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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 2

Logansport, Indiana
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SLIDING SNOW. Avalanches Have Been Numerous in Parts of Colorado, At Least Three Men Known to Have Lost Their Great Deal of Suffering Reported. Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Blorpliino nor otlier Xarcotic substance.

It is a harmless substitute for Paroprorie, Soothing Syrups, and. Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Jlillious of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness.

Castoria prevents vomiting- Curd, cures Diarrhoea and TTind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving- healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Mother's Friend. Castoria.

"Castoria is an excellent medicine for children. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its effect upon their children." G. C. OSCOOD, Lowell, Sloss. Osstoria i the best remcd.v for children of Miiea I am acquainted.

I hope tile cloy is not far distant when mothers consider the real Interest of their children, and use Castoria iu- sUMid of the variousquouk nostrumswhieh are destroying loved ones, by opium, morphine, syrup and other hurtful ijjants their throats, thereby semlis-; them to preiiimurc graves." Da. J. F. KmcncLOZ, C'umvay, Ark. Gastoria.

Castoria is so well cliilJren that I it as superior LOJ.UV prescription known to me." A. ARCHIE M. Ill So. Oiford Brooklyn, N. Our physicians in tha children's department have spoken highly of their exper- enco in their outside practice with Castoriii, and although -we only havo amonj medical supplies what ig known as prudncrs, yet ive are free; to confers that Lhb merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." UNITED HOSPITAL AND DISPENSAUT, Boston, Mass.

AU.EK C. SKITH, Tho Centaur TT Street, Kaw York City. BITS OF INFOflMATION. Gov. Altfjeld has gone to Atlanta, -Ga.

Joseph P. Corners, ex-chief justici Delaware, died at his residence in Dover, apfed SO years. Counterfeit silver dollars, halves, quarters and dimes of the issue of 1S92 are in circulation in Chicag-o. JohnW. Burns, a traveling-salesman of Detroit, is in jail on the charges of forgery and fleecing- a merchant out of money.

President-elect Cleveland in an in. tervie-w says: "The repeal of the Sherman silver law is the great necessity of the hour." The fi-overnment receipts in January 'amounted to the largest in any one month for two years, and 550,000 more than in January, 1S02. Herman Haune, of Bartelson, I1L, ag-ed 2t, accidentally shot himself with A -double-barreled gnn, inflicting a "wound which will probably result in death. Several buildings, including- the Hotel Eockton, Grand Central hotel and the Metropolitan block, were ibcrned at Little Falls, N. the loss 5200,000.

Lewis Lenhard, traveling salesman liar Eckhouse Brothers, wholesale dealers at Indianapolis, is iniss- 5ng and the police report he is short in SiJs accounts over 53,000. Prof. Henry Preserved Smith, who jwas recently tried for heresy by the Cincinnati presbytery, has been vindi- 'cated by the Lane seminary trustees, Svho refused to accept his resigna- jtion. His friends, however, say Prof. i6mith will insist oil retiring- in the in- 'terest of harmony in the church.

FOR A ROAD BUREAU. rrhe Agricultural Appropriation BUI Provides 810,000 to Establish One. WASHISGTOX, Feb. ttive Durborow (111.) has secured th Snsertion in the agricultural ap Ipropriation bill of an item appro jpriatinff 310,000 for the estab of a road bureau. The new jbureau is to be placed under direction oi the agricultural depart rment.

The object of it is to spreai (knowledge regarding- the building- am ncaintenance of g-ood roods. An iexpert on roadmaking- will be plaeec an charge of the new bureau, anc jit will be his duty to prepare and imodify the road laws of tho various states with a view, if possible, jof establishing- a national law to the roads, or rather to induce the states to adopt uniform on the subject There is wide- Spread interest in this subject anc the proposed appropriation is (small it will serve as an entering tvedg-e Mr. Durborow looks forward to results therefrom. AWFUL MINE DISASTER. Lives Reported Lost by an liiploslon at Port Royal.

PITTSBURGH, Feb. report has just reached Pittsburgh of terrible mine disaster at Port Royal, on the Baltimore Ohio railroad, 5 miles from West Newton. An explosion occurred in the pits of the Port Royal Coal and Coke company and it is said that several were killed and many injured. Deal in JOLIKT, 111., Feb. deal has been consumated whereby the Nash, Wrig-ht elevators in and around LaSalle and Grundy counties pass into the hands of Knapp Griswold.

The elevators are located in Ottawa, South Ottawa, Buffalo Rock, Utica, Grand Ridg-c, Wedron and Serena. Mr. Knapp lives at Mlnooka and Mr. Griswold at Henry. Both are veterans in the elevator business.

SXOW CAFJUES DEATH. DENVER, Feb. storm that has been prevalent throug-hout the country reached Colorado Wednesday morning-. Reports from many points in the state show that the storm is general and that snowslides in the mountains are numerous, resulting- in Several fatalities. The known dead are: John Bradley, Aspen, miner; H.

W. Shively, Aspen, miner; "Bill," an unknown man at Carbondnle. Near Carbondale, Charles Smith and a young- man known as Bill started to cross a g-ulch when a snowslide caught and carried them 200 feet. Smith with much trouble extricated himself but Bill was covered so deeply that he was suffocated, and his body has not yet been recovered. At Aspen, H.

W. Shively and John Bradley, two miners working- on the Little Mill mine, were caught in an avalanche and killed. Shively leaves a wife and family of seven children. Frank Haw, a milkman, started from Aspen for Tourtelott Park, which is situated on the top of a mountain near Aspen. He should have reached his destination Ion" before this, but telegraph messages between Aspen and there have failed to locate him, and it is feared that he and his team were caught in a slide and destroyed.

At Maroney's sawmill, about 10 miles from Aspen, eight raen and twenty-five mules are snowed in and as it is known that they have but little provisions a rescuing- party started from Aspen to relieve them. It is known that several slides have occurred between Aspen and Maroney's tnili and it is feared that the rescuers are caught between them. Near Akron a farmer started a fire for the purpose of clearing- his land, but the flames escaped his control and set the grass 3re. A farmer named Holdon, living in Adams county, was just over the line when lie met the fire. He was driving- a team of horses when he met the flames, and was, together with his animals, dangerously burned.

Farm Ilnnd to Death. CUAKLEVOIX, Feb. mercury reached zero Wednesday Over a. foot of snow covers ground. Henry Grostick, a farmhand, is reported frozen to death.

Eaqaped Death In a Itllzzard. CHEBOTGAX, Feb. party of four lost on the ice turned up about midnig-ht, having- walked miles in eight hours in snow 3 feet deep. They had a close shave in the blizzard. TURKEY HUNTING IN ARIZONA.

The Great Slaughter Before Thanlts- (rivlnt: Dny. The Aristona bill of fare is too apt to contain only the items bacon, beans, hard bread, flapjacks and coffee three hundred and sixty-four days in the year. Thanksgiving is the exception, and no dinner is complete on that day without a turkey to remind the miner, prospector or ranchman of the old home in the east. In the southeastern section of the territory there is a creek called Rio Prieto, and nicknamed the "Turkey river." It is the only place within about two hundred miles where wild turkeys abound, but then there are enough of them in the narrow valley to stock a state. Just before Thanksgiving this valley is filled with hunters from every part of the territory, and the slaughter is very great; but it takes place only once a year, and the ranks will be filled up next spring and summer.

Sonic of the hunters come so far that they have to make "jerky" of the turkey meat in order to g-et it home. Aminer very fond of turkey when he will travel One hundred miles for it, and then take it in the shape of salted and sun-dried strips and usually fried in a gravy of bacon, grease and flour. These turkeys are very large birds, as half a dozen are about as mucli as a pack-mule can carry out of the valley. Old-timers say that gobblers weighing thirty pounds have been taken out of the Prieto canyon. Mr.

Herman Hicks Of Rochester, H. Y. I'russlc Acid and Poach Stones. The statement was made recently that prussic acid was made from peach stones, says the St. Louis Globe-Democrat.

This is altogether a mistake, for, although under certain car.uii.ious a trace of the main principle of the deadly poison can be found in peach stones, there is not sufficient to produce the acid without other essential ingredients. Indeed, without the process of fermentation, there is no evidence at all of prussie acid in the stones. Prussia acid is composed of such things as animal refuse and blood solids, with, large quantities of oil of vitriol. Even the smell of the acid produces pain in the throat and in the region of the heart, and there are few poisons for which there is such little opportunity for an antidote. If there is time, and there seldom is, ior the poison is almost instantaneous in its action, ammonia inhaled very freely may give relief anr 1 reduce the absolute certainty of death to a grave possibility.

Caused by Catarrh in the Head Catarrh is a CONSTITUTIONAL disease, and requires a CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDY like Hood's Sarsaparilla to cure it. Read: "Three years ago, as a result of catarrh, I entirely lost my hearing and was deaf for more than a year. 1 tried various tilings to cure It and had several physicians attempt it, but no improvement was apparent. I could diviin- guL-ih no nouutl I intending uuttinE myself under the care of a specialist when some one suggested that possibly Hood's Sarsaparilla would do me some good, I becan taking it without the expectation of any lasting help. Io my mirprue nud great joy 1 found when I had uiken three bottles that my hearing; I kept on till I had.

taken three more. It is now over a year and I can hear perfectly well. I am troubled but very little with the catarrh. I consider til's a case, and cordially recommend Hood's Sarssparilla to all who have catarrh." HKK.UAX HICKS 30 Carter Street, liucijcaici-, X. Y.

HOOD'S PUXS purely vegetable, and do not purge, or gripe. Sold by all drngglats. FLIGHT OF THE CROWS. Armies of ElrrU In tho sty UastcDLnjr to tho South. "The preliminary gathering- of crows before they take their flight to the southland at the approach of winter is always interesting- to me," said a traveler to a St.

Louis Globe- Democrat man. "I do not think that they take their flight severe THE MAEKETS. Ciraln, Provisions, Etc. CHICAGO, Fao. 2.

Spring wheat patents, J4.0Q3 4.10: Kye, f3.25as.50; Winter wheat patents, straights, ES.25a3.50. easy. Cash, No. May, July, dull but steady. No.

2 and No. 2 Yellow, No. and No. 3 Yellow, February under May; May, July. TradinKlalr.

No. Ko; May, Samples in lighter supply and stronger. No. 3, SlffiKc; No. 3 White, and ateidy.

No. 2, No. 2 White, quiet Cash. No. 2, May do- Ivcry, Sampie lota Quotable at VILLAGES DESTROYED.

They Will Go slummlnc- WASHINGTON, Feb. commit- 'tee on immigration has decided to upon a thorough investiga- of the slums of great cities, view to learning not only (the condition of the inhabitants, jbut the cause of the coming of those abroad, their plans in relation to £heir former homes, etc. They will their investigation, at the beginning- at least, tcr Philadelphia, Chi- icago, New York, Baltimore and San jgraocisco, liillod His jKoommato. MEMPHIS, Feb. 7 a.

m. George Caldwell shot and killed James Kally. with, whom he was rooming. The men were printers from Chicago in search of work. No cause is iknown for the shooting.

Caldwell has not been captured. The wife of the murdered man is said to live in Mich- iigan. and unchanged. Low grades ell well at medium salablo, yet slow, and good to choice, fair sale 55Q DO. MESS good demand and prices lower.

Quotations ranged at fl8.50@18.62& for old ash; for regular caali; 519.37& forFebuary.and for May. moderate request and offerings rather free. Prices ruled lower and quotable at for cash; (11.45311.55 for February; for May, and 8I1.30@I1.« for July. LIVE pound: Chickens, lOc; Turkeys, Ducks, ICSllo: Geese, per dozen. 18328c; Dairy, Packing Stock, IflJSlSc.

Prtmo White, Water White, MlchJcan Prime WhUo, Water White, So: Indiana Prime White, Water White, 9c; Headlight, 175 test, Gasoline, 87 deg's, i2c; 74 dee's, Sc; Naphtha, 03 deg's, 6tic. LIQUORS Distilled spirits steady cm the basis of 51.17 per £al. for finished goods, NEW YORK, Feb. 2. 2 red, very dull, steady, without feature.

March, May, 2 dull, steady. February, May, 5313-lCc: No. 2, dull: steady. February, March, May, western, PROVISIONS Beef quiet, steady. Extra mess, 5S.OOa9.60.

Pork frrm, quiet. New mess, old mess, S10.50®2aoO.. Lard quiet, steady: 512.00 asked. Another Earthquake the Island of 1'eople Killed. ATHEXS, Feh.

island of Zante was shaken by another earthquake at 2 o'clock Wednesday morning. A hundred houses are reported to have been wrecked in the city of Zante. Thousands are leaving- the city to sleep in the fields. Many bave been killed and On other parts of the island the shocks have not been so severe. Several villages have been entirely destroyed, many of their inhabitants have been killed and the rest are sleeping- in the fields.

An enormous tidal wave swept up from the harbor, smashing sma.ll craft affainst the sea wall and sending the water 3 feet deep along the street oa the harbor front. The shock at i3 o'clock was felt' at Ccphalonia, and several shocks have been felt since. TOLEDO, 0., Feb. 2. No.

2 cash and February, May, 77'le No. 2 cash, 44e bid; May, 47c bid. Cash, Sflc.bld.' Casn, S5c. active. Prime cash and February, March, 59.15.

flrm. IOHS xtra CLEVELAND, Feb. 2. Easy. Standard white, 110 degrees test, SJic: 74 gasoline, 6ijc; 80 gasoline, 03 naphtha, 8JAc.

live Stock. CHICAGO, Feb. 2. Market rather active and feeling Prices ruled about lOo higher, Quota- ranged J5.40@6.20 for choice to skipping Steers; S4.80S5.30 for good otjolca S4.OOiiJ4.60 for fair to good; a-logS-SO for common to medium 53.00® 75 fnr butchers' Steers; S2.00Q2.75 for Stock- rs; lor Texas Steers; S3.00a4.00 for 'oeders: for Cows; Sl.50Oi.70 for ulls, and S3.50®3.50 for Veal Calves. Hoes Market rather active and feeling rm.

Prices ruled SffllOc higher. Sales inged at for Pigs; 87.3037. 85. for fr.75@7.95 for rough packing; 3r.70S8.lB or mixed, and for heavy packing- ad shipping lots. A flintner vinan uer juauo itoasted.

BETHLEHEM, Feb. Mrs. Grant Chapman, of Chapman's quarries, locked her 2-year-old son Robert and a 4-year-old son in the house while she went calling-. The elder child jrot matches and set fire to little Robert's dress, and he was roasted to death. When the mother returned she was horrified to see her baby on the floor burned to a crisp.

to Be Paid la Full. Sioux CITY, la-. Feb. Allison, of the Western Home Fire Insurance company, which made an assignment two years apro, has mado his final report The total unpaid liabilities are not to exceed .5100,000, while the assets foot up $152,800. All credit ors will be paid in full, and stock hold ers will realize percent, on their in vestments.

Burned to Death Ju Bcd- EAI CITY, Feb. Elizabeth Small, a colored woman, aged years, was burned to death in her bee Wednesday morning 1 She had a romantic history, having- fled from slavery in Virginia in 1843, and being one of the first refugees to escape into Canada. Her later years, were filled with kind acts in behalf of her race. TTV-O Wonderful There is a wonderful grapevine at Gaillac, a town of southern France. Althoug-h the plant is only 10 vears from the cutting-, it has.yielded as many as 1,287 bunches of fine fruit in a single year.

There is but one other vine in cultivation that is known to excel this prolific shrub, and that is the historical vine at Hampton Court, England, which was planted in 176S. In one year this noted vine lias borne 3,500 bunches. The fruit from this vine is kept for the exclusive use of Queen Victoria and her household, the surplus being- made into wine for the same purpose. Lynctud tho Murderers. TAZKWELL COCKT HOUSE, Feb.

2. night four negro men murdered and robbed two white men at Richlands, named Ratcliffe and Shortridge. The murdered men lived in Buchanan county and were at Richlands with their wagons for the purpose of purchasing goods. The four negroes were captured, confessed the crime and were lynched. More than 100 -Buchanan people were at Richlands, lioatty irouort tiuuty.

PITTSBURGH, Feb. jury in the case of Robert J. Beatty, charged with beiuff an accomplica in the poisoning-, brought in a verdict at 11:15 o'clock a. m-. of guilty on all six indictments'.

The jury was'out only seven minutes. rom this section of the country, as the winters here are not severe "enough. But from the DafcqSas and the southern Canadian provinces they leave in great numbers after the first frosts. One cold, frosty arose and looked out of my bedroom window in lied Erie, down into a neighboring- cornfield that was bounded by a rail fence and from which even the dry shocks had been removed. Only the stubble, bloak and frost-covered, remained.

"The village of lied Eric, is locally famous for crows. They gather about there in large numbers and obtain considerable foodjtom a neighboring- wild rice marsh. I noticed that the tiers of rails, rising- seven in number, were thickly sprinkled with crows, perched about and cawing- most vociferously. I was rather amused at the spectacle, and stood enjoying it, when I observed a long- line of crows approaching from over a neighboring: patch of forest. These also settled down within the inclosure.

I watched for several hours and continually observed great flocks of crows to "come from all directions and gather in the field. By noon the fences and ground fairly swarmed with the birds. It seemed to me that there were hundreds of thousands. Then no more came for awhile. The denouement of the whole affair was a great flapping of wings, Pain Seff-Infllcred.

This is snpposed to be an age of enUgntan- ment. Tet tha half civilized persistence with which hosts of people keep doelng themselves on small occasion, argnes a bilna a-udulliy charac- teris ic of tha dark ages. Constipation has a I myriad or alleged curatives, which Is a nauneocs dose merely evacuate the bowels-thin operation being preceded by pain and followed by weakness -tlu latter an effect of.tb.uir excessive, violent action. Podypbyllln. a oes, embodied the form or pills, bluemass, lalomel-these are I among tbe violent medicaments for which should be substituted Hosteller's Stomach BItlors, the' linest, most genial laxative extant, never griping, ar.d resembling In its action an of nature In her happiest mood.

This benign and thorough medicine is also an antidote to malaria and rheumatism, gives strength to the system, renders- digestion perfect, and regulates the kidneys and bladder. Is Marrt-iuft a Failure! Have you been trying- to get the- beti, out of existence without health in your family? Have you been wearing-cut your life from the effects of dyspepsia, liver complaint and indi- g-ostioD? Are you sleepless at night? Do you awake io the morning feeling lang-uid, with coated toDg-ue and sallow, haggard looks? Don't do it. A. shout in the camp tells how Aunt Fanny's Health Restorer has cured others; it will cure you. Trial package Large si xe 50 cents at Bee.

Fieher'a. When Baby was eick, wo gave her Oastoria. ViTien she TVOS a Child, she cried ior Castanet. When she became 3Iiss, sbo ctuug to (lastorta. TiTiec she had Children, she gjrve Stem Sastarla.

For Over Fifty Yews. AN OLD AXD WELL-TRIED REMEDY. Mrs. Winslow'g Soothing Syrup has- been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers- for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child softens the gums, allays all pain cures wind colic, and is remedy for diarrhoea.

Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part or the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs.

Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Tliurstou In tlio LIXCOLS-, Feb. John M. Thurston secured the republican caucus nomination for United States senator, he failed of election at noon.

On the joint ballot of the legislature he received every republican vote, but no others The ballot 61; Greene, 56; Boyd, others scattering. reiir'n Mortality of New York. ALBAJSTV, N. Feb. state board of health has a summary of the mortality of the state for the vear 1392.

The. total number of deaths in the state for the year was 130,750. This makes the death rate for the year 80.7S per lj OOP population. police officer met a sarcastic organ- grinder on the street and said: "Have you a license to play? If not, you must accompany me." "With pleasure," an- lowered the street musician. "What will you Telegram.

KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who llvt better than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the -world's best products to tha needs of physical being, -vrill attest the value to health of tha pura liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its eicellanco is due to its presenting In the form acceptable and pleasant to the taste, the refreshing and tmly beneficial propertieg of a perfect laxative; effectually cleansing the dispelling colds, headaches and fereri and permanently curing constipation. It hu given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession because it acts on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels without weaken- them and it is perfectly from objectionable substance. Byrnp of Figs is for sale by all dmg- flsta in 60c and $1 bottles, but it is ifaotured by the California Fig Syrup 3o.

only, whose name is printed on every also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed', yon wifl not any substitute if offered. For sale by all drug-gists and, division by division, tho great gathering left in harmonious order. It took them fully half an hour before all were under way. When the last flock or division took wing I looked to the south and saw the line dimly fading away into space. Then I knew they were migrating, and I fully understood the beauty of that harmonious simile: 'Like the flight of Tbo Woman Speculator.

A man standing in front of the news stand of an uptown elevated railroad station in New York the other dav found himself rudely pushed aside without apology, and, looking around with a scowl, found himself suddenly disarmed, for the offender was a woman. She was a small blonde person, clad in fashionably cut plain skirt, neat sealskin coat and jaunty hat, ornamented with a ostrich plume. She was daintily gloved, and she carried a natty silk umbrella. Her rudeness was explained by her haste to get at the news stand. She already carried under her arm several of the morning papers.

She bought the daily Wall street publications, coolly pushed her way through the crowded aisle of the car to a place where she found a seat, and rode down town with a host of fellow- speculators, her eyes fixed upon the market column- Allow me to add my tribt-le to the efficacy of Ely's Cream Balm. I wn-? suffering- from a severe attack of influenza and catarrh and was induced to try your remedy. The result was marvelous. I could hardly articulate, and in loss than twenty-four hours the crtarrhal symptoms and my hoarseness disappeared and I was able to sing a heavy role in grand opera with voice unimpaired. I strongly recommend it to all H.

Hamilton. Leading Basso of the C. D. Hess Grand Opera Co. Taken Several Bottles of Bradfield's Female Regulator for falling of the womb and other diseases of.

16 years standing, and I really believe I am cured, entirely, for please accept my' thanks. MES. W. E. STEBBINS, Ridge.

Ga. Sold by Ben Fisher. Why? Taste of Ruby Port Wine" and you will know why we call it "Roya A glass held up the light hundred dollars reward for any bottle' of this wioe found under five years- old, or in any way adulterated. It is- grand in sickness and convalescence, or where a strengthening cordial is- required; recommended by druggists and physicians. Be sure you get-.

'-Royal Ruby," don't let dealers impose on you with something- "just as- good," but go to Johnston Bros, and get the genuine. Sold only in price, quarts $1. Bottled by Royai Wioe Chicago. Children Cry for Pitchers Castoria. Wanted.

Ladies gentleman suffering witb throat and iung difficulties to call at. our drug store for a bottle of Otto's Cure, which we are distributing free- of charge, and we can confidently recommend it as a. superior remedy for coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption, and all diseases of the throat and Jungs. It will stop a cough quicker than acy known remedy. We will guarantee it to cure you.

If your children have croup or whooping- cough it is sure to give instant relief. Don't de'ay, but get a bottle free. Large size .50 cents, Sold by Ben Fisher. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Bier Excitement In Town Over the remarkable cures by the- grandest specific of tbe ag-e, Aunt Fanny's Health Restorer, which acts- as a natural laxative, stimulates the digestive organs, regulates the liver and kidneys and is- nature's great henk-r and health renewer.

If you have kidney, liver or blood disorder do not delay, but call at Ben Fisher's drug store for a free trial package. Large size 50 cents. Every lady who has used Orange Lily, speaks in measureless terms of praise of its wonderful effects. Sample tree, one months' treatment $1. Sold at B.

F. Keesllng's. dygpeptix "WOOD'S Qfho Great Enelish Remedy. 'aiorrhca. ImpotcncvundaU effects of Almsc or Excesses.

Been prescribed over 35 Scare In thousands of coses; Is the only XielteAtl': and Honest Medicine known, A8K IJrnitglat Jor WOOD'S Pnos- Sefore COSdAfltr MODIXK; IT ho offers eomo iaia.a_fifr. worthless medicine la place of tllLq, leaTO dllboneat store, inclose price la wo will send by return mall. Price, ono -ckiwe, eix. One vM please, rteiciacvrt. mphletlnplaln sealed envelope, 2 Btampg.

dareos THB WOOD CHEMICAI, 131 Woodward avenuBf Itatroit, Sold In Log, niporc by Ben Fliher, ana druggists everywheie..

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