Hurt's oat - top 1 ! i T T gaiters r Qoots for Men and Women you've learned to depend on the quality of goods I sell you I never disappoint. Today I am telling of greater shoe values than ordinary, and recommend you to take itata & Ibst do.' advantage of them. BURT'S BOOT TOP GAITERS In white, grey and fawn; regular $1.75 and $2.00. Sale price ; !1.49 Women's Pumps, in patent, bronze and kid. All sizes. Regular $5.00 and $6.00 values. Sale price $2.9S Women's fine Walking Boots, Burt's and other well - known makers, with 7, 8 and 9 inch tops, in fine kid, patent leather and fancy colored kid leather. AA to E widths. All sizes. Regular $6.00 to $8.00, for $4.95 Women's India Kid One Strap House Slippers $1.69 Women's Comfy Fireside Slippers, in pretty shades of blue, red, and brown and grey Special, per pair 87 Men's Walking Boots, i n fine dull calf leather, nice comfortable shapes, all sizes. Regular $5. Sale price ... $3.95