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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
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OfKRJL MOCSB. i Oofcw JLA17GKIKG NIGHT TUESDAY, OCT. i7th Mr, PfeMx ittaeer presents th.6 latest h)t "Dos't Te'l My Wife" A BeflneS riawaal Hay a Plot NEW YORK CAST Spetfal Saencry, Bsantiful Costumes, A Hast ot Ctever Specialties. The Bveni cwt (fee Season. Come with the 3SC, 50e and 75c OPEKA HOUSE, THURSDAY OCT.

fpth Comedian SOL SMITH RUSSELL, In. His Great Play Km, John Grigsby PR1CKS--BOX Scats $2: Plush Seats Drews Circle Parquet, and last row Cirule 3 first rows in Balcony 75e, ha la-rice on sale at Hank's Jewelry store Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. Question of Superiority in Union Stations I Amusiac Incidents Caused fey the Car Local Matters of Interest, Waif a Loan For or short, time? If so you do Hot have to wait longer than It takes to fill- a. check the security is O. Ywi caa get $10 or $10,000.

No fancy cccimigeios charged. Notes and tought. Lega-nsport Ind. MONEY TO LOAN At per caai. Court House.

DAILY JOURNAL SCNDAY, OCTOBER .15, 1S99. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Ladies" culture shoes. Stevenson KRasick. JrVtJSsiaa Spavia Cure at Ben' Fish- er'a standard prints 4c yard. Golden Rifle.

The Ptmfnandle pay car Is due to hero on Tuesday. fit yonr tost when others fail. KliTisick. Mr. Altman will dis- pTay misses and children's garments (Jay TnesJay at fixe Bee Hive.

Attend Mg and only real sale this wcefe. Jt ifi not imag- Snarj. Otv 22Q Trade A. M. Fergus -and 'wife have to Caes connty to take up their again after a several years' "It was almost a miracle.

Burdock Blood Bitters cured me of a terrible breaking wit all over the body. I ant vwry grateful." Miss Julia Fil- brfilffe-. West Cornwall, Conn Bale by all drag'Rists. Beswber B. Powell has returned to his home at Marshall alter a pleasant t'fsit.

hvr 'the guest his brother, 'fVof. Jay PiywEtll and other relatives. He cjwufi hm-e'to attend the reunion of the old 'JSSih the middle of the week. Tbe tria5 of Fred Nelson, phftttf- formerly of this city, pi xnitler arrest at Marion months ago on a charge preferred by an Ohio sheriff alleging the crime of highway robbery, is on at CoJotnbua. Uie lOlh of 'December, 1S97, Rev.

S. Donahoe. paator B. cnnrciv. Soutu, Ft, Pleasant, W.

contracted a severe cold was attended from the beginning by violent roughing. says: "After resorting to a of so-called usually kftpt Sn house to no purpose, I a bottle of Chamberlain's which acted like a I most cheerfully recommend It to the public." For sale by W. H. Ptorter. druggJsr.

GOOD ADVICE. that fllstreeslng pain seems to grab you by ttoe back of the bead and neck: and your eyes seem fixed on a ffivew jjoint straight ahead, do not make sick by taking Brastis but take a small dose of Dr, QtSdweSfB Syrup Pepsin. It reltsves the on the centers of knim and aids dlgmtlon by curing; -pennanently. In 10c, GCc 1 tl mt W- K. Porter, So much has been said recently regarding the new unio'a passenger station at Boston that it has aroused new interest, in the question superiority of union stations.

'In this connection it should be said that Indianapolis was the first to have a union station and the first to erect a modern building and extensive train sheds, and now has a union station it need not be ashamed OL as to capacity or style of architecture. In the comments regarding the station at Boston one would think it had no equal, hut the Broad-street station of the Pennsylvania at Philadelphia, all things considered, is better. It may not have so much track room under its train shed, but in other respects and excels the Boston station. The dimensions of the Broad-street station are: Train short, 39S feet, long, 304 leet -wide, covering sixteen tracks, with intervening platform; the roof is supported by 27 span arches, the head house covering the waiting room aad containing the offices of the company. It is twelve stories high, 300'feet wide and 120 feel, deep.

The height of the train shed from the platform to the top of the central rib of the highest ventilator is 140 feet; the clear height between the top of' track rail and botton of spanning arches is 105 feet. The height the station and office building is 240 feet from street, to top of tower. Ii the construction of the, train sheds 60.000,000 pounds of iron ware used. On an average passengers are handled at. t-he station daily.

The Louisville Nashville and Uie Southern Railway have notified al northern lines that under no circumstances will they permit their freight cars to go north of Louisville, Evans- vl'lle or Cincinnati, and northern lines are obliged to furnish cars to transfer the business from the south destined norm, and it is leading to some amusing incidents. The Monon loaded foi the north, at Louisville, 200 cars, with the understanding that the Michigan Central and the Nickel-plate would furnish cars at the respective connections of the Monon. These roads not furnishing the cars promptly, the Michigan Central persuaded General Superintendent. Lowell, of the Monon to allow the 200 cars to go to BufL'al:) with the promise that they won id be returned once. Being slow in coming back Genera) Superintendent Lowell made inquiries as to- their whereabouts and found that on arriving at Buffalo they had been reloaded with anthracite coal and sent west to Denver, and the Monon is yet short 200 cars when it is overwhelmed with business, General Superintendent Lowell has issued an order that no car belonging to the Monon shall go off Its own line until further orders.

Today a wooden freight car of 80.000 pounds capacity costs about Formerly the average cost of a car of tMs kind was in round figures. Lumber used in car building has advanced from to $10 per thousand feet; advanced from $7 to a ton, 'miking the general increase about, 30 lier cent. The car works companies, if is stated, are not worrying over thejantipathy in ordering new freight equipment, owing to the existing high prices. They claim that their works can always build the cars cheaper than the railroads at their own shops. The Pennsylvania directors and officers leave Philadelphia tonight for the Initial official trip of President Cassatt over some of the western lines.

Stops will be made at Cincinnati. Indianapolis. St. Louis, Peoria, Richmond and Columbus in the order named, and the special train -will arrive at Philadelphia on the return trip on Saturday morning-, Oct. 21.

The party will reach Indianapolis at 4 p. m. Tuesday, and will leave for St. at Wednesday, going over the Vandalia, M. E.

Green, engineer on No. 82, the fast meat train Friday night, made a notable run down from Kouts, beating the record, it Is believed, for a train as heavy as was the one he pulled at such a clipping paca The run from Kouta was made in 1 hour and 50 minutes, which is just 39 less than the scheduled running time of the train. This distance is 67 miles and the train made up of 28 The annual presidential Inspection party of the Pennsylvania lines, with ji ve lir lioganiport time about the middle of the week. E. F.

Kearney, trainmaster of the Richmond division of the Panhandle. was a caller at division; headquarters here yesterday shaking hands with old home friends, The Wabash has decided to rebuild the shops burned at Fort Wayne a days ago, but on how extensive a scale has not been decided. The gross earnings of the Wabash the first week in October were ahead of thoee of the corresponding week In 1898. Employes of the Altoona shops the Pennsylvania road for Septembe received the largest month's salary on record. The pay car will be in on Tuesday to distribute its monthly thousands among the Panhandle employes here REWARD $100.

The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at leas one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, anc that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrl Cure is taken internally, acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature ir doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure, 'Send for list of testimonials.

Address, F. J. CHENEY 0 Sold by. Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best.

Notice to Gas Consumers The gas company will shut off the ga.s in its main line Sunday. Oct. 15 1SD9, at 8:30 a. m. in order that the main line may be connected to a line running through a cooling pool at pumping station.

This work is made necessary by the putting in of additional pumping capacity. It is expected that the work will be completed by 3 or 4 o'clock in the afternoon. To avoid accidents we hereby notify al consumers not to leave in building unless there is some one on the premises to turn off valves, wlren gas goes out. LOGANSPORT WABASH VALLEY GAS COMPANY. ANNOUNCEMENT.

To accommodate those who are partial to the use of atomizers in applying liquids into the passages for catarrhal troubles, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known as Ely's Liquid Cream BaJm. Price including the spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by mail. The liquid form embodies the medicinal properties of the solid preparation. Cream Balm is quickly absorbed by the membrane and does riot dry up the secretions but changes them to a natural and healthy character.

Ely Brothers, 56 Warren New York LIST OF ADVERTISED LETTERS List of letters remaining uncalled for at postofflce at Logansport, for the week ending Oct. 7, 1899: LADIES. Rockerfield, Miss Romie The persons calling for these letters will please say, "Advertised." Z. POWELL, P. M.

IF THE BABY IS CUTTING TEETH Be sure and use that old and well-tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Syrup, tor children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the beat remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. EXCURSION TO CINCINNATI VIA PENNSYLVANIA LINES.

October 12,14, 16, and 17 for National Convention of the Christian church, low rate non-transferable -excursion tickets will be sold to Cincinnati via Pennsylvania Lines, good returning until Saturday, October 21. degree staff of the local lodge of Ben Hur will go to Plymouth next Friday to exemplify the work before the lodge at that place, a large class of candidates being up for initiation. Qrain-o Brings Relief to the coffee drinker. CoDee ArialciBg Is a habit that Is uniTanally Indulged In and almost as universally injurious. Hare you tried Graln-O? It 18 fclnuwt ike coffee but the efiects Just the opposite.

Coffee the stomach, rolns the digestion, the heart and disturbs the whole narrow torn. Qrain-O tomet up Use aids digestion and strengthen! tks Then ti nothing bat MOrlth- aeeit In Orato-O. Jt eant 1C ait He Felix Rothschild Co. Manufacturers of CLOTHING Men and 199-201 Market. Street.

'CHICAGO, Oct 32 OTTO SHOE CLOTHING Logansport, Ind. GENTLEMEN: jVVe have accepted your offer at 65c on the Dollar for worth of. clothing and have for- warded you same by freight today. We lose a great deal on this stock of merchandise, but. OG- account of our dissolution we have to make the sacrifice.

The trade in Logansport should certainly not miss to take advantage of the prices that you are going to make on these goods, as Woolens are 23 per ceut higher and labor is 50 iwr. cent, than when these goods were, manufactured. Wishing you great success, we remain. Respectfully FELIX ROTHSCHILD CO. On account of the Superiority of this line we were Induced to make this offer referred to above which was accepted.

THIS tSINADDI- TIONto lot noted in Yesterday morning's JOURNAL, for which we telegraphed shipped by express. TIE Our New Holiday Chinaware has arrived and is ready for Distribution. Bring in your ADDITIONAL LOCAL shoes lor son Klinsick. Brown is up from 'Purdue University to spend Sunday at home. the spocial column in this paper for tomorrow's Rule.

C. Edgcworth, of South Bend, was calling on. old home friends here yesterday. 25 per cent on china and house' furnishings this week at the an- nh'CTS'ary sale. Geo.

W. Seybold returned last evening from New York where she. has been for the pnst four months. in your wrap any day and get an immediate estimate of the cost of remodeling Wise. B.

M. Howard, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. M. K. 'Meek, departed yesterday on a visit with relatives at Covington, Ky.

his attorneys. L-airy Mahoncy Frank McWhinney has filed a complaint in the circuit court against Williamson Dunn and others, being a suit to quiet title, Warner, of White county, was in the city yesterday enroute to Kokomo looking for a possible clue to the Reynolds bank robbers, concerning whose identity he is so much in the dark. you want to pay for a suit I can make you for $16.50 I can't help it can Just remember I told you about it will W. Lucy, 416 Broadway, representing Royal Tailors, Chicago. Monday, will be a hummer our anniversary sale at the Trade Palace in underwear for all gents, ladies, boys and girls, all sizes Such bargains were never heard of.

See the men's shirts. Come and see at our anniversary sale. Mr. Davies big purchase offers you great bargains. Browi) sheeting 3e, linen crash, worth 7c for plaid dress goods, worth I2c for 5c; standard, ginghams fancy ginghams worth lOc for 7c; novelty dress goods worth 25c for He.

sale Her Wise. John Troutman, a painter, whose home is in Noble township, received a severe injury to one of his hands last evening, a heavy piece of building iron falling upon it. Dr. Rubsam dressed the injury, amputation, fortunately, not being necessary, and the doctor then removed 'his patient to St. Joseph's hospital.

Miller, the mute man from Peru who fell athwart the law by a failure to understand the significance of a call made upon him by Constable Smith and who later could not tell what Justice Newer was up to and could not be made to understand, was yesterday released from jail by the court. He drew money from the bank and settled the obligation held against him by a bicycle firm and all parties seemed to be satisfied with the turn affairs took at the end of the complication. Smith Russell will appear at Dolan's theatre on- next Thursday flight in his new play "Hon. John This is one of the best at- I on the road and only plays in three cities in the State: Fort Wayne, ndianapolis and Logansport. Five 'ears ago Sol Smith Russell appeared n.

"A Poor Relation" here, and then captured the of the theatre-go- Thursday night will be his second visit, and a crowded house should greet him, as bis performance certain- merits It TO CURE IAGRIPPE IN TWO DATS Bromo Quinine Tableta. AH drufjlsta refund the money if it W. tifnature S5c. Choosing Stylish Fabrics CARL w. KELLER.

lor your suit or overcoat will be pleasure when you examine, the rich elegance and fine quality of the materials that we display for your choice la the best imported and domestic wool- ons. We will melt you into a suit Of clothes that will stamp yon as A gentleman when you place your order with us. C. J. PANTON TAILOR AND DRAPER.

311 Market Stree OL'R BEAUTY OF Ml we. Specialties Mint. A. Ruppert's World-Renowned Remedies ARE THE BEST They are the pioneers of all complexion preparations, having been sold for years longer than nnv other. They nsc.d and recommended by the best, people, and always gfive complete satisfaction.

They are the only genuine, natural beautifiers, founded on, scientific principles. EvrrvthiiiK about tliem inspires confidence. Absolute proof merit has been numberless times by Mmc. Rnppert. Xo other specialist has ever given ocular demonstrations.

Owing to Shama Wall-EmlahHrnfieif wm gjru Ihlm Well-Emrntut Promlnmnct, S2.OO a bottle; 3 bottles for $5.00. ft -v Madame Rupiierfs Face Bleach is not a now. untried remedy. Its use assures i perfect complexion. It has been sold for 20 years longer than any like preparation nnd today hasularffcr sale than all these combined.

We arc recoivinsr supplins fresh from laboratory jladime A. Ruppert, No. 6 Eaot 14U1 New York, and Uicy art par Book "HOW TO BE BEAUTIFUL" Free Every caller nt tin's department will be given tins unique booklet tains all those iittle secrets of the toilet 80 dear to every woman ncart. below a list of some of Mudsme Kuppcrt's Tollei It coo- 's Toilet Requisites Prlco. Mmo.

Goldon'llair Tonic pivert new lite to and atopfi fiiMinc hair Mrao. Bnpperfii Wonderful Depilatory hnir without injury to skm tbroo miniitorf, Mmc. RupporfH Gnj- Hair Bo- etorntiveis not adyo, hutraturaa gray hair to iu natural color. Mole. Poarl Enamol Mme.

Whito Rosa Powder, an elQUisito pow- 1.00 2.50 1.00 .50 Mme. Almond Oil Complexion Soap, a perfect iomp. a combination of almond oil and war, not a boiled and contain! no lyo Mmc. World Rfl- nownod Face Bloach.largrbottle cliurs tlio alcin of anr discoloration, and beautifies complexion naturally, Mme. Knpntrt'R Balm, a valuable jWn food, and nied in connection with, tbe Blvaih romoToa wriiklet, .25 2.00 I.I For Sale by W.

H. PORTER Druggist- SOLE AGENT SUnnER GAS RATES Commencing May 1, and continuing until Ocober 1, 1899, the 'summer rate on residence heaters and Is as follows: fi.88 heaters, 50 cents per month. $2.25 heaters, 75 cents per month. GrateB and open front stoves, 75 per month. Special rates cm furnaces and bualawt upon application.

All are and payable at the office tetwoen the 10th of each month. Logansport Wabftsh Valley Gas C--, Pearl itrert, i i i i i lit i i i i til I tit it mill U'sSSS.

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