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The Times-Democrat from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 7

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

7 Et ajimttmntrai: gglrtmtstiagl gamtarn 27, STEAMBOATS. E1YER NEWS. RAILROAD RACKET. The Club oa Thseia, an organization composed of gentlemen who live dating th cummer months on Mississippi Sound, Louisville nd Nashville Railroad, who have heretofore chartered tluur apeoial ear, are securing estimate and plans for a special car, to be built for tha purposes of their club, possessing all the modern conveniences required. The following la the committeo who baa this matter In charge i H.

Dudley Coleman, John Ballentlno, Cohen M. Sorla and J. O. Kixon, L. H.

Fairchlld. president of the club, ex-ofilcio. It 1 expected that this ear wUl be ready for the nse of the elub this season. As this will be tbe first ear of this kind belonging to a strictly private e.ab, composed of representative business men of this city, great rivalry among prominent ear builders of the country la expected) to leceive the order. TVi soMoI CoL W.

P. Dunavant, bavin resigned the superihteudeney of tbo Memphis, Birtnlng-haim and Atlantie Railroad, the duties of which office bo only consented to perform temporanlv. Mr. J. P.

Meredith txs been appointed in bis slesd. and a iniod charge as superiiiuadent on the lata insunt. Sh rem port mmd JIoaMto. Special to The Times-Democrat, Hot STOX.Tex.. Jan.

2J Xewa tas arrived here that late this evening a work train passed over the Sabine river from Texas to Louisiana on the new false works, making through conneetlon between Houston, and S-hreveport, Lav. via the Houston. East and West Texas Narrow Gauge, and tbo i-lireveport aud Houston Narrow uaage Hallway. Both are now under one management. The new iron bridge will now be completed.

The train crossed the false bridge at Logansporf. This connection will give an eastern outlet via shreveyort- Trxn 1'artfio. special to Th Times-Democrat. jfAMSUtLX, Jan. 20.

Col. George Noble, agent of tbe receivers of the Texaa and Facille Railroad, and Mr. Pitkin, of New Orleans, master In chancery of the roads, arrived here to-day from Dalits on their way to the Crescent City. Mr. Pitkia starts for New Orleans to-nlglit.

CoL Noble will remain over to-morrow in Marshall and then go on. The Tttnnel ttepairtd. KsoxrlLLK, Jan. 25. The tunnel on the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad at Missionary Ridge, which waa badly damaged several days ao.

has been repaired and all trains are running a luual. Tho Commiionrr of the Sovttirm Foot. CTKcrsNATi. Jan. 26.

It has been settled by a conference between General Manager Gaalt, of tbe Queen and free sect, and President Smith, of the Louisville and Nashville roads, all other, roads agreeing by previous correspondence, that Mr. J. R. Ogden. at present general freight agent of the East Tt nnessee, Virgima and t.eorgia Railway, shall be commissioner of the ruUiexu pool, and it is understood he will aooept.

RrttuerH Kate on Qrangr. There was a meeting of the general freight agents at Jacksonville on te 22d and heavy reductions were made in freights ou oranges to all points West to assist the growers, ho lose heavily by the recent freeze. The tout-em asenger committee, composed of the passctger agents of the South, will attend a called meeting at Atlanta ou the 7lu. The 1- T-, V. aud Railroad, who have maintained rates a.ncs re-c nt adjustment, claim that owing to the isolated position of uepot they cannot eoutrol their sbare of through business and therefore claim a lower rate on passengers than that named by their coinpeliloi.

Riwkr-t personal. Mr. Thos. Davenport has resigned bis posi MARINE NEWS. TUtw Oblxavs, Jan.

JT, 19, IIbsim tier Hew Orleavas Tkla Iay iua rtsea.M..M. C4 I Moos seta morn.o CS bv.aseu G-J I Full moon XUih, morn. 1 3 Latitude 29 to' SV K. Longitude Vo- Clearest TesterdavT'. fiteamahlp Lureka, kaad, for New York boulhern PaclCe Co Bleamshlp Louisiana, Gager, lot ew Vurk A Monlton SlCO Nor bark Magdala, Fettenon.

for Liverpool Dutlcedorff 4co Arrlvow rater war. Brit stilp Equatxr. Crosby, front Havre Deo to A Miner AcoSd district II Brit ship Charie. perry, from Liverpool Nov XL to A av Klner Aoo Point Ital bark liana. Lauro.

ftoiu Cork Oct 24, In ballast, to niauir Point Scbr Jaa trurdoa. fcoeinan. 29 days from Fort I.lnufB. to avaator Algiers TBAM BOATS. ranehon.

Bergeron, from WasblDgtoa Trnaa, Cooiey. from anew Puller, barre, from Laurel Valley Jewel, Xajior, from Thloolaux F.a vorf NEW TORK Per avamshlp Lonlliaea 448 baies cotton bbl molasses 350 bms on bols oapstock bbls lice loiv sacks rice 504 sacks otic-ate tit baa hints lepkgsmdse XHjQ pc staves MW TORK Per steatrithiD Earexa-851 bates eottob VA bales rags 601 bale lto ii baiea balr 4 ba ee wool i uaies hides lTWldry hiutas bids soap stoee 1UO tibia oil bil bins molaesea ISO bhla wine and nrandy IS bif hbtswliio and I'l-andr 14 bbl bides H6 ub pecans 10 leases Bine hide 61 barse-pptr Til pkgtsiindlree LIVLPfoUL Per bark iia-0aia Ad Tat bales eouoa loao pes suves ptEceiPT or PBoortE, a I B. WASBI5GTOP Per steamer Farvboo 3 lialeicothia sacks oottoa seed gin hiida sugar 1 bbls molasses 12S sacks rough rice bb soli zl pkgseygst bdls hides i bhis hides 4 bal hide 10 hines VakAW Per steamer Tensas 13S9 bale cotton 1 bale nioate LAtEtL Va LLi Per Fuller fa has augar 219 bblsmoiaasee Ssacasseed cotton THIBODaCX PersteamerJewo! Jla h'idt sn. gar 1 1 bids tugar bbi mo.asses 6 hit bbls iiinismn li sackt seed Cotton OLD A 8 I If. Tebefnoeta River Kemp 80 ed wooa hanusboro I lullou'Oft lumler Joruon suver Pahter ft lumber Bayou Lacomue kaielle SU ed wood RAILROADS.

SOUTHERN PACIPICCO. (Morgan LIn Loca' I a bales oottoa 4 cars cotton seed 1 car oou cotton 1 car oilcake Scars lumber 120sacks salt 43 buds siijiar 44 ubls sugar 1 1 bMs molasses 18 bales aioss 9 pk'eg 4 bUshluea 3 bui hide la hides Ail Kali 35 sacks oaU 1 sacks bran 1100 eases eaaned guuio0 bids wine 64 pkgs sundries 44ba.suoi bales wool ITbaiesnlUes 1.9 bdis hide L' pkgs kins RIO bar copper SICW ORLEANS dt NOKI UKAeTERW. 241 baiea cotton 1 car tueai 8 cats coal 8 earscat-t of pets TKA'AB AD PACIFIC RAILWAY. 957 naieseouou 1034 sackscoUoa seed uwa 19S bins hour Mi h'f bbi hour SIS sack bran 1 but bides beau cam oil obis 1UO bbis syrup Hot sacks malt boxes candies ILLINOIS CRNH.AL RAILROAD CO. 6M bates cotton 1 2'2 era caooaa K4bbUlur nips bbis whir kjr 1 44 bid pork 65 boxes shout-denVl tier -et- bains 82 boxes bacon I Ml bids Hour 10 laid 279 a oats its bblstonguox 111 pkgs butter I'll btnsspinis hears buy uceisuau 1 car bran l'X bbls le-ns i0 bbls apples Lit psgs piioleel sacks pea.

I boxe- meal 10 boxes beef lice glue Ju sack brau 249 sack ferilii-lers 4 in bo meat LOUISVILLE. JEW ORLEANS A TEX. 4s7 la eseolioo 4 bo.b suar a bins iuoiaMr 50 boxes hams 20 boxes sai.e e4 iHixcicheus 11 imxees-iap 15 cars oil Scan staves 2 cars meal 1 car cor ion deed meal LOLIMV1LLF. AND "1SHVILLK baiescotton lo.t buis Hour 45 bli.s wiusy aid kess aali 253 tiern-stard lt bins mei bnii boxes sosp 50 tierces hairs 1" bote- 9 cars coal 8 cr( coal cars tattle 1 car -h ircoai Icsbosges 2 cars poultry 1 car mules aad horses 15 bktaatuisa1 32 pkg io-'aceoaiid suuuxick MHtUXDUOl. Newport News.

Jan Pal ed. Kilt temslilp TrtHmpli. Kemp (from New for brtiiuii (har.n By TeiecrspB NewTork. Jan srhrtever. Trxfffe Manager The steamship LI Dorado, Capt iiawthorn, airivod at boon to -nay FOREIGJf FORTS Dnnkirk, Jan 2i Arrived, bril teauiship II arrogate, eurtle.

from New Orleans LUbou. Jaa 1 Arrived. Hal bark St Anna, Jaecarlno, from New Orleans Dundee, Jan 93 Am ved, wed bark SrUhiod, Wahigrcu, tiom i Si, STEAMSHIPS. A CHEAP TRIP TO CALIFORNIA, LKAVIQ SEW ORLEANS FEB. II.

IM TUB SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Will ran an Excarsion of ELEGANT PLLLitAN PALACE CO AC II KS LOS ANGELE3 AND SAX FRANCISCOi Fare for the Bocnd Trip only $110! lramwitl lea.e jiuifc.u mi 7 30 p. m. ou aliove date. 1 i. kets iiood to retoi a within six otoliths.

For irthrr iiiforoi.iUoa ca.1 on or sddre- W. C. A soN. lieneral Pasnsuirer and Ticket A gout, J. O.

SCHm-ViK, iradid Manager. New Orleans, I.a. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTIQ SYSTEM. MORGAIT IIIsTB lew laM 1 EaTui Jin Crii Tazji Xti Tori, A3 BELOW: FOR CORPUS CHT-ISTI VIA OALYF.STOW aieanasHIp AK IN HAI. Leaves Morgan City EVERY TCE3DAT Freight takes enly with privilege of Uaaafe ring at tialvestuu.

FOR BRAZOS SANTIAGO VIA ALVK TON. slrsmiMs I. t. II1RRIS. Sails from Morgan City on Lighterage at Corpus Chrlstl and P.raxoa (U any) at nak and expense ot consignor.

"S-OIsiir. steamers leave Aliriers every ICasbAY and FRIDAY, p. m. Steamship EXCELSIOR sails oa FRIDAY. Jan.

IU. p. in. Ir.snranes by this line three-eighths of one per cent. All freights received at depot, foot of Otrod street, np to 5 p.

m. For full Information as to rates of freiirht or paaeage. apply to office, comer Magar.e and NaUhci strt-ets. New Orleans, J. i.

st'H, TraiTle Maniaer. A.C. General Mansier. LIIEKrtlOL, lllVtHA OEM. ANO J4.

TRANSATLANTIC LINE. Kill Ll hllfMIL, HAVANA aud The sti-ainshlp ag.rsT-a rtilULU'ls. UceUt, Capi. iiiuaga. -will positively aail for the mv poria on or aoouk Ju.

to be by the sleamshij VkiAIA, About Fi'b. H. lU.s splendid steamer offr nn.irtxsd attrai-tious passi-ngrs, bein provided ifita every luiaiuaoie luxury. For leigtit and uassaite anply to A. C'LAV 1 1 N.

osneial Airnf, KiHttti 'if. Ki-nuer rvoH-k. I'lt HICI. Hiit i iiLuN (t-riMvv i.i.i 4i.5 and l.imnn The new CT, ss" IOHAI.L, Po Al ti A. r.

Dosiio master. Having siieiior aeeommotlattons for p.isen. eers, nd I 'ie latest lo.ivo Ne Or inn for ihe above pons on or a'eut, Feb. 11. The Coala Htcaa govs: uiio-ttl guara.i.

snippers bv tnu ve--el a special aoteiuel.t of "iit on luiiiort tiitty. For freinut or paas.iifn annir tftJ.n.FI'1 A C'i- s' Wall siieet, Skw Yoik; or J. 1 Pii 1 PPii Jc CO- Ik) Uravier stieet. New Oi-leani. NEW ORLKAN-s, HOSHL'RAS AND UCA TEH ALA al'EAMsUlP tuHfA-SY.

FliRBclLIZtt.LiVINiiarOsi, Puerto Cortes ami Santo i oi JT Ti. i A a Americsu LUHAinsl, C. K. UiSslSS CARRYING TJNITET) STAT. il Alu-s, Will leave 1 it eo.

I-. For freight or paasago, having snpenor ao- eouimoilalions, apply J. H. ii 17 Delta street, i.ravir. 4l ILT8IL I LMK.

AX KT! FOH COLON I ASPI WA f.l. i eyUiwu TLs n. Blui-hKbU and Ll if i. Mil. i.

sir. I Aiucnc''-ii sti-sin- J. I. r.ivsgard master. Sails A Y.

Feb. d. I s-i. Fur freight or pasoage aj ply to c. A.

FI-sH 32 Soitlh Peters sHeet. VIKIIKU. FOR V-ItACRLZ IA UAUKllOX. Mm. Jis.

ii tRLi Cat t. Jaoios Lrowa rill leivs from trian Citr MuN DAY. Fet. 1. Paasensers tK fcrtjr boat, fool of 1- lysian i iti'ls street, at a.

iu. Caiou p.te birer-aa- p.i.sago li No Ireiiiiit Wiiriocr o'd-r. For freight or oiis. are to ontca sorner Magazine and Mai -n-i aiieeis. A.C.

II It rt I Nsii.V. i.eneral J. li. HI KV H. i iano r.

-Yrr VERA I'Rl'Z VIA TAM PICO utt in i he Al uaw A can ilf.itr. A-s, i lhaA Asa. A.s iiAklu, Capt. taxutona, will sail from wharf eppealfe Dumaia uoet, second Disinct. on tits, I.

I lur tno above poruv. For freight or pa-isae apply lo FDWAP.n.u TORKK, Agent, p. W.cor. I afom'eie' sno Ara. ti'i wrtitti PIOM ii LINE'.

FOR It I-: I 1 tNii-TOV, i -wilo liiui and Port 1 iso Ctrl Il-ifaie. Ceiba, hr r.veraud ougro-iai olaiuul lil Eitl. l'usti maatt-r, wi leav for the above ports ou i ii A-liXV, Jan. 7. al a.

m. -V-. i It CAT AN, i 1 li. A Pouacca. Truxillo.

llilif 111 sh liomluris. citrying the I .1 tales ii'nl V.m mails PKOI HHHIR rv msy.ter. will leave for the aliovs ports on or auua: steqmshiy H. tV Kb. Jtt Arnet tnaitr.

ui leave mr pun lo I oi-ie. aim ohi-m oa I I. I its ia Jan. VI, at IV mi. For freight or passage.

superior as coumodai.uu, sppir to Is.OTKPI. and -o il 'i I -i rt--t. NEW lOiis. FO.t NEW BaiU i.D-V DAY. Feb.

J. at a. w. PX IHF. STEAM 1UIP i ill P'- Freeman, i i er whsrf, fool of srre I NSC "s' ON TIUx'iv EtoiiTH" OF ON'e.

Pcli Cii.M'. Cab'n or Ilc.gc; i' pa.e t. ALilD llOl I.ION 11 snir.fii-l t. uarth C-rnian Lloyd Siea.ruhip Lin3. wr- Bi'tiliUQE TICKETS ST'r- -rrorn Srsmea to New Orleans, s-Q.

via on or New a'so, ca'dn sn i lic.els Wtse.a aud Nsw or, eith-r way, iiu'-d by tho Nei ili'Varfro frruii Br-rra for a. as ion duscU -3 Api.1.1, C. a lock la a. i 1-. Agent.

sv L'iiiiih reet. A b'H rf PO I hn Im.ok an A A- a sovet i-r so rwsisati '1 ittrin-fxnri T. ttud A ttmt of n.T-rT,-ti-r who wants' mt i its ii a. ii 1 a rv-iitt Tud filtu. fr hint il I Ul Y-t liQe? iu ai.Triii a ci.iin iit rait-tJ wli hiBht v-r sf rrn 1 1 f4 ii fr i Ik it t- iirt-l ai I i'ir uwii bn ar.i.

r-fti', r-t 1 iV lil'kKAl', 10 tv i'Tml i')UH' It --i. 1RTEBIA1K----)WATER Or no pay. For nv n-e u.kI i.t i'i tr.I.ty. 11 ave sunk six ia ta.s c.t nvet alec i fnijud in suii-ione. en iy have a (til Trerciiautaoie si.N.-f of o-ir g-t--i.

x. ie 'im'-s. WiM sin ei.s se.l run .11 winte.i. Add. aou'liern Brrinch A ia.n ii-au 'A e.i A orlii.

at. 11,1 N. ii. Aro now sitn.ini' a wc.l at the st. Charie Motel.

Wo have tho works nrgaked in matiu.acturiiig mitli a'-id eh.nerw. nd I lor tn ilnir you o'tr ataloga4 i of ion engraiings oto ar guo s. tub cor bis. Vmitd Staff Cirtitit Court. Ja Boarman PreslJlng.

The serera! ease etit'tiod Monts C. piexotte Ti. the City of New Orteana, being the ame la which the representative of the Citizen Committee of One Hundred Intervened and prayed for separation of causes, hava been postponed bv son sen I of vl paruee la Interest to the 17th of next mouta. The ease of the Tnltel Ptatea ts. K.

T. Whet-ler, charged with forgery of pension TOuchela, bae bten postponed ttntu 1 cb. 1L Vnit-d State District Court. Francis Fleit ts. Bark Iadcc field.

Bale to furuish seeurliy forcosu N. W. Casey, V. haerey. Jr.

Ordered bv court that J. A. Ie Ben be subrogated toa.lthe aad title and luterost of said plaintiff and Frank Touechey. In and to the nid Judgment rendered In said cause, and that aid J. A.

He Ben be aathonxed to prosecute and collect adgment for hi own aecouul. and be heral leg iw.uuul a the plaaiUU la aaid C'ril Ditrirt Court. Successions have bean opened of Pan! E. and John Hog an. Emanclpa ions sre applied for cf Faima alaris Josephine Lelixanc, Maud Burke aad Oeo.

Da vie. Kd. I.orne Co. tx Henry YlAvant. Snit for 7M0 7 ob account, Thoa.

c. Porteooa ts. Mrs. B. ChiptA.

fcn.l for '14 u. Yaletsrs. Anrnst Konltxee. So I for 117 60 on oiob account. Mcfcanlson.

Drey aX Co. VS. L. J. lttle.

Suit for tin H. tie. L. ts. Adam Thomson.

Msn-Utinu for the removal of wooden and iron posts on Camp street, from to near alilop. and injunction reetra niog defendant from obstruct-tnganv poriion of Camp street. Petitioner aiae prars rJO damages and counsel feea. Gumble Broe. St ever va irneet Coinson et sis.

aequettratiuB of cotton raided In pariah of Avoyeltes for advances, materials and supplies furnished by aeiendaut. Anioaut canned tioo. M. "helby vs. L.

W. Wheelesa. Suit for on note. Ihewnlcf Mrs. Mary E.

Blackman leaves llfaj each to two children in Vermont, and the i euiain.ler el the estate to Oeorge AlnsukntJn, her biolhec rWaniautt District Court. A Judge Alfred Roman. Owinto the absence of the District Attorney on account of sickness. udg W.K. WluUter acted aa Dmirlct Attorney.

Bl 516 FOKFEITen. W. It. Christopher, charged with naaanlt aed battery upon B. F.

Hai kuian on May 'iSlaet. fain M. llliani. of II Hoyal street, hi surety, will be caliod apon to hand over FjO-kuLLI pgoeryl lEb. Alexander Penallon.

stealing OB Oct. 14 from the stamtHt Alice some iron chain had been released ou hi own bond aud left tne tiiy. TRIALS. Win. O.

Ersns (alias Kdwardsl, John Craven. Wm. Morgan alias yavis). Thomas Kiug. Ja.

iiovie and Chaj-lea Brown. Kncllt-h sailors. Jal ed sinco April, chaigwl with 1. Brraking ana onteriag me irinsn ei-iuru -1 head of st. peter stioet, on tuo n.ght of Apul ID: 2.

tiraml larceny of 4 razors, 46 sbaU. valued at t'l 73. and With receiving slih-n a-oeds. Win. i.

Evans. Wm. ano Jas. Ji vlowere found guilty of petit iar-ceiy ana sentenced to six months Parish Prison. Sadies Judge Joshua G.

Baker. eENTKXCEK T. V. ftmith. colored, convctei Jaa.

10 of shooting Lmun colored, en the 2ffth of eisraaiy; three years' hard labitr. PLEAPKI goT OI II.TT. r.ohert Jackson, ting a wound less than mayUui icieaaod on bud. 1CIAL. Manila Domlrgo.

manflanghter: gtiiltv. stront-iy retioniurnded to the aueicy cl the court. Till CRAM! Jl'ET in the case of Chs. Gialrey, chargwl with the of Frank Castnuon on the uoruiug t.f Dec j. btouKht in a tiuo lur n.aui-i-0a-tcr.

lu the caseof r.enjamin chsrgetl with matisiumgtiter, lor the kLiiuc of Amos Wm. pres-y ui Nov. 7. and Matthew Barrigan, chaigid with maisiaiisiilr i.iauve to ihe tcuiiardcaiu oi i'aiy i.tcely, njui thauiroci ou Dec.

nut a true bi.k scf ICreurdrr't Court. Maggie Dubois for assault and on Kale and Mrs. uiili-r, aud abuse toward iimiy Ntbou, werenlated umlet peace bond. sad.e Vemon. Bessie Yemen and LilTie Fowler, a.

I charged with assaulting l.od:e Hiorn: I.dlie an it discharged, aud Sai'ie fined J0 or thirty data. Mrs. Jean Kstcves, by Mrs. with insults ard and i st blrir the peace, and m. I'ai ter, lor assault aud batterg on oeorgo iloore, were released oa appearance John Dcnne ly and SI ichael Smith, S0M; f20 or tinny days.

Watson end Ford, dsncerons apil suspicious were given tueniy-fotir hour to fe.ive ton u. 'I honias Kieinau. charged by Pr.trit J. -i -lan with breach of trust aniieiubezxieuienl; 0 ai.pearance liond. 'oeoige l.uii-o, chanted with breakinr and entering the i-oumviiiT- N.ishv:ile m' lit to steal, waa reminded tu de.

i 1:1 Iru t-e Augusiia nit iiety pm iuj with insu la aud abuse ai.d lo.turi.iiig me jK-aie, wre plated under boiid; cuargeu oy 1. iiMstn. and Ilictiat Wether. chaig'-d with stealing tweuty-two latic of KUiisr tn hi I tie auuar uei. ain i-nmiu min rez, lor receiving ie i orn.c ine nusi huiie.

No. street, ano ame io hsve be, et. l-n. were a.i iaccn nnu--i boot Iur tleir flCOZCX OJtAMir: roisoxocs. A Dea'er Just Keturaea iioiu Tells of lite Effect of the Cold Snap.

Jfcw York Woild, Mr A l.ert iilerritt. uresldert of the Mer uit ruit Company, at No. t-3 Para place. Fpeaking of tbe receut seizure oi oranges oy the New York Board of Health. said that tha cold snap Florida bad injured the crop somi', but that there were nearly as many oranges in town no as the demand repaired and tioce of tiicto were poisonous.

"I have just returned from an extended trip through Florida," lie said, -and was present during tne time of the cold wave, the 1 1th soil 12th lusiatil, ana ior several unys ni tern aril, and aatc.ed tiia ellecl in the tree ami fruit, liorida has suffered, but nothing like as much a was feared or has beeti stated. Not more than SO per cent of the oriugcs on luelne-al the time of the cotd wave were froren. grcves bad fruit considerably frosted and many groves escaped injury. Some fruit sisipiitd iiuring the fr-ea and lnimed! itcly after contained a small percentage of frozen ami a rerv few paieeis were unltt for slii- inent. A few lu's ir7-en in transit, nut to aitaiinie that a large percentage of the oranges now being from ioridaare frozen Is ealcuiatec.

to wora great uijumts to the ehipjiers. The facts are that of the boxes of oranges received here yesterday, not 10 per cent were frozen aud unfit for consumption. "If frozen oranges ere poisonous naa reuiaitied for Mr. L. J.

P. al-op to make this wonder.ul diacovery. I Hazard notnmz when I say that during the last twenty years there) have been utWlions of dulUrs' worh of frozen oranges sold in this market. Who ever beard of anyone being poisoned by eating tuem Thousand of cacs of a-letieia oranges and thousands of boxes of Sicily oranges are yearly frozeu here on the docks and are sold aud eaten, and no jr.ry has ever been known to result. Half the orang-s shipped from this city (enrln tha winter month ont through the country get frozen during transit.

No cue need being poisotieil. All oranges that were frozen ti trees will show thattli-y have been froxen so pinnly that rone but a fool woind buy them. They will lojk and fet-1 like a rotten orange. Florin ban still 2' boxes ol good orauges on her trees." liOAKl OF HEALTH. The folluwina were recorded yesterday: Felix C.

Jscqueaud SIiss Beie C. Fachard- SOB. 1 a. ene Antoine Garcia and Miss Jeanne Sla-ne 1 1 ui rliy. r-jntiel ilcCartty and Jliss Kava-nauali.

Augnst Brsndt asd Miss Fliraeth Rpieiiag. ie W. aud Miss 1 11 1 liclil. linsu A.beit Cngan and alls il-iy Duigui. mTHS sirs.

Andrew 7. ecel, a aB. Mm. Va. entitle kietnat-r, a dangliter.

rs. I eopoot il a- x. a dauehltt. J-'S'-ph 1 a sun. V.

r. i h-imas a Sl rs. a daughter. Michael Duileuty, a daughter. lir.

Bene P., a son. ills. Slichael a urn.

1 SATHs. Jojej-hine Cesar, Cats, P.otnan, near Vrsu- lines. niiam Mia. days. 15 Chartrea 1 )lcrnH.

M.mriu. 2 real s. Ne.soii and I.o:ere. Sits. Josephine Laht e.

Tocro It rirmaiy. Anolph 34 av, 27 tins Touro Ii fiimaiy. j. Mv.le.-. years, et.

Jmses. voImIii, cAie.x 7 tsars. 2.s larirnr. I rmcoj Laube, iOO Jeaxs, Asiuti fillers of tlie Poor. i gu.te Calves.

47 year. 9 Drrsd 'S. a hil. la. 7r 417 1 airsice.

Mary Waiaer, ii" years, uencrai lay lor, near JiT-er. Sirs. EllzaLcth Mlchoc. 35 years, North Kiiiarr. Si -s.

Widow Mary Of Ie Tic 25 year, Dtiro A it l.rv. Artiaud Lanaux, JS years, VrsBUnes and Prior. Ottave Augustus, 53 years. 3M'n, Hospital. When everything else fails to free you of vonreoui-h or cold, new life awaits you throuch the agency of Dr.

Davis's Cvut found j-viud of Wild Cherry and Tar. i ro- ure a bottle and you wia add another to the mauy bo hare been ruatorea to by this wonderful remeoy or iyspepat Dr. Davis Uvex PUaa, ED EIYER ASD COAST USE. CH AS. r.

TBr-f-OMT. Preside-K CUA-i. W. Uiiow Secretary. OFFICE ttHP SlMtra.

KED R1VKR. For PTIREVKPORT aad Way lAmllngs Knot, i master WJCDNESDA Y. Jan. 27. at a p.

m. lefSyt LOtYEB COAST. MUtlH Chaa. Thorn mastei MONDAY. WEPNTISDAY, FRIDAY, 11a.m.


S. Bassett master TUESDAY and TUTRDAY at I a. SATURDAY at 11 A. m. irpiRtotir.

WDItPEB J. F.Ancoin. master TL'StjDAT, TUCR-sJDAY. SATURDAY, Urn. tOttTASB baioi urorBtDE.

AXI HPTIO P. A. Chariet master MONDAY. 1 p. m- FRIDAY, Km.

JEWEL J.J. Dudd master WEDSESDAY.12 B. SATL KDAY.Sp. m. Freight received all times for stir of above points.

B. 1 K. A gent. ttYl LIIOlltHK. IN DP Pi.

DK NT PACKET, Bl. V. 11LIKK. v'm. E.

BaiA master. John li. Dnmestre clerk. Lea- every 1 I KsDAY and isA 1 DAY at is m. for Bayou Laroarclie, through to L.mrcl Valler.

For fre aht ai to HA LLI DAY VV'RIHHT. heatl of canal street or D. Mtl.V. Sl'outi trc't. THE NEW A NO.

1 IN DKPKN PENT BAYOU LAFOUi-LUil PAfisEf tt-ss ALICE EE KfilVf, wr-l O. LaBdry l.eavrs for Tktirsdi-T. and way lan.i'.rgi every MOS l.s and TH IT lis DA at i 'ciocg p. m. For freight or pasaaif apply on board or to J.

A. CJ Jt 1ml hi. ageul ST. LOl I a. ST.

LOCI- AND NEW ORI.AiiS ANCrlOP. lalJNTE runs ad ai.L WAY i reserving right to pass ail lauaii'iig Us captain may dseaa uitsaio 1 atea tr niastrr. clerk. Leavea at 5 p. Tar tr.iret or BSJurS IBDiT tO J.

B. WOOD, neial Agent. 1M Common siieet. OHIO RIVER. OOUl'UEUJf TUAN-POUIATION COJi PAlf y.

Leave on WEDNEDA Jan. T7, at 5 p. m. FOR CINCINNATI-The rf-r-iSIs P.tKlst'. blldWV Joliurs p.ttdrsou inasier, C.

U. Y'ouug clerk. For freisht or aprlv on board or to ALLi DA Jt A liD.H Agents. i. tavur strovu Tbe New Marv It onton follow.

RLI.ULAK AND A oit- I. A Js rAi lbss.F. urtl lli'lrua. r-. Til A.

iii.AiiEii e- fltzyt f. s-MrtFTF r. ii. ihorweijaa nianii oeutge (i.lenber-rer f-iel 1.. will le.ive on WF DN i A Y.

Jan. 27. at 5 p. for Memphis aud reserves ie ngi.n to pa-S all landings tlie c.irt ui.v dm-n For freight or pas a-. ply oi board or tn 1 i X.

B. -pe. I ll lo shipmen's of snirar and inoiaes from Cuaat lau.nngi i. It A ts TrlXt i. ii ii'i- i.

i 11 Leaves VfhU.NKfhAV.J in. --7, at p. m. (siSM. uit PoINTs US lilE "ill, ij, Bayon Macon.

I and b.ack river I he ste.iuer 'f5ai I V. ooiec. niaeter. Thud. Knee, clerlt.

fH icavi- as a'xive. For freight or pua'T' rpply to F. A.riLANks, i'r -snb-rt. 7 s'reet. LOKll A Ml PS IKK.

BttlllfN I Ag'tS, IIIK Pint tMlITt Hltl.H. FO SCRAN ION, M's- iti." Point and all L.ndlags oa tho Paa- ragou a river I lis aicatuer IllTO. V. A.

Weaver Master, leaves her landing. Sew Bastu, ott WEDNlri-D AY, Jan. 7. ior freiijhtorraMarrlrto 4 VIZARD, ei anil si Maitaine sits-et. luaitiiKU, I lLLtt S.ti.

1U leases trerr Vl'KSHAT, at a p. m. HR VK Kshl l.i. NA It HkuC, and way tauiiiugs he aieamor si. H.

HHII I. j. t. iiaso master, A. MeVav irg.

coauecia ai wuit i. Line tor Ihe Yazoo. Aucitor i-iu t-r i i be riaab is reserved ps, laitd-ng deemed tinsafo. iANNe-V. lii-u.

L. ii 1 1 j.U A. WAYS E. I. cave every i A at p.

nu oit i.lll'.l.N YILI.t. ViCK-t. "auris and 1 indir.ks '1 ussleatuer riHoot i. j.o'i ToV. m.isfer, nit Holmes cletk.

couect aa 'sicksioiig with P. Line for 111 Ya.u-x, Aicnor l.iue fir St. i.otii. theriKlit is lo pas ail ia.oi'itg4 f- ued unsairK I'll! JAA.Ntl', r.ij. D.

ill 1 O. A. A rl. Agents. taiavcs evory all L' ilDA at i p.

ot- fTJ fox vicKsnvsa, nat. It- -f shea and lav ia Xil Hit. B. j. Leaihei maa'ar.

T. fceia. clerk. tf jni-! at Vicasblrg w.tu V. Liuo lur 'ne Yauj, for Luu s.

Tin r.ght is le.ervi-U io pi aii iaailiiigs deeuiud Joh'w I.1NNEY. GEO. D. JIITE. LORD ST A.MS 1 1 I'M.

MT LA DS II I CAN Stcaia Navigation Coinpany. cja! 11 tD iieK Itvule lo and lrH liwllanil. I'isria. is, 4 plr. Ma.l Sleamer lt-avo New York and Holland Eiery sutur-lay.

First Ca'ilt! Itrtarn ticket on! i tu-ke' 7u lh-" pr re a ipl on to lii kela sold In ra te-nn at lovteai rals. i.eiierai A cet ev s. rtiii.nm YotK. i.ei;rl passeuger tety Is and 131 ilrosdav. New Yuik.

At N-- oilcans, li. F. i-. ouedry, Uo.s. k'ea di A.

k. Miti-r ix. IMIII I.I IIXA. I'lMLLUS. BASS, fcTilAlfsiUP LI.E.

A FOil BVRCELONA VIA HiliL.I, loi'o I no I ui2Lr I Iho u-. iat, mani.cut sluel itlCil. EL P1VILI.O. rn is new dne li ro snd I 1 nu.i iV-parc! ti ii.Te ii tui ou comiitioaa of the coin; any uf ia l.tia-. applv to Ci.

I ititl.A I CO i7 list-. s.ri-t. Il.liiilllt Al II It A A. LI.ME F-' AM) HAVANA. Mli'THKlIX lit.CCO.M-PA-N ATI.

AN 1 ie' 1 M. 1'. I. r. s.

-M I sta-t. siiii.s fur I antiia, t-y A es t.i a. '1 i tro.o ps fiil ittj A Mca.nsllil, IH' Jlli1. c.ipt. J.

i. e. i.aksfv Leav Alirisrs TH Y. bie-asai act. i.

I'lll, Leavs Algiers i. J. Ps--. t.ixe tit's i ry of Ir.ii. a'T'-t.

at ":1 t. m. l- i-et-iri-r iti.i... Ad -it te 1 at the J.ji.s:at, snd fet i i.a. d-ieit.

f-mi of lt i ap: ly to ofSre. corner ileaaliie il'l Nate r-c's. A. 11 I 1 it i -mnaawr. a.t.

s. AV UKLIAM Kl LI IK KOTAL HAI I. Mltt'UHH' ttr.w. i- I- t. I I I I I i.s i'.

i 'j. Port l.rr. lsaoet, i ones in iue c-S A nisncaa stan.suipo Axuikili. 'iait maator, Lea-eeTH PR's DAT. Fii.

CITY OS Kal ieater. Leaves SATl' It A Y. Jan. i. a joct lo amva, of Knell.

anal a. ill give toriUu bins u( tu or fr I a-y cf lis above I ru, and lulls oik. Lu and ll.e Continent. or li e. l.t or apply to M' it K' lir.

i-i lieiatar street. LI I RPOOI. VJl CaLEi'W TUIJ-iirOoL IiEJT. WRt ar.d Pacific Csm-pauy's risyai bUatieri. Thoee well appointed and popular strs fsase ace'iinnimlAt'on" for I ai Sad froui Ui Conat-asy's wrt, a4 tne luwt ul s.ree4.

at snort in trva-s. A. HALL to s-il about ti. Yn'ATtS to To te foi.ewt-d I'T frei, nf i-itrva', Bal cn fars. BivO.

Caildraa and aerva-t at a 1 ei action. i or fantier paxucalir as to fxeircS aa paa M.J.8ANDEB. Agent, 3t CaroaatMit street Ns ui.eaiuv. Arrival. Btt tcarine column.

Drpmrtum Temterdatf. Heptane, Alvta. W-hsper. J. M.

Era IVo. 10. Sttmmrrt A4rfrtied to Tjtoveo To-Day. for Lower Coast Ialy, Canton, 11 a. m.

Foe Upper Cum(--label Co-ieaax, Co-fcjui. 12 m. For F.ayou Lafourche Jewel, Dodd. 12 m. tor Ked lilver Keokisg, fscoveU.

5 p.m. For Ouachita John 11- Haiina, Blanks, 5 p. tc. tor Atch-falaya Fanchon, Bergeron. 5 p.

m. ior Tenia and Vaeon Tenaaa, Cooler, 5 p. m. or MemphlsChas. P.

Chouteau, Thorwe-f en, 5 p. id. For Cincinnati rarls Brown, Fatter-on. 5 p. m.

or lasc-gool Hirer Fulton, Wearer, 5 p. m. fitaqt of Above low water. Ft. 1 Alexandria.

i cairo 27 2 Chattanooga. 13 8 8 lve.nport... 0 l'eihl 4 7 Iiubaiiue 0 Fort BUiilh 0 Fulton 5 A Helena -5 8 Leavenw'rtU sau.e 0 Ijouiaviile ....10 8 lleicpbi 1 6 Monro. 17 5 Nashville 19 8 New Orleans. 8 8 Pittsburg 5 ft.Uui IS 8 st-Faul 5 'Yankton 0 0 lilver frozen.

(be Hirer. Change. liise. Fall Ft. lo.

rt-10a. Pan get line. Ft. 10. 32 6 5 0 0 40 50 15 a 0 0 Itf 0 2-O 3S 23 0 25 0 St 0 40 0 2 13 22 7 28 41 24 2 0 P-tlnessls ao what It might be by any "lfieaos.

Mr. Perry Tharp. a Bited hall bollder. Is in 1li- city, and is, it is sail), giving chuuum lur a eiosmieni hail. End.

A. Blanks, sick at home since sun-ear, -oa danrereosly ill yesterday, though ininn hat better last evening- 1 I- W. Fuller and the Jewel arrived yesterday afternoon from Bayou Lafourche. Both 1 ret aro this morning. 1 h.

Keokuk. Inm rlrer: the, from TrutK anil alacon, and the John H. Hanaa. from the Ouachita, were ah teiegiapbed to itnve it uisiil and to return to-day. Tlie liu.

C. "arrnli, Vuxx. Max Blanrhard in nmmaiMl. im artrruil to leave to-iuormv Harou liTuurrLa aa a 'J liurday and Monday ja-rk-t. lliai'aria r.

Brown la re'-rtvine te leare to-ay, iriK.ont lal, for the OMo riTi to at i p. J. 6. rait-ru la command, Yentff. a niiMt clTer ceniieman.

elrrc lha New alarr lionHuu frum Cincinnati la iu te nrrire te Kara the York M-irne Journal While eiamorlnr ainroprianoii (or Jfertliera rivers and fcarHor, we anonld net fonrt tlie aipaia our NnUw-rff Itiemla for belp to maae their aluaije waters of greater uaviev lle prolit te commerce. CanaTeea UUlierto La made aTlrimlina for ti boaih In iroior-to 11.x re 'cue d-riTl In.m it. A a uiatier of pol ct Imi la wrong, and while retarding the growth of lliatawtloB both iirectiyandialirrt-rrenfvn-a lha efmmerce of the emtlie nation. That wliii -eelerir trade la the South eou-trjnta to tha proeuenty nf the North. Cap-Ital eul Ohw into tlie t-uth la proportion la facu.Iit-a of trade.

When crops are harvested and mine! me dug out of the booi of llio 111. tuev mnKi girt to markt to he of value. Here la wheie pifr a moxt luit'ortaiit 1 he more and cheai-er it i. the bett it Is fr trade.

The oatn eaya dr.y lor tianiav ol taw Mid manufactured firo. laet. and out one port of entry In or out of hieli a to Mirrn s-zed mert-ltant Teawl conld ut aaiety wit a fuii utrro. It oaght to be the reiiM of It have been, if Vebeteiiau allenieiftVp had jireTsiled In (Xrrex ia the paet tltteen rear-, whlcM Is broad euoueh to cover the eulire cosntiy The hie till al the Nul lJi, and Went B3ut r-iri t. Inatewlof a toor sort of a recocmt.noitrtveraua hat bora tuer should Tt-t eluies of The coiumensuraie with their necessities.

An arm is as neceuarr to the body a a lex. One reuaire as much leiviee a the o'li-r to be neaithy. If the (ouibern haruers rlvsrs are tiuprovol. they will be rrn ieil tr lurreaied tratie, huh is the health of any nation, fonrrees oan aesirn tntnwii for not doing Ha doty to an! the fcOitA la tins psrUealar. and as aa Amerhaa ueepaier U.O irtn JntrtU urges geuer-on apnropnaiioas UUa year iur bouUisrn rivors and re.

I he i4ed Kiveranl Cat IJne steamer Jewel. j.J. Dortd master. M. H.

I.sndry cli-rk. leave t-xiay at 12 at. far Bayoa Lafourche thifHifh to 1 The li Hlvrsnd Coat Line Tnited fftatei mail auamer ltaier, udver Can Ion master. l-ao this II a. tn.

for the lower coast. 1 he tri-wetiiiv ind-pu lent nper coast yafl-et omeaux. J. fomeaux uianLer. 1 k.

"ruess. hai ie lfean and Ueo. io. bard clerks, loatee to-day at 12 in. for lloonias.

Ihe John H. ITanna. T. A. Blanks master.

J. s. I B. Tarleum. e-am l'owell and r-whnp llanna clerks, leaves tolay at p.

oeual. for Ihe Ouachita. 1 he llanna will Tbkeeoaet freicht for Pla-iaeialno. Haton House, Iayoa -jra and interniedia points. The Atchafalars nvsr rne.kel i auchon.

J. C. Bergeron in command. W. an Hill clerk, lve to dr at 6 p.

ui. for Wafh'ngton, The Ived Hirer and Coat steamer Keokuk, w. T. Scoveil niaeter, leave to-day at i p. xn.

fr Mneveport The lensa aid Mrm packet Tensa, the nlv thronch boat in the trs.le, leaves to-day at wirhont fail. L. V. tWey la command. 1 ho, iiiee cierk.

The airtnt his arrt Bend packet Charles P. Ohouteso. W. K. lhrwet-o niasier.

Oeog i cierk, la roce.vuijj Vo leave at i p. tu. to -dey. liirtr TelejTronia. pedal to The Tinles-Iveniocrat.

CatKO. Jan.rst. -et. ttiThy. fiannless lee Is att.l vr.viun ont of

It ha been thaw. lrg ail dar. a state -f weather will soften fie river ice The a. I. ootland tow left for Pad'u-ah yesterday, hut laid np at Cache Island, soft ice anrumuiaTiiig on the lor-ward barr- In auch lar qnantities a to The IT.

P. feM-hem k. ilh a fair cargo. pa-M-d to Cincinnati at a. m.

Her wheel ws badlv damaged lv ice. which wiU retiair npon reachinc clear at Padncah. 1 he City of dne from New Orleans. The ouiititix t-ufle era; ht that ahe lh'l loaded and a ul an le to siorrow. Mmwi.ltil out and leave to-nlcht to rive lollowinx hoaiss roo.1 start.

Arrled: V. P. fchenck from New Orlears at 1(1 n. OoMen Ko! for New Orleans at 1 1 p. V.

P. t-efcenck for Cincia-n Mi st 1 p. m. iver T. feet a inches and rising.

Wekthrr ioudy and told. Speolal to The Times-Democrar. KHtlttiiiir. Jan.W. Kiver it feet, a rise of lu.

I eH. Amved I'eniuah from New leans. leraitil: Penlnali tor Orleana. alvasviLi.a. Jan.

Sd. P.iverUUonary with i bi mm on tlie cau.e. 1 hennoiueter HJ to 4-. 1 h- lee is thioniug out snd boat are fcavlnc veiv trotibie. 1 he bvanaviue lell at 1 m.

aiui ths uoi.ung Star at p. u. VI. Kit, Jan. Jb l.iver Si 4-I feet, a fail of In.

arrived: Natcher (rem New eill reinta dunnr the night. IVpai-td: siierlock tor Csoe unaii. Parxon.l for Or- icana. ny euro lor AHui ny. I-l K.

Jan. river i fallinir. with feet in tlie canal and Inches on the fail. Business dull. Wealh.r clond and cool.

tt iiin Jan. S. River feet 10 inches and falling, lc thinning; out. cloudy and Pi i ul' tig, Jan Is Blver 4 feet 10 Inches and falling. either ciondr and cold.

F.i. Jan. 1 he nver roso 1 Inches. Departed MoUDiaT Poy for alvansviiie at p.m. Weather cioudy aid damp.

Jn. River is feet 4 Inches and fall lis. Weather wet and arm. Departed A. eheriiv for I'limUiirg, John uilucit (or the 1 enueesee river.

MOTEJIEM5 OF OCEAN VESSELS. 6 rectal to The Timei-Peraocmt. BIW'X'. Jan -Arrived: At PMp Island to-sv. aiii si lvi.i W.

Hunt, c'apt. H.l. KriK liny fioin Astinwall. 1 indu rder lieie to proceed to Apaiachicola she i to sail for that port to -night, c'apt. Hail reporte the los of one of his crew, Pedro Warner, cverlM.sid on a recent paeaae from Cieuf uegos to aspinwa.l.

Cpecial to The Times-remocrat. Four XOKtta. Jan. 21. Arrived Xorwejr'an bark Xarirj I.ntiier.

A re sen master, from Ha-tec us. in to master. lr Vi'ik. -an.

iu. Arrived: Sr-ia from Liverpool. Jan. 26. Arrived: Steamer Llyela from New Yoik.

PLrmiiTii. Jan. K. Arrived: Steamer Bo-aewiatrora New York. wt I mi- row k.

Jan. A'tlved: Steamer Kmc f-om "i vns. Jan. Ainved: Steamers Ger-xramaand eivia ftoio Liverpool. rtHAi-K'i'U Jan.

Aruved: Faxo from th the Ltelat xuaahed and Ot her damage done. Jan. SS. Arrived: Eiae Jacket XTi'in New Orloans- Jan. Arrived: Florence from Jttv "'ens.

livit Jan. S3. Arrived: Florldian from 5 Oi luu. THE PASSES, Tort Xai. Jan.

IS Noon. Wind Bortheast And iih No si rivals or departure. TKANsFEKS OF KE A ESTATE. F.ev. P.

S. A'len et to TlenrT Cthoff. lot ad bmidmra i-'xl7i, on step, between oirod and uiia isheritl sa e), t-aoeeesion of H. H. whitehead to Jotharn Potter (ehenfTs sale), lot aud bund ngs Sixlin.

on Front and Isuvon. betaeca Lala site and Oirod. fi-'C B. Lotx to Catherine IJe'llcrer. eishteen lot and bai.d'.nga.

ia the suato bonude) lir Kit. 1-ree, imuhjSbs. Dotgeuots aud Kocheiilavc, Herman Pwh'wisB M-. loh- J. Clarke, lot Bd baiidiBga, axiss, aa alia, betweea Basus ssul fiauk, TAKE NOTICE! Tat this is the Only Lottery in Any State Ever Voted on and Indorsed by Its People.

all in full, IPLEKDID CHAXCE FOR A FOBTDHB Tfe Grsl $5 Mmi 23, or THE Imm State Lottery Conpj Will take place at New Orleans, La ea ICEsDAT, FEB. 9, 133-, This and all future drawings will be an Jr the immotilate supervision and oaanAgenient of T. BtAL Kic-iAKD. of Loa-s sa, and aea. I'kAL A- Virgin Capital Prize, $75,000.

t9S7 Prlie la all. Amo-atlm. 3265,500. The Erawlrg will positivelr commence at II a. ai at tho svcsxj-eiviY of -vxtjsic- LOOK AT THE SCHEME! EXT P.AC I.

CI NARY SCHEME! 10O.00O Tickets at $3 Each, LIST OF PKIZilS. 1 Capital Prix lt apiuu Fuse 1 i ii 1 Priae 2 Prises of n.0--s.. 10.ISO 3U.UOI t-SAKt SPnaesof 10 Prizes of 1( prises of ltm Pnzesof Prices of oo Pnaeoof l' MM Priae of APPROXIMATION PlilZk-. tApprexiuiattonsof iTSOeaeh for the uiue reuia-uing units of the same en of the number arawuig Use prise are SAppnixiiuations of S.yio each tor llio nine remaining unit of riie uno ton 01 the Lumber drawing this ti.K.i prise aio IA oroxiuiaum.a of ea-h for tho Line remaium units ot thoaaine ten of tha number drawing the ii iJ Frizes, aaiotuitlBg CrRTlFICATF- F. T0 CERT1 FY" that wo Rnper-v the arTugtnieuts for all tLs monthly nd Di-xwins-s ef tuo LOllilAN't 1AT 1AT I IliV oSi PAN Y.

anil in person luaassr aad coetrol the Lra lugs theaineivea, and mat the tame are conducsed wi.M bones'r, fairness aud faiil towaid all rttea. autitorts? the Couipcy to as t-iia ernficate, tac-s'milea of our siaatar sttacueu la lisaavertinenienl Whole Tickets. Fractions in iftlisia 1'roportion For maim at ail tbe New Orleans A rsnciae aa at the Central Office ci the LB-sIaiiii State Lottery Company. Apnllca'ton for rate to clab should eniv be man to tha ice of Uie sonipaujr ia Now Or leans. For fsrtbsr lIoim alien write aMtrij, giv fuii aarea IMI'OUTANT.

Bemit by rvslAi SOi 1 Lpres Monev Prurt, New Yoia iau, or uia-l oa Ns Olic j. letters with Currency tavxriatly by Kxr-ress. We pay Kxpres eh aige vo a.i suuis of or npaaius. Adnres jr. a.

la rmirx, New Orleans, f.a. Reistered Tenets and maae i. O. tlonev payau.e New OrJeani National New tirieans. I.

a LoiTMUtK, lsa 11X11;ii ri VAi.Ltv i.i.u 1 K. No. 1 an Ives 9 a. iu. No.

5 p. m. No. an tvr 7 in. iv- sjii lu.

7 llinri 1 l-i a. iu. i. in. lra.n No.

I and nil i.aiiy l.nweea rie si, Mrii; Nis. and dauv N-w jr.i-an il No. 7 an I run -isrt-n Nt-r i it-an- aid':n l.onee. 1 Willi (too at s.ariiis bia-' ew i.i car Io la'e i'B or put s. t.a"U i.o!ire LeUud t'-ev i.l stop oc at rg st-i0 to put aasenters; or a I t.

take S. b--Vll l.fiJIl i M--npM tuev n. at all -i at n-I'n-t ut tI-i- aiailons oha nageii. I tains a-4 i at ail tegtlar si or nag i'i tr.s 1 1 xtu i aud a t-iiel i'h f'r l.i.ntoii, ami at i si it Natchez. Jai-si-a au.l jliifib ia Uailro li.i:u No.

1. i iand ci.mi-", at Viclwi wi'it ami f. and V. aid M. Irairs 1 a id cootoct Li-- ml train Haiii-tnir-ou.

points in Ji P. ii A ML c.Y, i -en. Aseut. A.J. hi A 1'.

an. I i. A. K. F.

ilk. i.Ll. Agent. Kea California Sa.tiiera auiite. Cr-1ipT rr-ie-i I CvLuU i ill-ii Jiui, VIA I.oui-na an I Tpi.m 0.

B. and Meautoiiip utnjiany. Nsw Orlana Airie In Now Orleans. l.o.-i. a.

m. Nu. or a. in. lp.

31 1 i p. in. H's. 1 l.i'v-j.t...t: p. an LtKritt.

betweoB ew or.eai.s and llou toB and t. :lin.a, ron ana eart 1 1 aitctsca. Counect.ot.a mails a lTon'toa with all he's dura p'-itit 'iicketo lr sio si 1 s.eei'.Bg car bertl daily at ctace. ccf-iier a zni" A. C.

i i li 1 sON. J. 'II RI SVER, i. mi T-. i.

tm i dtsr. Pv1Ni Kol'JiA I'AC1-1. tin fi 'II tllTEtVt, F. J. .1 U.

1. K. rf; i i l.ea.-es A i I-- 1 A i. rl irtiine on i.l"-! diy 'fT ii if J. fill.

M. 1 1 I.1IOI -H it T- y.v.i thl-jv -n Ltavis Till l.UYiui! ilO.M'Al.iiJ p. liii I. ii. T.

'1 .1 I i a.x. oi.rt ie, 1 i otucr lu nu ou Hjo fouiche In- ner ft 4 IP.SIOI.1.. Max nimi't: I nl 1 er. O. ard.

alr'i J. i'. Wli li-aeas aiM.t.c i. 4 lulir' Ju. ii't irelg; i oil Oil I II It II li.

i. Hfurtlt.tNv A II li A A LA A Kl A.Mi Pa' Hie. i. Leavra I iA V. at a nu gp-rj A-ii 1 I 1' ui" -imoj jport.

i orinvi'ie an 1 7i ii ii vi.u ou tlieci ast. AUSxi i.a.a jfff and coaita uisau) Ike paseuci ItMIIOV. J. C. Eeryena

ui. an li l.l Ii. leave aboe. or Tr- or a-sase bva.d or to h. ulii L'so, -a irecalar tr-et.

rie.kht for Kaycs ds oever4 at st "t-i P-oii Land.i t. ouilt kill OLA CI I i 1 AH i tn -0 1. i A 1 I I I Nile I' .1 1 r. 3 -n in. iI A-.

I i I A tiiV. 1 lii-S-f CJ ai. i laLn en i -a ana I ia. n'- 1 hlcauier JOll II. uiwt.

F. A. Plai -s uiastet. J. jlmes cleric, lean, everr WKLN l.Uik m.

or pa-te spp to F. A. ai.ks, pre.iet.t. 7o. 7 e.ta -r to 4.ejia-3 I.

ne. Lord dt i. La A i r.U". sa-M-is. j.

yf t.ose and eon nee ion wuh tacket 't I. i IArt-ot a-. l.aihoi"i.e-. Ieii.a. Maiou and an I i it rin KUVI III.

lkLtl3 A-V iiViil, ktii rilklli C'MPaNY. Ofico. N-i. 1 lel'a scset. US 1 iuH M.

AKriN'SYILLK, la-r-rau tlie. New i uorva. a PiierooTi-l a s.xs lati. I s. T.

R- ngrsfc ma W. Belt eletk. W.J ieas 3 a 1 1 HDA Y. Jan. as, at a p-m.

For freight or yxaaag appiy oa susiiutM CAKLiN A kAITlON. or to OEO. D. H1TK, Ageais, i T. Ai.1, JpsgiBlBoaW 4 1 V- tion as depotm-eter of the Northeastern RaLroad.

to the regret of all who bad business with that department of the road. He was highly complimebted by the rorupary on bis severance of bis connection witu tuem. ENVIOUS SOULS Predicted deXeat to the Banner with ite! Bo INeCBIBLD THERclON. TfceKiiis Cce cf a spirins Coapany that the people, after cured, won'd demand their money back, aud aay firm adopting the rule would faiL But pinting our faith to tie Cniverssl Honesty of manhood aad wutn-uhcoiL with an failh in our oft proved remedy, we coa t.nued fl-at our banner with "No Cure' No Pay thereon, with unprecedented results. mercliant dealing ia "liuiun's rioneer llluoil Renew cr to lefusd tLe Bjmey if it does not cure all Blood and i-kin Diseases, Rhenmausm, Blood Poison, Glandular dwellings, feciofula, 51 al aria aud Female Compl-lnta.

A PERFECT SP.lSf.Q MEDICINE Essay on Blood and Kk.n Diseases mi.e 1 Irce. MEDICINE MACON, bolesale I. I st CO. And II NLA DnCS'iWIO. Sayy; I Swijfc'sSbeciiic Is nstnre's own reme.1v, marte from root gathered from forests of TLe method by which it is mad-? was obtained by a half-bleed from the Creek Indian, who inhabited a eertai ortmn of -rgi.

which ass lommoD ate i to one of the ear settlers, aa I tlms the fotmnla ha been banded doento the pteseut day. The above cut reprcseut the method of manufacture twenty yeats aco. by Mr. c. T.

Swift, one of the present proprietors. The rieitand has been gradui.y nniil a laborato-y is now accessary to supi ly the trade. A foreign demand has been created, and euUrg- wl be to meet it. This groat VEGETABLE ELCCD PUHIFIER CURES P-en-s, nt-pph XtT Vju-bkJi tbUliiij' LLik.ul-j Uijbi-. R- iiii.L Eijw- Tel tj hereilitary or otherwise, wuhoul the Bso of ereary or Potash.

BooxenCotitarioa Elood Po-sons' and os "Blood and fckia Disiase" n-ai-od free. For sale by all drur THKtWIFTSPECIFICCO, Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga 157 W. 3d St, It. Y. M'OKT MTEM.

11 if nu Shipping Intel-tiyrHce. Vessels loading eottou for foreign and eoaetwUe ports received on Tuesday 11,046 bales, or which 3110 were la transit and 4730 tbipped from city presses. Kreelpts of cotton by river, from tha Mis sissippi and tributary streams, amounted to 003 bales. The Italian bark Italis, 535 tons net. I-Lauro tnaeter, from Cork Oct.

24. in ballast, and entered at Customhouse Dee. 1: from Port Eails. since awaiting order, arriving up la tow Tuesday tnorutug anchored at l'oittt. and last evening was located at Tost 29, Third JJlriot, where iter outward cargo Is being received.

The British steamship Ocean King has been moored orer to Post 43. Fourth District, to eompU her cargo for Bremen, etc. Tbe schooner James II. Gordon, 358 tons net. S.

lioeuian master, from l'ort LltMin. Costa r.iea. Iee. 17. in ballast, and previously reiKirted at Port from which point slie was entered at the Custotithoue Jaa.

arrived tip Tnesdiy niorcing, and was located at Atgierf, where she will be taken Into the tceau Dry Hock fjr general repairs, and when completed be located at i.irtui ou Works tu load oil for Providence, K. I. '1 he steamships Louisiana, and Eureka, for Kw York, sail tonlay. The British ship Charie. 1500 tons net, W.

Perry master, from Liverpool, In ballast, Nov. 21, consigned to K. K. Miiicr A- before reported awaiting orders at Port Eade. from which point she was entered at the Customhouse Jan.

20, arrived up yeeter-Uv at Post 27. Third District. ihe British steamship Boekenna Fay. before reported np at Point, was located yesterday at Post 3St. First District.

The steamship Lizzie Henderson was to have sailed lat evening for Tampa with a general cargo, but was no doubt detained by fog. The steamships Lditor. at Post 9. Peeond District, and ledenco, at l'oet First District, have commenced reeetving their out want cargoes ef cotton for ljverpool. The li ark A rtuonia.

tor Trieste, completed ber eartfo atid dropjied to the Point, preparatory to leaving to tow for sea. The BniisU ahip Equator, 1273 tons net, S. W. Crosby Blaster, from Havre, in bai.aT, having sailed Dec. 7.

arrived at Port Lads (as before reported i. and was entered from that point at the Oiflomhouse, Jan. 15, by her agents. A. K.

Mi.ler A vessel arriv ing up In tow Tuesday morning, was located. at Post .10. 1 uird D. strict, to ioai a cargo oi cotton for Havre, something over Uoii bale having leen received and stored on wharf prior to her arrival up. Ihe bark Nannie Bell, at Port Lads, will for JJatanrs to load a cargo of sugar for a port north of Hattera.

previoti orders not having been revoked, aa was expected. The tlerman steamet.ip Cansius. 1701 tons net.C. Uix thrre days from Havana, In water ballast, consigned to iloss. Keen A having been detained by furf while tie river, reached ber wharf, bead of fixth street, p.

ui. Tuesday, and will load a carito of cotton, now being received, for Bremen. fir3t day out from Havana experienced very line west her. followed by MroiiK north west luds and turhtilrtit seas to port. The British steamship yewirlnster.

for Bremen, sans to-day with a full cargo of coiton. staves, etc. ZJS70.VEsr DOIXGS. A Youthful Jlferer. Yesterday afternoon white boy named Eddie JTnnamacher broke oren tLe fruit stand cf J.

B. Arnout, In the liuilhme market, and stole a lot of fruits. lie was shortly afterward arrested aud locked op In the Filth Precinct Mation. mortu lit. Geo.

Daniels, a white man, boarding at 2S street, complains to the police that He was inveule.1 into the Bon loa saloon, kept by Larry PUut, 155 Cualomhouse street, anu robbed ol nj Sn a game of three card inonte by two unknown men. A HEAVY Exrt. A man by the name of Ernest Schmidt reports tn the police that be had been robbed of -J50 la eunvney. He was boarding at Dairies', at the corner of Decatur and Conti streets, and carried the money in a tui.e bag aronud his reek. Heebanged hi clothes vesierdar tuormng.

ana taxing uis money ba off his neck put it the mat tries and went ont about Ms business. uen ts returned the bag andltie atoney were tone. He a ant the police to find It lor biiu. A Windoar Burnt. At morcinc a fire etarted tn the window of the Lou-e on tue aoutneai comer of Lea Circle and Pi.

Charles street. it was Mitout by the alia street Babenek. The bandine is oceupied by Mrs. S. L.

Kape, and 0wbm1 by w. xtopat..

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