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Lebanon Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LKIJATSON, P.A., TUESDAY UVEMNU. JANUARY 4, 1876, PRICE TWO CENTS Council Proceed I stated mooting ot C-niuult isvPDluff, President Riao in thoehHir. Ivuuue, Tfiomp- Miller, MpLaughlln, JiliubcJ.i., Snavelj, Bubo, Retuoebl. were nho Chltf lilch, Treasurer Oh lei Buwaa Boedel, Water Director BrealJn. The minutes of tlio lust stated and iuljounied were raid nnd approved, M'Addw, "tienicd a Ml for $510, lesi $100, already lewivi'd for professional services.

Oa inulioM Krausp, seconded by llmmpnii, tbii bill was roi'cmd back Mi'. Mi-'AtUuj for lurther exarnliifl- iioii. ViUTiJ SVCid diawn it;) fwlloWi I UrecnawftU, 513.63; D. P. Witineyer, 35 51 George Krauso $33.07 J.

Lyuiijerger, £4.02: Daniel Light, D.uiiell.ig:-:t, Cloik of Markets, £12; Charles Ebur, watchman, Unnscvt Llethti 54.82 McLaugldln $5.5.01 Lebanon O.IB Company, 109.63." O.i uiijtl'iMi, tho Cloth wau Uiatrujiud the order for Tiie Boaid of Water pro- thuir annual report. TitirU Annual KeporS of the Vt'uter Din-dors. Tvt'tt Council of the Horouqh. Leki' visn OCHTLnMK.w Ttio DlreoUws take pleasure iu uubmttUng their third annual report as follows During tho month of March the ico uurl Uooda caused considerable damage to tho Dam and Inlet, without, bow- ever, endangering or interfering with ctio supply of water to town- The dam- svas repaired in tho spring. During tho same month, in mionco of insufficient covering and bad material used in filling tho trenohea over tho pipe, tho mains were frozen ftt number of In.

town, cutting off tha water of the citizen. 1 and bursting fourteen (U) sections of plpo. This was tho cnao in South Ninth ctieet, East Cumberland, Sixth, Chestnut, and Jtorth Ninth, A plpo also broke on Walnut street, between Kinth and Tenth in February, caused, probably, by the frost. Good pipe were substituted, and to guard against further accidents of tho.kind, thu Council has during the summer, filled up tho streets, in all whero it la known that the covering la insufficient, thereby guarding agrtinsi further accidents by freezing. Tho Directors are- fearful, how- evor, that there tiro still places at preoent unknown, whero ttio covering la insufficient, and freezing will bo the jesult hereafter.

Tho sooner all such places are discovered tho better, oven If it ia at -tho oxponso of- tind labor of substituting others Tho tjupplv of water to our citizens should at all seasons of the year, Tho water waa good and abundant the with tho exception of a few days In Juno, when It bocamo deujy tainted. Tho evil WHS attributed to various causes, probably nil of which combined to produce tho result, until the bed of tho Dam ia thoroughly cleared, and all vegetable growth destroyed, we must nxpect impure water from the during tho summer months. The ovil was remedied at the earlU'St moment by changing tho town supply from tho Dam to the Inlet. By direction of Council the follow- lug plpo were laid during tho year; On Eleventh streetr- On Spruce, OnMifflin, On Lehman, OaFouvtli, On Weld man, Qa Cumberland, 8 a Chestnut, Elizabeth, On Tenth, On Twelfth, On Pome, Ua Hoffman, On Seventh, Tytul, '7770 1 0-inch valve, 4 -Much valves, 2 Fire Plug Branches, 6 Fire Hydrants, and Valve lor Drain were alsoput in during the yi'ar, tire cost of pipe and laying tho game (including Hydrants, Ywlvea, Branches and material,) was 63 cents per foot. iLust year the cost was 75 cents, two yours ago nearly Jn connexion with the work outside tho borough we would report us lows A Yulve nud Tool House, 12 by 14 test, of brick, was erected at the Dam during tho pummer, us authorized by Council.

Tho Inlet was eolarged to about dgublo ita former, capacity, As It probable that the supply of wjl have to be taken from the Inlet during the hot summer months for years to come, iu consequence of the water In tUe Daai becoming impure, it was that in case of rice ihe supply might be tiisufthieut in the IraletJience its ea Instead of brick whJich the ice and luusknUa break dowu ant stoue mV pwt ttraiiud; the. lulet. TWe over also miivae more A capping will complete work so ttot if will last far ipjoy without repairs or fiirther exp? tue, Efforts worn also t.i IKC, leaklnlho Dam. A trenfli along theImrik uh-'ie thy waU-r 0 cut it off, which nurridpcl with oino Bucccsv'-'ut not suliicii-nt. 'I 1 ho louk In any Bcvllsfaetoi nvninm.

A largo, amount of work 1 lone on'llio autsUlo of t'io in I'P tho mud holi flvnl I'liUl'itf in hapo tlio surround 1 Culvert at n'r enlarged and const in nanner as to provr-nt i'i t) vashinn away of the hereby endanger thu Miuin ix-. i The cost of work in aid 3am, during the past jair, lucidity erection of Valvo nnd Tool constructing Inlet, labor was $1170.00. i Tho Distributing larialr.s; tho snmo condition at except removal ol' a quantity ol'. irick to tho to bu at it In- et und Yalvo We havo on hand'13J pipe, fectof 0-Inch pljir, fret of! 8-ltich pipe, 24 foul of 1-M'iidi pipe, 43 'cot 10-inch plpo; 0 4-inch, 1 18 10 Indi Sleeves 5i Flro Hydrants nr.d nusnl-ri of; tranches. Thero uro CD Firo Ilydiaru? MA 611 Yalvca In nae in ct i 1 Hydrant's nnd 5 Vulvcr.

Isst 12-iPeiwtU to tup thn v.t-.;>: ssnod during tlio year. A careful measurement luo gnan, of water flowing Into from two of the streams, ut low WiUMvjbows gallons nor dny, for population ol 1 20,000, Thin quantity can be doubled without expense, For a report of Inconi'i cost of maintaining tho Water Worln tho! ia respectfully to tUs i accompanying Btntemcnt. Respectfully submitted, Wi-I. M. BRE3L1N, i TIIEO.

B.KLElli, CARROL OVK'J. Water W. M. Drtwlln, yacreta-y of t.bc Board of Water J)irejt'-rj, an additional report, The undersigned, of Board of Water Directora and Receiver of tho Water Kents, would re- iotlvely suggest, to Council the propriety of nUoptinfT nddltiocal Ruler, md llegulatlona for tho government ot Board, and tho proper disposal ntnl keeping of tho moneys arising from the Siimo. in wellknawn our water aws aro very Imperfect, laps, could only ba exacted, conslder- ng tho introduction ol' tho water a now thing for tho Borough.

Wo have now had sovoral yean experience and should bs able to SPO gorao of tboir defects. Theprupo.r for the depoaitinp andsare-kcpplngol' tho pf tlio Water Department Is in tlio handi of the Borough Troaar.rer, but thuro is no aw making It-obligatory upon those receiving it for ..10 o.jJnfj—nor.whi'n, or how. Thero no pruvblon for taking security from tlie Itecelvt'r cf Water llents 'or tho money pafiNinjf' ihrnonfii lands. Ono of thu -modt lapojloua 10- Bponsiblo labors, licrotoCoro perforniivd jy tho "Water Department, WP.3 tliu assessment of tho Water Trot-made tho duty of anybody. oitV-r tho laws or oidmanccj.

Tho Directors chargftd'wllh responsiblo duties and a vast amount of but wliich, under iv strict, construction of tho laws relating to he- Borough, innsrsted hands so eil'octiuUly to them mero men of, straw. It tho pres'unt Council, well aa thelc.prcdeceasora, havf) bcou liberal in their views in thlj placingfullconQdenco inthciroerVfintij. the Directors, yot lha tirno rai.qbt coao wheu such would not bo tho und tho result would bo detrimental to the efficient maintenance oC thn 1 sup i-Ud Iraaaatrr sball Ineludo fiocoaut of ite mor.r.j ao rocolvcd, In Ills nu.ntljly ro to the conncll. iiu! And bo It further that 'In vrctor slnll 1'urni'h to Sotm- Vh'j Utit mrctiug ef o.icli a pay roll (similar to now uu'-d lv tho b-voMgh givlufffi list of nlllu! jDci-jLllDjtLa Wafer Supeilntendcct, tho istA of trance, tho ftoioont duo eash so with all bills end ex- cci.tiicisd during the month. read tl'3 I.vf't cf lla BonrJ c-f cf of WAI authoiiJcd to to tho cf it i Ing lo tiio Council at vi.

(Tic. NT.W 0 0(7 KB 11.. Ji.i.n if. Good, Juilk-o nf tho Pence ot tho Fifth nnd ward-i, wl Kdm.laiiiterp.d tho oath to Chief a!3/iy and Walter, Tbomp'ivo, O-ri'-sft, tfio members elect. Mr, I unminato D.

(K Thompson as chairman. iff. iUiuCfM. I second I ho uiu-tiun, Cleric BaroildiJ motion nnd It wt3 carried. President The will call llio roll of nip.tnbers, Cleric Burnsid-J called cull unJ tho following answered KraiiMfind J.Aaron Walter.

Ham Gassort. Srd wa.rd—J. W. Uarbtion and lien- J. H.

Uftrlch, Cth IJjiJ'b nwl n. Ticr I ALLOT. Gassort, Ktitusc, 0. linhh, iiiiiin'-'hl, L'rlch, Wal- WaJ. rOUUTH BAtl-OT, Unssort, Ivclchncr.

Smivr-ly Keljioth), Urlch ter-4. ririu UALtor. Uasserti J-Zdchncr, Snuvely, Uelnoehl, Urlch, tcr-4, SIXTH BALLOT. Gusseit, Kt'lchner, Lbiir-liubb, Itelnoehl, Urloh, Wal- 3EVENTU ItALLOT.

Tien Oassert, Krause. Kokhncr, bnavoly.Thompsoii, Urlch, Wultcr-U. Thompson. Mr. Tlco hav- If received a majority of tho voted last ho elected Chief of Polica.

Jifr. I movo ixwlp'jne tho election riP tho pollr.a until noxt mroUntr, Mr. Sfmvoly, I second tho Messrs. Rcluoc-hl, Ulirich find Ilarbe. oon opposed thn motion.

Mr. Gaoacrt, advocated hla motion. President Thompson put Mr. Gus. motion and it was lost.

Mr, Walter. 1 nomlnnto Adam Oth JiViftpli niid W. Kelobncr. Mr, Thoajp a Tho Hist In unkr l.a ror.i.lm'.tlon fnr President. ilr- Oai68i t.

I nominate "Dun iul tho Fifth ward. Mr, I notnlnfitu Adam of tha Fifth ward Mr, Ilatbssoa. I nominate George Snavely, of tbo Second ward. Mr. Mclaughlin.

I nominato John W. Harbeaon, of Iho Third ward. Mr. QaS3Wt. I.

wish rny narru- In ITomlnatioca For Thompson Bowman JJubb, GaMtrt.ICeluhnar, Krauafl, 3navely-8. Eelncwl, Ohrlcl', Walter, 4, 1 choice, SECOMp BALLOT. Bowman, Bubb, Gaastrt, Kslchncr, Krause, Bnavly-0. i- Bubb Rsinoelvl. Uhrlcb, rom thu abovo thui, I.

ho Council will seo that, In the opinion of Uia no- derslgned, tho Water Board is, in some partlcwlars, charged with inuci: powor.and, In others, deprived necessary powers. Others may view thU multer. diffor. ently, but, beliovlug It to bo 30, 1 truat tlieUouucil will not consider these suggestions na obtrusive, but recdvn them in the kind spirit they ftn; 1 -0 Secifttury Board Water Director January 1, 167(1, Chief Boedi-1 tl.o Ppuncll. his uuccosapr, Ramsey, Esij.

Ho ojrtwidtd to tho new Councll.hi.5 whhcs, and desired to express hia tliank'j ths many furora shown him by Council. On motipu of Tiioaip.on, by Jiolnoehl, voto of thatik i tan- dered Chief Burgcs? t'ot itls uoiforin courtesy and advico Cpuucll while lu oliloo, The annual statement, ui' urer'd wag read and recelv'td. Mr. Krauae from tho Ordinance to regulate' tho outlay of water rents as follows A Si OBD1NA-M -Tpo A the aud outlay ttJBNTS, H4U ordained the Burgess and CouRcil of LeUanou, und beveby orijftined Uw uwtliority oftlie sama.tha^ the reeejvej Wntsr Kwite of itw borough be hereafter' to to the Barougli aU icopeja received Hm, aud to t'uraislj Jtsi of tUa person paying thj! amount liaW by eacjb, ia like done by the vollsctor of ths And the THIRD BALLOT. Uhrich, 3 I r.

Bubb, I Mr. to voto for M.V, Burnsjtl'j voto and said Mr, Thowpaon had received a majority of vota, 1 cut nnd was elected. Mr. I you for maik of respect in honor. ing mo with tha pcsltljn of President of Council.

I s.ha}i endeavor to pcrfoiru I the duties to tbo beat of my ability, and I If I nhouW wr It will bo nn error c-f the head and not of thohmtrt. Mr. I notriinfito J'l for Clerk ol' Council. ifr. I nominate C.

W. i many. 1 iicLaughlln, Kelchner, Krnnse, ly, 1 Jtiubu, alli'I'i Ulcftt-it I having received ft majority of voles is elected Clerk of Council. of Chief of Police. I nominate JIocryTice, i ill: Wato; nomloatoEdwin Xtt, llillU'.

ill. Eoabicli. i iiouilriiite Aridrtw Cowman, Kelc'hiier. Bbur-Bnbb, Relaoehl, Walte SP BALLOT. BaWDcau, Gftssert, Kruiwu, ilr.

H-inoehl Harr. Mr. Ilitfbc-J'Aii Mr. Bowfnan. Jer.

Mr, Urlch-J rich. Mr, Krauze 1 nomlowU Jacob I nominate William I nomlnntu nornlnato We.l* I noralnattf Mr. notnlnftto John Nominations closed. Kelnoohl, Uiloh, Wttl- Uhrich, 2. Bubb, TTarbPSon, Kclchner, ynavoly, Thompson, Walter, McLuuKhlln, Krauso-10.

BowmanTUassort, Harboson, Kelchncr, Krnnso, hJimvcly, Thompson, B. 'Uelnoehl, Uhrich, Gasaert. Thouip- 0:1, Kniuj.e, Brooka McLauyhllii, President Thompjon declared Messrs, Zwcitzig and elected. BECOND DA.LI.OT, ,0011, Krauco, Brooks Harbewu. McLaughUn, BALLOT.

Itin9.ler—Bowman I luxmluutt) John 11. j. I. npjiilnatt! (Jurrol Brft(illf4 Harboaon, President Thompson declared A. Uhier, elected Treasurer.

President next In order is nominations for Borough Surveyor. Mr. Kraufc I npminatn W. J. Burnalilo.

Mr. movo tho salary of Uorouflh Hurveyor 1)0 Diced at 180, Including extra Rervlceo. Mr. movo MJ-, Bunv sldo elected by nccllmatlon. Prcaldont Thompson put thu mwtlou declared it carried, Prraldont Thompaon.

Tho In order la for Ilia election of Solicitor. Mr. Krauw. I move to postpone the oleotlon for thl.1 evening. Mr.

Gassort. 1 second tho motion. President Thompaon put the motion and it waa carried. Mr. Ivrau.10.

I nomluntu Brcnlln, for water director, Mr, Gasaert. I nominate Thou, P. Klein. Mr. Wultei Hoffer, Mr.

'PkumiJ Oven. nUST UALLOf. Bowman, Kelchnor, Krnuso, Me. Beluoohl, Hnavely, Thomp- Wnltor-12. Gassoit, Ihulxwou, Kelchnor, Krauso, McLnuRhlln, Itoln- oohl.Smivoly, Thompson, Bowman, Gunner 11 ur- bcHon, Kelchuer, Krause, AlcLauffhllu, Bnavoly, Thomiwon, Iloffer-lloinoohl, Walter, Bubb-3.

President Thompson declared William Brosllti, Carrol Oves, and Theo. Kllno elected Water Directors. President Thompson, Tho next in order Is the election of a Water Bupor- Intondent. Mr. Bubb, I nominate Rudolph J.

SherH. Mr. Karbeeon, 1 nvovo that Mr. dhortc be olcoted by acclimation. Carried.

Oa motion of Krnuso, seconded by Bubb, tho old police were retained until tha now bo properly qualiged. On motion of by Bowman, Charles Ebur was retained aa watchman, On motion of by Ilarixjson, Capt. Lowls Rohr waa elected as police, to bo paid by tlio Philadelphia and Readinff Railroad-Company; On motion of liarboson, seconded by ReUiooul, 100 allpa'of tho yeas and nays andOOcoploa of tho standing committees wcro ordered to bo printed. Mr. Kolohnw.

movo wo adjourn. Mr. ICrause. second the motion. President Thompson put the motion and It wasjjarrled.

Real Mr. Henry Weiss, of Avon, baa pur, clmjcdtho mill properly belonginff to thaestntoof ttoyer, lato of MUl- creek township, deceased. It ia known as "Long 1 Mill" situated In Hottti Cornwall townsMp. Tho price Mid 5,100. Tito Vnlou Tlio Union Meotlnn helit In the Moravian church last evening waa A nucccds, nnd the hearts of many touched.

About ten persons arose and asked tho pruyora of the minlatera ancl others In their behalf. Tho room above wan oromleJ, and the basement, lalcndcd al (Irat n.t an Inquiry room, wna thrown open to accommodate Ibp many whp conld riot Rot sitting room above. Thero will Imi ineotlug lu Uu) gf'Ilcal church, (Hov. Joseph paator,) on Chestnut street All aro In I tod. or Hi.

ThoFunwalof Joa. 'C. Truflord, ol Union Forgo, will tako place toooor- row morning, at II o'clock PaUnjra. Mr. Trnfi'ord men of Eureka Lodgo No, COS A.

V. burtf, and of Weldlo II, R. A. ClmpterNo. 107, of thU placa.

Ttib Olllccro of Ml. Lebanon t.fxigo Ko. 226 A. Y. received a telegram from Eureka Lodge No.

tliem to take charge of tlio remains of tha deceased aud have It Interrod.wlth thp uaual Mason to hononi. Tho mombera of Mt, Lebanon Lodgo are requealed to meet at the depot to-morrow morning, In time to.accompany cprpio to its resting place. Tlio I'onrM, Ttuo following bnsinoso ww cd up to o'clock, rleh-4. Brooka Uasaert riai'beaou Mc- tauxhlin, 1. Bubb, Uhrlch, Waltor-a.

1. FOUnTU DALLOT. Krause, kulch- rier, Tiiompnon, 6. Brooka Harbeson, McLaughilu, Itoinoi-hl, Ulirlcli, Waller, 4. riFTU DALLOT.

jjowrnan, Krauao, Kwlrh-, Thompson, 6. Hat boson, 3. JJubb, L'hricJi, ftolnoohl and 1 BALLOT. milliter- Bowman, Bubb, Krau-'W, Jvelclmor, 5. McLttughlin, ti Jlur- bcspn, Mtalni-HeluoehJ, Walter, SEVENTH BALLOT.

Bowman, Krause, Bubb, Kelchuer, Thompson, Gas.sert-0. Jjrooha Hurbeson, McLaughlin, Court Oiio iy.tonde<1 court yesterday. Thero was to muoU noise In the court nftarnoon. Tho la a popular place for thoso who consider themselves -privileged vlallorH. Ac 7 flng District-Attorney Benson otlll at homo In hlu formw 1 office.

Hoo, John W. belluvcain potting "that and. that together" and then convicting the criminal. The depot larceny ease brought out a lino legal point aa to, the ownership of the properly nlolen. lUnk-lu fond of lolllna good Bluo Brtll ulUauUd Judloiul yesterday aflornoon, Prof, E.

KooyB, of llelluiau flail, waa in court yesterday afternoon, Olflcers retired and offlceii inducted no. beer. CoiUIUllUUK UlirIch-3. EIOIITU BALLOT. BOWIQHIV.

Krauae, Bubb, Ktic'hner. Thompson, Brooks Mclaughlin, ilnrljewn, Snavely-3. Waltor, NJSTII BALLOT- Krausu, JJubb, Kclchiidr, Thompson, Bjooka McLnughlin, llarbeoou, Htaiu.T--lIfei.'ioehl, Walter The further balloting for police was postponed for Ihn present, prescient nouiina- liona for Treasurer aro now iu order. Mr, iioiniuato E. A.

Uh- Mr. Karch. I Bowman Eeichuer, Krause, Jy. TUowpswc-b. Karch- Walter- 4.

Imfl appointed Luther Houck, Juatico of tho Peace of the First and Fourth wards, committing magistrate, John M. Good, 3iwllco ot tho Penes of the Fifth and SUlh wards, who held the olllco under Chief Burgess rtoedel, has made faithful aad- cOlclcnt officer, Bfttlflfactlon to the public, by courwto prevent the repetition of eriuio, dO' sire to express our tlmnks for many favora extended us during nla of ofllee, Commonwealth vo, John Larceny. Comroonwoaltii flenr Larceny, Commonwealth va. laaao Malicious mischief. Commonwealth vs.

Samuel McJCm- noy. Assault and battery Commonwealth vs. ojru. Assault and battery. Commonwealth TO.

Aaron er. rornlca.tlonftnd Bastardy. Commonwealth vs. Donahterty. FoniJcatJon ftiid tardy.

Jacob K.Krlil waa depuUaeU Q. constable of the Fifth Commonwealth va, Jeremiah Zftttrt-r zahii. The defendant was found guilty ol' mullclous mlaohiof at August tiw- sloiis. At tho aaiao court J. P.

9. CJobln, his attorney, moved for ft new trial withloavo to Olo Uia raasona ten days. On Deoombor Oth tUo court ovor-rulod tlio motion. The court tenced him to pay a flue of pno -dollar for tlio of the county of Lebanou, thavho pity thn coots of proaocatloa, and that ho olaud commuted and ba lit tho custody tho HhcrUT ootJJ Uia compiled Commonwealth Praji At November sessions tlio reoognlzanew of Frank Goodhnrt ohorge4 wltii ling was forfeited and respited, On motion of Baseler Boyor, re- splto taken off nud the court ordered that the recognir.iiuco aball not sued until April sessions 1870. Commonwealth ya.

Henry Uonmoyw. Tlio for larceny of two expresa packatfea, directed to James J. Newtwnl, and IB Uifl possession of tho Philadelphia Bead- Ing Ballroad company, tit their depot in tho Borough. The ComrnonweaUli present evidence flhowlng that tlw pria- oner was in tho cellar ot-the depot ait the Hunduy when the larceny eoai- milled, and other proof of hU goUt. Thodcfeiico presented no evidenced.

Verdict, guiUy Klllioger and for commonweftlth J. P. H. TJhrjett, Mr. -William auctlowoer, ou fttternoou, at tUe Central Hotel, the followiflglwiOsof the Beading cow One of $67, 100 at and $100 at per fauudrea weie sxjl4 by ol JoneH- omwonweallh prisoner was clnugcd with walloiga4 property of N.

flack- man, on North Klntu atrftet. ComrooawouUU proved the of the prisoner by witness ha.d said that ho had thrown the stoaw and that ho advised thew to iufww nacfcman, collect ittwurd of and give him lutlf ttftd 1 Tlw prisoner twtitkd dMtf that he coiuwUttd wt.but udm.U-.

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