to returned formerly Monday. visiting of ° of 8 their aunt, Mrs. Clel Reed. WILL OF KOSCIUSKO MAN ADMITTED TO PROBATE WARSAW. Ind., Aug. 23.-The will of Stephen H. Marvel, who died a few days ago at the home of his granddaughter, Mrs. Jacob Rathbun, has been admitted to probate in the Kosciusko circuit court. The will was made June 25, 1912, and witnessed by Attorney Walter Brubaker and D. A. Bowman. William A. Marvel and John H. Brubaker are named as trustees of the estate and. both real estate and personal. property: la given to them to divide according to the terms of the will. The trustees are not to give bond and the estates la to be settled out of court. In case there are any contestants in regard to the provisions made, the persons contesting will receive nothing. and their shares of. the property will be- divided among the other beneficiaries. The sum of $1,000, is to be paid to Sarah Moore, a daughter; $300 18 left to four grandchildren, Clara Stevens, Ona Stevens, Myrtle 811- vius and Harvey Marvel, and the remainder of the estate la to be divided equally between the following grandchildren: Arthur Marvel, Bessie Rathbun, Georgia Marvel and Richard Marvel. A note for $1,200 against son, Abner Marvel, is not to bear interest and not to be collected unless he disposes of the farm he- now owns. TWO MEN INJURED,