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The Record-Argus from Greenville, Pennsylvania • Page 6

The Record-Argusi
Greenville, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CftEBNVttlB, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1935 School Alumni Atioeiation Holdi tnnual Banquet Here WeJnetday Evening SeHewi Alunitu a neld' en bcoh tho subject of the ftpliHt Of. enthiwlwmi the nrtt gathering of llle Wgh sdhool graduftt-ss If sudcewi for the whleh had been hrft- 6t the informed jicrvcd by girls ef next JoBlor clous ot Pcnn high Apiece orchestra, featuring fta goldlst, furnlslud lisle. Group singing, led by fejRuflor ftttd John newior, tattled bvt Melvln BInlr. school colors, ore predominant In tho Bowls of flowers In the, ij'feold coloring and yellow crystal holders, nnd bows of blue mallno, trans- i tables Into it picturesque color tones were carried programs. numbering 280 nnd seated by classes, forty- fcS classes being rcpro- West was Introduced lember of the class ot 1883, Urn here.

alumni association Is tho out- sontlment expressed who attended tho last year during cotn- wcck. Through tho of- Gtllosnlo, to ijUiij' 1 revival of tho association i'a largo measure, this kept nllvo and nt a mooting 1986, the nlumnl a reality. presided nt tlio ban- related some statistics thft records which re- that a total. oC 211 had jla'tC 1Z60 of whom reside In Of. this number, only 1)7 Tho clans of 1002, with icinbors wns tbo smallest, itMBARRASSSD.

FOF- Wttk cuarantM claim pot you within two you for full upon tkU mw tnataut lexander and IThe Rexall Drug Store while hefds tlib rtcdfd the with ltd Kheihtwrs. Olllosplo thbh tntfoduecd If. ftowtey '61 toftattfloslor ahd the ovehlttir's progrfthi Rbt into full swinff. tho with ohnrnotoMstlo jocularity and talent for setting a bn.el(ffrb«nd'for an in- lorestlnfir did a bit of ro- vlewinjt of BChoot days as they wero Ift onrllor and later days of lilRh school history, and liroiiBhl out collections which wore mixed with and plensuro, iho latter predom inatlns 1 Then he bouim to put tho other speakers of tho ovenlnr on tho spot, aftor taprcsslHR a univcroal rcfifrot that Miss Mary M. Jlrown was un- ablo to bo "present to tnko tho subject asslftiiod to hori "Some Persons I Itavo Flunked," frod Hudl- sill, of tho clasfl of 1085 most capably Iho appreciation of his clans at Joining tho ranks of tho Alumni Association, and ltn pleasure at McoliiR an InBtltutlon of that kind revived just as members be- oamo ellglblo to tako, part'In It.

4 Another high-light of tho evenlntr was a poem proprirod for tho occasion by Blanoho Thorpe, '00, In whloh told ttilupH about tho 18 mombora of her class' with clover rhyming, Somo of her disclosures brought frnlos of laughter, and It was apparent to all that tho (rayoty of tho nineties bus not been overrated in subsequent In tho course of tho verso it was rovoalod that IK members of vive, and several woro present nt tho banquet. 0. C. Richardson '01 who wnjj as- slffnod "Century did moro than justlco' to tho subject and re- g-alod tho audlonco with' anoodoto and 1 IJjo. tjHUed of tho changes that had taken-place, and prdiiontod a sot of definitions that arc today applied In tt mannqr foreign to Webster's T.

R. Thorno 'O-liwhpHOBiibjeotwM "Coxoy'H Army" ven-j crablo' loader probably Hv his tlmo In view of rocont o'conomlo nspocts, but declared tli chief Interest today was In tho armies 1 of graduates who woro going out Into a changed world, lie said, In passing, that ho wanted to direct attention toward of tho "officers" of thb army, that has graduated, 'TTo nionUonotl thb superintendents and tOaohers of an earlier day and paid a tribute to them must have 1 boon accurate, slnoo names wore hoartlly applauded Jjy thosii at tho, samo'i'tlmp, "AgulnaldoV was 'the subject given to 13. iMortji, of tho class of '08, oni tho theory that ho would know moro aboilt that historical figure than anybno else. Mr, Morbs said ho was ono of tho few who had over' 1 graduated without being present to receive his diploma, because ho hod enlisted with tho forces In tho HimnlBh.Amorlcnn war few. days earlier.

From the ontor't turnout glo, his talk showed that he had doubtless enjoyed his army llfo at least aa much as ho would havo tho graduation ovorclsos of 'OS, In taking tho subject of Roy Boavor oC '08 made every' listener acutely conscious of now muoh they had forgotten about fof ha eWisd to mm Won aft OUbS Wotl, Vaf. And" congtAhU and any of othSf tertns that only RB tn- etmid be ospeeJed lo In broushl mil some phlloiophy about the that our education estefHS tot Which polfiied hid Voriiartts Ift a highly feftectivB vein. Ruth feckley at 'it conveyed spirit with Which the Alutflfil Ass'n, beeh received by tha more omit sraduftlea when sho In brio! and wcii-clipBeh what her clous had felt when the fldsofcla- (Ion ngnln to takV form: A tap dance by MnMc Neel '46 add' ed a touch to the program which not only plenalng but versatile. She was necomfiiuiled by Saw. Swank '32 Harold McClufo, '29, one of thri youhffflBt members of the Penn lllifh faculty spoke on "ttcnotlons" ttnd turned tho tiiny on the word Into an Interesting lH brief talk, lioro" was aaalftned to Miss bocnuao her clots of JltiS was "over when (her! Wflo much (alk about "over indeed, wovernl of tho olan8 Woro "over thoro" before tho Iflurona- an unpleasantness passed, and Miss JDIckson concluded her remarks with a request that tho audiences join tho slnfflnff of "Over which won, dono with ft will, In tribute to tho youhff men and women who had nerved their country In tlmo of war.

Mr. Cllllcsple concluded tho program-, with tho oppression of tlio hopo that what had dono thus far would bo only ft proludo to what would bo dono tho. 'organization, and that next year might find a banquet serving oven a larger number of alumni of the Greenville High school. Tho result of the election as reported by. tho tollers, Tliomns V.

Buncan( Pittsburgh) and John was as follows: Tt, Thorno wan elected president; Melvln A. Blair, vice president; Miss Kuth Tomptotojv secretary, and nay 0. Wagner, treasurer. Ono of tho most delightful foa- turcs of tho occasion was tho presence of largo 'feroup graduates whoj.aro now residing out of town, Tnfoi'mal reunions wore to bo ffllnipsed In many sections, of tho room, In nomo Instances 1 being tho first "got'toifothor" since gracluatlon. Among tho guests wore Superintendent and 11.

E. Welch, and A. fUowart, 'principal Pann The'' commlttooB responsible for Wednesday nlRht's gathering Included tlio, officers, 11. W. Glllcspla, Mrs.

15, 1 1, Martin and Mrs. Anna Mporo; tho banquet commltoo, Goorgo ir. Howloy, Mrs. C. G.

Chnso, Mrs. Vivian Henry, Mrs. Paul Tltzol and Bnlrd Gibson! program oommlttoo, Mrs. Charlos HOBS, Mrs. IT, R.

Kor- foldt, Mrs. l. Glnn, Mrs, J. and tho membership commlttijo, Mrs 33, Kcarns, Miss. Mary RIEDMAN'C LADIES STORE ST.

GREENVILLE PHONE 494 Sale! Cottons fw rav fv 1.88 2, for the house, street, tpwn imdi country, to perfection. Voiles, Sheerp, Eyelets md Linen 't cV yf "'Qrauel, Ralph Snider, Tho addition oC following nwnoa''brings tbo momborshtp for tho present enr to B81: Mrs. tarry L. Keek, Mrs. Wnllor A.

Woods, Mrs. Bortlw Satil Glass, Mlsa Mnttl- dd Dickey, Jano Boll, Mrs. Kilo. Barrett Carney, Airs. Win.

Kdwards, Mrs. John Williamson, pr, S. Frank Thiel Alumni Meeting Annual Alumni Way ot Thlol oollogo will bo hold on tho college campus Tuosdny, Juno A pionlc and business mooting will bo hold In tho afternoon, At tho mooting a nominee for tho. Board of Trustees will bo submitted for ratification. Tho Qvenlng activity Includes a danco.

Glenn Roznor Is chairman of tho oommlttoo In ohargo of tho plcnlo nna danco, Tho picnic and business mooting via; bo held at l.p, m. in the oollogo BTOVO. Tho danoo will bo hold P. m. In tho Tlilol gynmaalum.

Archlq Voorhlos Is president of the Alumni Association. College Play at Park Preparations to present Iho college commencement play In tho-nmphl- thoator at Rlyornldo Park, Monday evolving am keeping several dozen The two Seniors to he lionored nt Thlcl, Saturday oTcnlny, at BtlS nt tho Danco Vcatlval, are Ming Vivian Jxmcoske of Itldf way, olcctod eolICKe by tho student body, ami her attendant, Mlns Virginia Fortune of Gromiville. The corcmony of crowning 1 will be held at tho conclusion or tho Danco Festival do bo held In the flymnaslum at Stl5 p. m. "Tho a the old piper of Hamelln story, who led away 130 children In tho, year 1202.

Tho leading role will bo cd by Donald Blorbaph of Erie, WHtfi Is will bo remembered, played the part of "Romeo" In last year's moo and Juliet." A. cast of forty- one persons, representing the Burghers of Hamolln and their wives, the strolling players, who 'open the and tho children, who aro piped form tho principle characters. The music by the Thlol orchestra between acts will bo furnished by; Stanley J. Salplo. Glenn Reznor will have ohargo "of tho, chorus.

Tho play will bo costumed in- me-, dlovui peasant garb suitable to the. tlmo of, the play. Tho author has conceived the theme as the struggle of good, and evil. The children are piped away to prove to tho Hamolln folk tho error oC their greedy selfish philosophy of llfo. The piper is a spirit-' ual force In an alien world, Sorority Dance The annual formal dance of tho ilota Chi sorority was held in tho Clroenvlllo Country club on Wod- evening." Muwlo was furnished by Charles students theso days.

Tho sotting, oompoaod of archways covered with homlook Is ready, and tho effects In charge, of Pro- fotjsor Guy Brndslmw and Robert are In thii prooeaa of oxpori- Tho play, whloh has been solcctod from the field of American drama, is IOWJS8T 1'HIOKS oit repair Any or mwlpl cur. SMllsfictJoii James and his bund of Youngstown, Tho Hororlty colors, green and white, were carried out In the decorations, Baskets of white lilacs placed about tho room added a fiis- tlvo touch. Chaporonos were Mr, and Bf G. Balrd and Mr. and Mrs.

Ralph Ma tha Corsages of gardenias wore presented to the alumna members present. Tho committee for the affair Included Anne Dalfonso, Rebecca Smith, Esther Mortimer, Frances la president of the sorority, Mary, Koolon vice president, Esther secretary and Betty Phillips, treasurer, Recital Tonight The public is invited to attend tho recital tbnight at 8: 15. o'clock by tho I advanced students in piano and violin which; will be held by tho Thlol College Conservatory of Music in the college auditorium. The program is expected to be unusual merit. G.

A. R. Guests Throe survivors of tho Civil War, Frank Bennett, Madison Fritz and Jones wore honored guests at a dlnngr given In the Episcopal pariah house on Wednesday owning by tho ladles' auxiliary Mo, 65 of Thomas Evans camp. Other quests the ladles of tho O. A.

Adjutant and Mrs. J'ledley Rov Gibson and Miss Joan sir. Mrs. Burrell -played several- piano numbers. Prettler-Korb Mlas Helen, Korb, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Charles C. Korb of East Brady became'the bride of Jesse E. Presslor at a pretty ceremony performed In St Paul's Reformed church of East Brady on Saturday afternoon, May The bride, who was attired In an attractive dark blue ensemble and wearing a corsage pink roses, was given In marriage by her father. Miss Violet Preasler, sister of the played the wedding march.

Tho ceremony was performed by Rev, Althousc, pastor of the church, In. tho presence of immediate families. The altars were banked with white dogwood and'White-lilacs. Tho bride Is a graduate of Clarion Teachers college and taught last year at the school. Presslor from Thlel employed, at tho 'Hooklesa Foatenor company lii Meadvllle.

T.hoy at fi2S Baldwin'street, Meadvllle. j.y<i!•",,<, Love In A Shanty aaul Mrs. Ralph Callahan Charles Hooyi commander G. of tho American Legion and Miss Paulino Mann. Tho tables wore beautifully decorated with flowers and cancjlcs, places being InUMor 70, Including the U.

8, W. Y. auxiliary and tho members of Thomas Evans" camp. presided and Introduced tho program Rev. Gibson an.d Adjutant Coniipan- dor Houy made Informal talks 'and PAINTS VARNISHLS A 01) CO MAKE YOUR KITCHEN a place so4 you pfou4 yow modwwrkdcmeorei INTERIOR GLOSS Qvart Schmsuf, 13 (above), In with tht cholrmsstsr st the Brooklyn church where sang.

was Henry W. Simpson, 39. So they rsn sway to llva In cabin In the woods until she was old i enough to marry. Police found them In Ill- furnished shanty. (Associated Press Phpto) fi.

SufidAy school at Odod at i. ft. ottitted. at at a. dtAM ifi at 3ded Saturday at i tt-lt ChWch.

tiffs tf. DMHJI, ttev. ftey June 16 a. fs. G.

tt.j 8 wotshlp, "Persevering: Pray Pmyef Wednesday eve nhif at the parsonage. meetint, iPiflday evo at the parsonage. M. Rev. B.

Holder, pastor W. d. ThMnpflofl, stiperlhtendeftt. June 2, 16 a. Bible school 11 public prayer tneotlag, 'Wednesday evening ftt the free-Win BapUnt.

Revs. Chester D. and fidna terson, pastors! Harold Stevenson, superintendent. i jiine Btblo school: 8 p. public worship.

Prayer meeting, Tuesday eveiilnfir at the OngwM) School Home The second servlce'of the summer will bo held at the Osgood school house on Sunday. Sunday'school will'begin at 2 o'clock, following this there will be a preaching service. The subject for Sunday will be "The Faultless Man." These services aro being held by WUmer Hotter, pastor of the Christian and Missionary Alliance church at Greenville. All are Invited to these services. i Jennalem Church Church school, 9:30 a.

Workers' conference; Tuesday 7:45 p. m. at the church. New Lebanon Community Chnreh pr. S.

M. Gordon, pastor. Sunday school at 10 o'clock, morning worship 'at 11 o'clock, sermon subject, "Love's Young People's f'meeting at 8 o'clock Sunday Carpenters Corners The young, married people's Sunday school class of Carpenter's Corners church' will hold the June meeting Friday night, June 7, at the titme of Mr. and Mrs. H.

'E. Slater. Children's Day program will be given Sunday 'night, Juno' 9' 'at 8 o'clock at the Carpenter's Corners church. MERCER -CRAWFORD COUNTY CHURCHES St. John's, Mercer Boad Services In charge of Pastor Ruth; cluiroli 9:30 public COUNTTSEAT 'V DEEDS BECOBDBD Charles W.

McClelland ct aJ to James A. Eakln et. ux, City, property on McCohneli'street, Qrovo City, Harrison Palm -by guardian to Howard W. Stewai-t, Otter Creek township, 40 ocrbfi in Otter Creek townahlp, $808. Morris Baiter et ux to James Mon- ocjcodus ux, Sharon, property on Willow street, Sharon.

Jim' Moiiocjcodus et' ux to Nick O. Econpnldls et' ux, Sharon, property on School Btroei, Sharon For call Mrs. Zundol. Phone 441 ml-13eod-adv. WATCH THE CLASSIFIEDS FUR STORAGE Cleaning, Repairing, Relining.

Our Fur Storage Service includes thorough dusting and packing each garment in in-' dividual moth-proof bags. Every garment insured while in our possession. Estimates cheerfully given Work Guaranteed. FOGLIA TAILOR and FURRIER To Ladles Gentlemen SPITS MADE TO OBDEB 19 qUnUm St. draeiyllle, it Opposite Foitofflec Saturday Specials AT THE North High Street Grocery 'jr t.

5 Corn qt. jar 33c 2 boxes for I5c. Amtin I SplwMPW Seedless 2 boxes for 19c 'Tunfi 1 CT 2 cans for 25e 25'lb, sack $1,29 Our Special frpsh ground per Ib, 24c Prize per Ib, I 7c Catsup, ig, bptUe 'for 25c 6 boxef for 3 bottles for 2 Op So I Vf Frew Ig, fruit per Grapefrwit 6 for'ESc Suiikiit Fresh large 5p, Hot Hpuie per Ib, 19j? Pelfttoei Ibi. fpr 29e Celery Hearts, New Carroti, Cabbage WBATS HOLLYWOOD SIGHTS AND SOUNDS By R88iiM 666NS bis 6f taadetjlU ft lean lay-oft jjetlod. The? had otilf ft Week fd 6ft tteif afid thet tlftg 126 a Week thetn.

SO then this Chaplin (eiiow, whom thft? hid known Itt the did days befofe hi bscama a morlft tlaf, aSkftd thettt to 1st him hate thelf big-eyed bof tot a pletute, laid little Jaekle Ooogtli became tamoui, lofl. They got a hundred i Week Whlls Jackie wat Waking "The Kid," but Jackie's earnings in the eight-odd fears he was a child staf went 'Way Ibote the million mark. Matty actors hare made fortunes only to lose them. Jackie Coogatt mads his before he Wai old though to realize what it meant, but he didtt't lose it. Jack Coogan, his father, saw to that.

That was why the elder Coogan's death, in the recent tragedy, meant a doubl6 loss td the boy who ttow is a untv'ersity student and 20 years old. Appointed Guardians elder Coogan was known in Hollywood as a shrewd business man and a good bargainer, He had known enough ot the hardships of tho tor's lite to want to provide for the future, and he had some good hunches about Investments. When It came time to sign Jackie to a new contract, the father saw to it that the Coogan "corporation" rated a percentage ot receipts as well as salary. In order to avert suspicion that they might be profiting unduly from exploitation of their child tho Coogans had themselves appointed Jackie's legal guardians. As such they would have to give periodic accountings of their stewardship.

Multiplied For a time the Coogan fortunes, even after Jackie temporarily suspended his career, multiplied rap- Idly. In a studio Vault was kept, in cash, 150,000. It wad "ready money" always available for quick Investments. He bought, In Jackie's name, real estate and oil wells and fancy automobile agencies. He built public garages.

Perhaps It was the proverbial luck ot the Irish, but in almost every instance he stepped out of each enterprise before depression floored it. As for himself, the elder Coogan might have been a prodigal spender had he allowed It. He was always giving away money old or buying them things. tlon" idea saved him 1 from 'his' own generosity. It allowed him charge accounts and something like a week "spending less than the $10 or so Jackie was to draw later as a college student.

Altoona A motor mishap occurring when on. automobile struck a flock of sheep resulted In death to ten of the animals and mi jury to Alice Dennlson and Louis jboth of. Cumberland, Mr. The sheep highway near Altoona -when- the accident occurred. WATCIJ THE CLASSIFIEDS financial mAttetS, bAftfhi tti his HWtf tfe tied A afttMJld team, td his afid JnittfM ffofn bftafn.

THE PKNSLAR STOttK Greenville CUM! Street A PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE-HOME'OWNED MM Telephone 905S Eadt 10c PI. Mouth Ant 25c 25c Hinkle Pfll. 13c 5 Lbi. EtMom Sdts 29c PI. Good MlnenJ Ofl 39c Qt.

Mln. Oil A Agmr 94c 5 OM. Tooth Powder 29c SOc Polvex Plea Pwdr. 35e Yeast A Iron Tablets 29c Large Size Tube Shav. Cream or Tooth Paste lOe Coty's Face Powder 69c SOc Camphor Ice 39c $1 Lowney't Mixed Chocolates in Lb.

Boxes, 7Se SOc Box Garden Court Face Powder and SOc BoL Perfume Both 50e SOc Garden Court Face Powder and SOc Butter Milk Tissue Cr. Both S5c SOc Garden Court' Face Powder for Sore and Tired Feet, 19c $1 Citrate Carbonates 49c $1 Beef, Iron A Wine 59c 75c Doan's POls 54c SOc Buchu Comp. Puls 39c A Line of Pond's Beauty Prodncas lOc Pape's Cold Tablets 19c 1 Lb. Cold Cream or Cleaning: Cream 39c 1 Lb. Writing Paper 39c Envelopes to Match ISc 1 Lb.

of Lyon's Tooth Powder $1.19 Luxor Face Powder with Perfume 35c Lifebuoy Health Soap 3-1 7c Ivory Soap and Scented Soaps Sc Woodburv's Soap 3-25c Guest Soap 6-2Sc 1 Pt. Rubbing Alcohol with MW A Fine Rub 1 Out of the to Pay TUB YOU'LL DO BETTER AT ROUTHAN GREENVILLE, NNA. CO. BEGINNING TOMORROW SATURDAY, JUNE 1st OUR JUNE SALES Every day in June is Sale for our specials daily. EXTRA For Tomorrow, Saturday EXTRA 4 i A Wash Presses, slightly mussed but a lUde water will on fix that and these are guaranteed color-fast.

Values to $2.98, All sizes, 14 to 52, t. EXTRA SPECIAL Ladies; Silk Dresses $2.79 SELLING OUT OUR SPRING COATS AND SUITS $5,00 and up to $14.95. A depowt wUI hold or Slack. $1,89 79e Cotton Drewei, SUghtfy 2 for $1,00 (J.

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