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The Record-Argus from Greenville, Pennsylvania • Page 2

The Record-Argusi
Greenville, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

otttsldo Iho eonntljn wnst of Now York Atlanta, extra 'wifl Jncludlntf ttiooe nnd ifSfftjth of Atlanta, extra polrttM west of.Dwvor tatrey f8.00 iMon offlM. (Ireerivme, Pn. St. ifirh of Ktmbnll, mo. Editorial rooms Bol office ROO (t 276 67 BIBLE THOUGHT i i rfj i 'M i tj l( i 1 '-'-A: JsWfta 1 ll ltlltl a 1 brought And Rimrded thetn with patient eore.

people pftMlng up and down thought would Bttille to See thet-c, For nothlnar ootnea ft-om nattu-o'a lootn lovelier than the dogwood bloom, 1 nourished them and watered well, Vot they io and prides But one Into A alokiieas fell gladly died, The other lived, but eoema to we To be moat unhappy troo, Today aaw a alirht, The distant IHIla wore all ojtlow With dogwood pink, and white, Where nature wanted them to grow) And atandtng thora. I aeomed to eee My jonoly, homealok dogwood troo. Tin hungry for the hllla, thought It'a jrlad oompanlona all are here. It aaw Ita lonely ulster dlo, And It has sorrowed year by And oven now when cornea tho by O. Mclntyre In runnlntt bittlt With extortionist who to get from banker Lei Offle.r Perry Archer owed hit llto to hie shield, thown A bullet for hit heart ttruck the shield, eptndlnfl Itt force that the tubtequent wound not expected to prove fatal.

One witn't so WM mowed down by Archer 1 fellow officers. (AtiooUted frees Photo) It no heart for blosaoming, (Copyright, 198B, Gucat) gave, 'and' 1 tho; awajr bloaaod be the 10' Job liSl. Z-'-'t'i iOM OUR FILES AGO no township homo, barn and Holler destroyed irllwiUi'loaa of 12,000. to oaro for 1 Tuesday with her parents, Mr, and Mru. John A.

Smith. I. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fry wore at Dowllnff 'school Tuesday collecting: taxes.

Clyde Vauffhn; In building a new poroh'on hie house. Mr, and Mral and BOH, Clmifios" were Sunday, ylsltprs of Mr. and Mrri. John II. Mr.

and Mrs. H. 6atcs, and Mrs, Morlo Bates and family Wiled on Mr. and Mrsi Hub nates at Lines- Mr. and Mrs.

Gerald Wookbiiuokor Of WarroH, were guesta Sunday of Mrs. Rose, Campbell, In bumble presented to 141 commencement onhlrd In aobool theme commemorating the iruanivttrsary of the publlo feyatom in tho raf, Zeppelin arrived at Loke- ij, 1 from Boutin Jtfary Porrlne of Sandy Iiftke i'laerloualy hurt lu an automobile s-sw-i jjtdwry toWnahlp, South Shenango ANNOUNCKMIINT Mr, and Mrs, A. T. Brooks luv- nounooa the marriage of their daughter, Irene to Harry JToos, of Warroh, Ohio. Tho marrlago took place Saturday in Youngstown.

Thoy will reside in Warren whore tho bridegroom la employed BRIISFS Ida Mityhorry and mother, of (Jreonvllle, called Monday on Mra. H. Jaokaou, Itev, and, U. P. Wise, of Clow-field, apont a days thla week with Mr, and Mra.

Lubort Wlae, Mr, and Mra. began on piano beacon light indulty of OrangevUle. i aohool track meet Wr event i Columbia iltal enjoyod by inualo cf ttvlllo ixaidered by Mias Kath- wwUted by WUllam and Miss Wary AGO 1 Whloldon, issa. ol the Rickets No Longer Is Dreaded Disease Dr. Cites Advances in Treating Ailment Due to Lack of Vitamin Br ROYAL COPELAND, M.

D. from New Tork fWrnw CotnmiMfanor Health, York 1UOKBT8 WAB first dMOrlbed In 1050 by two Enjllih physicians, Dre. WhtitUr and QlUson. that time the wwit quite prevalent In mncland and In' 1 other climates the wln- teri long and amount of Is Dr. Oopeland Warren, George Miller, of and Mra.

Thomas and Mr, Hodge, of Maysvlllo, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mra. A. 'Brooks. William Pears, aon of Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Poors Is very seriously 111 with. 'pneumonia and measles at tlio 000 camp hospital at.Uetfunllla, Pa, Ilia mother and stop-father, Mr. and Mra, Oornell and brother, Clifford, spent tho week-end with him. i Ethel May Flooh and Dennla Flooh of West Bhenongo township graduated from Kinsman High school, Mrs, Maud Moreland, Jamestown, and.

Mra. 0, SuodgToas wore visitors, Tuesday 'evening. Miss Mlnuio Bohl, Warren, visited Mra, Cora Cloary, Today, It known that rick- la caused by a lack of vitamin in the bo y. Besides KettlnK It from the this vttaeatn tat the body the ultra-violet of the sun, But thfB not that sunshine alone will prevent rlokata. Some children receiving- adequate but not enough vitamin hi the diet will develop rkskete.

Haw Atfecte Vitamin must be had tit auffl- cJent quantity before the body can properly handle lime and phoapprus, those minerals which are' absolutely aaaentlal to the proper, formation of bbnea and teeth. Without It the become sort and flexible, bend- eaally upon muscular action. That the condition In rickets. Fortunately, the disease can bo prevented or overcome by the admln- litratlon of cod liver This valuable BUbatance la given to the Infant as early aa the second week and, as a matter'of routine, contlnund until the fourth or, flfth year. It la the 'moat Important source ef vhamaa ft, Rloketa to no longer the dreaded oC former years, But there am many of mild or hidden rickets which are often overlooked.

question, f. ino.) Sandy University Ivanla, receiving an ap- to West Ponn hospital. W. Blulsdeil, pastor of the rob delivered the Memorial before at (Civil) war 1 and a large 'on of people. Tho choir added much to Value ol the aerv- Township BEWARE THE DOCfWOOD! 1 OLTJB to meet on ay, June is, 'at the home of t-wwdw Fry, QOUKO, oj Orove City, ValatJte Qruber, of wepe of Mr, and Mra, Uolph "'j of theae are, head sweating, muscle pain, rostlessneas and un- Irrltablllty.

Thla form of rickets should never, be'neglected be--, cause It lowers the resistance of the child against other disturbances and may even result In unpleasant changes In the liver and spleen. Prompt Needed Sometimes a child suiters frequently from fevorlshnoss and convulsions, Early recognition that these may bo signs of rickets, with Immediate care and attention, will bring about prompt recovery, and prevent serious disabilities, as well chronic 111 health. Certain, laboratory are, helpful In the early discovery of rickets. The doctor may find a diminished amount of phosphorus In the blood of'Children afflicted with mild forma of this disease. In the more advanced type there la less difficulty In recognizing The child falls to gain In weight' and does not make the normal progress In physical and mental development As a rule the head Is unusually large' and the teeth are poorly developed.

In a good' many Instances he bow-legged, Such a child more likely to take the "catching Since the cause of the disease la now thoroughly understood and Ita prevention 'and cure are known, the disease. soon will disappear, We our part to this end. Answers Health Queriee Everyday Reader. do you advise for what la known I cannot seem to get relief, ''I: I am also bothered with corps. What treatment will eradicate this annoyance? your doctor for examination and advice.

It la possible that the condition can only be relieved by operation. Make sure that your 'lnhoea are carefully fitted, Avoid cramping the toea. Ji For full'par- send a stamped, aelf-ad- dreaaed envelope -and repeat your NEW YORK, MftV Sl'-TnOughtS while Strolling! That Bpboky opaU scent light that often suddenly oils New York. Arthur Hopkins uggesbi the rdsylohebked urghert Add names that come up ko a hldcup: ttoltiha. Mall, Mai 'hyte, tho photographer, has tho ilde of an Indian, allkes! Walt Disney and 'sgood Perkins, Nobody ever sees Milan Lorraine any more.

And rtftry of her? ver you see Mary Livingston. It's do redhead's day In tho choruses, 'tanloy Walker bucking a big elgar. big ail Qcorgo Jcsscl's, ftadlo City is bcfcomintf the cen- or for ocean travel. Add lonely obai The night watch at tho an library. A trio of handsome ar- Istsi Flnggr, McClelland Barclay nd Russell Patterson.

Everybody Urna when Albert Payson Tcrhune valks. by, tho big stltf, And that goes for Otis Skinner, John Farrar always looks as hough he had just Avon a foot race, 3well' name for a publicity Ann Ayifos. Em of tho radio's Clara, n' Km has a stone deaf dog, too. Babo Ruth should bo a runner-up or Jack'Dompsey as a restaurant glad hander. Harry Evans Is to grow up look like W.

J. Bryan. And he's i crack story teller, too. That real name someone sent from Dayton, O. ias mo yodeling all over the 3hahady Halaloy.

Throe now flea circuses, An4 Chore's Charlie Drls- coll's yarn tho two fleoa sav- ng Up' to buy a dog. smiles at the ulatldn of New fork's most UOHS literary hoi'd out, George S. Kaufman, whose Jeers for the Cinema folk was the IheMe of his ttiost auspicious play, "once in a Lifetime has sold himself dowH the Mver for five years With the proviso he may come to New York when a stage play wills and will Hot havo to punch a studio clock. lie never visited Hollywood until recently, it I 8MB WALltEt) through the ex- pftfisivc tea room of. Therese Worth- ton Giant on Park Avenue inif aloft a sun parasol of flaming rod, had her dinner a'nd walked out again In tho same fashion.

''That's her way of showing she Is a communist," waiter explained, ONE Of tho monthly magazines Is In-the midst of an editorial experiment that will cheer HtrugRlIng writers xvho bollovo only established names sell material. The publication Is buying all (Stuff When the manuscripts arrive, stickers are pasted over the names of. the authors on the title page and then the'man- uscripts are sent around to the readers, Thus everything Is bought on "merit" PROBABLY no professional life Is so precisely timed as that of Lowell Thomas. He keeps a dozen balls In the air during evo'ry waking hour and is noted for his promptness, His offices arc In bno of'the Rockefeller Center buildings, high up In the clouds. I happened In his office the other evening around the'time-of his Into a dictating ffiftcnmS wnefl retary popped Ih xHtfe a slfhftl.

Bne then, 1 learned, dashes out and rings for on elevator and manage! to hotfl until he arrlVes. Anbthef value of this timing Is he can' wait until the tfiflt second for hot news before going on the air. TttOSE who visited the circus ott a certain night during Its stay several weeks ago were surprised to see long familiar figure standing in the entrance' to th6 ring 1 It was John Rlngllhg, hlrtt-elf, who with hla hUrse paid his tingle visit to the Institution ho built up largely to its present great size. RlngHng'e clr- cUs only world he knew and away from him at a tlmety when his health also cracked Up. Ite Is up and about how and fairly active.

Whether he will get back Ih control ttgftln Is a matter Idt the courts, To circus folk he Is "Mfc JiWti" ftlfi WM ttttul IWaflnfi of fctr- wnd UK t6 Wffl fof htt brief BtAft BfifiN to a half dbteft birthday parties lately. 16 body should beftft to Soft pedal birthday talk, Al 46 It Ih6uld be mentioned. But even avoiding tne subjebt, are always prs. On wy last birthday Bob ci-hoff helped a lot with lele gt-nni: "it must be ftWelill lach 80 and not look ntJ Ihatt 60." WATCH THK CLASSWiEbS. Itoholultt donsoftatory of Music ItawallaH Onltaf.

Sell Otiltaw, Oultaf poptilm music. Cotne In tot free defnoHstra- tlohs flttil free Inssoii. Do a iiicmbel our Multar Club. Studios, Union Street Pymatunihg Lake is a restored body of water of jjj great beauty and It will be used by thou- sands of our people as a'gfeat recreational center. I i 3 Summer homes will spring up around its shores, and as its usefulness increases and as more people If 'enjoy its advantages, profits will accrue to those who have been wise enough to purchase LAKESIDE ESTATES at the low prices at which they are now being offered.

STANLEY A. GILLESPIE Real Real Estate Service Gieenviile, Pa. CLOVER FARM STORES tfridav Mav 31st to ThllTS- AmM 1 fvwit homennaliajri always look foH rnaay, May dist to inure REQ fc aim Food day, June 6th, Inclusive weekend. UmnuaJ and at always, mort idett qualityr OVALTINE Food BeTtrage Fonnerly DOcSiM Small Otn POST TOMTIES Always tndOrUp pin. BIO FARM Red Kidney Beans or Spaghetti 22 oz.

can lOc BIO FARM Tomato or Vegetable SoupZl oz. can lOc CLOVER FARM Biscuit Flour 40 oz. pkg. 2Jc CLOVER FARM Corned Beef No. 1 can 17c Octagon Soap 5 cakes 23c 2-1 Shoe Paste canlOe 1OAN OF ARC Red kidney Beans 3 cans 25e OLBNDALE Golden Bantam Corn 2 No.

2 cans 15c OLBNDALB OR Coral Sea Pineapple No. 2J can 19c Clover Farm Coffee A Ib. 29c Creamy Mint Ibs. 27c Beverages 2-24 oz. btls, 19c Be Bottte Depoalt Flua TM In' Ohio Postum Cereal pkg.

lie Super Suds 2pkgs. 17c Rippled Wheat Cereal pkgs, 2 Jc Sunshine Sandwich Cookies Ib, iPlfCIALS FOP FfcUPAI ANP ONLY F1NB PKOPUOIJ Frwh 5o 'lie OLD VIRGINIA CAKE Twe ic'ing 'fVppVi'wUhVlM NMti; OHOIOE MBATS MEAT IiOAF, sliced Ib, JUMBO BOLOGNA, sliced to, 199 Hit tiVw in pur Yn Ib a ibi,.

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