bellow clarified sugar, made in Bruit--, A iik«X>»uiL doe-n’t look .|uite ns pretty as granulated -141a r. jtiil it lieu.-. tBou ttosk ikun m •■•'m luted, for it i- asserted hy bakers, h >u-ewive and others that one -poonful of yellow clarified sugar will do the work of a spoonful and a half of granulated ugar. So besides being omewhat cheapei than the granulate I -ugar. yellow clarified -ugar will do more work and theretoi** the -ame investment will stretch out |on-« r a decidedly good war feature. The demand grocer- are having for v» I low clarified -ugar i- growing daily. Wholcaler,- are ob-crvmg the overnment’s order that a net iirolit of not more Uln ■fWoiitv -"five si nts c4it the. handred pounds -hall t*e charged for -ugar. - It ha- been e-tiuiatcd hv a sugar man tlioj jhe \ alley thi- year will produce -nt fiejent sugar .io -uj>|d| 2 t.MiMI peoph tor .i period of one rear. Ilowcver, the -upply this year may t»«• something short of that, for one plantation concern, the ka Blanca |*eople. are using the larger portion <<t their cane in replanting. The Pharr in - terc-ts. owning the Te\d« -ugTiir th.l! at Brown-ville, are al-o doing cnn-idcruhle replanting. ‘‘The government forgot the coming Sugar Bowl of America when thev -<• out to control sugar.” -aid a wholesaler t day. "hut -olio ot these dav- it will come to earth and decide that the Valiev a- . food producing center i- worthy of con-idera lion. The government also forgot » . re itncntlirr n- on euhhage, hut look whit we 'did on the market- la-* winter. It al-o (negheted to keep in touch with our lettuce land other vegetable crop-, hut jn-t wait. Mv turn ha- ju-t hough* 5«*Wl:t ID'S of tomatoe-. put up hy .1. II. Bennett nm£ hliiinn, and he ha- more coming on the fiinrket. Yc- sir. tin* foist :i<intii■ rvt*<• c ha- lui-sed u- -o far. hut jn-1 waft aCiule. 'I lie Valley i- coming right bn info itown.” « j