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The Daily Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 7

The Daily Gazettei
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A. Hattersley Sons, ml Steal Fife --DXALXB8IK-- 5A8 FIXTURES i Wort, fromi Lead Pipe, land Force Lead Bath Tobf, wMh Bowk, fetMMr Goott. bin Street, East of Clinton, WAYim, IKD. LIMP TIME TABLES! Iral and Departure of Trains. COUGHS, CROUP CONSUMPTIONTM KILLED BY A TREE.


(The spurn, as withered from atree of tho wne name, growing along the small streams in the ntalnB stimulating expects principle that loooene the pnlegm prodncing SJJJ and stimulates the cbild 3URG, FORT WATNE CAGO RAILWAY. $fi INov. WESTWABB. I A.1TIVP Utod itiMiu jl and Express ex S'y 111 fisara stTh'gh 4 55pm til Express, i 12 vnun -loutu Ac'm'n, dally 105pm A Freight I Depart EASTWARD. 450aiu 1220pm 505pm 119am 610pm sooam HI and 6'y and i 1 45plti 450am 206pm soipm 900pm Gooam SH, ST.LOUIS PACIFIC R.R.

WB8TWAKD. When combined with the heal. as Principle in the mullein plant of the old fields, presents in TAYLOR'S (JHEHOKRE REMEDY OP SWEET GUM AND JUJLLEIN the finest Jnown remedy for Coughs, Croup, WhOoplng-couKll and Consumption; and BO palatable, any child to fijti Be As ycnr druggist for it. Price, Walter Atlanta, da. "CANDEE "HECTICS --WITH-DOUBLE THICK BALL.

TwoYearsj TEST. Sole. Bali. I Swum land 111 warn Express, dally I 5 40pm IMall ex. Monday' 1525am 12 Oipm 600pm 833pm ruboerrlfihtnnderthe tread, gives DOCM.K i WJOE.

Double Thick Ball BA8TWABP. I Arrive i Depart xpress, fl Express, dally Kxpross daily ex. S'y TCOpm eftoam laopm can on 42 and 48, Ir Oars on 44 and 45. M-OMS TIMB leaving a. arrives at Indianaaolls iitll a.m.

tag at pi m. arrives at Inclianap- Train leaving at nv, (Monday atop, arrives at :40 a. m. (new train). Return- twiapolis 2:16 p.m., train) ana arriving at Port' p.

7:00 m. aud 0,90 a. Bnbh hick Ball Kubbera In Boots, Arctics, Overahoeg, Alaskii, Ac. A Common Sense Idea Carnahan, Hanna Co, Wholesale Agents "CANrSB" INDIANA B. R.

BOUTHWABD. I IITlhil Ux 112 Ciu. 1130pm 113 loam tion 5 38am NORTHWAHIX JteoommodaMon i fe.Mack. a M'landEr I Arrive, i fe.M tlon 240piu 035pra 8 Mam 3C5pU tragic Ifeath of the Man Who Kilted LMt Panther in (Pa.) Herald.) ttolativcs of William Cole, formerly resident of the northern part of this county, received a message yesterday saying that he died in Potter Coujity yesterday from injuries received from A falling tree. He was an old hunter and woodsman.

Ha was famous for many daring hunting ei- ploitss but especially for having killed the last panther ever known to be in the of Western Pennsylvania, and at the same time capturing ite half-grown cub alive. This was in Potter County in 1803. Cole was on his way on horseback over the mountains to join a party who organizing for a bear hunt. Before be reached destination'his dogs started off in the woods on the trail of what he supposed was a bear. He followed them on his horse through dense timber, tangled underbrush swamps, and over rough and rocky ground for throe miles, when he came uif to the dogs with their game tropd.

Cole dismounted, and discovered a young panther on a high limb in a large oak tree. It had been rumored for some time that there was a panther in the woods, and Captain West, of Pittsburgh, offered a n- ward of twenty-five dollars to any one who would capture it alive. Cole determined to earn the money. He made a lasso by tying buckskin thongs together. With great difficulty he climbed the bare trunk of tho tree, the first branch being twenty feet from the ground.

The panther lay on a limb ten feet higher. Cole reached the limb, and was about to throw the lasso OB tho cub when ho discovered its mother crouching on another tree, not more that ten feet away, ready to" spring upon him; He quickly passed to a branch that placed another one between him and the old panther. He was not a second too soon, for the panther leaded on the very spot where he had stood. Cole did not risk a struggle with the enraged animal in the tree, nnd slowly retreated. The panther followed him from limb to limb, but Cole kept his body protected by the tree, and reached the ground in safety.

The old panther went back to its cub. Cole sent a rifle ball into her body. She dashed furiously up to the topmost branch leaped into the air several feet above the tree top, and fell dead at the hunter's feet. Cole then climbed the tree again, lassoed the young panther, bound its feet aud bore both the dead and the live trophies to the settlement. Captain West refused to make his reward good, and Cole killed the cub.

is the sixth old Pennsylvania hunter who has met with a violent death within the past year or so, after escaping all the dangers of the hunt for more than sixty years. Jim Jacobs, aged eighty-five, was killed by the cars. Abrarn Dunning, aged seventy-five, was accidentally shot. Silc Reeves, aged seventy-sight, was killed by a falling tree. Sid Cody, aged seventy, was killed in one of his own bear traps.

Simon Truman, aged seventy-eight, was killed three wooka ago by a runaway horse. was seventy-eight years old. oreuLL's rs, and nnua imr Klc.Jlarl:a to wfti innVircIe.aBed- NEW ENGLAND We place in our Rental Stock this week a large number of these Excellent FISH BY The Enormous PREVENT PNEUMONIA! By wearing SMITH'S PATEST BCCKSKJV UNOKBUAKMENTS. 1'lieyal tord, to persons susceptible ol cMd. the best protection againsi 1 "enmonla, tvhenuiatlDiii.Hiid nil IMwHKfH.

Kccoin mended 4o Ladies ard liehtle- nic by all riiysicisins. Send for circular. 1). C. HAnlt Sole Manufiicturnrs, hTMKKT.

N.Y WAYNE, CINCINNATI A LOUISVILLE R'y. JJOUTHWAHP." I Arrive I Depart (iLgiulsville I 11100am poils G30prn lfilit I NORTH WAMB. IT lon. ft Louisville Mall I I (Wpm ilanapolls 110 23am "ftll'reigut I 300pm M. Wayne branch.

HOCTHWAKD. iiKxpress I04(iara 6jjjftJnfi'pol I 346pm NORTHWARD. HARRIS 9 tadiSta. A RADICAL CORE FOR too fret lurtulijonco, at ovarbrninworlt. Avoid TESTED Forj SEVEN THOUSANOCASSS.

CneMontb, JiS. VwoMontha, fi.oo. before teklnif treatment Xnko simn CURKU mounnndu, doci no: interfere with intention to tmflincsi, or caus? pain or Inconvenience In ony Founded on oclcntiflc nicdicalpriiicl- ft. ByeliiTctojipnctttlon tho santotdifwuio Ui without dolfly, Tho oot- tttl functions of Hio hu- mim organism la restored. Thn auIrnatlMjr clonipntu of life, vlildi nrwo bscn bflclr.Qnd a piilientlJCcomeschoM.

HARRIS REMEDY M'FOCHEWSW 306KN nit fftrmn prflssft MnlL itInd'polisKx Catch of Herring at Sandusky, 6. Journal 1 The" enormous catch of fish in vicinity for two days past is attracting mach attention. Fully five hundred tons were received hero yesterday from the island region and elsewhere, all the boats, both large and small, that could be ob' tained being pressed into service for trans porting tho immense quantity. The story Was repeated to-day, foe receipts being, ii anything, heavier than those of yesterday. The scene at tho numerous fish-houses is a busy one, and from early morning until nearly midnight all hands are occupied disposing of the thousands of pounds of flsh, which must be weighed, cleaned, salted and packed, ready for shipment.

Jf the catch continue as heavy all week, and there is every promise of its so doing, the week will be the biggest known for a long time in the fish trade. Pivo hundred tons, or one million pounds per day; six millions per week. Sandusky 'well dcsei-ves the title of the largest fresh fish market in the world. This big catch is mostly herring, for which deal- era pay BBvonty-five cents per hundred and sell for one dollar and twenty-five cents pel hundred. At these figures forty-five thousand dollars will have been paid out for flsh by the end of the wook, while the receipts will foot up seventy-five thousand dollars, There is a ready market for all tho fish that can be received.

Largo crowds of interested persons took in tlio unusual sight today. Tho receipts to-day will reach sever. hundred tons. A I I Wedding Presents ltf iln Ambitious Jnst receired from We will Bent these for $3 per month, for terms of Six Months, with the privilege of purchasing, the amount paid as rent to apply to purchase price. CO, 89 CAlIIOTJN STREET.

KAAG Importers and Dealers iu GLASS -AND- QUEENSWARE. Chamber Sets, lamps, Chandeliers, Etc. No. 6 East Columbia Fort Wayne, Indiana. 91, 92, or $5 for a sample retail box by express ol the BEST CANDIES In America, put up la elegant boxes, and strictly pure.

Suitable for presents. charges light. He- Ciiicago. Try It once. fere to Address C.

F. BONTHER, CoiIecttOBer, Chicago. 0. BITES. CHRISTMAS Harper's Weekly And Frank Leslie's both publish extra Christinas numbers for which I ribw take orders.

On December 10 will be published simultaneously both in thia country and England. The London Graphic and London News. Over 60,000 were sold last year of each of papers. This year's imae will be snperior to any thing published heretofore. Price 30c; by mail 60c.

The Figaro, with English or French text. This la the finest of all Christmas publications. The publishers have this year offered prizes to French and English artists for colored supplements which will consequently be snperior to anything ever published before. Price by mail 1.40. The Chicago News Letter, with a beautiful supplement in colors.

Price 25c. The London Queen, The Laurel Leaves, each 60c; by mail GOc. The Chicago Rambler, with humorous contributions by Burdette, Eugene Eield and Bill Nye. The Spirit of the Times, with its beautiful Christmas story and spirited and entertaining sporting news, Ihe Art Annual with fine etchings aud engravings, 76c; By mail, 85c. Harper's Youftg People, with supplement, in a beautiful cover, 6c.

St. Nicholas, prettier than ever, 25e. Life, Puck, and all others. Leave orders with A. C.

KATT, 66 Calhoun street. HOLIDAY GOODS. Visit the China Bazaar, No. 12 East Columbia street, for holiday presents. They have an elegant assortment of Hanging Lamps, at prices lower than ever heard of before.

Also a full line of Stand Lamps, Vases, Bisque Figures, Mustache Cups, Decorated China Plates, Fine Colored Glassware, Decorated Tea, Dinner and Toilet sets, Table Cutlery, Castors, Silver plated ware, Looking Masses at bottom prices. Give us a call when you wish to purchase. CHINA BAZAAR, T. L. Lintz, Prop.

No. 12 East Columbia street. Note--Our Electric Lamp is the best in the market, as proved by all who have tried or saw it. We have them for store or house use, also for hang- in? lamps. FOR SALB OB TRADE.

Cheap For Or will trade on stock of dry goods groceries, boots aad shoes, or on a stock of merchandise: 16O acreu of land, in Stark county, 22O acres of land in Iroqnois conn- This land is of the beait quality, located on a railroad, one-half-mile from depot, and sixty-eight miles south of Chicago. 64O acres of land in Lynn county, Texas. 40 acres of land in Reynolds countv, Mo. 4O lots in Toledo, Ohio. For further particulars address, W.

D. MORKISOW, 12t Ada, Ohio. SKIN TORTURES --AKD-- BLOOD HUMORS rm II 0 toL Eru Itching and Burn 11 Loathsome Bores, an iioauisome Mores, ana KSA1U Infancy to old the COVBRED WITH 80RE FIIEDEBIOK SCAEF, PACK, BARS AND NECK. which the druggist i pronounced one of the woret cases that had come under his notice? He 3k vised me to trv your fJurrcuBA KBMiim? and after i a ITCHING DISEASES CURED. of itfl the case with the good sale this.

CUKEIJfEVfiKYOASE. DiB outseU all other medicines I keep for skin diseases. My customers and patients say they have effected a CUTICCTRA REMEDIES Complete- Treatment, T7ith Inhaler ftp every fora of Catarrh, $1, Ask for SANFOSD'S EADKAL CUES. Head Colds, Waterr Discharges from the Nose and Eyes, Ringing Noises in the Head, Ser- ivous Headache and Fever instantly relieved. dinting mucus, dislodged, membrane cleansed and healed, breath sweetened, smell, taste, hearing restored, and ravages el nch I tSs Droppings into the throat.

rains In the Cliest, Dyspepsia Wastinir if Strength and Flesh, lloss of Mep, etclf S. Oue bottle Kadicai Cure, one box Catawhal atlc ou B-ntort'" InhaleiTinone 1 TM aU ar for Sl.00. Ask for DBB, a pure distillation Potter Drng and Chemical Boston. 'KIDNEY PAINS" and that wearv- ensationeyer present with those o'l amful kidneys, weak backs, over-, rgrked or worn out by standing, walk- byCOTi- UBA ANTI-PAIN PLASTER, a new, ele a nt and speedy antidote to pain lfl ima A forone ttollar, Mailed free. POTTEB UKUG CHEMICAL Boston.

si original, el "TUB NICKKL Tork, Chicago St. Bull- lie Passenger Equipment of this Now Trunk ti is all new Is supplied with tho latest Treasury to safe, speedy and com- vi I Union Ball- 22 188S WKST LV iir I oy. 8Q i 3 10 las a fc- I. 806 48 Leliwfe 1AUKDKY. JONES Proprietors, Fort lud.

fflce and works at 48 and SO Pearl Central Office at olden, A Moncthan's. (8 Oaiiiovin streot. Wajron will call for and de Ivor Roods to any part of tho city. Ordors bj proitiptly nttended Telephone toniflit IBirminffUntn (Alii.) Spncial.l .111 Sturgess was arraigned in court hera yesterday charged with burglary. Sturgess was arrested at midnight in a house at Brunswick.

A wedding hud just taken placa. Tho bridegroom was aroused from his sleep and found Sturgeas making off with tho wadding presents. Tho burglar attempted to use his pistol, but relented on seeing tho bride. Stiirgoss lived wjjat appeared to bo a most respectable life at Aston. His son anil daughter, who were ignorant of his nocturnal habits, are both well employed in this city.

The polity searched Stiirgoss' cottage and found uu enormous quantity of now platod and silver goods, jewelry und uickMincks. The burglar was noted for tlio assidioux manner in which ho attended churches and chapels on Sunday. It appears that tho burglary of houses where weddings had taken place was his specialty, aud that he stole tho wedding present when the inmates wore off. their guard. His lovo for attending church was caused by bis dosiro to hear tho bans published, so that he might got the earliest information on weddings, aud also lull any suspicion that might arise about his habiui.

iSill'g Block, 83 Cnlhoun Ft. ADIK8 AN!) GENTLEMEN iOF GOOD AI) LJ dress can find 1'lettfutnt Profitable Employment by calling upon or addressing O. 0. Kneulo West Main Mrpct. WHVUA.

PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS VIA Bee Line-C, TO ALL POINTS Wealth of Vnnderbilt. Mr. Vanderbilt is aaid to be worth three times his weight in gold. Gold is a very precious metal, but iron is more so. Gold cannot enrich the blood, but iron can.

Gold cannot enter into the human circulation, but iron is tho thing which gives our blood corpuscles their rich color, A man without iron in his blood would be no man at all. The preparation of iron, which is the principal ingredient in Brown's Iron Bitters, is the only one which can bo taken wUhout injury. Its strengthening work is perfect. Our stock of HO Li- DAY TRADE comprises the best of everything published this season, as well as the desirable and favorite books of other years. All the new ILLUSTRATED B00KS are now in stock.

The line of standard authors in fine bindings and in cloth is full and complete. In our JUVENILE DEPARTMENT tho assortment of books will enable anyone to make selections for Foatoria Conneaut, Krie Dunkirk Jekets to nil points am on sale tho company nt LOWKST cljwn of tickets dMlred. Jto destination. For rates or In- Ml on tho nearest ammt of the com- 44 0 20 7 40 45 4B1 331 BSen. Fort Wayne, WfLUAMS.

(N. Thora bus boon some stir in the religious portion of tho community over tho celehrn- tion of mock Japanese weddings in Uiror- sido, Westminster and other churclios. Tho Iwgan ahortly after "The Mikado" had been performed here, and results havo given the ministers sortie iin- 1'ho last church ceremony was at RivorsMo Methodist Chuivh, the principal perfot-mers boing Joseph Adnms, A bookkeeper, and Miss Mary Scott, school- toachov, the linndsomest couple in Blaolr- Thoy dc not, thomsiolvcs mari-iod. ft would bo embarrassing if man-in-o should jrovo to bo. gwuiino, inne- much as wliiujxn-wl tluifc parties oMior 1 Tho clergy nl- most unnninumsly condoron tho both on of ihcir imvcronco nn.f the danger nccriio should they legally binding The only Line with through car 6f fl 8 UU1 directly CARDS in such a variety as never be- INTO NEW YORK CITY foro Panted.

Those who desire FINE and FASHIONABLE STATIONERY will find onr stock to contain tho latest styles. In our ENGRAVING DKPAKTMESTT raay be found the newest stylos of VISTING CARDS, c. -AND- THE ONLY LIKE TO BOSTON With Through Sleeping Oars. FAST EXPRESS TRAINS DA11A All First-Class Tickets to Points East are Rood via I A A A A And Tickets of like class to New York can bo exchangod, without additional cost, for atrip Down the Hudson River TIpon due notice to the Conductor before reaching Albany. BEE LINE--WEST! The only I.lno running solid trains to the Mississippi Jtiver.

THROUGH SLEEPERS and COACHES TO ST. LOUIS Direct connection' in UNION DEPOTS in tho West nnd Pacific Coast FOR TJCKETS APPLV ANYT1CKET AGENT O. B. 4 I A SMITH, SHE KEST THLffQ KNOWN won In Hard or Hot Cold Water, Our ALHIU1 STOCK is and larger even than in formor years BIBLES, PRATER BOOKS and HYMNALS in all the nowost bindings. Orders promptly filled by mail.

I No. 56 Colhoun atreot. Advicft to Mothers. MRS. WISSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP should always be used when children are cutting tooth.

It relieves the iittlo suff.irer at once; it produces natural, iot sleep by relieving tho child from pain, and the little ohernb awakes as "bright as a button." It is very pleasant to taster. It, soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays all pain, ro- hoves wind, rognlatoathc bowels, and is tho beat known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from tfifithinff or othor ft WwtMt). SAVES T.AUOR, TJTAIK and SOAP jtNO-M', nnd given universal nntlafocilon. No wmlly, rich of poor, uliould bo without It. Bold JREWAUK of Imltftttonfl WKW YORK.

1 WANT ACENTSTO Kit THB MISSOURI STEAM 'Washer 1 0( tntolHwenco u5.ifcTM'!2rTiJTMJJjJ^«J' trlnl o): Al-'Tn'-i'-a I written gnar.inUtA of cure consultiuuu ir. CUREDf In every lH iNEWSPAPERl.

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