MRS. NANCY ABLE 4 DEAD; LIVED HERE 71 YEARS. Born in Jeracy County She Came to Alton When n Child. 111 But Four Days With Pneumonia. Mra. Nancy Able died at the homo of daughter, Mra. Frank Chop| poll, on Kohler atreet in the North / Side at 8:30 o'clock this morning. Mrg Able way taken Ill four days ago with pneumonia and she continucd to grow worse, death coming this morning. Mra. Ablo was 71 years of age | and has resided almost all of her life | in Alton all of her lifo in this vicinity. She was born in Jersey county and came to Alton when she was a child. She hug resided most of this time In the North Side. Besides her daughter, Mrs. Frank Chappoo, at whoso home she died, | aho leaves two sone, Percy Able, who i rosides in this city and Fred Able In California. The members of the family are now awaiting word from the son In California beforo making the funeral arrangements. Mra. Able is one of the old time residents in the North Side, having formerly resided on Myrtle street. She had gone to her daughter's home on' Kohler street (because she was not well.