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Lebanon Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Lebanon Daily News. SHARP PllOriilRTOM. MONDAY, JANUARY is-o. Tiino Table. pass Lftbunwi nt.

tlm I'ftssengor A itorrlabnrn Accornmodation 8.40 A Omolnnatl Krpreas 11 .17 (1.20 A Mall W.OTAM UnniRburg Accouimw.lalton. 10.60 A 2.64 PM Ukrieburg Accommodation 4.B2 1'Msenger 8.40 and Tremont Jiramh. Trains loavo Lebanon at 7. 10 t. 13.

Mr. M. of Dial IM at Post Bonding Ttouln, Nuw York and Philadelphia, 8.30 a. m. Philadelphia, a.

16 p. tn, UarrluVmrg Kouto and Wrist, m. Harrlaburg and West. 2.IB "Mladolphia via mrrlsburtf, 0.30 p. in, Jelhmnidale, Jlunker JiUl, Jonestown, ifaciaktbuvg, Union J'inn Wrote.

1.18 ft. m. vrntcall. m. j).

wi. fHon, (trabto and- I'liufBiiay and Halurday itl 1 p. in. Fontann', Uvlebrook, Afastertonvillfi, Line, Hponlny Hill ami Tiu's- iluy, Thursday ftnd Saturday nt in. LOCAL NEWS.

Tlio Nliilc TJio Nonato and Houso of I'onnsylvnnln, will mcit In session nt IlnrrinburK tonior- Jion.J. G. left for Harriaburir llilfl morning- Reprosontntlvo MoJl'or mul Jfo- ttittor will Icnvo to-raniTOw morning. Snililca Dcntii. ''Ui Mr.

Juoob 11, llollman, proprlutor of I ho Black Boar Hotel, lias received lettcr which It In etntcil that Mr. who wns contractor of tho water supply, had tiled, lust week, In llio city of Now York. Ifn wag only nick throe daya. woro doclotl oKleora ol thOjJLcbanon Manufftjetutliig Company this E. A.

Uhlor; SJeCFOtaif, 1 'J. D. Hanoi) Treasurer, fleprge Krd.usp; Directors, E. A. Uh- lorVJ; "ft; Hauch, Qoorgo A.

Wilbolu), Ikinoekl, Grant Lymtui Nutting, Ulchurd Molly, John A. Pongee, Qcorgo Eckenroth. rented. icutiiu to tho rcakleneu of TIV Amos Gantz, corner of Sixth untf; Walaufc alley iliia morning and uslfted for something to eat. Mrs.

(faptz prepared him some food, after wliloh lio manifested his regard for lifr.Jtindness, by attempting to commit upon hor with stick ho liad iiMils possession. Au ujurm being Htveri, Mr, was notified nnd had toarrest him. It would bo boot If nil would refuse to furnish trampa wllh food, and thus compel them to seek It elsewhere. Con noli. The hM ftieolinff of llio old 'council will lo held, this evening for the pur.

pose'of paying orders anJ finally eon- report. The BOW counoil will organic inimo- aiatoly after tho adjournment ol 1 the old, The following aro tlio mouibora composing it: I3twiud-Goorgo Kiausonud J. Aaron L'nd Ward--(U'orgo Snnvuly and Wil- i 1 Ifiirbesou and Jlen- ry MeLnughlin, ward-rTobius IK'inoolt), s. and ith IJubb and JJ. G.

Thompson. i ilowiiiun jindJolm Ivelchner. An election a President, Water Superintendent, Water Directors, Solicitor, Chief of t'oliuo and throe Policemen held. -At U18 South JOth Btroot, on Sunday, Jauuary 2d, 1870. ti: Augustus, son of Siroou J.

and Maria S3. fjtine, agod years, 4 months fcow iSiou's Luthera.u about I o'clock Weduesday, January 5, 18T6, iuvlto4 to utteua tho funeral. vf the 2d in this bor- Ulaw McAfee, ana yelatiYfS ftre jeipeotfujly 'cloclc, Tlm 1'nbHo Tho Academy br-IlthU morning ir- snrned Us usual rioUco lliat UiO public school opened nfif-r holiday vacation. In many hold the (jirls nnd b'tya had in galhpring together their boohs ami oIitlcM. Tho holiday recesi was not as pleasant as it might have been had tho weather been different.

Tho boys should hftve hnd suiting and sleighing to fully It. As it was they eeem happy and we hope they again resume their Bludlea refreahcd and a determln- nllon to make advancements in tho search rifter knowledge. Thieving thieves entered tho culUr of tho Central Hold a few nights ago and fllolojtherofrom between eighteen nnJ twenty Tho pudding were only missed when It wan Intended to uao some. Tho hen-coop of Mi. Uuoijjo Spantf, at residence on West Cumberland street, was entered on Saturday nighl, aud llio hcada of floven very Hue chickens oovcred from the bodies nnd tlio chickens carried nwny.

Tlm wore left on the prpmlaea as a ramlnder of what-was once attached to thetn. Tho thief or thieves mlahl as well hnvo Tlm UHlrlnir Diivld Miller, W. IT Clerk of Orphans' Court, and S. Dordlcmtiy, Clerk ol (juarler and iiecorder of Deedu, have to-day been relieved by their successors, and will retire as soon aa tho proper instructions have been given, Mr. Miller will fjlvo his cntlro attention to tho business he Is at present engaged In, Mr.

Uoeshoro will rc- tutn to his farm in Union township and Mr. Jtordlriirfry In Kast Hanover township in Thfy served their offices with great satisfaction to tlm people, have been courteous to thoPii who Imvo had busincRU with them, and leave with tlio best wiahca of tiumerniiH friends for their further HIICCOHM. to express onr (hanks for many favors nxlended to un. County OIllolaN. William JJehny, Union lorvn- sworn Into office as (Jlork iJordlctnay, this morning, Mr.

William Deal), of Jonestown, hla son in law, has been appointed deputy and Yvlllperfoi'm tho duties oC tho office, U. Clousor.Esu., of South Ann- vlllo, was aworn Into office as (Jlork of Orphan's Court, by Clerk Dordlemny, this mornlriff. lie will personnlly aervo tho olllcc. D. II.

Nyo, was sworn Into office as Recorder of Deeds and Clerk of Quarter Sessions, by Clerk Dordlemay, thla morning. Ho will-personally seivo tho ofllce. II. T.Hoffman, of. tho Fourth Ward, was sworn into office as County Treasurer, by Cleik Uovdlemay, this morning.

He will personally Hervo tho the olllce. Messrs. M. Maxwell, and F. J.

Wltroer, County Auditors met this morning and were sworn into ofllco. They elected Asaph Light, Esq. Cleik; Mnj. H. Frank Hcan, tho remaining auditor, was absent.

Tho County Cornmisaloncrfi, Wimoit Ulouch, John A. Frank, find John II. Shaak, mot Uilu raorulng nnd wen sworn In by Houck. They elected Aatiph S. Light, Clerk J.

i'. fc). Ckbin, Solicitor; J)r. A Kalbach, Prison Physician; John Lauclermilch, Clock Superintendent Emunucl Bonlz, Janltot; and William Oberl.olt'/or, Morcautilo Appraiser. Court Jottings.

No Oyer and Termlqor cases. Tho ntlendanco at court to-day war largo. John Uonson, la perform Ing llio duties of District Attorney. Will tho ft rand Jury approve of tho enlargement of the Court Houso 't The livery men are active to secure the tirotfd Jury for tho alms house, C. M.

iJerbo, of Shftofferstown, was in attendance at court to-day. Hon. John J. Pearson, President Judge of the Courts of this couaty, ia improving. The members of the bar seem ull to Imvo Deceived Christmas presents, of now clothing.

The Jron-cliul oaih aa provided by New Constitution was gulped down with will. Tho Grand Jury will nniko tho annual visit to the county prison and alma house tins week, Clerk of Quarter Sessions Nyo writes with his left hand. His right wrm ho lost at the battle of. Cold Hartpr, Ya. Clerk of Orphans' Court Clousor fvqd Clerk of Quarter Sessions Nye, Jiave- iissumed their stations in the court voom, Distiict Attorney JLehuitui is unable through sickness to attend to his office this week.

We regret this exceedingly and hope to see friend around and about very soon. -Judge JUsftddjeshi to tne Grand- to I'i, Jvl'Ci Ijl'T, Slijn-l iil'i'liili'lii. ff tl." IliiKln'i ty Mr. ('. llio rl.i nf uhioii llio htiU-r tcaclirr, an clcKiinl! Iiiblf.

Tito SiipfrinlcndBtil'rt (ion Ki'oech neat ami tn Tlio mclj)ient for Homo timo rould not respond liis thnnki, bo ing too full for utleranco." Tho pift wan und wrll te appear IB spon be IVrnoiml ttiitl rollflcnl Ucorge F. Melly, of Union, wus In town to-duy. Wallace, of was in town 1'roUionolni'V Slunk ol' mi;) In town to-day. David M. Hank, ol 1 E-tut over, was town to-day, Jeremiah of town, was In lown this rnoralng.

ilnv. J. I'. of pleached in Jonestown yesterday. II.

W. of the Heading mrf was in town yesterday. llon.G. Dawsuii (Mk'iiuiri, of the J.ubnnon Fiirnacfii, for rhil.idiil- thin this morning. lUn.

W. J. Slono liufi been tinuni- monsly elected Speaker of the House of Ucprefientatlvea. Miss Jennie Johnston, holding a professorship in the Allenlown Fomalu left this morning In rrnumo her ut lea. Columbus iJ tho hero on the rnurket place of Genoa, Tile fishwives swear by him unmindfu'l of his dlucov- erv of America.

Kdward II. Jolmson, a noted thief und express robber, has escaped tho TunnojKL'O IVnifonllary throii.ssh means of bribery. Mr. Mason P. Mlah, attending thct lectures of the Medical Department of tlio University of Pennsylvania, left for Philadelphia this morning.

C. II.KIllingor, attending the lectures of tho Law Department at the University of Pennsylvania, loft on the 0 o'clock train for Philadelphia. it WM Hit you i vr.r.T 'i in: t-y'in-l nil fjiusti'on Hi" i for obstinate 1 Croup, Whooping roiijjh, Snic 'J'hrnul, ncps, of 151.KM!, 1'iiin in tho, and all live type. sale la immeuKO its popularity universal. Kvrry ono who used it recommenda It to their ft lends.

A vf-rybirge numbernf botllcj wi-reaold in Ihi.i place during Iho past yrnr, nnd MO far a.s wo know, not pnrsoij diasat ipllfd. Jtc'iiot deprived by inferior com- pouiiilf up by hands but pel the tfcimniP 1'r. Mnrri.j 1 Hyrnp of Tar, Chciry and Honhoiind. L. l.i-,nbL,'</ I'.

octl r.x'i-ruir'viT.n UtiM iimlor- rnyn cf S'-Jit i 1 iirrist r.nj fli-i IT i upou his ihurefroui his prop- ftt nnr limn frooi ibtB II 1TN09T. I Tho uailorsl'gnod offers 1 for salo at roasonablo prlens, four trlOBOf PUUE 1'AIiTRlCGE! UOOUINH. For information apply to WM. M. tar For a good PIANO, won- ifiir dorfully cheap, go to Winter fit Co.

'8, cor- nor Eighth and eg- Maole Sts. YORK STATE APPLES, of the finest quality. Wholesale or Retail, at Geo.B, Hoffman's, 205 North Eighth Street. I'iiuio-Fnrtu niul Ulr. Ilobort Morria, of Now York, wll vlfllt Lebnuouat Stated purloJs to Tuno and Repair pianos and organs, Mr.

Morris has punnauoutly located at Heading aud porsoua dualroua of having their iu fltrumonts tuned by a master of the nrt onr haro tho aaino porformod hv calling on leaving their orders at tho ofUcn of r. J. Miller, on Willow street. ATTENTION, STOUEICKKPJCHB I I i XvH.po.ljj^J:k..v I'olSoo 10 Spring Street, Lebanon. ITuvhiR on hand all kinds of ROASTKi: OOifffEES, I am prepared to supply al Qrocors and Dealers with Bonsted t'ofl'eoi nt fair prices la aultthe ttmon.

api-lB-ly Online- in Season. LliMHERQElVSWILDCHEBRYAND IIOIIEIIOTJND CANDY, a simple, efl'oc tiyo, pleasant aud good thing for, Colds nm Coughs. Try It; sold by tho box or pound Lembergor'g Drug Btore opposita the market. oetU-tf Oeutul Notice IH hereby given that Dr. I 1 Dosviuau Iu the only UOQUBOO for tlio UHO ol rubber as a baao for urduoU! dentures in Lebanon, I'a.

AU persons aro lierohy can tloncJ against purchaHlng Itubber Donta 1'latos of any parties NOT lloonawl of thla hy BO doing render them- Helves equally Jifthloto proscntlon for in. fringoixout. A reward will bo paid for Information thai will lead to tho conviction of any partios of unlawful uso of our pa- tfluts. JOSIA1I BACON, Troasuror Goodyear DentalYulcanito Co I fjunel3-tf. svu cail the attoutiou of our read- era to tho advertisement of 'Daniel If.

Benny of AVashinRtou, Jf. J-. his riauoa nnd Organs, Tho reputation ol Mr. Boattyaa.a manufacturer of Jnstru- uionts is very substantial, he takes pains with their construction, selection of material, and ettlolent and trustworthy employees, their various department:) being arranged for service, and not for srtl- flcial purposo. Tkoy contain not the slightest intrigue, hut nro substantially and perfectly arranged in their various departments, ho having for his fundamental uliu, uuuABtuTV, and perfect richness of tone.

Boe lulvci-tlHtnneuts in Another vot ii VVA: ilafe you any excuse for suffering with Dyspepsia or 14 VW Complaiwt? la there any reaspn wby you shoujd go frpw day day complaining with Spur Btomauh, ioadftohe, JJubltual Oostirene.s, ioa of the Seait, Uearf'burn, brash, gnawing aad buruiug jialus at the pit of the gtoinaoh, Yellow Slsln; Coated Tongue and disagreeable taste lu the mouth, MW ADVERTISEMENTS. IN A LADIES HJ.AC1C un N'nrtli Ninth Thu owner can have It by paying Rdverilsomeut and by ROM'S stoni, or at. THTS OFFICK. NKAI'OLITAX trlmtiiod with oijit initl fittithcr to match, ft Ixitton, b'ltwoon GrnoIV's pbo- tograph gnllnry on KiutU Htrnot, nnd Dr. ro.iiduunj OH Ouniborland, tin) finder will bo sultsibly rr-wftrdod by Inav- In" tli" wit It Mil.

UAUCir, ut. AliMham fitrlcklor's mill, j.iu.'l. H'jvonth Btroet. FOU C-iiPap for ciiHh. Apply ftt THIS OKli'lCK.

H. And General Draughtsman; Real Eslalc Sml Paitnt Apt, (second june'J-1y i.vt i- i A RAILWAY 1NSU- RAXC'fc TICJvKr, 5i6 pn- ii.iv lui fcli pr.r la IMIS.) "Arrn.i- In DJ' DKATfl. LII'J'1 I in ibc thn Company In 111) v.o-M, nil KOI en f'V M. II, V.liNT/, No. Bl) Houtli lilffhth JuneS-tf I.KHANUN A now WILHONHKWING MACHINE Apply ut THm 01TFIOB.

fnbM.T-tf n. LQXfl, ut his Miinufactnrv, No. CJJ1 Cuinborhind CI'GA I(H very cbwip. Glvo him iicul 1 mil 2- 1 cowtng up of fop4 ifter wti, jj, ts, is positively ypur own. ault if do, Qo to you? George or Joseph L.

lumber W. vUle, Will relieve wy M': MIMj, Gassert LlgtiMtiannfni-tnrorMof, Doow, VnxntfS, North Hlxth Htront. 1 .1011 KROK'i'. Two UIUCK UOUSKH, un North JSIiiUi T'Oiir Itir'rt mill. Apply 1 00 BOOK an 1 Hi-nriitH for and CJimtH Hunt frco for two Htainps.

Hr. JOSKIMI MRIXCAI, INSTITUTI', vrt-lv Kt. Joitflpb, FOK undersigned oilers for rent TEX DWELLING HOUSES. Possession given i tho 1st of April, further information nnoly to .1. H.

SnUGAU. or three rooms, or a small It an HO, within easy walking distance of tho Court House. Address, (stating loqatlon, of rooms, and T. D. SBYMOUJt, D.UI.Y Oflluo, Lebanon, fa.

Jiuil-2t PI A NO! QKAND BQUABB AND UPHIGUT. Liberal toruin to dimlortt. l-tTSeu Htamu for circular. OAtilE HKA'L'TV, Wftshincton, Jonny. W.1YS, Ull VR YOU A CO YK YA No.

0 NouTii EIOHTH In 1'oat Ofllcii lUiIMiug, aocontl ttoor, Lob anon, marljO-U' l'riKit F. orit JUrtT ODVTllK L'KAUE A.NDCOX- VJ3VANC131't. Olllcu No. JO Koimi TJian-rn 8-sntRKf furrnorly A. Jflljv tJIVJL HWJIVEVOHS, door to oflleo of tLu la to Ada.u Qrlttlnger, art 1 -it KDANON irOUKDUY AND COAI Jj VAUD, Sherk, Seidle Raber, Props jcif SKVhNi-u Pi'HKjrr, LKBANON, I'A.

TEACHER Off PIANO AND ORGAN, NO. dec20-tf. '('CHURCH, SAB BATH SCHOOL HALL. LQDQB, CABINET OKOANS. nesthjuso, Send stamp for qular.

Address." DANIEI, New 17I.OK SAHS, Two- Jlue JIOOSE3, located on Fifth, uetweea Cumberland and Willow streotH, are ofl'ered for phoap. A opportunity for ft poor secure homo at a reasonable ilguro is pregoutca. For fur thov particulars ioqulra at THIS OFFIOE. AM AIII TAIN Tho great N.en'0 Conqueror, cures lleptlc Mis, Convulsious, Spasms, 8t- VltusDance, und a.l Nervous Diseases; pnly positjyo remedy for Epij eptloFits, It has'been tested by thousands baa never beeu known to fail in a Tflal package free, JESncieaB stamp for Circu'nrs giving evidence of cures. Address, DK.B;A, novS-ly.

HI, gt Mo. VISITIKO Ou receipt wf qenta I will post free, OK PACK OF BEAUTIFUL OL flAJtpS, wHto' WW printed Of for cents to any address. rett Sew York Qity. r.VF.XlXC,. DAVID S.

MATTHEWS, Assi'r, will, thin eviMiing, ftt An in tho ruotu formerly Nathan, In Huber'n bull ti and well-flelectod stoc'k nf FANCT MOODS p.t o'clock, COAL Hiram G. HoSiinger Uavlns wpeniiil ft KKW COM. VAIID on NOJtTJl SKVKNTH HTltKJiT, opposite 3trioklor'H Mill, in now to fur' the citizens of Lebanon unJ vioitiity with all kinds of KST Orders loiX lit rhu following placoa will recelTU prompt jittiitition OlHce in the Yurd, Uolllugnr'H Hold or J. II Htoro, No. 3ia Ninth Struct, TAJIKS W.

LEBANON, P.A. iu all ita hranohw ft i-dsidnbt. MATJtESSKii cleaned anr NKW MATUKS3E9 mado to ordor. UAJM'ETS cut, DC wed and pu down. UAKt'KTB taken uu cleaned a'tfi' replaced.

and CUHTxVINrt put up, with or tUIADJEB hung. OLD OUAIUS and SOFAS refitted and ro paired, All work icon-dated Panio PHciw, Ordors left sit tlie cigar of John K. Paine, SouthEigEtl street, Lebanon, ov nt Ko, Wai nut Btroat, personally or liy JHttor, will ro oalve prompt attention. AnbFd physician, rolirnd from active practice, Laving bad placed Iu his hand; by ail Kast India Mlasiouary tho formula or a Blniplo Vogetahlo Remedy, fur tho speedy and pnrmanont Cure of Oousnmp- tion, JJronchUin, Catarrh, Asthma and all Throat and Luug, also a PcfJ- tivo and Radical Curo for J-ieiTous Dcbill- ty and all-Nervous Complaints, after hav ing thoroughly tested ha wonderful t-uni live powers in thousands of fools it his duty to mako it known to his auflcviiif Actuated by this inotivo, and a du.siio to relievo human suffering, ho will souil (free of ckuryf.) to al' who desiro it, this reoipo, full directions for preparing aud fiiiecossful nsin'f. Sent by return mall by with stamp, naming this papur, Dr.

STEVEN'S, dco2-t-ly Munroe Block, Syracuso, K. Y. SB. A. N) NIGW nopjc' roR.M A.MW-- BOOK IVo.

1O IV. rsfliitlt Birool, A BOOK ST01UO will till times contain tho HEtJT aud PINB3T selectiou of BOOKS, (Religious. School and Library,) Stationery and ali kinds of goods knpt in a FIRST-CLASS Book Btore. TflK JUNBBUV is capublo of doing ail kinds of Binding, such as Bhinli Books, Music, MonthUus, Journals, in tho Ja'test aud most ivrtistic styles at reasonable ratos E. If.

A. LIBBY'S ALPINE TONIC, For purifying the blood and regulating the entire system. It Is not an alcoholic stitft- uliuit, but is carefully compounded frpm the best herbs. It is a quick and POSITIVE-' CTJ for Dyspepsia, Apppplejfy. Pleurisy.

Ptira- lis, Gout, Consumptiou, Billiousness. Colio, Jramp, Nervousness, ConstlpatiQii, Rid- wy, and Luug Diseases, jjuyjorg Woils, -Vus- ules, lUng'worms, Tetter, Salt MUoum, Asfe your druggist for LIBBY'S AtPINi take na other. Nn. iStt NOItTH NINTH RT OiUftfi FSfiT 40 nnfll-t' --ANH SILVER WA fULVEUW. A-r Jams NewliatuTs, NOllTlf NINTH S'iVliKT LEBANON, PA.

vV.VTOHRiJ AND JEWELRY Kefittln-d by PractlcAl ni TED. i MIIK DJt. 4W-WEJN, Wholesale-and detail wlgent tot Lebanon County, 434 N. oct3X 'ffr Lobanoii Mutual Insurance Company $11,797,136,00, JONESTOWN, LEBANON Illsks tukim in town arul ninety POLICIES DAVID M. KAXK, OinilSTLVX VIC'S IWl.Je/lt G.

Jb'. MEir.Y, Troiisuror. JACOIIG. 1IEIULA.N, Jiiv.ujbUii HEILMAX, Gun. foblii-tf u.

K. Ifurno 71. R. COUHRU Kiicm BOOIX tlTREETrf, P.A subject tuu Zo.w«3 paid tn date Praflidout on 11. SocrcUry Grco.

A. MAIIK. TroftHiiror GIDEOX LIOHT. Gonwral Agont D. ti, UD 1 1 S.OliO 00 ThlH Booiety iHriuro.t per tho lirst year, $5 per thousand annually fur tho next four years, and por thouaauJ for tho remainder of natural life, and tlw pro rata mortality aflaoHsincntH, aa eadi duath may ocuar.

Kipbt clasHc-s now In qiKsratlon. Clnsflos opon to itHiiro for tfa.OOO and p.OOO. JOSEPH ft. KUBTOiS, DUtriot and Seourlag Agont, Lobanon, Pa will be gratified to give all doalred infoinin- tlon. HENRV POTT POTT, EBAXOX nClFXR WORKS, LJ J.KEJA.IVOIV, Tho nnderslgnfid dcslro to Inform tUu public tbat itro pvcparfd to maun- tacturo STEAM BOILERS, SMOKE STAOKd, OIL STILLS, TANKS, PIPJE3 FOE BLAST FUENAOE9, C1UCU GATING BATH BOILBES, They l.iivo aljo rocolv-id t) manufacture tho CENTENNIAL STEAM GENERATOR for convenience, economy anil smalhiofia of space, is not to bo oquallod, and wo aro convinced a trial will establish its claims.

and Repairing promptly sitlouded to. POTT BRO. Propriorord. .11, WELL, I doclaro if JEEOME STAHL don't Boil at paulo prices, nobody does. Jnst look nt the prices: Loosa MuajaVello pounds for.

26 cents. Seedlosi Raisins, 2 pounds for 25 Valeneha Jiaislna, 2 pounds for cents. New Prusns, for 20 Miuco Moat, 2 pcuads for as cents, 1 eaoh Buttor, 14 cents per pound. Apple Bntter 10 cants per pound. Orleans.

Molasses, 20 N. it. IJavimj rftCbiviid a now lot of FB1CSU aWOlJs, will ba sold at a small per centage. Tba oltizons of Lebanon will find It to their advantage to me a call before purchasing ulsflwhwa. Don't forget the place.

JEROME STAIJL, dec-yw 1U10 Cumberland west of REMEMBER -THAT NO. H. MILLER'S Boot and Shoe Store, No. 20 NORTH NINTH STREET, (Opp08ltoth.a Vvu wUlflnd the largest and best Boots and Blioss in You will tho Shoes for wear. You will find a good assortment for wear.

You will find the fluost and largest assortment of Jnfftnts' and Children's jou evs? saw Vow will find ft full Hue of strong made work for eyory body. You will find a full pf Quw Overshoes, You will Jind than anywhere else, You will uud a Jarjje stock of Trujpks, Batohels'and Valises. You will. find tlie Patent Excelsior wWch you should see and buy. ou will find anything und everything kept 9, 8rs5-olu89 Shoe Store, You wiUnlwftyi flna and at- All Goods are wa'rran'ted'aB aud Repairing done.

JNQ, 35.1* JLLSB,.

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