| Seek NU Grid Three state senators Thuiidav oflered a resolution to the legislature. a.sking that the Univeisitv ol Nebraska televi.se it.s home football games. The resolution was introduced by Sens. Charles Tvrdik, William ^ioulton and John P. McKnight. ITndor the rules, action was withheld lor one day. TVRDIK HAD said last week that he w’as prepared to take whatever action was necossarv to require the university to allow televising of its bom«' games, as it has done in the past two years. But. alter reconsidering, the resolution was drafted to ask “that the university do everything jiossible to obtain oer- mis.Mon of the Big Seven eonfcr- cne*' to permit the television " The resolution also asked that copies of it be sent to legislatures in Iowa. Mis.souri. Kansas. Oklahoma, and Colorado, the other states represented in the conference, and to the presidents of other schools in the conference. The resolution requested the action because “it is impossible lor all ot the iootball tans ot Ix«bra.^ka to sec the games at ^le- moi lal Stadium on account ol size, distance from the stadium and other physical eircumstan- ees. ’ “All loyal Nebraskans, ’ it said “like to see their university team in action on the gridiron ana I some may do this only by the me- I , dium ol television . . .” ^ University athletic oflicials had * taken issue with Tvrdik, sayirqi ; they are only following the policy ’ agreed upon by the National Col; legiatc Athletic association to ban I tcle\ ising ol college atnletu s lor I one year as a trial to see how It alltHj’ts gate receipts. 1 Games at Memorial Stadium the jiast two seasons have been televised by WOW-TV. Omaha. Startiiiji Time Western Tilts What is the best starting time for tiic Lincoln A’s home g.iines',’ That IS a question Carl Pu.sey, business manager o! the Field pastimeis, would like the In round Saline at failed late 64-36. be contest Saturday time or Sherman ■