man for gentlemnn's place In city; reference re quired. Grny's, 231 Andrews. Al'ANTED Ynnng than wftll come exjie-VV rlenee In titling and Installing gas x-teres. Address V-37, Ditsiltlce. 'ANTED to 30 years old, for good cnmuilssluu: no nfers wanted.

112 Malu-st. west. NY 'ANTED Mohlers, $3.50 day; carpenters and linndy men, ir3 day; men from coitu try preferred. Gray's, 231 Andrews. WANTED- WO men for pole Hue work.

He" VV port to foreman nt 0:45 A. M. Erie train. Westlnghottse, Church. Kerr ft Co, 722 WANTED-Shoe cutters" "and trftuiulin; VV culteis.

i. Gai-dlner, Alluiitic and Itrooklyn, N.Y. JI2" 'ANTED Cutler, trimming cutter ami lining cutter ou misses' and children turns. J. F.

o'Hrlcii Snoe 3 llili-st. WANTED Farm men for winter, fair VV wages and board. Meet farmers at Purge's Employment Exchange, lni Monroe. 'Tvi'ElInii Ilnleiy, brmi' boi IV fjinu 14 to III: bring certl'Jenies linn evil- at No.

333 Cnmer. Works, K. Co. VANTED Men for stock and dairy fnnnaj I uiarrie.l couple, three tenant men, good wages. Farmers'" hcadiimirters.

Gray's, Andrews. rAXTEri--l'uftersrexperieit('ed man will tench drafting and grading of men's and boys' patterns; tlioiough method assured. this olllce. 321 'ANTED First" -einss plnnibers, steam mid but water litters; none others need highest wnes paid. Nat Ibirehnm ft Mi l-'ai i-iiiii.

Inc. il'ANTED--feveral gooil sheet, iron work-VV crs lo erect work on road; steady work to right parties; slate experience and age. -17, Ibis olllce. 421 'ANTED -Farmer to work first-class farm ou shares: everything found. Including etock nud tools.

Sturge's Employment Ex- clu'UKC. 1H7 Monroe. WANTED neat, bright VV luivs, from 14 to HI years of age, bring certificates anil call at 333 Camera Works, Eastuiai: Koilnk Co. 'ANTED- Maker mid second iiaiui oh bread and cakes; must be good bcncli ninn; steady work for sober mini. Coiiuay a lakery, 22 Hurt avc, Auburn, N.

Y. 222 WANTED- First clase toolinakers en punch IV mid die and Jl and llxlure work; give reference and experience. Address Eniploy-nient Slllllley-G. 1. Electric Mfg.

Mass. WANTED brick masons nt VV Avon, X. can return to Kochester each nlu-Ut If desired: rate till fonts tin hour; II hours day; Westlng'iouse, Cliurcu, Kerr 411 Kxehange-st. 'ANTED Hv large local inaiiufactinliig plain, nrst-class day tlrenum; sternly work; good pay to competent inan: stnio experience and salary expected, nnd If now employed. 41.

this oltlce. U'AXTED One wood pattertnnaler, also voting man having had experience In handling wood working machinery for cabinet work, etc Apply at once tu Scucca Pattern Work, Seneca Falls, N. Y. 725 'ANTED -Aii 'intelligent person may earn $40 to monthly at home suare Hu corresponding for newspapers; no iLiivassiug; experience unuccesury. Scud fur puriiciilurs, Press Syndicate, Eockpoit, i 'ANTED-Suiiirt It a liaTi-American boy ill VV years or over that speaks good Engllsn, willing to put in time not expended out on 1 iislnesw ei-rimds to learn to sot type In the olllce of the Currteru ill Hid State stieet, city.

WANTED -For the f. H. Marine Corps, VV men lietween ages 21 and 35; su oppor-tiiuity to see the world. For full lntortuution apply In person or by letter to L'. S.

Marine KVcrnlting Olllce, 27 Main st. mat, Rochester, N. ui postulBce buildluga, Huffalo and Sj racusc, N. Y. ITANTED WV "are Just conipietlng our VV new fitclorv which will Increase our pioduetton live times nnd require tlrst-ciaes jig screw, machine, tool and die makers, accustomed to typewriters, cash register and sewing machine tools.

Also few nret-class department foremen Address superintendent, The American Muitlgraph Cleveland, Ohio. ra Competent cooks, male and IV male, are wanted by the Craig Colony tor KpECptles at Sonyea, Elvlnttsfnu county. The wages for cooks range from 18 to HSi per month. There Is a vacancy now In a private fsmltv for a coolt at the first yar, ti the second year and $30 the third year ana nnna letter ni In net. Iliereiiio-i.

-n'y on to the Medical Superintendent, 1 LOST A purse eoulalnlug suu of money. Reward, Erergreju it. 2- 1' "THT 'A'Y'ln set" with ivepearlsi'a reward It nturiied to this otlice. (1ST tlrlhille'and while buiTdiig, tug iii'ui" her 3ot. Iteward, MS Uli-uwiwd-av-.

1 OST Hull iih. white Willi one dark "'spot JU over eye. Keward, 338 live. 'bT WwfiTesda'y" art'i-nuon, Ki-iVr 1- return to I tils office or 202 Troup-sl. imu reielre rewanl, (IXT Ink w'flaretl at East Nchonl.

Keturn to Granite Imllillug; reward. (1ST -Friday, on Good man or Monroe me." lady's small blaek purse. Itewurd. Geo. 1.

Key en, Fidelity Trust Co. I' OKT-A ladv's'starsliiipcd pearl" brooch" i between Itutgeissl, and Cook's opera IliiUMf. Kinder plese leave at INS Kiflgers street and receive rewant. 21 hiiu-h it i keys on ring atMiebed to ahiiiiliium rttalti, aiming them one miiall brass key, No, Mi. Itewnrll It rcliirueil lo this otnre.

1'usT- Snlnriliiy iilslit. 1 hook wllh small sum ur mmiry and re-Cfipt, Willi owner's name anil address. Kindly return to address given and wmIvb ve-wsrd. 1- 'OBT-niirday afVe'raimiTlasI, on f'Tfar-J lolte ear. ladv's hand satehel, enntulnlng small purse, spectaeles, liandkerehlef, keys, ele.

Mease return to John T. Hnndford, 'J(t Ktrliange-Mt. reward. FOUND. IiKiVXn rolnter pup.

Call at V. Doser'a, XH Hay-t. 1(OI'XI-Thuriby, nnnrSTiif keys on onll nt la Kllnt-st. 1" "MoirriMvaveTi near" a lady's poeketweik. Owner call Kl Kmith tmdninii'St.

1 AlC'NI) --On Mnnday mi a ainnll liox containing three sllekplns; owner csn have by proving property. 52 Vlrk park H. -m FINANCIAL. Ixmn if TiO, honsehnld goods as wearily; badly In need account of sickness. Address V-JW, tills olHec.

WHAT have yon to offer In Nevada Mln- lug Htoeks; lowest price slid how ninny slinres. Address V-45, this onVe. in A I vt a a li area i-lnn li.wk' A said Kye stock, enrly dividend winner; lilKhest bid takes It. flower, 10 Htnte. ItV flrst "and Veond 'reaf estate morP ii gages at a dlseuunt, (lernian-Aiiierlcau ltculty I tilO lleruniii liisursnce bldg.

(iXLKVevr slinres lu a Cobalt, Ontario, roiiiiiouy; rich sliver showily; obllgeil to tell at low price act quick. this oltlce. S3 jfc K.N i'V cent, pnfened aiTUUiinatlve slock, preferred -is to dividends and assets, highest bnuk reference. Warren-Muilth liranltu building. ViRHAI.KMrst "mortgage of tinfiim, tWv ou llrst-class svcuiliy, price Slu.tso mid accrued Interest, no discount.

M. Thonis, 1.11 I'owers block. H2 iiKSntK the'se'rvlei'S of Uieal firm Tir Individual to bundle high "'Inns railroad bonds on liberal commission. Address Ken-bey Albany Trust Co. Albany, rp II KIlTT iTFwuyliTTnTkeTuTmey "Til Nevada uiliilnir slocks.

Wo will tell you how our nmrkei letter, sent free for nxktng. I'at-rlck, Elliott Camp, conservative brokers and mine makers, Uoldfleld, Nevada. 2 4 MONEY TO LOAN. MONKY TO LOAN and per long or short time. 2IU I'owers liloek 2-4-0 MO MCV to lonii on "chattels; siniill second uiorlguges bought.

VW, this oltlce, in to louu, city real estate, first-and XH secoud mortgage. Uabcock, ilio Central avenue. lAMoNbS and valuables, l.loeral loans at legal rates, voutldenilsl. uiu tusubcr Cuuimerce OMSK i LOAN 6 sud per sny amounts, Hucliester real estate. Mupes, jJ'owers MS-4-UI IOXEV TO U)AN on renl estate; will 1 buy ttrst and second morlguges.

4.T liraulle bldg. MONKY to loan. I have to 3.tW to luau In birgu or biiiii 1 1 ainnuuts on tlist uiortgaga realty. Mrs. Salisbury, 414 Wilder building.

7lfll $10, fJU, 3U, HO, IW supplied rellsDle sals-nej euipluyees and botiseboiders aaving sssured lucuuie, no security or publicity, easy terms. CilM Chamber Commerce. (VUNI' lUCNTIAL, losns to reputable par-J ties, lowest rates, advances secured un diamonds, pisuos sud valuables. 416 Cbaui. be of Couimerce dljsouuiwJ.

MONKV supplica ssisneu peopte, retsll Iwordli.s nouses. without security, easy iisymeuis. Olilees la nriucloul rules. loll Tvluisu, 1110 Uiautis building. SEWING MACHINES.

1MIK KALK Hpeclnl sale of new Hlnger scwliig uiacbmes; some s.lglilly sol.ed; t-J down, 2 per inonlb. Call and select onu. WUIard. BIS Nurth-st. IOK HAI.U Drop hestl Singer sewing ms-chine, lutefl.

used four nioiillis, less tliau half price or will sell ou time for 50c per week. aJ Monroe -svc. 1'Kllt HAl.K New Singer sewing iniiehlnes, down and per inonlh; nlso all kinds kecond luind nineh'lnes elieup; repairs, needles and oil. Seiul pimtal for ulnf. Wlllard, 'SXi Northsl.

7 24 H. MATHICR sells" new Singers snd Wheel, er ic Wilsons st prices that satisfy; also used machines In fine condition, cheap; all kinds on hiid, also repairing. 44S Main-st. east. Opeu until 8.

Homo 'phone VXt DANCINGJSCHOOLS lAl.l'MKT diiuclng reeeiitlun rvery Tiles day evening at Fr.inkfort Temple, Frank. corner Smith, liubel's Oreheslra. 7t SEE FORJOURSELF What Is Contained In A Coffee Bean That Does Harm Have you been obliged to give up drinking rcffc? Are you one ci the unfortunates with whom it discees? Are you aware, if this is the case, that it is not coffee, but the part that you should not ue that hurts you? It is the Cellulose that is contained in every coffee bean. It is bitter. It is replete with Tannic And.

It contains ncirly 9 per cent ot this poisonous ingredient. Take an ordinary coffee lierry. Break it open, as shown in illustration A and B. You will notice a yellowish, parchment-like fibre as shown in A. This may be removed and discarded as has been dona where it appears in part of cut marked C.

This is a pnrt of the purifying process which every curfee lean used in De-tan ated India Coffee has undergone. Stop and consider what is gained by thia piirilving process. sii the bitter, cruuc, part of the coMce has been r-moved, so ttut list is letl it more delicious, CoieTbcuig rlchrr In the desirable els. ments, Csflcinc, Cattail tud Fat. Best ot th Is latiriin-beshng Cellulose, the part ol the cutlce that does the hirnij has been eliminated.

The serpent's fang'" has been ertracted. It Is because this method has been sdontcd la preparing Oc -ton ated Cottee that pliysiciani everywhere are prescribing it for then patients and are ming It in tlii.r own households. We hare thousands of letters from scientific mea eu. dorsmg Ue-Uia-sted Coffee. Try pound of De-tsn-eted Coffee to-'y sad be one ot the msny coftee-lovert who aie cnaldrd to enjoy their favorite beverage with absolute Impunity.

At good grottrt in l-lb. CLARK, C0GQ1N JOHNSON CO. Geffee Beastsrs and BObTO.V, Si HI, 'ANTKD to driio buna and cart, aa Cuttagu-st. KDAii oysier aud llsU man. lilt wml.

M.VTIOD Three" palu'tets7at' lb ultou uveuue, L. rlnk. ANTED A tullor' at once, uitady" mid good nay. ill eoiiicr of Meigs and liJivard; come ready to Murk. tiood muu 10 work In second- baud stove store.

2D Mouroe-avc. AN rivD-Voung man to tase care of burses and work around bakery. swa N. i.nntoti. A N'T DI'orter" uTouiTiFy hotel, ateaia boiler, good winter's Jo.

Oray's, Andrews. U'AN'TK'l) 1'iiuter; buy to m.iku liiin-self generally useful, ii. X. Gilbert Mtg. 17 lilm-sl.

lV'ANTKD" lor oHicr; flne chunco feir advauceoieiit. Adurem, sun. log age and salary expected, 3, Jills oltlce. tlTAN'TKD A bright buy for" no otllce posi-V tlon; uiust be a gooil penman. Address, Hinting ago aud reference, I'.

O. box KBo. rANT KD Strong figure and weigh lip guods; cliunee tu pUrtli ulieiid. Anicricml liutton 1W.I St. 1'nul.

A 1 1 -( pen te 'r Tti I li 'V Tuesday mumlug. Inquire for Mr. Kns-sell nt new buildings or at the oiUee, Its) St. I'liul-al. UMXTl'M) "Janitor "foF'prlv'ii'fii" school lntlld-lug, imiiiis In Ihe bull'ling.

Apply be. tween 3 and lu the afternoon, 3'J North (loodiirin-sr. UANTrD WnTlVrs, cooks, coiinternvti. porters, kUchru men, yiinltneii, seennd cook, bellboys; no registration fee. Gray's, Andrews.

TA X'l'K 1 -'-Young ma wl I It "few yea rs7 expiricucH at meclianleiil drnughllii-, prefernbly one who can assist In keeping books for small concern; to such we can offor it good position wllh chance tor advancement. this olllce. and leni-n" cr lo work Into steam eiigtiieenug, tlr-Ins boilers, electrical eii-lneorlng. maelilulHts' trnile, nickel-plating, upholstering, burlier trndo mid "L'oo standard trades;" wages, teols, fonin, board free by "eo-operatli'o plnus." Hall's Co. aud Trade "indicate, Pltl llnll'alo, S'3 SITUATIONS MALE.

NY rAXTKD A position as clerk best of ref. erence and nouds given, v-oo, mis one v. 'ANTED -A position as bartender; two years' experience. Sum Knss, "512 Davis slteet. WANTED--" position "as foreman or man- nirer; licit of reference and bonds.

this olllce. TASTED--Sftuntlou, Orst-eiasa tool rmm furemiin desires a change. Address D- 0, this olllce. 5-6-7 Tike doing chores; b.iudy with carpenter tools. l-drew this milce of ctiipeuicr work to figure, either new or rnjuiir work.

Address tlil olllce. WANTED- ltv expcrienl'Vil inn tender, post- tlon In ho'lel or cafe lu country town; references. V-N, this olllce. WANTEir-SltuTrilon by young man ns saleiiiin, willing to work, chance for advancement. V-ll.

this ollice, WTANTED- 1'osltion by geuileimin of expe-II rienie ns sulrsniiin, eliy or country, bc.4t references given. 0-3, this olHce. WAXTED- I'iisUlon as metal pattern niak-V er, wllb 3 years' experience. Address II. K.

Slmson, 1511 South J'itJuigh-st. TAXTKD Position as coa 'huiaii or team-V ster by eolured man. Iiest reference, $10. Address W'illlaiii Mltchell, j5 Favur-st. '''ANTICD--Sltuiiliou "by ste'iuy.

reliable. nilddle-agcd man to run elevator or lis janitor; best references. U-. this oub-e. l'AX'fKf)Work fnrnis) by good expe-li rl'cueed farm men, also married couples.

Surge's Employment Exchange, 1U7 Moun'e. tt'A XT Kl Ml 'iiii floiVs' 'for a "few day and II inonlh ii rui hands, inleriieiv thrm lit Kichards Hi's Farm Supply Agency, 03 Arcade, to-day. 1 NV nil timekeeper 11 bii'iM! iniiuiitac uniiir concern ex pen- euced on piecework payrolls; Al references. M-7, this olllce. -d WANTED- Sltualleu bv young mini frnni IV country III store or factory; have good pilurathiu: can fitrnisli best of references.

Ad. dress It. F. D. box l'to, North Itose, N.

'ANTED Uy iniJJle-aiied man and I l'e, work bv month where can take care of hgrscs and furnace or will nut rooms or a bouse near by, good references Address Y-11, this olllce. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS for city and state; an article nsi the time to sell. Apply lo II A. M. nil this week, Joseph-ave.

ED- cnutasser from bouse to II house to scil cereals. Apply I his morning, at Smith, Perkins 10 VVANTED- Whv" bother wllh dlllhult sen-V crs7 fi dally easily earned selling (ire-Sol-vent: every mechauie will buy besl position ever ollercd. Wrile to-day, rtlllty Company, Mom 33 Iti'uudway, New York. HOUSES WANTED. ANTED -Six to eight-room bouse; give local toil and rent.

tul otlice. AN TED Uaigniiis Iu houses or lots lor cash. 4n7 I'owers block, 'i'cleplioncs Ho it 'AN'rED-lloiisi's to s-i all parts of Ihe city. It. S.

Disiiruiice tddg. (b7 W'AN FED Houses lo sen in all uni ts of IV city. W. It. 'i'uxlll.

S04 licrmuu insur-uuce building. 'ANTED Six lo eighl-i'ooni bouse; glvo and pnee asked. Address 54, this i. Illce. W'tMl Houses and Hats to rent In all VV parts of city.

W. 11. Tuxill, Hciniiui Insula. ou building. WANTED-Six ur scvcii roem house, any gcod VI part nf my, mil over Jl.MA), down, f-0 p.

lunnth I' tin 7j- WANTED For cash cnstoiiier, fl.tas'i or VV new limine, or nearly new, wllhm ere ml.e or less of Delcvan-sl. Tnoue 4bV -L, iluin. U' A NT ED Hoi'tiestci" ami houses to sell mid rent; prompt buyers and de-rirabla leiiniiis waiting. C. F.

(iniilewi Heal Estate Company. I lixchuiige-st. 4 tl 'ANTED- Houses of eiery description and prb-e; ue a large list of purchasers and need more to supply them; jour house may suit one of theiu. Wurren-Suillh U'7 llruiillo lititi.ii ri f. WA TS IS EL LA US YY'AN T6D Furniture, carious, stovos. -Fumiiure, eaipats, stones. Hell IV to It Main. AN'i'K'ii To biiy iisl lo 300 qudi'is- ot Ill I'iiliaiider-sl. WANTED -Fui'iiilure, carpets and stoves. i -Fui'iiilure, eavpen pliomi llllil 1, Cliuse.

It 11.11 'ANTED A quantity of empty llntecd oil barrels lu good coiidillou. -5, this oltlce. i-i 'ANTED 13 to 5 p. electric generator; must be lu pood condition. Address Generator, I.

O. lb.x 114, City. MEDICAL. 1SSI J'laetors al iijues aud Post's or by Biuli. Address ii bi.

Koehea- ier ti-7-g-4 ASSAGE, electric treatments, -team buths. facinl. sea In massage. Miss Me- Ci.ffrey, Miiin-st. east.

Hell 4-J1 ti-U HE! MATESM knocked out by J. P. Ilurll's great rhetmiatlc cure; this long looked fir cure discovered at lasi; do not si. tier any longer while this great cure can be it at all drug uteres Iu Kochester, or ut 474 Kochester, N. Y.

LIABILITY INSURANCE. l'E KEl'KESENT "only company" empior-VV lug double rlassitlcsEoii system; let us explain It; employers' liability, boiler, elets. ior, plate glass bus.iiess solicited, Garfield Heal lisjats Company, 1 chaDS street. fsAEI'ET cleaning, rug weaving. Joues st.

ibik'T, ua 'ANTED- Furniture ciiipeis aud stoles. Hell 'phone V.M I Chnne. lASll pulii for all kinds of books'." IJold-Vsli'lu's book store, 105 Slalu-st. west, CiASIl paid all kln'ts of Looks and paper 1101 els. 1.

Aiexauder, lti I Suuth-ava. HKIIIKST prices paid for caat-nff clotUlng. Send postal. Apple, 112 ront Home 'phone 54iiS. TANTID -rufiiit stoves, tigb-it est prices paid.

Ilome 'phoue 670.1, lb' II It Mnln. nOl'SK uioving" ami of all fcluils done. Scud postul. t'urpeu-ter, rear 21 Cheetuut-it. -Jk-f D'AMONDS ami ell "gold" bought, "pay cash.

Hunt, diamond Jeweler, tUt Chamber of Commerce building. 17 Main east, over Post's drug store. I'lctiire framing aud gold gliding. Home 'phone IWH, fpKl.KI'Ilo.VK he will A light ami put ou one of bis best mantles for 3.V. Hell lr7-YMuln: Home UHU.4U'l H- fll'icr niusic.

jnd "irfiiMheTsiest, nets-esl nils; mulled for Ic eueh extra. Mae-kle's lllg Music Company, Pi Slate, lo. a. 7 $23 PKli WKKK and traveling espenws pitld men to place rrotelnxune (for stock aud poultryi wlin dealers; experience tin-neci-ssnry. Address Delluace K.

1'arsuus, iv 11 us. TTHtO ClK'trLINK after sliuvlng; keeps the face young 111 id heulihy looking: eradi-cates age lines, wrinkles, pimples or blackheads. Your barber litis It; it's a niiis.ize crenm anil flush food. Maybury It t'oj HtilTalo, manufaeturers. li-'l IC Bllekensilei'fer tvnetvrilcr.

a eanilde, vnrtable and visible writing machine. tile beet that money can buy, nuikis a valuable Christmas piwnt and costs but JMi, or a smaller sire at Did you ever think of thnt? The HUckensdcrfer Ml'g. Tilt (iranlie bnllillug. LADIES' PERSONAL. I.

J. LEVENHON. hair sud scalp specialist, 3d Hour, Chamber of Commerce. A ((Till N'( shampoo with "tonic Miss Sadie K. Mullle, 410 Centrul bnlg.

7-iM-ll ittt'KIi Lev- eusoti, Chamber of Commerce building, "-'i KINDLY notice ad In this column beginning "uev money." It may look to you. Ot'U nillk Is cb-an and the flavor Is uniform; have you tried It? Thone Ilnydeu Milk Co. MO TM'OS. liandsouie Tiirklsh-Ainerlean ri gs ai si made from nora carpet. 4.17 K.

Main. limnlie Itug 0-1 ISTl.MATKS free. Upholstering furniture ru- pairing; reputation tha best, Ovid Uay, Home 'phone. 7-5 MRS. IlllrS," ladies' corsets," shirt waists, suits, lingerie, 07 Stale Dell 'phoue.

(L'4 Ol'll WOUK -ts "'high grade, prices reason" able; cuueult us. (Jermiiin Dyeing and Cleaning Works, 3W Maln-at. east. OVID OAY, 174 r.ast-ave., furniture 'repairer, would like to estimate for upholstering and mattress making. Home 'phone.

l'TlOTWiiltAPriS biivo a charm ti'nTl finish that will please you. Call and get our special ihollday prices. Ye Colonial Hltidio, 1 Kiist-ave. ti-tl BI.KACIIINiTanVr dyeiiiB," culling bangs and children's ball- taught at the Levcu-sou school; catalogue. of i'oni-luerce liidg.

7- massage -'cream and tlesh food of exceptional merit; large Jar 50e, all druggists. Maybury Iliiflalo, N. iiitiuiiluclurefs. il'Jtl MKYKItrUieTlndles' fa'shkmaWTi'ilur7 garments made to order, garments remodeled, high-grade work, reasonable prices. WKl Mslu-st.

east, room 5. Hume 'phone 4477. (17 wis'lil'ug to Teani I'alrilr'esslng; luanlcut'lng. shiimporilng, face aud senip ntiisnigc, wild for catalogue. l.cyenHim School or Massage, 33 Chamber of Com- mercc bldg.

7'-' VKW MONKYfor broken'" goTif-piated Jew- elry, old gold or silver and winches; In Xmas tcwelrmor will make from old gold. Harry Darin, tK3 Powers Mam street elevator. I.LKCTHtll.YSIS is the oniy" niciiiis by which sii peril lions bnlr aud moles ran bo permanently removed; yon can make per hour at tliic work, tiiualit nt the Deven-sun School; terms reasonable; catalogue Clinmbfr of Commeree bldg. 7J! St'llN'TIFIC nianleiire, masHiiire Hhanineo and e'eclrlc facial masnge; avoid danger or unreliable operators; look for ill pi mas en Hie wall and rail on Mrs K. 1..

Ticniun, Centennial building. 3(H at. ea-t. open evenings by appointment. Homo 'phone rr.l.

I ADIF.S Ask your druggist for Chichester's Kiigllah Dliimond llr.iiid I'ills. Jti-gnrded as best, safest, always reliable. Hoy of vour druggists, take no other. Chlcesler Diamond llrand Tills nie sold hy rlritirglsls everywhere. Chichester Cbem.

I'hllndel. phis. lJa. 4-7 BIRDS. ETC.

I.Kilt SAI.K WW ferrets. Write for price list, Cbas. H. Ives, lluiieoye Kalis, N.Y. Choice liniitlng fi'rrets'cheaii wholesale ami retail OakUcld lerret House, Onktleld, N.

Y. V)H SAl.Ivdermiin canaries, gold nuches anil other song blrdu; also gold tlh uud ferrels, at Ulug's lllol Store, Main St. east. IMU SAl.K 1'lve hundred pairs or homing pigeuiis for souiib raising, nil birds giwr-anleed. Address Edgewater Squab farm, 114 South Auburn, N.

4 tl MUSICAL. NTKD- A few piano pupils, children preferred, terms reasonable. Address 2, this oltlce. 7 tllCND $7, $10 for the host cornets, slo f5 or orchestra, slher valve, short bell front, our own Importation, polished brass, flat for amateurs, music rack, silver mouthpiece, water keys, warranted complete, expressed free. Mackle lllg l'lauo, oruan end Music Conipniv, Hl State, list.

ll HOUSE CLEANING. riMii; SADVATION A Kill lllllltcs the wastj material of your household. Thai's how the Home Is supported. Court and Kxchange-sis. Koch.

SOW, Hell 31M1-. Hilt SK CI.KANINI! Ulve your discarded clothing, furniture, stoves, magazines, hooks, papers, to the Salvation Army, Court and Hut tl 'phones. EDUCATIONAL IiCT'oltlXO by college inan In primary nod academic sunjeel It o-S. this oilier, H-4 O.Vll'l.Ii'l language study outtUs for Kl-v Isou's ihuiiogutphs, any binguuce; demon-si rations free, dally.

Muckln's lilg Musio store, PXI State, 10O DRESSMAKING. I OFFER special price, short time only, for milking skins, to Mrs. ilriganee, 'i East one-flight. 5-3 IVKHYTIIIN'C. lu dressmaking neatly done.

prices reasoiuble. Diutk Martin, North; 3710 Mam, Hell. DOGS. ETC. IHilt SAI.K- Hound.

Address Mr, Charles Sailor, K. D. No. 4, lieueva. N.

Y. IMIH H.LH-Scoteti collie, 7 months old; one St. Ileniard pup, 4 mouths old, will sell cheap. Itudson-ave. FIRE INSURANCE.

STKONU, prompt paying, fair adjusting lu-uiauce cuuipauics; gel our rales, c. Heal i'apauy. I Kg-ebuiiae-st. CHIROPODIST. Drt, rtEYNDI.D.t treats corns painlessly, 3c; hnulotis treatment.

513 olo Powers block; Home 'phuue 4 TUB "want" sd is a great smoother ol doineoiic aud business sttatrs. NY ANTED Kilcheu Wkiuiuu. 2'4 KD Night cuok. east, 2. Iuln-sU chain norma hi.

fanlflla WAX'1'ED-A VV House. U'ANTED-avenne. Waltress. Bailey's, 3t Soutn U'ANTED Girl fbrTTjrbt factory work. Corllaud-sl.

2i 42 NY 'ANTED -Two noon waitresses, at 133 i Malu-st. west. I ANTED A girl for general housework -i" 22 I MNTKO- Kxitoritiuectl vest hands. Annly Uarson-Meyer Co. 424 NY 'ANTED --Competent skirt hand at once; -ti nion-si.

izi U'AM'ED Colored chambermaid at onc i 57 dmtnn-ave. south. WA NTED Chamberm.i Id" Apply bouse- keeper, Powers Hotel. rANTED Second Dugan AlDid: son Pullman bldg.

222 (V 'ANTED Girl to learn hand work "oni I sis. 42 HolIlsor-st. RANTED Machine tianfls on pants, Geo. i 823 J. Maier, 575 Joeph-nvc WANTED Young eiris to assist wltti housework.

7 Tnayer-st. WANTED Girls to do folding. I. Davie ft Steele, 1. Gravcs-st.

1 NV 'ANTED Woman to wash Tuesday 5. Wednesday. Hl4 Emerson-st. I Y'ANTED Woman to miTnlngs, CalVj nt Piatt-st corner Kent. NV NV ANTEDA girl woman for tenerat hotiMtwork.

115 North FItihngh. I rANTED Vest makers on fine" work, also! on custom work. S2 St. Panl-st. ANTED Girl in Inspection room.

Keel North Goodmnn-st. North --ooflmrin-st. 222 7 ANTED Girls to work In beokblBdery. Apply to Burke White, Aqueduct bldg. NY 'ANTED Girls to wora in seed hooss.

steady eniploymeot. Apply 50U Monroe- TANTED Female machine hand to stitch welts on vests, tl Pleusiint-st. Adief Bos. V'AXTED Experlen-ed fittiuj room help, IV also girls for fitting room. E.

Keen Co, 321 I RANTED Young girl to honscwork' tn IV small family. 54 near Monroe-ave. Y'A TED At once, maid to watt on tn- II valid and do second work. 33 Pfielpe avenue. WANTED Experienced machine hands I hand girls on vests.

S. J. Kohr, 1W Buy-st. 321 U'ANTED At once, good conk Tm restaurant; good pay lor right party. 21 Elrn-st.

222 W-. NTED A yoitng gTrTfor general boose-I work; no washing. Call morning, 201 Oxford. 323 WANTED Inexperienced girls to work In IV bindery. J.

C. Moore Corporstloo, 63-1 Stone-st t7ANTBD Cook and second girl, small family, central location. Gray's, 231 Au-drews-st. 'A tTD Two or tnree girls for folding I I sud pasting. Bridges Mfg.

65 At- Inntic-itve. iANTE-C-Tlrst and seconiJ-class machine 1 1 hands on pants, coats or 1N4 Clifford-st, H2T ll'AXTED Girl for office work; must writs II gooil hand; state salary wanted. this otfice. 222 YY A TE Flrat-clasTgl rl for general work', 'I family of 3, no washing. Addrpss V-34, this oltlce.

YVANTED A comnetent general girl, small fsinlly, no washing, $4. Address V-42, this olllce, WTAXTED Woman-to make herself usefiil II In kitcbeu; no Sunday work. Apply 20 Main st. east. YY'ANTED A girl or woman to work In II hoarding bouse and go homo at night.

V-44, this olllce. WANTED Girl "about" lli years old" to do light work in packing room. Address 1:14, thhj ottlee. H21 ANTED Cook for family three adults, 11 no lanudry, nice piuce. Apply 213 Cutler building.

I "ANTED Operators on staying machine I I auniiiier. Buedingcu Box ana Elihiigrnphing Co. WANTED A girl-for candy store snd, II auieh rotini; good and steady work. I'll I'enlral nve. WANTED Youtm lady having a knowledge II of th? crocery business; tteaily position.

V-13, this otlice. 323 'AXTED--Expertenced cashier with VV good references. Apply 111 writing. Address V-15, thin office. 2(I WANTED -Experienced platen press feei VV er; wages.

The GHHes Lno. till'' Pig. bi stune-st. -21 luundress for two VV days, steady, enrly part week preferred, Apply 213 Cutler buliding. WANTED Immediately I' four hotel wnlt-VV icsses, SO.

and Mrs. Wilson's llercau. 243 Cutler bnlidlug. In kitchen wao iiiiilerstuinls plain cooking; $tl per weeg and on rd -4t 1 otli ce. WANTED- I'liv laundress, 30 month, go VV homo tiislit'n, steady-place.

Mrs. VMi- ccu's Bureau, 243 Cutler bnililitig. WANTED Cimipetent stenographer and of" VV tico assistant: slate experience and reference Address V-llitlilsjirtb'e. 2 f't'AN I'ED-Girls to team mocoiete dlp VV pln; sood iioy. ().

T. Stacy Cow, cou-fl rtioiiers. 12 Cllntoii-S-ve. ncr'B WANTEli t.Fi inhTdle aged women IV for cooking and general work iu country tun! villages. 213 Cutler building.

WANTED Young woui 111 housekeeper. VV liases v.cek. Address J. II. Heckling-bauscii, lis Geneva, N.Y.

f2o WANTED First-class" housework gTTl for IV iiiiiiister's family, $5 per week, and sev. eral others. Klcbardsou'd. (U Arcade. 'ANTED "German cooks and "housekeepers.

J5, $11 and German general glrla aud assist, 3.50 to $5. 243 Cutler building. VAN'-ET), Neat woman to clean smafl nat of four rooms 00 tear Monroe, once a week. Address V-10, thia office. VA.VTED Ten on VI power machines.

Apply H. Conn neckwear 216 Andrews street. 'AXTEb lteslniirnnt snd hotel cooks, VV city and country, maid's laundry ana kitchen he.p, waitresses. Gray's, 231 Andrews. WANTED Ei et'leii i-1 bender on an VV kic ties; steady itonltlon; itoorl wuses.

Apply seventh floor, Diasau Hudson, Puis bldg. NY 'AN I'ED Tweniy-tlve general snd second, ulrls. fiiinlLv cooks, waitresses, maids. laundress, kitchen help; high wages. Gray's.

231 Andrews. nei't, bright er-II rand girls from 14 to it); bring certificates and call at No. 333 Stale st. Camera Work. E.

Co. WANTED At once, five girls to" work TS IV box department; experience unnecessary; Apply nt the liochester Folding Box ollice, 1" Commerchiljit A.nYe l)-E's'perienced paper box makers VV to do work at bouie; steady work and good bay; not cigarette boxes. Alderman, Falrehiid 17 Finest. 722 il'ANTED Young German housekeeper, VV SO; general girls, nurses. $4, dining room, ward, hall maids, cooks.

CHu-timave. aoulh, Kohu's, Leading Employment ED A 1 iv "lutei'igent person may VV earn to $50 inouthly at home 111 spare time corresponding for uewspapera; uo cauvssshig; experience unnecessary. Scud for particiialrs. Pre Syudlcule, l.ockport, N. Y.

WANTED Cook aud waitress together in VV -1 1 family one lndy, eook who will do smsll laundrv preferred, good wages and home for right girls'. Apply ull week, Mrs. Wilson's Bureau, 243 Cutler building. Otlice Honrs to-day, lt to Vj. and 6:30.

WANTED A few'tnlght and capable girls and young women of good character for our operutlna depart ent; deslnible wurk. perioaaeiit positions aud steadv sdvanceineut for those with ability. Call at 77 North Fit--hngh-at. The Hell Telephone Pomn.iny.' "tirANTED Im.Tiedlate!yV two ladies, rood VV appearance, outdoor work, no selling, peldllng or samples; salary psjd weekly; sd. vanceaient to belter positions certain to thos who prove cspnble.

Apply to 11. Iteyrioldi Arcade. 22 BODUS POINT HOTEL KEEPER ARRAIGNED AT LYONS. ACTION AGAINST THE TOWN OF ROSE Prank Nessenius Seeks Damages lor the Death of His Son, Who Was Knocked OH a Wagon by the Limbs oE Trees and Killed- Other Matters Lyons, Nov. The neconj -week of tli term of Supreme Court opened this Bioruinjf with the nrraignnieiit of the veteran hotel keeper, George Case, of Sodus l'oint, charged -with violation of the excise laws.

He pleaded not iruilty to any of the four indicrsiients against lilm and larniahed f3)0 ball. The jury was ready for the case of Collins v. Mal'ery, continued from Friday, and Mr Collins went upon the stand. This case haa been so often in court in the Inst nine yeara that no one has a rlear idea of the matter unless it might lie the attorneys. So many new matters in connection with tine original suit have risen that the first cause is oliout for- gotten.

Now Mr. Collins sues to recover for services rendered when he was aso- i elate counsel oa the first suit. The jury awarded the plaintiff If I'M. The caw of Frank Nossoniu- against the town of Roso was called. On "the of March last, young William Nessenius was driving it team of farm horses attached to a wrwi that had on It a farm roller laid lengthwise.

Ik-blnd the wagon was a mowing machine. The boy was found dead In the mad nd the wagon wheels and fiossihly the wheels of the marihlne had passed over the body. All the facts gathered of the killing are that the limb of a hrw-growlng tree brushed the roller tongue, throwing the roller np and percipilating the boy into the road. Now the faflier sues the town on the grnmid that iliad the trees been properly trimmed which, be claims, Is the town's dutyfi his buy would be alive and welt, and he asks 115.0110 damages loss. Teih Court granted a non-suit.

BEQUEST OF $45,000 HADE TO MS. WRIDE in Surrogate's Court at Lyons. Lyons, Nov. 19. In Surrogate's Court this mornuig the will of George S.

Wride. Jate of Sodus, was the matter of pnrtieu- lar interest. Letters testamentary on proof of the will were Issued to Emms Wride and George F. Bowerhy. To tb wlrtovr are given the bouse and lot that wore the fnniilj- home, all the furniture and the sum of $50,000.

To the Cemetery AsHocistion of Sodus the sum of Is left iu trust, the income of the same to be used in maintaining the fumily lot In good shape and if the association fail to comply with the terms of the bequest the money shall revert to the heirs. Jennie K. Marauus, a girl who lived in the family, Is given the sum of $2,000. AD the remaining property of any kind and any where located It is directed shnll lie given the two daughters of Mr. Wride.

Alice E. Kelly and Florence E. Williams. Kva 8. 8chlee was granted a petition that she be permitted to withdraw from the country treasury moneys resulting from the sale of the property of Frederick (Joetamnn, deceased.

On vrtition of Eva Crotfut the will if Hattle Cole, late of Butler, was admitted to probate. There are three children to share the estate. To the daughter is left the sum of and the two song will hare equally In the division of the remainder. MRS. ANNA ROACH.

Had Been a Resident of Lyons Nearly Sixty Years. Lyons, Nov. 19. At the family homo on Butternut street, Mrs. Anna Itoarh tied Saturday, after living in Lyons nearly sixty years.

Mrs. Koaeh, was bom in Kings couuty, lrelund, eighty-one yeurs gu, but came to this country in early girlhood. She was twite married, first to Thomas Tracey, who lived but a few years ifterwards. then to Peter Koaeli, who died Jn 1X87. Wlie was one of the first members 'of St.

Michael's Church, and is the last vf the original organization to die. For many years she had lieen iu feeble health, but only occasionally win she confined to her bed. Two weeks ago she fell, fracturing her hip. She leave two daughters, Mrs. Aspwell, of Rochester, and Miss Margaret Koach, of this village.

William H. Hopkins. Sodus, Nov. 19. At the age of SI years, William II.

Hopkins died Sunday evening of general debility, lie was horn at East Palmyra, and came to Sodus with bis parents when ten years of age, mid with the exception of eight years, when be helped an wide in Washington Mar- ket, New York city, has resided here. In 1853 he was married to Miss Eliata Ann Pullman, who died some yearn since. Ho founded the Sodus bakery iti 1878. He-aides one daughter, he is survived by two brother and a sister, Nelson Hopkins, of Spriug Valley, Townley Hopkins, and Mrs. Hannah Pulver.

of Sodus. WE H. BAKER ELECTED MAYOR OF LOCKPORT Special Dispatch to the Democrat and Chronicle. Lockp'jrt, Nov. 19.

The Ouimoa met to-uight as a Board of Cau-. vassers and declared lion. William H. Baker mayor-elect over L. C.

Willie, by a plurality of H. Mr. Baker is a Democrat. Charles E. Caruell and J.

Charles Harrington, Republicans, were declared elected aldermen at large. Roy Earnest, Democrat, was re-elected po lice justice by 111 plurality over Wilii.r.i A. Gold, Republicuu. The expected contest by the Republicans of the mayoraliiy nomination did not materialize. Funeral of Mrs.

Loveland. AJbiou. Nov, 19. The funeral of the Jute Albeit I-ovelaud, who was killed by the care, took place from the fumily residence, on West State street, this after- noon. Rev.

Duvid Lee Jamison, pawtnr of i the Bupti. C'burcb, of which Mr. Loveland bad ien an honored member many years, at the cervices. The burial a as at Mount Albion,.

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