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The Humboldt Republican from Humboldt, Iowa • Page 10

Humboldt, Iowa
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THE HUMBOLDT REPUBLICAN, Humboldt, Iowa PAGE TWO THOU (Continued from I I Mi'R. Oinfr Anderson, .1 Mra. Tod Thump: on. Carl Hurkharr. KeiiinMli Mi PlSttn arid children and tli'tir JUftlMlaj nlniUT Mr.

and Howard Smith lertainpd al family dinm-i- i h'-r Mr and mil ii I lardy, Mrs. I va Mole 'iii-ahniiiris. l.loy.l Sinilh and nd Air-. Yh -ji! Krwin ami ih and ui' Vf-niiaN Kb ii Lr-nnin? at- a dinner in ihe Conn al I'lynionlb Sunday. Mr.

and Hurry Locke Dakota City were callers day evening at tin- Herbert Kh i-hlinf liiiiiio. Mr. and Ilnr-dd Kkalr of drove visited (lie Harry I'rovisii'r family Sunday evenini: Hiniier miosts in the Curl hari homo Sunday were Mr and Hirnroil und son ol Mr and Mrs. Arden Berhnw iied Jacob Krnuss of Corwith l.uth.'nin hospital In port Siitiiiday evi'iiiug. of! Visitors in II.

Randvis; home Sunday were Mr. and Air's. iiaud Carson. Paul and Kathryn Li-land. Air.

and Airs. Albert Gandersoi: and daughters of Kagle Grove. and Airs. Dolmer Hill tamily of Kllsworth. Arthur Samlvis uf Ce.diir Alary i sparrow of (lemons.

Air. and Airs. John S.indviu. Air. und Mrs.

stands-is; and family and Alartha with Filing and Storage Capacity on The Professional No. 870 Designed to kooo all yunr ivord-; yuur I'i Two legal i'ik-s jjrlid bearing rollers. having card capacity. Two drawer; 1 fix IT 1 inches 1 inches for either law x-ray film or! A storage coinparlinon! with two adjustable shelves under lock and key, which prevent jictly Made of heavy 1. Olive green" or Cole grey in- baked A Super value at (Several ether styles to choose from) Humboldt, Iowa lltnliliart of Hiimholdl.

Air. and Mrs. Harry Sunday in morn City. Mr. and Airs.

Alvin Ac kerson and Mr. and Mrs. William a in! Curtis Xorem al- tende.l the lather am) banquet iii ihe Kvaiigolical Lutheran church in Kaglo Grme last Thursday evening. Ihe Rev. I 1 11.

Wold of Dud- i-er "as ii j-'nest speaker. Tod Thompson spoilt sev- ivs in lies Aloines last week, and Mrs. Lawrence Kglmo and d.nm'nter.-! sprnl the parental lioino Ci ildfiold. Mr. and Irvin I.eliman and Lois.

Mr. and John Hanson. and David visited in the John home at l.ivertnoiv Stiiidiiy. Air. and Mrs.

Howard i-'on iind ('and of (ltto--en visin-il in Hie H''i Ijerl Kirtlilinf une Alou- tiav eVL-ninu. Mr. Harry Crovisii-! 1 were dinner of Air. and Ilnrol.l Kviile at KiiKle CroM- 'I'linrsday. Mi lierhard Siindvi-- il the liiiiitism of l.indii Ili'isini-i- .1.

nil- ht. I'iiul i hnri-li ill l-'mt Sniiday. S.indviL' l-'ul- the servii.c. Mr. iiiul Ueisncr entiii, lined rehi- al a liiinily ilinner lionoriiv; l.indi.

Miirie. Mr. iuiil Mrs. Crehin-r and lamily visited tin- llcorui' llrebnei inily i.t (iilniijn- City Sunday rnooii. Air-: T.

C. Tin of (Vdar 1 lev. 1 ilh hi-r i ins. Air. and John- lamily of HiiiiU' CJrovu spent Stindii.v with the Olson fiiinily.

Air iind Kenneth Alickolson iind litmily. Airs. Hubert N'i'ssa ol llude were (linni-r of Mrs. Ariluii- Nessa Sunday. tharU'iie Thompson ucconipnn- ii-d Air.

and Chnrlcs Klherj; iilid Kd Craves of Cnldficld to the stiUlon to visit Kiiliy Crimes, who liad a 12-honr le.iM' during tin? weekend. soyucans. They -ilcciiied to divide in'to tw.D groups and start ninklnjf lit the next meeting loaf house and book ends. I were sin-prised Sunday cveniiiR, 25. the roiiRroKalion of the Zlon Lutheran ehuri-li lion- 1 oreil them for 20 years assoelalim Cainc were then played with! with the I.uverne rliurch.

Jinunie Hefti winnins 'he prlze.J'' A program was given, romiinin- The hoys meet eaeh week Tness- ity sinsiliK wns enjoyed. Airs, ilay after school. lie Hesse gave a humorous read- No. 2 met after school at ing. The group enjoyed the Uit- Hio home of Clifford Holmes, chen band.

The program was who is the den mother. There i planned by Airs. Jon Nelson and were seven attending and the -Mrs. Merman Hinz, Jr. A guest time was spent playing: games.

lie- speaker was The Hev. Wolthniin of fresliments were furnished by Airs, Ventura. He spoke of their work KihViird and family. Mf, Mr nnd Mrs. Kvercll SehipuH (Honda nm lo Clarh.i.

Sunday ami Sumlny rough! KvcreM's grandparents. Mslttns i Mr. and -Mrs. Gem-Re Dronlelve to i lo the home -if Uieir daiiBhlcr. Mrs.

H'onilnttod on I'nRp, 3) mill Monday "I Suhwarckt Client In "'p fni'- Albert I few A. Sclilintll days' visit. uid Airs. Russell Anderson i. spent Sunday in ilHiiir Anderson home.

Leonard Anderson aim ili.nuhters ol Kagle Grove spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. I 1 J. Hanson anil attended Ihe Waldorf i-lioir concert Sunday evening. Mr. and Airs.

Carl Nelson. Mr. end Alls. Marvin Xelson. Hrnee and Karen and liner Nelson spent Sunday in Den with and Alice Nelson.

I Mr. and Airs. Ge.irt-e Ohon ol Hiiinli'ildL called on All-'. Carrie i Johnson Thursday afternoon. 1 Mr.

and Airs. Joe Johnson and, i guests, Airs. C. T. Tucker of Cedar Rapids, were dinner guests Mr.

ami Mis. Uoy at Speneer Sunday. I Visitors in ihe Oscar Lee home were Mr. and Mi's. L.

lien- Myron Air. and Airs. Ralph Japan. He sailed Jan. lii) and ar, and Jane, Airs, Johanna Johanson rived theie Keb.

Itf. taking thi'ee jail ol Clarion and John Carlson of weeks for Ihe trip. The voyage I Waterloo. was tlu oil Chemri'ng. i Alr.s.

Carrie Johnson returned yr described the trip to his pan-ins in the letter. To say it LUVERNE TEACHER TO CONDUCT FIRST AID CLASSES SOON 'fly Mrs. Porn Bigings) Claire Champine, local science teacher, has recently renewed his lied Cross first aid instructor's certificate and plans to a class for those interested in renewing old certificates or in obtaining their first ones. Air Champine is offering certain phases of first aid in his 1iigh si-liool health class this second semester The Kossuih county Red Cross has he-en attempting to get clas: in lirst aid organized in all and Luverno is for- tiinali- in having Air. Champine and willins to organize local class.

Alembers of the fire department have expressed interest. J'eceiie Letter from Sun Air. and Airs. Herman Ilinz. ii letter from their son.

saying lie had landed in U1S mildly. Oll al ril in home Wednesday, having spi week wllh her diiiilmter. Airs. ill Goldfiehl. Loniiing of Grove! eiilli-ii on Air.

and II. O. Knut-! lion Thursday afternoon. 1-mtlv Mr. and Hay Krickson and of lliimholdt called on Air.

and Mrs. llerhi-rt Kiivbliof Friday ovcning. Air. and Sis- Holt and sons S-tephf-n ami. Hrii.rn.

"i KllsworlU Sunday la the II. bust homo. Siepbeii lloll remained -with his Mr. and Mrs. II.

O. iMoUi-husl, in spend a with them. I in Ihe Gerhard Sandvli; i home Sunday eveiiin-. i'ollowin li.e i-oiiei-rt hy Ihe Waldorf choir i Mr and Airs. Ivi-r Hndy and Itnlh Jean and Hey- i land and friend of Kadi lilt.

imt is puttins Kncountered storm first a 1)oik WMU out of Keneratol William Prior. Airs. G. Will, country den mother for den had the boys, five in all. meet at her home Thursday after school.

They had a lesson on George Washington. Henry the former country den mother, was a guest and brought' the refreshments. Itirlliilny 1'iirtli-s Airs. James Tamper entertained several youngsters and their mothers at her farm home afternoon in honor of the fourth birthday of her son. Ronnie.

Games and playing were enjoyed by the small youngsters and the mothers enjoyed a social hour visltitiR. Ronnie received gifts, birthday cake was served with Guests included, the maternal grandmother, Mrs. Frank Sanford. llmlser: Airs. Milton Wilhelm.

Mrs. Ho her Sanford. Sheryl. Terry and Dennis. Mrs.

Wayne Sanford, Connie. Airs. Harold Truger. Dean and Daryl. Linda Agard was six years old Keb.

2u. and her mother, Mrs. Ray Agard invited little friends and their mothers to come over and help her celebrate. Games wgrc played. Blrthdgy cake- prettily decorated was served with the luiu-h iiiid ice cream.

Linda received Rifts. Mrs. Cyril Woodsen. Kagle Grove, the great grandmother. Airs.

Anna Woodsen, Fort Dodge, Mrs. wilder Hockford. twins Elaine and Kleanor. Airs. John Skogmo, Cassandra and Kristan, Mrs.

Harold Trauger, David. Dean and Daryl, Mrs. Robert Sanford, Sheryl, Terry and Dennis of Luvcrne. Linda Agard starts kindergarten this spring. Mrs.

Jack. Harris entertained Airs. Jori Xelson and Jon, Mrs. John Al. Skogmo, and Cassandra, Airs.

J. Arnold Iljelle, and Craig. Keb. 21. in honor of the fourth birthday it their daughter, Patty.

Games were played, I'atty opened her. gifts. Birthday cake was served with the party lunch. Ladles Aid The Ladies Aid society of the 7.ion Lutheran church met Friday, at the church rooms. The regular date is Thursday.

March 1. and since that is moving day the meeting was held earlier. There was a good attendance. In the absence of the president. i Airs.

William Aloeding. who was i taken to a hospital in Fort Dodge that day. Airs. Allen Darby, vice president, presided at the business meeting. Mrs.

James Tindale was welcomed as a new member. The religious lesson study was conducted hy their pastor, Rev. L. Wittenbtirg. The ladies wore pleased with the sum of money realized from I run into a typhoon, waves 'i feet high.

Had to stand and eat their chow out of deep bowls. He also Muted in all the rough voyage he did not. suffer any sea Myron thi--Th? Navy lo allclio which consisted mbst- AnjMist. ly. 1 ))), and took his "basic at San DiegO.

lie is a seaman Hinz, who 1 had a hjrtltday Satin-day, said tho letter from Myron was the best Rift she could receive. Parish Ciiuncll I Dr. F. K. Conaway.

Des Mplnos, representative of the w'a-sf pre.sont,--,kj the of the 1-fav lool you. Get your car in season ahead. You'll al Linciimrt's no matter your repairs clone today. I'arlrili council, Feb the derson assisting; devotions, M'lll Ilk I It Tf. I'M 1Mi city hall in Luvf-rntJ.

Thqi-e'' wus vnry Rood atlemlaiico. AKcrowd I dish diner wa.s sei-ved at 7 q'VJIock. Dr. in of Hie irslilp sorvii'i- t'ollowt-fl by the inlrodiK-iion of. new ineinbers.

After by Dr. Connway, two outstanding solos by William whose voice had just the meeting. Airs. Elmer Gronbach was hostess to the society serving refreshments. S.

C. S. Circles The three circles of tho Aletho- dist Women's Society of Christian Service met Wednesday Feb. 21 as lullows: Circle 1, at the home of Airs. C.

0 AleClellan with Mrs. Phil Hen- Airs. Xor- togother for tho longest period of years in this circuit. Others taking active part this even! were Mrs. James Tindall.

Airs. Krnest Meyer and Airs. Henry Mini. Mrs. Hugh Shirk.

Airs. Herman Shulz and Airs. Stripling were tho refreshment committed and helped serving lunch. Chrislenrcl The infant son of Mr. and Airs.

Kdward Behnke.ndorf was christened Dennis.Allen at the services at the Zion Lutheran church Sunday morning by the pastor. Rev. L. WittenbiirK. The sponsors were Airs.

Psllas of Davenport, Albert TIede, Minneapolis and Stanley Rcidei of Luverne. Dinner was served at the Hehnkendorf home Sunday evening, attended liy tho sponsors, Mrs. Stanley Reidel and son. David. J'prsnnni Mention Mr.

and Mrs, Richard Heido of Ronwlck were guests Wednesday evening at the home of Air. and 'Mrs. Aloln Brink and daughters. Howard and Wayne Marty, i Westmnr college students. -LeMars.

spent tho weekend at the parental Mr. and 'Airs. Henry Marty home Mr. and Mrs. Richard 'lliede of Kenwtek were guests Wednesday evening- at the-borne of Air.

and Airs. Allen Brink and daughters. Mr. and Airs. Lester AVehrspann, Delbert and Roger of Ottosen, were Sunday guests at the parental Mr.

and Airs. Alike Hinz. home. Mr. and Mrs.

Ervln Barton, Air. and Airs. Lavorno Jeffers, Air. and Mrs. Allen Thompson drove to Jlodo Sunday and visited the ladles' sister, Mr.

and Airs. Krnest Olson of Council Bluffs. They were weekend visitors at the home or Krnc-sfs father, Olaf Olson. Mrs. Glen nraynard is now convalescing at.

her home after she had the misfortune to slip on the porcli and fell on tho steps of her farm home injuring her back. Wolf has been confined to his- farm home the past two weeks with a severe attack of sciatic rheumatism. -Air. and Mrs. DbRay' Lichty Dami and Brett of City visited to Sunday at the parental.

Mr. and Airs. Harry Lichty home. Air. and Mrs.

Al Dady and son, Pat spent Saturday at tho paren- ial II. 0. Hartman home near Pocahontas. Bill Wickett and Vernon Davidson returned Sunday afternoon to Alormngsidc college; Sioux City af- speiiding weekend at tho Ralph homes. -Mrs: John Psilas of Davenport visited from Saturday nutil Tuesday at the home of hoi- parents Mr.

Mrs. 'Fred Behnketuiorf and brother Lncile Behnkendorf. Albert Tiede. and his friend Kcn- notii ivorson or Minneapolis. spent'the weekend at the home of Albert Tlede's cousin BE CAREFUL WITH KITES AND WIRES 1 mow ter KEEP KITES AWAY FROM ELECTRIC WIRES 0 USE DRY COTTON STRING ONLY 0 NEVER USE METAL ON KITES NEVER CLIMB POLES Kite flying is great sport, but WATCH OUT FOR ELECTRIC WIRES! You'll be protecting your own life as well as others by observing carefully the rules above.

DON'T TOUCH FALLEN WIRES! Storms and accidents sometimes cause wires to break. Danger often lurks In wires laying on the ground or dangling in the air. NEVER TOUCH THEM1 Warn others who may be around. By doing so, you may save a life. Whenever you discover a fallen wire, please phone our nearest office.

Trained men will come at once to make repairs and eJ'tninate any hazards. We Will Appreciate Your Co-operation Iowa Public Service Company /No.No-No!/ Don't touch Travis, lesson, ma Alif'laran. I Circle '1. at the home of Airs. I Cecil Jolllffe, with Alrti.

Uoyd V. i 'Smith with Airs. Lloyd I Smith iissisiiiK. lloll cull was un- sweded by Lincoln "or Washington quotation. Mrs.

Kreit lesson, Airs. Kdwnril Deli- iii-rt. Mrs. Alax lilock and Airs. c.vereil" since ihe meeting's if tho Guy were guests.

Greater Parish had hr-en in opera- Circle at the home of Mrs. represented WM'e Po-, Cny Giddings, with OHoson. Llvfjonore. Brake "itrncntji Sle Wheel Alignment Ad ustments We An A i ippod To Handle Your Needs Lines At Reasonable Prices ii) a fi rHil lm roR Alii) ACCKS.SUUIF.S S'HONK 1-OK I'AiMS NKSV01.I) J'AltTS MGR. Phone 543 Humboldl lion.

Town cuhonlus, I'lm-er, Hend and Al (amp Carson Air iind Mrs. Allen now reeeiyed word frohjt-their iii, wiio was rf-eenily' Ijjiliictod into army service. He his weeks basic triiinlng al I ihiH address. I'vt. Hmvwrd A.I I'.

S. 5.1 pany C. 21 KnKlneoiS', (C.j; I Camp Carson, I'ol. lirldal SlKincr Airs. Milton Wilhelm, the former Jolene Siinford.

was ihe honorf-d' at a isl-nilptial iniseellan- i-iius Khmver held In tin- rooms of the l.iiu-rne Methodist clmicb Sunday afternoon. The rooms: were decorated In with a bnvl of roses cen- li-ring the gift liihle. A short program WUH given, including a holo, by Patty Haiiscn, accompanied by Joiin Phillips. MI-K. Itoberi Siiiilonl a reading and AlrM.

Harold Phillips sail! 1 "The Lord's prayer" accom- panii-d by Mrs. Ray stone. Airs. Wilhelm wa-i assisted by her Komoiiii Saul-ltd of i and ot Air. Wilhelm, Williclm.

in openiir-. her I many pretty I ui'ie ei by liiidi- 1 winter. Mr.s. Tiaii.uei- and i.i:.l<-r.-i-ii). law Airs.

Wayne Saiiloi-d iind Itoljeri Hanford Out ol uere Mi-s. Sanford, Romona Sanliid, Airs. F'-anceh Sanlord and MI-S. Norman l.arsi-n of Mrs. Almond lloviek.

l-'oi Doilxu; Airs. Irvin AliGowan. IJriit, Mii. ('ai-l Olsen and -ill. Alls.

Willai'd Siinfoid, Aluoiiii; Airs. H.l.eil Wilhelm. Vein lira; Alls. Peter Clailon; Mrs' Floyd I luinlioldi Miss Liuellyn Ilippon, Violet' Ku ii- 1 01 Iti-nu ieli Mrs. Km J'entandi Hen Ieli.

liny Scunls The den nuinl met after sclio at the homi! lln-ir Airs. Carl Groli. Mrs M-n assisted Mrs. Grol, ri-freslimentii. The boys barned how carrot rug Uoll luulu of, Ilildh-y and Mrs.

carl Lim-i ne and I In- boy I Feb. zu, -ii mother Nels witli lo make "id made c.uru ami with Airs. Claronce ssisting. Mrs. Kate Barton of Fort Dodge was a guest.

Devotions, Airs. Karl Neat, lesson, MI-H. Albeit Oenrleh. Refreshments were served by each circle. Ilirllnlay (luh The first meeting of the new year of the Birthday club was held al the home of Hugh Shirk, Feb.

2(1. Honor, 1 al three tables of bridge were awarded lo Mrs. Arthur Dimler and Mrs. Kdward Dehuorl. Airs.

Kdward l.liulebak substituted for Mrs. Adam Zweifel. Airs. Harry Lichty was presented with a birthday gift. The Ilirthday club was organized 10 years ago on Feb.

24, 10-41, id the home of Airs. Kdward Dehnert. Charier members still remaining in. this club are Mrs. S.

H. Baker, All's. Kdward iJthnerl, Mrs. John Harold Sorensen, Mrs. Harry Lichly, Mrs.

W. Dlinler and AlrR. Hugh J.cyiun A axillary American Legion Auxiliary met at ihe homo of Mrs. Walter L. 'I left i Feb.

20, with Mrs. Cecil H. Huff iind Mrs. Nels Jensen, co- Thlricen members and one tcnesl, Mrs. Guy GUldlngs, of.

Hurt tho meeting. Alr.s. Karl Julius presided at the business meeting at which time they decided sponsor poppy poster conlesi. Plans were made for a bake sale to be held Saturday. 17, wllh Proceeds to hi- used to help defray expenses sending a girl to Clirl's Slate in June.

Topic of ihe month was "Americanism" and Mrs. Harold Phillips pix-senled two interesting articles. .1. .1. (lull Airs.

Hugh Shirk was hostess lo ihe members of Ihe J. J. club her home Feb. 22. Airs, Wolf gave a very strutlon on french pastry and special desserts, assisted by Airs.

Kdwin Heftl. The bidle.s have been attending Ihe classes of the Farm Bureau school at lliiinbolill und the demonstration and pro if of their cooking was by the eatlilg. Airs. Henry Thompson was honored al Ihe meeting uud wus given a farewell gift. Alr.s.

Shirk tt-rvcd rcfrcshmcnta. Utv. aud Mrs. L. Wilteuburg Sandwich Day SATURDAY MARCH 3 10: a.

m. to 4:00 p. m. FREE! FREE! Turkey Sandwiches, Coffee and Doughnuts All you want lo eat here al the Hatchery Order your Baby Chicks Ahead of time for this Special Occasion This is our AnnuajJHactry We invite AH our Customers and Friends irom Ihe Produce Hatchery to be with us Bayse Hatchery Mr. and Mrs.

Harold Bayse and Employees 4.

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