Popularizing “Hog Heaven” With Prize-Winning Pigs A Combination of Bankers and Boys Will Bring in HighClass Breeding Stock A former secretary of the Texas* Swine Breeders’ Association who, spent some tini<* in the Valley several months ago was so favorably ini-' pressed with its advantages that he, wrote a strong news story for some i the farm paper- designating the. Lower Rio (Irande Valley as a veritable "Hog Heaven." Kdwm Houston, one of the best breeder- in Texas, was, the man who made these statements,' but he was not tin- first nor the last reengni:v* the opportunities offered that line. There are some very fine herds of hog- in the Valley, but not enough to supply th ■ demand for good breeding stock, as many of whose who have nure-breds have not kept them rt gistered. The farmer boys and the bankI er- of the county are now joining •forces to remedy this condition, according to County, Agent Richardson. “About fifty boys have already made application to join our pig club." says Mr. Richardson. “We |have imisted that a condition of membership be that the boy must have 'available or prepare to grow pasturage and feed for the pig. and the pig be of the kind that is worth taking some extra trouble for. The banks of the county, all who have been approached up to the present, have cordially offered their assistance in fi| nam ing the right kind of pigs for the right kind at boys.” In addition to lending the money to secure the original stock, some of the banks have announced their intention of offering cash prizes for the best pigs. These will be announced in detail before the first shows take place. *‘In connection with club activities this year the extension service of the A. M. College and the Texas Chamber of Commerce are co operating in a plan for a Texas farm boys’ tour to cover about eightei n states, visiting sections which lead iit various lines. This tour will *tart from College Station immediately after the farmers’ short course, about July HI, and we hope to be able to offer this trip to one or more hoys from Cameron county," says Mr. Richardson. "I will be glad to give informatiotv on this matter to the development organizations of the county, who may thus find a most excellent means of advertising our county and its resources over a large territory.*’ According to Mr. Richardson, the boys who make the trip must be members of the agricultural clubs of the county and will be chosen by examination by a committee of five. The record book of the dub member will count 10 points in the examination, the other *0* points to be covered by questions. This examination will be held between June IP and July 10 and the successful contestants will go with the county agent to the short course. The increasing interest in better stock and the number of calls for pedigreed hrei/.ng stock in this section promise* well for the pig club project in this county, and as both the boys and the pigs are to be "handpicked" by the county agricultural agent those who are backing the project see in the near future a "hog heaven" well populated with "the i best for Texas," which is the slogan of the hoys’ clubs of the state. Boys who have not yet applied for membership should w’rite the county agent at once. •