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Tyrone Daily Herald du lieu suivant : Tyrone, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Tyrone, Pennsylvania
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A LONG FOftQOftfeN CORPSE MANY HU6B STRIPES, story of body which was buried months nfter rteftth ts nlrertdy mir- K. M. Senior, the Mhtetnker ot Bttftdtfny, bus jtiat partotl vi-Jth which hAd been in possession for 28 yeflfs. Ottthe tnofnlng of Mny 0. I.W,, Micrt OHM to Mt.

Seniors fnthor, who thuu earned ofl business Bt 70 Carmine street, this bedf 6t Thevenon Mtilsley, end of the famotis Bulsley family of ncrobaU dancers. Mf. Senior's father, who Is dead, received the letter from San Frndclnoo which necompnnied tho body, nwd whicli asked that It should be kept by him until Rome of the dertd woman's relatives called for it, The coffin, inclosed in box of California redwood, put into Mr. Senior's private vault tn tho Carmino street house. No one claimed it, and there for four years it remained, until Mr.

Senior removed it to the underground vaultof the cellar in Carmine street. From that time tho unburled body was forgotten, and there it lay until few weeks ago, when Mr. Senior received notice that the building, for which be had no further use, was to bo rented. It became acces- sary to clean out the underground vault. Then the box was found.

The workmen at first took it for old lumber, but when the box was opened there was found first lot of old newspaper clippings giving eulogistic notices of one Mme. nulsley, a dancer, the framed photograph of a family group, find then, underneath these, an Iron coffin. Tho breastplate told whose body Was inside the casket. When a death certificate bad been obtained from San Francisco the New York board of health issued burial permit, and the body of the long forgotten dancer now rests in consecrated ground. Mr.

Senior found corner for it in tho Lutheran cemetery, Long Island. The Buisley family are now but the faintest memories in the minds of tho older school of playgoers, while to the younger generation their names suggest nothing. Yet 80 years ago the appearance of their names in playbill was sufficient to pack any house in tho city. Octavo Bulsley, tho head of the troop, ami his family came to this country from Paris about 83 years ago and finally settled In San Francisco. Their fume ns acrobats and contortionists had preceded them and at the Olympic theater they drew crowded houses, Among tho troop was a dark eyed, black haired, oval faced damsel whom Buisloy had discovered soon after his arrival in this country, and whom he quickly married.

Her stage name was Dody. Her bewitching beauty, no less than her grace as a dancer, was sufficient in Itself to draw to her train the men about town of that day. The body which for S8 years rested in the Carmine street cellar was all that remained of York Tribune. She Han For Gimlets. An ingenious woman has found new uses for thiit common little boring tool called a gimlet.

One night, while stopping at a hotel, her room was entered and robbed. Being a traveling woman and realizing that the name thing was likely to again happen, she hit upon the gimlet asa protective measure. Every night thereafter, when fata decreed that she imist put up at a hotel, she produced her gimlets and made windows, doors and transoms no cure by boring the gimlet clean through. One night when she had gimlet eel her room so that she was absolutely safe from midnight marauders the cry of "Firel" was heard. She was up in an instant.

She saw through the transom tho reflection of flames in the hallway. Escape was cut off from that quarter. She hastily unscrewed tho gimlets from tho window and looking out saw a low root 80 feet below. So practical a woman must certainly have had a clothesline handy, and such was the fact. In a jilly she had screwed two of her much beloved gimlets into the wooden sill, fastened an end of the ropo to them and dim bed down in safety to tho roof.

Tho gimlets were burned up in the fire, but tho ingenious woman laid in another stock, and from that day to this you can always count on finding from a half dozen to a dozen of the gimlets in her York Advertiser. A Witty Irish Fllust. Father Hcaley of Bray, one of tho very few avowed Unionist priests in tho distressful country, has been in groat form lately. Known for a long while past as one of the greatest Irish wits, he has fairly excelled himself during tho last few weeks. Tho other day an ardent politician nsked his reverence; "What do you think now, father? Mr.

Tim Hualy will be in tho first Irish parliament, chancellor, attorney general or he will be a very old man," was tho reply. At Corlcss' restaurant the other ilny Father Hculey's attention was drawn by the proud proprietor to tho fact that Miss Corless had gained some groat distinction at the Milan Conservatoire of Music. "And what are you going to do with your daughter after all this?" asked the priest. "Oh, I' shall hope to see her on tho operatic stage soon," replied Mr. Corless, who is the owner of tho most extensive oytitur beds on tho Irish coast.

"You want to turn her into an oyster Patti, thon?" said Father Healoy, without a moment's Herald, riuln Duty. The man wanted a pension for a wound received in tho service, and ono day he applied for it that is to say, ho was discovered by a claim agent, and tho claim ogeut took him before an examiner, "What's this pension for?" asked tho examiner. "For wounds received in the "Of course," said tho agont, with a flourish, "In the line of duty?" "Certainly," Tho examiner looked over the records a few moments. "Why ho exclaimed the record shows this man was shot while running away in the face of tbo enemy, Po you call that tn the line of duty?" The agent was stumped, but the applicant wan ready, "You, bet It was," he said, "They was plum at me with intent to kill, and wasn't it iuy duty to git away if I The case was held for advisement, Detroit Free Press. Sucreil Twelve.

"patriarchal and apostolical mitu tier of IV as proper and only admissible number for a jury trying cases according (o the common law, has como down to us from remote antiquity. Yet not universal. In A Cornish custom to have juries o) declared to bo bad, but evidence was given tbut such juries had been widely lifted, In the county, and by a special statute of Henry YJII juries of six were allowed jn Wales. Tho county court jury of of course a very recent, and some thiukft very unfortunate, innovation, and the jsourt iu which it sits is itself only 60 years old. But the jury of tbo grand assize consisted of 10 pjep, which still finds parallel in the jury of presentments of the Liberty of the Savoy.

The modern jury, (he coroner's jury, and the lunacy a.pd ecclesiastical inquisitions uumbersuything between 19 and 23, whereof 13 at least must agree ou vw- Journal. JBvefy yachtsman knows Hint a ship faster thrift tho It to srtft if the Wind Is blowing 1) knots nfi rtifpttHiy benirtklm? 13 18 knots ftti lottf, Now, It obvious tlmt if thdnhlp Bulling straight before the wind it cannot, nt tho utmost, travel faster than tho wind itself Is rt matter of it will travel much more slowly. If, tho Other ham), the shipisMilling At Aft nngle With tho wind, it scorns at first sight that tho wind must net wjth loss teiieet thati before, but ns ft matter of fact the ship not only sails more quickly than before, but moro quickly than the wind itself Is blowing. Lot us consider the difficulty in tho light of tho following experiment: Place a bull at ono eldo of tho billiard table, and With tho cuo, not hold in tho ordinary manner but lengthwise from end to end of the table, shovo tho ball across tho cloth. The cuo hero represents the wind, and tho ball thoahip sailing directly before it.

Tho ball, of course, travels at tho same rate ns tho cue. Now, suppose a groove in which tho bull may roll bo cut diagonally across the table from ono corner pocket to tho other. If tho ball bo now placed at ono end of tho groove and tho cuo held horizontally, parallel with tho long sides ami moved forward across tho width of the table as before, tho ball will travel long tho groove and along the cue, diag- ognally across tho table In tho same time as tho cuo takes to move across tho width of the table. This is tho cnso of the ship sailing at an angle with the direction of tho wind. The groove is considerably longer than the width of the than double us long, in fact.

Tho ball, therefore, travels, much faster than the cuo which impels It, since it covers more than double the distance in the same time. It is in precisely the same manner that tacking ship is enabled to sail faster than tho Traveler's Book. Sixteen Marriott, Of all the extraordinary stories of female adventuresses, the account of the career of "Golden Hand," a Russian woman recently condemned to Siberia for life, reads most like an effort of fiction. Remarkably attractive and good looking, and spcakingflucntly Russian, Roumanian, German, French and English, she had been married 10 times and in turn ran away from each of her husbands, carrying off everything upon which she could lay her hands. Once before she was condemned to Siberia, but had not been there long before tho chief overseer fell iv victim to her wiles, married her and went off to Constantinople.

But after a few months his wife bolted and soon after was in Moscow by a police official, who proceeded to arrest her. In response to her urgent pleadings, however, ho delayed marching her off upon tho spot, and, like the rest, speedily succumbed to her fascinations, with the result that Hie woman again escaped and lived some two years in Russia unmolested, But her sixteenth husband, after she hud made off with tho bulk of his worldly possessions, finding out who she really was, speedily landed her in jail, where intrusted with her defense had an opportunity appreciating her skill as a pickpocket. When he Went to see her in her cell, she presented him with a gold watch and chain as a token of her gratitude for his efforts in her cause. Feeling in his pocket, he afterward discovered that tho watch and chain were his Tit-Bits. Tho Sniilte'g Poison Vang.

A common belief regarding snakes is that they can spit or project their venom a considerable distance and thus poison any person whoso eyes may bo too intently riveted upon tho animal. Tho poison fang tho singular term, for thereby hangs this hollowed by a channel in the hinder part of it, Tho edges of this channel are curved and moot so closely us to form a sort of tube, the fang bends backward, nud until erected by tho muscles which move it Hew back against the pal- ato. When tho snako is enraged, the fang is erected. At tho base of the fang is the gland which secretes tho poison. This gland is iu close contact with tho maxillnry bone, to which tho fang is united by aivchyloscd tissue.

Tho bono itsolf is movable and may bo rotated ou its transverse axis by muscles. Thus, in tho act of striking, tho snake erects its fang, and tho act of striking, bringing pressure to bear upon tho gland, causes tho fluid poison to bo forced into tho tube, and thus ejected into tho wound. Doubtless tho attempt to oscapo from its enemy onuses tho victim to forco tho fang from its erectile position in a forward direction and thus increase tho pressure on tho gland and add to tho quantity of poison York Times. A lliiiluosB That Intellect. "A stenographer, by the nature of his business, becomes almost devoid of ideas," said a shorthand writer.

"Wo depend so much upon other people to use their brains for us, merely taking down what they say, that wo not only lose any ideas we might have had, but our memory as well. It is said that if an arm or a limb bo not exercised it will soon become useless, "I think to a great degree this is true of that part of tho stenographer's mind that brought into use in giving ideas and conceptions and retaining impressions of things said and heard, I can go to a lecture and listen attentively, but when I come out my mind is a blank as to what was said unless I've taken notes and refer to them. A stenographer becomes nothing more than a thought recording machine without aiiy mind except that given to him by other people. "It Is most aggravating to me to bo asked to give my recollection of something and find myself utterly unable to recall the incident, I have found the same difficulty in reading. Anything that is worthy of perusal I must read over three or four times In order to remember Plttsburg Dispatch.

Auolont Rider and Home, Mrs, Fannie Million, who resides at Million, in the western part of this county, is perhaps the oldest lady horseback rider in the United States, She is 00 years of age. Recently sho rode 10 miles on horseback to visit some relatives. She owns and rides a horse us remarkable as herself, It is 30 years old and named for General Kirby Smith, the old Confederate general. Mrs. Million Lias never used spectacles in her life, her being at present us good us it was when she was 10.

She is not stooped and deci'epii, but as erect as an Indian. She is strong physicullyaudnieii tally and could dance a set with Richmond (Ky,) Correspondent. Coleridge once defined a gentleman as a with an indifference to money mutters. If this definition be accepted, this is uu age of gentlemen, and there are those, even uiuong us, who are "perfect Boston Journal. News has been received here that 4 party of hunters have slaughtered an entire herd of buffalo Ju Yeljowstppe parlj.

The animals were chased into deep snow and shot down. The object was to secure the heads, which command 9 bigh.jirice. As the three werq preparing to the heads they wwe arrested by company of soldiers, who pluced them iu th.e guardhouse at Mammoth Dispatch. Have no fifa dare hdt bflntf lomo. Tins great NeviutA silver opened In 18159.

A woman's hair Is srtid to weigh on the average 14 ounces. ho British Mineralogies! Society ho load mines of Spain ted ever since tho beginning of history. Sculptors contend that the Venus do Mcdict, 5 feet 6 inches, is the perfect stature for Women. The name Setoucldifi npnlied ns gcneHo title to a long rrtce of Macedonian kings who reigned in Syria, The title reverend, oflC6 used only Witt refer'enco to tho pope, is now generally np plied to clergymen of nhy denomination. The title justice, applied to a judge, conies from England, Whoremany judicial officers havo for ages been termed justices, There is talk of reconstructing the old statohouse on Beacon hill, Boston.

The scheme meets with much Approval in that city. By old English law a baron was required to have at least five hides of land, a church, a kitchen, a bell house and borough gate with a seat in it. Count dates from tho later Roman empire. Before tho evacuation of Britain by the Romans count of the Saxon shore was appointed to prevent Saxon Invasions. Among tho titles of tho Roman emperors were Augustus, Cfcsar, DiVUs, Pius, Felix, Clements, TranqulllUs, Sanctlssi- mus, Altissimtts, Dominus and others of similar ponderosity.

It is said that Dclmonico'schef, Charlei Ranhoefer, will publish, by subscription, cookbook which ho promises will contain 1,200 octavo pages, embracing 8,700 recipes and embellished With 800 engravings, Oh, Kentucky is great state, Hero's Uncle Ed Crenshaw of Glasgow, 70 years old, with a now baby In the house, the most recent of 24 babies, and Mrs. Aslop of McLean county, who is ns proud as can bo of her first ono, at 04. An inhabitant of the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland, discovered in an old castle tho authentic sword of Bayard, the chevalier sons pcur et snns reproche. Tbr owner of the relic has scut photographs it to various French museums, ono which will probably buy it. TnctleM Men, -Of all perhaps the man most noted for shortcoming was the late Lord notwithstanding his extraordinary talent, his remarkable common sense" and sagacity, lived and died a soured, disappointed, misunderstood and unpopular man.

Lack of tact was likewise tho distinguishing characteristic of that other clever English statesman, Lord Sherbrooke, better known as "Bob Lowe," and It is likewise one of the drawbacks to tho success of Signer Crispi, the present Italian premier. Thus, during tho silver wedding festivities at Rome a year ago, finding himself face to face with tho empress of Germany, who immvdl- atley recognized and extended hei hand in tho most gracious way, ho showed in such a plain manner that ho had no idea who on earth she could be, and that ho considered her rather foi ward, that SUP was forced to mention her name before he could make up his mind to bow down and kiss tho extended hand. Ou another occasion, when his groom of tho chambers had just announced Lord Dufferin and thrown open tho folding doors leading in to the office of the premier, Crispi, without attempting to rise from tho armchair in which he was lounging, contented himself with airily waving his hand to the ambassador and bade him a negligent good morning, smiling pleasantly as he did so. Tho smilo was not returned, and Lord Dufferiu, with his eyeglass in his eye, stopped short on the threshold and gazed steadfastly at Crispi, with an expression of mingled hauteur and surprise. The premier at last understood, and jumping up in much confusion rushed toward tho most tactful of all Queen Victoria's him with apologies for his "unintentional discourtesy." York Tribune.

Mux O'Kell on Women. Whenever Max O'Rell opens his flattering lips on tho subject of woman, feminine curs all over tho world are pricked up. Ho has been lecturing about her lately and makes some pleasing international comparisons. He said that in tho French household woman was queen; she led hei husband, and he did not complain; she knew all his affairs, Ho consulted her about his was why wealth in Franco was so stablo, because women were not speculative. Sho thoroughly understood the poetry of matrimony.

In England a woman knew nothing of her husband's affairs, not as much us his clerk. Tho wife of tho peasant propric tor was tho very fortune of working, sober, thrifty, always working in tho house, tho fields, tho market. Her daughter did not wear fringes, but when sho went to service every month she paid a visit to the savings bank when sho got her English servant girl got a new hat and wad-photographed in it. The more ho saw of American women tho moro deeply ho was impressed with the conviction that they, were totally unlike all other women. There were few women to bo compared with them in the drawing room.

None with whom men felt more at ease, They hud beauty, but it was not equal to that of English women, but it wus their intellectual qualities that were striking. From the ago of 18 it girl was allowed almost every took the rest. In Europe women let tho men do cide what wus America they did it for themselves. Forcing the Iltfvul Train to Stop, Tho Jato Sir Robert Burnett of Leys hud lived iu seclusion since his health broke down, about three years ngo, just when ho was about to bo married to the eldest daughter of Lord Sempill, Sir who passed, many years of his life iu America, succeeded to tho family estate, which extends to about 13,000 acres, In 1870, on tho death of his father, Sir James Burnett, lord lieutenant of Kipcardineshire, he took a very prominent part in county business, wus liberal landlord and presented public park to the town of Banchory, which adjoins his estate. Sir Robert cume into notice about 10 years ago by his litigation with the Deo- nido railway respecting the special "messenger" trains which run daily when the queen is residing ut Balmoral, nud ho succeeded in obtaining an order from the court pf session that ull such trains were to stop when required at Crathes station, which is near his place.

It hud always been the practice to run these specials between Aberdeen and Utillater without stopping, and Sir Robert Burnett's triumph wus regarded in Deeside as A direct snub to the court. Some Copy alight Direct film "Drunk uguiu," she sarcastically re- uavked us he stumbled into tho room. "What's gone wrong now?" "Jfussiu, w'dour," stammered the editor, jus 1 swim f'm reudiu 'u c'rectin s'much copy." muttered, as he carefully placed his boots on tho bed and throw himself under it, "I've often heard that reading makes full jiaau, but never saw it verified line of washillki hfti been brought out for the spring trade, so lovely In color and soft in texture thnt it It dull- cult to make A choice where every piece is so AttrActlvft Solid colors are lit dult blue, light violet, Absinthe green And old rose, mil tripes prevail, and their binfttiont aft itthumerrtblo. All the striped are of width, In Whatever manner they are clustered, ahd tiie effect ns ft whole Is of harmonious rtnd subdued brightness. Rose and gray, rose And green, rose Ahd ban, and violet and tart Arc sonic ot the combinations seed.

The gobtls are saldtb really Wash, provided soft Water and a small quantity of fine soap be used, and hb fabric could be prettier for waists for every day dstinS warm WeA comes on. For more elaborate bodices brocaded taf- fctns and Satin or hi )lre striped silks art tliese and "similar weaves may be obtained to great advantage at this THEATER BODICE. son, as all the large shops are closing out the remainder of their winter stock of silks and crapes at reduced prices, and five or six yard lengths of flue quality may be bought at half the price por yard tlmt was charged two or three mouths previous. In thin qualities of silk the soft varieties wear better than the glace kinds of the same grade, although the latter appear to have more body. In regard to the mode 'of making these waists there is only one shall not be plain.

Even the Wash silks are usually made up fall with a folded belt and collar, balloon Sleeves and a double niching down the front, while corsages intended for theater and evening wear are so voluminously and variously trimmed that it would seem impossible for the subtlest ingenuity to invent a new style. A sketch is given of a theater bodies composed of pale green crape and laurel green satin ribbon, made over a fitted lining of pale green surah. It is shirred in the form of a round yoke, which is outlined by a band of ribbon finished with erect bows on the shoulders. A second parallel band curves across the bust. The bodice is gathered in at the waist under a pointed ribbon belt and has a short, full busque lined with surah and trimmed with a band of ribbon.

The tight, shirred sleeves extend from the wrist to above the elbow, where they are met by a balloon puff with a ruffle trimmed with a ribbon band, The standing collar of ribbon is surmounted by a ruching of the crape. The bodice at the buck. JUDIC CHOLLET. PLAYED FOOL TO SOME PURPOSE. Bow Yankee Skipper Saved a Valuable Cargo From the llrltish.

"Ono of tho neatest things which I remember is tho sharp trick played upon an English naval officer by a Yankee skipper during the last war with England," said tho old timer. "During the time of actual hostilities a small schooner laden with silk, wines and brandy, and belonging in Stonington, was hailed on her homeward passage by a British armed brig, when conversation something like this took plaoo between the commanding officer of tho brig and the captain of the Kchooner: 'Schooner ahoyl' called tho officer. 'Hallo I 1 responded the Yankee. 'Who commands that 'Brother Jonathan used tu, but I due oeaow. 'Brother Jonathan who tho devil is 'Why, you must be a darned fool not to know Brother Jonathan everybody iu taowa knows 'Send -your boat aboard I' "'Don't know whether I shall or not, for tho boat's all soggy, and I hain't got no now clothes, Brother Jonathan's got a new coat, and if he's mind to go he may, but I am sure I 'Strikol 1 shouted tho Britisher.

'Strike? Why, I haven't nobody here to strike but dad. He's cooking, and he's crazy, and if I strike him he'll strike buck again, so it's no ure you louded 'Bulo goods and hens and hens' hus- bunds and hobgoblins and long faced 'Where ore yon bound 'Stoningtuowri. 1 "By this time Brother Jonathan had boarded the brig, where ho was compelled to remain until the schooner was examined by the British officer. The officer, who bud gone aboard the schooner, kept on with his examination. 'Where's your bnle goods? 1 'There they be, 1 suidthe Yankee skipper, pointing to some bundles of chipboards and shiuglea which he bud taken with him on his outward passuge as covering for his curgo, "'You fool, do you cull them bale "'Why, sartlu.

Don't 'Where's your hons and hens' 'There they be, in that ar coop 'Where's your 'There they be, in that ur tother great large coop 'Where's your long faced 11 'There they be, in thut pigstye. 1 'Have you got anything to drink on 'Wo bad some rum when wo came away, but the cag'ii way down under the load; and if you try you can't get it. So it's 110 "The British officer, having received but little satisfaction and having no doubt become disgusted at the seeming ignorance of the Yankee, returned on boaid bis brig in no good humor. Then, after ordering Brother Jonathan dozen stripes with the 'rope's to teach him wisdom, left the poor simple creatures to take care of themselves. That they could do so was evidenced by the fact that the schoou er arrived at Boston with a cargo valued at 1100,000, Herald.

4n "loiico aaw, "said Bertram Reynolds of Boston, "an imported farm, the toil as well us the being absolutely foreign to the surroundings. This wus iu one of the coldest of Manitoba, where I was entertained by A family which bud retained its love for wilder rpgiogg and. prop's. The bill of fure was necessarily meager, but some of the vegetables were so bright and grew that i could not help asking how they were preserved so, wslj. Tu my surprise, I learned tbut they were garment or, lei fNMnHMMt Jntfttatf owing to KlLiat 'dtt.

tfr iL Aum fcii EMrf Cujttt KoV CATC mm tiiey, Dud HBO tncy were A frrfect fhe eoHVeylng thrsoll In barrels suob A long distance woflUI prevent ntiy but compflrn' tlvely Wealthy ncoplc from trying tho Mrlment, but tny fflcrulg hml madd It A hobby, tfhe only other case of earth Importing lhnt 1 have met with Is that done by the ihnh of Petslft. Dhe traditions Of bis cotttttfy prevent his treftdingt oh fot- eign soil, and when be makes trip in foreign nations his Attendants carry supply of Pctstnn soil) some of Which is placed id his shoes, practice which accounts for the great inconvenience walking always appears to bo to his mnjosty when abroad." Olobc-Dcmodrat, tn Ocnii. Spenlctng of diamonds, a retail jeweler told me that those precious stones seem to chnrm some women, Ho said there are as tunny as 20 women who come daily to his show window And stand there for 10 or 20 minutes feasting their cyea upon the gems he displays. They seem to go into a stnte of oblivion, caring nothing for what happens about them. When they have looked long enough, they rouse themselves and hurry oft as though they hud awakened from dream.

Others wear a craving look, which would certainly cause tho gems to come to them, if the mind has that Wonderful Influence over matter that some people claim for Trib- Thornpnon Inrestlgittlon Adjourned. TRENTON, March house committee on elections yetferday afternoon opened the ballot box' of tue First ward of Gloucester City. The dial showed that 718 votes had been cast, The poll list was the same, and the tally list showed that Thompson had received 600 votes and Llp- pincott 109. The recount showed 496 for Thompson and 198 for Lippincott. Fifteen ballots were missing from the string.

The committee adjourned until Monday. ProfaMor Itnrtftltorn Indicted for Murder. NEW CASTLE, March grand jury returned true bills of indictment against Professor Hartshorn, ex-principal of the high school, for child murder and producing a criminal Operation, etc. Attorneys of the county 'bar believe that it will be impossible to'get a jury to try tho case in this court, and that counsel for the defense will ask for a change of venue. A Mirrlff Sent to LIMA, March Hoagland, for two 'terms sheriff of.

this county, was sent to jail for contempt of court. He was charged with attempting to Influence a grand juror against.F. L. Langau, cashier of the defunct Lima National bank. B.

Faurot, president of the bank, is ou trial today on tho same charge. A Wlfo Murderer Convicted. NEW BEDFORD, March jury in the Robertson murder trial, after being out two a half hours, returned a verdict of murder in tho first degree. His counsel will file exceptions. Robertson murdered his wife some months ago.

To Save the Kvargnrice. BOSTON, March Boston Towboat company has been awarded the contract for raising the wrecked battleship Kearsarge. The company will receive $10,000 if the work is unsuccessful and $45,000 if successful. An Kniliiont Peniinylvmila Alunon III. PiTTSDURG, March C.

Bucr, grand commander of the Knights Templar of Pennsylvania, and a Thirty-third degree Mason, is dangerously ill from spinal meningetis, and fears are entertained for his recovery. DUhoncHt Oity Official Convicted. NEW WIIATCOM, March jury iu the trial of P. M. Isenz, tho ex- city treasurer, charged with embezzlement of $00,000 ot! the city's money, returned a verdict of guilty.

NUGGETSJOF NEWS Brooklyn is in imminent danger of a smallpox epidemic. The entire business portion of Tempo, was destroyed by fire. Cardinal Benoit Leon Thomas, archbishop of Rouen, France, in a dying condition and is not expected to live many hours. During a fire in a tenement on Eighth avenue, New York, Michael McCutcheou was burned to death and Elizabeth Heth- erlugton seriously injured, During a riot in the province of Liege, Belgium, over tho appointment of an unpopular school teacher, two were killed and a dozen wounded by gendarmes, To LET. A nice room in good locution, healed itnil furnished, inquire ut this dlStf.

It's justiis easy to try One Minute Cough Cure as anything else. It If- Busier to cine Severn cold or cough with it. Let your next lor a coiiuli be One Minute Cough Cure Belter medicine butter result better try it. W. II.

Holmes, druggist. Foil KENT Rooms foi merly occupied by llm Keystone Club, second Study block Hented by steam Utah room, hot. uud cold witter. Ver suitable for gentlemun ittid wife, nraddrens, A. STUDY, THUSTKB 1 O.

Box 909, Tyrone, EMERSON PIANOS 60,000 SOLD. IIICSK instruments have enjoyed high rvpuUillon for morn tfian forty yours, Tlioy are HrllUuut and ftlutupul in Tonu, anil tttt'oi'd a most bi'aulllul accoiiniaiilinuiit to vocal tliii tone iutviiiu that raru aymuathotlo wiiioU blumls admirably with tho human voice. Tliuy uro constructed of llio beat matui'luls, by the uiost Skillful Workmen. They have cani- eel an especial reputation lor Keeping 111 and also for retaining In most romiu'lcuble ilegrue ilieiroclgliuU lullness of tonQr-nover growing thin or wiry with ago. Tlio through their agents, have received several I'reininius during thu imst t'ew yvui's, uud their Instruments iutve invariably tiilfun" high herevur 'i'urws SEND FOB 30,000 MAPS ANP JN USE.

EMERSON PIANO CO. U6 Raylston Street, BOSTON, MASS, avenue, ifew Itorfc, A. Wright and John A. Vogt are now in Philadelphia and New York buying their Spring and Summer stock of Men's, Boy's and Children's Clothing, Hats and Men's Furnishing Goods. for Infants and Children.

la ao well adapted to children that recommend It as superior to any prescription known to mo." II. A. Ancmcn, M. 111 80. Orsforcl Brooklyn, N.

Y. "The use of 'Castorla' is so universal and Itn mnrits so well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Custoriu within cosy reach." CARLOS MAHTYN, R.D., New York City. Late Patitor Bloomlngdale Reformed Church. Cnntnrln curefl Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea.

Eructation, Kills Wormn, gives sloop, and promoM eestion, Without injurious medication. For several years I have recon. mended your' and shall always continue to do so as it lion invariably produced beneficial results," EDWIN F. PABDBI, H. "The Wlnthrop," lliOtu Street ond 7th New York City.

Tnis COMPANY, 77 MOBHAT STRUT', NEW Yoi Small Things. Shoe. Luces, 10 kinds; Shoe Polish- Gilt. Eduje, Topsy, Bartlett's French Glcss, Piiteiilene, Tomshine Crystal Polish; Shoo Blacking, Shoe Brushes, Daubers, Button Hooks, Shoe Lilts, L'linbs Wool Sales; Oxford Tie Clasps, Arctic Socks, Men's Tap Sales lOc. a pair, Tuping Nails, Heel Nails, Shoe Thread, Repairing Promptly done at McConahy's Shoe Store LOGAN AVENUE.

Not having mado tho tlnal ol my on 1 HB 1 oxpuctutl 1 will continue) lo suit al cost price until 1 liuvo ulottiid nut ovurythlni; In tho Jewelry depart mull t. IT WILL PAY YOU to untloipulu your luturo wants by now so- luultnjj; Iroin my Htlll (lu.sinil)loHtook. (I you aro In doubt about iinylhint; you might need coinu and look uvui' our mock. Repairs Given the Same Prompt and Skilful Attention as Heretolore. GEO.

H. GARNER, i'unnit. Avunuu. Juwnlur ALL KINDS OF 3 -rnm MENTHor. a.

iNllALKU.wlll auro you. A 0 0 rf l' oni irora Sore Throne. Influenza, Ilrnnchttli. or IIA Afanit immrflldtereHef. Anefflolcni rcmoily, convenient toonrrr In pnnkot, to on tlrnt Indication of colcf.

Oantlnuetl Vie Klfeoti Permanent Cure. Hatlafnctlou Ruiirnnvoiiil or money rerunded, Pi'lre, Kn rU, Trial free nt UniitKinK. ItOdUtored nmll, 10 ooutn. a CU3HM1H, 1'hrw Rivon, D. 8.

i. IICUTUnl Biirunt ond remedy for nUL. Kuiamu.ltob.Bdt Blieuni.olii Wonderful edyforPII.KH. bynmll prepaid. AddroaeoanhoTe.

GEO. DAVISON, Proprietor. Delivered to all parts ot town, Orders by will have attention, WALL PAPE OP QBAPES AT Jobbers' Prices, WINDOW SHADES MAPE TO OBPEB, At SYMINGTON'S AND MADE OUT OF HAIR WATCH CHAJNS MADK TO OliDEH BY MRS. C. DENNY' 2047 Adiiom cor.

of Oak St. Tyrone Planine Mill, 0 9. Uanutuoturora and Penleri ROUGH LUMBER Contractors andS Buildeis' TYUONW. BLAIB PA BURLEY GRAHAM, Funeral Directors Embalmers avenue above )gth itrwt TYKOiw, PA. Night eullij answered tit residence of Mr, Grulium, south ulilo61 Lincoln uveimo, doors ulioyu Kluveulh tilruot.

Saw and Planing Mills..

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