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Tyrone Daily Herald from Tyrone, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Tyrone, Pennsylvania
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iT 5 The Tyrone Daily Herald ilAKoti Ciwllo, No. tt, o'clock. ittttM'i of America, 7.90 o'clock. the Sunday schools are busy ing for Easter services. Prejudice Is never unless It can pM8 itself off for reason.

ttowdoes the ftfoubdhogaccount for )be present state of affairs Slander is tbe revenge of a coward, and dissimulation his defense. to be a man's own fool la bad enough; but the vain man is everybody's. Hard times are often the legitimate results of looking for soft snaps. Numerically speaking, politicians were strong In Tyrone William Walton is confined to his home on 13th street in consequence of tin attack of pneumonia. Tbe seemingly general burnt nit of the winter's accumulation of rubbish Is an eicellent sanitary measure and a flagrant harbinger of spring.

Humor has It that Hodson, Wetzel and Soper of last season's Belief onto River league team have signed with Scranton for the coming season. When Tyrone's aggregation of select couucilmen make their annual tour of inspection this spring, they will likely find more than 14 pavements sadly out of shape, Lewis V. Kuhn left yesterday for his home in Sherrysburg, Adams county, to recuperate from illness from which he has been suffering. He will probably remain several weeks. D.

T. Caldwell, of Tyrone, will be a candidate for delegate to the Republican state convention. Mr Caldwell Is an old war horse In the Republican ranks, known all over the county. J. F.

Wilson is visiting Frankstown township today in the interest of his candidacy for the Republican notnina tion for director of the poor for which his prospects are decidedly bright. Rev. R. II. Gilbert, of Tyrone, will lecture in the Alexandria M.

E. church this evening, the proceeds of which will go to the preacher's salary. Mr. Gilbert's subject is "Stepping Upward." Don't give charity indiscriminately, but systematize your benefactions by putting whatever donations you can afford to make in the hands of the local relief committee, and the undeserving will not thrive at the expense of tho deserving. Miss Florence May Kingport, eldest daughter of Mr.

atd Mrs, Abram Kingport, formerly of Tyrone, will be married to William Wallace Sayford in the Market Square Presbyterian church Harrisburg, on Tuesday morning, March 20. Tbe Do Moss family, of Philadelphia, known all over the United States as the Lyric Bards, will give a musical entertainment in Tyrone, both vocal and instrumental, on Easter eve, March 24. This will be a rare treat for our citizens. They perform on forty one instruments. Particulars later.

Don't say that you haven't iho time to attend to your advertising properly. Really you haven't time to do anything else. Advertising is the most important thing about any business. It is the vital spark. What good does it do you to have the very best thing or the very greatest bargain on earth if people do not know it Adam L.

Hare, of Catharine township, in a candidate for the Republican nomination for sheriff of Blair county and his announcement appears in this issue. Mr. Hare narrowly missed this nomination three years ago; he is an excellent citizen, a thorough Republican and he would be a strong candidate and a popular sheriff. Secretary Edward of the P. R.

R. Y. M. C. of Tyrone, led the meeting at the Harriuburg city mission last evening.

He will be among the speakers in a meeting of the Y. C. A. in the Bellefonte Presbyterian church next Sunday. Mr Miller has gained a wide reputation as an energetic and successful Christian worker.

The Tnono City bNnd tetitf Intf the town the benefit of ttl tnUsft quite frequently oflale, being out ftjfultt last evening, The bund la showing marked Improvement, nnd li an organization in which the town can welt take pride. The band has decided to hold a fair and festival and concert.about the first Week in April, and at the meeting last evening committees were appointed to call on the public and solicit wliM- ever aid they would be willing to give. They will call on you In the near future and it is hoped all will respond liberally as the band is in need of money to pay off the Indebtedness for their instruments. to tt The injurious effect on the uyes caused by wearing doited Veils Is an old Warning which has been sounded to no purpose, and the fact that oculists are growing rich under this reign of fashion does not alarm tho wearers of this attractive bit of feminine vanity. The dots are larger or smaller, closer together or further apart, as they are more or less becoming, while the possibility of impaired eyesight Is loft entirely out of consideration, tt has been discovered lately that the dots are not their only harmful quality.

There Is some substance used in stiffening or coloring the net which is poisonous if it chances to rind its way into the eye. To FlHherinon or Jllnlr Comity. Anglers witli elastic conscience in this vicinity should heed the warning contained in the subjoined notice. Mr. Graflius means business and much trouble may be saved if all fishermen govern themselves strictly according to law.

Huntingdon, March Information comes to me concerning violations of the fish laws that have been committed recently by certain persons in and near Tyrone, and elsewhere in the public streams of Blair county. I have solicited of Iheconstiibles, in these sections referred to, and whose duty it, especially is, to maintain a strict watch for all violators of the fish laws in their respective localities, and to proceed against such offenders at law, either in person or through rue. If the constables are found deliqueut in the performance of their duty in this matter. 1 shall esteem it a special favor to be so informed by any honest angler who the propagation and protection of our game fish above the poaching of Dsh pirates. W.

M. Graflius, Fish Warden for Blair and Hunting. don Counties. the We invite your attention and inspection ot our Spring line of fine Footwear for Gents, Ladies, Misses Youths and Children. It will be the largest and most complete line we have ever shown.

Best flakes Correct Styles Courteous Treatment Largest Stock Lowest Prices At no time during lait 20 years has Clothing been so well and stylishly made end the prices never so low as now. If you want to buy your Clothing, Hats, Underwear from us you will have some money leit to pay other bills, DON'T BUY TRASH. Yours for reliable goods at the lowest reasonable prices. The latest social fad is known as ar. social." The way it works is thus: A committee of six is appointed to assess fines, and no one but them is informed of the rules until some infraction costs himot her two cents.

There are flues for coming too late, for coming without a lady, for loud talking and for nearly everything, If a a person thinks a flne unjust be appeals to a jury, but the jurymen cost two cents each and the judge five cents, BOMB EXPLOSION IN ROME. Evidently Intended to Murder of tho Chamber of Depntlei. ROME, March terrible explosion took place on the Plaza di Monte Citorio, near which stands the chamber of deputies. i'ho explosion shattered all the windows in the neighborhood. Eight persons were wounded by tho explosion, including one lady.

Six of the wounded are in tho hospital. One of them is reported to bo dying and three others in a critical condition. The seriously wounded include a soldier of the Seventh regiment, wounded in tho head, chest and arms; Molinari, an em- ploye of tho ministry of public works, had his leg shattered, and it was amputated; a man named Bardi was injured in head, arms and legs. It is believed that tho purpose of tho perpetrator was to have the bomb explode lit the hour the debate In the chamber was expected to end and the deputies and ministers would bo trooping out. It is probable that a massacre was frustrated by ft simple incident, which is regarded as almost providential.

Premier Crispi had begged the indulgence of the chamber to postpone his reply to questions under discussion, on the ground that his voice had failed him, owing to a cold. Tho chamber thus adjourned earlier than was expected. A Mason named Polidori, who was (slightly wounded, was placed under arrest. The police believe him to be the man who threw the explosive. Three other suspects are under arrest.

Tho exceptional surveillance recently adopted by tho authorities probably prevented tho miscreant from entering tho chamber and causing a repetition of tho Vaillant outrage in the French chamber. mo ANOTHER LOCOMOTIVE EXPLODES Trout, Only a few weeks remain until the opening of tbe trout season. It is morally certain that long before, that time of trout will have been cup- turea contrary to law, This section contains a number of trout streams and they should be looked after, ana violates of the law prosecuted to the full of that law, The penalty for catching trout out of season is severe, The act of 1885 the last legislation pn that point) rends as follows "(t shall be unlawful for any person to catch, kill or expose to sale, or have in bis or her possession after the same tow been caugut or killed, any speeded trout, save only from the istu day of April to tbe day of July, under a penalty of for each trout so killed or bad in possession, bqt this act not prevent any person from patching trout in pets lo waters owned by other waters." Half to the informer. Resulting In tbe Death of Flrvmau and Two Ilraktimen. WILKESBARRE, March The boiler of a locomotive on the Lehigh Valley railroad exploded at Tannery last evening, killing three men.

Patrick Dugan, the engineer in charge, stopped his engine at Tannery and went into the telegraph office for orders. During his ahseuce tho locomotive was blown to pieces, The three men who were on the engine wore killed. Their names are as follows: John Lenuay, fireman; Edward Fox, brakemaii; John Dotter, brukeman, All were newhands.having taken places of brotherhood men in the late strike, The cause of tho explosion was low water iu the boiler. Notwithstanding the hard times our line of Carpets and Mattings for the Spring will be the largest and best we have ever shown. Our facilities, enable us to sell you Carpets at a much lower rate than can be bought elsewhere our line comprises Bigelow Axminster, Smith Axminster, Axminster Velvets, Lowell and Bigelow Body Brussels and Velvets, Stinson Tapestry, Roxbery Tapestry, 3-ply Extra Super, Smith Tapestry, 0 Extra Super, Union Super, Cotton, Rag and Jute Carpets, 1500 yards of Carpets, the odd patterns of last season to be closed out at less than cost of production.

A rare chance to get a 30 or 40 yard carpet at a price that will surprise you. Call and see us as we have bargains in every department. ISAAC CRAWFORD 22 AND 24 WEST TENTH STREET. Bargains, Bargains We have the following lot of goods which we will close out regardless of cost One Lot of Men's Pants. One Lot of Boys' Suits.

18 Rolls of Carpet. 10 Rolls of Matting. 76 Umbrellas. One Lot of Men's Underwear. 300 Window Shades.

F. G. ALBRIGHT 220 and 222 Pennsylvania Avenue, Tyrone, Pa. TYRONE, PENN'A. Established 1874.

Capital and Surplus $74,000.00, Besides INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY. KOBBIIT A. MoOOY, Cllshlor, C. StOWttrt, HuillCS, S. Blair, A.

G. Cimln, Win. I'. Hume's, Jno. Harris, Uobort A.

McCoy. This bunk IB looiitoclln Stewart Bulldirg, on funiatastroot, and tenders its services in tho u-unsuctton ot a genera) banking business, interest allowed on time deposits. Drafts issued on all Foreign Countries charge for care of Private Boxes or Papers. MICHAEL LONG, BLACKSMITH attention given to coirs and Horses with bad feet. Competent and prompt workmanship always assured.

-i Also, Buggies on hand and for sale. The best handmade buggies at lowest prices. General Repairing in Every De. partment of Blacksmithing. Arcnne, near Tenth street.

GIVE US A CALL The Season of Wind and changeable weather will suggest the necessity of cough and cold remedies. Therefore let us call your attention to the complete stock of all the popular medicines at the TWO LEADING DRUG STORES OF J. S. SMITH, 30 W. lOlh Street and cor.

Logan avenue and 14th Street. SAPPHIRE FLOUR. Immigration NEW YORK, March Sonner, commissioner of immigration yesterday furnished the statistics showing the number of Immigrants entering the port of New York, during the month of February, 1894. The total number of passengers was 11,877, Of these aliens und 608 citizens came in the steerage, while 3,891 aliens and 1,647 citizens were cabin passengers. Of the alien steerage immigrants 6,801 were from European cities, leaving only forty coming from other countries.

The total amount of money brought in by the alien immigrants was $135,801. ClU to by PINE BLUFF, March has reached hero from Hamburg, Ashley county, a place remote, from any telegraphic and railway communication, of a' terrible and fatal stabbing affray between 4 negro man and woman, whose names could not be ascertained, at Wjlmot. The trouble originated about the man's wife, whose sister attacked her victim with knife, and after ft terrible battle succeeded in killing him. His body was found literally cut to nieces. A new brand of cigarettes is called "Thapevil'sQwi," Woman's aleeves must be hot temper? ed, as they are nearly always rufHed, up, New spriug wraps at Wrs.EHa Black's for nteht Owner can get same at tbia cilice.

2-J HARD SPRING WHEAT FLOURS. C'nilnm KoblllHOI 1.2?,.' I Klverslil D. M. BALDWIN, MERCHANT MILLER. 189 To Miller Co.

and Others Whom it May Concern- He it known that on thia day, December 181M, personally appeared beloro mo Pwlgnt Ituldwln, 1'roprlotor uml Munagor ol the Uruoavllia Uollcr located in (iraceviUe, Ulg Stone Minnesota, being llrst July sworn, doposeth and snyoth: Uo has during the past yi ar been manufacturing and alilpplng to Jolm If, Miller Tyrone, Pennsylvania, best lunoy pytout (lours under SAl'l'lUKE and Uold Mnk unit thatsaid flours have boon anil will continue to bo from drugs or chemicals of any kind whatsoever, anil further, that they imvo and shall contain nothing but granulations oftho Uest selected UAKP Sl'lUNCi OT PWJUIIT M. JJAJ.DW1N, Jr. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this J5tu day of IS, 0. UAIUD, Notary 1'ubllc in and for Jlig Stone county, SlinuusoU, PHENYLE! 25c, DISINFECTANT! PER BOX! FALCK'S DRUG STORE lo Teutli Street, '94 and '94 Correct Styles' Neat.Patterns Superior Workmanship Desirable Building Lots. 0 -IN THE DENLINGER, POORMAN Addition to Tvrone, to $350.

to 50 toot front, and 110 to 150 feet deep. cash; one-third in 1 one-third in 2 ym. tlio sale oi tliogo lotK und muji may be Men DBNMKGKR, I'OORMAN Co. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Charles Stewart, West TentU Street GEORGE KIENZLE BAKERY, Confectionery Grocery Capital $100,000,00 SURPLUS $16,000.00 4 fwierftl iNwklnf jbostoww Puily. ft- Q4M, P.

832 MAIN BTKtitiT. £rea4 and Cukes every All km4s of Fancy an4 WedcJing Cakei wa4e lo or4er PO ebort notice on reasonable terms. an4 tswt. Cwhlei K. NMttrn, mltu, 4, 4.

4- Crtwioid, eta (. of Kbti bank will bjrtl Dkiiu trtatBMt JOHN M. KIENZLE, BAKERY Confectionery and Groceries, Tobacco and Cigars. Fresh bread ana cakes daily, All kinds of fancy ana wedding a specialty, DKUVKKV fKKK, No, 134 Main O. W.

SAUSSBR, Marble i BrMite Cor, Juniati ind Blair Sts, Tyrone, Pa, THE BEST WAY TO REACH fn the AU THE PEOPLE OF TYRONE.

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