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The Fresno Republican from Fresno, California • Page 2

Fresno, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

6.VTKHDAY MiY Some Iu nearly every town of any Tall MOB HAY FOR SALE. M. J. Pottalioo, of the Toll House, has, Thirty tons of wheat; barley and alfal- a'nce there is some locality that is ton- mada important improvements to fa hay for sale at 810 per ton. Enquire 4 i siileml more valuable for rw-ideiice pur- his toll rond up into the imimcs and to of Jos SW.VSEV, eur.

North and Fruit on account of dcvatta abov, Hie II, 1,.,, the grade so Av tollral Cui 1 4 1 ffoicniniiictttloiiB on topkv of local interest or siimuimling countrv. San thai Hill, known Tor its steepness, its avoided, and the entire road will l)u FrwMio boasts a 1 It I i and Mr. Doiwhoo tteirfinws iii ilicwwk ami been culicd by vaiioiis "noines--Kumiyp-'has fontracU-d the lumber that and one Pointer pup. a27 their ftill anil (us, as trees were ftt consmcu- i b-j cut by ami Humphrey's publication, but as a gaarault-e ol jjoml faitli. I i Kn Olla i r.cul;'.;ii;i5.

on account of tiva will tio nm Uu own, the DOGS. For sale at the Eisei) Vineyard: Cue TOWN AND COUNTY. P. Lielics is stili flt post, mid offers piivsiui.ins all living on tiic Jilil "iiu I 4l mill, to its fullest capacity, time; it is He 1 mnv i In-; Mtsli door with mnny licaiitiful homei, it i.s iiurhiiieiy, ami i i i thul liU t.ig'iv-1 tuv 'uvtttr of AS lint the will he win in snvbwhV, and his i'ruit the iu town. Immense stock of goods! P.srasols, vary auat, 2.jcts each.

PL-OS on lo 73cts a yard. Everything cheaper than e'scwhere, at Koseiithal's. Fanning has added a pattern depart meat to millinery and dress-malting establishment. People can order goiuU selected, cut and made, witaout -Mr. Brownstone maintains the large trade so established, and is constantly adding to his stuck of His goods urc certainly north an inspection.

Ladies' percale suits, something ele- gfiut, auimuer cloaks, luce sacqufs, black lues fichnss in great variety, very iin- white underwear, etc. jiiat received at Co's. In the absence of an opportunity to offer a sr-know lodgement, we occasion to thank Mrs. Moore mid da ighter, of Central Colony, for a box of Jh-j, Uaest struwbcrmc we have ever iftan. Thanks, also, to Dick Palmer for choice strawberries more recently left ut our office.

The Rev TV. C. Powell, Episcopal Clergyman of San Francisco, will hold and evening: sen ices tuwe is of iittl-j ctJiiscqiieiscy --it is with Ins phiiing mill. The Toll licvn to this part of Tie-- promises to be lively "inl Immc-ss-liko nttiMctive that we would i-iM n- tliu Mimnvr. recent MmM i u-rribiy the the of tht- pui iminth.

Tint (L-ntlss have l)r. Lt-atii, we feit tlitit if even- Cii.jriys Ujnm-tt, livw citizen of Ftx-MD county cutiid witness M.i:c!i 28tli. Walter tlirec bei'H acc'omjiiitlicd licru it April -itb. AVillie lijniiutt, aged would jjive an impetus to floni-eiLture OJIC year, Apiil Glh. Two only chinch in Fresno, Sunday, Jtiy 12th-- one week from to-morrow.

He will be to administer Sat-nii-iynN of communion and Baptism. Aii are rordialiy invited to Once more our iinm-rs are busy. Goldstein makes a specialty of pump 1 anil JjJ3 also a large variety of cooking 5 Xulce sells garden hose cheaper than beforu ID this county, and ih making a special business of galvanized and tin buckets, tanks and caus foi harvest and mountain ue, Every business man needs a directory giving the names, locution und busints 1 firms of t.nvii on tlie coast. Sticls A directory, containing 894 pages, i index, has just by L. M.

McKcnnry, 10.0 Sao Vrancisco. Its cost but (in'd' it' us sw any published. The stork of goods arriving for i itolu.ttcin cnonnoua and nf main vtriene 1 Fu bedding, rhilureiK qu.U- the coUiity r.t to $1 50 and more jf them than you ever saw iJoxt night, May 8lh festival will bt given ii. Orange Hall, Central Colony, by the lady members of Raisina Gr.inge. Tlicie i uast-tllcvl account for tin hall which it is designed to pay by means of the festival.

StiMwbsrrifj au- now abundat and choice in a Colony, find, judging from former cflbits, the wilt make this occasion one real pleasure. It costs noihini; (o go in, and as little or much to come out as one chooses. The handsomest flower we have over seen is that of a growing in" the rear of Mr. Ferguson's priut- iig o.lies. The plfiit is globe-shuiied, six inches in diameter; the stems, Shooting up directly from the bulb, are 13 inches long, one-half of which is" the flower, opening, bugle-like, the leaflets tapering to the finest point, nnd of a tint-that rivals the choicest llcsh- that v.ould soon ma lie our countv m.ted i ilinviTi, rind beautiful homes.

Dr. oat'ti was simony the to move down fiom and i i a residence in resno Bounty seat was imj some four yeai He selected bur ioN, i i i i i 100 hy 130 in ilu- est i the sulwtan- ri-sideiice and set out some slirnl)- Tiie iirt-t seafcon, no other v.ay of irrigating I i i smail bund but i was done "in iiower culture 1 The sueoiul season tank und a sixtt-eii IV-et in iliainettr were erected, and fiom that time to (he nt the iraiden has been tlie especial piidc of Mrs. Lea'-b, who has liestoued 1 labor and a thorough appre- uution upon it. until BOW will compare favorably i the grounds of the most in the State. Except a small part of the rear of ihe lots wiiich is occupied ith the stables.

every available foot ground is made to produce something Tiic trees, ami there are many, are no obstacle to the of ilowers umhrneuih. Tlie -cultivation of lias become almost a P.ISMCP with Mrs. Leat-b, and we were rcatiy surprised i i througli grounds, to hear her repeat the names of scores of sonic altogether too or too Trenehy for us to leiaeiu- licr. We jotied down tin: names of some oi'them, but for the. md these arc not ail, for many she hat! Jjimcs ypnint, Pha'iux.

yen. Mainmison, Bourbon Quetn, Smi- weeks I noticed your call for local items from the difa-rent sections of tlie county, Mid as you have no correspondent from our ditlriej, I have thought it miylit not ba amiss to offer tin article giving 1 you jind your readers a few items news from this locality. are quite .1 und 'aw-abidinEt kind of people out here, rarely ever having thing: illina; or even cxcitinjc to occur. I have no idea that a nood can be found in this sfate where the people are less habituated to drinking spirituous AViiitc Mycrophylla, Royal Ten. Uiizii Odk-r, Cluck I'nnce, dtadam La Cltamoix, Grim-inn Hopper, Peilo de Lvoti, Mad.itu D.imr./.ine, St.

Joseph, Trinmpli de CV.pucnie, dc Pyoiu Madam La Louis Pdiliippi 1 M.ul. Wito 1," Yellow i Caril- emain of Mr Bennett's family. uidcr Y.MiL'L-y, a Yaueey, years, April il four year---, April iDth, Tliere have been 31 cases in of which five have died and two nore are not expected to live. It has in every family, but one, the ED. Frora.

Big J)ry CrseV. j'i'DnucAN In your few KJ no rs 3Hlbath breaking--the two prevailing i of our state. And until more stringent measures sue enforced to sen these evils, we cannot expect that infliience to be felt or that prosperity In prevail throughout our borders that desire. Allow me just here, Mr. Editor, to say one word of commendation and encouragement to you in regard to stand you have taken in denouncing vkc and immorality.

Would that all right I i i i people had the mom! uiuitige tn sspc.ik out ug.iiast such thing 1 tlien we might look for a better stataofaf- f.iirs; but it is to be regretted that tliere exists in too many a fear of rendering themselves unpopular by taking a btaiul in tliis direction, forgjtling that I-Y such a course only gain a the affections and e'- bjcni of ail goo i and honest people. I fiave been i i reader of jo'ir paper bincc its tli-; in Kresn'i, and. do not 1:1 politics, yet I luiiV s.H-Tt for gentlemanly inrui- WHITE EGYPTIAN CORN. Pnrc seed this valuable grain for sale it Slots, per at Kutner and 3 Vein's. BLUE GUllfl TREES.

Eucalyptus '2 to 4 inches high for at per hundred by JKNKII: P. Elm Avenue, Ceittral Colony. is Einstein A Co. FOB SALE. Sivcft Potato plants, at $1 per hun- -ud, by D.

D. HUDSON, Elm Avenue, Central Colonv. alittf STRAYED. One ro.Mi cow, about seven years old, one horn bioken, liranded tV on the near e. Any person reluming said animal to U'M.

llvuuis, Fiosuo, rrce-ve a rewind of a27ral WAGONS FOR SALE. Three freight wagons, suit aide for hauling lumber out of ihe mountains. Enquire of liuimiNG HENDLSON, Pine jje. M3tf beg to announce the receipt of their spring 1 and' summer stocli, comprising the latest novelties in ADIES' DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, HATS, PARASOLS, HOSIERY, Fancy Goods, Parlor Sets, Bed-Lounges, USarbfe Top Tables and oihar FU3N1TUHE. CAHPETS, DOOH MATS, BED QUILTS and other articles too numerous to ention; all of which we offer at much lower prices than heretofore known in this market, and invite the public to inspect the same.

STORE FOR SALE. SELL MY PROPERTY at A Bis Dry Creek, coiiRhtinjj of duelling birn and o'licr tojjetlier with soDf' 1 ftudir i Apply mi the ut Dig Dry Creek, or ut ttlt: champion mlneu. F. JENSEN. FOB RENT.

Good land, with water for irrigation, for rent on reasonable terms; situated 7 miles north of For further particulars eiKumi; on the alStf OKll.V G.VRV1N. PUHE JERSEY BULL, FROM K. SHEATH'S HERD AT San Bnuio. TEHJIS $5. In For further sjijily to T.

C. WHITE corner Elm and North avenues C. Colony. NOTICE. pl-c annual mtctiU2 of the nlock-holders' of the Fre-no Canal Irrigation C'ompanj, for ihe eliictioii of for jcn-, nnd ilia Uftii-iiictiim of Midi oilier business properly lie brought licfim- the will iicltl the otticc of tlio comtmny.

of V. .1. Clmrch. frc'-uu county Califoruta, on Moimav, 1873. atSo'cIuckr.

M. O. A.MUS Se Tcmpt-rance Colony. April 1.1th k-, Jolin il'jpjirr, VaiUilcd-iL-af. of Xoifoik, Mrs H.i 1 i i a Jjii.iioii Montu SIsJcy, hl-L Lsmarqiif, Cloth of Ag rip i Cabb.tgi-, L.i K.iiic, Glory oi and have not "Hen tlut v.e uolccl, ayariy tiiat arc there---just about one JHi.ulicd iliiloient (Jf oiia-r tlijjrj arc neariy.

evtjryliiijig suited to lliis gor.iiiiums, iiiic-s, p.msiw, j.l;iibic^, j.i.'-mhies, camtlias, in i'nct, uinr th. 111 cuii ivmi i and growing, fo pencciion. The s.nne may be said of the trees, of i tiu-ic is great v.iriety lemons, linii't, iigs, pomegranates, Lhj otheis of difiereut itiv i a'-di-d It beems a dlilieuli mattei to Ie.i:a that important lesson i' v.m.N and n-- s'pL'ft oiheiV of our political men, as as ehiss thsiijisfilvei I can but ask nivsjlt' when, i contin- lat and strife ce.we, paitct. 1 md goc'd will reign among mauuiiuU Jut tiie answi-r comes, not 'til chariU, he boud of perlectncbs, siiall lale in the ot" tlie sons AtUini; tiiis must ue felt and in lie nf followers of Citrist, and let its influence by l)y Jill whom they may conic in contact before we call look for this glorious era. I did not intend to enlarge so much i this subject, but as it is written I will not c-Iuiuge it, but will now give the uc.icias, cyprcfcses, et It vsaa a ir from Mr.

"West of Stockton, and bus proved all that he promised for it. As will be seen by their card in this BarunLiCAS, Creed ftnd'Edwards have formed a co-partnership as attorneys at law. Mr. Creed, who is now serving Uis second term as Dist. Attorney of Fresno county, is too well known to need introduction to the public.

Mr. Edwards in a gentleman of dignified anil quiet scholarly limits. Although formerly of San Fran. cisco, he comcB to Fresno from Visalin, where he practiced for some time. Hi Wings family to Fresno nnd intends "to make this his permanent home.

There is a little rivalry as to who JIB got the tallest ra made note Mr. Fuller's barley and oats from the Central Colony. Mr. Simpson bttnigli barley from the San Joaquin river bot toms a little taller but the head;) were not so heavy. The stage driver brodgh some wheat and barley from Mr Btttham's ranch near Centerville whici measured something over five feet, am had the greenest stalk, and the wheat th largest heads of any brought in.

can not ace that one locality has any ad over another, except that th farther out on the plains the nearer ma tured the grain is. There is no diacoun on any of it, and we only wish tlmt ever available acre of land In tbs count; was wUal The grounds wore latd out by Mr. Adams of Oakland, and so arranged that ie beds, ail small, surrounded by liunturs-levees, which permit the flood- of each bed The three cars growth of trccs and plant: as been almost but the cvi- ent cause is care and an abundance of We have will continue .) gVve sV.e\thi'S wf some of the iit'jryMiiig places in Fresno, lot much to cull attention to the ricct'S themselves, to remind people ol a and what it poosibJc to accompliafi'in the way ol naking a beautiful home here on th iliuns of Fresno county. the )octor and Mrs. LeacTi have done, anyone of moderate means and the uisposi- can do, and thej'jieaith, pleasure, comfort and real value which is the remit will amply compensate for nil trou- jle or expense.

Erenrslon. A party of J. B. Cooper of San Francisco, James McNiel, Mr. Coopr's nephew, from the farm near Fresno, Phillip Schussfcr, the jeweler, R.

O. Stebbins, of the Central Colony, and Ben. FayinonvHlc. of Fresno, made on excursion to the uioutlrttf the Svcamore, promised items of news. In the nine years which I have in this little valley, we have never liati a better prospect of an abundant harvest or a more luxuriant crop of grass.

Flowers have bloomed in superabundance. As yet I have heard of but little liaj being cut. Stock are in a line condition are yielding- fine quantities of milk und bulter, and a better quality I bavi iwver seuu, TUcri sctvus to Uu quits on the part of our t'emali neighbors to surpass other in ing poultry--surely the Fresno m.irke will be well supplied the coming wintc; from present prospects. Our neighbor hood was startled, a few mornings since by the sight of tire, cud many rushed fust as possible to the fceue, but the flames spread so rapidly tltat Mr. Owens house was almost entirely consumed will its entire contents, with the cxcaptiou a very few things, before they could rcn der any assistance." It is thoughs tin accident was caused by a child throwinj a lighted match on a bed.

Jlrs. Owen had her hands nml bead burned, an has not yet gotten free from buffering and it is thought perhaps she receive' internal injuries from inhaling th flames. We here have another occarrcnc to caution house-keepers against care lessncss In leaving matches where child on King's River, last Monday. They found small game and fish, and plenty of trees to shoot at, but go't neither deer or bear--in-fact, it was said that they had ren can make use of them playthings How many of us will profit by be seen in tlie future. I have been 8 lengthy in my first communication I fea iu nit i.

ifc WU3 SU1VA UIUL iiuw Ml tar. Tim retained Than- I will yonr pafeno, ami tlrnt day, -onuwhat browned the sun and TMr C9rC wiad, bat much pleased their trip. from mi 5 closc 7'! a plea for pnrdon, and a united good wi wtafl, by dart, I eacl1 of yoa; Mtl subscribc prorailod during the last Your COOXTBT CORRESPOHDEST. Wednetday. favorite Uih of inn Frmoite at prant Ml3.

DIM 1 April 80th, 1878. Early potatoes hare nude in" our mwket PJear Fresno. I desire to dispose of deveral of near town ot" fvcsnn, or with- it wjitur, in qufintitics to suit pur- rs. Terms liberal. Map at Faymonviilc, who will give furor information.

AND, HMES GOATS FOR SALE, A fine farm on the Sati "Joaquin river six milts nii'-rotid Seventy-nine acres, till 'inc oi" it timber, three svt to future, 'lurn, uefliL-r i hvo work horde 1 ami i) heat! of with their ymmr. a sold or all together, and inn iji't'-j t'jnns. Enquire this lice, or of Mrs. Simpson, on the prem in im I UNC'H AXI ICK HOURS. CITY AT AL a i opened Bilccrr in town of Frcnn plcn-nie in that I i i hand all cold ilcsf, C'oflcT niut Ice Crcnm a An of yp.srn iuc ty rtiitisracuon.

''tirtr" TIMOTHY PAINTING, a PAPER HANGING. Furniture aud Pictures cleaned and nished. Plastering repaired and Calsomined White or in Colors, Ilid ud Curtains hung by R. 8. HOTELS UE8TAVIUNT8.


ftfftttum. C'OItNKK FllONT AND TUUkBD St't. Good rooms and good board bj dtj week. A bnr stocked with wiaM and cigarit. and a fine BILLIARD TABLE For the use of El Capitan Hotel, KINGSBURO, CAL.

Home opcm at all knn. TaMe supplied with the market ailtinls. -saee la Kindlon, lid ll-arc. tUiboUKiliJl. COATES VON GLAHN, ProprUtew.

Just opened In Biassingame's Brick Building, Front St. Fresno. Fresno Bakery. TtTST OPENED OH MABIPOCA Strew, opposili Bank of FretnoT A BAKERY AKD LUNCH UOUil. lot coffee and cboicc Incch ftt ill Freth bread, pin, fef iu large or smdl qDaatltivi.

Mn. ANGELINE LORD, DAUGBTZB. A largo and entirely new stock of A A I I A I I BOOTS AND SHOES, DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, And anything requited for an extensive country trade. I have facilities or buying goods FOR CASH ie Eastern and San Francisco markets, as I intend to SELL ONLY FOR CASH) am confident will enable me to them From SO to Per Cent. Cheaper Than ever sold for in Fresno.

A general invitation to everybody to GIVE ME A CALL. J. EROWNSTONE. 23 BLASSINGAME'S BRICK BUILDING, FRONT STREET, FRESNO, have enlarged my Store antl put in a very large stock of goods of every variety required in the country trade. I buy aud sell strictly for cash, and propos; to scl Any "body.

Till It is cheap, but fuels -ivill tell, and all I ask Is An inspection of rny goods and prices. W. that C. W. DcLONG CO.

FRONT St. FRESNO. AdtcrUH BtTOBlICAK. JOHN ALBIN'S IS'EW Ou Mariposa Street, opposiw Odd Fellows Hall, IS NOW OPEN. argc and Elegant first BILLIARD TACLI, And only the Tory beat Liquon and Cigan.


Kolarj- Public. Not.rj P.blU. H. C. TUPPEK.

SAYIE, TUPPEB TUPPEB, 'REBNO, CA1. TILL PTHCTTCS AtL of California. Office on Muripofft atMtt, eit door to C. G. Sajle Co drue store.

REMOVAL. I AS REMOVED HIS PLACE OF ness to Maripona street, opposite ttcttMit- er'a jewelry store. Any article of Tin, Sheet or Galvanized Iron to order on short at rices. TERMS-Cwh on Delivery. GEO.

STUDER, TAILOR. FRESNO, CAL MADE TO ORDER IN TUB UA- toft style mid of best inatcriilB. ngund Kup.iirtn;,' At the mofl atcs. I have iust reccbcd a stock of SAMPLES for SPRING and SUMMER WEAR, At Terr LOW PRICES, to suit the timed. Ai; work entruitcdto me from CenterrHle, Big Vrf C'rcek, or other places- may be vent bj HI will receive prompt aUeiUion.

f-tl t( Have on hand the Largest and Best selecte Stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Valises, Tobacco, Stationery, etc. TO BE FOUND THIS SIDE OF SA7V IfKAjVCISCO. And they tre telling them cheaper than Any House in the San Jonqaltt Valley. CLOTHING A SHODDY ACCTIOV BALLARD HALT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS IS 'Wool, Grain, Flour, 320 Sansome Opposite American ExchaDgc 00U1. SAX FRANCISCO.

P. O. Box, 180S. ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMINr FOR SALE, rape Cuttings, Grape VI rooted. Kuisins -from Muscat Brandy and Wines, Wine nnd other kinds of toes, Gioncd Barlev, Fat Sheep, 1- and Turkeys, at EISEN'S For Sale.

ONE HUNDRED AND 817 sera of fine new Kinnbwg. foot and half of water INFAVSPAPERf IFAVSPAPERf.

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